diff --git a/tools/rivers/bgc/ARC/Data/ArcticGro/ArcticGRO_Water_Quality_Data.xlsx b/tools/rivers/bgc/ARC/Data/ArcticGro/ArcticGRO_Water_Quality_Data.xlsx
new file mode 120000
index 000000000..53601b94a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/rivers/bgc/ARC/Data/ArcticGro/ArcticGRO_Water_Quality_Data.xlsx
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tools/rivers/bgc/ARC/Data/ArcticGro/ArcticGro_Process.m b/tools/rivers/bgc/ARC/Data/ArcticGro/ArcticGro_Process.m
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fc9f33be8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/rivers/bgc/ARC/Data/ArcticGro/ArcticGro_Process.m
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+% Program to process the ArcticGro data
+clear all
+filename = 'ArcticGRO_Water_Quality_Data.xlsx'
+% co2 system solver to derive DIC from alkalinity, pH and temperature
+addpath /home/cas/matlab/co2sys
+% Longitude and Latitude from GlobalNEWS
+river_name{1} = 'Ob';
+lon(1) = 68.5; lat(1) = 68.75;
+river_name{2} = 'Yenisey';
+lon(2) = 82.25; lat(2) = 71.25;
+river_name{3} = 'Lena';
+lon(3) = 128; lat(3) = 73;
+river_name{4} = 'Kolyma';
+lon(4) = 161.25; lat(4) = 69.25;
+river_name{5} = 'Yukon';
+lon(5) = -164.75; lat(5) = 62.75;
+river_name{6} = 'Mackenzie';
+lon(6) = -134.75; lat(6) = 69.25;
+for n = 1:6
+ Data = readtable(filename,'Sheet',n);
+ discharge(n) = nanmean(Data{:,5});
+ temp(n) = nanmean(Data{:,6});
+ % alk in mg CaCO3/L ~ g CaCO3/m3
+ alk(n) = nanmean(Data{:,9});
+ alk(n) = alk(n)/(40+12+16*3)*2*1e3; % to milliequivalents per m-3
+ % pH
+ pH(n) = nanmean(Data{:,7});
+ % tdn in mg N L-1 ~ g N/m3
+ tdn(n) = nanmean(Data{:,21});
+ tdn(n) = tdn(n)*1e3/14; % mmoles m-3
+ % no3 in micrograms N per L ~ mg N m-3
+ no3(n) = nanmean(Data{:,22});
+ no3(n) = no3(n)/14; % mmoles m-3
+ % nh4 in micrograms N per L ~ mg N m-3
+ nh4(n) = nanmean(Data{:,23});
+ nh4(n) = nh4(n)/14; % mmoles m-3
+ % tdp in micrograms P per L ~ mg P m-3
+ tdp(n) = nanmean(Data{:,24});
+ tdp(n) = tdp(n)/31; % mmoles m-3
+ % po4 in micrograms P per L ~ mg P m-3
+ po4(n) = nanmean(Data{:,25});
+ po4(n) = po4(n)/31; % mmoles m-3
+ % sio2 in mg SiO2 per L ~ g P m-3
+ sio2(n) = nanmean(Data{:,26});
+ sio2(n) = sio2(n)*1e3/(28.06+16*2);
+ % pon in micrograms N per L ~ mg N m-3
+ pon(n) = nanmean(Data{:,47});
+ pon(n) = pon(n)/14; %mmoles m-3
+ % calculate DIC from alk, pH and DIC
+ out = CO2SYS(alk(n),pH(n),1,3,0,temp(n),temp(n), ...
+ 100,100,0,0,0,0,4,15,1,2,2);
+ dic(n) = mean(out(:,2));
+ % calculate don from tdn, no3 and nh4
+ aa = find(isfinite(Data{:,21}) & isfinite(Data{:,22}) & isfinite(Data{:,23}));
+ don(n) = nanmean(Data{aa,21}*1e3/14 - Data{aa,22}/14 - Data{aa,23}/14);
+ % calculate dop from tdp and po4
+ bb = find(isfinite(Data{:,24}/31) & isfinite(Data{:,25}/31));
+ dop(n) = nanmean(Data{aa,24}/31 - Data{aa,25}/31);
+% Fill in particulate phosphorus from GLOBAL NEWS
+pp(1) = 1.29; % Ob
+pp(2) = 0.82; % Yenisey
+pp(3) = 1.48; % Lena
+pp(4) = 1.21; % Kolyma
+pp(5) = 1.94; % Yukon
+pp(6) = 1.44; % Mackenzie
+% For reference (DIN, DON, PN, DIP, DOP, PP)
+% Yukon: 7.30 17.25 29.10 0.07 0.42 1.94
+% Mackenzie: 7.42 19.86 24.34 0.14 0.48 1.44
+% St. Lawrence: 52.80 24.86 3.81 0.98 0.55 0.21
+% Ob: 21.80 24.16 22.35 1.16 0.56 1.29
+% Lena: 7.74 21.34 25.48 0.24 0.52 1.48
+% Yenisey: 8.54 21.65 14.21 0.088 0.52 0.82
+% Kolyma: 10.17 21.92 21.27 0.18 0.53 1.21
+lon_stations_arcticgro = lon;
+lat_stations_arcticgro = lat;
+station_names_arcticgro = river_name;
+Q_ann_arcticgro = discharge;
+dic_ann_arcticgro = dic;
+alk_ann_arcticgro = alk;
+no3_ann_arcticgro = no3;
+nh4_ann_arcticgro = nh4;
+din_ann_arcticgro = no3_ann_arcticgro + nh4_ann_arcticgro;
+pn_ann_arcticgro = pon;
+don_ann_arcticgro = don;
+dip_ann_arcticgro = po4;
+dop_ann_arcticgro = dop;
+pp_ann_arcticgro = pp;
+si_ann_arcticgro = sio2;
+o2_ann_arcticgro = ones(size(Q_ann_arcticgro))*NaN;
+dfe_ann_arcticgro = ones(size(Q_ann_arcticgro))*NaN;
+pfe_ann_arcticgro = ones(size(Q_ann_arcticgro))*NaN;
+% did not try and extract monthly data from arcticgro, so leave as NaNs
+dic_monthly_arcticgro = ones(12,size(lon_stations_arcticgro,2))*NaN;
+alk_monthly_arcticgro = ones(12,size(lon_stations_arcticgro,2))*NaN;
+no3_monthly_arcticgro = ones(12,size(lon_stations_arcticgro,2))*NaN;
+nh4_monthly_arcticgro = ones(12,size(lon_stations_arcticgro,2))*NaN;
+din_monthly_arcticgro = ones(12,size(lon_stations_arcticgro,2))*NaN;
+don_monthly_arcticgro = ones(12,size(lon_stations_arcticgro,2))*NaN;
+pn_monthly_arcticgro = ones(12,size(lon_stations_arcticgro,2))*NaN;
+dip_monthly_arcticgro = ones(12,size(lon_stations_arcticgro,2))*NaN;
+dop_monthly_arcticgro = ones(12,size(lon_stations_arcticgro,2))*NaN;
+pp_monthly_arcticgro = ones(12,size(lon_stations_arcticgro,2))*NaN;
+dfe_monthly_arcticgro = ones(12,size(lon_stations_arcticgro,2))*NaN;
+pfe_monthly_arcticgro = ones(12,size(lon_stations_arcticgro,2))*NaN;
+si_monthly_arcticgro = ones(12,size(lon_stations_arcticgro,2))*NaN;
+o2_monthly_arcticgro = ones(12,size(lon_stations_arcticgro,2))*NaN;
+save arcticgro_data lon_stations_arcticgro lat_stations_arcticgro station_names_arcticgro ...
+ Q_ann_arcticgro dic_ann_arcticgro alk_ann_arcticgro no3_ann_arcticgro nh4_ann_arcticgro ...
+ din_ann_arcticgro pn_ann_arcticgro don_ann_arcticgro dip_ann_arcticgro dop_ann_arcticgro ...
+ pp_ann_arcticgro si_ann_arcticgro o2_ann_arcticgro dfe_ann_arcticgro pfe_ann_arcticgro ...
+ dic_monthly_arcticgro alk_monthly_arcticgro no3_monthly_arcticgro nh4_monthly_arcticgro ...
+ din_monthly_arcticgro don_monthly_arcticgro pn_monthly_arcticgro dip_monthly_arcticgro ...
+ dop_monthly_arcticgro pp_monthly_arcticgro dfe_monthly_arcticgro pfe_monthly_arcticgro ...
+ si_monthly_arcticgro o2_monthly_arcticgro
diff --git a/tools/rivers/bgc/ARC/Data/GLORICH/Arctic_GLORICH_Process.m b/tools/rivers/bgc/ARC/Data/GLORICH/Arctic_GLORICH_Process.m
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5c50c3019
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/rivers/bgc/ARC/Data/GLORICH/Arctic_GLORICH_Process.m
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+clear all;
+% load in matlab file with GLORICH data
+% created with:T = readtable('hydrochemistry.csv','NumHeaderLines',1);
+%load GLORICH_Data.mat;
+T = readtable('hydrochemistry.csv','NumHeaderLines',1);
+stations = T{:,1};
+%"110009","Skeena River at Usk","BC08EF0001","Canada","BC",54.63,-128.41,"NA1983"
+%"110004","Stikine River above Choquette River","BC08CF0002","Canada","BC",56.82,-131.76,"NA1983"
+%"102954","COPPER R AT MILLION DOLLAR BRIDGE NR CORDOVA AK","15214000","USA","AK",60.67,-144.74,"NA1983"
+%"102983","SUSITNA R AT SUSITNA STATION AK","15294350","USA","AK",61.54,-150.51,"NA1983"
+%"102985","NUSHAGAK R AT EKWOK AK","15302500","USA","AK",59.34,-157.47,"NA1983"
+%"102986","KUSKOKWIM R AT CROOKED CREEK AK","15304000","USA","AK",61.87,-158.10,"NA1983"
+%"102988","YUKON R AT PILOT STATION AK","15565447","USA","AK",61.93,-162.88,"NA1983"
+% this one had by far the most readings of the 3 Churchill stations
+%"111762","CHURCHILL RIVER ABOVE UPPER MUSKRAT FALLS","NF03OE0001","Canada","New Foundland",53.24,-60.78,"NA1983"
+%"101569","ST. LAWRENCE R AT CORNWALL ONT NR MASSENA NY","4264331","USA","NY",45.00,-74.79,"NA1983"
+% Define rivers. I took the lat/lon from the mouths defined in Global NEWS
+% Where stream gages are upstream, this makes the assumption that those
+% properties are reasonably indicative of conditions at the river mouth.
+num_rivers = 8;
+river_name{1} = 'Skeena'; station_num(1) = 110009;
+lat(1) = 54.25; lon(1) = 229.75;
+river_name{2} = 'Stikine'; station_num(2) = 110004;
+lat(2) = 56.75; lon(2) = 227.75;
+river_name{3} = 'Copper'; station_num(3) = 102954;
+lat(3) = 60.25; lon(3) = 215.25;
+river_name{4} = 'Susitna'; station_num(4) = 102983;
+lat(4) = 61.75; lon(4) = 209.75;
+river_name{5} = 'Nushagak'; station_num(5) = 102985;
+lat(5) = 58.75; lon(5) = 201.75;
+river_name{6} = 'Kuskokwim'; station_num(6) = 102986;
+lat(6) = 60.25; lon(6) = 197.75;
+river_name{7} = 'Churchill'; station_num(7) = 111762;
+lat(7) = 54.0; lon(7) = -59;
+%river_name{8} = 'St. Lawrence'; station_num(8) = 120300;
+river_name{8} = 'St. Lawrence'; station_num(8) = 101569;
+%river_name{8} = 'St. Lawrence'; station_num(8) = 111573;
+lat(8) = 60.25; lon(8) = 197.75;
+% co2 system solver to derive DIC from alkalinity, pH and temperature
+addpath /home/cas/matlab/co2sys
+for n = 1:num_rivers
+ aa = find(stations == station_num(n));
+ num_stations(n) = size(aa,1);
+ discharge(n) = nanmean(T{aa,6});
+ alk_vec = T{aa,20};
+ alk(n) = nanmean(alk_vec);
+ % nitrogen species
+ tn_vec = T{aa,62}; num_tn(n) = size(find(isfinite(tn_vec) == 1),1); tn(n) = nanmean(tn_vec);
+ dn_vec = T{aa,64}; num_dn(n) = size(find(isfinite(dn_vec) == 1),1); dn(n) = nanmean(dn_vec);
+ % first method of extracting particulate nitrogen from GLORICH
+ pn1_vec = tn_vec - dn_vec; pn1_vec(pn1_vec < 0) = 0;
+ num_pn1(n) = size(find(isfinite(pn1_vec) == 1),1); pn1(n) = nanmean(pn1_vec);
+ %pn_vec = T{aa,66}; num_pn(n) = size(find(isfinite(pn_vec) == 1),1); pn(n) = nanmean(pn_vec);
+ tin_vec = T{aa,68}; num_tin(n) = size(find(isfinite(tin_vec) == 1),1); tin(n) = nanmean(tin_vec);
+ din_vec = T{aa,70}; num_din(n) = size(find(isfinite(din_vec) == 1),1); din(n) = nanmean(din_vec);
+ ton_vec = T{aa,72}; num_ton(n) = size(find(isfinite(ton_vec) == 1),1); ton(n) = nanmean(ton_vec);
+ %don_vec = T{aa,74}; num_don(n) = size(find(isfinite(don_vec) == 1),1); don(n) = nanmean(don_vec);
+ pon_vec = T{aa,76}; num_pon(n) = size(find(isfinite(pon_vec) == 1),1); pon(n) = nanmean(pon_vec);
+ tkn_vec = T{aa,78}; num_tkn(n) = size(find(isfinite(tkn_vec) == 1),1); tkn(n) = nanmean(tkn_vec);
+ dkn_vec = T{aa,80}; num_dkn(n) = size(find(isfinite(dkn_vec) == 1),1); dkn(n) = nanmean(dkn_vec);
+ % second method of extracting particulate nitrogen from GLORICH
+ pn2_vec = tkn_vec - dkn_vec; pn1_vec(pn2_vec < 0) = 0;
+ num_pn2(n) = size(find(isfinite(pn2_vec) == 1),1); pn2(n) = nanmean(pn2_vec);
+ no3_vec = T{aa,82}; num_no3(n) = size(find(isfinite(no3_vec) == 1),1); no3(n) = nanmean(no3_vec);
+ no2_vec = T{aa,84}; num_no2(n) = size(find(isfinite(no2_vec) == 1),1); no2(n) = nanmean(no2_vec);
+ no2no3_vec = T{aa,86}; num_no2no3(n) = size(find(isfinite(no2no3_vec) == 1),1); no2no3(n) = nanmean(no2no3_vec);
+ tnh4_vec = T{aa,88}; num_tnh4(n) = size(find(isfinite(tnh4_vec) == 1),1); tnh4(n) = nanmean(tnh4_vec);
+ dnh4_vec = T{aa,90}; num_dnh4(n) = size(find(isfinite(dnh4_vec) == 1),1); dnh4(n) = nanmean(dnh4_vec);
+ don_vec = dn_vec-no2no3_vec-dnh4(n); don_vec(don_vec < 0) = 0;
+ num_don(n) = size(find(isfinite(don_vec) == 1),1); don(n) = nanmean(don_vec);
+ % phosphorus
+ tp_vec = T{aa,92}; num_tp(n) = size(find(isfinite(tp_vec) == 1),1); tp(n) = nanmean(tp_vec);
+ dp_vec = T{aa,94}; num_dp(n) = size(find(isfinite(dp_vec) == 1),1); dp(n) = nanmean(dp_vec);
+ pp_vec = tp_vec - dp_vec; pp_vec(pp_vec < 0) = 0;
+ num_pp(n) = size(find(isfinite(pp_vec) == 1),1); pp(n) = nanmean(pp_vec);
+ %pp_vec = T{aa,96}; pp(n) = nanmean(pp_vec);
+ tip_vec = T{aa,98}; num_tip(n) = size(find(isfinite(tip_vec) == 1),1); tip(n) = nanmean(tip_vec);
+ dip_vec = T{aa,100}; num_dip(n) = size(find(isfinite(dip_vec) == 1),1); dip(n) = nanmean(dip_vec);
+ dop_vec = dp_vec - dip_vec; dop_vec(dop_vec < 0) = 0;
+ num_dop(n) = size(find(isfinite(dop_vec) == 1),1); dop(n) = nanmean(dop_vec);
+ % oxygen
+ o2_vec = T{aa,12}; num_o2(n) = size(find(isfinite(o2_vec) == 1),1); o2(n) = nanmean(o2_vec);
+ % silica
+ si_vec = T{aa,34}; num_si(n) = size(find(isfinite(si_vec) == 1),1); si(n) = nanmean(si_vec);
+ % dic, fill in with pH if needed
+ %dic_vec = T{aa,52};
+ %bb = find(isfinite(dic_vec));
+ pH_vec = T{aa,10}; pH(n) = nanmean(pH_vec);
+ temp_vec = T{aa,8}; temp(n) = nanmean(temp_vec);
+ % Simple initial DIC calculation based on mean alk and mean pH, room for
+ % improvement here.
+ if isnan(temp(n)); temp(n) = 5; end;
+ out = CO2SYS(alk(n),pH(n),1,3,0,temp(n),temp(n), ...
+ 100,100,0,0,0,0,4,15,1,2,2);
+ dic(n) = mean(out(:,2));
+lon_stations_glorich = lon;
+lat_stations_glorich = lat;
+station_names_glorich = river_name;
+Q_ann_glorich = discharge;
+% Set Churchill discharge from GlobalNEWS
+Q_ann_glorich(7) = 2281;
+dic_ann_glorich = dic;
+alk_ann_glorich = alk;
+no3_ann_glorich = no2no3;
+% use no3 for the Stikine
+no3_ann_glorich(2) = no3(1);
+nh4_ann_glorich = dnh4;
+% assume nh4 in Stikine is equal to nh4 in Skeena
+nh4_ann_glorich(2) = nh4_ann_glorich(1);
+din_ann_glorich = no3_ann_glorich + nh4_ann_glorich;
+% Use weighted average of TN-DN and TKN-DKN
+% not that there is no pn data for the Churchill river. Will fill in with
+% GlobalNEWS.
+pn1(num_pn1 == 0) = 0; pn2(num_pn2 == 0) = 0;
+pn_ann_glorich = (pn1.*num_pn1 + pn2.*num_pn2)./(num_pn1 + num_pn2);
+% assume particulate nitrogen in Stikine is equal to Skeena
+pn_ann_glorich(2) = pn_ann_glorich(1);
+don_ann_glorich = don;
+% assume dissolved organic nitrogen in Stikine is equal to Skeena
+don_ann_glorich(2) = don_ann_glorich(1);
+dip_ann_glorich = dip;
+% assume po4 in Stikine is equal to po4 in GLORICH
+dip_ann_glorich(2) = dip_ann_glorich(1);
+dop_ann_glorich = dop;
+% assume dop in the Stikine and Skeena are equal to that in the Copper
+% DOP constraints are generally poor. The Fraser is based on a single
+% joint dp, dip measurement. However, the contribution of dop to the total
+% phosphorus load is also very low, so this is an issue I'm willing to
+% stomach.
+dop_ann_glorich(1) = dop_ann_glorich(3);
+dop_ann_glorich(2) = dop_ann_glorich(3);
+pp_ann_glorich = pp;
+% set particulate load in the Stikine to that in the Skeena
+pp_ann_glorich(2) = pp_ann_glorich(1);
+si_ann_glorich = si;
+o2_ann_glorich = o2;
+dfe_ann_glorich = ones(size(o2_ann_glorich))*NaN;
+pfe_ann_glorich = ones(size(o2_ann_glorich))*NaN;
+% did not try and extract monthly data from GLORICH, so leave as NaNs
+dic_monthly_glorich = ones(12,size(lon_stations_glorich,2))*NaN;
+alk_monthly_glorich = ones(12,size(lon_stations_glorich,2))*NaN;
+no3_monthly_glorich = ones(12,size(lon_stations_glorich,2))*NaN;
+nh4_monthly_glorich = ones(12,size(lon_stations_glorich,2))*NaN;
+din_monthly_glorich = ones(12,size(lon_stations_glorich,2))*NaN;
+don_monthly_glorich = ones(12,size(lon_stations_glorich,2))*NaN;
+pn_monthly_glorich = ones(12,size(lon_stations_glorich,2))*NaN;
+dip_monthly_glorich = ones(12,size(lon_stations_glorich,2))*NaN;
+dop_monthly_glorich = ones(12,size(lon_stations_glorich,2))*NaN;
+pp_monthly_glorich = ones(12,size(lon_stations_glorich,2))*NaN;
+dfe_monthly_glorich = ones(12,size(lon_stations_glorich,2))*NaN;
+pfe_monthly_glorich = ones(12,size(lon_stations_glorich,2))*NaN;
+si_monthly_glorich = ones(12,size(lon_stations_glorich,2))*NaN;
+o2_monthly_glorich = ones(12,size(lon_stations_glorich,2))*NaN;
+save Arctic_GLORICH_data lon_stations_glorich lat_stations_glorich station_names_glorich ...
+ Q_ann_glorich dic_ann_glorich alk_ann_glorich no3_ann_glorich nh4_ann_glorich ...
+ din_ann_glorich pn_ann_glorich don_ann_glorich dip_ann_glorich dop_ann_glorich ...
+ pp_ann_glorich si_ann_glorich o2_ann_glorich dfe_ann_glorich pfe_ann_glorich ...
+ dic_monthly_glorich alk_monthly_glorich no3_monthly_glorich nh4_monthly_glorich ...
+ din_monthly_glorich don_monthly_glorich pn_monthly_glorich dip_monthly_glorich ...
+ dop_monthly_glorich pp_monthly_glorich dfe_monthly_glorich pfe_monthly_glorich ...
+ si_monthly_glorich o2_monthly_glorich
+% Ordering of the GLORICH Data
+%1. "STAT_ID",
+%5. "Ref",
+%6. "Discharge_inst",
+%7. "Discharge_inst_vrc",
+%8. "Temp_water",
+%9. "Temp_water_vrc",
+%10. "pH",
+%11. "pH_vrc",
+%12. "DO_mgL",
+%13. "DO_mgL_vrc",
+%14. "DOSAT",
+%15. "DOSAT_vrc",
+%16. "SpecCond25C",
+%17. "SpecCond25C_vrc",
+%18. "SPM",
+%19. "SPM_vrc",
+%20. "Alkalinity",
+%21. "Alkalinity_vrc",
+%22. "HCO3",
+%23. "HCO3_vrc",
+%24. "CO3",
+%25. "CO3_vrc",
+%26. "Ca",
+%27. "Ca_vrc",
+%28. "Mg",
+%29. "Mg_vrc",
+%30. "Na",
+%31. "Na_vrc",
+%32. "K",
+%33. "K_vrc",
+%34. "SiO2",
+%35. "SiO2_vrc",
+%36. "Cl",
+%37. "Cl_vrc",
+%38. "SO4",
+%39. "SO4_vrc",
+%40. "F",
+%41. "F_vrc",
+%42. "DSr",
+%43. "DSr_vrc",
+%44. "TC",
+%45. "TC_vrc",
+%46. "DC",
+%47. "DC_vrc",
+%48. "PC",
+%49. "PC_vrc",
+%50. "TIC",
+%51. "TIC_vrc",
+%52. "DIC",
+%53. "DIC_vrc",
+%54. "PIC",
+%55. "PIC_vrc",
+%56. "TOC",
+%57. "TOC_vrc",
+%58. "DOC",
+%59. "DOC_vrc",
+%60. "POC",
+%61. "POC_vrc",
+%62. "TN",
+%63. "TN_vrc",
+%64. "DN",
+%65. "DN_vrc",
+%66. "PN",
+%67. "PN_vrc",
+%68. "TIN",
+%69. "TIN_vrc",
+%70. "DIN",
+%71. "DIN_vrc",
+%72. "TON",
+%73. "TON_vrc",
+%74. "DON",
+%75. "DON_vrc",
+%76. "PON",
+%77. "PON_vrc",
+%78. "TKN",
+%79. "TKN_vrc",
+%80. "DKN",
+%81. "DKN_vrc",
+%82. "NO3",
+%83. "NO3_vrc",
+%84. "NO2",
+%85. "NO2_vrc",
+%86. "NO2_NO3",
+%87. "NO2_NO3_vrc",
+%88. "TNH4",
+%89. "TNH4_vrc",
+%90. "DNH4",
+%91. "DNH4_vrc",
+%92. "TP",
+%93. "TP_vrc",
+%94. "DP",
+%95. "DP_vrc",
+%96. "PP",
+%97. "PP_vrc",
+%98. "TIP",
+%99. "TIP_vrc",
+%100. "DIP",
+%101. "DIP_vrc",
+%102. "PS",
+%103. "PS_vrc"
diff --git a/tools/rivers/bgc/ARC/README.md b/tools/rivers/bgc/ARC/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..469e88e89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/rivers/bgc/ARC/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+## Example Scripts for ARC BGC runoff generation
+This folder contains example scripts for ARC BGC runoff file generation. Users can follow the following instructions to generate BGC runoff file:
+1: Generate a monthly climatology of the river inputs on the model grid
+using `make_discharge_climatology.m`. This routine creates a monthly climatology
+from the model's freshwater forcing. For example, the default uses GLOFAS/HILL
+forcing files created by Kate Hedstrom on 5/11/2023. All you need to do to
+regenerate files (or create new ones) is update the file path. The file creates
+a matlab file (`*.mat`) with the discharge climatology. This is used in the
+assignment of rivers to discharge points.
+matlab232 -nodisplay -nosplash -nodesktop -r "run('make_discharge_climatology_arctic.m');exit;"
+2: Use `mapriv_NEWS2.m` to create a river nutrient input file based on the
+GlobalNEWS2 estimates (Mayorga et al., 2010). GlobalNEWS contains a
+database of global rivers with empirically-derived nutrient inputs. GlobalNEWS
+does not, however, have DIC or alkalinity so it cannot be used to provide forcing for
+carbon cycling. Also, while globalNEWS is quite skilfull globally, it can
+have significant regional biases. Nonetheless, the routine provides a good
+way to identify major rivers in the region, and the comprehensive nutrient
+estimates that it provides will eventually be used to fill in gaps in river
+forcing drawn from direct observations.
+More details about the mapping algorithm can be found below (and in the code).
+The first time through, I would recommend setting `inspect_map1` to `y`.
+This allows you to step through the mapping of each river and assess its
+quality and properties. I have also found that applying a minimum discharge
+of 100 m3 sec-1 helps avoid erroneous mapping of very small rivers onto
+large discharges. The assignment algorithm was designed to be relatively
+insensitive to such instances, but care should still be taken.
+The required inputs are the discharge climatology (from step 1) and a copy
+of the globalNEWS data.
+matlab232 -nodisplay -nosplash -nodesktop -r "run('mapriv_NEWS2.m');exit;"
+3: Gather/Process direct river measurements: The next step is to get as many
+direct measurements as you can.
+ - [RC4USCoast](https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/metadata/landing-page/bin/iso?id=gov.noaa.nodc:0260455)
+mkdir -p Data/RC4USCoast
+cd Data/RC4USCoast
+wget https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/archive/archive-management-system/OAS/bin/prd/jquery/download/260455.3.3.tar.gz
+tar -xzf 260455.3.3.tar.gz --wildcards --strip-components=4 -C . "*/data/0-data/*.nc"
+ - [GLORICH](https://www.geo.uni-hamburg.de/en/geologie/forschung/aquatische-geochemie/glorich.html)
+cd Data/GLORICH
+wget https://store.pangaea.de/Publications/HartmannJens-etal_2019/Glorich_V01_CSV_plus_Shapefiles_2019_05_24.zip
+unzip Glorich_V01_CSV_plus_Shapefiles_2019_05_24.zip
+matlab232 -nodisplay -nosplash -nodesktop -r "run('Arctic_GLORICH_Process.m');exit;"
+ - [ArcticGro](https://arcticgreatrivers.org/data/)
+# A copy of this dataset is provided in the Data directory.
+# You may want to download your own to ensure
+# that it is up-to-date.
+cd Data/ArcticGro
+matlab232 -nodisplay -nosplash -nodesktop -r "run('ArcticGro_Process.m');exit;"
+4: run `mapriv_combined_Arctic` to create river nutrient and carbon input
+estimates based on available observation, while using GlobalNEWS to fill in
+some gaps.
+cp /archive/ynt//woa_sst_climo.nc ./Data/
+matlab232 -nodisplay -nosplash -nodesktop -r "run('mapriv_combined_Arctic.m');exit;"
+As was the case for globalNEWS2, I recommend running these with "inspect_map = 'y'" until
+you are satisfied with the results. You can just "click through" each river mapping and
+confirm its properties. The routine will then produce numerous final plots for analysis
+and quality control, before generating the netcdf for use with MOM6.
+Note: River oxygen levels are set at saturating levels at temperatures provided by the
+World Ocean Atlas Climatology.
+Rivers are first filtered to isolate those within the domain and
+above a user specified flow threshold. The rationale for this threshold is to minimize the
+risk of inadvertantly mapping very small rivers onto large freshwater flows. Small rivers
+tend to have more volatile nutrient concentrations, so such mistakes can have large consequences.
+To further reduce this risk, rivers are then sorted by size from smallest to largest. Model
+outflow points nearest to each river are accumulated until the the value closest to the observed
+flow is reached. These points are assigned the concentration for that river. If a larger river
+subsequently claims those points, the larger river is given precedence. The concentrations of
+any model discharge points left unassigned after all estimates have been cycled through
+are assigned using a nearest neighbor algorithm.
+## Note:
+One must specify the fraction of particulate phosphorus that is bioavailable (generally between
+10-30%, Froelich, Kinetic control of dissolved phosphate in natural rivers and estuaries: A primer
+on the phosphate buffer mechanism, Limnology and Oceanography), and the fraction of dissolved organic
+inputs that fall into labile, semi-labile and semi-refractory pools. This is set by default to 30%, 35%,
+and 35%. This is consistent with the range of bio-availability suggested by Weigner et al. (2006),
+Bio-availability of dissolved organic nitrogen and carbon from 9 rivers in the eastern US, Aquatic
+Microbial Ecology.
+The routines include a y/n toggle option for inspecting the
+mapping of each river as it is done. If "inspect_map" is set to 'y', a graphical map of the
+model discharge point assigned to each river is presented, along with the outflow and nutrient
+characteristics of the river. This can be useful for identifying rivers that may require some
+manual editing to ensure the outflow is assigned to the right place. A section for such manual
+edits is provided in the code. The visualization pauses until the user presses any key. It
+then moves onto the next river. Once all the rivers have been mapped and interpolation completed,
+the routine always produces a series of domain-wide plots to evaluate the overall results.
diff --git a/tools/rivers/bgc/ARC/make_discharge_climatology_arctic.m b/tools/rivers/bgc/ARC/make_discharge_climatology_arctic.m
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1223376d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/rivers/bgc/ARC/make_discharge_climatology_arctic.m
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+clear all;
+addpath /home/cas/matlab
+syear = 1993;
+eyear = 2019;
+num_years = eyear-syear+1;
+readme = '1993-2019 monthly Arctic climatology from GLOFAS/Hill (May 11, 2023 from Kate Hedstrom), kg m-2 sec-1';
+% get grid information
+file_name = ['/archive/cas/Regional_MOM6/Arctic/glofas_hill_05112023/glofas_hill_',num2str(syear,'%4u'),'.nc']
+lon = ncread(file_name,'lon');
+lat = ncread(file_name,'lat');
+nlat = size(lat,2);
+nlon = size(lon,1);
+area = ncread(file_name,'area');
+% holds the runoff climatology
+runoff_mc = zeros(nlon,nlat,12);
+for yr = syear:eyear
+ file_name = ['/archive/cas/Regional_MOM6/Arctic/glofas_hill_05112023/glofas_hill_',num2str(yr,'%4u'),'.nc']
+ time = ncread(file_name,'time');
+ ntime = size(time,1);
+ date = datevec(time+datenum(1950,1,1,0,0,0));
+ runoff_days_temp = ncread(file_name,'runoff');
+ % files are padded with the first day of the following year, remove
+ runoff_days = runoff_days_temp(:,:,1:(ntime-1));
+ month = date(1:(ntime-1),2);
+ for m = 1:12
+ aa = find(month == m);
+ runoff_temp = runoff_days(:,:,aa);
+ runoff_mc(:,:,m) = runoff_mc(:,:,m) + mean(runoff_temp,3)/num_years;
+ end
+ clear runoff_days runoff_days_temp;
+ clear runoff_temp aa time date month;
+% modify so that it is time, nlat, nlon
+runoff = permute(runoff_mc,[3 2 1]);
+area = permute(area,[2 1]);
+lon = permute(lon,[2 1]);
+lat = permute(lat,[2 1]);
+for m = 1:12; temp = squeeze(runoff(m,:,:)); total_runoff(m) = sum(temp(:).*area(:)); end
+figure(1); clf; plot(total_runoff); xlabel('month'); ylabel('runoff, kg sec-1');
+for m = 1:12;
+ figure(2);
+ clf
+ temp = squeeze(runoff(m,:,:));
+ scatter3(lon(:),lat(:),log10(temp(:)),ones(size(temp(:)))*10,log10(temp(:))); view(2); caxis([-3 -1]); colorbar;
+ pause
+save glofas_hill_runoff_monthlyclim_arctic12k_05112023 runoff area lat lon readme;
diff --git a/tools/rivers/bgc/ARC/mapriv_NEWS2.m b/tools/rivers/bgc/ARC/mapriv_NEWS2.m
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..53542f4c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/rivers/bgc/ARC/mapriv_NEWS2.m
@@ -0,0 +1,859 @@
+% Routine to map Global NEWS nutrient data onto the MOM6 Arctic grid @
+clear all;
+addpath /home/cas/matlab
+% name of netcdf file to be created
+%nc_file_name = 'RiverNutrients_GlobalNEWS2_plusFe_Q100_NEP10k.nc';
+% Arctic
+nc_file_name = 'RiverNutrients_GlobalNEWS2_plusFe_Q100_Arctic12k.nc';
+% Parameters for the assignment algorithm.
