The change log of the Aegis 7" handheld.
Version Number Details:
x.0.0 - A new version number represents major changes to any and all aspects of the project. A new case and circuit board would be required.
0.x.0 - A new sub-version number represents changes to the circuit board and potentially software but no changes to the case
0.0.x - A new stage represents only software changes where the previous version/sub-version will still work with the updated software. There will not be a separate folder for this update since it is only a software update.
Initial Release of the Aegis
Updated the controller.ino arduino code
- Improved rumble feedback to better handle minimum and maximum vibrations
- Changed the range of the joystick to better account for expected values received by the teensy
Updated the script
- Changed the operation of the power button to be both a reset and power button. When pressed once it will reset, when held down for ~2sec it will power down.
- Added correct use of the script
Updated script to enable/disable the HDMI_MODE and HDMI_GROUP when detecting an HDMI connection
Updated the script to remove the extra endline characters that caused errors