From cd9f0b8728ac03e63f6a3265af1c934b1342f3a0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: TomaszKawalec <> Date: Sun, 24 Sep 2023 23:33:25 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 01/59] Display minimum temperature required for reaction to occur in guidebook (#20424) --- Content.Client/Guidebook/Controls/GuideReagentEmbed.xaml | 6 ++++-- Content.Client/Guidebook/Controls/GuideReagentEmbed.xaml.cs | 6 ++++++ Resources/Locale/en-US/guidebook/chemistry/core.ftl | 1 + 3 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/Content.Client/Guidebook/Controls/GuideReagentEmbed.xaml b/Content.Client/Guidebook/Controls/GuideReagentEmbed.xaml index e8a36d57f48..f83eb8c2407 100644 --- a/Content.Client/Guidebook/Controls/GuideReagentEmbed.xaml +++ b/Content.Client/Guidebook/Controls/GuideReagentEmbed.xaml @@ -25,8 +25,10 @@ VerticalAlignment="Center"/> - - diff --git a/Content.Client/Guidebook/Controls/GuideReagentEmbed.xaml.cs b/Content.Client/Guidebook/Controls/GuideReagentEmbed.xaml.cs index 309fee3baf3..5c2caf2230f 100644 --- a/Content.Client/Guidebook/Controls/GuideReagentEmbed.xaml.cs +++ b/Content.Client/Guidebook/Controls/GuideReagentEmbed.xaml.cs @@ -116,6 +116,12 @@ private void GenerateControl(ReagentPrototype reagent) reactantMsg.Pop(); ReactantsLabel.SetMessage(reactantMsg); + if (reactionPrototype.MinimumTemperature > 0.0f) + { + MixLabel.Text = Loc.GetString("guidebook-reagent-recipes-mix-and-heat", + ("temperature", reactionPrototype.MinimumTemperature)); + } + var productMsg = new FormattedMessage(); var productCount = reactionPrototype.Products.Count; var u = 0; diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/guidebook/chemistry/core.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/guidebook/chemistry/core.ftl index 185595826d4..c9d1db332d7 100644 --- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/guidebook/chemistry/core.ftl +++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/guidebook/chemistry/core.ftl @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ guidebook-reagent-name = [bold][color={$color}]{CAPITALIZE($name)}[/color][/bold guidebook-reagent-recipes-header = Recipe guidebook-reagent-recipes-reagent-display = [bold]{$reagent}[/bold] \[{$ratio}\] guidebook-reagent-recipes-mix = Mix +guidebook-reagent-recipes-mix-and-heat = Mix at above {$temperature}K guidebook-reagent-effects-header = Effects guidebook-reagent-effects-metabolism-group-rate = [bold]{$group}[/bold] [color=gray]({$rate} units per second)[/color] guidebook-reagent-physical-description = Seems to be {$description}. From 0ce7cf50b1a09d6617f0f3b7a12fa5f35d7f9e9a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: PJBot Date: Sun, 24 Sep 2023 17:34:30 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 02/59] Automatic changelog update --- Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml | 13 +++++++------ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml b/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml index 66a1ebe9d0d..959681f646d 100644 --- a/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml +++ b/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml @@ -1,10 +1,4 @@ Entries: -- author: Vasilis - changes: - - {message: Spilling a liquid will no longer expose the true identity of someone, - type: Fix} - id: 4394 - time: '2023-07-31T23:15:17.0000000+00:00' - author: EmoGarbage404 changes: - {message: Anomaly generators now always generate anomalies on the station., type: Fix} @@ -2981,3 +2975,10 @@ Entries: while in combat mode, type: Add} id: 4893 time: '2023-09-24T21:22:45.0000000+00:00' +- author: TK-A369 + changes: + - {message: 'After several complaints from chemists, Nanotrasen decided to update + their Chemistry Guidebook to include information about environment required + by reaction to occur.', type: Add} + id: 4894 + time: '2023-09-24T21:33:25.0000000+00:00' From 20c34580c2eee6785742454e1e493eb684387e4c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: DrSmugleaf Date: Sun, 24 Sep 2023 17:16:00 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 03/59] Update contributors list (#20482) --- Resources/Credits/GitHub.txt | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/Resources/Credits/GitHub.txt b/Resources/Credits/GitHub.txt index 73a69574e94..43e7254163f 100644 --- a/Resources/Credits/GitHub.txt +++ b/Resources/Credits/GitHub.txt @@ -1 +1 @@ -0x6273, 13spacemen, 20kdc, 4dplanner, 778b, aaronmell, Ablankmann, abregado, Absolute-Potato, Acruid, actioninja, actually-reb, aeosynth, Aerocrux, AJCM-git, aklos, Alainx277, ALMv1, AlphaQwerty, amylizzle, ancientpower, Andre19926, areitpog, artak10t, AruMoon, as334, asperger-sind, avghdev, AzzyIsNotHere, BananaFlambe, BasedUser, BGare, bhespiritu, BingoJohnson-zz, BismarckShuffle, bloodrizer, BobdaBiscuit, boiled-water-tsar, brainfood1183, Brian-Archambault, Bright0, brndd, bryce0110, BubblegumBlue, buletsponge, CakeQ, Capnsockless, Carbonhell, Carou02, CatTheSystem, CC-4477, Centronias, chairbender, Charlese2, Cheackraze, cheesePizza2, Chief-Engineer, ChilbroBaggins, civilCornball, clement-or, clusterfack, clyfordv, Clyybber, ColdAutumnRain, collinlunn, ComicIronic, corentt, CormosLemming, crazybrain23, creadth, CrudeWax, CrzyPotato, Cyberboss, d34d10cc, Daemon, DamianX, daniel-cr, Deahaka, DeathCamel58, deathride58, Decappi, Delete69, DelleVelleD, deltanedas, DerSheppard, Dezandor, DmitriyZodiak, dmnct, DoctorBeard, DogZeroX, dontbetank, drakewill-CRL, drongood12, DrSmugleaf, DTanxxx, DubiousDoggo, Duddino, Easypoller, eclips_e, Efruit, efzapa, ElectroSR, elthundercloud, Emisse, EmoGarbage404, eoineoineoin, Ephememory, esguard, estacaoespacialpirata, exincore, exp111, Fiftyllama, FirinMaLazors, Fishfish458, Flareguy, Fogapod, FoLoKe, fooberticus, Fortune117, freeman2651, GalacticChimp, Gaxeer, gbasood, Git-Nivrak, gituhabu, GoodWheatley, greenrock64, GTRsound, gusxyz, h3half, halworsen, Hardly3D, harikattar, HoidC, HoofedEar, hubismal, Hugal31, iczero, igorsaux, ike709, illersaver, Illiux, Injazz, InquisitivePenguin, Insineer, Interrobang01, j-giebel, Jackrost, jacksonzck, Jackw2As, janekvap, Jaskanbe, JasperJRoth, jessicamaybe, Jezithyr, jicksaw, JiimBob, JohnGinnane, johnku1, jproads, juliangiebel, JupiterFive, JustinTether, JustinTrotter, KaiShibaa, kalanosh, keronshb, KIBORG04, Kimpes, kira-er, Kmc2000, kognise, komunre, Kupie, lajolico, Lamrr, lapatison, LarryRussian, Leander-0, LetterN, Level10Cybermancer, LittleBuilderJane, localcc, LordEclipse, LudwigVonChesterfield, lvvova1, lzimann, Macoron, magmodius, ManelNavola, Markek1, martin69420, Matz05, MaxNox7, MehimoNemo, MeltedPixel, MemeProof, Mervill, metalgearsloth, michaelcooke, micheel665, Miniwoffer, Mirino97, mirrorcult, misnor, Mith-randalf, MLGTASTICa, ModeratelyAware, Moneyl, moony, Morb0, Mr0maks, Myctai, N3X15, Nairodian, namespace-Memory, NickPowers43, nikthechampiongr, Nirnael, NIXC, nmajask, NoobyLegion, notafet, noudoit, nuke-haus, Nukeuler123, nullarmo, och-och, OctoRocket, OldDanceJacket, Pangogie, partyaddict, patrikturi, PaulRitter, Peptide90, peptron1, PetMudstone, Phantom-Lily, Pill-U, Pireax, PixelTheKermit, PJB3005, Plasmaguy, plinyvic, pointer-to-null, ProfanedBane, PrPleGoo, psykzz, Putnam3145, QuietlyWhisper, Radosvik, Radrark, Rane, Ranger6012, Rapidgame7, RedlineTriad, RednoWCirabrab, Rember, RemieRichards, remove32, RemTim, renodubois, retequizzle, Rich-Dunne, Rinkashikachi, Rinzii, rneuser, Rohesie, rok-povsic, rolfero, RomanNovo, S1ss3l, Saakra, Salex08, SamV522, SaphireLattice, sBasalto, ScalyChimp, scrato, Scribbles0, ScumbagDog, Serkket, SethLafuente, sewerpig, ShadowCommander, shaeone, SignalWalker, SirDragooon, sirsikes777, Skrauz, Slyfox333, Snowni, SoulSloth, Soundwavesghost, Soupstraw, SpaceManiac, SplinterGP, spoogemonster, ssdaniel24, Stan-Stani, StanberyTrask, Stealthbomber16, stopka-html, StrawberryMoses, StStevens, sunbear-dev, SweptWasTaken, Szunti, TaralGit, TekuNut, TemporalOroboros, tentekal, tgrkzus, thatrandomcanadianguy, theashtronaut, TheCze, TheDarkElites, TheIntoxicatedCat, themias, Theomund, theOperand, thevinter, timothyteakettle, TimrodDX, tkdrg, tmtmtl30, tomasalves8, Tomeno, tsp01, Tyler-IN, UKNOWH, UnderscoreX5, UristMcContributor, UristMcDorf, Vaaankas, veliebm, Venomii, Veritius, Visne, volundr-, Vordenburg, vulppine, Watermelon914, weaversam8, Willhelm53, WilliamECrew, wixoaGit, WlarusFromDaSpace, WPRobson, wrexbe, WTCWR68, xRiriq, YanehCheck, Ygg01, YotaXP, youarereadingthis, zach-hill, zamp, ZelteHonor, ZeroDiamond, zerorulez, ZeWaka, zionnBE, zlodo, ZNixian, ZoldorfTheWizard, Zth--, Zumorica, Zymem \ No newline at end of file +08A, 0x6273, 13spacemen, 20kdc, 4dplanner, 612git, 778b, aaronmell, Ablankmann, abregado, Absolute-Potato, Acruid, actioninja, adamsong, aeosynth, Aerocrux, Aexxie, Ahion, AJCM-git, AjexRose, aklos, Alainx277, AlbertSnows, Alekshhh, AlexMorgan3817, Alithsko, AlmondFlour, ALMv1, AlphaQwerty, Altoids1, amylizzle, ancientpower, Andre19926, AndrewEyeke, areitpog, Arendian, arimah, artak10t, Arteben, ArthurMousatov, AruMoon, as334, AsikKEsel, asperger-sind, astriloqua, avghdev, AzzyIsNotHere, BananaFlambe, BasedUser, benev0, BGare, bhespiritu, BingoJohnson-zz, BismarckShuffle, Bixkitts, BobdaBiscuit, BobTheSleder, brainfood1183, Bright0, brndd, BubblegumBlue, c4llv07e, CakeQ, Capnsockless, CaptainSqrBeard, Carbonhell, Carou02, CatTheSystem, Centronias, chairbender, Charlese2, Cheackraze, cheesePizza2, Chief-Engineer, ChilbroBaggins, chromiumboy, civilCornball, clement-or, Clyybber, ColdAutumnRain, collinlunn, ComicIronic, corentt, CormosLemming, crazybrain23, creadth, CrigCrag, CrudeWax, CrzyPotato, Cyberboss, d34d10cc, DadeKuma, Daemon, daerSeebaer, dahnte, DamianX, daniel-cr, DawBla, dch-GH, Deahaka, DEATHB4DEFEAT, DeathCamel58, deathride58, DebugOk, Decappi, deepy, Delete69, DelleVelleD, deltanedas, DerbyX, Dezandor, DjfjdfofdjfjD, DmitriyMX, DmitriyZodiak, DocNITE, DoctorBeard, DogZeroX, dontbetank, Doru991, drongood12, DrSmugleaf, drteaspoon420, DTanxxx, DubiousDoggo, Duddino, DukeVanity, Dynexust, Easypoller, eclips_e, EEASAS, Efruit, efzapa, ElectroSR, elthundercloud, Emisse, EmoGarbage404, Endecc, eoineoineoin, Equivocateur, Errant-4, estacaoespacialpirata, exp111, FacePluslll, Fahasor, ficcialfaint, Fiftyllama, FillerVK, FinnishPaladin, FirinMaLazors, Fishfish458, Flareguy, FluffiestFloof, FluidRock, Fogapod, FoLoKe, fooberticus, forthbridge, Fortune117, freeman2651, Fromoriss, GalacticChimp, Gaxeer, gbasood, Geekyhobo, Genkail, Git-Nivrak, gituhabu, GoodWheatley, Gotimanga, greenrock64, GTRsound, gusxyz, h3half, Hardly3D, harikattar, Hebiman, Henry12116, HerCoyote23, HoidC, HoofedEar, hord-brayden, hsagerer, hubismal, Hugal31, Hyenh, iczero, igorsaux, ike709, illersaver, Illiux, Ilushkins33, Ilya246, Injazz, InquisitivePenguin, Insineer, Interrobang01, IProduceWidgets, ItsMeThom, j-giebel, Jackal298, Jackrost, jacksonzck, Jackw2As, jamessimo, janekvap, Jark255, Jaskanbe, JasperJRoth, JerryImMouse, Jessetriesagain, jessicamaybe, Jezithyr, jicksaw, JiimBob, JimGamemaster, JoeHammad1844, joelhed, JohnGinnane, johnku1, jproads, juliangiebel, JupiterFive, JustArt1m, JustCone14, JustinTether, JustinTrotter, KaiShibaa, kalane15, kalanosh, KEEYNy, Keikiru, keronshb, KIBORG04, Kimpes, KingFroozy, kira-er, Kirillcas, Kistras, Kit0vras, Klaypexx, Kmc2000, kognise, komunre, kxvvv, lajolico, Lamrr, LankLTE, lapatison, Leander-0, Level10Cybermancer, lever1209, LightVillet, liltenhead, LittleBuilderJane, Lomcastar, LordEclipse, LudwigVonChesterfield, lvvova1, lzimann, lzk228, Macoron, MagnusCrowe, ManelNavola, matthst, Matz05, McFck, MehimoNemo, MeltedPixel, MemeProof, Menshin, Mervill, metalgearsloth, mhamsterr, MilenVolf, minism, Mirino97, mirrorcult, MishaUnity, MisterMecky, Mith-randalf, ModeratelyAware, Moneyl, moony, Morb0, Mr0maks, Myakot, Myctai, N3X15, Nails-n-Tape, Nairodian, Naive817, namespace-Memory, NickPowers43, nikthechampiongr, Nimfar11, Nirnael, nmajask, notafet, notquitehadouken, noudoit, noverd, nuke-haus, NULL882, nullarmo, Nylux, och-och, OctoRocket, OldDanceJacket, onoira, Owai-Seek, pali6, Pangogie, patrikturi, PaulRitter, Peptide90, peptron1, Phantom-Lily, Phill101, PixelTheKermit, PJB3005, pofitlo, pointer-to-null, potato1234x, ProfanedBane, ProPandaBear, PrPleGoo, Psychpsyo, psykzz, PuroSlavKing, Putnam3145, QuietlyWhisper, qwerltaz, Radosvik, Radrark, Raitononai, Rane, Ranger6012, rbertoche, Redict, RedlineTriad, RednoWCirabrab, RemberBM, RemieRichards, remove32, RemTim, rene-descartes2021, renodubois, RiceMar1244, RIKELOLDABOSS, Rinkashikachi, Rinzii, Rockdtben, rok-povsic, rolfero, Saakra, SadAways, Samsterious, SamV522, SaphireLattice, ScalyChimp, scrato, Scribbles0, ScumbagDog, Serkket, SethLafuente, ShadowCommander, Shadowtheprotogen546, shaeone, SignalWalker, SirDragooon, siyengar04, Skarletto, Skrauz, Skyedra, Slava0135, Snowni, SonicHDC, SoulSloth, Soupstraw, SpaceManiac, spoogemonster, ssdaniel24, Stealthbomber16, StrawberryMoses, SweptWasTaken, Szunti, TaralGit, TekuNut, Telyonok, TemporalOroboros, tentekal, thatrandomcanadianguy, TheArturZh, theashtronaut, thedraccx, themias, Theomund, theOperand, ThunderBear2006, timothyteakettle, TimrodDX, Titian3, TK-A369, tkdrg, tmtmtl30, tom-leys, tomasalves8, Tomeno, tosatur, TsjipTsjip, Tunguso4ka, Tyler-IN, Tyzemol, UbaserB, UKNOWH, UnderscoreX5, UristMcDorf, Vaaankas, Varen, VasilisThePikachu, veliebm, Veritius, Verslebas, VigersRay, Visne, volundr-, Vordenburg, vulppine, weaversam8, Willhelm53, Wirdal, wixoaGit, WlarusFromDaSpace, wrexbe, WTCWR68, xRiriq, Ygg01, YotaXP, youarereadingthis, zach-hill, Zandario, ZelteHonor, zerorulez, ZeWaka, zionnBE, zlodo, ZNixian, ZoldorfTheWizard, Zth--, Zumorica, Zymem From c348582e0432942899300b0bf97458abf0498647 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Leon Friedrich <> Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2023 11:07:31 +1000 Subject: [PATCH 04/59] Fix thirst errors in tests (#20481) --- .../Tests/Slipping/SlippingTest.cs | 4 ++++ .../Nutrition/Components/ThirstComponent.cs | 11 ++++------- .../Nutrition/EntitySystems/ThirstSystem.cs | 4 +++- 3 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/Content.IntegrationTests/Tests/Slipping/SlippingTest.cs b/Content.IntegrationTests/Tests/Slipping/SlippingTest.cs index d64961b0bec..7f77146f455 100644 --- a/Content.IntegrationTests/Tests/Slipping/SlippingTest.cs +++ b/Content.IntegrationTests/Tests/Slipping/SlippingTest.cs @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ #nullable enable using System.Collections.Generic; using Content.IntegrationTests.Tests.Interaction; +using Content.Shared.Movement.Components; using Content.Shared.Slippery; using Content.Shared.Stunnable; using Robust.Shared.GameObjects; @@ -31,6 +32,9 @@ public async Task BananaSlipTest() var sys = SEntMan.System(); await SpawnTarget("TrashBananaPeel"); + var modifier = Comp(Player).SprintSpeedModifier; + Assert.That(modifier, Is.EqualTo(1), "Player is not moving at full speed."); + // Player is to the left of the banana peel and has not slipped. #pragma warning disable NUnit2045 Assert.That(Delta(), Is.GreaterThan(0.5f)); diff --git a/Content.Shared/Nutrition/Components/ThirstComponent.cs b/Content.Shared/Nutrition/Components/ThirstComponent.cs index e5604de57b3..ec2ff10667b 100644 --- a/Content.Shared/Nutrition/Components/ThirstComponent.cs +++ b/Content.Shared/Nutrition/Components/ThirstComponent.cs @@ -19,13 +19,10 @@ public sealed partial class ThirstComponent : Component [AutoNetworkedField] public float ActualDecayRate; - // Thirst - [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadOnly)] - [AutoNetworkedField] + [DataField, AutoNetworkedField] public ThirstThreshold CurrentThirstThreshold; - [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadOnly)] - [AutoNetworkedField] + [DataField, AutoNetworkedField] public ThirstThreshold LastThirstThreshold; [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)] @@ -38,13 +35,13 @@ public sealed partial class ThirstComponent : Component /// [DataField("nextUpdateTime", customTypeSerializer: typeof(TimeOffsetSerializer)), ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)] [AutoNetworkedField] - public TimeSpan NextUpdateTime; + public TimeSpan NextUpdateTime = TimeSpan.MaxValue; /// /// The time between each update. /// [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)] - [AutoNetworkedField] + [DataField, AutoNetworkedField] public TimeSpan UpdateRate = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1); [DataField("thresholds")] diff --git a/Content.Shared/Nutrition/EntitySystems/ThirstSystem.cs b/Content.Shared/Nutrition/EntitySystems/ThirstSystem.cs index b75a6d1a0a5..05a2338768f 100644 --- a/Content.Shared/Nutrition/EntitySystems/ThirstSystem.cs +++ b/Content.Shared/Nutrition/EntitySystems/ThirstSystem.cs @@ -46,6 +46,9 @@ private void OnMapInit(EntityUid uid, ThirstComponent component, MapInitEvent ar component.LastThirstThreshold = ThirstThreshold.Okay; // TODO: Potentially change this -> Used Okay because no effects. // TODO: Check all thresholds make sense and throw if they don't. UpdateEffects(uid, component); + + TryComp(uid, out MovementSpeedModifierComponent? moveMod); + _movement.RefreshMovementSpeedModifiers(uid, moveMod); } private void OnRefreshMovespeed(EntityUid uid, ThirstComponent component, RefreshMovementSpeedModifiersEvent args) @@ -179,7 +182,6 @@ public override void Update(float frameTime) thirst.CurrentThirstThreshold = calculatedThirstThreshold; UpdateEffects(uid, thirst); - Dirty(uid, thirst); } } From efb66aa41283da4a6cbd0ac50bf9303bee94c3f5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Nemanja <> Date: Sun, 24 Sep 2023 21:33:29 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 05/59] fire extinguisher go brrrrrr (#20479) --- .../Chemistry/EntitySystems/VaporSystem.cs | 2 +- .../Fluids/Components/SprayComponent.cs | 23 +++++++++++-------- .../Fluids/EntitySystems/SpraySystem.cs | 13 ++++++++++- .../Objects/Misc/fire_extinguisher.yml | 1 + 4 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-) diff --git a/Content.Server/Chemistry/EntitySystems/VaporSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Chemistry/EntitySystems/VaporSystem.cs index 7288a993d3c..8cff8a19cb6 100644 --- a/Content.Server/Chemistry/EntitySystems/VaporSystem.cs +++ b/Content.Server/Chemistry/EntitySystems/VaporSystem.cs @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ public void Start(VaporComponent vapor, TransformComponent vaporXform, Vector2 d _physics.SetLinearDamping(physics, 0f); _physics.SetAngularDamping(physics, 0f); - _throwing.TryThrow(vapor.Owner, dir, speed, user: user, pushbackRatio: ThrowingSystem.PushbackDefault * 10f); + _throwing.TryThrow(vapor.Owner, dir, speed, user: user); var distance = (target.Position - vaporXform.WorldPosition).Length(); var time = (distance / physics.LinearVelocity.Length()); diff --git a/Content.Server/Fluids/Components/SprayComponent.cs b/Content.Server/Fluids/Components/SprayComponent.cs index 98e7238889f..e5362eb4e9c 100644 --- a/Content.Server/Fluids/Components/SprayComponent.cs +++ b/Content.Server/Fluids/Components/SprayComponent.cs @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ using Content.Shared.FixedPoint; using Robust.Shared.Audio; using Robust.Shared.Prototypes; -using Robust.Shared.Serialization.TypeSerializers.Implementations.Custom.Prototype; namespace Content.Server.Fluids.Components; @@ -12,25 +11,31 @@ public sealed partial class SprayComponent : Component { public const string SolutionName = "spray"; - [DataField("transferAmount")] + [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite), DataField] public FixedPoint2 TransferAmount = 10; - [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite), DataField("sprayDistance")] + [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite), DataField] public float SprayDistance = 3.5f; - [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite), DataField("sprayVelocity")] + [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite), DataField] public float SprayVelocity = 3.5f; - [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite), DataField("sprayedPrototype", customTypeSerializer: typeof(PrototypeIdSerializer))] - public string SprayedPrototype = "Vapor"; + [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite), DataField] + public EntProtoId SprayedPrototype = "Vapor"; - [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite), DataField("vaporAmount")] + [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite), DataField] public int VaporAmount = 1; - [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite), DataField("vaporSpread")] + [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite), DataField] public float VaporSpread = 90f; - [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite), DataField("spraySound", required: true)] + /// + /// How much the player is pushed back for each spray. + /// + [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite), DataField] + public float PushbackAmount = 2f; + + [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite), DataField(required: true)] [Access(typeof(SpraySystem), Other = AccessPermissions.ReadExecute)] // FIXME Friends public SoundSpecifier SpraySound { get; private set; } = default!; } diff --git a/Content.Server/Fluids/EntitySystems/SpraySystem.cs b/Content.Server/Fluids/EntitySystems/SpraySystem.cs index 0c137caeb46..ad17b717e5f 100644 --- a/Content.Server/Fluids/EntitySystems/SpraySystem.cs +++ b/Content.Server/Fluids/EntitySystems/SpraySystem.cs @@ -4,12 +4,14 @@ using Content.Server.Cooldown; using Content.Server.Extinguisher; using Content.Server.Fluids.Components; +using Content.Server.Gravity; using Content.Server.Popups; using Content.Shared.Cooldown; using Content.Shared.FixedPoint; using Content.Shared.Interaction; using Content.Shared.Vapor; using Robust.Server.GameObjects; +using Robust.Shared.Physics.Components; using Robust.Shared.Prototypes; using Robust.Shared.Timing; @@ -19,6 +21,8 @@ public sealed class SpraySystem : EntitySystem { [Dependency] private readonly IGameTiming _gameTiming = default!; [Dependency] private readonly IPrototypeManager _proto = default!; + [Dependency] private readonly GravitySystem _gravity = default!; + [Dependency] private readonly PhysicsSystem _physics = default!; [Dependency] private readonly PopupSystem _popupSystem = default!; [Dependency] private readonly SharedAudioSystem _audio = default!; [Dependency] private readonly SolutionContainerSystem _solutionContainer = default!; @@ -104,7 +108,8 @@ private void OnAfterInteract(EntityUid uid, SprayComponent component, AfterInter if (distance > component.SprayDistance) target = userMapPos.Offset(diffNorm * component.SprayDistance); - var newSolution = _solutionContainer.SplitSolution(uid, solution, component.TransferAmount); + var adjustedSolutionAmount = component.TransferAmount / component.VaporAmount; + var newSolution = _solutionContainer.SplitSolution(uid, solution, adjustedSolutionAmount); if (newSolution.Volume <= FixedPoint2.Zero) break; @@ -132,6 +137,12 @@ private void OnAfterInteract(EntityUid uid, SprayComponent component, AfterInter cooldownTime = MathF.Max(time, cooldownTime); _vapor.Start(vaporComponent, vaporXform, impulseDirection * diffLength, component.SprayVelocity, target, time, args.User); + + if (TryComp(args.User, out var body)) + { + if (_gravity.IsWeightless(args.User, body)) + _physics.ApplyLinearImpulse(args.User, -impulseDirection.Normalized() * component.PushbackAmount, body: body); + } } _audio.PlayPvs(component.SpraySound, uid, component.SpraySound.Params.WithVariation(0.125f)); diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/fire_extinguisher.