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Author Guide

This page covers how to add a new livestock bazaar shop. It is assumed that you already know how to add a new farm animal and how to add a tile property. Shop data is also relevant for adding owner portraits.

Quick Start

To add a custom livestock bazaar shop, add entry to Data/FarmAnimals normally, then:

  1. Add Data/FarmAnimals CustomFields entry "mushymato.LivestockBazaar/BuyFrom.{{ModId}}_MyVendor": true to the farm animal. {{ModId}}_MyVendor is value that will be referred to as shopName or <shopName> in following parts of this guide. It's recommended to prefix this name with your mod id, even when your vendor is a vanilla NPC.
    • Note: PurchasePrice of the farm animal must be non-zero, even if you intend to use TradeItemId.
  2. (Optional) Add CustomFields entry "mushymato.LivestockBazaar/BuyFrom.Marnie": false to prevent Marnie from selling this animal. Marnie is the special hardcoded shopName this mod uses to refer to the vanilla animal shop. Unlike all other BuyFrom fields, BuyFrom.Marnie defaults to true and need to be explicitly set to false.
  3. (Optional) Add a entry named shopName to mushymato.LivestockBazaar/Shops, to provide an owner portrait and other advanced settings.
  4. Use map tile action mushymato.LivestockBazaar_Shop to create a shop.

Why is my animal still purchasable at Marnie's?

Livestock bazaar only applies it's rules about animal availability when it gets to apply the custom menu. If you are seeing the vanilla animal purchase menu for any reason (e.g. config option, mod incompatibility), then she will get to sell all animals as if livestock bazaar is not installed.

Custom shops will always use livestock bazaar menu.

Data/FarmAnimals CustomFields

When using these for a particular shop, replace <shopName> with the shop's actual ID, e.g. mushymato.LivestockBazaar/BuyFrom.{{ModId}}_MyVendor.

A special shop Marnie is always available and represents the vanilla animal shop. Fields can be applied to this shop in same way as custom shops.


Field Type Notes
mushymato.LivestockBazaar/BuyFrom.<shopName> bool If true, the animal will be available in <shopName>
mushymato.LivestockBazaar/BuyFrom.<shopName>.Condition string A game state query used to conditionally offer an animal.

These 2 fields control whether an animal is available for a given shop. An animal will be available for Marnie by default unless mushymato.LivestockBazaar/BuyFrom.Marnie is set to false.

TradeItemId and TradeItemAmount

Field Type Notes
mushymato.LivestockBazaar/TradeItemId.<shopName> string Let you purchase the animal with something besides money, for <shopName> only.
mushymato.LivestockBazaar/TradeItemId string Let you purchase the animal with an item, for all shops including Marnie's.
mushymato.LivestockBazaar/TradeItemAmount.<shopName> int Amount of trade items needed, for <shopName> only.
mushymato.LivestockBazaar/TradeItemAmount string Amount of trade items needed, for all shops including Marnie's.

These fields allows an animal to be purchased with items instead of money.

Special TradeItemId values:

  • (O)858: Qi Gems.
  • (O)73: Golden Walnuts. WARNING: This mod does not add extra ways to get golden walnuts, use with caution.
  • (O)GoldCoin: This item's icon will be used for money.

This has been tested to work with Unlockable Bundles custom currency.

If you set a TradeItemId without setting a TradeItemAmount, the shop will require PurchasePrice number of items. For the reverse scenario of TradeItemAmount without TradeItemId, the animal will be sold for TradeItemAmount amount of money.

TileAction: mushymato.LivestockBazaar_Shop

Usage: mushymato.LivestockBazaar_Shop \<shopName\> [direction] [openTime] [closeTime] [ownerRect: [X] [Y] [Width] [Height]]

The arguments of this tile action is identical to "OpenShop" from vanilla, every argument after shopName is optional.

  • shopName: Name of livestock bazaar shop
  • direction: Which direction of the tile is valid for interaction, one of down, up, left, right for direction, or any to allow interaction from all directions.
  • openTime: 0600 time code format for shop open time, or -1 to skip.
  • closeTime: 2200 time code format for shop close time, or -1 to skip
  • ownerRect: 4 consecutive number arguments for X, Y, Width, Height of a rectangle. If defined, there must be a mushymato.LivestockBazaar/Shops entry for shopName, and that NPC must be within this rectangle in order to open the shop. Must specify all 4 arguments, or none of them.

