Non-exhaustive list of papers and publications related to NVIDIA FLARE, including papers using NVIDIA FLARE's predecessor libraries included in the Clara Train SDK.
- 2024-12 C-FedRAG: A Confidential Federated Retrieval-Augmented Generation System (preprint)
- 2024-11 Toward a tipping point in federated learning in healthcare and life sciences (Patterns, Volume 5, Issue 11, 2024,)
- 2024-07 FedBPT: Efficient Federated Black-box Prompt Tuning for Large Language Models (ICML 2024)
- 2024-07 Fair evaluation of federated learning algorithms for automated breast density classification: The results of the 2022 ACR-NCI-NVIDIA federated learning challenge (Medical Image Analysis, Volume 95, July 2024)
- 2024-07 Easy and Scalable Federated Learning in the Age of Large Language Models with NVIDIA FLARE (FL@FM-ICME'24)
- 2024-05 Federated Learning Privacy: Attacks, Defenses, Applications, and Policy Landscape - A Survey (preprint)
- 2024-05 Supercharging Federated Learning with Flower and NVIDIA FLARE (Presented at FL@FM-IJCAI In preparation for Lecture Notes in AI)
- 2024-05 An in-depth evaluation of federated learning on biomedical natural language processing for information extraction (Nature Digital Medicine 7, 127, 2024)
- 2024-02 Empowering Federated Learning for Massive Models with NVIDIA FLARE (Presented at FL@FM-TheWebConf'24, Springer Book Chapter))
- 2023-10 Communication-Efficient Vertical Federated Learning with Limited Overlapping Samples (ICCV 2023)
- 2023-10 FedBPT: Efficient Federated Black-box Prompt Tuning for Large Language Models (preprint)
- 2023-10 ConDistFL: Conditional Distillation for Federated Learning from Partially Annotated Data (DeCaF @ MICCAI 2023)
- 2023-06 Fair Federated Medical Image Segmentation via Client Contribution Estimation (CVPR 2023)
- 2023-03 FLARE: Federated Learning from Simulation to Real-World (IEEE Data Eng. Bull. March 2023, Vol. 46, No. 1,)
- 2022-10 Auto-FedRL: Federated Hyperparameter Optimization for Multi-institutional Medical Image Segmentation (ECCV 2022)
- 2022-10 Joint Multi Organ and Tumor Segmentation from Partial Labels Using Federated Learning (DeCaF @ MICCAI 2022)
- 2022-10 Split-U-Net: Preventing Data Leakage in Split Learning for Collaborative Multi-modal Brain Tumor Segmentation (DeCaF @ MICCAI 2022)
- 2022-06 Closing the Generalization Gap of Cross-silo Federated Medical Image Segmentation (CVPR 2022)
- 2022-02 Do Gradient Inversion Attacks Make Federated Learning Unsafe? (Preprint)
- 2021-10 Federated whole prostate segmentation in mri with personalized neural architectures (MICCAI 2021)
- 2021-10 Multi-task Federated Learning for Heterogeneous Pancreas Segmentation (DCL @ MICCAI 2021)
- 2021-09 Federated learning for predicting clinical outcomes in patients with COVID-19 (Nature Medicine)
- 2021-06 Federated learning improves site performance in multicenter deep learning without data sharing (JAMIA)
- 2021-05 Federated semi-supervised learning for COVID region segmentation in chest CT using multi-national data from China, Italy, Japan (Medical Image Analysis)
- 2021-04 Auto-FedAvg: Learnable Federated Averaging for Multi-Institutional Medical Image Segmentation (Preprint)
- 2020-10 Federated Learning for Breast Density Classification: A Real-World Implementation (DCL @ MICCAI 2020)
- 2020-10 Automated pancreas segmentation using multi-institutional collaborative deep learning (DCL @ MICCAI 2020)
NVIDIA FLARE related blogs and other media.