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/fire_extinguisher.yml index aea2fb7ee15..344d7074439 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/fire_extinguisher.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/fire_extinguisher.yml @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ - type: ItemCooldown - type: Spray transferAmount: 10 + pushbackAmount: 60 spraySound: path: /Audio/Effects/extinguish.ogg sprayedPrototype: ExtinguisherSpray From be13a7c81159bd932a618db766d0ab8888e7a4cd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: PJBot Date: Sun, 24 Sep 2023 21:34:32 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 06/59] Automatic changelog update --- Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml | 13 ++++++------- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml b/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml index 959681f646d..f31fba7dcce 100644 --- a/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml +++ b/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml @@ -1,11 +1,4 @@ Entries: -- author: EmoGarbage404 - changes: - - {message: Anomaly generators now always generate anomalies on the station., type: Fix} - - {message: Anomalies should now generate further away from the edges of the station., - type: Fix} - id: 4395 - time: '2023-08-01T04:12:56.0000000+00:00' - author: Flareguy changes: - {message: Resprited steel floor tiles. Looks like the janitor hasn't been doing @@ -2982,3 +2975,9 @@ Entries: by reaction to occur.', type: Add} id: 4894 time: '2023-09-24T21:33:25.0000000+00:00' +- author: EmoGarbage404 + changes: + - {message: Fire extinguishers now use less fluid per burst and launch the user + farther in low-gravity., type: Tweak} + id: 4895 + time: '2023-09-25T01:33:29.0000000+00:00' From 2616cb69e8df119c8d780ca235ca89edf5307f5e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: coolmankid12345 <> Date: Sun, 24 Sep 2023 23:15:14 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 07/59] fix metamorphic glasses (#20487) Co-authored-by: coolmankid12345 --- .../Chemistry/EntitySystems/SolutionContainerSystem.cs | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/Content.Server/Chemistry/EntitySystems/SolutionContainerSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Chemistry/EntitySystems/SolutionContainerSystem.cs index 3ab07cc49b1..7ca92fab4e9 100644 --- a/Content.Server/Chemistry/EntitySystems/SolutionContainerSystem.cs +++ b/Content.Server/Chemistry/EntitySystems/SolutionContainerSystem.cs @@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ public void UpdateAppearance(EntityUid uid, Solution solution, if (solution.GetPrimaryReagentId() is { } reagent) { - _appearance.SetData(uid, SolutionContainerVisuals.BaseOverride, reagent, appearanceComponent); + _appearance.SetData(uid, SolutionContainerVisuals.BaseOverride, reagent.ToString(), appearanceComponent); } else { From 91a157d7ed0e7597dd5ad0db7d288c6b2e85694c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: deltanedas <> Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2023 04:16:09 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 08/59] use weighted random for ninja threats (#20469) * change threats to be weighted random and a little cleanup * ninja rule stores weighted random id for threats * move threats out of the rule and into weighted random --------- Co-authored-by: deltanedas <> --- .../Communications/CommsHackerSystem.cs | 13 ++++++---- .../Rules/Components/NinjaRuleComponent.cs | 4 +++- .../Communications/CommsHackerComponent.cs | 24 ++++++++++--------- .../Communications/SharedCommsHackerSystem.cs | 4 ++-- Resources/Prototypes/GameRules/midround.yml | 6 +---- Resources/Prototypes/threats.yml | 16 +++++++++++++ 6 files changed, 44 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-) create mode 100644 Resources/Prototypes/threats.yml diff --git a/Content.Server/Communications/CommsHackerSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Communications/CommsHackerSystem.cs index 95cad6eb974..851be07454f 100644 --- a/Content.Server/Communications/CommsHackerSystem.cs +++ b/Content.Server/Communications/CommsHackerSystem.cs @@ -4,6 +4,9 @@ using Content.Shared.Communications; using Content.Shared.DoAfter; using Content.Shared.Interaction; +using Content.Shared.Random; +using Content.Shared.Random.Helpers; +using Robust.Shared.Prototypes; using Robust.Shared.Random; using Robust.Shared.Serialization; @@ -13,6 +16,7 @@ public sealed class CommsHackerSystem : SharedCommsHackerSystem { [Dependency] private readonly ChatSystem _chat = default!; [Dependency] private readonly GameTicker _gameTicker = default!; + [Dependency] private readonly IPrototypeManager _proto = default!; [Dependency] private readonly IRobustRandom _random = default!; // TODO: remove when generic check event is used [Dependency] private readonly NinjaGlovesSystem _gloves = default!; @@ -55,11 +59,12 @@ private void OnBeforeInteractHand(EntityUid uid, CommsHackerComponent comp, Befo /// private void OnDoAfter(EntityUid uid, CommsHackerComponent comp, TerrorDoAfterEvent args) { - if (args.Cancelled || args.Handled || comp.Threats.Count == 0 || args.Target == null) + if (args.Cancelled || args.Handled || args.Target == null) return; - var threat = _random.Pick(comp.Threats); - CallInThreat(threat); + var threats = _proto.Index(comp.Threats); + var threat = threats.Pick(_random); + CallInThreat(_proto.Index(threat)); // prevent calling in multiple threats RemComp(uid); @@ -71,7 +76,7 @@ private void OnDoAfter(EntityUid uid, CommsHackerComponent comp, TerrorDoAfterEv /// /// Makes announcement and adds game rule of the threat. /// - public void CallInThreat(Threat threat) + public void CallInThreat(ThreatPrototype threat) { _gameTicker.StartGameRule(threat.Rule, out _); _chat.DispatchGlobalAnnouncement(Loc.GetString(threat.Announcement), playSound: true, colorOverride: Color.Red); diff --git a/Content.Server/GameTicking/Rules/Components/NinjaRuleComponent.cs b/Content.Server/GameTicking/Rules/Components/NinjaRuleComponent.cs index 6a1a4a6a9b0..e6966c1e377 100644 --- a/Content.Server/GameTicking/Rules/Components/NinjaRuleComponent.cs +++ b/Content.Server/GameTicking/Rules/Components/NinjaRuleComponent.cs @@ -1,6 +1,8 @@ using Content.Server.Ninja.Systems; using Content.Shared.Communications; +using Content.Shared.Random; using Robust.Shared.Audio; +using Robust.Shared.Prototypes; namespace Content.Server.GameTicking.Rules.Components; @@ -15,7 +17,7 @@ public sealed partial class NinjaRuleComponent : Component /// List of threats that can be called in. Copied onto when gloves are enabled. /// [DataField(required: true)] - public List Threats = new(); + public ProtoId Threats = string.Empty; /// /// Sound played when making the player a ninja via antag control or ghost role diff --git a/Content.Shared/Communications/CommsHackerComponent.cs b/Content.Shared/Communications/CommsHackerComponent.cs index 9116899ccae..fdd1876c1d7 100644 --- a/Content.Shared/Communications/CommsHackerComponent.cs +++ b/Content.Shared/Communications/CommsHackerComponent.cs @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ +using Content.Shared.Random; using Robust.Shared.GameStates; using Robust.Shared.Prototypes; -using Robust.Shared.Serialization; -using Robust.Shared.Serialization.TypeSerializers.Implementations.Custom.Prototype; namespace Content.Shared.Communications; @@ -15,14 +14,14 @@ public sealed partial class CommsHackerComponent : Component /// /// Time taken to hack the console /// - [DataField("delay")] + [DataField, ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)] public TimeSpan Delay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20); /// - /// Possible threats to choose from. + /// Weighted random for the possible threats to choose from. /// - [DataField("threats", required: true)] - public List Threats = new(); + [DataField(required: true)] + public ProtoId Threats = string.Empty; } /// @@ -30,18 +29,21 @@ public sealed partial class CommsHackerComponent : Component /// Generally some kind of mid-round minor antag, though you could make it call in scrubber backflow if you wanted to. /// You wouldn't do that, right? /// -[DataDefinition] -public sealed partial class Threat +[Prototype("threat")] +public sealed class ThreatPrototype : IPrototype { + [IdDataField] + public string ID { get; private set; } = default!; + /// /// Locale id for the announcement to be made from CentCom. /// - [DataField("announcement")] + [DataField] public string Announcement = default!; /// /// The game rule for the threat to be added, it should be able to work when added mid-round otherwise this will do nothing. /// - [DataField("rule", customTypeSerializer: typeof(PrototypeIdSerializer))] - public string Rule = default!; + [DataField] + public EntProtoId Rule = default!; } diff --git a/Content.Shared/Communications/SharedCommsHackerSystem.cs b/Content.Shared/Communications/SharedCommsHackerSystem.cs index 94c530878a4..c4d9c1e1978 100644 --- a/Content.Shared/Communications/SharedCommsHackerSystem.cs +++ b/Content.Shared/Communications/SharedCommsHackerSystem.cs @@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ namespace Content.Shared.Communications; public abstract class SharedCommsHackerSystem : EntitySystem { /// - /// Set the list of threats to choose from when hacking a comms console. + /// Set the threats prototype to choose from when hacking a comms console. /// - public void SetThreats(EntityUid uid, List threats, CommsHackerComponent? comp = null) + public void SetThreats(EntityUid uid, string threats, CommsHackerComponent? comp = null) { if (!Resolve(uid, ref comp)) return; diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/GameRules/midround.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/GameRules/midround.yml index 41fb9fa432f..1927cde53c3 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/GameRules/midround.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/GameRules/midround.yml @@ -14,8 +14,4 @@ - TerrorObjective - NinjaSurviveObjective - type: NinjaRule - threats: - - announcement: terror-dragon - rule: Dragon - - announcement: terror-revenant - rule: RevenantSpawn + threats: NinjaThreats diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/threats.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/threats.