diff --git a/index.html b/index.html index 1dbaa93..92956d9 100644 --- a/index.html +++ b/index.html @@ -247,7 +247,7 @@

Geodesic Measure ToolAdd measurement point

Geodesic Measurement Layer Geodesic Measurement Layer


This take either a polygon or line layer and for each of the geometries calculates the geodesic distances of each feature. The user can choose whether each line segment is measured and output as a line measurement or whether the entire line/polygon geometry is measured. It outputs a new line layer of lines that contain attributes with all the measurements. If measuring individual line segments the attributes are a label, distance, units of measure, azimuth/bearing to the next point, and the total distance of the geometry. If measuring the entire geometry then the attributes are a label, distance, and units of measure. The input is either a line or polygon layer. Select whether you want to measure the entire line or polygon or each line segment within the line or polygon. Add compass cardinal directions will add compass cardinal directions if it is not set to None and you are measuring the individaul line segments. Distance units can be kilometers, meters, centimeters, miles, yards, feet, inches, or nautical miles. Use automatic styling styles the QGIS layer with the label string in the attribute table and with the text and line colors found in Settings. Select the checkbox for Retain the original feature's attributes if you want the original attributes included in the output layer; otherewise, only the calculated measurements will be included.


This takes a polygon or line layer and measures the geodesic distances of each line segment in the lines or polygons or the total distance of all line segments in the shape's geometry. The user can choose whether each line segment is measured or the entire line/polygon geometry is measured. It creates a new line layer of line segments that contain attributes of all the measurements. If Measure total length rather than each line segment is checked, only the total distance is reported and the attributes are: label, distance, and units of measure. If measuring individual line segments, the attributes are: label, distance, units of measure, azimuth/bearing to the next point, and total distance of the geometry. If Compass direction resolution is not None, then the following attributes are added: compass abbreviated cardinal direction, compass name, and compass traditional name. If the total length check box is unchecked and a value other than None is selected for Compass direction resolution and Add compass directions to label based on above resolution is checked, compass cardinal directions are added to the label attribute. Distance units can be kilometers, meters, centimeters, miles, yards, feet, inches, or nautical miles. Use automatic styling styles the QGIS layer with the label string in the attribute table and with the text and line colors found in Settings. Select the checkbox for Retain the original feature's attributes if you want the original attributes included in the output layer; otherewise, only the calculated measurements will be included.

Geodesic Measurement Layer

Here is an example of running this on a polygon. Notice how it measures both the outer boundary and the inner boundary.

@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@

Geodesic Measurement LayerHere is what the attributes table looks like.

Measurement Attributes

If Add compass cardinal directions is not None and Measure total length rather than each line segment is not checked then additional compass cardinal direction atttibutes will be added. Here is what the attributes table looks like with Add compass cardinal directions is set to 16 point.


If Compass direction resolution is not None and Measure total length rather than each line segment is not checked, then additional compass cardinal direction atttibutes will be added. Here is what the attributes table looks like with Compass direction resolution is set to 16 point.

Measurement Attributes

Geodesic Transformations Geodesic Transformations Tool