+Q_min = 100; % minimum flow in m3 sec
+plot_width = 15; % width of window (in degrees) for inspecting locations
+ % of rivers and outflow points that have been assigned to
+ % them.
+min_dist = 2.5; % minimum distance (degrees) of the closest outflow point
+ % for the river to be considered in the domain (useful
+ % for preventing the algorithm from trying to map rivers
+ % flowing to different ocean basins.
+max_dist = 3; % maximum distance to search for a point
+inspect_map = 'n'; % flag enabling you to pause and inspect each river
+ % mapping as it is being done.
+% set the bio-availability of phosphorus and the fractionation of dissolved
+% organic; The code assumes that 30% of particulate phosphorus (PP) is
+% bioavailable (e.g., Frolich et al., 1988). One also needs to divide the
+% dissolved organic nitrogen and phosphorus components into fractions with
+% different lability. The default values are based losely on Wiegner et
+% al., (2006). If you have better information, feel free to modify.
+frac_PP = 0.3;
+frac_ldon = 0.3;
+frac_sldon = 0.35;
+frac_srdon = 0.35;
+frac_ldop = 0.3;
+frac_sldop = 0.35;
+frac_srdop = 0.35;
+% 40 nM dissolved iron concentration from De Baar and De Jong + 30nM
+% Colloidal and nanoparticle flux as reported in Canfield and Raiswell
+const_fed = 70.0e-6;
+% GlobalNEWS2 data obtained from Emilio Mayorga
+filename = '/archive/cas/COBALT_EVAL/River_Data/GlobalNEWS2/GlobalNEWS2_RH2000Dataset-version1.0.xls'
+basin = readtable(filename,'Sheet',2);
+hydrology = readtable(filename,'Sheet',3);
+load = readtable(filename,'Sheet',4);
+% find all the river basins that empty into "land", e.g., lakes
+ocean = basin.ocean;
+land_index = zeros(size(ocean));
+for n = 1:size(ocean,1);
+ test = strcmp('Land',ocean(n));
+ land_index(n) = single(test);
+river_names_all = basin.basinname;
+% basin area in
+area = basin.A;
+lon_news_all = basin.mouth_lon;
+lat_news_all = basin.mouth_lat;
+% Depending on the model output, may need to adjust longitudes
+lon_news_all(lon_news_all < 0) = lon_news_all(lon_news_all < 0) + 360;
+% Loads in Mg yr-1 converted to moles per sec
+DIN_load_all = load.Ld_DIN*1e6/14/86400/365;
+DIP_load_all = load.Ld_DIP*1e6/31/86400/365;
+DON_load_all = load.Ld_DON*1e6/14/86400/365;
+DOP_load_all = load.Ld_DOP*1e6/31/86400/365;
+Si_load_all = load.Ld_DSi*1e6/28.1/86400/365;
+PN_load_all = (load.Ld_PN*1e6/14/86400/365);
+PP_load_all = (load.Ld_PP*1e6/31/86400/365)*frac_PP;
+% actual and natural discharge (convert from km3/yr to m3/sec)
+% Used the actual hydrology to calculate concentrations
+Qact_all = hydrology.Qact*1e9/(86400*365);
+Qnat_all = hydrology.Qnat*1e9/(86400*365);
+% Load in monthly climatology of river forcing from the regional grid. %
+% File contains: %
+% runoff: monthly average runoff in kg m-2 sec-1 %
+% area: area of grid cell in m-2 %
+% lon: longitude (0-360 degrees) %
+% lat: latitude %
+% %
+% The file was calculated from daily output using the routine %
+% "make_climatology.m". This routine and all associated files can be %
+% found in the same directory as the data file %
+% NEP
+%load glofas_hill_runoff_monthlyclim_NEP10k_05122023.mat;
+% Arctic
+load glofas_hill_runoff_monthlyclim_arctic12k_05112023.mat;
+lon_mod = lon;
+lat_mod = lat;
+area_mod = area;
+% convert runoff from kg m-2 sec-1 to m3 sec-1
+Q_mod_monthly = zeros(size(runoff));
+for m = 1:12
+ Q_mod_monthly(m,:,:) = squeeze(runoff(m,:,:)).*area_mod./1000;
+Q_mod_ann = squeeze(mean(Q_mod_monthly,1));
+clear lon lat runoff area;
+%grid_file = '/archive/cas/Regional_MOM6/NWA12/nwa12_ocean_static.nc';
+%temp = ncread(grid_file,'deptho');
+%depth = permute(temp,[2,1]); clear temp;
+%depth(isnan(depth)) = -1;
+% Filter for rivers in the region, set thresholds for minimum river size, %
+% set parameters for plotting routines. %
+% use grid to filter rivers outside domain
+lat_mod_max = max(lat_mod(:));
+lat_mod_min = min(lat_mod(:));
+lon_mod_max = max(lon_mod(:));
+lon_mod_min = min(lon_mod(:));
+in_region = find( (lon_news_all <= lon_mod_max) & (lon_news_all >= lon_mod_min) & ...
+ (lat_news_all <= lat_mod_max) & (lat_news_all >= lat_mod_min) & ...
+ (isfinite(Qact_all)) & (Qact_all > Q_min) );
+% If you are using a high threshold, grab one smaller river to constrain
+% Carribean Islands
+%if Q_min > 100
+% for n = 1:size(lon_news_all,1);
+% test = strcmp('GHAASBasin1808',river_names_all{n});
+% if test == 1;
+% cuba_ind = n;
+% end
+% end
+% in_region = [in_region; cuba_ind];
+num_rivers = size(in_region,1);
+% Establish vectors of flow and nutrient loads for the NWA
+Qact = Qact_all(in_region);
+lon_news = lon_news_all(in_region);
+lat_news = lat_news_all(in_region);
+DIN_load = DIN_load_all(in_region);
+DON_load = DON_load_all(in_region);
+PN_load = PN_load_all(in_region);
+DIP_load = DIP_load_all(in_region);
+DOP_load = DOP_load_all(in_region);
+PP_load = PP_load_all(in_region);
+Si_load = Si_load_all(in_region);
+river_names = river_names_all(in_region);
+% Following inspection of initial mapping, add any manual edits here to %
+% prevent anomalous extrapolations, etc. %
+ %Add in 2 "dummy" rivers to handle Cuba, giving it properties like
+ %Jamaica or Haiti rather than Florida.
+ %GHAASBasin1808 is in Haiti. Fluxes are characterized by particularly
+ %high particulate phosphorus inputs.
+%for n = 1:num_rivers;
+% n
+% test = strcmp('GHAASBasin1808',river_names{n})
+% if test == 1;
+% cuba_ind = n;
+% end
+ % Move the Susquehanna a bit south so that it catches the Chesapeake
+ % and not the Delaware.
+% if strcmp('Susquehanna',river_names{n})
+% lat_news(n) = 38.5;
+% lon_news(n) = -76.67;
+% end
+% Two "rivers" with properties like Haiti used to specify Cuba
+%Qact(num_rivers+1) = Qact(cuba_ind)/2;
+%lon_news(num_rivers+1) = -81;
+%lat_news(num_rivers+1) = 22.6;
+%DIN_load(num_rivers+1) = DIN_load(cuba_ind)/2;
+%DON_load(num_rivers+1) = DON_load(cuba_ind)/2;
+%PN_load(num_rivers+1) = PN_load(cuba_ind)/2;
+%DIP_load(num_rivers+1) = DIP_load(cuba_ind)/2;
+%DOP_load(num_rivers+1) = DOP_load(cuba_ind)/2;
+%PP_load(num_rivers+1) = PP_load(cuba_ind)/2;
+%Si_load(num_rivers+1) = Si_load(cuba_ind)/2;
+%river_names(num_rivers+1) = river_names(cuba_ind);
+%Qact(num_rivers+2) = Qact(cuba_ind)/2;
+%lon_news(num_rivers+2) = -83.25;
+%lat_news(num_rivers+2) = 22.6;
+%DIN_load(num_rivers+2) = DIN_load(cuba_ind)/2;
+%DON_load(num_rivers+2) = DON_load(cuba_ind)/2;
+%PN_load(num_rivers+2) = PN_load(cuba_ind)/2;
+%DIP_load(num_rivers+2) = DIP_load(cuba_ind)/2;
+%DOP_load(num_rivers+2) = DOP_load(cuba_ind)/2;
+%PP_load(num_rivers+2) = PP_load(cuba_ind)/2;
+%Si_load(num_rivers+2) = Si_load(cuba_ind)/2;
+%river_names(num_rivers+2) = river_names(cuba_ind);
+%num_rivers = num_rivers + 1;
+% Adjust location of cfilename = '/archive/cas/COBALT_EVAL/River_Data/GlobalNEWS2/GlobalNEWS2_RH2000Dataset-version1.0.xls'
+basin = readtable(filename,'Sheet',2);
+hydrology = readtable(filename,'Sheet',3);
+load = readtable(filename,'Sheet',4);
+% Cuba; This has little effect on patterns in Florida.
+%for n = 1:num_rivers;
+% n
+% test = strcmp('GHAASBasin448',river_names{n})
+% if test == 1;
+% fla_ind = n;
+% end
+%lon_news(fla_ind) = -80.5;
+%lat_news(fla_ind) = 26.6;
+% Assigning outflow points to rivers. %
+% 1. Assignment starts with the rivers with the smallest flow and works %
+% to the largest, w/larger river characteristics taking precedence to %
+% ensure the most significant rivers are well represented. %
+% 2. The algorithm keeps choosing the closest points to each river mouth %
+% until the assigned flow is as close as possible to that observed %
+% 3. Once the outflow points are assigned using the mean flow values, %
+% monthly concentrations are assigned to those points. %
+% 4. A simple "nearest neighbor" algorithm is used to fill in the gaps %
+% Sort rivers by discharge
+[Qact_sort,sort_ind] = sort(Qact,'ascend');
+lon_news_sort = lon_news(sort_ind);
+lat_news_sort = lat_news(sort_ind);
+DIN_load_sort = DIN_load(sort_ind);
+DON_load_sort = DON_load(sort_ind);
+PN_load_sort = PN_load(sort_ind);
+DIP_load_sort = DIP_load(sort_ind);
+DOP_load_sort = DOP_load(sort_ind);
+PP_load_sort = PP_load(sort_ind);
+Si_load_sort = Si_load(sort_ind);
+river_names_sort = river_names(sort_ind);
+% Total N and P load diagnostics
+N_load_sort = DIN_load_sort + DON_load_sort + PN_load_sort;
+P_load_sort = DIP_load_sort + DOP_load_sort + PP_load_sort;
+% Calculate concentrations
+% Loads are in moles N sec-1, Q in m3 s-1; conc in moles N m-3
+DIN_conc_sort = DIN_load_sort./Qact_sort;
+DON_conc_sort = DON_load_sort./Qact_sort;
+DIP_conc_sort = DIP_load_sort./Qact_sort;
+DOP_conc_sort = DOP_load_sort./Qact_sort;
+PN_conc_sort = PN_load_sort./Qact_sort;
+PP_conc_sort = PP_load_sort./Qact_sort;
+Si_conc_sort = Si_load_sort./Qact_sort;
+% initialize vectors to hold nutrient concentrations at eac runoff
+% point.
+aa = find(Q_mod_ann > 0);
+Q_mod_vec = Q_mod_ann(aa);
+din_conc_vec = zeros(size(Q_mod_vec));
+don_conc_vec = zeros(size(Q_mod_vec));
+pn_conc_vec = zeros(size(Q_mod_vec));
+dip_conc_vec = zeros(size(Q_mod_vec));
+dop_conc_vec = zeros(size(Q_mod_vec));
+pp_conc_vec = zeros(size(Q_mod_vec));
+si_conc_vec = zeros(size(Q_mod_vec));
+lon_mod_runoff_vec = double(lon_mod(aa));
+lat_mod_runoff_vec = double(lat_mod(aa));
+% Loop identifies points assigned to each river %
+for k=1:num_rivers
+ k
+ dist = pdist2([lon_news_sort(k) lat_news_sort(k)], ...
+ [lon_mod_runoff_vec lat_mod_runoff_vec]);
+ [dist_sort, dist_sort_ind] = sort(dist,'ascend');
+ if dist_sort(1) < min_dist; % filters out rivers lying outside the domain
+ Q_sum1 = 0;
+ Q_sum2 = 0;
+ n = 0;
+ while ((Q_sum2 < Qact_sort(k)) & (dist_sort(n+1) < max_dist))
+ Q_sum1 = Q_sum2;
+ n = n+1;
+ Q_sum2 = Q_sum1 + Q_mod_vec(dist_sort_ind(n));
+ end
+ % I generally find that the search algorithm works best when you keep
+ % grabbing points until the total flow captured exceeds the flow in
+ % the river. If you uncomment the the first part of the "if"
+ % statement here will pick the last below if it is closer than the
+ % first above. However, I've found that this option sometimes fails
+ % to map important rivers.
+ %if abs(Q_sum1 - Qact_sort(k)) < abs(Q_sum2 - Qact_sort(k))
+ % nrp = n-1; % number of runoff points
+ % [Q_sum1 Qact_sort(k)] % a quick check for comparable flow
+ % din_conc_vec(dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = DIN_conc_sort(k);
+ % don_conc_vec(dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = DON_conc_sort(k);
+ % dip_conc_vec(dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = DIP_conc_sort(k);
+ % dop_conc_vec(dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = DOP_conc_sort(k);
+ % pn_conc_vec(dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = PN_conc_sort(k);
+ % pp_conc_vec(dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = PP_conc_sort(k);
+ % si_conc_vec(dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = Si_conc_sort(k);
+ %else
+ nrp = n; % number of runoff points
+ [Q_sum2 Qact_sort(k)] % a quick check for comparable flow
+ din_conc_vec(dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = DIN_conc_sort(k);
+ don_conc_vec(dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = DON_conc_sort(k);
+ dip_conc_vec(dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = DIP_conc_sort(k);
+ dop_conc_vec(dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = DOP_conc_sort(k);
+ pn_conc_vec(dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = PN_conc_sort(k);
+ pp_conc_vec(dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = PP_conc_sort(k);
+ si_conc_vec(dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = Si_conc_sort(k);
+ %end
+ if inspect_map == 'y'
+ figure(1)
+ clf
+ scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,log10(Q_mod_vec),3,log10(Q_mod_vec));
+ hold on
+ scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec(dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)),lat_mod_runoff_vec(dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)), ...
+ log10(Q_mod_vec(dist_sort_ind(1:nrp))),40, ...
+ log10(Q_mod_vec(dist_sort_ind(1:nrp))),'filled');
+ view(2);
+ plot3(lon_news_sort(k),lat_news_sort(k),1e5,'k.','MarkerSize',20);
+ %contour(lon_mod,lat_mod,depth,[0 0],'k-');
+ axis([lon_news_sort(k)-plot_width lon_news_sort(k)+plot_width ...
+ lat_news_sort(k)-plot_width lat_news_sort(k)+plot_width]);
+ caxis([-4 3]);
+ titl = ['river number: ',num2str(k),' name: ',river_names_sort{k}];
+ title(titl);
+ colorbar;
+ % provide a few diagnostics to ensure the calculation was done
+ % correctly (remove semicolon to inspect as they are mapped in
+ % the matlab output line. Feel free to add more here.
+ N_conc = DIN_conc_sort(k) + DON_conc_sort(k) + PN_conc_sort(k);
+ P_conc = DIP_conc_sort(k) + DOP_conc_sort(k) + PP_conc_sort(k);
+ Si_conc = Si_conc_sort(k);
+ river_names_sort(k)
+ [lon_news_sort(k) lat_news_sort(k)]
+ ind = dist_sort_ind(1:nrp);
+ 'lon lat'
+ [lon_news_sort(k) lat_news_sort(k)]
+ 'total flow in m3 sec'
+ [Qact_sort(k) sum(Q_mod_vec(ind))]
+ 'Nitrogen and phosphorus in Gg per year';
+ [N_load_sort(k) sum(Q_mod_vec(ind))*N_conc]*14*86400*365/1e9;
+ [P_load_sort(k) sum(Q_mod_vec(ind))*P_conc]*31*86400*365/1e9;
+ 'N, P conc (mmoles m-3), DI, DO, P'
+ [DIN_conc_sort(k) DON_conc_sort(k) PN_conc_sort(k)]*1e3
+ [DIP_conc_sort(k) DOP_conc_sort(k) PP_conc_sort(k)]*1e3
+ 'Total N, Total P, Total N: Total P';
+ [N_conc*1e3 P_conc*1e3 N_conc/P_conc]
+ 'DO:DI and P:DI ratios';
+ [DON_conc_sort(k)/DIN_conc_sort(k) PN_conc_sort(k)/DIN_conc_sort(k)];
+ [DOP_conc_sort(k)/DIP_conc_sort(k) PP_conc_sort(k)/DIP_conc_sort(k)];
+ 'silica concentration (mmoles m-3)';
+ [Si_conc_sort(k)]*1e3;
+ pause
+ end
+ else
+ % This is for rivers that were captured by the coarse initial filter
+ % to determine if they were in the domain; but are actually outside
+ % the domain. Calibration suggested that a threshold of 0.75 degrees
+ % from the specified river mouth reliably identified these cases.
+ if inspect_map == 'y'
+ figure(1)
+ clf
+ scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,log10(Q_mod_vec),3,log10(Q_mod_vec));
+ hold on
+ view(2);
+ plot3(lon_news_sort(k),lat_news_sort(k),1e5,'k.','MarkerSize',20);
+ axis([lon_news_sort(k)-15 lon_news_sort(k)+15 ...
+ lat_news_sort(k)-15 lat_news_sort(k)+15]);
+ caxis([-4 3]);
+ titl = ['OUTSIDE: river number: ',num2str(k),' name: ',river_names_sort{k}];
+ title(titl);
+ colorbar;
+ pause
+ end
+ end
+% nearest neighbor search to fill in any 0 values left for each input field
+% after the river mapping is done.
+aa = find(din_conc_vec == 0);
+bb = find(din_conc_vec > 0);
+F = scatteredInterpolant(lon_mod_runoff_vec(bb),lat_mod_runoff_vec(bb),din_conc_vec(bb), ...
+ 'nearest','nearest');
+din_conc_vec(aa) = F(lon_mod_runoff_vec(aa),lat_mod_runoff_vec(aa));
+aa = find(don_conc_vec == 0);
+bb = find(don_conc_vec > 0);
+F = scatteredInterpolant(lon_mod_runoff_vec(bb),lat_mod_runoff_vec(bb),don_conc_vec(bb), ...
+ 'nearest','nearest');
+don_conc_vec(aa) = F(lon_mod_runoff_vec(aa),lat_mod_runoff_vec(aa));
+aa = find(pn_conc_vec == 0);
+bb = find(pn_conc_vec > 0);
+F = scatteredInterpolant(lon_mod_runoff_vec(bb),lat_mod_runoff_vec(bb),pn_conc_vec(bb), ...
+ 'nearest','nearest');
+pn_conc_vec(aa) = F(lon_mod_runoff_vec(aa),lat_mod_runoff_vec(aa));
+aa = find(dip_conc_vec == 0);
+bb = find(dip_conc_vec > 0);
+F = scatteredInterpolant(lon_mod_runoff_vec(bb),lat_mod_runoff_vec(bb),dip_conc_vec(bb), ...
+ 'nearest','nearest');
+dip_conc_vec(aa) = F(lon_mod_runoff_vec(aa),lat_mod_runoff_vec(aa));
+aa = find(dop_conc_vec == 0);
+bb = find(dop_conc_vec > 0);
+F = scatteredInterpolant(lon_mod_runoff_vec(bb),lat_mod_runoff_vec(bb),dop_conc_vec(bb), ...
+ 'nearest','nearest');
+dop_conc_vec(aa) = F(lon_mod_runoff_vec(aa),lat_mod_runoff_vec(aa));
+aa = find(pp_conc_vec == 0);
+bb = find(pp_conc_vec > 0);
+F = scatteredInterpolant(lon_mod_runoff_vec(bb),lat_mod_runoff_vec(bb),pp_conc_vec(bb), ...
+ 'nearest','nearest');
+pp_conc_vec(aa) = F(lon_mod_runoff_vec(aa),lat_mod_runoff_vec(aa));
+aa = find(si_conc_vec == 0);
+bb = find(si_conc_vec > 0);
+F = scatteredInterpolant(lon_mod_runoff_vec(bb),lat_mod_runoff_vec(bb),si_conc_vec(bb), ...
+ 'nearest','nearest');
+si_conc_vec(aa) = F(lon_mod_runoff_vec(aa),lat_mod_runoff_vec(aa));
+totn_conc_vec = din_conc_vec + don_conc_vec + pn_conc_vec;
+totp_conc_vec = dip_conc_vec + dop_conc_vec + pp_conc_vec;
+% calculate ratios of dissolved and particulate to inorganic
+din_flux_vec = din_conc_vec.*Q_mod_vec;
+dip_flux_vec = dip_conc_vec.*Q_mod_vec;
+don_flux_vec = don_conc_vec.*Q_mod_vec;
+dop_flux_vec = dop_conc_vec.*Q_mod_vec;
+pn_flux_vec = pn_conc_vec.*Q_mod_vec;
+pp_flux_vec = pp_conc_vec.*Q_mod_vec;
+don_ratio = sum(don_flux_vec)/sum(din_flux_vec)
+dop_ratio = sum(dop_flux_vec)/sum(dip_flux_vec)
+pn_ratio = sum(pn_flux_vec)/sum(din_flux_vec)
+pp_ratio = sum(pp_flux_vec)/sum(dip_flux_vec)
+% Produce plots to evaluate the mapping %
+% Use total fluxes to scale dots, m3 sec-1 * moles m-3 = moles sec-1
+totn_flux_vec = totn_conc_vec.*Q_mod_vec;
+totp_flux_vec = totp_conc_vec.*Q_mod_vec;
+totsi_flux_vec = si_conc_vec.*Q_mod_vec;
+% scale marker size with the total nitrogen flux
+ms_vec = zeros(size(Q_mod_vec));
+ms_vec(log10(Q_mod_vec) < 0) = 1;
+ms_vec((log10(Q_mod_vec) > 0) & (log10(Q_mod_vec) < 1)) = 1;
+ms_vec((log10(Q_mod_vec) > 1) & (log10(Q_mod_vec) < 2)) = 1;
+ms_vec((log10(Q_mod_vec) > 2) & (log10(Q_mod_vec) < 3)) = 1;
+ms_vec(log10(Q_mod_vec) > 3) = 100;
+scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,totn_conc_vec*1e3,ms_vec, ...
+ totn_conc_vec*1e3,'filled');
+hold on
+caxis([30 150]);
+title('total nitrogen concentration, mmoles m-3');
+scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,totp_conc_vec*1e3,ms_vec, ...
+ totp_conc_vec*1e3,'filled');
+hold on
+caxis([0 10]);
+title('total phosphorus concentration, mmoles m-3');
+scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,totn_conc_vec./totp_conc_vec,ms_vec, ...
+ totn_conc_vec./totp_conc_vec,'filled');
+hold on
+caxis([10 100]);
+title('N:P ratio');
+scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,din_conc_vec*1e3,ms_vec, ...
+ din_conc_vec*1e3,'filled');
+hold on
+caxis([0 100]);
+title('din concentration, mmoles m-3');
+scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,don_conc_vec*1e3,ms_vec, ...
+ don_conc_vec*1e3,'filled');
+hold on
+caxis([0 100]);
+title('don concentration, mmoles m-3');
+scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,pn_conc_vec*1e3,ms_vec, ...
+ pn_conc_vec*1e3,'filled');
+hold on
+caxis([0 100]);
+title('pn concentration, mmoles m-3');
+scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,dip_conc_vec*1e3,ms_vec, ...
+ dip_conc_vec*1e3,'filled');
+hold on
+caxis([0 5]);
+title('dip concentration, mmoles m-3');
+scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,dop_conc_vec*1e3,ms_vec, ...
+ dop_conc_vec*1e3,'filled');
+hold on
+caxis([0 3]);
+title('dop concentration, mmoles m-3');
+scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,pp_conc_vec*1e3,ms_vec, ...
+ pp_conc_vec*1e3,'filled');
+hold on
+caxis([0 3]);
+title('pp concentration, mmoles m-3');
+scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,don_conc_vec./din_conc_vec,ms_vec, ...
+ don_conc_vec./din_conc_vec,'filled');
+hold on
+caxis([0 2]);
+scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,pn_conc_vec./din_conc_vec,ms_vec, ...
+ pn_conc_vec./din_conc_vec,'filled');
+hold on
+caxis([0 2]);
+scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,dop_conc_vec./dip_conc_vec,ms_vec, ...
+ dop_conc_vec./dip_conc_vec,'filled');
+hold on
+caxis([0 2]);
+scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,pp_conc_vec./dip_conc_vec,ms_vec, ...
+ pp_conc_vec./dip_conc_vec,'filled');
+hold on
+caxis([0 2]);
+scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,si_conc_vec*1e3,ms_vec, ...
+ si_conc_vec*1e3,'filled');
+hold on
+caxis([30 300]);
+title('si concentration, mmoles m-3');
+scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,log10(totn_flux_vec),ms_vec, ...
+ log10(totn_flux_vec),'filled');
+hold on
+caxis([-1 2]);
+title('N flux, log10(moles sec-1)');
+scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,log10(totp_flux_vec),ms_vec, ...
+ log10(totp_flux_vec),'filled');
+hold on
+caxis([-3 1]);
+title('P flux, log10(moles sec-1)');
+% output total fluxes in gigagrams of N
+total_annual_n = sum(totn_flux_vec)*86400*365*14/1e12
+total_annual_p = sum(totp_flux_vec)*86400*365*31/1e12
+total_annual_si = sum(totsi_flux_vec)*86400*365*28.1/1e12
+'press any key to continue'
+% Initialize 2D concentration arrays; these are the ones read into MOM6 to
+% specify the nutrient concentrations of river inputs.
+din_conc = zeros(size(lon_mod));
+don_conc = zeros(size(lon_mod));
+dip_conc = zeros(size(lon_mod));
+dop_conc = zeros(size(lon_mod));
+pn_conc = zeros(size(lon_mod));
+pp_conc = zeros(size(lon_mod));
+si_conc = zeros(size(lon_mod));
+% Map concentration vectors onto 2D arrays.
+aa = find(Q_mod_ann > 0);
+din_conc(aa) = din_conc_vec;
+don_conc(aa) = don_conc_vec;
+pn_conc(aa) = pn_conc_vec;
+dip_conc(aa) = dip_conc_vec;
+dop_conc(aa) = dop_conc_vec;
+pp_conc(aa) = pp_conc_vec;
+si_conc(aa) = si_conc_vec;
+NO3_CONC = din_conc;
+LDON_CONC = frac_ldon*don_conc;
+SLDON_CONC = frac_sldon*don_conc;
+SRDON_CONC = frac_srdon*don_conc;
+PO4_CONC = dip_conc;
+LDOP_CONC = frac_ldop*dop_conc;
+SLDOP_CONC = frac_sldop*dop_conc;
+SRDOP_CONC = frac_srdop*dop_conc;
+NDET_CONC = pn_conc;
+PDET_CONC = pp_conc; % The bioavailability of particulate P has already
+ % been accounted for.
+SI_CONC = si_conc;
+% Add iron concentrations - initialize with nitrate and then overwrite
+% 40 nM dissolved iron concentration from De Baar and De Jong + 30nM
+% Colloidal and nanoparticle flux as reported in Canfield and Raiswell
+FED_CONC(FED_CONC > 0) = const_fed;
+% series of quick figures to check the 2D nutrient input files.
+ms = 8;
+title('log10(NO3 CONC)'); hold on;
+caxis([-4 -1]); colorbar;
+title('log10(LDON CONC)'); hold on;
+caxis([-4 -1]); colorbar;
+title('log10(SLDON CONC)'); hold on;
+caxis([-4 -1]); colorbar;
+title('log10(SRDON CONC)'); hold on;
+caxis([-4 -1]); colorbar;
+title('log10(NDET CONC)'); hold on;
+caxis([-4 -1]); colorbar;
+title('log10(PO4 CONC)'); hold on;
+caxis([-4 -2]); colorbar;
+title('log10(LDOP CONC)'); hold on;
+caxis([-4 -2]); colorbar;
+title('log10(SLDOP CONC)'); hold on;
+caxis([-4 -2]); colorbar;
+title('log10(SRDOP CONC)'); hold on;
+caxis([-4 -2]); colorbar;
+title('log10(PDET CONC)'); hold on;
+caxis([-4 -2]); colorbar;
+title('log10(FED CONC)'); hold on;
+caxis([-5 -3]); colorbar;
+title('log10(FEDET CONC)'); hold on;
+caxis([-5 -3]); colorbar;
+title('log10(SI CONC)'); hold on;
+caxis([-3 -0]); colorbar;
+% Save Files %
+% option to save matlab file
+% Construct netcdf file following format used by nutrient input files to
+% MOM6
+time = 0;
+nlat = size(lat_mod,1);
+nlon = size(lat_mod,2);
+ncid = netcdf.create(nc_file_name,'CLOBBER');
+dimid0 = netcdf.defDim(ncid,'time',netcdf.getConstant('NC_UNLIMITED'));
+dimid1 = netcdf.defDim(ncid,'y',nlat);
+dimid2 = netcdf.defDim(ncid,'x',nlon);
+%attributes inherited from the old river nutrient forcing file. The
+%calendar needs to be specified even though the nutrient values are
+%constant. Not sure how much of the rest is needed.
+varid0 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'time','double',dimid0);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid0,'units','days since 1900-1-1 0:00:00');
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid0,'time_origin','01-JAN-1990 00:00:00');
+varid1 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'y','int',dimid1);
+varid2 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'x','int',dimid2);
+varid3 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'lat','double',[dimid2 dimid1]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid3,'units','degrees north');
+varid4 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'lon','double',[dimid2 dimid1]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid4,'units','degrees east');
+varid5 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'NO3_CONC','double',[dimid2,dimid1,dimid0]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid5,'units','mol m-3');
+varid6 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'LDON_CONC','double',[dimid2,dimid1,dimid0]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid6,'units','mol m-3');
+varid7 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'SLDON_CONC','double',[dimid2,dimid1,dimid0]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid7,'units','mol m-3');
+varid8 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'SRDON_CONC','double',[dimid2,dimid1,dimid0]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid8,'units','mol m-3');
+varid9 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'NDET_CONC','double',[dimid2,dimid1,dimid0]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid9,'units','mol m-3');
+varid10 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'PO4_CONC','double',[dimid2,dimid1,dimid0]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid10,'units','mol m-3');
+varid11 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'LDOP_CONC','double',[dimid2,dimid1,dimid0]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid11,'units','mol m-3');
+varid12 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'SLDOP_CONC','double',[dimid2,dimid1,dimid0]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid12,'units','mol m-3');
+varid13 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'SRDOP_CONC','double',[dimid2,dimid1,dimid0]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid13,'units','mol m-3');
+varid14 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'PDET_CONC','double',[dimid2,dimid1,dimid0]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid14,'units','mol m-3');
+varid15 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'FED_CONC','double',[dimid2,dimid1,dimid0]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid15,'units','mol m-3');
+varid16 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'FEDET_CONC','double',[dimid2,dimid1,dimid0]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid16,'units','mol m-3');
+varid17 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'SI_CONC','double',[dimid2,dimid1,dimid0]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid17,'units','mol m-3');
+ncid = netcdf.open(nc_file_name,'NC_WRITE');
+% nutrient input files appear seem to need dummy axes to be read in
+% properly, but eventually do a grid by grid mapping that doesn't require
+% these.
diff --git a/tools/rivers/bgc/ARC/mapriv_combined_Arctic.m b/tools/rivers/bgc/ARC/mapriv_combined_Arctic.m
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dfcb9cafe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/rivers/bgc/ARC/mapriv_combined_Arctic.m
@@ -0,0 +1,1343 @@
+% Routine to map USGS nutrient data onto the MOM6 Northwest Atlantic (NWA)
+% grid. Run on matlab97 or above.
+clear all;
+addpath /home/cas/matlab
+% name of netcdf file to be created
+nc_file_name = 'RiverNutrients_Combined_Q100_Arctic12k.nc';
+% GLOBAL NEWS based map for filling in gaps
+NEWS_file = 'RiverNutrients_GlobalNEWS2_plusFe_Q100_Arctic12k.nc';
+% load in monthly world ocean T, S climatology for saturated oxygen calculation
+temp = ncread('Data/woa_sst_climo.nc','t_an');
+woa_temp = permute(temp,[3 2 1]);
+% Parameters for the assignment algorithm.
+Q_min = 100; % minimum flow in m3 sec
+plot_width = 30; % width of window (in degrees) for inspecting locations
+ % of rivers and outflow points that have been assigned to
+ % them.
+min_dist = 1.5; % minimum distance (degrees) of the closest outflow point
+ % for the river to be considered in the domain (useful
+ % for preventing the algorithm from trying to map rivers
+ % flowing to different ocean basins.
+max_dist = 2.0; % maximum distance (degrees) away that the algorithm
+ % looks for points for rivers that are in the domain
+nutrient_option = 2; % option for deriving dissolved organic nutrients in RC4US
+inspect_map = 'y'; % flag enabling you to pause and inspect each river
+ % mapping as it is being done.