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..6e21cc1037d --- /dev/null +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/threats.yml @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +# threats called in by ninja hacking comms console +- type: weightedRandom + id: NinjaThreats + weights: + Dragon: 1 + Revenant: 1 + +- type: threat + id: Dragon + announcement: terror-dragon + rule: Dragon + +- type: threat + id: Revenant + announcement: terror-revenant + rule: RevenantSpawn From 34aea7d9ed7d4499c37b9d260c5ac7d77a775ba2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Psychpsyo <> Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2023 08:53:04 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 09/59] Fix BodySystem and Gibbing (#20460) * Fix gibbing & body system Makes it so that bodies no longer have two sets of torso organs and that gibbed bodies get spread around on the floor again. * Actually fix the double torso problem * rootSlot in cameFrom * Remove SetCoordinates inside GibBody() * Don't use entity.RandomOffset() in GibBody() * Gibbing now uses _random.NextVector2() --- Content.Server/Body/Systems/BodySystem.cs | 32 ++++++------------- .../Body/Prototypes/BodyPrototype.cs | 3 +- .../Body/Systems/SharedBodySystem.Body.cs | 3 +- .../Body/Systems/SharedBodySystem.cs | 4 +-- 4 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-) diff --git a/Content.Server/Body/Systems/BodySystem.cs b/Content.Server/Body/Systems/BodySystem.cs index 512d22d01b1..2010537e34b 100644 --- a/Content.Server/Body/Systems/BodySystem.cs +++ b/Content.Server/Body/Systems/BodySystem.cs @@ -1,12 +1,8 @@ -using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; -using System.Linq; using Content.Server.Body.Components; using Content.Server.GameTicking; using Content.Server.Humanoid; using Content.Server.Kitchen.Components; -using Content.Server.Mind; using Content.Shared.Body.Components; -using Content.Shared.Body.Organ; using Content.Shared.Body.Part; using Content.Shared.Body.Systems; using Content.Shared.Humanoid; @@ -14,13 +10,11 @@ using Content.Shared.Mind; using Content.Shared.Mobs.Systems; using Content.Shared.Movement.Events; -using Content.Shared.Random.Helpers; using Robust.Shared.Audio; -using Robust.Shared.Containers; -using Robust.Shared.Map; using Robust.Shared.Player; +using Robust.Shared.Random; using Robust.Shared.Timing; -using Robust.Shared.Utility; +using System.Numerics; namespace Content.Server.Body.Systems; @@ -33,6 +27,7 @@ public sealed class BodySystem : SharedBodySystem [Dependency] private readonly SharedAudioSystem _audio = default!; [Dependency] private readonly SharedAppearanceSystem _appearance = default!; [Dependency] private readonly SharedMindSystem _mindSystem = default!; + [Dependency] private readonly IRobustRandom _random = default!; public override void Initialize() { @@ -136,22 +131,15 @@ public override HashSet GibBody(EntityUid bodyId, bool gibOrgans = fa _audio.Play(body.GibSound, filter, coordinates, true, audio); - var containers = GetBodyContainers(bodyId, body: body).ToList(); - - foreach (var container in containers) + foreach (var entity in gibs) { - foreach (var entity in container.ContainedEntities) + if (deleteItems) + { + QueueDel(entity); + } + else { - if (deleteItems) - { - QueueDel(entity); - } - else - { - container.Remove(entity, EntityManager, force: true); - SharedTransform.SetCoordinates(entity,coordinates); - entity.RandomOffset(0.25f); - } + SharedTransform.SetCoordinates(entity, coordinates.Offset(_random.NextVector2(.3f))); } } RaiseLocalEvent(bodyId, new BeingGibbedEvent(gibs)); diff --git a/Content.Shared/Body/Prototypes/BodyPrototype.cs b/Content.Shared/Body/Prototypes/BodyPrototype.cs index 97ee0ba2173..a1105dae5ca 100644 --- a/Content.Shared/Body/Prototypes/BodyPrototype.cs +++ b/Content.Shared/Body/Prototypes/BodyPrototype.cs @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -using Robust.Shared.Prototypes; -using Robust.Shared.Serialization.TypeSerializers.Implementations.Custom.Prototype; +using Robust.Shared.Prototypes; namespace Content.Shared.Body.Prototypes; diff --git a/Content.Shared/Body/Systems/SharedBodySystem.Body.cs b/Content.Shared/Body/Systems/SharedBodySystem.Body.cs index f68899c8eee..9356224f412 100644 --- a/Content.Shared/Body/Systems/SharedBodySystem.Body.cs +++ b/Content.Shared/Body/Systems/SharedBodySystem.Body.cs @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -using System.Linq; +using System.Linq; using System.Numerics; using Content.Shared.Body.Components; using Content.Shared.Body.Organ; @@ -156,6 +156,7 @@ private void MapInitParts(EntityUid rootPartId, BodyPrototype prototype) // Child -> Parent connection. var cameFrom = new Dictionary(); + cameFrom[rootSlot] = rootSlot; // Maps slot to its relevant entity. var cameFromEntities = new Dictionary(); cameFromEntities[rootSlot] = rootPartId; diff --git a/Content.Shared/Body/Systems/SharedBodySystem.cs b/Content.Shared/Body/Systems/SharedBodySystem.cs index 1cc891f05d2..602c8f015b6 100644 --- a/Content.Shared/Body/Systems/SharedBodySystem.cs +++ b/Content.Shared/Body/Systems/SharedBodySystem.cs @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -using Content.Shared.Damage; +using Content.Shared.Damage; using Content.Shared.Movement.Systems; using Content.Shared.Standing; using Robust.Shared.Containers; @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ public override void Initialize() // This is blursed var slotIndex = containerSlotId.IndexOf(PartSlotContainerIdPrefix, StringComparison.Ordinal); - if (slotIndex < -1) + if (slotIndex < 0) return null; var slotId = containerSlotId.Remove(slotIndex, PartSlotContainerIdPrefix.Length); From 9566eaec15c0d1a029836c5205f2d1e3957941d2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: PJBot Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2023 02:54:08 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 10/59] Automatic changelog update --- Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml | 12 ++++++------ 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml b/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml index f31fba7dcce..7c602b42f6e 100644 --- a/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml +++ b/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml @@ -1,10 +1,4 @@ Entries: -- author: Flareguy - changes: - - {message: Resprited steel floor tiles. Looks like the janitor hasn't been doing - their job..., type: Tweak} - id: 4396 - time: '2023-08-01T06:09:46.0000000+00:00' - author: EmoGarbage404 changes: - {message: The chemistry guidebook now specifies specific types for damage and @@ -2981,3 +2975,9 @@ Entries: farther in low-gravity., type: Tweak} id: 4895 time: '2023-09-25T01:33:29.0000000+00:00' +- author: Psychpsyo + changes: + - {message: 'People and animals no longer have two hearts, livers, sets of lungs + or kidneys. You probably didn''t need the extra pair anyways.', type: Fix} + id: 4896 + time: '2023-09-25T06:53:04.0000000+00:00' From f120b247f3e1bc6ce69dc17a20228fd1830b1592 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Emisse <> Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2023 03:03:15 -0600 Subject: [PATCH 11/59] bagel update (#20491) --- Resources/Maps/bagel.yml | 7285 +------------------------------------- 1 file changed, 122 insertions(+), 7163 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Maps/bagel.yml b/Resources/Maps/bagel.yml index f926f7e1c3a..ed0ee999981 100644 --- a/Resources/Maps/bagel.yml +++ b/Resources/Maps/bagel.yml @@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ entities: version: 6 -1,-2: ind: -1,-2 - tiles: cAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAXwAAAAAAXwAAAAAAXwAAAAAAXwAAAAAAXwAAAAAAXwAAAAAAXwAAAAAAXwAAAAAAXwAAAAAAXwAAAAAAcAAAAAAAUwAAAAABcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAYAAAAAAAUwAAAAACbQAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAYAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAUwAAAAABcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAOwAAAAAAOwAAAAAAOwAAAAAAOwAAAAAAGgAAAAADGgAAAAAAGgAAAAABGgAAAAADGgAAAAADGgAAAAAAcAAAAAAAUwAAAAACcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAOwAAAAAAOwAAAAAAOwAAAAAAOwAAAAAAGgAAAAADGgAAAAADGgAAAAACGgAAAAACGgAAAAACGgAAAAABcAAAAAAAUwAAAAADcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAOwAAAAAAOwAAAAAAOwAAAAAAOwAAAAAAGgAAAAAAGgAAAAACGgAAAAACGgAAAAACGgAAAAAAGgAAAAACcAAAAAAAUwAAAAADYAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAOwAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAGgAAAAABGgAAAAACGgAAAAABcAAAAAAAUwAAAAACUwAAAAACUwAAAAADUwAAAAACUwAAAAABUwAAAAADUwAAAAACUwAAAAACUwAAAAADUwAAAAAAUwAAAAAAUwAAAAAAUwAAAAAAUwAAAAACUwAAAAABRQAAAAADUwAAAAAAUwAAAAABUwAAAAACUwAAAAADUwAAAAABUwAAAAADUwAAAAABUwAAAAAAUwAAAAACUwAAAAABUwAAAAABUwAAAAACUwAAAAADUwAAAAAAUwAAAAABRQAAAAACUwAAAAACUwAAAAAAUwAAAAADUwAAAAABUwAAAAAAUwAAAAAAUwAAAAAAUwAAAAAAUwAAAAABUwAAAAADUwAAAAADUwAAAAACUwAAAAACUwAAAAACUwAAAAACRQAAAAACUwAAAAACUwAAAAABUwAAAAABcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAGgAAAAACcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAUwAAAAAAUwAAAAADUwAAAAABcAAAAAAAbwAAAAAAbwAAAAAAbwAAAAAAcAAAAAAAGgAAAAADcAAAAAAAbwAAAAAAbwAAAAAAbwAAAAAAbwAAAAAAbwAAAAAAcAAAAAAAUwAAAAACUwAAAAABUwAAAAAAcAAAAAAAbwAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAGgAAAAADcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAUwAAAAADUwAAAAABUwAAAAADcAAAAAAAbwAAAAAAcAAAAAAAKQAAAAAAcAAAAAAAGgAAAAADGgAAAAACGgAAAAABGgAAAAACcAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAUwAAAAABRQAAAAACRQAAAAABcAAAAAAAbwAAAAAAcAAAAAAAKQAAAAAAcAAAAAAAGgAAAAADGgAAAAABGgAAAAADGgAAAAAAcAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAUwAAAAAAUwAAAAABUwAAAAADcAAAAAAAbwAAAAAAcAAAAAAAYQAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAPQAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAUwAAAAAA + tiles: cAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAXwAAAAAAXwAAAAAAXwAAAAAAXwAAAAAAXwAAAAAAXwAAAAAAXwAAAAAAXwAAAAAAXwAAAAAAXwAAAAAAcAAAAAAAUwAAAAABcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAYAAAAAAAUwAAAAACbQAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAYAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAUwAAAAABcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAOwAAAAAAOwAAAAAAOwAAAAAAOwAAAAAAGgAAAAADGgAAAAAAGgAAAAABGgAAAAADGgAAAAADGgAAAAAAcAAAAAAAUwAAAAACcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAOwAAAAAAOwAAAAAAOwAAAAAAOwAAAAAAGgAAAAADGgAAAAADGgAAAAACGgAAAAACGgAAAAACGgAAAAABcAAAAAAAUwAAAAADcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAOwAAAAAAOwAAAAAAOwAAAAAAOwAAAAAAGgAAAAAAGgAAAAACGgAAAAACGgAAAAACGgAAAAAAGgAAAAACcAAAAAAAUwAAAAADYAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAGgAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAGgAAAAABGgAAAAACGgAAAAABcAAAAAAAUwAAAAACUwAAAAACUwAAAAADUwAAAAACUwAAAAABUwAAAAADUwAAAAACUwAAAAACUwAAAAADUwAAAAAAUwAAAAAAUwAAAAAAUwAAAAAAUwAAAAACUwAAAAABRQAAAAADUwAAAAAAUwAAAAABUwAAAAACUwAAAAADUwAAAAABUwAAAAADUwAAAAABUwAAAAAAUwAAAAACUwAAAAABUwAAAAABUwAAAAACUwAAAAADUwAAAAAAUwAAAAABRQAAAAACUwAAAAACUwAAAAAAUwAAAAADUwAAAAABUwAAAAAAUwAAAAAAUwAAAAAAUwAAAAAAUwAAAAABUwAAAAADUwAAAAADUwAAAAACUwAAAAACUwAAAAACUwAAAAACRQAAAAACUwAAAAACUwAAAAABUwAAAAABcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAGgAAAAACcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAUwAAAAAAUwAAAAADUwAAAAABcAAAAAAAbwAAAAAAbwAAAAAAbwAAAAAAcAAAAAAAGgAAAAADcAAAAAAAbwAAAAAAbwAAAAAAbwAAAAAAbwAAAAAAbwAAAAAAcAAAAAAAUwAAAAACUwAAAAABUwAAAAAAcAAAAAAAbwAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAGgAAAAADcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAUwAAAAADUwAAAAABUwAAAAADcAAAAAAAbwAAAAAAcAAAAAAAKQAAAAAAcAAAAAAAGgAAAAADGgAAAAACGgAAAAABGgAAAAACcAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAUwAAAAABRQAAAAACRQAAAAABcAAAAAAAbwAAAAAAcAAAAAAAKQAAAAAAcAAAAAAAGgAAAAADGgAAAAABGgAAAAADGgAAAAAAcAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAUwAAAAAAUwAAAAABUwAAAAADcAAAAAAAbwAAAAAAcAAAAAAAYQAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAPQAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAUwAAAAAA version: 6 0,-3: ind: 0,-3 @@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ entities: version: 6 -2,-3: ind: -2,-3 - tiles: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAbwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAbwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAbwAAAAAAbwAAAAAAbwAAAAAAbwAAAAAAbwAAAAAAbwAAAAAAbwAAAAAAbwAAAAAAbwAAAAAAbwAAAAAAcAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAbwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAbwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAbwAAAAAAbwAAAAAAbwAAAAAAbwAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAbwAAAAAAbwAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAbwAAAAAAbwAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAbwAAAAAAbwAAAAAAbwAAAAAAbwAAAAAAcAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAbwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAbwAAAAAAbwAAAAAAcAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAbwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAbwAAAAAAbwAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAbwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAbwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAXwAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAXwAAAAAAXwAAAAAAXwAAAAAAXwAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAbwAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAbwAAAAAAbwAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAXwAAAAAAXwAAAAAAXwAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAXwAAAAAAXwAAAAAAXwAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAXwAAAAAAXwAAAAAAXwAAAAAAXwAAAAAAXwAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAcAAAAAAA + tiles: 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-58.5,28.5 @@ -12090,6 +12185,13 @@ entities: - pos: 10.