With this mod installed and enabled, the vanilla TileAction "AnimalShop" is replaced with an action equivalent to:

mushymato.LivestockBazaar_Shop Marnie down -1 -1 12 14 2 1

The main difference is that this map action does not respect Marnie's island schedule. If the player has not have read the book, they will not be able to buy anything while she is on Ginger Island.

When the shop has a mushymato.LivestockBazaar/Shops entry with ShopwShopDialog set to true and valid ShopId set, this tile action will open dialogue box that allows you to choose between the item shop or the livestock bazaar shop. A similar pair of options named ShowPetShopDialog and PetShopId exist for pet shops.

Action: mushymato.LivestockBazaar_Shop

Usage: mushymato.LivestockBazaar_Shop \<shopName\>

This is the trigger action way to open a livestock bazaar shop. It can be used from TriggerActions, dialogue, and more. It only accepts the shop name and directly opens the livestock bazaar shop without any question dialog.

Custom Asset: mushymato.LivestockBazaar/Shops

This is a custom asset that let you provide some additional configurations to a livestock bazaar shop. Each entry is keyed by shopName.

Property Type Default Notes
Owners List<ShopOwnerData> null A list of shop owners, identical to the Owners property on Data/Shops.
ShopId string null String ID to an entry in Data/Shops.
PetShopId string null String ID to an entry in Data/Shops, this one is meant to be used with a shop similar to PetAdoption but there's no strict check.
OpenFlag OpenFlagType "Stat" One of "None", "Stat", "Mail", used in conjunction with OpenKey to determine if the NPC shop's open/close hours and NPC prescence can be ignored.
OpenKey string "Book_AnimalCatalogue" String name of the stat or mailflag. If this is set, then the usual open/close time and NPC prescence will not be checked. The default value Book_AnimalCatalogue refers to the Animal Catalogue book that grants 24/7 access to animal shop in vanilla.
ShowShopDialog bool true If true and ShopId is a valid shop, show a dialog option to let player open the supplies shop.
ShowPetShopDialog bool true If true and PetShopId is a valid shop, show a dialog option to let player open the pet shop.
ShopDialogSupplies string _ Display string for the supplies shop.
ShopDialogAnimals string _ Display string for the animal shop.
ShopDialogAdopt string _ Display string for the pet adoption shop.
ShopDialogLeave string _ Display string for exiting the dialog.


There are up to 3 possible list of ShopOwnerData in this custom asset, they are picked in this order.

  1. Owners
  2. Data/Shops[ShopId].Owners
  3. Data/Shops[PetShopId].Owners

The first non null list will be used. No attempt is made to "fall" further down the list should none of the owners match a given condition.

ShopId vs PetShopId

The main distinction between the supplies shop (ShopId) and the pet adoption shop (PetShopId) is that the player cannot access the shop behind PetShopId until they are eligible for a second pet (first pet at max hearts, or no pets and year 2).

Livestock Bazaar makes no changes to either shop's mechanics, they both use the vanilla shop menu.

OpenFlag and OpenKey

To make a custom book that acts similar to Book_AnimalCatalogue for your livestock bazaar shop, make a book item and then put that item's unqualified id into OpenKey.

Mail flags are offered because there are more ways to set it compared to game stat, change OpenFlags to "Mail" to use mail flag.

Visual Theme

The Bazaar menu respects "VisualTheme" in either ShopId or PetShopId. For example of vanilla menus with alternate themes, check Mr Qi's shop.

ShopDialog Default Values

The default values are:

  • ShopDialogSupplies: "[LocalizedText Strings\\Locations:AnimalShop_Marnie_Supplies]" (Supplies Shop)
  • ShopDialogAnimals: "[LocalizedText Strings\\Locations:AnimalShop_Marnie_Animals]" (Purchase Animals)
  • ShopDialogAdopt: "[LocalizedText Strings\\1_6_Strings:AdoptPets]" (Adopt Pets)
  • ShopDialogLeave: "[LocalizedText Strings\\Locations:AnimalShop_Marnie_Leave]" (Leave)

Like most string fields, these keys to Strings assets. For modded shops, either string fields or i18n keys work fine here.


Conversation Topic: purchasedAnimal_{animalType}

Helps fix issue of some dialogue never showing up in other languages, because the translated name is used in the vanilla conversation topic. This version of the topic uses the animal's internal Id.

MailFlag: mushymato.LivestockBazaar_purchasedAnimal_{animalType}

Mail flag indicating an animal had been purchased.

Trigger: mushymato.LivestockBazaar_purchasedAnimal

A trigger raised when the player purchases an animal, passes 2 triggerArgs AnimalHouse and FarmAnimal.