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jefflunt edited this page Dec 16, 2014 · 8 revisions

NITROCompetitions is a Ruby on Rails (RoR) application, so installation isn't much different than other RoR applications. However, there are a few additional steps that are required, which we'll go over here.

Setup database

Rather than store database credentials in source control, NITROCompetitions uses a symbolic link in place of the standard Rails file, config/database.yml.

To connect your deployment to your database, create a symbolic link called config/database.yml and point it to your config file.

Take a look at config/database.yml.example if you want an example of what your database config file should contain.

Minimal database entries

Certain database entries must be present in NITROCompetitions before the application can work.

For development/test work

  • Add users and at least one sponsor
    • bundle exec rake setup:create_users
    • bundle exec rake setup:create_sponsor

Customizing for your institution

See the file config/initializers/nucats_assist.rb for all the settings/branding options available for your installation.

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