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform + - links: + - 18033 + type: DeviceLinkSink + - linkedPorts: + 18033: + - DoorStatus: DoorBolt + type: DeviceLinkSource - proto: AirlockFreezer entities: - uid: 13696 @@ -16587,15 +16689,11 @@ entities: - pos: -61.5,12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 27 components: - pos: -66.5,12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 28 components: - pos: -65.5,7.5 @@ -16616,8 +16714,6 @@ entities: - pos: 36.5,-19.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 201 components: - pos: 38.5,-18.5 @@ -16688,36 +16784,26 @@ entities: - pos: -32.5,-14.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 873 components: - pos: -60.5,12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 940 components: - pos: -65.5,12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - 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components: - pos: -21.5,4.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8281 components: - pos: -21.5,5.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8282 components: - pos: -22.5,5.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8283 components: - pos: -23.5,5.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8284 components: - pos: -24.5,5.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8285 components: - pos: -25.5,5.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8286 components: - pos: -26.5,5.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8287 components: - pos: -27.5,5.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8288 components: - pos: -28.5,5.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8289 components: - pos: -29.5,5.5 @@ -18137,43 +18019,31 @@ entities: - pos: -56.5,-12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8318 components: - pos: -61.5,-13.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8319 components: - pos: -52.5,-18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8321 components: - pos: -60.5,-18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8322 components: - pos: -59.5,-22.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8325 components: - pos: -59.5,-13.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8326 components: - pos: -32.5,1.5 @@ -18319,15 +18189,11 @@ entities: - pos: -60.5,-17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8357 components: - pos: -53.5,-18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8378 components: - pos: 8.5,-2.5 @@ -18338,8 +18204,6 @@ entities: - pos: 5.5,-0.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8392 components: - pos: -26.5,1.5 @@ -18830,8 +18694,6 @@ entities: - pos: -21.5,-19.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8601 components: - pos: -22.5,-19.5 @@ -18882,29 +18744,21 @@ entities: - pos: -24.5,-17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8739 components: - pos: -61.5,-0.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8741 components: - pos: -65.5,3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8742 components: - pos: -65.5,2.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8757 components: - pos: 2.5,-1.5 @@ -18915,8 +18769,6 @@ entities: - pos: -66.5,2.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8770 components: - pos: -33.5,-17.5 @@ -18927,22 +18779,16 @@ entities: - pos: 1.5,-1.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8787 components: - pos: 0.5,-1.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8788 components: - pos: -0.5,-1.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8789 components: - pos: -0.5,-2.5 @@ -18978,8 +18824,6 @@ entities: - pos: -4.5,-1.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8905 components: - pos: -4.5,-2.5 @@ -19015,64 +18859,46 @@ entities: - pos: -8.5,-2.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8927 components: - pos: -9.5,-2.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8958 components: - pos: -11.5,-2.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8978 components: - pos: -11.5,-1.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8980 components: - pos: -12.5,-1.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9002 components: - pos: -11.5,-3.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9007 components: - pos: -12.5,-3.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9008 components: - pos: -9.5,-1.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9049 components: - pos: -9.5,-3.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9172 components: - pos: 40.5,-5.5 @@ -19133,36 +18959,26 @@ entities: - pos: -35.5,-32.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9867 components: - pos: -32.5,-31.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9881 components: - pos: -25.5,-33.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9984 components: - pos: -23.5,-33.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10001 components: - pos: -28.5,-25.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10002 components: - pos: -28.5,-24.5 @@ -19343,36 +19159,26 @@ entities: - pos: -29.5,-26.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10038 components: - pos: -29.5,-27.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10039 components: - pos: -29.5,-28.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10040 components: - pos: -29.5,-29.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10041 components: - pos: -29.5,-30.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10042 components: - pos: -23.5,-24.5 @@ -19383,8 +19189,6 @@ entities: - pos: -23.5,-25.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10044 components: - pos: -23.5,-26.5 @@ -19415,85 +19219,61 @@ entities: - pos: -24.5,-33.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10058 components: - pos: -30.5,-30.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10059 components: - pos: -31.5,-30.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10060 components: - pos: -32.5,-30.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10063 components: - pos: -33.5,-32.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10064 components: - pos: -32.5,-32.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10065 components: - pos: -31.5,-32.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10066 components: - pos: -30.5,-32.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10067 components: - pos: -29.5,-32.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10068 components: - pos: -28.5,-32.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10069 components: - pos: -27.5,-32.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10070 components: - pos: -31.5,-33.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10071 components: - pos: -31.5,-35.5 @@ -19509,85 +19289,61 @@ entities: - pos: -31.5,-36.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10074 components: - pos: -31.5,-37.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10075 components: - pos: -31.5,-38.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10076 components: - pos: -26.5,-32.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10077 components: - pos: -26.5,-33.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10081 components: - pos: -36.5,-32.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10082 components: - pos: -37.5,-32.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10083 components: - pos: -38.5,-32.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10084 components: - pos: -40.5,-32.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10085 components: - pos: -41.5,-32.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10086 components: - pos: -42.5,-29.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10087 components: - pos: -43.5,-29.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10088 components: - pos: -44.5,-29.5 @@ -19608,15 +19364,11 @@ entities: - pos: -47.5,-29.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10092 components: - pos: -47.5,-30.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10093 components: - pos: -47.5,-31.5 @@ -19627,57 +19379,41 @@ entities: - pos: -47.5,-32.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10095 components: - pos: -47.5,-33.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10096 components: - pos: -47.5,-34.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10097 components: - pos: -47.5,-35.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10098 components: - pos: -47.5,-36.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10099 components: - pos: -47.5,-37.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10100 components: - pos: -47.5,-38.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10101 components: - pos: -46.5,-33.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10102 components: - pos: -45.5,-33.5 @@ -19688,36 +19424,26 @@ entities: - pos: -44.5,-33.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10104 components: - pos: -43.5,-33.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10105 components: - pos: -48.5,-33.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10106 components: - pos: -49.5,-33.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10107 components: - pos: -50.5,-33.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10108 components: - pos: -51.5,-33.5 @@ -19733,8 +19459,6 @@ entities: - pos: -49.5,-30.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10111 components: - pos: -50.5,-30.5 @@ -19745,120 +19469,86 @@ entities: - pos: -51.5,-30.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10113 components: - pos: -41.5,-29.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10114 components: - pos: -41.5,-28.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10115 components: - pos: -41.5,-27.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10116 components: - pos: -41.5,-26.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10117 components: - pos: -41.5,-25.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10118 components: - pos: -41.5,-24.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10119 components: - pos: -41.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10120 components: - pos: -42.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10121 components: - pos: -43.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10122 components: - pos: -44.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10123 components: - pos: -45.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10124 components: - pos: -46.