+min_lon_ref = -180;% set to either 0 if model grid contains no negative
+ % values; set to -180 if model is on a -180-180 grid.
+% set the bio-availability of phosphorus and the fractionation of dissolved
+% organic; PP is set to 30% based on Froelich; Partitioning of detritus
+% between
+frac_PP = 0.3;
+frac_ldon = 0.3;
+frac_sldon = 0.35;
+frac_srdon = 0.35;
+frac_ldop = 0.3;
+frac_sldop = 0.35;
+frac_srdop = 0.35;
+% 40 nM dissolved iron concentration from De Baar and De Jong + 30nM
+% Colloidal and nanoparticle flux as reported in Canfield and Raiswell
+const_fed = 70.0e-6;
+% USGS data compiled by Fabian Gomez %
+filename_chem = 'Data/RC4USCoast/mclim_19902022_chem.nc';
+alk_monthly_RC4US = ncread(filename_chem,'alk'); alk_monthly_RC4US = permute(alk_monthly_RC4US,[2 1]);
+dic_monthly_RC4US = ncread(filename_chem,'dic'); dic_monthly_RC4US = permute(dic_monthly_RC4US,[2 1]);
+no3_monthly_RC4US = ncread(filename_chem,'no3'); no3_monthly_RC4US = permute(no3_monthly_RC4US,[2 1]);
+nh4_monthly_RC4US = ncread(filename_chem,'nh4'); nh4_monthly_RC4US = permute(nh4_monthly_RC4US,[2 1]);
+din_monthly_RC4US = no3_monthly_RC4US + nh4_monthly_RC4US;
+dip_monthly_RC4US = ncread(filename_chem,'po4'); dip_monthly_RC4US = permute(dip_monthly_RC4US,[2 1]);
+si_monthly_RC4US = ncread(filename_chem,'sio2'); si_monthly_RC4US = permute(si_monthly_RC4US,[2 1]);
+% The RC4US database seems to be in mmoles O m-3 rather than mmoles O2 m-3,
+% divide by 2.0 for consistency with other O2 data sources
+o2_monthly_RC4US = ncread(filename_chem,'do'); o2_monthly_RC4US = permute(o2_monthly_RC4US,[2 1])/2.0;
+don_monthly_RC4US = ncread(filename_chem,'don'); don_monthly_RC4US = permute(don_monthly_RC4US,[2 1]);
+temp_monthly_RC4US = ncread(filename_chem,'temp'); temp_monthly_RC4US = permute(temp_monthly_RC4US,[2 1]);
+if nutrient_option == 1
+ % This option will eventually set all river values for pn, dop and pp using GlobalNEWS
+ pn_monthly_RC4US = no3_monthly_RC4US*NaN;
+ dop_monthly_RC4US = no3_monthly_RC4US*NaN;
+ pp_monthly_RC4US = no3_monthly_RC4US*NaN;
+elseif nutrient_option == 2
+ % This option will use differences between total filtered and unfiltered
+ % and other properties to derive pn, dop and pp. This unfortunately
+ % generates negative values in some cases.
+ tnf_monthly_RC4US = ncread(filename_chem,'tnf'); tnf_monthly_RC4US = permute(tnf_monthly_RC4US,[2 1]);
+ don2_monthly_RC4US = tnf_monthly_RC4US - din_monthly_RC4US;
+ tnu_monthly_RC4US = ncread(filename_chem,'tnu'); tnu_monthly_RC4US = permute(tnu_monthly_RC4US,[2 1]);
+ pn_monthly_RC4US = tnu_monthly_RC4US - tnf_monthly_RC4US;
+ pn_monthly_RC4US(pn_monthly_RC4US < 0) = NaN;
+ tpf_monthly_RC4US = ncread(filename_chem,'tpf'); tpf_monthly_RC4US = permute(tpf_monthly_RC4US,[2 1]);
+ dop_monthly_RC4US = tpf_monthly_RC4US - dip_monthly_RC4US;
+ dop_monthly_RC4US(dop_monthly_RC4US < 0) = NaN;
+ tpu_monthly_RC4US = ncread(filename_chem,'tpu'); tpu_monthly_RC4US = permute(tpu_monthly_RC4US,[2 1]);
+ pp_monthly_RC4US = (tpu_monthly_RC4US - tpf_monthly_RC4US)*frac_PP;
+ pp_monthly_RC4US(pp_monthly_RC4US < 0) = NaN;
+dfe_monthly_RC4US = no3_monthly_RC4US*NaN;
+pfe_monthly_RC4US = no3_monthly_RC4US*NaN;
+filename_discharge = 'Data/RC4USCoast/mclim_19902022_disc.nc';
+Q_monthly_RC4US = ncread(filename_discharge,'disc'); Q_monthly_RC4US = permute(Q_monthly_RC4US,[2 1]); % m-3 sec-1
+station_names_RC4US = h5read(filename_discharge,'/river_name');
+lon_stations_RC4US = ncread(filename_discharge,'mouth_lon');
+lat_stations_RC4US = ncread(filename_discharge,'mouth_lat');
+Q_ann_RC4US = mean(Q_monthly_RC4US,1,'native','omitnan')';
+dic_ann_RC4US = mean(dic_monthly_RC4US,1,'native','omitnan')';
+alk_ann_RC4US = mean(alk_monthly_RC4US,1,'native','omitnan')';
+no3_ann_RC4US = mean(no3_monthly_RC4US,1,'native','omitnan')';
+nh4_ann_RC4US = mean(nh4_monthly_RC4US,1,'native','omitnan')';
+o2_ann_RC4US = mean(o2_monthly_RC4US,1,'native','omitnan')';
+dip_ann_RC4US = mean(dip_monthly_RC4US,1,'native','omitnan')';
+si_ann_RC4US = mean(si_monthly_RC4US,1,'native','omitnan')';
+din_ann_RC4US = no3_ann_RC4US + nh4_ann_RC4US;
+don_ann_RC4US = mean(don_monthly_RC4US,1,'native','omitnan')';
+if nutrient_option == 1
+ don_ann_RC4US = ones(size(lon_stations_RC4US))*NaN;
+ pn_ann_RC4US = ones(size(lon_stations_RC4US))*NaN;
+ dop_ann_RC4US = ones(size(lon_stations_RC4US))*NaN;
+ pp_ann_RC4US = ones(size(lon_stations_RC4US))*NaN;
+elseif nutrient_option == 2
+ don2_ann_RC4US = mean(don2_monthly_RC4US,1,'native','omitnan')';
+ pn_ann_RC4US = mean(pn_monthly_RC4US,1,'native','omitnan')';
+ dop_ann_RC4US = mean(dop_monthly_RC4US,1,'native','omitnan')';
+ pp_ann_RC4US = mean(pp_monthly_RC4US,1,'native','omitnan')';
+dfe_ann_RC4US = ones(size(lon_stations_RC4US))*NaN;
+pfe_ann_RC4US = ones(size(lon_stations_RC4US))*NaN;
+for n = 1:size(lon_stations_RC4US,1)
+ % Make any adjustments to the river locations here, e.g:
+ %
+ % Move the Susquehanna a bit south so that it catches the Chesapeake
+ % and not the Delaware.
+ %if strcmp('Susquehanna',station_names_RC4US{n})
+ % lat_stations_RC4US(n) = 38.5;
+ % lon_stations_RC4US(n) = -77.5;
+ % %pause
+ %end
+Q_ann_RC4US = mean(Q_monthly_RC4US,1,'native','omitnan')';
+dic_ann_RC4US = mean(dic_monthly_RC4US,1,'native','omitnan')';
+alk_ann_RC4US = mean(alk_monthly_RC4US,1,'native','omitnan')';
+no3_ann_RC4US = mean(no3_monthly_RC4US,1,'native','omitnan')';
+nh4_ann_RC4US = mean(nh4_monthly_RC4US,1,'native','omitnan')';
+o2_ann_RC4US = mean(o2_monthly_RC4US,1,'native','omitnan')';
+dip_ann_RC4US = mean(dip_monthly_RC4US,1,'native','omitnan')';
+si_ann_RC4US = mean(si_monthly_RC4US,1,'native','omitnan')';
+din_ann_RC4US = no3_ann_RC4US + nh4_ann_RC4US;
+don_ann_RC4US = mean(don_monthly_RC4US,1,'native','omitnan')';
+if nutrient_option == 1
+ don_ann_RC4US = ones(size(lon_stations_RC4US))*NaN;
+ pn_ann_RC4US = ones(size(lon_stations_RC4US))*NaN;
+ dop_ann_RC4US = ones(size(lon_stations_RC4US))*NaN;
+ pp_ann_RC4US = ones(size(lon_stations_RC4US))*NaN;
+elseif nutrient_option == 2
+ don2_ann_RC4US = mean(don2_monthly_RC4US,1,'native','omitnan')';
+ pn_ann_RC4US = mean(pn_monthly_RC4US,1,'native','omitnan')';
+ dop_ann_RC4US = mean(dop_monthly_RC4US,1,'native','omitnan')';
+ pp_ann_RC4US = mean(pp_monthly_RC4US,1,'native','omitnan')';
+dfe_ann_RC4US = ones(size(lon_stations_RC4US))*NaN;
+pfe_ann_RC4US = ones(size(lon_stations_RC4US))*NaN;
+% Created by Process_GLORICH_NEP.m, includes following variables:
+%save Arctic_GLORICH_data lon_stations_glorich lat_stations_glorich station_names_glorich ...
+% Q_ann_glorich dic_ann_glorich alk_ann_glorich no3_ann_glorich nh4_ann_glorich ...
+% din_ann_glorich pn_ann_glorich don_ann_glorich dip_ann_glorich dop_ann_glorich ...
+% pp_ann_glorich si_ann_glorich o2_ann_glorich dfe_ann_glorich pfe_ann_glorich ...
+% dic_monthly_glorich alk_monthly_glorich no3_monthly_glorich nh4_monthly_glorich ...
+% din_monthly_glorich don_monthly_glorich pn_monthly_glorich dip_monthly_glorich ...
+% dop_monthly_glorich pp_monthly_glorich dfe_monthly_glorich pfe_monthly_glorich ...
+% si_monthly_glorich o2_monthly_glorich
+load Data/GLORICH/Arctic_GLORICH_data.mat;
+% Created by Process_ARCTICGRO.m, includes following variables:
+%save arcticgro_data lon_stations_arcticgro lat_stations_arcticgro station_names_arcticgro ...
+% Q_ann_arcticgro dic_ann_arcticgro alk_ann_arcticgro no3_ann_arcticgro nh4_ann_arcticgro ...
+% din_ann_arcticgro pn_ann_arcticgro don_ann_arcticgro dip_ann_arcticgro dop_ann_arcticgro ...
+% pp_ann_arcticgro si_ann_arcticgro o2_ann_arcticgro dfe_ann_arcticgro pfe_ann_arcticgro ...
+% dic_monthly_arcticgro alk_monthly_arcticgro no3_monthly_arcticgro nh4_monthly_arcticgro ...
+% din_monthly_arcticgro don_monthly_arcticgro pn_monthly_arcticgro dip_monthly_arcticgro ...
+% dop_monthly_arcticgro pp_monthly_arcticgro dfe_monthly_arcticgro pfe_monthly_arcticgro ...
+% si_monthly_arcticgro o2_monthly_arcticgro
+load Data/ArcticGro/arcticgro_data.mat;
+% Combine all annual and monthly station data %
+station_names_all = [station_names_RC4US; string(station_names_glorich)'; string(station_names_arcticgro)'];
+lon_stations_all = [lon_stations_RC4US; lon_stations_glorich'; lon_stations_arcticgro'];
+if min_lon_ref == 0
+ lon_stations_all(lon_stations_all < 0) = lon_stations_all(lon_stations_all < 0) + 360;
+elseif min_lon_ref == -180
+ lon_stations_all(lon_stations_all > 180) = lon_stations_all(lon_stations_all > 180) - 360;
+lat_stations_all = [lat_stations_RC4US; lat_stations_glorich'; lat_stations_arcticgro'];
+Q_ann_all = [Q_ann_RC4US; Q_ann_glorich'; Q_ann_arcticgro'];
+dic_ann_all = [dic_ann_RC4US; dic_ann_glorich'; dic_ann_arcticgro'];
+alk_ann_all = [alk_ann_RC4US; alk_ann_glorich'; alk_ann_arcticgro'];
+no3_ann_all = [no3_ann_RC4US; no3_ann_glorich'; no3_ann_arcticgro'];
+nh4_ann_all = [nh4_ann_RC4US; nh4_ann_glorich'; nh4_ann_arcticgro'];
+din_ann_all = [din_ann_RC4US; din_ann_glorich'; din_ann_arcticgro'];
+don_ann_all = [don_ann_RC4US; don_ann_glorich'; don_ann_arcticgro'];
+pn_ann_all = [pn_ann_RC4US; pn_ann_glorich'; pn_ann_arcticgro'];
+dip_ann_all = [dip_ann_RC4US; dip_ann_glorich'; dip_ann_arcticgro'];
+dop_ann_all = [dop_ann_RC4US; dop_ann_glorich'; dop_ann_arcticgro'];
+pp_ann_all = [pp_ann_RC4US; pp_ann_glorich'; pp_ann_arcticgro'];
+dfe_ann_all = [dfe_ann_RC4US; dfe_ann_glorich'; dfe_ann_arcticgro'];
+pfe_ann_all = [pfe_ann_RC4US; pfe_ann_glorich'; pfe_ann_arcticgro'];
+si_ann_all = [si_ann_RC4US; si_ann_glorich'; si_ann_arcticgro'];
+o2_ann_all = [o2_ann_RC4US; o2_ann_glorich'; o2_ann_arcticgro'];
+dic_monthly_all = [dic_monthly_RC4US dic_monthly_glorich dic_monthly_arcticgro];
+alk_monthly_all = [alk_monthly_RC4US alk_monthly_glorich alk_monthly_arcticgro];
+no3_monthly_all = [no3_monthly_RC4US no3_monthly_glorich no3_monthly_arcticgro];
+nh4_monthly_all = [nh4_monthly_RC4US nh4_monthly_glorich nh4_monthly_arcticgro];
+din_monthly_all = [din_monthly_RC4US din_monthly_glorich din_monthly_arcticgro];
+don_monthly_all = [don_monthly_RC4US don_monthly_glorich don_monthly_arcticgro];
+pn_monthly_all = [pn_monthly_RC4US pn_monthly_glorich pn_monthly_arcticgro];
+dip_monthly_all = [dip_monthly_RC4US dip_monthly_glorich dip_monthly_arcticgro];
+dop_monthly_all = [dop_monthly_RC4US dop_monthly_glorich dop_monthly_arcticgro];
+pp_monthly_all = [pp_monthly_RC4US pp_monthly_glorich pp_monthly_arcticgro];
+dfe_monthly_all = [dfe_monthly_RC4US dfe_monthly_glorich dfe_monthly_arcticgro];
+pfe_monthly_all = [pfe_monthly_RC4US pfe_monthly_glorich pfe_monthly_arcticgro];
+si_monthly_all = [si_monthly_RC4US si_monthly_glorich si_monthly_arcticgro];
+o2_monthly_all = [o2_monthly_RC4US o2_monthly_glorich o2_monthly_arcticgro];
+% Load in monthly climatology of river forcing from the regional grid. %
+% File contains: %
+% runoff: monthly average runoff in kg m-2 sec-1 %
+% area: area of grid cell in m-2 %
+% lon: longitude (0-360 degrees) %
+% lat: latitude % %
+load glofas_hill_runoff_monthlyclim_arctic12k_05112023.mat;
+lon_mod = lon;
+lat_mod = lat;
+area_mod = area;
+% convert runoff from kg m-2 sec-1 to m3 sec-1
+Q_mod_monthly = zeros(size(runoff));
+for m = 1:12
+ Q_mod_monthly(m,:,:) = squeeze(runoff(m,:,:)).*area_mod./1000;
+Q_mod_ann = squeeze(mean(Q_mod_monthly,1));
+clear lon lat runoff area;
+%grid_file = '/archive/cas/Regional_MOM6/NWA12/nwa12_ocean_static.nc';
+%temp = ncread(grid_file,'deptho');
+%depth = permute(temp,[2,1]); clear temp;
+%depth(isnan(depth)) = -1;
+% Filter for rivers in the region, set thresholds for minimum river size, %
+% set parameters for plotting routines. %
+% use grid to filter rivers outside domain
+lat_mod_max = max(lat_mod(:));
+lat_mod_min = min(lat_mod(:));
+lon_mod_max = max(lon_mod(:));
+lon_mod_min = min(lon_mod(:));
+in_region = find( (lon_stations_all <= lon_mod_max) & (lon_stations_all >= lon_mod_min) & ...
+ (lat_stations_all <= lat_mod_max) & (lat_stations_all >= lat_mod_min) & ...
+ (isfinite(Q_ann_all)) & (Q_ann_all > Q_min) );
+num_rivers = size(in_region,1);
+station_names_reg = station_names_all(in_region);
+lon_stations_reg = lon_stations_all(in_region);
+lat_stations_reg = lat_stations_all(in_region);
+Q_ann_reg = Q_ann_all(in_region);
+dic_ann_reg = dic_ann_all(in_region);
+alk_ann_reg = alk_ann_all(in_region);
+no3_ann_reg = no3_ann_all(in_region);
+nh4_ann_reg = nh4_ann_all(in_region);
+din_ann_reg = din_ann_all(in_region);
+don_ann_reg = don_ann_all(in_region);
+pn_ann_reg = pn_ann_all(in_region);
+dip_ann_reg = dip_ann_all(in_region);
+dop_ann_reg = dop_ann_all(in_region);
+pp_ann_reg = pp_ann_all(in_region);
+dfe_ann_reg = dfe_ann_all(in_region);
+pfe_ann_reg = pfe_ann_all(in_region);
+si_ann_reg = si_ann_all(in_region);
+o2_ann_reg = o2_ann_all(in_region);
+for m = 1:12
+ dic_monthly_reg(m,:) = dic_monthly_all(m,in_region);
+ alk_monthly_reg(m,:) = alk_monthly_all(m,in_region);
+ no3_monthly_reg(m,:) = no3_monthly_all(m,in_region);
+ nh4_monthly_reg(m,:) = nh4_monthly_all(m,in_region);
+ din_monthly_reg(m,:) = din_monthly_all(m,in_region);
+ don_monthly_reg(m,:) = don_monthly_all(m,in_region);
+ pn_monthly_reg(m,:) = pn_monthly_all(m,in_region);
+ dip_monthly_reg(m,:) = dip_monthly_all(m,in_region);
+ dop_monthly_reg(m,:) = dop_monthly_all(m,in_region);
+ pp_monthly_reg(m,:) = pp_monthly_all(m,in_region);
+ dfe_monthly_reg(m,:) = dfe_monthly_all(m,in_region);
+ pfe_monthly_reg(m,:) = pfe_monthly_all(m,in_region);
+ si_monthly_reg(m,:) = si_monthly_all(m,in_region);
+ o2_monthly_reg(m,:) = o2_monthly_all(m,in_region);
+% Assigning outflow points to rivers. %
+% 1. Assignment starts with the rivers with the smallest flow and works %
+% to the largest, w/larger river characteristics taking precedence to %
+% ensure the most significant rivers are well represented. %
+% 2. The algorithm keeps choosing the closest points to each river mouth %
+% until the assigned flow is as close as possible to that observed %
+% 3. Once the outflow points are assigned using the mean flow values, %
+% monthly concentrations are assigned to those points. %
+% 4. A simple "nearest neighbor" algorithm is used to fill in the gaps %
+% Sort rivers by discharge
+[Q_ann_sort,sort_ind] = sort(Q_ann_reg,'ascend');
+station_names_sort = station_names_reg(sort_ind);
+lon_stations_sort = lon_stations_reg(sort_ind);
+lat_stations_sort = lat_stations_reg(sort_ind);
+Q_ann_sort = Q_ann_reg(sort_ind);
+dic_ann_sort = dic_ann_reg(sort_ind);
+alk_ann_sort = alk_ann_reg(sort_ind);
+no3_ann_sort = no3_ann_reg(sort_ind);
+nh4_ann_sort = nh4_ann_reg(sort_ind);
+din_ann_sort = din_ann_reg(sort_ind);
+don_ann_sort = don_ann_reg(sort_ind);
+pn_ann_sort = pn_ann_reg(sort_ind);
+dip_ann_sort = dip_ann_reg(sort_ind);
+dop_ann_sort = dop_ann_reg(sort_ind);
+pp_ann_sort = pp_ann_reg(sort_ind);
+dfe_ann_sort = dfe_ann_reg(sort_ind);
+pfe_ann_sort = pfe_ann_reg(sort_ind);
+si_ann_sort = si_ann_reg(sort_ind);
+o2_ann_sort = o2_ann_reg(sort_ind);
+for m = 1:12
+ dic_monthly_sort(m,:) = dic_monthly_reg(m,sort_ind);
+ alk_monthly_sort(m,:) = alk_monthly_reg(m,sort_ind);
+ no3_monthly_sort(m,:) = no3_monthly_reg(m,sort_ind);
+ nh4_monthly_sort(m,:) = nh4_monthly_reg(m,sort_ind);
+ din_monthly_sort(m,:) = din_monthly_reg(m,sort_ind);
+ don_monthly_sort(m,:) = don_monthly_reg(m,sort_ind);
+ pn_monthly_sort(m,:) = pn_monthly_reg(m,sort_ind);
+ dip_monthly_sort(m,:) = dip_monthly_reg(m,sort_ind);
+ dop_monthly_sort(m,:) = dop_monthly_reg(m,sort_ind);
+ pp_monthly_sort(m,:) = pp_monthly_reg(m,sort_ind);
+ dfe_monthly_sort(m,:) = dfe_monthly_reg(m,sort_ind);
+ pfe_monthly_sort(m,:) = pfe_monthly_reg(m,sort_ind);
+ si_monthly_sort(m,:) = si_monthly_reg(m,sort_ind);
+ o2_monthly_sort(m,:) = o2_monthly_reg(m,sort_ind);
+% Create vectors of values at the runoff points from the model grid. These
+% are used to accelerate the mapping relative to wrangling the full grid
+% with all the zeros included. "ind_ro" are the grid indexes with runoff
+ind_ro = find(Q_mod_ann > 0);
+Q_mod_vec = Q_mod_ann(ind_ro);
+lon_mod_runoff_vec = lon_mod(ind_ro);
+lat_mod_runoff_vec = lat_mod(ind_ro);
+Q_mod_monthly_vecs = zeros(12,size(lon_mod_runoff_vec,1));
+for m = 1:12
+ temp = squeeze(Q_mod_monthly(m,:,:));
+ Q_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:) = temp(ind_ro);
+% Create a grid of saturated oxygen values using the world ocean atlas data
+temp_woa_monthly_vecs = zeros(12,size(lon_mod_runoff_vec,1));
+o2sat_woa_monthly_vecs = zeros(12,size(lon_mod_runoff_vec,1));
+% Constants for o2 saturation calculation (taken from COBALT)
+a_0 = 2.00907;
+a_1 = 3.22014;
+a_2 = 4.05010;
+a_3 = 4.94457;
+a_4 = -2.56847e-1;
+a_5 = 3.88767;
+sal = 0;
+b_0 = -6.24523e-3;
+b_1 = -7.37614e-3;
+b_2 = -1.03410e-2;
+b_3 = -8.17083e-3;
+c_0 = -4.88682e-7;
+for m = 1:12
+ temp = squeeze(woa_temp(m,:,:));
+ % limit for validity of o2sat calculation
+ temp(temp > 40) = 40; temp(temp < 0) = 0;
+ temp_woa_monthly_vecs(m,:) = temp(ind_ro);
+ % calculate the oxygen saturation at a given temperature and salinity = 0
+ % code taken from COBALT with limits applied above
+ tt = 298.15 - temp_woa_monthly_vecs(m,:);
+ tkb = 273.15 + temp_woa_monthly_vecs(m,:);
+ ts = log(tt / tkb);
+ ts2 = ts * ts;
+ ts3 = ts2 * ts;
+ ts4 = ts3 * ts;
+ ts5 = ts4 * ts;
+ o2sat_woa_monthly_vecs(m,:) = (1000.0/22391.6) * 1000 * ... %convert from ml/l to mmol m-3
+ exp(a_0 + a_1*ts + a_2*ts2 + a_3*ts3 + a_4*ts4 + a_5*ts5 + ...
+ (b_0 + b_1*ts + b_2*ts2 + b_3*ts3 + c_0*sal)*sal);
+% Load in fields generated from global NEWS. Where necessary, the ratio %
+% of constituents relative to DIN will be used to fill forcing gaps %
+% The m-file used to generate the NEWS forcing file is included in this %
+% directory and uses an analogous mapping algorithm to this one %
+din_ann_NEWS = nc_varget(NEWS_file,'NO3_CONC');
+aa = find(din_ann_NEWS > 0);
+temp1 = nc_varget(NEWS_file,'LDON_CONC');
+temp2 = nc_varget(NEWS_file,'SLDON_CONC');
+temp3 = nc_varget(NEWS_file,'SRDON_CONC');
+don_ann_NEWS = temp1 + temp2 + temp3;
+don_ratio_NEWS_vec = don_ann_NEWS(aa)./din_ann_NEWS(aa);
+clear temp1 temp2 temp3;
+pn_ann_NEWS = nc_varget(NEWS_file,'NDET_CONC');
+pn_ratio_NEWS_vec = pn_ann_NEWS(aa)./din_ann_NEWS(aa);
+dip_ann_NEWS = nc_varget(NEWS_file,'PO4_CONC');
+dip_ratio_NEWS_vec = dip_ann_NEWS(aa)./din_ann_NEWS(aa);
+temp1 = nc_varget(NEWS_file,'LDOP_CONC');
+temp2 = nc_varget(NEWS_file,'SLDOP_CONC');
+temp3 = nc_varget(NEWS_file,'SRDOP_CONC');
+dop_ann_NEWS = temp1 + temp2 + temp3;
+dop_ratio_NEWS_vec = dop_ann_NEWS(aa)./din_ann_NEWS(aa);
+clear temp1 temp2 temp3;
+pp_ann_NEWS = nc_varget(NEWS_file,'PDET_CONC');
+pp_ratio_NEWS_vec = pp_ann_NEWS(aa)./din_ann_NEWS(aa);
+si_ann_NEWS = nc_varget(NEWS_file,'SI_CONC');
+si_ratio_NEWS_vec = si_ann_NEWS(aa)./din_ann_NEWS(aa);
+% Vectors to hold monthly values mapped onto model runoff points
+dic_mod_monthly_vecs = zeros(12,size(lon_mod_runoff_vec,1));
+alk_mod_monthly_vecs = zeros(12,size(lat_mod_runoff_vec,1));
+no3_mod_monthly_vecs = zeros(12,size(lat_mod_runoff_vec,1));
+nh4_mod_monthly_vecs = zeros(12,size(lat_mod_runoff_vec,1));
+din_mod_monthly_vecs = zeros(12,size(lat_mod_runoff_vec,1));
+don_mod_monthly_vecs = zeros(12,size(lat_mod_runoff_vec,1));
+pn_mod_monthly_vecs = zeros(12,size(lat_mod_runoff_vec,1));
+dip_mod_monthly_vecs = zeros(12,size(lat_mod_runoff_vec,1));
+dop_mod_monthly_vecs = zeros(12,size(lat_mod_runoff_vec,1));
+pp_mod_monthly_vecs = zeros(12,size(lat_mod_runoff_vec,1));
+dfe_mod_monthly_vecs = zeros(12,size(lat_mod_runoff_vec,1));
+pfe_mod_monthly_vecs = zeros(12,size(lat_mod_runoff_vec,1));
+si_mod_monthly_vecs = zeros(12,size(lat_mod_runoff_vec,1));
+o2_mod_monthly_vecs = zeros(12,size(lat_mod_runoff_vec,1));
+% Loop identifies points assigned to each river %
+for k=1:num_rivers
+ dist = pdist2([lon_stations_sort(k) lat_stations_sort(k)], ...
+ [lon_mod_runoff_vec lat_mod_runoff_vec]);
+ [dist_sort, dist_sort_ind] = sort(dist,'ascend');
+ if dist_sort(1) < min_dist
+ Q_sum1 = 0;
+ Q_sum2 = 0;
+ n = 0;
+ while (Q_sum2 < Q_ann_sort(k) && (dist_sort(n+1) < max_dist))
+ Q_sum1 = Q_sum2;
+ n = n+1;
+ Q_sum2 = Q_sum1 + Q_mod_vec(dist_sort_ind(n));
+ end
+ %if abs(Q_sum1 - Q_ann_sort(k)) < abs(Q_sum2 - Q_ann_sort(k))
+ % nrp = n-1; % number of runoff points
+ % [Q_sum1 Q_ann_sort(k)] % a quick check for comparable flow
+ %else
+ nrp = n;
+ [Q_sum2 Q_ann_sort(k)]
+ %end
+ % enter monthly concentration values into an array of monthly values
+ % if no monthly value is available, use annuals.
+ for m = 1:12
+ if isnan(dic_monthly_sort(m,k))
+ if isfinite(dic_ann_sort(k))
+ dic_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = dic_ann_sort(k);
+ else
+ dic_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = 0;
+ end
+ else
+ dic_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = dic_monthly_sort(m,k);
+ end
+ if isnan(alk_monthly_sort(m,k))
+ if isfinite(dic_ann_sort(k))
+ alk_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = alk_ann_sort(k);
+ else
+ alk_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = 0;
+ end
+ else
+ alk_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = alk_monthly_sort(m,k);
+ end
+ % mapping assumes that DIN is defined for nutrient calculations since
+ % ratios relative to DIN are used to fill in other components. If
+ % DIN is not defined, values are left at 0 and eventually filled with
+ % a nearest neighbor filling (next section)
+ if (isfinite(din_monthly_sort(m,k)) || isfinite(din_ann_sort(k)) )
+ if isfinite(din_monthly_sort(m,k))
+ din_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = din_monthly_sort(m,k);
+ elseif isfinite(din_ann_sort(k))
+ din_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = din_ann_sort(k);
+ end
+ if isfinite(no3_monthly_sort(m,k))
+ no3_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = no3_monthly_sort(m,k);
+ elseif isfinite(no3_ann_sort(k))
+ no3_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = no3_ann_sort(k);
+ end
+ if isfinite(nh4_monthly_sort(m,k))
+ nh4_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = nh4_monthly_sort(m,k);
+ elseif isfinite(nh4_ann_sort(k))
+ nh4_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = nh4_ann_sort(k);
+ end
+ if (isnan(don_monthly_sort(m,k)) && isnan(don_ann_sort(k)))
+ don_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = ...
+ din_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)).* ...
+ don_ratio_NEWS_vec(dist_sort_ind(1:nrp))';
+ elseif (isnan(don_monthly_sort(m,k)) && ~isnan(don_ann_sort(k)))
+ don_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = don_ann_sort(k);
+ else
+ don_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = don_monthly_sort(m,k);
+ end
+ if (isnan(pn_monthly_sort(m,k)) && isnan(pn_ann_sort(k)))
+ pn_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = ...
+ din_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)).* ...
+ pn_ratio_NEWS_vec(dist_sort_ind(1:nrp))';
+ elseif (isnan(pn_monthly_sort(m,k)) && ~isnan(pn_ann_sort(k)))
+ pn_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = pn_ann_sort(k);
+ else
+ pn_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = pn_monthly_sort(m,k);
+ end
+ if (isnan(dip_monthly_sort(m,k)) && isnan(dip_ann_sort(k)))
+ dip_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = ...
+ din_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)).* ...
+ dip_ratio_NEWS_vec(dist_sort_ind(1:nrp))';
+ elseif (isnan(dip_monthly_sort(m,k)) && ~isnan(dip_ann_sort(k)))
+ dip_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = dip_ann_sort(k);
+ else
+ dip_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = dip_monthly_sort(m,k);
+ end
+ if (isnan(dop_monthly_sort(m,k)) && isnan(dop_ann_sort(k)))
+ dop_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = ...
+ din_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)).* ...
+ dop_ratio_NEWS_vec(dist_sort_ind(1:nrp))';
+ elseif (isnan(dop_monthly_sort(m,k)) && ~isnan(dop_ann_sort(k)))
+ dop_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = dop_ann_sort(k);
+ else
+ dop_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = dop_monthly_sort(m,k);
+ end
+ if (isnan(pp_monthly_sort(m,k)) && isnan(pp_ann_sort(k)))
+ pp_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = ...
+ din_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)).* ...
+ pp_ratio_NEWS_vec(dist_sort_ind(1:nrp))';
+ elseif (isnan(pp_monthly_sort(m,k)) && ~isnan(pp_ann_sort(k)))
+ pp_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = pp_ann_sort(k);
+ else
+ pp_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = pp_monthly_sort(m,k);
+ end
+ if (isnan(si_monthly_sort(m,k)) && isnan(si_ann_sort(k)))
+ si_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = ...
+ din_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)).* ...
+ si_ratio_NEWS_vec(dist_sort_ind(1:nrp))';
+ elseif (isnan(si_monthly_sort(m,k)) && ~isnan(si_ann_sort(k)))
+ si_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = si_ann_sort(k);
+ else
+ si_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = si_monthly_sort(m,k);
+ end
+ if isnan(o2_monthly_sort(m,k))
+ o2_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = ...
+ o2sat_woa_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp));
+ else
+ o2_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = o2_monthly_sort(m,k);
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ % plot to check location if inspect_map == 'y'. The plot puts
+ % open circles at each runoff location in the model grid and fills
+ % those that are assigned to each river. Note that some of the smaller
+ % rivers may be replaced with larger ones as the fitting process
+ % continues.
