Releases: NCAR/CESM_postprocessing
CESM_postprocessing v2.0.0
This is a major release that substitutes the external python tool subtrees (ASAPPyTools, pyAverager, pyReshaper, pyConform and ILAMB) with the manage_externals utility subtree.
The create_python_env bash script calls manage_externals/checkout_externals as part of the building of the
CESM postprocessing python virtual environment.
CESM_postprocessing v1.1.2
update for land diagnostics set2
CESM_postprocessing v1.1.1
Land diagnostics bug fix and regrid support.
CESM_postprocessing v1.1.0
Minor update release includes:
- new ncar_pylib virtualenv versions for cheyenne and DAV with netCDF4-python v1.4.1
- CICE option to support SIMIP variable name in diagnostics
- updates for optimizing throughput of CMIP6 postprocessing
This release is not backward compatible due to the updated ncar_pylib virtualenv dependency.
bug fix release update for v1.0.1
Bug fix for timeseries chunking parallelism and short runs.
bug fix release update for v1.0.0
Minor bug fixes for:
- ocean high-resolution data
- removal of SALT and TEMP variables from the monthly MOC average calculation to reduce file size
- fix for atm diags cntl regridding path
CESM_postprocessing v1.0.0
Major release update. Uses the ncar_pylib virtualenv to manage python dependencies on both
cheyenne and DAV. Tagged as a pre-release due to the limited access to observation datasets
outside of NCAR.
CESM_postprocessing v0.3.3
- update pyReshaper subtree to v1.0.6 in support of time-invariant variable exclusion list argument to specifier class
- update geyser machine settings to use Intel built libraries rather the GNU due to problem with inter-node communication
CESM_postprocessing v0.3.2
minor bug fixes; update ILAMB subtree to ILAMB master; update PyAverager subtree to v0.9.15
CESM_postprocessing v0.3.1
update for PR #115 bug fixes and PyAverager v0.9.14.