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10125 components: - pos: -47.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10126 components: - pos: -47.5,-22.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10131 components: - pos: -52.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10135 components: - pos: -51.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10137 components: - pos: -47.5,-16.5 @@ -19874,22 +19564,16 @@ entities: - pos: -51.5,-13.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10140 components: - pos: -51.5,-12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10143 components: - pos: -46.5,-14.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10144 components: - pos: -46.5,-15.5 @@ -20050,85 +19734,61 @@ entities: - pos: -42.5,-11.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10177 components: - pos: -42.5,-12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10178 components: - pos: -43.5,-12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10179 components: - pos: -44.5,-12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10180 components: - pos: -45.5,-12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10181 components: - pos: -46.5,-12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10182 components: - pos: -47.5,-12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10183 components: - pos: -47.5,-12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10184 components: - pos: -48.5,-12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10185 components: - pos: -49.5,-12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10186 components: - pos: -41.5,-12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10187 components: - pos: -40.5,-12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10188 components: - pos: -42.5,-10.5 @@ -20284,8 +19944,6 @@ entities: - pos: -52.5,5.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10220 components: - pos: -52.5,4.5 @@ -20491,8 +20149,6 @@ entities: - pos: -41.5,6.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10278 components: - pos: -41.5,5.5 @@ -20658,8 +20314,6 @@ entities: - pos: -31.5,16.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10316 components: - pos: -31.5,15.5 @@ -21000,64 +20654,46 @@ entities: - pos: -58.5,13.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10388 components: - pos: -59.5,13.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10389 components: - pos: -59.5,12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10390 components: - pos: -59.5,11.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10391 components: - pos: -59.5,10.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10392 components: - pos: -59.5,9.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10393 components: - pos: -59.5,8.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10394 components: - pos: -59.5,7.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10395 components: - pos: -51.5,-11.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10396 components: - pos: -52.5,-11.5 @@ -21073,281 +20709,201 @@ entities: - pos: -54.5,-11.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10399 components: - pos: -55.5,-11.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10400 components: - pos: -56.5,-11.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10401 components: - pos: -57.5,-11.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10402 components: - pos: -57.5,-10.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10403 components: - pos: -57.5,-9.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10404 components: - pos: -57.5,-8.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10405 components: - pos: -57.5,-7.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10406 components: - pos: -57.5,-6.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10407 components: - pos: -58.5,-6.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10408 components: - pos: -59.5,-6.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10409 components: - pos: -60.5,-6.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10410 components: - pos: -60.5,-5.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10411 components: - pos: -60.5,-4.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10412 components: - pos: -60.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10413 components: - pos: -60.5,-2.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10414 components: - pos: -60.5,-1.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10415 components: - pos: -60.5,-0.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10432 components: - pos: -6.5,-29.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10433 components: - pos: -6.5,-30.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10434 components: - pos: -7.5,-30.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10435 components: - pos: -8.5,-30.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10436 components: - pos: -9.5,-30.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10437 components: - pos: -10.5,-30.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10438 components: - pos: -11.5,-30.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10439 components: - pos: -12.5,-30.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10440 components: - pos: -13.5,-30.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10441 components: - pos: -13.5,-29.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10442 components: - pos: -13.5,-28.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10443 components: - pos: -13.5,-27.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10444 components: - pos: -13.5,-26.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10445 components: - pos: -19.5,-30.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10446 components: - pos: -19.5,-29.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10447 components: - pos: -19.5,-28.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10448 components: - pos: -19.5,-27.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10449 components: - pos: -19.5,-26.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10450 components: - pos: -19.5,-31.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10451 components: - pos: -19.5,-32.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10452 components: - pos: -19.5,-33.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10453 components: - pos: -18.5,-33.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10454 components: - pos: -18.5,-34.5 @@ -21358,43 +20914,31 @@ entities: - pos: -18.5,-35.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10456 components: - pos: -18.5,-36.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10457 components: - pos: -5.5,-30.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10458 components: - pos: -4.5,-30.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10459 components: - pos: -3.5,-30.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10460 components: - pos: -2.5,-30.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10461 components: - pos: -6.5,-28.5 @@ -21540,8 +21084,6 @@ entities: - pos: -1.5,-42.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10490 components: - pos: -2.5,-42.5 @@ -21587,162 +21129,116 @@ entities: - pos: -10.5,-42.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10499 components: - pos: -11.5,-42.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10500 components: - pos: -12.5,-42.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10501 components: - pos: -13.5,-42.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10502 components: - pos: -14.5,-42.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10503 components: - pos: -15.5,-42.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10504 components: - pos: -14.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10505 components: - pos: -14.5,-40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10506 components: - pos: -14.5,-39.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10507 components: - pos: -14.5,-38.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10508 components: - pos: -14.5,-37.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10509 components: - pos: -11.5,-43.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10510 components: - pos: -11.5,-44.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10511 components: - pos: -11.5,-45.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10512 components: - pos: -11.5,-46.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10513 components: - pos: -12.5,-46.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10514 components: - pos: -13.5,-46.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10515 components: - pos: -14.5,-46.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10516 components: - pos: -15.5,-43.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10517 components: - pos: -16.5,-43.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10518 components: - pos: -17.5,-43.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10519 components: - pos: -18.5,-43.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10520 components: - pos: -19.5,-43.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10521 components: - pos: -0.5,-42.5 @@ -21863,22 +21359,16 @@ entities: - pos: -7.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10545 components: - pos: -7.5,-40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10546 components: - pos: -7.5,-39.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10547 components: - pos: 0.5,-41.5 @@ -21899,8 +21389,6 @@ entities: - pos: 22.5,3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10593 components: - pos: 3.5,-32.5 @@ -21956,36 +21444,26 @@ entities: - pos: -20.5,46.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10605 components: - pos: 24.5,3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10606 components: - pos: 26.5,1.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10607 components: - pos: 26.5,0.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10608 components: - pos: 26.5,2.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10609 components: - pos: 1.5,-34.5 @@ -22001,8 +21479,6 @@ entities: - pos: 20.5,1.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10612 components: - pos: 0.5,-35.5 @@ -22058,64 +21534,46 @@ entities: - pos: 7.5,-39.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10626 components: - pos: 8.5,-39.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10627 components: - pos: 8.5,-40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10628 components: - pos: 8.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10629 components: - pos: 7.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10630 components: - pos: 6.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10631 components: - pos: 5.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10632 components: - pos: 4.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10633 components: - pos: 3.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10634 components: - pos: 0.5,-33.5 @@ -22246,85 +21704,61 @@ entities: - pos: 20.5,0.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10712 components: - pos: 20.5,2.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10780 components: - pos: 41.5,-46.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10781 components: - pos: 41.5,-49.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10782 components: - pos: 41.5,-42.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10837 components: - pos: 22.5,-1.