- 2024-04 Differential Privacy and Federated Learning for Medical Data (Roche Technical Blog)
- 2024-03 Announcing NVIDIA and Flower Collaboration (Flower Blog)
- 2024-03 Turning Machine Learning to Federated Learning in Minutes with NVIDIA FLARE 2.4 (NVIDIA Technical Blog)
- 2024-02 Scalable Federated Learning with NVIDIA FLARE for Enhanced LLM Performance (NVIDIA Technical Blog)
- 2023-09 Preventing Health Data Leaks with Federated Learning Using NVIDIA FLARE (Roche Technical Blog)
- 2023-07 Adapting LLMs to Downstream Tasks Using Federated Learning on Distributed Datasets (NVIDIA Technical Blog)
- 2023-06 Boost Your AI Workflows with Federated Learning Enabled by NVIDIA FLARE (NVIDIA Technical Blog)
- 2023-06 Applying Federated Learning to Traditional Machine Learning Methods (NVIDIA Technical Blog)
- 2023-02 AI/ML for Business Executives (Medium Blog)
- 2023-01 FATE, Flower, PySyft & Co. — Federated Learning Frameworks in Python (Medium Blog)
- 2022-10 Federated Learning from Simulation to Production with NVIDIA FLARE (NVIDIA Technical Blog)
- 2022-08 Using Federated Learning to Bridge Data Silos in Financial Services (NVIDIA Technical Blog)
- 2022-06 Experimenting with Novel Distributed Applications Using NVIDIA Flare 2.1 (NVIDIA Technical Blog)
- 2022-03 Flywheel & NVIDIA FLARE Demo (Flywheel Video)
- 2021-11 Creating Robust and Generalizable AI Models with NVIDIA FLARE (NVIDIA Technical Blog)
- 2021-11 Federated Learning for Healthcare AI: NVIDIA and Rhino Health Accelerate Research Collaborations (Rhino Health Video)
- 2021-11 Federated Learning With FLARE: NVIDIA Brings Collaborative AI to Healthcare and Beyond (NVIDIA Blog)
- 2021-09 Federated Learning for Medical AI and Triaging COVID-19 Patients (NVIDIA Video)
- 2021-09 Federated Learning for Healthcare Using NVIDIA Clara (NVIDIA White Paper)
- 2021-06 Federated Learning with Homomorphic Encryption (NVIDIA Technical Blog)
- 2021-05 Applying a MLOps approach to Federated learning using ML Flow with NV Flare: A Healthcare use case (Medium Blog)
- 2019-12 Federated Learning powered by NVIDIA Clara (NVIDIA Technical Blog)
- 2019-10 What is federated learning - in Chinese (NVIDIA Technical Blog)
- 2019-10 NVIDIA Research: First Privacy-Preserving Federated Learning System for Medical Imaging (NVIDIA Video)
Recent talks and Webinars covering federated learning research and NVIDIA FLARE.
- 2024-12 Real-world Federated Learning with NVIDIA FLARE [Passcode: !Ms8Tw.u8H] (UCSF Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Seminar)
- 2024-04 Federated Learning: Towards Real-world Studies (SFBigAnalytics Meetup)
- 2024-03 Empowering Federated Learning for Massive Models with NVIDIA FLARE (SFBigAnalytics Meetup)
- 2023-07 Federated Learning (MONAI MIDL Meetup 2023)
- 2023-01 MONAI Federated Learning APIs (and their use with NVIDIA FLARE) (MONAI Bootcamp 2023)
- 2022-11 Federated Learning with Azure Machine Learning (Microsoft Developer Video)
- 2022-10 Modern Tools for Collaborative Medical Image Analysis (Keynote - DART @ MICCAI 2022)
- 2022-07 NVIDIA FLARE Tutorial for Beginners (United Imaging Meetup)
- 2022-07 Techniques and Tools for Collaborative Development of AI Models across Institutes (VALSE Webinar)
- 2022-04 Advanced Techniques for Collaborative Development of AI Models for Medical Imaging (IEEE EMBS Webinar Series)
- 2022-03 NVIDIA FLARE: Federated Learning Application Runtime Environment for Developing Robust AI Models (SFBigAnalytics Meetup)
- 2022-01 Techniques for Collaborative Development of AI Models in the Age of COVID-19 (MICCAI Industrial Talk Series)
- 2021-09 Federated Learning (MONAI MICCAI Bootcamp 2021)
- 2021-03 NVIDIA FLARE: An Open Federated Learning Platform (GTC Spring 2022)
- 2021-03 Federated Learning for Healthcare – Collaborative AI without Sharing Patient Data (Data Science Seminar)
- 2020-11 Federated Learning for Medical Imaging - in Chinese (NVIDIA Taiwan)