+ if inspect_map == 'y'
+ figure(1)
+ clf
+ scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,log10(Q_mod_vec),3,log10(Q_mod_vec));
+ hold on
+ scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec(dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)),lat_mod_runoff_vec(dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)), ...
+ log10(Q_mod_vec(dist_sort_ind(1:nrp))),25, ...
+ log10(Q_mod_vec(dist_sort_ind(1:nrp))),'filled');
+ view(2);
+ plot3(lon_stations_sort(k),lat_stations_sort(k),1e5,'k.','MarkerSize',20);
+ %contour(lon_mod,lat_mod,depth,[0 0],'k-');
+ axis([lon_stations_sort(k)-plot_width/2 lon_stations_sort(k)+plot_width/2 ...
+ lat_stations_sort(k)-plot_width/2 lat_stations_sort(k)+plot_width/2]);
+ caxis([-4 3]);
+ titl = ['river number: ',num2str(k),' name: ',station_names_sort{k}];
+ title(titl);
+ colorbar;
+ % check the values of each mapping
+ N_check = mean(din_mod_monthly_vecs(:,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)),'all') + ...
+ mean(don_mod_monthly_vecs(:,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)),'all') + ...
+ mean(pn_mod_monthly_vecs(:,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)),'all');
+ P_check = mean(dip_mod_monthly_vecs(:,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)),'all') + ...
+ mean(dop_mod_monthly_vecs(:,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)),'all') + ...
+ mean(pp_mod_monthly_vecs(:,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)),'all');
+ SI_check = mean(si_mod_monthly_vecs(:,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)),'all');
+ DIN_check = mean(din_mod_monthly_vecs(:,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)),'all');
+ DON_check = mean(don_mod_monthly_vecs(:,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)),'all');
+ PN_check = mean(pn_mod_monthly_vecs(:,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)),'all');
+ DIP_check = mean(dip_mod_monthly_vecs(:,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)),'all');
+ DOP_check = mean(dop_mod_monthly_vecs(:,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)),'all');
+ PP_check = mean(pp_mod_monthly_vecs(:,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)),'all');
+ SI_check = mean(si_mod_monthly_vecs(:,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)),'all');
+ station_names_sort(k)
+ ind = dist_sort_ind(1:nrp);
+ 'total flow in m3 sec'
+ [Q_ann_sort(k) sum(Q_mod_vec(dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)))]
+ 'N, P conc (mmoles m-3), DI, DO, P'
+ [DIN_check DON_check PN_check]
+ [DIP_check DOP_check PP_check]
+ 'Total N, Total P, Total N: Total P'
+ [N_check P_check N_check/P_check]
+ 'DO:DI and P:DI ratios';
+ [DON_check/DIN_check PN_check/DIN_check];
+ [DOP_check/DIP_check PP_check/DIP_check];
+ 'silica concentration (mmoles m-3)';
+ SI_check;
+ pause
+ end
+ % If river is outside the domain, skip all of the calculations above and
+ % just plot for inspection/evaluation
+ else
+ % This is for rivers that were outside of the domain
+ if inspect_map == 'y'
+ figure(1)
+ clf
+ scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,log10(Q_mod_vec),3,log10(Q_mod_vec));
+ hold on
+ view(2);
+ plot3(lon_stations_sort(k),lat_stations_sort(k),1e5,'k.','MarkerSize',20);
+ axis([lon_stations_sort(k)-10 lon_stations_sort(k)+10 ...
+ lat_stations_sort(k)-10 lat_stations_sort(k)+10]);
+ caxis([-4 3]);
+ titl = ['OUTSIDE: river number: ',num2str(k),' name: ',station_names_sort{k}];
+ title(titl);
+ colorbar;
+ pause
+ end
+ end
+% nearest neighbor search to fill in any runoff points that were not %
+% assigned after the runoff mapping step %
+lon_mod_runoff_vec = double(lon_mod_runoff_vec);
+lat_mod_runoff_vec = double(lat_mod_runoff_vec);
+for m = 1:12
+ aa = find(dic_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:) == 0);
+ bb = find(dic_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:) > 0);
+ F = scatteredInterpolant(lon_mod_runoff_vec(bb),lat_mod_runoff_vec(bb), ...
+ dic_mod_monthly_vecs(m,bb)','nearest','nearest');
+ dic_mod_monthly_vecs(m,aa) = F(lon_mod_runoff_vec(aa),lat_mod_runoff_vec(aa));
+ aa = find(alk_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:) == 0);
+ bb = find(alk_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:) > 0);
+ F = scatteredInterpolant(lon_mod_runoff_vec(bb),lat_mod_runoff_vec(bb), ...
+ alk_mod_monthly_vecs(m,bb)','nearest','nearest');
+ alk_mod_monthly_vecs(m,aa) = F(lon_mod_runoff_vec(aa),lat_mod_runoff_vec(aa));
+ aa = find(no3_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:) == 0);
+ bb = find(no3_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:) > 0);
+ F = scatteredInterpolant(lon_mod_runoff_vec(bb),lat_mod_runoff_vec(bb), ...
+ no3_mod_monthly_vecs(m,bb)','nearest','nearest');
+ no3_mod_monthly_vecs(m,aa) = F(lon_mod_runoff_vec(aa),lat_mod_runoff_vec(aa));
+ aa = find(nh4_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:) == 0);
+ bb = find(nh4_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:) > 0);
+ F = scatteredInterpolant(lon_mod_runoff_vec(bb),lat_mod_runoff_vec(bb), ...
+ nh4_mod_monthly_vecs(m,bb)','nearest','nearest');
+ nh4_mod_monthly_vecs(m,aa) = F(lon_mod_runoff_vec(aa),lat_mod_runoff_vec(aa));
+ aa = find(din_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:) == 0);
+ bb = find(din_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:) > 0);
+ F = scatteredInterpolant(lon_mod_runoff_vec(bb),lat_mod_runoff_vec(bb), ...
+ din_mod_monthly_vecs(m,bb)','nearest','nearest');
+ din_mod_monthly_vecs(m,aa) = F(lon_mod_runoff_vec(aa),lat_mod_runoff_vec(aa));
+ aa = find(don_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:) == 0);
+ bb = find(don_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:) > 0);
+ F = scatteredInterpolant(lon_mod_runoff_vec(bb),lat_mod_runoff_vec(bb), ...
+ don_mod_monthly_vecs(m,bb)','nearest','nearest');
+ don_mod_monthly_vecs(m,aa) = F(lon_mod_runoff_vec(aa),lat_mod_runoff_vec(aa));
+ aa = find(pn_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:) == 0);
+ bb = find(pn_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:) > 0);
+ F = scatteredInterpolant(lon_mod_runoff_vec(bb),lat_mod_runoff_vec(bb), ...
+ pn_mod_monthly_vecs(m,bb)','nearest','nearest');
+ pn_mod_monthly_vecs(m,aa) = F(lon_mod_runoff_vec(aa),lat_mod_runoff_vec(aa));
+ aa = find(dip_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:) == 0);
+ bb = find(dip_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:) > 0);
+ F = scatteredInterpolant(lon_mod_runoff_vec(bb),lat_mod_runoff_vec(bb), ...
+ dip_mod_monthly_vecs(m,bb)','nearest','nearest');
+ dip_mod_monthly_vecs(m,aa) = F(lon_mod_runoff_vec(aa),lat_mod_runoff_vec(aa));
+ aa = find(dop_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:) == 0);
+ bb = find(dop_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:) > 0);
+ F = scatteredInterpolant(lon_mod_runoff_vec(bb),lat_mod_runoff_vec(bb), ...
+ dop_mod_monthly_vecs(m,bb)','nearest','nearest');
+ dop_mod_monthly_vecs(m,aa) = F(lon_mod_runoff_vec(aa),lat_mod_runoff_vec(aa));
+ aa = find(pp_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:) == 0);
+ bb = find(pp_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:) > 0);
+ F = scatteredInterpolant(lon_mod_runoff_vec(bb),lat_mod_runoff_vec(bb), ...
+ pp_mod_monthly_vecs(m,bb)','nearest','nearest');
+ pp_mod_monthly_vecs(m,aa) = F(lon_mod_runoff_vec(aa),lat_mod_runoff_vec(aa));
+ aa = find(si_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:) == 0);
+ bb = find(si_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:) > 0);
+ F = scatteredInterpolant(lon_mod_runoff_vec(bb),lat_mod_runoff_vec(bb), ...
+ si_mod_monthly_vecs(m,bb)','nearest','nearest');
+ si_mod_monthly_vecs(m,aa) = F(lon_mod_runoff_vec(aa),lat_mod_runoff_vec(aa));
+% For o2sat, fill in any 0 values with saturated o2 at the world ocean
+% atlas climatology
+for m = 1:12
+ aa = find(o2_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:) == 0);
+ o2_mod_monthly_vecs(m,aa) = o2sat_woa_monthly_vecs(m,aa);
+totn_mod_monthly_vecs = din_mod_monthly_vecs + don_mod_monthly_vecs + pn_mod_monthly_vecs;
+totp_mod_monthly_vecs = dip_mod_monthly_vecs + dop_mod_monthly_vecs + pp_mod_monthly_vecs;
+dicflux_mod_monthly_vecs = dic_mod_monthly_vecs.*Q_mod_monthly_vecs;
+alkflux_mod_monthly_vecs = alk_mod_monthly_vecs.*Q_mod_monthly_vecs;
+dinflux_mod_monthly_vecs = din_mod_monthly_vecs.*Q_mod_monthly_vecs;
+no3flux_mod_monthly_vecs = no3_mod_monthly_vecs.*Q_mod_monthly_vecs;
+nh4flux_mod_monthly_vecs = nh4_mod_monthly_vecs.*Q_mod_monthly_vecs;
+dipflux_mod_monthly_vecs = dip_mod_monthly_vecs.*Q_mod_monthly_vecs;
+donflux_mod_monthly_vecs = don_mod_monthly_vecs.*Q_mod_monthly_vecs;
+dopflux_mod_monthly_vecs = dop_mod_monthly_vecs.*Q_mod_monthly_vecs;
+pnflux_mod_monthly_vecs = pn_mod_monthly_vecs.*Q_mod_monthly_vecs;
+ppflux_mod_monthly_vecs = pp_mod_monthly_vecs.*Q_mod_monthly_vecs;
+siflux_mod_monthly_vecs = si_mod_monthly_vecs.*Q_mod_monthly_vecs;
+totnflux_mod_monthly_vecs = totn_mod_monthly_vecs.*Q_mod_monthly_vecs;
+totpflux_mod_monthly_vecs = totp_mod_monthly_vecs.*Q_mod_monthly_vecs;
+o2flux_mod_monthly_vecs = o2_mod_monthly_vecs.*Q_mod_monthly_vecs;
+dicflux_mod_ann_vec = mean(dicflux_mod_monthly_vecs,1);
+alkflux_mod_ann_vec = mean(alkflux_mod_monthly_vecs,1);
+dinflux_mod_ann_vec = mean(dinflux_mod_monthly_vecs,1);
+no3flux_mod_ann_vec = mean(no3flux_mod_monthly_vecs,1);
+nh4flux_mod_ann_vec = mean(nh4flux_mod_monthly_vecs,1);
+dipflux_mod_ann_vec = mean(dipflux_mod_monthly_vecs,1);
+donflux_mod_ann_vec = mean(donflux_mod_monthly_vecs,1);
+dopflux_mod_ann_vec = mean(dopflux_mod_monthly_vecs,1);
+pnflux_mod_ann_vec = mean(pnflux_mod_monthly_vecs,1);
+ppflux_mod_ann_vec = mean(ppflux_mod_monthly_vecs,1);
+siflux_mod_ann_vec = mean(siflux_mod_monthly_vecs,1);
+totnflux_mod_ann_vec = mean(totnflux_mod_monthly_vecs,1);
+totpflux_mod_ann_vec = mean(totpflux_mod_monthly_vecs,1);
+o2flux_mod_ann_vec = mean(o2flux_mod_monthly_vecs,1);
+% Produce plots to evaluate the mapping %
+% scale marker size with the freshwater flux
+ms_vec = zeros(size(Q_mod_vec));
+ms_vec(log10(Q_mod_vec) < 0) = 1;
+ms_vec((log10(Q_mod_vec) > 0) & (log10(Q_mod_vec) < 1)) = 1;
+ms_vec((log10(Q_mod_vec) > 1) & (log10(Q_mod_vec) < 2)) = 1;
+ms_vec((log10(Q_mod_vec) > 2) & (log10(Q_mod_vec) < 3)) = 1;
+ms_vec(log10(Q_mod_vec) > 3) = 100;
+% DIC, Alk concentrations and DIC:Alk
+for m = 1:12
+ figure(1)
+ clf
+ subplot(1,3,1);
+ scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,dic_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:),ms_vec, ...
+ dic_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:),'filled');
+ hold on
+ view(2);
+ caxis([0 2500]);
+ colorbar
+ titlestr = ['DIC, mmoles m-3; month = ',num2str(m)];
+ title(titlestr);
+ subplot(1,3,2);
+ scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,alk_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:),ms_vec, ...
+ alk_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:),'filled');
+ hold on
+ view(2);
+ caxis([0 2500]);
+ colorbar
+ titlestr = ['Alk, meq m-3; month = ',num2str(m)];
+ title(titlestr);
+ subplot(1,3,3)
+ dic_alk_ratio = dic_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:)./alk_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:);
+ scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,dic_alk_ratio, ...
+ ms_vec,dic_alk_ratio,'filled');
+ hold on
+ view(2);
+ caxis([0.8 1.2]);
+ colorbar
+ title('DIC:Alk ratio');
+ pause
+% Nitrogen Concentrations
+for m = 1:12
+ figure(1)
+ clf
+ subplot(2,2,1);
+ scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,din_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:),ms_vec, ...
+ din_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:),'filled');
+ hold on
+ view(2);
+ caxis([0 100]);
+ colorbar
+ titlestr = ['DIN, mmoles m-3; month = ',num2str(m)];
+ title(titlestr);
+ subplot(2,2,2);
+ scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,no3_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:),ms_vec, ...
+ din_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:),'filled');
+ hold on
+ view(2);
+ caxis([0 100]);
+ colorbar
+ titlestr = ['no3, mmoles m-3; month = ',num2str(m)];
+ title(titlestr);
+ subplot(2,2,3);
+ scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,nh4_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:),ms_vec, ...
+ nh4_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:),'filled');
+ hold on
+ view(2);
+ caxis([0 20]);
+ colorbar
+ titlestr = ['nh4, mmoles m-3; month = ',num2str(m)];
+ title(titlestr);
+ subplot(2,2,4);
+ no3_din_ratio = no3_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:)./din_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:);
+ scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,no3_din_ratio, ...
+ ms_vec,no3_din_ratio,'filled');
+ hold on
+ view(2);
+ caxis([0 1.0]);
+ colorbar
+ title('NO3:DIN ratio');
+ pause
+for m = 1:12
+ subplot(2,3,1);
+ scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,din_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:),ms_vec, ...
+ din_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:),'filled');
+ hold on
+ view(2);
+ caxis([0 100]);
+ colorbar
+ titlestr = ['DIN, mmoles m-3; month = ',num2str(m)];
+ title(titlestr);
+ subplot(2,3,2);
+ scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,don_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:),ms_vec, ...
+ don_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:),'filled');
+ hold on
+ view(2);
+ caxis([0 100]);
+ colorbar
+ titlestr = ['DON, mmoles m-3; month = ',num2str(m)];
+ title(titlestr);
+ subplot(2,3,3);
+ scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,pn_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:),ms_vec, ...
+ pn_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:),'filled');
+ hold on
+ view(2);
+ caxis([0 100]);
+ colorbar
+ titlestr = ['PN, mmoles m-3; month = ',num2str(m)];
+ title(titlestr);
+ subplot(2,3,5)
+ don_din_ratio = don_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:)./din_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:);
+ scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,don_din_ratio, ...
+ ms_vec,don_din_ratio,'filled');
+ hold on
+ view(2);
+ caxis([0 2]);
+ colorbar
+ title('DON:DIN ratio');
+ subplot(2,3,6)
+ pn_din_ratio = pn_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:)./din_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:);
+ scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,pn_din_ratio, ...
+ ms_vec,pn_din_ratio,'filled');
+ hold on
+ view(2);
+ caxis([0 2]);
+ colorbar
+ title('PN:DIN ratio');
+ pause
+% Phosphorus Concentrations
+for m = 1:12
+ figure(1)
+ clf
+ subplot(2,3,1);
+ scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,dip_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:),ms_vec, ...
+ dip_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:),'filled');
+ hold on
+ view(2);
+ caxis([0 3]);
+ colorbar
+ titlestr = ['DIP, mmoles m-3; month = ',num2str(m)];
+ title(titlestr);
+ subplot(2,3,2);
+ scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,dop_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:),ms_vec, ...
+ dop_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:),'filled');
+ hold on
+ view(2);
+ caxis([0 3]);
+ colorbar
+ titlestr = ['DOP, mmoles m-3; month = ',num2str(m)];
+ title(titlestr);
+ subplot(2,3,3);
+ scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,pp_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:),ms_vec, ...
+ pp_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:),'filled');
+ hold on
+ view(2);
+ caxis([0 3]);
+ colorbar
+ titlestr = ['PP, mmoles m-3; month = ',num2str(m)];
+ title(titlestr);
+ subplot(2,3,5)
+ dop_dip_ratio = dop_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:)./dip_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:);
+ scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,dop_dip_ratio, ...
+ ms_vec,dop_dip_ratio,'filled');
+ hold on
+ view(2);
+ caxis([0 3]);
+ colorbar
+ title('DOP:DIP ratio');
+ subplot(2,3,6)
+ pp_dip_ratio = pp_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:)./dip_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:);
+ scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,pp_dip_ratio, ...
+ ms_vec,pp_dip_ratio,'filled');
+ hold on
+ view(2);
+ caxis([0 2]);
+ colorbar
+ title('PP:DIP ratio');
+ pause
+% silica and oxygen concentrations
+for m = 1:12
+ figure(1)
+ clf
+ subplot(2,1,1);
+ scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,si_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:),ms_vec, ...
+ si_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:),'filled');
+ hold on
+ view(2);
+ caxis([0 200]);
+ colorbar
+ titlestr = ['Si, mmoles m-3; month = ',num2str(m)];
+ title(titlestr);
+ subplot(2,1,2);
+ scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,o2_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:),ms_vec, ...
+ o2_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:),'filled');
+ hold on
+ view(2);
+ caxis([0 350]);
+ colorbar
+ titlestr = ['o2, mmoles m-3; month = ',num2str(m)];
+ title(titlestr);
+ pause
+% Initialize 2D concentration arrays; these are the ones read into MOM6 to
+% specify the nutrient concentrations of river inputs.
+DIC_CONC = zeros(12,size(lon_mod,1),size(lon_mod,2));
+ALK_CONC = zeros(12,size(lon_mod,1),size(lon_mod,2));
+NO3_CONC = zeros(12,size(lon_mod,1),size(lon_mod,2));
+NH4_CONC = zeros(12,size(lon_mod,1),size(lon_mod,2));
+LDON_CONC = zeros(12,size(lon_mod,1),size(lon_mod,2));
+SLDON_CONC = zeros(12,size(lon_mod,1),size(lon_mod,2));
+SRDON_CONC = zeros(12,size(lon_mod,1),size(lon_mod,2));
+PO4_CONC = zeros(12,size(lon_mod,1),size(lon_mod,2));
+LDOP_CONC = zeros(12,size(lon_mod,1),size(lon_mod,2));
+SLDOP_CONC = zeros(12,size(lon_mod,1),size(lon_mod,2));
+SRDOP_CONC = zeros(12,size(lon_mod,1),size(lon_mod,2));
+NDET_CONC = zeros(12,size(lon_mod,1),size(lon_mod,2));
+PDET_CONC = zeros(12,size(lon_mod,1),size(lon_mod,2));
+SI_CONC = zeros(12,size(lon_mod,1),size(lon_mod,2));
+O2_CONC = zeros(12,size(lon_mod,1),size(lon_mod,2));
+% Map concentration vectors onto 2D arrays
+temp = zeros(size(lon_mod));
+for m = 1:12
+ temp(ind_ro) = dic_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:);
+ DIC_CONC(m,:,:) = temp;
+ temp(ind_ro) = alk_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:);
+ ALK_CONC(m,:,:) = temp;
+ temp(ind_ro) = no3_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:); % contains all NEWS DIN
+ %temp(ind_ro) = din_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:);
+ NO3_CONC(m,:,:) = temp;
+ temp(ind_ro) = nh4_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:);
+ NH4_CONC(m,:,:) = temp;
+ temp(ind_ro) = don_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:);
+ LDON_CONC(m,:,:) = frac_ldon*temp;
+ SLDON_CONC(m,:,:) = frac_sldon*temp;
+ SRDON_CONC(m,:,:) = frac_srdon*temp;
+ temp(ind_ro) = pn_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:);
+ NDET_CONC(m,:,:) = temp;
+ temp(ind_ro) = dip_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:);
+ PO4_CONC(m,:,:) = temp;
+ temp(ind_ro) = dop_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:);
+ LDOP_CONC(m,:,:) = frac_ldop*temp;
+ SLDOP_CONC(m,:,:) = frac_sldop*temp;
+ SRDOP_CONC(m,:,:) = frac_srdop*temp;
+ temp(ind_ro) = pp_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:);
+ PDET_CONC(m,:,:) = temp;
+ temp(ind_ro) = si_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:);
+ SI_CONC(m,:,:) = temp;
+ temp(ind_ro) = o2_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:);
+ O2_CONC(m,:,:) = temp;
+% MOM6 is taking river values in moles m-3 for other constituents. Change
+% for consistency across river constituents
+NO3_CONC = NO3_CONC./1e3;
+NH4_CONC = NH4_CONC./1e3;
+PO4_CONC = PO4_CONC./1e3;
+SI_CONC = SI_CONC./1e3;
+O2_CONC = O2_CONC./1e3;
+% Add iron concentrations - initialize with nitrate and then overwrite
+% 40 nM dissolved iron concentration from De Baar and De Jong + 30nM
+% Colloidal and nanoparticle flux as reported in Canfield and Raiswell
+FED_CONC(FED_CONC > 0) = const_fed;
+ms = 8;
+% quick set of plots to ensure the mapping to the model grid was successful
+for m = 1:12
+ % DIC and alkalinity
+ figure(1)
+ clf
+ subplot(2,1,1);
+ title('log10(DIC CONC)'); hold on;
+ scatter3(lon_mod(:),lat_mod(:),log10(DIC_CONC(m,:)),ms,log10(DIC_CONC(m,:)),'filled');
+ caxis([-1 1]); colorbar;
+ subplot(2,1,2);
+ title('log10(ALK CONC)'); hold on;
+ scatter3(lon_mod(:),lat_mod(:),log10(ALK_CONC(m,:)),ms,log10(ALK_CONC(m,:)),'filled');
+ caxis([-1 1]); colorbar;
+ %pause
+% Nitrogen
+for m = 1:12
+ figure(1);
+ clf
+ subplot(3,2,1);
+ title('log10(NO3 CONC)'); hold on;
+ scatter3(lon_mod(:),lat_mod(:),log10(NO3_CONC(m,:)),ms,log10(NO3_CONC(m,:)),'filled');
+ caxis([-4 -1]); colorbar;
+ subplot(3,2,2);
+ title('log10(NH4 CONC)'); hold on;
+ scatter3(lon_mod(:),lat_mod(:),log10(NH4_CONC(m,:)),ms,log10(NH4_CONC(m,:)),'filled');
+ caxis([-4 -1]); colorbar;
+ subplot(3,2,3);
+ title('log10(LDON CONC)'); hold on;
+ scatter3(lon_mod(:),lat_mod(:),log10(LDON_CONC(m,:)),ms,log10(LDON_CONC(m,:)),'filled');
+ caxis([-4 -1]); colorbar;
+ subplot(3,2,4);
+ title('log10(SLDON CONC)'); hold on;
+ scatter3(lon_mod(:),lat_mod(:),log10(SLDON_CONC(m,:)),ms,log10(SLDON_CONC(m,:)),'filled');
+ caxis([-4 -1]); colorbar;
+ subplot(3,2,5);
+ title('log10(SRDON CONC)'); hold on;
+ scatter3(lon_mod(:),lat_mod(:),log10(SRDON_CONC(m,:)),ms,log10(SRDON_CONC(m,:)),'filled');
+ caxis([-4 -1]); colorbar;
+ subplot(3,2,6);
+ title('log10(NDET CONC)'); hold on;
+ scatter3(lon_mod(:),lat_mod(:),log10(NDET_CONC(m,:)),ms,log10(NDET_CONC(m,:)),'filled');
+ caxis([-4 -1]); colorbar;
+ %pause
+% Phosphorus
+for m = 1:12
+ figure(1);
+ clf
+ subplot(3,2,1);
+ title('log10(PO4 CONC)'); hold on;
+ scatter3(lon_mod(:),lat_mod(:),log10(PO4_CONC(m,:)),ms,log10(PO4_CONC(m,:)),'filled');
+ caxis([-4 -2]); colorbar;
+ subplot(3,2,2);
+ title('log10(LDOP CONC)'); hold on;
+ scatter3(lon_mod(:),lat_mod(:),log10(LDOP_CONC(m,:)),ms,log10(LDOP_CONC(m,:)),'filled');
+ caxis([-4 -2]); colorbar;
+ subplot(3,2,3);
+ title('log10(SLDOP CONC)'); hold on;
+ scatter3(lon_mod(:),lat_mod(:),log10(SLDOP_CONC(m,:)),ms,log10(SLDOP_CONC(m,:)),'filled');
+ caxis([-4 -2]); colorbar;
+ subplot(3,2,4);
+ title('log10(SRDOP CONC)'); hold on;
+ scatter3(lon_mod(:),lat_mod(:),log10(SRDOP_CONC(m,:)),ms,log10(SRDOP_CONC(m,:)),'filled');
+ caxis([-4 -2]); colorbar;
+ subplot(3,2,5);
+ title('log10(PDET CONC)'); hold on;
+ scatter3(lon_mod(:),lat_mod(:),log10(PDET_CONC(m,:)),ms,log10(PDET_CONC(m,:)),'filled');
+ caxis([-4 -2]); colorbar;
+ %pause;
+% Iron, Silica, Oxygen
+for m = 1:12
+ figure(1)
+ clf
+ subplot(3,2,1);
+ title('log10(FED CONC)'); hold on;
+ scatter3(lon_mod(:),lat_mod(:),log10(FED_CONC(m,:)),ms,log10(FED_CONC(m,:)),'filled');
+ caxis([-5 -3]); colorbar;
+ subplot(3,2,2);
+ title('log10(FEDET CONC)'); hold on;
+ scatter3(lon_mod(:),lat_mod(:),log10(FEDET_CONC(m,:)),ms,log10(FEDET_CONC(m,:)),'filled');
+ caxis([-5 -3]); colorbar;
+ subplot(3,2,3);
+ title('log10(SI CONC)'); hold on;
+ scatter3(lon_mod(:),lat_mod(:),log10(SI_CONC(m,:)),ms,log10(SI_CONC(m,:)),'filled');
+ caxis([-3 0]); colorbar;
+ subplot(3,2,4);
+ title('log10(O2 CONC)'); hold on;
+ scatter3(lon_mod(:),lat_mod(:),log10(O2_CONC(m,:)),ms,log10(O2_CONC(m,:)),'filled');
+ caxis([-3 0]); colorbar;
+ %pause;
+% Save Files %
+% option to save matlab file
+% Construct netcdf file following format used by nutrient input files to
+% MOM6
+% Make reference dates for standard non-leap year
+dates = [1990 1 16 12 0 0; 1990 2 15 0 0 0; 1990 3 16 12 0 0; ...
+ 1990 4 16 0 0 0; 1990 5 16 12 0 0; 1990 6 16 0 0 0; ...
+ 1990 7 16 12 0 0; 1990 8 16 12 0 0; 1990 9 16 0 0 0; ...
+ 1990 10 16 12 0 0; 1990 11 16 0 0 0; 1990 12 16 12 0 0];
+time = datenum(dates) - datenum([1990 1 1 0 0 0]);
+nlat = size(lat_mod,1);
+nlon = size(lat_mod,2);
+ncid = netcdf.create(nc_file_name,'CLOBBER');
+dimid0 = netcdf.defDim(ncid,'time',netcdf.getConstant('NC_UNLIMITED'));
+dimid1 = netcdf.defDim(ncid,'y',nlat);
+dimid2 = netcdf.defDim(ncid,'x',nlon);
+varid0 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'time','double',dimid0);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid0,'units','days since 1990-1-1 0:00:00');
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid0,'time_origin','01-JAN-1990 00:00:00');
+varid1 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'y','int',dimid1);
+varid2 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'x','int',dimid2);
+varid3 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'lat','double',[dimid2 dimid1]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid3,'units','degrees north');
+varid4 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'lon','double',[dimid2 dimid1]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid4,'units','degrees east');
+varid5 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'DIC_CONC','double',[dimid2,dimid1,dimid0]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid5,'units','mol m-3');
+varid6 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'ALK_CONC','double',[dimid2,dimid1,dimid0]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid6,'units','mole Eq. m-3');
+varid7 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'NO3_CONC','double',[dimid2,dimid1,dimid0]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid7,'units','mol m-3');
+varid8 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'NH4_CONC','double',[dimid2,dimid1,dimid0]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid8,'units','mol m-3');
+varid9 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'LDON_CONC','double',[dimid2,dimid1,dimid0]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid9,'units','mol m-3');
+varid10 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'SLDON_CONC','double',[dimid2,dimid1,dimid0]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid10,'units','mol m-3');
+varid11 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'SRDON_CONC','double',[dimid2,dimid1,dimid0]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid11,'units','mol m-3');
+varid12 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'NDET_CONC','double',[dimid2,dimid1,dimid0]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid12,'units','mol m-3');
+varid13 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'PO4_CONC','double',[dimid2,dimid1,dimid0]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid13,'units','mol m-3');
+varid14 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'LDOP_CONC','double',[dimid2,dimid1,dimid0]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid14,'units','mol m-3');
+varid15 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'SLDOP_CONC','double',[dimid2,dimid1,dimid0]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid15,'units','mol m-3');
+varid16 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'SRDOP_CONC','double',[dimid2,dimid1,dimid0]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid16,'units','mol m-3');
+varid17 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'PDET_CONC','double',[dimid2,dimid1,dimid0]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid17,'units','mol m-3');
+varid18 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'FED_CONC','double',[dimid2,dimid1,dimid0]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid18,'units','mol m-3');
+varid19 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'FEDET_CONC','double',[dimid2,dimid1,dimid0]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid19,'units','mol m-3');
+varid20 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'O2_CONC','double',[dimid2,dimid1,dimid0]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid20,'units','mol m-3');
+ncid = netcdf.open(nc_file_name,'NC_WRITE');
+% nutrient input files appear seem to need dummy axes to be read in
+% properly, but eventually do a grid by grid mapping that doesn't require
+% these.
diff --git a/tools/rivers/bgc/NEP/Data/ArcticGro/ArcticGRO_Water_Quality_Data.xlsx b/tools/rivers/bgc/NEP/Data/ArcticGro/ArcticGRO_Water_Quality_Data.xlsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9a60d7aec
Binary files /dev/null and b/tools/rivers/bgc/NEP/Data/ArcticGro/ArcticGRO_Water_Quality_Data.xlsx differ
diff --git a/tools/rivers/bgc/NEP/Data/ArcticGro/ArcticGro_Process.m b/tools/rivers/bgc/NEP/Data/ArcticGro/ArcticGro_Process.m
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fc9f33be8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/rivers/bgc/NEP/Data/ArcticGro/ArcticGro_Process.m
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+% Program to process the ArcticGro data
+clear all
+filename = 'ArcticGRO_Water_Quality_Data.xlsx'
+% co2 system solver to derive DIC from alkalinity, pH and temperature
+addpath /home/cas/matlab/co2sys
+% Longitude and Latitude from GlobalNEWS
+river_name{1} = 'Ob';
+lon(1) = 68.5; lat(1) = 68.75;
+river_name{2} = 'Yenisey';
+lon(2) = 82.25; lat(2) = 71.25;
+river_name{3} = 'Lena';
+lon(3) = 128; lat(3) = 73;
+river_name{4} = 'Kolyma';
+lon(4) = 161.25; lat(4) = 69.25;
+river_name{5} = 'Yukon';
+lon(5) = -164.75; lat(5) = 62.75;
+river_name{6} = 'Mackenzie';
+lon(6) = -134.75; lat(6) = 69.25;
+for n = 1:6
+ Data = readtable(filename,'Sheet',n);
+ discharge(n) = nanmean(Data{:,5});
+ temp(n) = nanmean(Data{:,6});
+ % alk in mg CaCO3/L ~ g CaCO3/m3
+ alk(n) = nanmean(Data{:,9});
+ alk(n) = alk(n)/(40+12+16*3)*2*1e3; % to milliequivalents per m-3
+ % pH
+ pH(n) = nanmean(Data{:,7});
+ % tdn in mg N L-1 ~ g N/m3
+ tdn(n) = nanmean(Data{:,21});
+ tdn(n) = tdn(n)*1e3/14; % mmoles m-3
+ % no3 in micrograms N per L ~ mg N m-3
+ no3(n) = nanmean(Data{:,22});
+ no3(n) = no3(n)/14; % mmoles m-3
+ % nh4 in micrograms N per L ~ mg N m-3
+ nh4(n) = nanmean(Data{:,23});
+ nh4(n) = nh4(n)/14; % mmoles m-3
+ % tdp in micrograms P per L ~ mg P m-3
+ tdp(n) = nanmean(Data{:,24});
+ tdp(n) = tdp(n)/31; % mmoles m-3
+ % po4 in micrograms P per L ~ mg P m-3
+ po4(n) = nanmean(Data{:,25});
+ po4(n) = po4(n)/31; % mmoles m-3
+ % sio2 in mg SiO2 per L ~ g P m-3
+ sio2(n) = nanmean(Data{:,26});
+ sio2(n) = sio2(n)*1e3/(28.06+16*2);
+ % pon in micrograms N per L ~ mg N m-3
+ pon(n) = nanmean(Data{:,47});
+ pon(n) = pon(n)/14; %mmoles m-3
+ % calculate DIC from alk, pH and DIC
+ out = CO2SYS(alk(n),pH(n),1,3,0,temp(n),temp(n), ...