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10838 components: - pos: 23.5,-1.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10839 components: - pos: 24.5,-1.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10858 components: - pos: -39.5,-32.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10859 components: - pos: -17.5,-33.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10860 components: - pos: -16.5,-33.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10861 components: - pos: -16.5,-32.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10862 components: - pos: -16.5,-31.5 @@ -22335,197 +21769,141 @@ entities: - pos: 41.5,-43.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10901 components: - pos: 41.5,-48.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10902 components: - pos: 41.5,-45.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10923 components: - pos: 30.5,-51.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10924 components: - pos: 30.5,-50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10925 components: - pos: 31.5,-50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10926 components: - pos: 31.5,-49.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10927 components: - pos: 31.5,-48.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10928 components: - pos: 32.5,-50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10929 components: - pos: 33.5,-50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10930 components: - pos: 34.5,-50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10931 components: - pos: 35.5,-50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10932 components: - pos: 36.5,-50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10933 components: - pos: 37.5,-50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10934 components: - pos: 38.5,-50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10935 components: - pos: 39.5,-50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10947 components: - pos: 29.5,-50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10948 components: - pos: 28.5,-50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10949 components: - pos: 27.5,-50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10950 components: - pos: 26.5,-50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10951 components: - pos: 25.5,-50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10952 components: - pos: 24.5,-50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10953 components: - pos: 23.5,-50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10954 components: - pos: 22.5,-50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10955 components: - pos: 21.5,-50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10956 components: - pos: 21.5,-49.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10957 components: - pos: 21.5,-48.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10958 components: - pos: 20.5,-48.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10959 components: - pos: 19.5,-48.5 @@ -22551,267 +21929,191 @@ entities: - pos: 21.5,-47.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10964 components: - pos: 21.5,-46.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10965 components: - pos: 21.5,-45.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10966 components: - pos: 21.5,-44.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10967 components: - pos: 21.5,-43.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10968 components: - pos: 21.5,-42.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10969 components: - pos: 21.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10970 components: - pos: 22.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10971 components: - pos: 23.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10972 components: - pos: 24.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10973 components: - pos: 25.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10974 components: - pos: 26.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10975 components: - pos: 27.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10976 components: - pos: 28.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10977 components: - pos: 28.5,-40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10978 components: - pos: 29.5,-40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10979 components: - pos: 30.5,-40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10980 components: - pos: 31.5,-40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10981 components: - pos: 32.5,-40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10982 components: - pos: 33.5,-40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10983 components: - pos: 34.5,-40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10984 components: - pos: 34.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10985 components: - pos: 35.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10986 components: - pos: 36.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10987 components: - pos: 37.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10988 components: - pos: 38.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10989 components: - pos: 20.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10990 components: - pos: 19.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10991 components: - pos: 18.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10992 components: - pos: 17.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10993 components: - pos: 16.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10994 components: - pos: 15.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10995 components: - pos: 14.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10996 components: - pos: 13.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10997 components: - pos: 12.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10998 components: - pos: 11.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10999 components: - pos: 10.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11000 components: - pos: 41.5,-44.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11001 components: - pos: 40.5,-44.5 @@ -22822,22 +22124,16 @@ entities: - pos: 42.5,-40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11004 components: - pos: 41.5,-40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11005 components: - pos: 43.5,-40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11006 components: - pos: 52.5,-37.5 @@ -22848,8 +22144,6 @@ entities: - pos: 44.5,-40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11008 components: - pos: 53.5,-37.5 @@ -22860,8 +22154,6 @@ entities: - pos: 54.5,-37.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11010 components: - pos: 55.5,-37.5 @@ -22872,15 +22164,11 @@ entities: - pos: 56.5,-37.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11013 components: - pos: 57.5,-37.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11014 components: - pos: 48.5,-35.5 @@ -22891,190 +22179,136 @@ entities: - pos: 48.5,-36.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11016 components: - pos: 48.5,-37.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11020 components: - pos: 44.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11021 components: - pos: 58.5,-39.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11022 components: - pos: 58.5,-38.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11023 components: - pos: 58.5,-37.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11024 components: - pos: 58.5,-36.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11025 components: - pos: 58.5,-35.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11026 components: - pos: 58.5,-34.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11027 components: - pos: 47.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11028 components: - pos: 49.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11029 components: - pos: 51.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11030 components: - pos: 53.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11031 components: - pos: 55.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11032 components: - pos: 58.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11033 components: - pos: 57.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11038 components: - pos: 44.5,-39.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11039 components: - pos: 44.5,-38.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11040 components: - pos: 44.5,-37.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11041 components: - pos: 40.5,-40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11042 components: - pos: 39.5,-40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11043 components: - pos: 39.5,-39.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11044 components: - pos: 39.5,-38.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11045 components: - pos: 39.5,-36.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11046 components: - pos: 39.5,-35.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11047 components: - pos: 39.5,-37.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11048 components: - pos: 39.5,-33.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11049 components: - pos: 39.5,-32.5 @@ -23090,29 +22324,21 @@ entities: - pos: 37.5,-36.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11052 components: - pos: 37.5,-35.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11054 components: - pos: -52.5,-19.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11055 components: - pos: -52.5,-20.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11163 components: - pos: 14.5,-35.5 @@ -23123,8 +22349,6 @@ entities: - pos: 11.5,-29.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11184 components: - pos: 11.5,-28.5 @@ -23290,15 +22514,11 @@ entities: - pos: 14.5,-39.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11218 components: - pos: 10.5,-39.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11219 components: - pos: 10.5,-38.5 @@ -23609,29 +22829,21 @@ entities: - pos: -10.5,-3.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11381 components: - pos: -10.5,-1.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11398 components: - pos: -52.5,-21.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11400 components: - pos: -52.5,-15.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11475 components: - pos: -50.5,14.5 @@ -23642,43 +22854,31 @@ entities: - pos: -12.5,-4.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11501 components: - pos: -12.5,-5.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11502 components: - pos: -13.5,-5.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11503 components: - pos: -14.5,-5.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11504 components: - pos: -14.5,-4.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11505 components: - pos: -15.5,-4.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11512 components: - pos: 0.5,-52.5 @@ -23704,71 +22904,51 @@ entities: - pos: -6.5,-51.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11540 components: - pos: -6.5,-50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11541 components: - pos: -6.5,-49.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11542 components: - pos: -6.5,-48.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11543 components: - pos: -7.5,-48.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11544 components: - pos: -8.5,-48.