The FRC 2020 Infinite Recharge Code
- RunPath - Command to run a path
- TrenchPath - Command that runs path into trench
- TrenchPathSide - Command that runs path into trench from the side
- ShootAndStay - Command that shoots and crosses line
- actions
- Align Command - Command that aligns to target using computer vision
- Hold Position Command - Command that holds the robot's current position
- Turn to Degrees - Command that turns the robot a set amount of degrees
- intake
- Intake
- LoadCommand - Intake a specific amount of balls
- Reset Index Command - Make sure balls aren't jammed command
- shooter
- Shoot and Align - Shoot and align at the same time
- Shoot Automatically - Controlled shooting based on RPMs
- Shoot Autonomously - Shoot based on amount of balls left in the index
- Shoot
- wheel
- Drivetrain
- Climb
- PIDFController - A custom PID Controller
- Controller - A custom XBox Controller
- LimeLight - Limelight interface
- Current Spike Counter - Custom counter based on current spikes in a subsystem