+ 100,100,0,0,0,0,4,15,1,2,2);
+ dic(n) = mean(out(:,2));
+ % calculate don from tdn, no3 and nh4
+ aa = find(isfinite(Data{:,21}) & isfinite(Data{:,22}) & isfinite(Data{:,23}));
+ don(n) = nanmean(Data{aa,21}*1e3/14 - Data{aa,22}/14 - Data{aa,23}/14);
+ % calculate dop from tdp and po4
+ bb = find(isfinite(Data{:,24}/31) & isfinite(Data{:,25}/31));
+ dop(n) = nanmean(Data{aa,24}/31 - Data{aa,25}/31);
+% Fill in particulate phosphorus from GLOBAL NEWS
+pp(1) = 1.29; % Ob
+pp(2) = 0.82; % Yenisey
+pp(3) = 1.48; % Lena
+pp(4) = 1.21; % Kolyma
+pp(5) = 1.94; % Yukon
+pp(6) = 1.44; % Mackenzie
+% For reference (DIN, DON, PN, DIP, DOP, PP)
+% Yukon: 7.30 17.25 29.10 0.07 0.42 1.94
+% Mackenzie: 7.42 19.86 24.34 0.14 0.48 1.44
+% St. Lawrence: 52.80 24.86 3.81 0.98 0.55 0.21
+% Ob: 21.80 24.16 22.35 1.16 0.56 1.29
+% Lena: 7.74 21.34 25.48 0.24 0.52 1.48
+% Yenisey: 8.54 21.65 14.21 0.088 0.52 0.82
+% Kolyma: 10.17 21.92 21.27 0.18 0.53 1.21
+lon_stations_arcticgro = lon;
+lat_stations_arcticgro = lat;
+station_names_arcticgro = river_name;
+Q_ann_arcticgro = discharge;
+dic_ann_arcticgro = dic;
+alk_ann_arcticgro = alk;
+no3_ann_arcticgro = no3;
+nh4_ann_arcticgro = nh4;
+din_ann_arcticgro = no3_ann_arcticgro + nh4_ann_arcticgro;
+pn_ann_arcticgro = pon;
+don_ann_arcticgro = don;
+dip_ann_arcticgro = po4;
+dop_ann_arcticgro = dop;
+pp_ann_arcticgro = pp;
+si_ann_arcticgro = sio2;
+o2_ann_arcticgro = ones(size(Q_ann_arcticgro))*NaN;
+dfe_ann_arcticgro = ones(size(Q_ann_arcticgro))*NaN;
+pfe_ann_arcticgro = ones(size(Q_ann_arcticgro))*NaN;
+% did not try and extract monthly data from arcticgro, so leave as NaNs
+dic_monthly_arcticgro = ones(12,size(lon_stations_arcticgro,2))*NaN;
+alk_monthly_arcticgro = ones(12,size(lon_stations_arcticgro,2))*NaN;
+no3_monthly_arcticgro = ones(12,size(lon_stations_arcticgro,2))*NaN;
+nh4_monthly_arcticgro = ones(12,size(lon_stations_arcticgro,2))*NaN;
+din_monthly_arcticgro = ones(12,size(lon_stations_arcticgro,2))*NaN;
+don_monthly_arcticgro = ones(12,size(lon_stations_arcticgro,2))*NaN;
+pn_monthly_arcticgro = ones(12,size(lon_stations_arcticgro,2))*NaN;
+dip_monthly_arcticgro = ones(12,size(lon_stations_arcticgro,2))*NaN;
+dop_monthly_arcticgro = ones(12,size(lon_stations_arcticgro,2))*NaN;
+pp_monthly_arcticgro = ones(12,size(lon_stations_arcticgro,2))*NaN;
+dfe_monthly_arcticgro = ones(12,size(lon_stations_arcticgro,2))*NaN;
+pfe_monthly_arcticgro = ones(12,size(lon_stations_arcticgro,2))*NaN;
+si_monthly_arcticgro = ones(12,size(lon_stations_arcticgro,2))*NaN;
+o2_monthly_arcticgro = ones(12,size(lon_stations_arcticgro,2))*NaN;
+save arcticgro_data lon_stations_arcticgro lat_stations_arcticgro station_names_arcticgro ...
+ Q_ann_arcticgro dic_ann_arcticgro alk_ann_arcticgro no3_ann_arcticgro nh4_ann_arcticgro ...
+ din_ann_arcticgro pn_ann_arcticgro don_ann_arcticgro dip_ann_arcticgro dop_ann_arcticgro ...
+ pp_ann_arcticgro si_ann_arcticgro o2_ann_arcticgro dfe_ann_arcticgro pfe_ann_arcticgro ...
+ dic_monthly_arcticgro alk_monthly_arcticgro no3_monthly_arcticgro nh4_monthly_arcticgro ...
+ din_monthly_arcticgro don_monthly_arcticgro pn_monthly_arcticgro dip_monthly_arcticgro ...
+ dop_monthly_arcticgro pp_monthly_arcticgro dfe_monthly_arcticgro pfe_monthly_arcticgro ...
+ si_monthly_arcticgro o2_monthly_arcticgro
diff --git a/tools/rivers/bgc/NEP/Data/GLORICH/NEP_GLORICH_Process.m b/tools/rivers/bgc/NEP/Data/GLORICH/NEP_GLORICH_Process.m
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..76c4186e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/rivers/bgc/NEP/Data/GLORICH/NEP_GLORICH_Process.m
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+clear all;
+% load in matlab file with GLORICH data
+% created with:T = readtable('hydrochemistry.csv','NumHeaderLines',1);
+%load GLORICH_Data.mat;
+T = readtable('hydrochemistry.csv','NumHeaderLines',1);
+stations = T{:,1};
+%"102481","COLORADO R AT NIB AB MORELOS DAM NR ANDRADE, CA.","9522000","USA","AZ",32.71,-114.71,"NA1983"
+%"110042","Fraser River at Hope","BC08MF0001","Canada","BC",49.38,-121.45,"NA1983
+%"110009","Skeena River at Usk","BC08EF0001","Canada","BC",54.63,-128.41,"NA1983"
+%"110004","Stikine River above Choquette River","BC08CF0002","Canada","BC",56.82,-131.76,"NA1983"
+%"102954","COPPER R AT MILLION DOLLAR BRIDGE NR CORDOVA AK","15214000","USA","AK",60.67,-144.74,"NA1983"
+%"102983","SUSITNA R AT SUSITNA STATION AK","15294350","USA","AK",61.54,-150.51,"NA1983"
+%"102985","NUSHAGAK R AT EKWOK AK","15302500","USA","AK",59.34,-157.47,"NA1983"
+%"102986","KUSKOKWIM R AT CROOKED CREEK AK","15304000","USA","AK",61.87,-158.10,"NA1983"
+% Define rivers. I took the lat/lon from the mouths defined in Global NEWS
+% Where stream gages are upstream, this makes the assumption that those
+% properties are reasonably indicative of conditions at the river mouth.
+num_rivers = 8;
+river_name{1} = 'Colorado'; station_num(1) = 102481;
+lat(1) = 31.75; lon(1) = 245.25;
+river_name{2} = 'Fraser'; station_num(2) = 110042;
+lat(2) = 49.25; lon(2) = 237.25;
+river_name{3} = 'Skeena'; station_num(3) = 110009;
+lat(3) = 54.25; lon(3) = 229.75;
+river_name{4} = 'Stikine'; station_num(4) = 110004;
+lat(4) = 56.75; lon(4) = 227.75;
+river_name{5} = 'Copper'; station_num(5) = 102954;
+lat(5) = 60.25; lon(5) = 215.25;
+river_name{6} = 'Susitna'; station_num(6) = 102983;
+lat(6) = 61.75; lon(6) = 209.75;
+river_name{7} = 'Nushagak'; station_num(7) = 102985;
+lat(7) = 58.75; lon(7) = 201.75;
+river_name{8} = 'Kuskokwim'; station_num(8) = 102986;
+lat(8) = 60.25; lon(8) = 197.75;
+% Rely on ArcticGRO for the Arctic rivers
+% Yukon at Pilot Station
+%river_name{9} = 'Yukon'; station_num(9) = 102988;
+%lat(9) = 60.25; lon(9) = 197.75;
+% Mackenzie at Tsiigehtchic is the same as ArcticGRO
+%river_name{10} = 'Mackenzie'; station_num(10) = 120036;
+%lat(10) = 60.25; lon(10) = 197.75;
+%river_name{9} = 'Anadyr'; station_num(9) = 510090;
+%lat(9) = 64.75; lon(9) = 177.75;
+% co2 system solver to derive DIC from alkalinity, pH and temperature
+addpath /home/cas/matlab/co2sys
+for n = 1:num_rivers
+ aa = find(stations == station_num(n));
+ num_stations(n) = size(aa,1);
+ discharge(n) = nanmean(T{aa,6});
+ alk_vec = T{aa,20};
+ alk(n) = nanmean(alk_vec);
+ % nitrogen species
+ tn_vec = T{aa,62}; num_tn(n) = size(find(isfinite(tn_vec) == 1),1); tn(n) = nanmean(tn_vec);
+ dn_vec = T{aa,64}; num_dn(n) = size(find(isfinite(dn_vec) == 1),1); dn(n) = nanmean(dn_vec);
+ % first method of extracting particulate nitrogen from GLORICH
+ pn1_vec = tn_vec - dn_vec; pn1_vec(pn1_vec < 0) = 0;
+ num_pn1(n) = size(find(isfinite(pn1_vec) == 1),1); pn1(n) = nanmean(pn1_vec);
+ %pn_vec = T{aa,66}; num_pn(n) = size(find(isfinite(pn_vec) == 1),1); pn(n) = nanmean(pn_vec);
+ tin_vec = T{aa,68}; num_tin(n) = size(find(isfinite(tin_vec) == 1),1); tin(n) = nanmean(tin_vec);
+ din_vec = T{aa,70}; num_din(n) = size(find(isfinite(din_vec) == 1),1); din(n) = nanmean(din_vec);
+ ton_vec = T{aa,72}; num_ton(n) = size(find(isfinite(ton_vec) == 1),1); ton(n) = nanmean(ton_vec);
+ %don_vec = T{aa,74}; num_don(n) = size(find(isfinite(don_vec) == 1),1); don(n) = nanmean(don_vec);
+ pon_vec = T{aa,76}; num_pon(n) = size(find(isfinite(pon_vec) == 1),1); pon(n) = nanmean(pon_vec);
+ tkn_vec = T{aa,78}; num_tkn(n) = size(find(isfinite(tkn_vec) == 1),1); tkn(n) = nanmean(tkn_vec);
+ dkn_vec = T{aa,80}; num_dkn(n) = size(find(isfinite(dkn_vec) == 1),1); dkn(n) = nanmean(dkn_vec);
+ % second method of extracting particulate nitrogen from GLORICH
+ pn2_vec = tkn_vec - dkn_vec; pn1_vec(pn2_vec < 0) = 0;
+ num_pn2(n) = size(find(isfinite(pn2_vec) == 1),1); pn2(n) = nanmean(pn2_vec);
+ no3_vec = T{aa,82}; num_no3(n) = size(find(isfinite(no3_vec) == 1),1); no3(n) = nanmean(no3_vec);
+ no2_vec = T{aa,84}; num_no2(n) = size(find(isfinite(no2_vec) == 1),1); no2(n) = nanmean(no2_vec);
+ no2no3_vec = T{aa,86}; num_no2no3(n) = size(find(isfinite(no2no3_vec) == 1),1); no2no3(n) = nanmean(no2no3_vec);
+ tnh4_vec = T{aa,88}; num_tnh4(n) = size(find(isfinite(tnh4_vec) == 1),1); tnh4(n) = nanmean(tnh4_vec);
+ dnh4_vec = T{aa,90}; num_dnh4(n) = size(find(isfinite(dnh4_vec) == 1),1); dnh4(n) = nanmean(dnh4_vec);
+ don_vec = dn_vec-no2no3_vec-dnh4(n); don_vec(don_vec < 0) = 0;
+ num_don(n) = size(find(isfinite(don_vec) == 1),1); don(n) = nanmean(don_vec);
+ % phosphorus
+ tp_vec = T{aa,92}; num_tp(n) = size(find(isfinite(tp_vec) == 1),1); tp(n) = nanmean(tp_vec);
+ dp_vec = T{aa,94}; num_dp(n) = size(find(isfinite(dp_vec) == 1),1); dp(n) = nanmean(dp_vec);
+ pp_vec = tp_vec - dp_vec; pp_vec(pp_vec < 0) = 0;
+ num_pp(n) = size(find(isfinite(pp_vec) == 1),1); pp(n) = nanmean(pp_vec);
+ %pp_vec = T{aa,96}; pp(n) = nanmean(pp_vec);
+ tip_vec = T{aa,98}; num_tip(n) = size(find(isfinite(tip_vec) == 1),1); tip(n) = nanmean(tip_vec);
+ dip_vec = T{aa,100}; num_dip(n) = size(find(isfinite(dip_vec) == 1),1); dip(n) = nanmean(dip_vec);
+ dop_vec = dp_vec - dip_vec; dop_vec(dop_vec < 0) = 0;
+ num_dop(n) = size(find(isfinite(dop_vec) == 1),1); dop(n) = nanmean(dop_vec);
+ % oxygen
+ o2_vec = T{aa,12}; num_o2(n) = size(find(isfinite(o2_vec) == 1),1); o2(n) = nanmean(o2_vec);
+ % silica
+ si_vec = T{aa,34}; num_si(n) = size(find(isfinite(si_vec) == 1),1); si(n) = nanmean(si_vec);
+ % dic, fill in with pH if needed
+ %dic_vec = T{aa,52};
+ %bb = find(isfinite(dic_vec));
+ pH_vec = T{aa,10}; pH(n) = nanmean(pH_vec);
+ temp_vec = T{aa,8}; temp(n) = nanmean(temp_vec);
+ % Simple initial DIC calculation based on mean alk and mean pH, room for
+ % improvement here.
+ if isnan(temp(n)); temp(n) = 5; end;
+ out = CO2SYS(alk(n),pH(n),1,3,0,temp(n),temp(n), ...
+ 100,100,0,0,0,0,4,15,1,2,2);
+ dic(n) = mean(out(:,2));
+lon_stations_glorich = lon;
+lat_stations_glorich = lat;
+station_names_glorich = river_name;
+Q_ann_glorich = discharge;
+dic_ann_glorich = dic;
+alk_ann_glorich = alk;
+no3_ann_glorich = no2no3;
+% use no3 for the Stikine
+no3_ann_glorich(4) = no3(4);
+nh4_ann_glorich = dnh4;
+% assume nh4 in Stikine is equal to nh4 in Skeena
+nh4_ann_glorich(4) = nh4_ann_glorich(3);
+din_ann_glorich = no3_ann_glorich + nh4_ann_glorich;
+% Use weighted average of TN-DN and TKN-DKN
+pn1(num_pn1 == 0) = 0; pn2(num_pn2 == 0) = 0;
+pn_ann_glorich = (pn1.*num_pn1 + pn2.*num_pn2)./(num_pn1 + num_pn2);
+% assume particulate nitrogen in Stikine is equal to Skeena
+pn_ann_glorich(4) = pn_ann_glorich(3);
+don_ann_glorich = don;
+% assume dissolved organic nitrogen in Stikine is equal to Skeena
+don_ann_glorich(4) = don_ann_glorich(3);
+dip_ann_glorich = dip;
+% assume po4 in Stikine is equal to po4 in GLORICH
+dip_ann_glorich(4) = dip_ann_glorich(3);
+dop_ann_glorich = dop;
+% assume dop in the Stikine and Skeena are equal to that in the Copper
+% DOP constraints are generally poor. The Fraser is based on a single
+% joint dp, dip measurement. However, the contribution of dop to the total
+% phosphorus load is also very low, so this is an issue I'm willing to
+% stomach.
+dop_ann_glorich(3) = dop_ann_glorich(5);
+dop_ann_glorich(4) = dop_ann_glorich(5);
+pp_ann_glorich = pp;
+% set particulate load in the Stikine to that in the Skeena
+pp_ann_glorich(4) = pp_ann_glorich(3);
+si_ann_glorich = si;
+o2_ann_glorich = o2;
+dfe_ann_glorich = ones(size(o2_ann_glorich))*NaN;
+pfe_ann_glorich = ones(size(o2_ann_glorich))*NaN;
+% did not try and extract monthly data from GLORICH, so leave as NaNs
+dic_monthly_glorich = ones(12,size(lon_stations_glorich,2))*NaN;
+alk_monthly_glorich = ones(12,size(lon_stations_glorich,2))*NaN;
+no3_monthly_glorich = ones(12,size(lon_stations_glorich,2))*NaN;
+nh4_monthly_glorich = ones(12,size(lon_stations_glorich,2))*NaN;
+din_monthly_glorich = ones(12,size(lon_stations_glorich,2))*NaN;
+don_monthly_glorich = ones(12,size(lon_stations_glorich,2))*NaN;
+pn_monthly_glorich = ones(12,size(lon_stations_glorich,2))*NaN;
+dip_monthly_glorich = ones(12,size(lon_stations_glorich,2))*NaN;
+dop_monthly_glorich = ones(12,size(lon_stations_glorich,2))*NaN;
+pp_monthly_glorich = ones(12,size(lon_stations_glorich,2))*NaN;
+dfe_monthly_glorich = ones(12,size(lon_stations_glorich,2))*NaN;
+pfe_monthly_glorich = ones(12,size(lon_stations_glorich,2))*NaN;
+si_monthly_glorich = ones(12,size(lon_stations_glorich,2))*NaN;
+o2_monthly_glorich = ones(12,size(lon_stations_glorich,2))*NaN;
+save NEP_GLORICH_data lon_stations_glorich lat_stations_glorich station_names_glorich ...
+ Q_ann_glorich dic_ann_glorich alk_ann_glorich no3_ann_glorich nh4_ann_glorich ...
+ din_ann_glorich pn_ann_glorich don_ann_glorich dip_ann_glorich dop_ann_glorich ...
+ pp_ann_glorich si_ann_glorich o2_ann_glorich dfe_ann_glorich pfe_ann_glorich ...
+ dic_monthly_glorich alk_monthly_glorich no3_monthly_glorich nh4_monthly_glorich ...
+ din_monthly_glorich don_monthly_glorich pn_monthly_glorich dip_monthly_glorich ...
+ dop_monthly_glorich pp_monthly_glorich dfe_monthly_glorich pfe_monthly_glorich ...
+ si_monthly_glorich o2_monthly_glorich
+% Ordering of the GLORICH Data
+%1. "STAT_ID",
+%5. "Ref",
+%6. "Discharge_inst",
+%7. "Discharge_inst_vrc",
+%8. "Temp_water",
+%9. "Temp_water_vrc",
+%10. "pH",
+%11. "pH_vrc",
+%12. "DO_mgL",
+%13. "DO_mgL_vrc",
+%14. "DOSAT",
+%15. "DOSAT_vrc",
+%16. "SpecCond25C",
+%17. "SpecCond25C_vrc",
+%18. "SPM",
+%19. "SPM_vrc",
+%20. "Alkalinity",
+%21. "Alkalinity_vrc",
+%22. "HCO3",
+%23. "HCO3_vrc",
+%24. "CO3",
+%25. "CO3_vrc",
+%26. "Ca",
+%27. "Ca_vrc",
+%28. "Mg",
+%29. "Mg_vrc",
+%30. "Na",
+%31. "Na_vrc",
+%32. "K",
+%33. "K_vrc",
+%34. "SiO2",
+%35. "SiO2_vrc",
+%36. "Cl",
+%37. "Cl_vrc",
+%38. "SO4",
+%39. "SO4_vrc",
+%40. "F",
+%41. "F_vrc",
+%42. "DSr",
+%43. "DSr_vrc",
+%44. "TC",
+%45. "TC_vrc",
+%46. "DC",
+%47. "DC_vrc",
+%48. "PC",
+%49. "PC_vrc",
+%50. "TIC",
+%51. "TIC_vrc",
+%52. "DIC",
+%53. "DIC_vrc",
+%54. "PIC",
+%55. "PIC_vrc",
+%56. "TOC",
+%57. "TOC_vrc",
+%58. "DOC",
+%59. "DOC_vrc",
+%60. "POC",
+%61. "POC_vrc",
+%62. "TN",
+%63. "TN_vrc",
+%64. "DN",
+%65. "DN_vrc",
+%66. "PN",
+%67. "PN_vrc",
+%68. "TIN",
+%69. "TIN_vrc",
+%70. "DIN",
+%71. "DIN_vrc",
+%72. "TON",
+%73. "TON_vrc",
+%74. "DON",
+%75. "DON_vrc",
+%76. "PON",
+%77. "PON_vrc",
+%78. "TKN",
+%79. "TKN_vrc",
+%80. "DKN",
+%81. "DKN_vrc",
+%82. "NO3",
+%83. "NO3_vrc",
+%84. "NO2",
+%85. "NO2_vrc",
+%86. "NO2_NO3",
+%87. "NO2_NO3_vrc",
+%88. "TNH4",
+%89. "TNH4_vrc",
+%90. "DNH4",
+%91. "DNH4_vrc",
+%92. "TP",
+%93. "TP_vrc",
+%94. "DP",
+%95. "DP_vrc",
+%96. "PP",
+%97. "PP_vrc",
+%98. "TIP",
+%99. "TIP_vrc",
+%100. "DIP",
+%101. "DIP_vrc",
+%102. "PS",
+%103. "PS_vrc"
diff --git a/tools/rivers/bgc/NEP/README.md b/tools/rivers/bgc/NEP/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..98f02bb6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/rivers/bgc/NEP/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+## Example Scripts for NEP BGC runoff generation
+This folder contains example scripts for NEP BGC runoff file generation. Users can follow the following instructions to generate BGC runoff file:
+1: Generate a monthly climatology of the river inputs on the model grid
+using `make_discharge_climatology.m`. This routine creates a monthly climatology
+from the model's freshwater forcing. For example, the default uses GLOFAS/HILL
+forcing files created by Kate Hedstrom on 5/11/2023. All you need to do to
+regenerate files (or create new ones) is update the file path. The file creates
+a matlab file (`*.mat`) with the discharge climatology. This is used in the
+assignment of rivers to discharge points.
+matlab232 -nodisplay -nosplash -nodesktop -r "run('make_discharge_climatology_nep.m');exit;"
+2: Use `mapriv_NEWS2.m` to create a river nutrient input file based on the
+GlobalNEWS2 estimates (Mayorga et al., 2010). GlobalNEWS contains a
+database of global rivers with empirically-derived nutrient inputs. GlobalNEWS
+does not, however, have DIC or alkalinity so it cannot be used to provide forcing for
+carbon cycling. Also, while globalNEWS is quite skilfull globally, it can
+have significant regional biases. Nonetheless, the routine provides a good
+way to identify major rivers in the region, and the comprehensive nutrient
+estimates that it provides will eventually be used to fill in gaps in river
+forcing drawn from direct observations.
+More details about the mapping algorithm can be found below (and in the code).
+The first time through, I would recommend setting `inspect_map1` to `y`.
+This allows you to step through the mapping of each river and assess its
+quality and properties. I have also found that applying a minimum discharge
+of 100 m3 sec-1 helps avoid erroneous mapping of very small rivers onto
+large discharges. The assignment algorithm was designed to be relatively
+insensitive to such instances, but care should still be taken.
+The required inputs are the discharge climatology (from step 1) and a copy
+of the globalNEWS data.
+matlab232 -nodisplay -nosplash -nodesktop -r "run('mapriv_NEWS2.m');exit;"
+3: Gather/Process direct river measurements: The next step is to get as many
+direct measurements as you can.
+ - [RC4USCoast](https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/metadata/landing-page/bin/iso?id=gov.noaa.nodc:0260455)
+mkdir -p Data/RC4USCoast
+cd Data/RC4USCoast
+wget https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/archive/archive-management-system/OAS/bin/prd/jquery/download/260455.3.3.tar.gz
+tar -xzf 260455.3.3.tar.gz --wildcards --strip-components=4 -C . "*/data/0-data/*.nc"
+ - [GLORICH](https://www.geo.uni-hamburg.de/en/geologie/forschung/aquatische-geochemie/glorich.html)
+cd Data/GLORICH
+wget https://store.pangaea.de/Publications/HartmannJens-etal_2019/Glorich_V01_CSV_plus_Shapefiles_2019_05_24.zip
+unzip Glorich_V01_CSV_plus_Shapefiles_2019_05_24.zip
+matlab232 -nodisplay -nosplash -nodesktop -r "run('NEP_GLORICH_Process.m');exit;"
+ - [ArcticGro](https://arcticgreatrivers.org/data/)
+# A copy of this dataset is provided in the Data directory.
+# You may want to download your own to ensure
+# that it is up-to-date.
+cd Data/ArcticGro
+matlab232 -nodisplay -nosplash -nodesktop -r "run('ArcticGro_Process.m');exit;"
+4: run `mapriv_combined_NEP10k` to create river nutrient and carbon input
+estimates based on available observation, while using GlobalNEWS to fill in
+some gaps.
+cp /archive/ynt//woa_sst_climo.nc ./Data/
+matlab232 -nodisplay -nosplash -nodesktop -r "run('mapriv_combined_NEP10k.m');exit;"
+As was the case for globalNEWS2, I recommend running these with "inspect_map = 'y'" until
+you are satisfied with the results. You can just "click through" each river mapping and
+confirm its properties. The routine will then produce numerous final plots for analysis
+and quality control, before generating the netcdf for use with MOM6.
+Note: River oxygen levels are set at saturating levels at temperatures provided by the
+World Ocean Atlas Climatology.
+Rivers are first filtered to isolate those within the domain and
+above a user specified flow threshold. The rationale for this threshold is to minimize the
+risk of inadvertantly mapping very small rivers onto large freshwater flows. Small rivers
+tend to have more volatile nutrient concentrations, so such mistakes can have large consequences.
+To further reduce this risk, rivers are then sorted by size from smallest to largest. Model
+outflow points nearest to each river are accumulated until the the value closest to the observed
+flow is reached. These points are assigned the concentration for that river. If a larger river
+subsequently claims those points, the larger river is given precedence. The concentrations of
+any model discharge points left unassigned after all estimates have been cycled through
+are assigned using a nearest neighbor algorithm.
+## Note:
+One must specify the fraction of particulate phosphorus that is bioavailable (generally between
+10-30%, Froelich, Kinetic control of dissolved phosphate in natural rivers and estuaries: A primer
+on the phosphate buffer mechanism, Limnology and Oceanography), and the fraction of dissolved organic
+inputs that fall into labile, semi-labile and semi-refractory pools. This is set by default to 30%, 35%,
+and 35%. This is consistent with the range of bio-availability suggested by Weigner et al. (2006),
+Bio-availability of dissolved organic nitrogen and carbon from 9 rivers in the eastern US, Aquatic
+Microbial Ecology.
+The routines include a y/n toggle option for inspecting the
+mapping of each river as it is done. If "inspect_map" is set to 'y', a graphical map of the
+model discharge point assigned to each river is presented, along with the outflow and nutrient
+characteristics of the river. This can be useful for identifying rivers that may require some
+manual editing to ensure the outflow is assigned to the right place. A section for such manual
+edits is provided in the code. The visualization pauses until the user presses any key. It
+then moves onto the next river. Once all the rivers have been mapped and interpolation completed,
+the routine always produces a series of domain-wide plots to evaluate the overall results.
diff --git a/tools/rivers/bgc/NEP/make_discharge_climatology_nep.m b/tools/rivers/bgc/NEP/make_discharge_climatology_nep.m
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9537a15d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/rivers/bgc/NEP/make_discharge_climatology_nep.m
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+clear all;
+addpath /home/cas/matlab
+syear = 1993;
+eyear = 2019;
+num_years = eyear-syear+1;
+readme = '1993-2019 monthly NEP10k climatology from GLOFAS/Hill (May 12, 2023 from Liz Drenkard), kg m-2 sec-1';
+% get grid information
+file_name = ['/archive/cas/Regional_MOM6/NEP10k/glofas_hill_05122023/glofas_hill_dis_runoff_mac_',num2str(syear,'%4u'),'.nc']
+lon = ncread(file_name,'lon');
+lat = ncread(file_name,'lat');
+nlat = size(lat,2);
+nlon = size(lon,1);
+area = ncread(file_name,'area');
+% holds the runoff climatology
+runoff_mc = zeros(nlon,nlat,12);
+for yr = syear:eyear
+ file_name = ['/archive/cas/Regional_MOM6/NEP10k/glofas_hill_05122023/glofas_hill_dis_runoff_mac_',num2str(yr,'%4u'),'.nc']
+ time = ncread(file_name,'time');
+ ntime = size(time,1);
+ date = datevec(time+datenum(1950,1,1,0,0,0));
+ runoff_days_temp = ncread(file_name,'runoff');
+ % files are padded with the first day of the following year, remove
+ runoff_days = runoff_days_temp(:,:,1:(ntime-1));
+ month = date(1:(ntime-1),2);
+ for m = 1:12
+ aa = find(month == m);
+ runoff_temp = runoff_days(:,:,aa);
+ runoff_mc(:,:,m) = runoff_mc(:,:,m) + mean(runoff_temp,3)/num_years;
+ end
+ clear runoff_days runoff_days_temp;
+ clear runoff_temp aa time date month;
+% modify so that it is time, nlat, nlon
+runoff = permute(runoff_mc,[3 2 1]);
+area = permute(area,[2 1]);
+lon = permute(lon,[2 1]);
+lat = permute(lat,[2 1]);
+for m = 1:12; temp = squeeze(runoff(m,:,:)); total_runoff(m) = sum(temp(:).*area(:)); end
+figure(1); clf; plot(total_runoff); xlabel('month'); ylabel('runoff, kg sec-1');
+for m = 1:12;
+ figure(2);
+ clf
+ temp = squeeze(runoff(m,:,:));
+ scatter3(lon(:),lat(:),log10(temp(:)),ones(size(temp(:)))*10,log10(temp(:))); view(2); caxis([-3 -1]); colorbar;
+ pause
+save glofas_hill_runoff_monthlyclim_NEP10k_05122023 runoff area lat lon readme;
diff --git a/tools/rivers/bgc/NEP/mapriv_NEWS2.m b/tools/rivers/bgc/NEP/mapriv_NEWS2.m
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..23bc481a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/rivers/bgc/NEP/mapriv_NEWS2.m
@@ -0,0 +1,859 @@
+% Routine to map Global NEWS nutrient data onto the MOM6 Arctic grid @
+clear all;
+addpath /home/cas/matlab
+% name of netcdf file to be created
+nc_file_name = 'RiverNutrients_GlobalNEWS2_plusFe_Q100_NEP10k.nc';
+% Arctic
+%nc_file_name = 'RiverNutrients_GlobalNEWS2_plusFe_Q100_Arctic12k.nc';
+% Parameters for the assignment algorithm.
+Q_min = 100; % minimum flow in m3 sec
+plot_width = 15; % width of window (in degrees) for inspecting locations
+ % of rivers and outflow points that have been assigned to
+ % them.
+min_dist = 2.5; % minimum distance (degrees) of the closest outflow point
+ % for the river to be considered in the domain (useful
+ % for preventing the algorithm from trying to map rivers
+ % flowing to different ocean basins.
+max_dist = 3; % maximum distance to search for a point
+inspect_map = 'n'; % flag enabling you to pause and inspect each river
+ % mapping as it is being done.
+% set the bio-availability of phosphorus and the fractionation of dissolved
+% organic; The code assumes that 30% of particulate phosphorus (PP) is
+% bioavailable (e.g., Frolich et al., 1988). One also needs to divide the
+% dissolved organic nitrogen and phosphorus components into fractions with
+% different lability. The default values are based losely on Wiegner et
+% al., (2006). If you have better information, feel free to modify.
