This directory contains snippets of HTML which are used to construct WVI Shiny app. Rather than building HTML elements through R functions, the structure of each tab is defined in its corresponding template.
Where possible, we use HTML templates to separate the R code from the structure and styling of the web page. The Shiny application (app.R
) generates reactive components and fills them into the templates.
For example, the “Home” tab has a template which lays out the structure of the tab’s content. Placeholders for reactive UI components look like this:
<div class="box-body">
{{ controls }}
When app.R
constructs the WVI user interface, it draws on the HTML template, filling in controls
like so:
home_content <- tabPanel("Home", value=1,
# ...
controls = textInput("basic_word1", "Query term:", width="500px"),
# ...
When the webpage is loaded, you will see that Shiny has generated a text input field with the label “Query term”. Behind the scenes, this form control has the HTML identifier basic_word1
. When you change the value of the field, Shiny uses definitions in app.R
to determine how the interface reacts:
output$basic_table <- DT::renderDataTable({
data <- list_models[[input$modelSelect[[1]]]] %>%
closest_to(tolower(input$basic_word1), max_terms)
makeTableForModel(data, session, tableSidebarOpts(input$max_words_home))
In this case, the WVI app lower-cases the text in the basic_word1
field, and generates a table of words with the closest cosine similarity. The rendered HTML table is placed in output$basic_table
. This basic_table
is used to fill in part of the Home tab UI:
home_content <- tabPanel("Home", value=1,
# ...
controls = textInput("basic_word1", "Query term:", width="500px"),
results = DT::dataTableOutput("basic_table"))
The relevant part of the template looks like this:
<div class="box-body" id="table-main-1">
{{ results }}
For more information, see Shiny’s documentation on HTML templates.