The Qualification tool is used to look at a set of applications to determine if the RAPIDS Accelerator for Apache Spark might be a good fit for those applications.
The Profiling tool generates information which can be used for debugging and profiling applications. Information such as Spark version, executor information, properties and so on. This runs on either CPU or GPU generated event logs.
Please refer to Qualification tool documentation and Profiling tool documentation for more details on how to use the tools.
We use Maven for the build. Simply run as below command:
mvn clean package
After a successful build, the jar of 'rapids-4-spark-tools_2.12-*-SNAPSHOT.jar' will be in 'target/' directory.
This will build the plugin for a single version of Spark. By default, this is Apache Spark 3.5.0.
For development purpose, you may need to run the tests against different spark versions.
To run the tests against a specific Spark version, you can use the -Dbuildver=XXX
command line option.
For instance to build Spark 3.5.1 you would use:
mvn -Dbuildver=351 clean package
Run mvn help:all-profiles
to list supported Spark versions.