+frac_PP = 0.3;
+frac_ldon = 0.3;
+frac_sldon = 0.35;
+frac_srdon = 0.35;
+frac_ldop = 0.3;
+frac_sldop = 0.35;
+frac_srdop = 0.35;
+% 40 nM dissolved iron concentration from De Baar and De Jong + 30nM
+% Colloidal and nanoparticle flux as reported in Canfield and Raiswell
+const_fed = 70.0e-6;
+% GlobalNEWS2 data obtained from Emilio Mayorga
+filename = '/archive/cas/COBALT_EVAL/River_Data/GlobalNEWS2/GlobalNEWS2_RH2000Dataset-version1.0.xls'
+basin = readtable(filename,'Sheet',2);
+hydrology = readtable(filename,'Sheet',3);
+load = readtable(filename,'Sheet',4);
+% find all the river basins that empty into "land", e.g., lakes
+ocean = basin.ocean;
+land_index = zeros(size(ocean));
+for n = 1:size(ocean,1);
+ test = strcmp('Land',ocean(n));
+ land_index(n) = single(test);
+river_names_all = basin.basinname;
+% basin area in
+area = basin.A;
+lon_news_all = basin.mouth_lon;
+lat_news_all = basin.mouth_lat;
+% Depending on the model output, may need to adjust longitudes
+lon_news_all(lon_news_all < 0) = lon_news_all(lon_news_all < 0) + 360;
+% Loads in Mg yr-1 converted to moles per sec
+DIN_load_all = load.Ld_DIN*1e6/14/86400/365;
+DIP_load_all = load.Ld_DIP*1e6/31/86400/365;
+DON_load_all = load.Ld_DON*1e6/14/86400/365;
+DOP_load_all = load.Ld_DOP*1e6/31/86400/365;
+Si_load_all = load.Ld_DSi*1e6/28.1/86400/365;
+PN_load_all = (load.Ld_PN*1e6/14/86400/365);
+PP_load_all = (load.Ld_PP*1e6/31/86400/365)*frac_PP;
+% actual and natural discharge (convert from km3/yr to m3/sec)
+% Used the actual hydrology to calculate concentrations
+Qact_all = hydrology.Qact*1e9/(86400*365);
+Qnat_all = hydrology.Qnat*1e9/(86400*365);
+% Load in monthly climatology of river forcing from the regional grid. %
+% File contains: %
+% runoff: monthly average runoff in kg m-2 sec-1 %
+% area: area of grid cell in m-2 %
+% lon: longitude (0-360 degrees) %
+% lat: latitude %
+% %
+% The file was calculated from daily output using the routine %
+% "make_climatology.m". This routine and all associated files can be %
+% found in the same directory as the data file %
+% NEP
+load glofas_hill_runoff_monthlyclim_NEP10k_05122023.mat;
+% Arctic
+%load glofas_hill_runoff_monthlyclim_arctic12k_05112023.mat;
+lon_mod = lon;
+lat_mod = lat;
+area_mod = area;
+% convert runoff from kg m-2 sec-1 to m3 sec-1
+Q_mod_monthly = zeros(size(runoff));
+for m = 1:12
+ Q_mod_monthly(m,:,:) = squeeze(runoff(m,:,:)).*area_mod./1000;
+Q_mod_ann = squeeze(mean(Q_mod_monthly,1));
+clear lon lat runoff area;
+%grid_file = '/archive/cas/Regional_MOM6/NWA12/nwa12_ocean_static.nc';
+%temp = ncread(grid_file,'deptho');
+%depth = permute(temp,[2,1]); clear temp;
+%depth(isnan(depth)) = -1;
+% Filter for rivers in the region, set thresholds for minimum river size, %
+% set parameters for plotting routines. %
+% use grid to filter rivers outside domain
+lat_mod_max = max(lat_mod(:));
+lat_mod_min = min(lat_mod(:));
+lon_mod_max = max(lon_mod(:));
+lon_mod_min = min(lon_mod(:));
+in_region = find( (lon_news_all <= lon_mod_max) & (lon_news_all >= lon_mod_min) & ...
+ (lat_news_all <= lat_mod_max) & (lat_news_all >= lat_mod_min) & ...
+ (isfinite(Qact_all)) & (Qact_all > Q_min) );
+% If you are using a high threshold, grab one smaller river to constrain
+% Carribean Islands
+%if Q_min > 100
+% for n = 1:size(lon_news_all,1);
+% test = strcmp('GHAASBasin1808',river_names_all{n});
+% if test == 1;
+% cuba_ind = n;
+% end
+% end
+% in_region = [in_region; cuba_ind];
+num_rivers = size(in_region,1);
+% Establish vectors of flow and nutrient loads for the NWA
+Qact = Qact_all(in_region);
+lon_news = lon_news_all(in_region);
+lat_news = lat_news_all(in_region);
+DIN_load = DIN_load_all(in_region);
+DON_load = DON_load_all(in_region);
+PN_load = PN_load_all(in_region);
+DIP_load = DIP_load_all(in_region);
+DOP_load = DOP_load_all(in_region);
+PP_load = PP_load_all(in_region);
+Si_load = Si_load_all(in_region);
+river_names = river_names_all(in_region);
+% Following inspection of initial mapping, add any manual edits here to %
+% prevent anomalous extrapolations, etc. %
+ %Add in 2 "dummy" rivers to handle Cuba, giving it properties like
+ %Jamaica or Haiti rather than Florida.
+ %GHAASBasin1808 is in Haiti. Fluxes are characterized by particularly
+ %high particulate phosphorus inputs.
+%for n = 1:num_rivers;
+% n
+% test = strcmp('GHAASBasin1808',river_names{n})
+% if test == 1;
+% cuba_ind = n;
+% end
+ % Move the Susquehanna a bit south so that it catches the Chesapeake
+ % and not the Delaware.
+% if strcmp('Susquehanna',river_names{n})
+% lat_news(n) = 38.5;
+% lon_news(n) = -76.67;
+% end
+% Two "rivers" with properties like Haiti used to specify Cuba
+%Qact(num_rivers+1) = Qact(cuba_ind)/2;
+%lon_news(num_rivers+1) = -81;
+%lat_news(num_rivers+1) = 22.6;
+%DIN_load(num_rivers+1) = DIN_load(cuba_ind)/2;
+%DON_load(num_rivers+1) = DON_load(cuba_ind)/2;
+%PN_load(num_rivers+1) = PN_load(cuba_ind)/2;
+%DIP_load(num_rivers+1) = DIP_load(cuba_ind)/2;
+%DOP_load(num_rivers+1) = DOP_load(cuba_ind)/2;
+%PP_load(num_rivers+1) = PP_load(cuba_ind)/2;
+%Si_load(num_rivers+1) = Si_load(cuba_ind)/2;
+%river_names(num_rivers+1) = river_names(cuba_ind);
+%Qact(num_rivers+2) = Qact(cuba_ind)/2;
+%lon_news(num_rivers+2) = -83.25;
+%lat_news(num_rivers+2) = 22.6;
+%DIN_load(num_rivers+2) = DIN_load(cuba_ind)/2;
+%DON_load(num_rivers+2) = DON_load(cuba_ind)/2;
+%PN_load(num_rivers+2) = PN_load(cuba_ind)/2;
+%DIP_load(num_rivers+2) = DIP_load(cuba_ind)/2;
+%DOP_load(num_rivers+2) = DOP_load(cuba_ind)/2;
+%PP_load(num_rivers+2) = PP_load(cuba_ind)/2;
+%Si_load(num_rivers+2) = Si_load(cuba_ind)/2;
+%river_names(num_rivers+2) = river_names(cuba_ind);
+%num_rivers = num_rivers + 1;
+% Adjust location of cfilename = '/archive/cas/COBALT_EVAL/River_Data/GlobalNEWS2/GlobalNEWS2_RH2000Dataset-version1.0.xls'
+basin = readtable(filename,'Sheet',2);
+hydrology = readtable(filename,'Sheet',3);
+load = readtable(filename,'Sheet',4);
+% Cuba; This has little effect on patterns in Florida.
+%for n = 1:num_rivers;
+% n
+% test = strcmp('GHAASBasin448',river_names{n})
+% if test == 1;
+% fla_ind = n;
+% end
+%lon_news(fla_ind) = -80.5;
+%lat_news(fla_ind) = 26.6;
+% Assigning outflow points to rivers. %
+% 1. Assignment starts with the rivers with the smallest flow and works %
+% to the largest, w/larger river characteristics taking precedence to %
+% ensure the most significant rivers are well represented. %
+% 2. The algorithm keeps choosing the closest points to each river mouth %
+% until the assigned flow is as close as possible to that observed %
+% 3. Once the outflow points are assigned using the mean flow values, %
+% monthly concentrations are assigned to those points. %
+% 4. A simple "nearest neighbor" algorithm is used to fill in the gaps %
+% Sort rivers by discharge
+[Qact_sort,sort_ind] = sort(Qact,'ascend');
+lon_news_sort = lon_news(sort_ind);
+lat_news_sort = lat_news(sort_ind);
+DIN_load_sort = DIN_load(sort_ind);
+DON_load_sort = DON_load(sort_ind);
+PN_load_sort = PN_load(sort_ind);
+DIP_load_sort = DIP_load(sort_ind);
+DOP_load_sort = DOP_load(sort_ind);
+PP_load_sort = PP_load(sort_ind);
+Si_load_sort = Si_load(sort_ind);
+river_names_sort = river_names(sort_ind);
+% Total N and P load diagnostics
+N_load_sort = DIN_load_sort + DON_load_sort + PN_load_sort;
+P_load_sort = DIP_load_sort + DOP_load_sort + PP_load_sort;
+% Calculate concentrations
+% Loads are in moles N sec-1, Q in m3 s-1; conc in moles N m-3
+DIN_conc_sort = DIN_load_sort./Qact_sort;
+DON_conc_sort = DON_load_sort./Qact_sort;
+DIP_conc_sort = DIP_load_sort./Qact_sort;
+DOP_conc_sort = DOP_load_sort./Qact_sort;
+PN_conc_sort = PN_load_sort./Qact_sort;
+PP_conc_sort = PP_load_sort./Qact_sort;
+Si_conc_sort = Si_load_sort./Qact_sort;
+% initialize vectors to hold nutrient concentrations at eac runoff
+% point.
+aa = find(Q_mod_ann > 0);
+Q_mod_vec = Q_mod_ann(aa);
+din_conc_vec = zeros(size(Q_mod_vec));
+don_conc_vec = zeros(size(Q_mod_vec));
+pn_conc_vec = zeros(size(Q_mod_vec));
+dip_conc_vec = zeros(size(Q_mod_vec));
+dop_conc_vec = zeros(size(Q_mod_vec));
+pp_conc_vec = zeros(size(Q_mod_vec));
+si_conc_vec = zeros(size(Q_mod_vec));
+lon_mod_runoff_vec = double(lon_mod(aa));
+lat_mod_runoff_vec = double(lat_mod(aa));
+% Loop identifies points assigned to each river %
+for k=1:num_rivers
+ k
+ dist = pdist2([lon_news_sort(k) lat_news_sort(k)], ...
+ [lon_mod_runoff_vec lat_mod_runoff_vec]);
+ [dist_sort, dist_sort_ind] = sort(dist,'ascend');
+ if dist_sort(1) < min_dist; % filters out rivers lying outside the domain
+ Q_sum1 = 0;
+ Q_sum2 = 0;
+ n = 0;
+ while ((Q_sum2 < Qact_sort(k)) & (dist_sort(n+1) < max_dist))
+ Q_sum1 = Q_sum2;
+ n = n+1;
+ Q_sum2 = Q_sum1 + Q_mod_vec(dist_sort_ind(n));
+ end
+ % I generally find that the search algorithm works best when you keep
+ % grabbing points until the total flow captured exceeds the flow in
+ % the river. If you uncomment the the first part of the "if"
+ % statement here will pick the last below if it is closer than the
+ % first above. However, I've found that this option sometimes fails
+ % to map important rivers.
+ %if abs(Q_sum1 - Qact_sort(k)) < abs(Q_sum2 - Qact_sort(k))
+ % nrp = n-1; % number of runoff points
+ % [Q_sum1 Qact_sort(k)] % a quick check for comparable flow
+ % din_conc_vec(dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = DIN_conc_sort(k);
+ % don_conc_vec(dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = DON_conc_sort(k);
+ % dip_conc_vec(dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = DIP_conc_sort(k);
+ % dop_conc_vec(dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = DOP_conc_sort(k);
+ % pn_conc_vec(dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = PN_conc_sort(k);
+ % pp_conc_vec(dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = PP_conc_sort(k);
+ % si_conc_vec(dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = Si_conc_sort(k);
+ %else
+ nrp = n; % number of runoff points
+ [Q_sum2 Qact_sort(k)] % a quick check for comparable flow
+ din_conc_vec(dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = DIN_conc_sort(k);
+ don_conc_vec(dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = DON_conc_sort(k);
+ dip_conc_vec(dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = DIP_conc_sort(k);
+ dop_conc_vec(dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = DOP_conc_sort(k);
+ pn_conc_vec(dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = PN_conc_sort(k);
+ pp_conc_vec(dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = PP_conc_sort(k);
+ si_conc_vec(dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = Si_conc_sort(k);
+ %end
+ if inspect_map == 'y'
+ figure(1)
+ clf
+ scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,log10(Q_mod_vec),3,log10(Q_mod_vec));
+ hold on
+ scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec(dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)),lat_mod_runoff_vec(dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)), ...
+ log10(Q_mod_vec(dist_sort_ind(1:nrp))),40, ...
+ log10(Q_mod_vec(dist_sort_ind(1:nrp))),'filled');
+ view(2);
+ plot3(lon_news_sort(k),lat_news_sort(k),1e5,'k.','MarkerSize',20);
+ %contour(lon_mod,lat_mod,depth,[0 0],'k-');
+ axis([lon_news_sort(k)-plot_width lon_news_sort(k)+plot_width ...
+ lat_news_sort(k)-plot_width lat_news_sort(k)+plot_width]);
+ caxis([-4 3]);
+ titl = ['river number: ',num2str(k),' name: ',river_names_sort{k}];
+ title(titl);
+ colorbar;
+ % provide a few diagnostics to ensure the calculation was done
+ % correctly (remove semicolon to inspect as they are mapped in
+ % the matlab output line. Feel free to add more here.
+ N_conc = DIN_conc_sort(k) + DON_conc_sort(k) + PN_conc_sort(k);
+ P_conc = DIP_conc_sort(k) + DOP_conc_sort(k) + PP_conc_sort(k);
+ Si_conc = Si_conc_sort(k);
+ river_names_sort(k)
+ [lon_news_sort(k) lat_news_sort(k)]
+ ind = dist_sort_ind(1:nrp);
+ 'lon lat'
+ [lon_news_sort(k) lat_news_sort(k)]
+ 'total flow in m3 sec'
+ [Qact_sort(k) sum(Q_mod_vec(ind))]
+ 'Nitrogen and phosphorus in Gg per year';
+ [N_load_sort(k) sum(Q_mod_vec(ind))*N_conc]*14*86400*365/1e9;
+ [P_load_sort(k) sum(Q_mod_vec(ind))*P_conc]*31*86400*365/1e9;
+ 'N, P conc (mmoles m-3), DI, DO, P'
+ [DIN_conc_sort(k) DON_conc_sort(k) PN_conc_sort(k)]*1e3
+ [DIP_conc_sort(k) DOP_conc_sort(k) PP_conc_sort(k)]*1e3
+ 'Total N, Total P, Total N: Total P';
+ [N_conc*1e3 P_conc*1e3 N_conc/P_conc]
+ 'DO:DI and P:DI ratios';
+ [DON_conc_sort(k)/DIN_conc_sort(k) PN_conc_sort(k)/DIN_conc_sort(k)];
+ [DOP_conc_sort(k)/DIP_conc_sort(k) PP_conc_sort(k)/DIP_conc_sort(k)];
+ 'silica concentration (mmoles m-3)';
+ [Si_conc_sort(k)]*1e3;
+ pause
+ end
+ else
+ % This is for rivers that were captured by the coarse initial filter
+ % to determine if they were in the domain; but are actually outside
+ % the domain. Calibration suggested that a threshold of 0.75 degrees
+ % from the specified river mouth reliably identified these cases.
+ if inspect_map == 'y'
+ figure(1)
+ clf
+ scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,log10(Q_mod_vec),3,log10(Q_mod_vec));
+ hold on
+ view(2);
+ plot3(lon_news_sort(k),lat_news_sort(k),1e5,'k.','MarkerSize',20);
+ axis([lon_news_sort(k)-15 lon_news_sort(k)+15 ...
+ lat_news_sort(k)-15 lat_news_sort(k)+15]);
+ caxis([-4 3]);
+ titl = ['OUTSIDE: river number: ',num2str(k),' name: ',river_names_sort{k}];
+ title(titl);
+ colorbar;
+ pause
+ end
+ end
+% nearest neighbor search to fill in any 0 values left for each input field
+% after the river mapping is done.
+aa = find(din_conc_vec == 0);
+bb = find(din_conc_vec > 0);
+F = scatteredInterpolant(lon_mod_runoff_vec(bb),lat_mod_runoff_vec(bb),din_conc_vec(bb), ...
+ 'nearest','nearest');
+din_conc_vec(aa) = F(lon_mod_runoff_vec(aa),lat_mod_runoff_vec(aa));
+aa = find(don_conc_vec == 0);
+bb = find(don_conc_vec > 0);
+F = scatteredInterpolant(lon_mod_runoff_vec(bb),lat_mod_runoff_vec(bb),don_conc_vec(bb), ...
+ 'nearest','nearest');
+don_conc_vec(aa) = F(lon_mod_runoff_vec(aa),lat_mod_runoff_vec(aa));
+aa = find(pn_conc_vec == 0);
+bb = find(pn_conc_vec > 0);
+F = scatteredInterpolant(lon_mod_runoff_vec(bb),lat_mod_runoff_vec(bb),pn_conc_vec(bb), ...
+ 'nearest','nearest');
+pn_conc_vec(aa) = F(lon_mod_runoff_vec(aa),lat_mod_runoff_vec(aa));
+aa = find(dip_conc_vec == 0);
+bb = find(dip_conc_vec > 0);
+F = scatteredInterpolant(lon_mod_runoff_vec(bb),lat_mod_runoff_vec(bb),dip_conc_vec(bb), ...
+ 'nearest','nearest');
+dip_conc_vec(aa) = F(lon_mod_runoff_vec(aa),lat_mod_runoff_vec(aa));
+aa = find(dop_conc_vec == 0);
+bb = find(dop_conc_vec > 0);
+F = scatteredInterpolant(lon_mod_runoff_vec(bb),lat_mod_runoff_vec(bb),dop_conc_vec(bb), ...
+ 'nearest','nearest');
+dop_conc_vec(aa) = F(lon_mod_runoff_vec(aa),lat_mod_runoff_vec(aa));
+aa = find(pp_conc_vec == 0);
+bb = find(pp_conc_vec > 0);
+F = scatteredInterpolant(lon_mod_runoff_vec(bb),lat_mod_runoff_vec(bb),pp_conc_vec(bb), ...
+ 'nearest','nearest');
+pp_conc_vec(aa) = F(lon_mod_runoff_vec(aa),lat_mod_runoff_vec(aa));
+aa = find(si_conc_vec == 0);
+bb = find(si_conc_vec > 0);
+F = scatteredInterpolant(lon_mod_runoff_vec(bb),lat_mod_runoff_vec(bb),si_conc_vec(bb), ...
+ 'nearest','nearest');
+si_conc_vec(aa) = F(lon_mod_runoff_vec(aa),lat_mod_runoff_vec(aa));
+totn_conc_vec = din_conc_vec + don_conc_vec + pn_conc_vec;
+totp_conc_vec = dip_conc_vec + dop_conc_vec + pp_conc_vec;
+% calculate ratios of dissolved and particulate to inorganic
+din_flux_vec = din_conc_vec.*Q_mod_vec;
+dip_flux_vec = dip_conc_vec.*Q_mod_vec;
+don_flux_vec = don_conc_vec.*Q_mod_vec;
+dop_flux_vec = dop_conc_vec.*Q_mod_vec;
+pn_flux_vec = pn_conc_vec.*Q_mod_vec;
+pp_flux_vec = pp_conc_vec.*Q_mod_vec;
+don_ratio = sum(don_flux_vec)/sum(din_flux_vec)
+dop_ratio = sum(dop_flux_vec)/sum(dip_flux_vec)
+pn_ratio = sum(pn_flux_vec)/sum(din_flux_vec)
+pp_ratio = sum(pp_flux_vec)/sum(dip_flux_vec)
+% Produce plots to evaluate the mapping %
+% Use total fluxes to scale dots, m3 sec-1 * moles m-3 = moles sec-1
+totn_flux_vec = totn_conc_vec.*Q_mod_vec;
+totp_flux_vec = totp_conc_vec.*Q_mod_vec;
+totsi_flux_vec = si_conc_vec.*Q_mod_vec;
+% scale marker size with the total nitrogen flux
+ms_vec = zeros(size(Q_mod_vec));
+ms_vec(log10(Q_mod_vec) < 0) = 1;
+ms_vec((log10(Q_mod_vec) > 0) & (log10(Q_mod_vec) < 1)) = 1;
+ms_vec((log10(Q_mod_vec) > 1) & (log10(Q_mod_vec) < 2)) = 1;
+ms_vec((log10(Q_mod_vec) > 2) & (log10(Q_mod_vec) < 3)) = 1;
+ms_vec(log10(Q_mod_vec) > 3) = 100;
+scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,totn_conc_vec*1e3,ms_vec, ...
+ totn_conc_vec*1e3,'filled');
+hold on
+caxis([30 150]);
+title('total nitrogen concentration, mmoles m-3');
+scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,totp_conc_vec*1e3,ms_vec, ...
+ totp_conc_vec*1e3,'filled');
+hold on
+caxis([0 10]);
+title('total phosphorus concentration, mmoles m-3');
+scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,totn_conc_vec./totp_conc_vec,ms_vec, ...
+ totn_conc_vec./totp_conc_vec,'filled');
+hold on
+caxis([10 100]);
+title('N:P ratio');
+scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,din_conc_vec*1e3,ms_vec, ...
+ din_conc_vec*1e3,'filled');
+hold on
+caxis([0 100]);
+title('din concentration, mmoles m-3');
+scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,don_conc_vec*1e3,ms_vec, ...
+ don_conc_vec*1e3,'filled');
+hold on
+caxis([0 100]);
+title('don concentration, mmoles m-3');
+scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,pn_conc_vec*1e3,ms_vec, ...
+ pn_conc_vec*1e3,'filled');
+hold on
+caxis([0 100]);
+title('pn concentration, mmoles m-3');
+scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,dip_conc_vec*1e3,ms_vec, ...
+ dip_conc_vec*1e3,'filled');
+hold on
+caxis([0 5]);
+title('dip concentration, mmoles m-3');
+scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,dop_conc_vec*1e3,ms_vec, ...
+ dop_conc_vec*1e3,'filled');
+hold on
+caxis([0 3]);
+title('dop concentration, mmoles m-3');
+scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,pp_conc_vec*1e3,ms_vec, ...
+ pp_conc_vec*1e3,'filled');
+hold on
+caxis([0 3]);
+title('pp concentration, mmoles m-3');
+scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,don_conc_vec./din_conc_vec,ms_vec, ...
+ don_conc_vec./din_conc_vec,'filled');
+hold on
+caxis([0 2]);
+scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,pn_conc_vec./din_conc_vec,ms_vec, ...
+ pn_conc_vec./din_conc_vec,'filled');
+hold on
+caxis([0 2]);
+scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,dop_conc_vec./dip_conc_vec,ms_vec, ...
+ dop_conc_vec./dip_conc_vec,'filled');
+hold on
+caxis([0 2]);
+scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,pp_conc_vec./dip_conc_vec,ms_vec, ...
+ pp_conc_vec./dip_conc_vec,'filled');
+hold on
+caxis([0 2]);
+scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,si_conc_vec*1e3,ms_vec, ...
+ si_conc_vec*1e3,'filled');
+hold on
+caxis([30 300]);
+title('si concentration, mmoles m-3');
+scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,log10(totn_flux_vec),ms_vec, ...
+ log10(totn_flux_vec),'filled');
+hold on
+caxis([-1 2]);
+title('N flux, log10(moles sec-1)');
+scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,log10(totp_flux_vec),ms_vec, ...
+ log10(totp_flux_vec),'filled');
+hold on
+caxis([-3 1]);
+title('P flux, log10(moles sec-1)');
+% output total fluxes in gigagrams of N
+total_annual_n = sum(totn_flux_vec)*86400*365*14/1e12
+total_annual_p = sum(totp_flux_vec)*86400*365*31/1e12
+total_annual_si = sum(totsi_flux_vec)*86400*365*28.1/1e12
+'press any key to continue'
+% Initialize 2D concentration arrays; these are the ones read into MOM6 to
+% specify the nutrient concentrations of river inputs.
+din_conc = zeros(size(lon_mod));
+don_conc = zeros(size(lon_mod));
+dip_conc = zeros(size(lon_mod));
+dop_conc = zeros(size(lon_mod));
+pn_conc = zeros(size(lon_mod));
+pp_conc = zeros(size(lon_mod));
+si_conc = zeros(size(lon_mod));
+% Map concentration vectors onto 2D arrays.
+aa = find(Q_mod_ann > 0);
+din_conc(aa) = din_conc_vec;
+don_conc(aa) = don_conc_vec;
+pn_conc(aa) = pn_conc_vec;
+dip_conc(aa) = dip_conc_vec;
+dop_conc(aa) = dop_conc_vec;
+pp_conc(aa) = pp_conc_vec;
+si_conc(aa) = si_conc_vec;
+NO3_CONC = din_conc;
+LDON_CONC = frac_ldon*don_conc;
+SLDON_CONC = frac_sldon*don_conc;
+SRDON_CONC = frac_srdon*don_conc;
+PO4_CONC = dip_conc;
+LDOP_CONC = frac_ldop*dop_conc;
+SLDOP_CONC = frac_sldop*dop_conc;
+SRDOP_CONC = frac_srdop*dop_conc;
+NDET_CONC = pn_conc;
+PDET_CONC = pp_conc; % The bioavailability of particulate P has already
+ % been accounted for.
+SI_CONC = si_conc;
+% Add iron concentrations - initialize with nitrate and then overwrite
+% 40 nM dissolved iron concentration from De Baar and De Jong + 30nM
+% Colloidal and nanoparticle flux as reported in Canfield and Raiswell
+FED_CONC(FED_CONC > 0) = const_fed;
+% series of quick figures to check the 2D nutrient input files.
+ms = 8;
+title('log10(NO3 CONC)'); hold on;
+caxis([-4 -1]); colorbar;
+title('log10(LDON CONC)'); hold on;
+caxis([-4 -1]); colorbar;
+title('log10(SLDON CONC)'); hold on;
+caxis([-4 -1]); colorbar;
+title('log10(SRDON CONC)'); hold on;
+caxis([-4 -1]); colorbar;
+title('log10(NDET CONC)'); hold on;
+caxis([-4 -1]); colorbar;
+title('log10(PO4 CONC)'); hold on;
+caxis([-4 -2]); colorbar;
+title('log10(LDOP CONC)'); hold on;
+caxis([-4 -2]); colorbar;
+title('log10(SLDOP CONC)'); hold on;
+caxis([-4 -2]); colorbar;
+title('log10(SRDOP CONC)'); hold on;
+caxis([-4 -2]); colorbar;
+title('log10(PDET CONC)'); hold on;
+caxis([-4 -2]); colorbar;
+title('log10(FED CONC)'); hold on;
+caxis([-5 -3]); colorbar;
+title('log10(FEDET CONC)'); hold on;
+caxis([-5 -3]); colorbar;
+title('log10(SI CONC)'); hold on;
+caxis([-3 -0]); colorbar;
+% Save Files %
+% option to save matlab file
+% Construct netcdf file following format used by nutrient input files to
+% MOM6
+time = 0;
+nlat = size(lat_mod,1);
+nlon = size(lat_mod,2);
+ncid = netcdf.create(nc_file_name,'CLOBBER');
+dimid0 = netcdf.defDim(ncid,'time',netcdf.getConstant('NC_UNLIMITED'));
+dimid1 = netcdf.defDim(ncid,'y',nlat);
+dimid2 = netcdf.defDim(ncid,'x',nlon);
+%attributes inherited from the old river nutrient forcing file. The
+%calendar needs to be specified even though the nutrient values are
+%constant. Not sure how much of the rest is needed.
+varid0 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'time','double',dimid0);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid0,'units','days since 1900-1-1 0:00:00');
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid0,'time_origin','01-JAN-1990 00:00:00');
+varid1 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'y','int',dimid1);
+varid2 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'x','int',dimid2);
+varid3 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'lat','double',[dimid2 dimid1]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid3,'units','degrees north');
+varid4 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'lon','double',[dimid2 dimid1]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid4,'units','degrees east');
+varid5 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'NO3_CONC','double',[dimid2,dimid1,dimid0]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid5,'units','mol m-3');
+varid6 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'LDON_CONC','double',[dimid2,dimid1,dimid0]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid6,'units','mol m-3');
+varid7 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'SLDON_CONC','double',[dimid2,dimid1,dimid0]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid7,'units','mol m-3');
+varid8 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'SRDON_CONC','double',[dimid2,dimid1,dimid0]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid8,'units','mol m-3');
+varid9 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'NDET_CONC','double',[dimid2,dimid1,dimid0]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid9,'units','mol m-3');
+varid10 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'PO4_CONC','double',[dimid2,dimid1,dimid0]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid10,'units','mol m-3');
+varid11 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'LDOP_CONC','double',[dimid2,dimid1,dimid0]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid11,'units','mol m-3');
+varid12 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'SLDOP_CONC','double',[dimid2,dimid1,dimid0]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid12,'units','mol m-3');
+varid13 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'SRDOP_CONC','double',[dimid2,dimid1,dimid0]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid13,'units','mol m-3');
+varid14 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'PDET_CONC','double',[dimid2,dimid1,dimid0]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid14,'units','mol m-3');
+varid15 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'FED_CONC','double',[dimid2,dimid1,dimid0]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid15,'units','mol m-3');
+varid16 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'FEDET_CONC','double',[dimid2,dimid1,dimid0]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid16,'units','mol m-3');
+varid17 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'SI_CONC','double',[dimid2,dimid1,dimid0]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid17,'units','mol m-3');
+ncid = netcdf.open(nc_file_name,'NC_WRITE');
+% nutrient input files appear seem to need dummy axes to be read in
+% properly, but eventually do a grid by grid mapping that doesn't require
+% these.
diff --git a/tools/rivers/bgc/NEP/mapriv_combined_NEP10k.m b/tools/rivers/bgc/NEP/mapriv_combined_NEP10k.m
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9583ca265
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/rivers/bgc/NEP/mapriv_combined_NEP10k.m
@@ -0,0 +1,1342 @@
+% Routine to map USGS nutrient data onto the MOM6 Northwest Atlantic (NWA)
+% grid. Run on matlab97 or above.
+clear all;
+addpath /home/cas/matlab
+% name of netcdf file to be created
+nc_file_name = 'RiverNutrients_Combined_Q100_NEP10k.nc';
+% GLOBAL NEWS based map for filling in gaps
+NEWS_file = 'RiverNutrients_GlobalNEWS2_plusFe_Q100_NEP10k.nc';
+% load in monthly world ocean T, S climatology for saturated oxygen calculation
+temp = ncread('Data/woa_sst_climo.nc','t_an');
+woa_temp = permute(temp,[3 2 1]);
+% Parameters for the assignment algorithm.
+Q_min = 100; % minimum flow in m3 sec
+plot_width = 15; % width of window (in degrees) for inspecting locations
+ % of rivers and outflow points that have been assigned to
+ % them.
+min_dist = 1.5; % minimum distance (degrees) of the closest outflow point
+ % for the river to be considered in the domain (useful
+ % for preventing the algorithm from trying to map rivers
+ % flowing to different ocean basins.
+max_dist = 2.0; % maximum distance (degrees) away that the algorithm
+ % looks for points for rivers that are in the domain
+nutrient_option = 2; % option for deriving dissolved organic nutrients in RC4US
+inspect_map = 'y'; % flag enabling you to pause and inspect each river
+ % mapping as it is being done.
+min_lon_ref = 0; % set to either 0 if model grid contains no negative
+ % values; set to -180 if model is on a -180-180 grid.
+% set the bio-availability of phosphorus and the fractionation of dissolved
+% organic; PP is set to 30% based on Froelich; Partitioning of detritus
+% between
+frac_PP = 0.3;
+frac_ldon = 0.3;
+frac_sldon = 0.35;
+frac_srdon = 0.35;
+frac_ldop = 0.3;
+frac_sldop = 0.35;
+frac_srdop = 0.35;
+% 40 nM dissolved iron concentration from De Baar and De Jong + 30nM
+% Colloidal and nanoparticle flux as reported in Canfield and Raiswell
+const_fed = 70.0e-6;
+% USGS data compiled by Fabian Gomez %
+filename_chem = 'Data/RC4USCoast/mclim_19902022_chem.nc';
+alk_monthly_RC4US = ncread(filename_chem,'alk'); alk_monthly_RC4US = permute(alk_monthly_RC4US,[2 1]);
+dic_monthly_RC4US = ncread(filename_chem,'dic'); dic_monthly_RC4US = permute(dic_monthly_RC4US,[2 1]);
+no3_monthly_RC4US = ncread(filename_chem,'no3'); no3_monthly_RC4US = permute(no3_monthly_RC4US,[2 1]);
+nh4_monthly_RC4US = ncread(filename_chem,'nh4'); nh4_monthly_RC4US = permute(nh4_monthly_RC4US,[2 1]);
+din_monthly_RC4US = no3_monthly_RC4US + nh4_monthly_RC4US;
+dip_monthly_RC4US = ncread(filename_chem,'po4'); dip_monthly_RC4US = permute(dip_monthly_RC4US,[2 1]);
+si_monthly_RC4US = ncread(filename_chem,'sio2'); si_monthly_RC4US = permute(si_monthly_RC4US,[2 1]);
+% The RC4US database seems to be in mmoles O m-3 rather than mmoles O2 m-3,
+% divide by 2.0 for consistency with other O2 data sources
+o2_monthly_RC4US = ncread(filename_chem,'do'); o2_monthly_RC4US = permute(o2_monthly_RC4US,[2 1])/2.0;
+don_monthly_RC4US = ncread(filename_chem,'don'); don_monthly_RC4US = permute(don_monthly_RC4US,[2 1]);
+temp_monthly_RC4US = ncread(filename_chem,'temp'); temp_monthly_RC4US = permute(temp_monthly_RC4US,[2 1]);
+if nutrient_option == 1
+ % This option will eventually set all river values for pn, dop and pp using GlobalNEWS
+ pn_monthly_RC4US = no3_monthly_RC4US*NaN;
+ dop_monthly_RC4US = no3_monthly_RC4US*NaN;
+ pp_monthly_RC4US = no3_monthly_RC4US*NaN;
+elseif nutrient_option == 2
+ % This option will use differences between total filtered and unfiltered
+ % and other properties to derive pn, dop and pp. This unfortunately
+ % generates negative values in some cases.
