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165 lines (124 loc) · 6.41 KB


This repository is a scos-sensor plugin to add support for the Ettus B2xx line of signal analyzers. See the scos-sensor README for more information about scos-sensor, especially the Architecture and the Actions and Hardware Support sections which explain the scos-sensor plugin architecture.

This repository includes many 700MHz band actions in scos_usrp/configs/actions. Action classes, SignalAnalyzerInterface, GPSInterface, and signals are used from scos_actions.

For information on adding actions, see the scos_actions documentation.

Table of Contents

Overview of Repo Structure

  • scos_usrp/configs: This folder contains the yaml files with the parameters used to initialize the USRP supported actions and sample calibration files.
  • scos_usrp/discover: This includes the code to read yaml files and make actions available to scos-sensor.
  • scos_usrp/hardware: This includes the USRP implementation of the signal analyzer interface and GPS interface. It also includes supporting calibration and test code.

Running in scos-sensor

Requires pip>=18.1 (upgrade using python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip).

Below are steps to run scos-sensor with the scos-usrp plugin:

  1. Clone scos-sensor: git clone
  2. Navigate to scos-sensor: cd scos-sensor
  3. If it does not exist, create env file while in the root scos-sensor directory: cp env.template ./env
  4. Replace the line starting with scos-tekrsa in the file in scos-sensor/src with the following: scos_usrp @ git+ If you are using a different branch than master, change master to the branch or tag you are using. Make sure pip-tools package is installed in your Python environment (python -m pip install pip-tools). Then run pip-compile and pip-compile to update requirements.txt and requirements-dev.txt with the dependencies needed for scos-usrp.
  5. Make sure BASE_IMAGE is set to in the env file. This is a publicly available docker image with the necessary UHD drivers hosted within the GitHub container registry.
  6. Get environment variables: source ./env
  7. Build and start containers: docker-compose up -d --build --force-recreate


Requirements and Configuration

Set up a development environment using a tool like Conda or venv, with python>=3.8. This repository dependends on the Python UHD library. In Ubuntu, you can get this by installing the python3-uhd package. Then, you can get access to this package in your 'venv' virtual environment using the --system-site-packages option. Then, from the cloned directory, install the development dependencies by running:

pip install .[dev]

This will install the project itself, along with development dependencies for pre-commit hooks, building distributions, and running tests. Set up pre-commit, which runs auto-formatting and code-checking automatically when you make a commit, by running:

pre-commit install

The pre-commit tool will auto-format Python code using Black and isort. Other pre-commit hooks are also enabled, and can be found in .pre-commit-config.yaml.

Building New Releases

This project uses Hatchling as a backend. Hatchling makes versioning and building new releases easy. The package version can be updated easily by using any of the following commands.

hatchling version major   # 1.0.0 -> 2.0.0
hatchling version minor   # 1.0.0 -> 1.1.0
hatchling version micro   # 1.0.0 -> 1.0.1
hatchling version "X.X.X" # 1.0.0 -> X.X.X

To build a new release (both wheel and sdist/tarball), run:

hatchling build

Running Tests

Since the UHD drivers are required, a docker container is used for testing. Install Docker.

docker build -f docker/Dockerfile-test -t usrp_test .
docker run usrp_test


Besides running the test suite and ensuring that all tests are passing, we also expect all Python code that's checked in to have been run through an auto-formatter.

This project uses a Python auto-formatter called Black. Additionally, import statement sorting is handled by isort.

There are several ways to autoformat your code before committing. First, IDE integration with on-save hooks is very useful. Second, if you've already pip-installed the dev requirements from the section above, you already have a utility called pre-commit installed that will automate setting up this project's git pre-commit hooks. Simply type the following once, and each time you make a commit, it will be appropriately autoformatted.

pre-commit install

You can manually run the pre-commit hooks using the following command.

pre-commit run --all-files

In addition to Black and isort, various other pre-commit tools are enabled including markdownlint. Markdownlint will show an error message if it detects any style issues in markdown files. See .pre-commit-config.yaml for the list of pre-commit tools enabled for this repository.

Updating the scos_usrp_uhd package

Run the following commands to build, tag, and push the docker image to the Github Container Registry. Replace X.X.X with the desired version number.

docker build -f docker/Dockerfile-uhd -t scos_usrp_uhd .
docker tag scos_usrp_uhd
docker push




For technical questions about scos-usrp, contact Justin Haze, [email protected]