diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 450182db34..6e07d7002a 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,4 +1,54 @@
-Stackwalker [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/NatronGitHub/stackwalker.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/NatronGitHub/stackwalker)
+# Stackwalker [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/NatronGitHub/stackwalker.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/NatronGitHub/stackwalker)
-Parse crash reports from Natron.
+Stackwalker is used to dump symbols and process crash reports for MINGW, Linux and macOS.
+*This is a fork of Google Breakpad and Mozilla Socorro with additional features/changes maintained for Natron.*
+## Requirements
+* pkg-config
+* libcurl
+* libzip
+* jsoncpp
+## Build
+git submodule update -i --recursive
+cd breakpad
+./configure && make
+cd ..
+make -C minidump-stackwalk
+This will create two binaries:
+* ``breakpad/src/tools/<OS>/dump_syms``
+* ``minidump-stackwalk/stackwalker``
+## Usage
+``dump_syms`` is used to create a symbol file for a given (not stripped) binary. Example:
+dump_syms Natron-bin > Natron-bin.sym
+``stackwalker`` is used to parse crash report dumps against symbols generated from ``dump_syms``. Example:
+## Symbols Storage
+Symbols are stored using the following directory structure:
+* Filename *(example: Natron-bin)*
+  * ID *(example: 69CDA01A0F236F7C71CD19E5A20A21AC0)*
+    * Filename.sym.zip *(example: Natron-bin.sym.zip)*
+Filename and ID must match line 1 in the symbol file.
+**Note that Stackwalker only supports zipped symbols (filename.sym.zip)**