+ tnf_monthly_RC4US = ncread(filename_chem,'tnf'); tnf_monthly_RC4US = permute(tnf_monthly_RC4US,[2 1]);
+ don2_monthly_RC4US = tnf_monthly_RC4US - din_monthly_RC4US;
+ tnu_monthly_RC4US = ncread(filename_chem,'tnu'); tnu_monthly_RC4US = permute(tnu_monthly_RC4US,[2 1]);
+ pn_monthly_RC4US = tnu_monthly_RC4US - tnf_monthly_RC4US;
+ pn_monthly_RC4US(pn_monthly_RC4US < 0) = NaN;
+ tpf_monthly_RC4US = ncread(filename_chem,'tpf'); tpf_monthly_RC4US = permute(tpf_monthly_RC4US,[2 1]);
+ dop_monthly_RC4US = tpf_monthly_RC4US - dip_monthly_RC4US;
+ dop_monthly_RC4US(dop_monthly_RC4US < 0) = NaN;
+ tpu_monthly_RC4US = ncread(filename_chem,'tpu'); tpu_monthly_RC4US = permute(tpu_monthly_RC4US,[2 1]);
+ pp_monthly_RC4US = (tpu_monthly_RC4US - tpf_monthly_RC4US)*frac_PP;
+ pp_monthly_RC4US(pp_monthly_RC4US < 0) = NaN;
+dfe_monthly_RC4US = no3_monthly_RC4US*NaN;
+pfe_monthly_RC4US = no3_monthly_RC4US*NaN;
+filename_discharge = 'Data/RC4USCoast/mclim_19902022_disc.nc';
+Q_monthly_RC4US = ncread(filename_discharge,'disc'); Q_monthly_RC4US = permute(Q_monthly_RC4US,[2 1]); % m-3 sec-1
+station_names_RC4US = h5read(filename_discharge,'/river_name');
+lon_stations_RC4US = ncread(filename_discharge,'mouth_lon');
+lat_stations_RC4US = ncread(filename_discharge,'mouth_lat');
+Q_ann_RC4US = mean(Q_monthly_RC4US,1,'native','omitnan')';
+dic_ann_RC4US = mean(dic_monthly_RC4US,1,'native','omitnan')';
+alk_ann_RC4US = mean(alk_monthly_RC4US,1,'native','omitnan')';
+no3_ann_RC4US = mean(no3_monthly_RC4US,1,'native','omitnan')';
+nh4_ann_RC4US = mean(nh4_monthly_RC4US,1,'native','omitnan')';
+o2_ann_RC4US = mean(o2_monthly_RC4US,1,'native','omitnan')';
+dip_ann_RC4US = mean(dip_monthly_RC4US,1,'native','omitnan')';
+si_ann_RC4US = mean(si_monthly_RC4US,1,'native','omitnan')';
+din_ann_RC4US = no3_ann_RC4US + nh4_ann_RC4US;
+don_ann_RC4US = mean(don_monthly_RC4US,1,'native','omitnan')';
+if nutrient_option == 1
+ don_ann_RC4US = ones(size(lon_stations_RC4US))*NaN;
+ pn_ann_RC4US = ones(size(lon_stations_RC4US))*NaN;
+ dop_ann_RC4US = ones(size(lon_stations_RC4US))*NaN;
+ pp_ann_RC4US = ones(size(lon_stations_RC4US))*NaN;
+elseif nutrient_option == 2
+ don2_ann_RC4US = mean(don2_monthly_RC4US,1,'native','omitnan')';
+ pn_ann_RC4US = mean(pn_monthly_RC4US,1,'native','omitnan')';
+ dop_ann_RC4US = mean(dop_monthly_RC4US,1,'native','omitnan')';
+ pp_ann_RC4US = mean(pp_monthly_RC4US,1,'native','omitnan')';
+dfe_ann_RC4US = ones(size(lon_stations_RC4US))*NaN;
+pfe_ann_RC4US = ones(size(lon_stations_RC4US))*NaN;
+for n = 1:size(lon_stations_RC4US,1)
+ % Make any adjustments to the river locations here, e.g:
+ %
+ % Move the Susquehanna a bit south so that it catches the Chesapeake
+ % and not the Delaware.
+ %if strcmp('Susquehanna',station_names_RC4US{n})
+ % lat_stations_RC4US(n) = 38.5;
+ % lon_stations_RC4US(n) = -77.5;
+ % %pause
+ %end
+Q_ann_RC4US = mean(Q_monthly_RC4US,1,'native','omitnan')';
+dic_ann_RC4US = mean(dic_monthly_RC4US,1,'native','omitnan')';
+alk_ann_RC4US = mean(alk_monthly_RC4US,1,'native','omitnan')';
+no3_ann_RC4US = mean(no3_monthly_RC4US,1,'native','omitnan')';
+nh4_ann_RC4US = mean(nh4_monthly_RC4US,1,'native','omitnan')';
+o2_ann_RC4US = mean(o2_monthly_RC4US,1,'native','omitnan')';
+dip_ann_RC4US = mean(dip_monthly_RC4US,1,'native','omitnan')';
+si_ann_RC4US = mean(si_monthly_RC4US,1,'native','omitnan')';
+din_ann_RC4US = no3_ann_RC4US + nh4_ann_RC4US;
+don_ann_RC4US = mean(don_monthly_RC4US,1,'native','omitnan')';
+if nutrient_option == 1
+ don_ann_RC4US = ones(size(lon_stations_RC4US))*NaN;
+ pn_ann_RC4US = ones(size(lon_stations_RC4US))*NaN;
+ dop_ann_RC4US = ones(size(lon_stations_RC4US))*NaN;
+ pp_ann_RC4US = ones(size(lon_stations_RC4US))*NaN;
+elseif nutrient_option == 2
+ don2_ann_RC4US = mean(don2_monthly_RC4US,1,'native','omitnan')';
+ pn_ann_RC4US = mean(pn_monthly_RC4US,1,'native','omitnan')';
+ dop_ann_RC4US = mean(dop_monthly_RC4US,1,'native','omitnan')';
+ pp_ann_RC4US = mean(pp_monthly_RC4US,1,'native','omitnan')';
+dfe_ann_RC4US = ones(size(lon_stations_RC4US))*NaN;
+pfe_ann_RC4US = ones(size(lon_stations_RC4US))*NaN;
+% Created by Process_GLORICH_NEP.m, includes following variables:
+%save NEP_GLORICH_data lon_stations_glorich lat_stations_glorich station_names_glorich ...
+% Q_ann_glorich dic_ann_glorich alk_ann_glorich no3_ann_glorich nh4_ann_glorich ...
+% din_ann_glorich pn_ann_glorich don_ann_glorich dip_ann_glorich dop_ann_glorich ...
+% pp_ann_glorich si_ann_glorich o2_ann_glorich dfe_ann_glorich pfe_ann_glorich ...
+% dic_monthly_glorich alk_monthly_glorich no3_monthly_glorich nh4_monthly_glorich ...
+% din_monthly_glorich don_monthly_glorich pn_monthly_glorich dip_monthly_glorich ...
+% dop_monthly_glorich pp_monthly_glorich dfe_monthly_glorich pfe_monthly_glorich ...
+% si_monthly_glorich o2_monthly_glorich
+load Data/GLORICH/NEP_GLORICH_data.mat;
+% Created by Process_ARCTICGRO.m, includes following variables:
+%save arcticgro_data lon_stations_arcticgro lat_stations_arcticgro station_names_arcticgro ...
+% Q_ann_arcticgro dic_ann_arcticgro alk_ann_arcticgro no3_ann_arcticgro nh4_ann_arcticgro ...
+% din_ann_arcticgro pn_ann_arcticgro don_ann_arcticgro dip_ann_arcticgro dop_ann_arcticgro ...
+% pp_ann_arcticgro si_ann_arcticgro o2_ann_arcticgro dfe_ann_arcticgro pfe_ann_arcticgro ...
+% dic_monthly_arcticgro alk_monthly_arcticgro no3_monthly_arcticgro nh4_monthly_arcticgro ...
+% din_monthly_arcticgro don_monthly_arcticgro pn_monthly_arcticgro dip_monthly_arcticgro ...
+% dop_monthly_arcticgro pp_monthly_arcticgro dfe_monthly_arcticgro pfe_monthly_arcticgro ...
+% si_monthly_arcticgro o2_monthly_arcticgro
+load Data/ArcticGro/arcticgro_data.mat;
+% Combine all annual and monthly station data %
+station_names_all = [station_names_RC4US; string(station_names_glorich)'; string(station_names_arcticgro)'];
+lon_stations_all = [lon_stations_RC4US; lon_stations_glorich'; lon_stations_arcticgro'];
+if min_lon_ref == 0
+ lon_stations_all(lon_stations_all < 0) = lon_stations_all(lon_stations_all < 0) + 360;
+elseif min_lon_ref == -180
+ lon_stations_all(lon_stations_all > 180) = lon_stations_all(lon_stations_all < 180) - 360;
+lat_stations_all = [lat_stations_RC4US; lat_stations_glorich'; lat_stations_arcticgro'];
+Q_ann_all = [Q_ann_RC4US; Q_ann_glorich'; Q_ann_arcticgro'];
+dic_ann_all = [dic_ann_RC4US; dic_ann_glorich'; dic_ann_arcticgro'];
+alk_ann_all = [alk_ann_RC4US; alk_ann_glorich'; alk_ann_arcticgro'];
+no3_ann_all = [no3_ann_RC4US; no3_ann_glorich'; no3_ann_arcticgro'];
+nh4_ann_all = [nh4_ann_RC4US; nh4_ann_glorich'; nh4_ann_arcticgro'];
+din_ann_all = [din_ann_RC4US; din_ann_glorich'; din_ann_arcticgro'];
+don_ann_all = [don_ann_RC4US; don_ann_glorich'; don_ann_arcticgro'];
+pn_ann_all = [pn_ann_RC4US; pn_ann_glorich'; pn_ann_arcticgro'];
+dip_ann_all = [dip_ann_RC4US; dip_ann_glorich'; dip_ann_arcticgro'];
+dop_ann_all = [dop_ann_RC4US; dop_ann_glorich'; dop_ann_arcticgro'];
+pp_ann_all = [pp_ann_RC4US; pp_ann_glorich'; pp_ann_arcticgro'];
+dfe_ann_all = [dfe_ann_RC4US; dfe_ann_glorich'; dfe_ann_arcticgro'];
+pfe_ann_all = [pfe_ann_RC4US; pfe_ann_glorich'; pfe_ann_arcticgro'];
+si_ann_all = [si_ann_RC4US; si_ann_glorich'; si_ann_arcticgro'];
+o2_ann_all = [o2_ann_RC4US; o2_ann_glorich'; o2_ann_arcticgro'];
+dic_monthly_all = [dic_monthly_RC4US dic_monthly_glorich dic_monthly_arcticgro];
+alk_monthly_all = [alk_monthly_RC4US alk_monthly_glorich alk_monthly_arcticgro];
+no3_monthly_all = [no3_monthly_RC4US no3_monthly_glorich no3_monthly_arcticgro];
+nh4_monthly_all = [nh4_monthly_RC4US nh4_monthly_glorich nh4_monthly_arcticgro];
+din_monthly_all = [din_monthly_RC4US din_monthly_glorich din_monthly_arcticgro];
+don_monthly_all = [don_monthly_RC4US don_monthly_glorich don_monthly_arcticgro];
+pn_monthly_all = [pn_monthly_RC4US pn_monthly_glorich pn_monthly_arcticgro];
+dip_monthly_all = [dip_monthly_RC4US dip_monthly_glorich dip_monthly_arcticgro];
+dop_monthly_all = [dop_monthly_RC4US dop_monthly_glorich dop_monthly_arcticgro];
+pp_monthly_all = [pp_monthly_RC4US pp_monthly_glorich pp_monthly_arcticgro];
+dfe_monthly_all = [dfe_monthly_RC4US dfe_monthly_glorich dfe_monthly_arcticgro];
+pfe_monthly_all = [pfe_monthly_RC4US pfe_monthly_glorich pfe_monthly_arcticgro];
+si_monthly_all = [si_monthly_RC4US si_monthly_glorich si_monthly_arcticgro];
+o2_monthly_all = [o2_monthly_RC4US o2_monthly_glorich o2_monthly_arcticgro];
+% Load in monthly climatology of river forcing from the regional grid. %
+% File contains: %
+% runoff: monthly average runoff in kg m-2 sec-1 %
+% area: area of grid cell in m-2 %
+% lon: longitude (0-360 degrees) %
+% lat: latitude % %
+load glofas_hill_runoff_monthlyclim_NEP10k_05122023.mat;
+lon_mod = lon;
+lat_mod = lat;
+area_mod = area;
+% convert runoff from kg m-2 sec-1 to m3 sec-1
+Q_mod_monthly = zeros(size(runoff));
+for m = 1:12
+ Q_mod_monthly(m,:,:) = squeeze(runoff(m,:,:)).*area_mod./1000;
+Q_mod_ann = squeeze(mean(Q_mod_monthly,1));
+clear lon lat runoff area;
+%grid_file = '/archive/cas/Regional_MOM6/NWA12/nwa12_ocean_static.nc';
+%temp = ncread(grid_file,'deptho');
+%depth = permute(temp,[2,1]); clear temp;
+%depth(isnan(depth)) = -1;
+% Filter for rivers in the region, set thresholds for minimum river size, %
+% set parameters for plotting routines. %
+% use grid to filter rivers outside domain
+lat_mod_max = max(lat_mod(:));
+lat_mod_min = min(lat_mod(:));
+lon_mod_max = max(lon_mod(:));
+lon_mod_min = min(lon_mod(:));
+in_region = find( (lon_stations_all <= lon_mod_max) & (lon_stations_all >= lon_mod_min) & ...
+ (lat_stations_all <= lat_mod_max) & (lat_stations_all >= lat_mod_min) & ...
+ (isfinite(Q_ann_all)) & (Q_ann_all > Q_min) );
+num_rivers = size(in_region,1);
+station_names_reg = station_names_all(in_region);
+lon_stations_reg = lon_stations_all(in_region);
+lat_stations_reg = lat_stations_all(in_region);
+Q_ann_reg = Q_ann_all(in_region);
+dic_ann_reg = dic_ann_all(in_region);
+alk_ann_reg = alk_ann_all(in_region);
+no3_ann_reg = no3_ann_all(in_region);
+nh4_ann_reg = nh4_ann_all(in_region);
+din_ann_reg = din_ann_all(in_region);
+don_ann_reg = don_ann_all(in_region);
+pn_ann_reg = pn_ann_all(in_region);
+dip_ann_reg = dip_ann_all(in_region);
+dop_ann_reg = dop_ann_all(in_region);
+pp_ann_reg = pp_ann_all(in_region);
+dfe_ann_reg = dfe_ann_all(in_region);
+pfe_ann_reg = pfe_ann_all(in_region);
+si_ann_reg = si_ann_all(in_region);
+o2_ann_reg = o2_ann_all(in_region);
+for m = 1:12
+ dic_monthly_reg(m,:) = dic_monthly_all(m,in_region);
+ alk_monthly_reg(m,:) = alk_monthly_all(m,in_region);
+ no3_monthly_reg(m,:) = no3_monthly_all(m,in_region);
+ nh4_monthly_reg(m,:) = nh4_monthly_all(m,in_region);
+ din_monthly_reg(m,:) = din_monthly_all(m,in_region);
+ don_monthly_reg(m,:) = don_monthly_all(m,in_region);
+ pn_monthly_reg(m,:) = pn_monthly_all(m,in_region);
+ dip_monthly_reg(m,:) = dip_monthly_all(m,in_region);
+ dop_monthly_reg(m,:) = dop_monthly_all(m,in_region);
+ pp_monthly_reg(m,:) = pp_monthly_all(m,in_region);
+ dfe_monthly_reg(m,:) = dfe_monthly_all(m,in_region);
+ pfe_monthly_reg(m,:) = pfe_monthly_all(m,in_region);
+ si_monthly_reg(m,:) = si_monthly_all(m,in_region);
+ o2_monthly_reg(m,:) = o2_monthly_all(m,in_region);
+% Assigning outflow points to rivers. %
+% 1. Assignment starts with the rivers with the smallest flow and works %
+% to the largest, w/larger river characteristics taking precedence to %
+% ensure the most significant rivers are well represented. %
+% 2. The algorithm keeps choosing the closest points to each river mouth %
+% until the assigned flow is as close as possible to that observed %
+% 3. Once the outflow points are assigned using the mean flow values, %
+% monthly concentrations are assigned to those points. %
+% 4. A simple "nearest neighbor" algorithm is used to fill in the gaps %
+% Sort rivers by discharge
+[Q_ann_sort,sort_ind] = sort(Q_ann_reg,'ascend');
+station_names_sort = station_names_reg(sort_ind);
+lon_stations_sort = lon_stations_reg(sort_ind);
+lat_stations_sort = lat_stations_reg(sort_ind);
+Q_ann_sort = Q_ann_reg(sort_ind);
+dic_ann_sort = dic_ann_reg(sort_ind);
+alk_ann_sort = alk_ann_reg(sort_ind);
+no3_ann_sort = no3_ann_reg(sort_ind);
+nh4_ann_sort = nh4_ann_reg(sort_ind);
+din_ann_sort = din_ann_reg(sort_ind);
+don_ann_sort = don_ann_reg(sort_ind);
+pn_ann_sort = pn_ann_reg(sort_ind);
+dip_ann_sort = dip_ann_reg(sort_ind);
+dop_ann_sort = dop_ann_reg(sort_ind);
+pp_ann_sort = pp_ann_reg(sort_ind);
+dfe_ann_sort = dfe_ann_reg(sort_ind);
+pfe_ann_sort = pfe_ann_reg(sort_ind);
+si_ann_sort = si_ann_reg(sort_ind);
+o2_ann_sort = o2_ann_reg(sort_ind);
+for m = 1:12
+ dic_monthly_sort(m,:) = dic_monthly_reg(m,sort_ind);
+ alk_monthly_sort(m,:) = alk_monthly_reg(m,sort_ind);
+ no3_monthly_sort(m,:) = no3_monthly_reg(m,sort_ind);
+ nh4_monthly_sort(m,:) = nh4_monthly_reg(m,sort_ind);
+ din_monthly_sort(m,:) = din_monthly_reg(m,sort_ind);
+ don_monthly_sort(m,:) = don_monthly_reg(m,sort_ind);
+ pn_monthly_sort(m,:) = pn_monthly_reg(m,sort_ind);
+ dip_monthly_sort(m,:) = dip_monthly_reg(m,sort_ind);
+ dop_monthly_sort(m,:) = dop_monthly_reg(m,sort_ind);
+ pp_monthly_sort(m,:) = pp_monthly_reg(m,sort_ind);
+ dfe_monthly_sort(m,:) = dfe_monthly_reg(m,sort_ind);
+ pfe_monthly_sort(m,:) = pfe_monthly_reg(m,sort_ind);
+ si_monthly_sort(m,:) = si_monthly_reg(m,sort_ind);
+ o2_monthly_sort(m,:) = o2_monthly_reg(m,sort_ind);
+% Create vectors of values at the runoff points from the model grid. These
+% are used to accelerate the mapping relative to wrangling the full grid
+% with all the zeros included. "ind_ro" are the grid indexes with runoff
+ind_ro = find(Q_mod_ann > 0);
+Q_mod_vec = Q_mod_ann(ind_ro);
+lon_mod_runoff_vec = lon_mod(ind_ro);
+lat_mod_runoff_vec = lat_mod(ind_ro);
+Q_mod_monthly_vecs = zeros(12,size(lon_mod_runoff_vec,1));
+for m = 1:12
+ temp = squeeze(Q_mod_monthly(m,:,:));
+ Q_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:) = temp(ind_ro);
+% Create a grid of saturated oxygen values using the world ocean atlas data
+temp_woa_monthly_vecs = zeros(12,size(lon_mod_runoff_vec,1));
+o2sat_woa_monthly_vecs = zeros(12,size(lon_mod_runoff_vec,1));
+% Constants for o2 saturation calculation (taken from COBALT)
+a_0 = 2.00907;
+a_1 = 3.22014;
+a_2 = 4.05010;
+a_3 = 4.94457;
+a_4 = -2.56847e-1;
+a_5 = 3.88767;
+sal = 0;
+b_0 = -6.24523e-3;
+b_1 = -7.37614e-3;
+b_2 = -1.03410e-2;
+b_3 = -8.17083e-3;
+c_0 = -4.88682e-7;
+for m = 1:12
+ temp = squeeze(woa_temp(m,:,:));
+ % limit for validity of o2sat calculation
+ temp(temp > 40) = 40; temp(temp < 0) = 0;
+ temp_woa_monthly_vecs(m,:) = temp(ind_ro);
+ % calculate the oxygen saturation at a given temperature and salinity = 0
+ % code taken from COBALT with limits applied above
+ tt = 298.15 - temp_woa_monthly_vecs(m,:);
+ tkb = 273.15 + temp_woa_monthly_vecs(m,:);
+ ts = log(tt / tkb);
+ ts2 = ts * ts;
+ ts3 = ts2 * ts;
+ ts4 = ts3 * ts;
+ ts5 = ts4 * ts;
+ o2sat_woa_monthly_vecs(m,:) = (1000.0/22391.6) * 1000 * ... %convert from ml/l to mmol m-3
+ exp(a_0 + a_1*ts + a_2*ts2 + a_3*ts3 + a_4*ts4 + a_5*ts5 + ...
+ (b_0 + b_1*ts + b_2*ts2 + b_3*ts3 + c_0*sal)*sal);
+% Load in fields generated from global NEWS. Where necessary, the ratio %
+% of constituents relative to DIN will be used to fill forcing gaps %
+% The m-file used to generate the NEWS forcing file is included in this %
+% directory and uses an analogous mapping algorithm to this one %
+din_ann_NEWS = nc_varget(NEWS_file,'NO3_CONC');
+aa = find(din_ann_NEWS > 0);
+temp1 = nc_varget(NEWS_file,'LDON_CONC');
+temp2 = nc_varget(NEWS_file,'SLDON_CONC');
+temp3 = nc_varget(NEWS_file,'SRDON_CONC');
+don_ann_NEWS = temp1 + temp2 + temp3;
+don_ratio_NEWS_vec = don_ann_NEWS(aa)./din_ann_NEWS(aa);
+clear temp1 temp2 temp3;
+pn_ann_NEWS = nc_varget(NEWS_file,'NDET_CONC');
+pn_ratio_NEWS_vec = pn_ann_NEWS(aa)./din_ann_NEWS(aa);
+dip_ann_NEWS = nc_varget(NEWS_file,'PO4_CONC');
+dip_ratio_NEWS_vec = dip_ann_NEWS(aa)./din_ann_NEWS(aa);
+temp1 = nc_varget(NEWS_file,'LDOP_CONC');
+temp2 = nc_varget(NEWS_file,'SLDOP_CONC');
+temp3 = nc_varget(NEWS_file,'SRDOP_CONC');
+dop_ann_NEWS = temp1 + temp2 + temp3;
+dop_ratio_NEWS_vec = dop_ann_NEWS(aa)./din_ann_NEWS(aa);
+clear temp1 temp2 temp3;
+pp_ann_NEWS = nc_varget(NEWS_file,'PDET_CONC');
+pp_ratio_NEWS_vec = pp_ann_NEWS(aa)./din_ann_NEWS(aa);
+si_ann_NEWS = nc_varget(NEWS_file,'SI_CONC');
+si_ratio_NEWS_vec = si_ann_NEWS(aa)./din_ann_NEWS(aa);
+% Vectors to hold monthly values mapped onto model runoff points
+dic_mod_monthly_vecs = zeros(12,size(lon_mod_runoff_vec,1));
+alk_mod_monthly_vecs = zeros(12,size(lat_mod_runoff_vec,1));
+no3_mod_monthly_vecs = zeros(12,size(lat_mod_runoff_vec,1));
+nh4_mod_monthly_vecs = zeros(12,size(lat_mod_runoff_vec,1));
+din_mod_monthly_vecs = zeros(12,size(lat_mod_runoff_vec,1));
+don_mod_monthly_vecs = zeros(12,size(lat_mod_runoff_vec,1));
+pn_mod_monthly_vecs = zeros(12,size(lat_mod_runoff_vec,1));
+dip_mod_monthly_vecs = zeros(12,size(lat_mod_runoff_vec,1));
+dop_mod_monthly_vecs = zeros(12,size(lat_mod_runoff_vec,1));
+pp_mod_monthly_vecs = zeros(12,size(lat_mod_runoff_vec,1));
+dfe_mod_monthly_vecs = zeros(12,size(lat_mod_runoff_vec,1));
+pfe_mod_monthly_vecs = zeros(12,size(lat_mod_runoff_vec,1));
+si_mod_monthly_vecs = zeros(12,size(lat_mod_runoff_vec,1));
+o2_mod_monthly_vecs = zeros(12,size(lat_mod_runoff_vec,1));
+% Loop identifies points assigned to each river %
+for k=1:num_rivers
+ dist = pdist2([lon_stations_sort(k) lat_stations_sort(k)], ...
+ [lon_mod_runoff_vec lat_mod_runoff_vec]);
+ [dist_sort, dist_sort_ind] = sort(dist,'ascend');
+ if dist_sort(1) < min_dist
+ Q_sum1 = 0;
+ Q_sum2 = 0;
+ n = 0;
+ while (Q_sum2 < Q_ann_sort(k) && (dist_sort(n+1) < max_dist))
+ Q_sum1 = Q_sum2;
+ n = n+1;
+ Q_sum2 = Q_sum1 + Q_mod_vec(dist_sort_ind(n));
+ end
+ %if abs(Q_sum1 - Q_ann_sort(k)) < abs(Q_sum2 - Q_ann_sort(k))
+ % nrp = n-1; % number of runoff points
+ % [Q_sum1 Q_ann_sort(k)] % a quick check for comparable flow
+ %else
+ nrp = n;
+ [Q_sum2 Q_ann_sort(k)]
+ %end
+ % enter monthly concentration values into an array of monthly values
+ % if no monthly value is available, use annuals.
+ for m = 1:12
+ if isnan(dic_monthly_sort(m,k))
+ if isfinite(dic_ann_sort(k))
+ dic_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = dic_ann_sort(k);
+ else
+ dic_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = 0;
+ end
+ else
+ dic_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = dic_monthly_sort(m,k);
+ end
+ if isnan(alk_monthly_sort(m,k))
+ if isfinite(dic_ann_sort(k))
+ alk_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = alk_ann_sort(k);
+ else
+ alk_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = 0;
+ end
+ else
+ alk_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = alk_monthly_sort(m,k);
+ end
+ % mapping assumes that DIN is defined for nutrient calculations since
+ % ratios relative to DIN are used to fill in other components. If
+ % DIN is not defined, values are left at 0 and eventually filled with
+ % a nearest neighbor filling (next section)
+ if (isfinite(din_monthly_sort(m,k)) || isfinite(din_ann_sort(k)) )
+ if isfinite(din_monthly_sort(m,k))
+ din_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = din_monthly_sort(m,k);
+ elseif isfinite(din_ann_sort(k))
+ din_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = din_ann_sort(k);
+ end
+ if isfinite(no3_monthly_sort(m,k))
+ no3_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = no3_monthly_sort(m,k);
+ elseif isfinite(no3_ann_sort(k))
+ no3_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = no3_ann_sort(k);
+ end
+ if isfinite(nh4_monthly_sort(m,k))
+ nh4_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = nh4_monthly_sort(m,k);
+ elseif isfinite(nh4_ann_sort(k))
+ nh4_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = nh4_ann_sort(k);
+ end
+ if (isnan(don_monthly_sort(m,k)) && isnan(don_ann_sort(k)))
+ don_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = ...
+ din_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)).* ...
+ don_ratio_NEWS_vec(dist_sort_ind(1:nrp))';
+ elseif (isnan(don_monthly_sort(m,k)) && ~isnan(don_ann_sort(k)))
+ don_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = don_ann_sort(k);
+ else
+ don_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = don_monthly_sort(m,k);
+ end
+ if (isnan(pn_monthly_sort(m,k)) && isnan(pn_ann_sort(k)))
+ pn_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = ...
+ din_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)).* ...
+ pn_ratio_NEWS_vec(dist_sort_ind(1:nrp))';
+ elseif (isnan(pn_monthly_sort(m,k)) && ~isnan(pn_ann_sort(k)))
+ pn_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = pn_ann_sort(k);
+ else
+ pn_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = pn_monthly_sort(m,k);
+ end
+ if (isnan(dip_monthly_sort(m,k)) && isnan(dip_ann_sort(k)))
+ dip_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = ...
+ din_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)).* ...
+ dip_ratio_NEWS_vec(dist_sort_ind(1:nrp))';
+ elseif (isnan(dip_monthly_sort(m,k)) && ~isnan(dip_ann_sort(k)))
+ dip_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = dip_ann_sort(k);
+ else
+ dip_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = dip_monthly_sort(m,k);
+ end
+ if (isnan(dop_monthly_sort(m,k)) && isnan(dop_ann_sort(k)))
+ dop_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = ...
+ din_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)).* ...
+ dop_ratio_NEWS_vec(dist_sort_ind(1:nrp))';
+ elseif (isnan(dop_monthly_sort(m,k)) && ~isnan(dop_ann_sort(k)))
+ dop_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = dop_ann_sort(k);
+ else
+ dop_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = dop_monthly_sort(m,k);
+ end
+ if (isnan(pp_monthly_sort(m,k)) && isnan(pp_ann_sort(k)))
+ pp_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = ...
+ din_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)).* ...
+ pp_ratio_NEWS_vec(dist_sort_ind(1:nrp))';
+ elseif (isnan(pp_monthly_sort(m,k)) && ~isnan(pp_ann_sort(k)))
+ pp_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = pp_ann_sort(k);
+ else
+ pp_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = pp_monthly_sort(m,k);
+ end
+ if (isnan(si_monthly_sort(m,k)) && isnan(si_ann_sort(k)))
+ si_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = ...
+ din_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)).* ...
+ si_ratio_NEWS_vec(dist_sort_ind(1:nrp))';
+ elseif (isnan(si_monthly_sort(m,k)) && ~isnan(si_ann_sort(k)))
+ si_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = si_ann_sort(k);
+ else
+ si_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = si_monthly_sort(m,k);
+ end
+ if isnan(o2_monthly_sort(m,k))
+ o2_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = ...
+ o2sat_woa_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp));
+ else
+ o2_mod_monthly_vecs(m,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)) = o2_monthly_sort(m,k);
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ % plot to check location if inspect_map == 'y'. The plot puts
+ % open circles at each runoff location in the model grid and fills
+ % those that are assigned to each river. Note that some of the smaller
+ % rivers may be replaced with larger ones as the fitting process
+ % continues.
+ if inspect_map == 'y'
+ figure(1)
+ clf
+ scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,log10(Q_mod_vec),3,log10(Q_mod_vec));
+ hold on
+ scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec(dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)),lat_mod_runoff_vec(dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)), ...
+ log10(Q_mod_vec(dist_sort_ind(1:nrp))),25, ...
+ log10(Q_mod_vec(dist_sort_ind(1:nrp))),'filled');
+ view(2);
+ plot3(lon_stations_sort(k),lat_stations_sort(k),1e5,'k.','MarkerSize',20);
+ %contour(lon_mod,lat_mod,depth,[0 0],'k-');
+ axis([lon_stations_sort(k)-plot_width/2 lon_stations_sort(k)+plot_width/2 ...
+ lat_stations_sort(k)-plot_width/2 lat_stations_sort(k)+plot_width/2]);
+ caxis([-4 3]);
+ titl = ['river number: ',num2str(k),' name: ',station_names_sort{k}];
+ title(titl);
+ colorbar;
+ % check the values of each mapping
+ N_check = mean(din_mod_monthly_vecs(:,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)),'all') + ...
+ mean(don_mod_monthly_vecs(:,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)),'all') + ...
+ mean(pn_mod_monthly_vecs(:,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)),'all');
+ P_check = mean(dip_mod_monthly_vecs(:,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)),'all') + ...
+ mean(dop_mod_monthly_vecs(:,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)),'all') + ...
+ mean(pp_mod_monthly_vecs(:,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)),'all');
+ SI_check = mean(si_mod_monthly_vecs(:,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)),'all');
+ DIN_check = mean(din_mod_monthly_vecs(:,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)),'all');
+ DON_check = mean(don_mod_monthly_vecs(:,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)),'all');
+ PN_check = mean(pn_mod_monthly_vecs(:,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)),'all');
+ DIP_check = mean(dip_mod_monthly_vecs(:,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)),'all');
+ DOP_check = mean(dop_mod_monthly_vecs(:,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)),'all');
+ PP_check = mean(pp_mod_monthly_vecs(:,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)),'all');
+ SI_check = mean(si_mod_monthly_vecs(:,dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)),'all');
+ station_names_sort(k)
+ ind = dist_sort_ind(1:nrp);
+ 'total flow in m3 sec'
+ [Q_ann_sort(k) sum(Q_mod_vec(dist_sort_ind(1:nrp)))]
+ 'N, P conc (mmoles m-3), DI, DO, P'
+ [DIN_check DON_check PN_check]
+ [DIP_check DOP_check PP_check]
+ 'Total N, Total P, Total N: Total P'
+ [N_check P_check N_check/P_check]
+ 'DO:DI and P:DI ratios';
+ [DON_check/DIN_check PN_check/DIN_check];
+ [DOP_check/DIP_check PP_check/DIP_check];
+ 'silica concentration (mmoles m-3)';
+ SI_check;
+ pause
+ end
+ % If river is outside the domain, skip all of the calculations above and
+ % just plot for inspection/evaluation
+ else
+ % This is for rivers that were outside of the domain
+ if inspect_map == 'y'
+ figure(1)
+ clf
+ scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,log10(Q_mod_vec),3,log10(Q_mod_vec));
+ hold on
+ view(2);
+ plot3(lon_stations_sort(k),lat_stations_sort(k),1e5,'k.','MarkerSize',20);
+ axis([lon_stations_sort(k)-10 lon_stations_sort(k)+10 ...
+ lat_stations_sort(k)-10 lat_stations_sort(k)+10]);
+ caxis([-4 3]);
+ titl = ['OUTSIDE: river number: ',num2str(k),' name: ',station_names_sort{k}];
+ title(titl);
+ colorbar;
+ pause
+ end
+ end
+% nearest neighbor search to fill in any runoff points that were not %
+% assigned after the runoff mapping step %
+lon_mod_runoff_vec = double(lon_mod_runoff_vec);
+lat_mod_runoff_vec = double(lat_mod_runoff_vec);
+for m = 1:12
+ aa = find(dic_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:) == 0);
+ bb = find(dic_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:) > 0);
+ F = scatteredInterpolant(lon_mod_runoff_vec(bb),lat_mod_runoff_vec(bb), ...
+ dic_mod_monthly_vecs(m,bb)','nearest','nearest');
+ dic_mod_monthly_vecs(m,aa) = F(lon_mod_runoff_vec(aa),lat_mod_runoff_vec(aa));
+ aa = find(alk_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:) == 0);
+ bb = find(alk_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:) > 0);
+ F = scatteredInterpolant(lon_mod_runoff_vec(bb),lat_mod_runoff_vec(bb), ...
+ alk_mod_monthly_vecs(m,bb)','nearest','nearest');
+ alk_mod_monthly_vecs(m,aa) = F(lon_mod_runoff_vec(aa),lat_mod_runoff_vec(aa));
+ aa = find(no3_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:) == 0);
+ bb = find(no3_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:) > 0);
+ F = scatteredInterpolant(lon_mod_runoff_vec(bb),lat_mod_runoff_vec(bb), ...
+ no3_mod_monthly_vecs(m,bb)','nearest','nearest');
+ no3_mod_monthly_vecs(m,aa) = F(lon_mod_runoff_vec(aa),lat_mod_runoff_vec(aa));
+ aa = find(nh4_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:) == 0);
+ bb = find(nh4_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:) > 0);
+ F = scatteredInterpolant(lon_mod_runoff_vec(bb),lat_mod_runoff_vec(bb), ...
+ nh4_mod_monthly_vecs(m,bb)','nearest','nearest');
+ nh4_mod_monthly_vecs(m,aa) = F(lon_mod_runoff_vec(aa),lat_mod_runoff_vec(aa));
+ aa = find(din_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:) == 0);
+ bb = find(din_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:) > 0);
+ F = scatteredInterpolant(lon_mod_runoff_vec(bb),lat_mod_runoff_vec(bb), ...
+ din_mod_monthly_vecs(m,bb)','nearest','nearest');
+ din_mod_monthly_vecs(m,aa) = F(lon_mod_runoff_vec(aa),lat_mod_runoff_vec(aa));
+ aa = find(don_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:) == 0);
+ bb = find(don_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:) > 0);
+ F = scatteredInterpolant(lon_mod_runoff_vec(bb),lat_mod_runoff_vec(bb), ...
+ don_mod_monthly_vecs(m,bb)','nearest','nearest');
+ don_mod_monthly_vecs(m,aa) = F(lon_mod_runoff_vec(aa),lat_mod_runoff_vec(aa));
+ aa = find(pn_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:) == 0);
+ bb = find(pn_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:) > 0);
+ F = scatteredInterpolant(lon_mod_runoff_vec(bb),lat_mod_runoff_vec(bb), ...
+ pn_mod_monthly_vecs(m,bb)','nearest','nearest');
+ pn_mod_monthly_vecs(m,aa) = F(lon_mod_runoff_vec(aa),lat_mod_runoff_vec(aa));
+ aa = find(dip_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:) == 0);
+ bb = find(dip_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:) > 0);
+ F = scatteredInterpolant(lon_mod_runoff_vec(bb),lat_mod_runoff_vec(bb), ...
+ dip_mod_monthly_vecs(m,bb)','nearest','nearest');
+ dip_mod_monthly_vecs(m,aa) = F(lon_mod_runoff_vec(aa),lat_mod_runoff_vec(aa));
+ aa = find(dop_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:) == 0);
+ bb = find(dop_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:) > 0);
+ F = scatteredInterpolant(lon_mod_runoff_vec(bb),lat_mod_runoff_vec(bb), ...
+ dop_mod_monthly_vecs(m,bb)','nearest','nearest');
+ dop_mod_monthly_vecs(m,aa) = F(lon_mod_runoff_vec(aa),lat_mod_runoff_vec(aa));
+ aa = find(pp_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:) == 0);
+ bb = find(pp_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:) > 0);
+ F = scatteredInterpolant(lon_mod_runoff_vec(bb),lat_mod_runoff_vec(bb), ...
+ pp_mod_monthly_vecs(m,bb)','nearest','nearest');
+ pp_mod_monthly_vecs(m,aa) = F(lon_mod_runoff_vec(aa),lat_mod_runoff_vec(aa));
+ aa = find(si_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:) == 0);
+ bb = find(si_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:) > 0);
+ F = scatteredInterpolant(lon_mod_runoff_vec(bb),lat_mod_runoff_vec(bb), ...
+ si_mod_monthly_vecs(m,bb)','nearest','nearest');
+ si_mod_monthly_vecs(m,aa) = F(lon_mod_runoff_vec(aa),lat_mod_runoff_vec(aa));
+% For o2sat, fill in any 0 values with saturated o2 at the world ocean
+% atlas climatology
+for m = 1:12
+ aa = find(o2_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:) == 0);
+ o2_mod_monthly_vecs(m,aa) = o2sat_woa_monthly_vecs(m,aa);
+totn_mod_monthly_vecs = din_mod_monthly_vecs + don_mod_monthly_vecs + pn_mod_monthly_vecs;
+totp_mod_monthly_vecs = dip_mod_monthly_vecs + dop_mod_monthly_vecs + pp_mod_monthly_vecs;
+dicflux_mod_monthly_vecs = dic_mod_monthly_vecs.*Q_mod_monthly_vecs;
+alkflux_mod_monthly_vecs = alk_mod_monthly_vecs.*Q_mod_monthly_vecs;
+dinflux_mod_monthly_vecs = din_mod_monthly_vecs.*Q_mod_monthly_vecs;
+no3flux_mod_monthly_vecs = no3_mod_monthly_vecs.*Q_mod_monthly_vecs;
+nh4flux_mod_monthly_vecs = nh4_mod_monthly_vecs.*Q_mod_monthly_vecs;
+dipflux_mod_monthly_vecs = dip_mod_monthly_vecs.*Q_mod_monthly_vecs;
+donflux_mod_monthly_vecs = don_mod_monthly_vecs.*Q_mod_monthly_vecs;
+dopflux_mod_monthly_vecs = dop_mod_monthly_vecs.*Q_mod_monthly_vecs;
+pnflux_mod_monthly_vecs = pn_mod_monthly_vecs.*Q_mod_monthly_vecs;
+ppflux_mod_monthly_vecs = pp_mod_monthly_vecs.*Q_mod_monthly_vecs;
+siflux_mod_monthly_vecs = si_mod_monthly_vecs.*Q_mod_monthly_vecs;
+totnflux_mod_monthly_vecs = totn_mod_monthly_vecs.*Q_mod_monthly_vecs;
+totpflux_mod_monthly_vecs = totp_mod_monthly_vecs.*Q_mod_monthly_vecs;
+o2flux_mod_monthly_vecs = o2_mod_monthly_vecs.*Q_mod_monthly_vecs;
+dicflux_mod_ann_vec = mean(dicflux_mod_monthly_vecs,1);
+alkflux_mod_ann_vec = mean(alkflux_mod_monthly_vecs,1);
+dinflux_mod_ann_vec = mean(dinflux_mod_monthly_vecs,1);
+no3flux_mod_ann_vec = mean(no3flux_mod_monthly_vecs,1);
+nh4flux_mod_ann_vec = mean(nh4flux_mod_monthly_vecs,1);
+dipflux_mod_ann_vec = mean(dipflux_mod_monthly_vecs,1);
+donflux_mod_ann_vec = mean(donflux_mod_monthly_vecs,1);
+dopflux_mod_ann_vec = mean(dopflux_mod_monthly_vecs,1);
+pnflux_mod_ann_vec = mean(pnflux_mod_monthly_vecs,1);
+ppflux_mod_ann_vec = mean(ppflux_mod_monthly_vecs,1);
+siflux_mod_ann_vec = mean(siflux_mod_monthly_vecs,1);
+totnflux_mod_ann_vec = mean(totnflux_mod_monthly_vecs,1);
+totpflux_mod_ann_vec = mean(totpflux_mod_monthly_vecs,1);
+o2flux_mod_ann_vec = mean(o2flux_mod_monthly_vecs,1);
+% Produce plots to evaluate the mapping %
+% scale marker size with the freshwater flux
+ms_vec = zeros(size(Q_mod_vec));
+ms_vec(log10(Q_mod_vec) < 0) = 1;
+ms_vec((log10(Q_mod_vec) > 0) & (log10(Q_mod_vec) < 1)) = 2.5;
+ms_vec((log10(Q_mod_vec) > 1) & (log10(Q_mod_vec) < 2)) = 10;
+ms_vec((log10(Q_mod_vec) > 2) & (log10(Q_mod_vec) < 3)) = 25;
+ms_vec(log10(Q_mod_vec) > 3) = 100;
+% DIC, Alk concentrations and DIC:Alk
+for m = 1:12
+ figure(1)
+ clf
+ subplot(1,3,1);
+ scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,dic_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:),ms_vec, ...
+ dic_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:),'filled');
+ hold on
+ view(2);
+ caxis([0 2500]);
+ colorbar
+ titlestr = ['DIC, mmoles m-3; month = ',num2str(m)];
+ title(titlestr);
+ subplot(1,3,2);
+ scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,alk_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:),ms_vec, ...
+ alk_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:),'filled');
+ hold on
+ view(2);
+ caxis([0 2500]);
+ colorbar
+ titlestr = ['Alk, meq m-3; month = ',num2str(m)];
+ title(titlestr);
+ subplot(1,3,3)
+ dic_alk_ratio = dic_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:)./alk_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:);
+ scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,dic_alk_ratio, ...
+ ms_vec,dic_alk_ratio,'filled');
+ hold on
+ view(2);
+ caxis([0.8 1.2]);
+ colorbar
+ title('DIC:Alk ratio');
+ pause
+% Nitrogen Concentrations
+for m = 1:12
+ figure(1)
+ clf
+ subplot(2,2,1);
+ scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,din_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:),ms_vec, ...
+ din_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:),'filled');
+ hold on
+ view(2);
+ caxis([0 100]);
+ colorbar
+ titlestr = ['DIN, mmoles m-3; month = ',num2str(m)];
+ title(titlestr);
+ subplot(2,2,2);
+ scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,no3_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:),ms_vec, ...
+ din_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:),'filled');
+ hold on
+ view(2);
+ caxis([0 100]);
+ colorbar
+ titlestr = ['no3, mmoles m-3; month = ',num2str(m)];
+ title(titlestr);
+ subplot(2,2,3);
+ scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,nh4_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:),ms_vec, ...
+ nh4_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:),'filled');
+ hold on
+ view(2);
+ caxis([0 20]);
+ colorbar
+ titlestr = ['nh4, mmoles m-3; month = ',num2str(m)];
+ title(titlestr);
+ subplot(2,2,4);
+ no3_din_ratio = no3_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:)./din_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:);
+ scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,no3_din_ratio, ...
+ ms_vec,no3_din_ratio,'filled');
+ hold on
+ view(2);
+ caxis([0 1.0]);
+ colorbar
+ title('NO3:DIN ratio');
+ pause
+for m = 1:12
+ subplot(2,3,1);
+ scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,din_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:),ms_vec, ...
+ din_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:),'filled');
+ hold on
+ view(2);
+ caxis([0 100]);
+ colorbar
+ titlestr = ['DIN, mmoles m-3; month = ',num2str(m)];
+ title(titlestr);
+ subplot(2,3,2);
+ scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,don_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:),ms_vec, ...
+ don_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:),'filled');
+ hold on
+ view(2);
+ caxis([0 100]);
+ colorbar
+ titlestr = ['DON, mmoles m-3; month = ',num2str(m)];
+ title(titlestr);
+ subplot(2,3,3);
+ scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,pn_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:),ms_vec, ...
+ pn_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:),'filled');
+ hold on
+ view(2);
+ caxis([0 100]);
+ colorbar
+ titlestr = ['PN, mmoles m-3; month = ',num2str(m)];
+ title(titlestr);
+ subplot(2,3,5)
+ don_din_ratio = don_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:)./din_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:);
+ scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,don_din_ratio, ...
+ ms_vec,don_din_ratio,'filled');
+ hold on
+ view(2);
+ caxis([0 2]);
+ colorbar
+ title('DON:DIN ratio');
+ subplot(2,3,6)
+ pn_din_ratio = pn_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:)./din_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:);
+ scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,pn_din_ratio, ...
+ ms_vec,pn_din_ratio,'filled');
+ hold on
+ view(2);
+ caxis([0 2]);
+ colorbar
+ title('PN:DIN ratio');
+ pause
+% Phosphorus Concentrations
+for m = 1:12
+ figure(1)
+ clf
+ subplot(2,3,1);
+ scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,dip_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:),ms_vec, ...
+ dip_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:),'filled');
+ hold on
+ view(2);
+ caxis([0 3]);
+ colorbar
+ titlestr = ['DIP, mmoles m-3; month = ',num2str(m)];
+ title(titlestr);
+ subplot(2,3,2);
+ scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,dop_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:),ms_vec, ...
+ dop_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:),'filled');
+ hold on
+ view(2);
+ caxis([0 3]);
+ colorbar
+ titlestr = ['DOP, mmoles m-3; month = ',num2str(m)];
+ title(titlestr);
+ subplot(2,3,3);
+ scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,pp_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:),ms_vec, ...
+ pp_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:),'filled');
+ hold on
+ view(2);
+ caxis([0 3]);
+ colorbar
+ titlestr = ['PP, mmoles m-3; month = ',num2str(m)];
+ title(titlestr);
+ subplot(2,3,5)
+ dop_dip_ratio = dop_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:)./dip_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:);
+ scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,dop_dip_ratio, ...
+ ms_vec,dop_dip_ratio,'filled');
+ hold on
+ view(2);
+ caxis([0 3]);
+ colorbar
+ title('DOP:DIP ratio');
+ subplot(2,3,6)
+ pp_dip_ratio = pp_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:)./dip_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:);
+ scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,pp_dip_ratio, ...
+ ms_vec,pp_dip_ratio,'filled');
+ hold on
+ view(2);
+ caxis([0 2]);
+ colorbar
+ title('PP:DIP ratio');
+ pause
+% silica and oxygen concentrations
+for m = 1:12
+ figure(1)
+ clf
+ subplot(2,1,1);
+ scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,si_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:),ms_vec, ...
+ si_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:),'filled');
+ hold on
+ view(2);
+ caxis([0 200]);
+ colorbar
+ titlestr = ['Si, mmoles m-3; month = ',num2str(m)];
+ title(titlestr);
+ subplot(2,1,2);
+ scatter3(lon_mod_runoff_vec,lat_mod_runoff_vec,o2_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:),ms_vec, ...
+ o2_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:),'filled');
+ hold on
+ view(2);
+ caxis([0 350]);
+ colorbar
+ titlestr = ['o2, mmoles m-3; month = ',num2str(m)];
+ title(titlestr);
+ pause
+% Initialize 2D concentration arrays; these are the ones read into MOM6 to
+% specify the nutrient concentrations of river inputs.
+DIC_CONC = zeros(12,size(lon_mod,1),size(lon_mod,2));
+ALK_CONC = zeros(12,size(lon_mod,1),size(lon_mod,2));
+NO3_CONC = zeros(12,size(lon_mod,1),size(lon_mod,2));
+NH4_CONC = zeros(12,size(lon_mod,1),size(lon_mod,2));
+LDON_CONC = zeros(12,size(lon_mod,1),size(lon_mod,2));
+SLDON_CONC = zeros(12,size(lon_mod,1),size(lon_mod,2));
+SRDON_CONC = zeros(12,size(lon_mod,1),size(lon_mod,2));
+PO4_CONC = zeros(12,size(lon_mod,1),size(lon_mod,2));
+LDOP_CONC = zeros(12,size(lon_mod,1),size(lon_mod,2));
+SLDOP_CONC = zeros(12,size(lon_mod,1),size(lon_mod,2));
+SRDOP_CONC = zeros(12,size(lon_mod,1),size(lon_mod,2));
+NDET_CONC = zeros(12,size(lon_mod,1),size(lon_mod,2));
+PDET_CONC = zeros(12,size(lon_mod,1),size(lon_mod,2));
+SI_CONC = zeros(12,size(lon_mod,1),size(lon_mod,2));
+O2_CONC = zeros(12,size(lon_mod,1),size(lon_mod,2));
+% Map concentration vectors onto 2D arrays
+temp = zeros(size(lon_mod));
+for m = 1:12
+ temp(ind_ro) = dic_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:);
+ DIC_CONC(m,:,:) = temp;
+ temp(ind_ro) = alk_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:);
+ ALK_CONC(m,:,:) = temp;
+ temp(ind_ro) = no3_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:); % contains all NEWS DIN
+ %temp(ind_ro) = din_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:);
+ NO3_CONC(m,:,:) = temp;
+ temp(ind_ro) = nh4_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:);
+ NH4_CONC(m,:,:) = temp;
+ temp(ind_ro) = don_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:);
+ LDON_CONC(m,:,:) = frac_ldon*temp;
+ SLDON_CONC(m,:,:) = frac_sldon*temp;
+ SRDON_CONC(m,:,:) = frac_srdon*temp;
+ temp(ind_ro) = pn_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:);
+ NDET_CONC(m,:,:) = temp;
+ temp(ind_ro) = dip_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:);
+ PO4_CONC(m,:,:) = temp;
+ temp(ind_ro) = dop_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:);
+ LDOP_CONC(m,:,:) = frac_ldop*temp;
+ SLDOP_CONC(m,:,:) = frac_sldop*temp;
+ SRDOP_CONC(m,:,:) = frac_srdop*temp;
+ temp(ind_ro) = pp_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:);
+ PDET_CONC(m,:,:) = temp;
+ temp(ind_ro) = si_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:);
+ SI_CONC(m,:,:) = temp;
+ temp(ind_ro) = o2_mod_monthly_vecs(m,:);
+ O2_CONC(m,:,:) = temp;
+% MOM6 is taking river values in moles m-3 for other constituents. Change
+% for consistency across river constituents
+NO3_CONC = NO3_CONC./1e3;
+NH4_CONC = NH4_CONC./1e3;
+PO4_CONC = PO4_CONC./1e3;
+SI_CONC = SI_CONC./1e3;
+O2_CONC = O2_CONC./1e3;
+% Add iron concentrations - initialize with nitrate and then overwrite
+% 40 nM dissolved iron concentration from De Baar and De Jong + 30nM
+% Colloidal and nanoparticle flux as reported in Canfield and Raiswell
+FED_CONC(FED_CONC > 0) = const_fed;
+ms = 8;
+% quick set of plots to ensure the mapping to the model grid was successful
+for m = 1:12
+ % DIC and alkalinity
+ figure(1)
+ clf
+ subplot(2,1,1);
+ title('log10(DIC CONC)'); hold on;
+ scatter3(lon_mod(:),lat_mod(:),log10(DIC_CONC(m,:)),ms,log10(DIC_CONC(m,:)),'filled');
+ caxis([-1 1]); colorbar;
+ subplot(2,1,2);
+ title('log10(ALK CONC)'); hold on;
+ scatter3(lon_mod(:),lat_mod(:),log10(ALK_CONC(m,:)),ms,log10(ALK_CONC(m,:)),'filled');
+ caxis([-1 1]); colorbar;
+ %pause
+% Nitrogen
+for m = 1:12
+ figure(1);
+ clf
+ subplot(3,2,1);
+ title('log10(NO3 CONC)'); hold on;
+ scatter3(lon_mod(:),lat_mod(:),log10(NO3_CONC(m,:)),ms,log10(NO3_CONC(m,:)),'filled');
+ caxis([-4 -1]); colorbar;
+ subplot(3,2,2);
+ title('log10(NH4 CONC)'); hold on;
+ scatter3(lon_mod(:),lat_mod(:),log10(NH4_CONC(m,:)),ms,log10(NH4_CONC(m,:)),'filled');
+ caxis([-4 -1]); colorbar;
+ subplot(3,2,3);
+ title('log10(LDON CONC)'); hold on;
+ scatter3(lon_mod(:),lat_mod(:),log10(LDON_CONC(m,:)),ms,log10(LDON_CONC(m,:)),'filled');
+ caxis([-4 -1]); colorbar;
+ subplot(3,2,4);
+ title('log10(SLDON CONC)'); hold on;
+ scatter3(lon_mod(:),lat_mod(:),log10(SLDON_CONC(m,:)),ms,log10(SLDON_CONC(m,:)),'filled');
+ caxis([-4 -1]); colorbar;
+ subplot(3,2,5);
+ title('log10(SRDON CONC)'); hold on;
+ scatter3(lon_mod(:),lat_mod(:),log10(SRDON_CONC(m,:)),ms,log10(SRDON_CONC(m,:)),'filled');
+ caxis([-4 -1]); colorbar;
+ subplot(3,2,6);
+ title('log10(NDET CONC)'); hold on;
+ scatter3(lon_mod(:),lat_mod(:),log10(NDET_CONC(m,:)),ms,log10(NDET_CONC(m,:)),'filled');
+ caxis([-4 -1]); colorbar;
+ %pause
+% Phosphorus
+for m = 1:12
+ figure(1);
+ clf
+ subplot(3,2,1);
+ title('log10(PO4 CONC)'); hold on;
+ scatter3(lon_mod(:),lat_mod(:),log10(PO4_CONC(m,:)),ms,log10(PO4_CONC(m,:)),'filled');
+ caxis([-4 -2]); colorbar;
+ subplot(3,2,2);
+ title('log10(LDOP CONC)'); hold on;
+ scatter3(lon_mod(:),lat_mod(:),log10(LDOP_CONC(m,:)),ms,log10(LDOP_CONC(m,:)),'filled');
+ caxis([-4 -2]); colorbar;
+ subplot(3,2,3);
+ title('log10(SLDOP CONC)'); hold on;
+ scatter3(lon_mod(:),lat_mod(:),log10(SLDOP_CONC(m,:)),ms,log10(SLDOP_CONC(m,:)),'filled');
+ caxis([-4 -2]); colorbar;
+ subplot(3,2,4);
+ title('log10(SRDOP CONC)'); hold on;
+ scatter3(lon_mod(:),lat_mod(:),log10(SRDOP_CONC(m,:)),ms,log10(SRDOP_CONC(m,:)),'filled');
+ caxis([-4 -2]); colorbar;
+ subplot(3,2,5);
+ title('log10(PDET CONC)'); hold on;
+ scatter3(lon_mod(:),lat_mod(:),log10(PDET_CONC(m,:)),ms,log10(PDET_CONC(m,:)),'filled');
+ caxis([-4 -2]); colorbar;
+ %pause;
+% Iron, Silica, Oxygen
+for m = 1:12
+ figure(1)
+ clf
+ subplot(3,2,1);
+ title('log10(FED CONC)'); hold on;
+ scatter3(lon_mod(:),lat_mod(:),log10(FED_CONC(m,:)),ms,log10(FED_CONC(m,:)),'filled');
+ caxis([-5 -3]); colorbar;
+ subplot(3,2,2);
+ title('log10(FEDET CONC)'); hold on;
+ scatter3(lon_mod(:),lat_mod(:),log10(FEDET_CONC(m,:)),ms,log10(FEDET_CONC(m,:)),'filled');
+ caxis([-5 -3]); colorbar;
+ subplot(3,2,3);
+ title('log10(SI CONC)'); hold on;
+ scatter3(lon_mod(:),lat_mod(:),log10(SI_CONC(m,:)),ms,log10(SI_CONC(m,:)),'filled');
+ caxis([-3 0]); colorbar;
+ subplot(3,2,4);
+ title('log10(O2 CONC)'); hold on;
+ scatter3(lon_mod(:),lat_mod(:),log10(O2_CONC(m,:)),ms,log10(O2_CONC(m,:)),'filled');
+ caxis([-3 0]); colorbar;
+ %pause;
+% Save Files %
+% option to save matlab file
+% Construct netcdf file following format used by nutrient input files to
+% MOM6
+% Make reference dates for standard non-leap year
+dates = [1990 1 16 12 0 0; 1990 2 15 0 0 0; 1990 3 16 12 0 0; ...
+ 1990 4 16 0 0 0; 1990 5 16 12 0 0; 1990 6 16 0 0 0; ...
+ 1990 7 16 12 0 0; 1990 8 16 12 0 0; 1990 9 16 0 0 0; ...
+ 1990 10 16 12 0 0; 1990 11 16 0 0 0; 1990 12 16 12 0 0];
+time = datenum(dates) - datenum([1990 1 1 0 0 0]);
+nlat = size(lat_mod,1);
+nlon = size(lat_mod,2);
+ncid = netcdf.create(nc_file_name,'CLOBBER');
+dimid0 = netcdf.defDim(ncid,'time',netcdf.getConstant('NC_UNLIMITED'));
+dimid1 = netcdf.defDim(ncid,'y',nlat);
+dimid2 = netcdf.defDim(ncid,'x',nlon);
+varid0 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'time','double',dimid0);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid0,'units','days since 1990-1-1 0:00:00');
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid0,'time_origin','01-JAN-1990 00:00:00');
+varid1 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'y','int',dimid1);
+varid2 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'x','int',dimid2);
+varid3 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'lat','double',[dimid2 dimid1]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid3,'units','degrees north');
+varid4 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'lon','double',[dimid2 dimid1]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid4,'units','degrees east');
+varid5 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'DIC_CONC','double',[dimid2,dimid1,dimid0]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid5,'units','mol m-3');
+varid6 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'ALK_CONC','double',[dimid2,dimid1,dimid0]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid6,'units','mole Eq. m-3');
+varid7 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'NO3_CONC','double',[dimid2,dimid1,dimid0]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid7,'units','mol m-3');
+varid8 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'NH4_CONC','double',[dimid2,dimid1,dimid0]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid8,'units','mol m-3');
+varid9 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'LDON_CONC','double',[dimid2,dimid1,dimid0]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid9,'units','mol m-3');
+varid10 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'SLDON_CONC','double',[dimid2,dimid1,dimid0]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid10,'units','mol m-3');
+varid11 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'SRDON_CONC','double',[dimid2,dimid1,dimid0]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid11,'units','mol m-3');
+varid12 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'NDET_CONC','double',[dimid2,dimid1,dimid0]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid12,'units','mol m-3');
+varid13 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'PO4_CONC','double',[dimid2,dimid1,dimid0]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid13,'units','mol m-3');
+varid14 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'LDOP_CONC','double',[dimid2,dimid1,dimid0]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid14,'units','mol m-3');
+varid15 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'SLDOP_CONC','double',[dimid2,dimid1,dimid0]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid15,'units','mol m-3');
+varid16 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'SRDOP_CONC','double',[dimid2,dimid1,dimid0]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid16,'units','mol m-3');
+varid17 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'PDET_CONC','double',[dimid2,dimid1,dimid0]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid17,'units','mol m-3');
+varid18 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'FED_CONC','double',[dimid2,dimid1,dimid0]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid18,'units','mol m-3');
+varid19 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'FEDET_CONC','double',[dimid2,dimid1,dimid0]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid19,'units','mol m-3');
+varid20 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'O2_CONC','double',[dimid2,dimid1,dimid0]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid,varid20,'units','mol m-3');
+ncid = netcdf.open(nc_file_name,'NC_WRITE');
+% nutrient input files appear seem to need dummy axes to be read in
+% properly, but eventually do a grid by grid mapping that doesn't require
+% these.
diff --git a/tools/rivers/bgc/GlobalNEWS2_RH2000Dataset-version1.0.xls b/tools/rivers/bgc/NWA/GlobalNEWS2_RH2000Dataset-version1.0.xls
similarity index 100%
rename from tools/rivers/bgc/GlobalNEWS2_RH2000Dataset-version1.0.xls
rename to tools/rivers/bgc/NWA/GlobalNEWS2_RH2000Dataset-version1.0.xls
diff --git a/tools/rivers/bgc/README.md b/tools/rivers/bgc/NWA/README.md
similarity index 80%
rename from tools/rivers/bgc/README.md
rename to tools/rivers/bgc/NWA/README.md
index 434413a4f..6a14aa436 100644
--- a/tools/rivers/bgc/README.md
+++ b/tools/rivers/bgc/NWA/README.md
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-## Example Scripts for BGC runoff generation
+## Example Scripts for NWA BGC runoff generation
-This folder contains example scripts for BGC runoff file generation. Users can follow the following instructions to generate BGC runoff file:
+This folder contains example scripts for NWA BGC runoff file generation. Users can follow the following instructions to generate BGC runoff file:
# 1. First run write_glofas_ave.py to get climatological monthly runoff
diff --git a/tools/rivers/bgc/mapriv_NEWS2_NWA12_GLOFAS.m b/tools/rivers/bgc/NWA/mapriv_NEWS2_NWA12_GLOFAS.m
similarity index 100%
rename from tools/rivers/bgc/mapriv_NEWS2_NWA12_GLOFAS.m
rename to tools/rivers/bgc/NWA/mapriv_NEWS2_NWA12_GLOFAS.m
diff --git a/tools/rivers/bgc/mapriv_combined_NWA12_GLOFAS.m b/tools/rivers/bgc/NWA/mapriv_combined_NWA12_GLOFAS.m
similarity index 100%
rename from tools/rivers/bgc/mapriv_combined_NWA12_GLOFAS.m
rename to tools/rivers/bgc/NWA/mapriv_combined_NWA12_GLOFAS.m
diff --git a/tools/rivers/bgc/nc64startup.m b/tools/rivers/bgc/NWA/nc64startup.m
similarity index 100%
rename from tools/rivers/bgc/nc64startup.m
rename to tools/rivers/bgc/NWA/nc64startup.m
diff --git a/tools/rivers/bgc/write_glofas_ave.py b/tools/rivers/bgc/NWA/write_glofas_ave.py
similarity index 100%
rename from tools/rivers/bgc/write_glofas_ave.py
rename to tools/rivers/bgc/NWA/write_glofas_ave.py
diff --git a/xmls/NEP10/CEFI_NEP_cobalt.xml b/xmls/NEP10/CEFI_NEP_cobalt.xml
index 7d6e97c84..4a1a2618f 100644
--- a/xmls/NEP10/CEFI_NEP_cobalt.xml
+++ b/xmls/NEP10/CEFI_NEP_cobalt.xml
@@ -21,6 +21,9 @@ C6:
fremake -x CEFI_NEP_cobalt.xml -p ncrc6.intel23 -t repro MOM6_SIS2_GENERIC_4P_compile_symm
frerun -x CEFI_NEP_cobalt.xml -p ncrc6.intel23 -t repro CEFI_NEP_COBALT_V1
+pp (on PPAN):
+frepp -t 2019 -c ocean_cobalt_tracers_month_z -d /archive/e1n/fre/cefi/NEP/2024_08/NEP10k_082024_clean_spinup/gfdl.ncrc5-intel22-repro/history/ -x CEFI_NEP_cobalt.xml -p gfdl.ncrc6-intel23 -T repro CEFI_NEP_COBALT_V1
Regression test
frerun -x CEFI_NEP_cobalt.xml -p ncrc6.intel23 -q debug -r test -t repro CEFI_NEP_COBALT_V1
@@ -63,7 +66,7 @@ frecheck -v -r restart -p ncrc6.intel23 -t repro -x CEFI_NEP_cobalt.xml CEFI_NE
@@ -599,12 +602,7 @@ cat > $work/INPUT/MOM_override << MOM_OVERRIDE_EOF
#override PHA_MLD_DRHO = 0.03
#override HREF_FOR_MLD = 5.0
#override DIAG_MLD_DENSITY_DIFF = 0.03
#override VISC_REM_BUG = True
-#override FRICTWORK_BUG = True
#override GENERIC_TRACER_IC_FILE = "NEP_COBALT_spinup_2003.nc"
@@ -704,6 +702,7 @@ COBALT_INPUT_EOF
@@ -986,8 +985,10 @@ endif
diff --git a/xmls/NEP10/MOM_inputs/2024_08/MOM_input b/xmls/NEP10/MOM_inputs/2024_08/MOM_input
index 432c9030f..417b356cd 100644
--- a/xmls/NEP10/MOM_inputs/2024_08/MOM_input
+++ b/xmls/NEP10/MOM_inputs/2024_08/MOM_input
@@ -189,10 +189,6 @@ OBC_REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS = False ! [Boolean] default = True
! If true, use the OM4 remapping-via-subcells algorithm for neutral diffusion.
! See REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS for more details. We recommend setting this
! option to false.
-OBC_REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS = False ! [Boolean] default = True
- ! If true, use the OM4 remapping-via-subcells algorithm for neutral diffusion.
- ! See REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS for more details. We recommend setting this
- ! option to false.
MASKING_DEPTH = 1.0 ! [m] default = -9999.0
! The depth below which to mask points as land points, for which all
! fluxes are zeroed out. MASKING_DEPTH is ignored if negative.