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11545 components: - pos: -9.5,-48.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11546 components: - pos: -10.5,-48.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11547 components: - pos: -11.5,-48.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11548 components: - pos: -12.5,-48.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11632 components: - pos: 6.5,-52.5 @@ -23784,204 +22964,146 @@ entities: - pos: 6.5,-50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11635 components: - pos: 6.5,-49.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11636 components: - pos: 7.5,-49.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11637 components: - pos: 8.5,-49.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11638 components: - pos: 9.5,-49.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11639 components: - pos: 10.5,-49.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11640 components: - pos: 5.5,-49.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11641 components: - pos: 4.5,-49.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11642 components: - pos: 9.5,-48.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11643 components: - pos: 9.5,-47.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11645 components: - pos: 11.5,-49.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11646 components: - pos: 12.5,-49.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11647 components: - pos: 13.5,-49.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11648 components: - pos: -5.5,-49.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11649 components: - pos: -4.5,-49.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11650 components: - pos: -3.5,-49.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11666 components: - pos: -57.5,27.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11667 components: - pos: -56.5,27.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11668 components: - pos: -55.5,27.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11669 components: - pos: -54.5,27.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11670 components: - pos: -53.5,27.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11671 components: - pos: -52.5,27.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11672 components: - pos: -51.5,27.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11673 components: - pos: -50.5,27.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11674 components: - pos: -49.5,27.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11675 components: - pos: -48.5,27.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11676 components: - pos: -47.5,27.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11702 components: - pos: -46.5,27.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11707 components: - pos: -45.5,27.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11758 components: - pos: 12.5,6.5 @@ -23997,43 +23119,31 @@ entities: - pos: 58.5,-40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11954 components: - pos: 56.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11955 components: - pos: 54.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11956 components: - pos: 52.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11957 components: - pos: 50.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11958 components: - pos: 48.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11959 components: - pos: 38.5,-6.5 @@ -24044,8 +23154,6 @@ entities: - pos: -58.5,29.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12054 components: - pos: 16.5,-0.5 @@ -24131,8 +23239,6 @@ entities: - pos: 23.5,-14.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12077 components: - pos: 23.5,-13.5 @@ -24183,8 +23289,6 @@ entities: - pos: 23.5,-14.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12087 components: - pos: 23.5,-15.5 @@ -24385,22 +23489,16 @@ entities: - pos: 11.5,-16.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12127 components: - pos: 10.5,-16.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12128 components: - pos: 10.5,-15.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12129 components: - pos: 12.5,-17.5 @@ -24456,8 +23554,6 @@ entities: - pos: 43.5,-7.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12318 components: - pos: 43.5,-8.5 @@ -24783,169 +23879,121 @@ entities: - pos: 43.5,-6.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12420 components: - pos: 44.5,-6.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12421 components: - pos: 45.5,-6.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12422 components: - pos: 46.5,-6.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12423 components: - pos: 47.5,-6.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12424 components: - pos: 48.5,-6.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12425 components: - pos: 49.5,-6.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12426 components: - pos: 50.5,-6.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12427 components: - pos: 51.5,-6.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12428 components: - pos: 52.5,-6.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12429 components: - pos: 53.5,-6.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12430 components: - pos: 53.5,-7.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12431 components: - pos: 53.5,-8.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12432 components: - pos: 53.5,-9.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12433 components: - pos: 53.5,-10.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12434 components: - pos: 54.5,-10.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12435 components: - pos: 54.5,-11.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12436 components: - pos: 54.5,-12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12437 components: - pos: 54.5,-13.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12438 components: - pos: 54.5,-14.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12439 components: - pos: 54.5,-15.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12440 components: - pos: 54.5,-15.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12441 components: - pos: 54.5,-16.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12442 components: - pos: 54.5,-17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12447 components: - pos: 39.5,-31.5 @@ -25321,8 +24369,6 @@ entities: - pos: 52.5,-21.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12531 components: - pos: 53.5,-21.5 @@ -25333,85 +24379,61 @@ entities: - pos: 54.5,-21.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12533 components: - pos: 54.5,-22.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12534 components: - pos: 54.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12535 components: - pos: 55.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12536 components: - pos: 56.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12537 components: - pos: 57.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12538 components: - pos: 58.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12539 components: - pos: 58.5,-24.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12540 components: - pos: 58.5,-25.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12541 components: - pos: 58.5,-26.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12542 components: - pos: 54.5,-20.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12543 components: - pos: 54.5,-19.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12544 components: - pos: 55.5,-21.5 @@ -25437,57 +24459,41 @@ entities: - pos: 58.5,-20.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12549 components: - pos: 58.5,-19.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12550 components: - pos: 58.5,-18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12551 components: - pos: 58.5,-17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12820 components: - pos: -53.5,-31.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12821 components: - pos: -54.5,-31.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12822 components: - pos: -55.5,-31.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12845 components: - pos: -52.5,-31.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12846 components: - pos: -51.5,-31.5 @@ -25498,22 +24504,16 @@ entities: - pos: 46.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12856 components: - pos: -56.5,-16.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12857 components: - pos: -56.5,-15.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12901 components: - pos: -56.5,-22.5 @@ -25524,22 +24524,16 @@ entities: - pos: -62.5,-18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12915 components: - pos: -64.5,-18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12926 components: - pos: -67.5,-18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 13036 components: - pos: -49.5,14.5 @@ -25565,8 +24559,6 @@ entities: - pos: 51.5,15.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 13293 components: - pos: 17.5,24.5 @@ -25807,15 +24799,11 @@ entities: - pos: 57.5,14.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 13345 components: - pos: 58.5,14.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 13346 components: - pos: 53.5,12.5 @@ -25841,15 +24829,11 @@ entities: - pos: 57.5,12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 13351 components: - pos: 58.5,12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 13352 components: - pos: 53.5,8.5 @@ -25910,8 +24894,6 @@ entities: - pos: 46.5,4.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 13364 components: - pos: 46.5,2.5 @@ -25952,8 +24934,6 @@ entities: - pos: 44.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 13372 components: - pos: 44.5,-2.5 @@ -25964,64 +24944,46 @@ entities: - pos: 45.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 13374 components: - pos: 46.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 13375 components: - pos: 47.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 13376 components: - pos: 48.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 13377 components: - pos: 49.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 13378 components: - pos: 50.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 13379 components: - pos: 51.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 13380 components: - pos: 52.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 13381 components: - pos: 53.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 13382 components: - pos: 47.5,3.5 @@ -26052,22 +25014,16 @@ entities: - pos: 52.5,3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 13388 components: - pos: 53.5,3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 13389 components: - pos: 54.5,3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 13390 components: - pos: 47.5,0.5 @@ -26078,8 +25034,6 @@ entities: - pos: 13.5,16.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 13405 components: - pos: 13.5,15.5 @@ -26315,22 +25269,16 @@ entities: - pos: 52.5,0.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 13458 components: - pos: 53.5,0.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 13459 components: - pos: 54.5,0.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 13460 components: - pos: 45.5,2.5 @@ -26436,64 +25384,46 @@ entities: - pos: 31.5,-52.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 13553 components: - pos: 31.5,-53.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 13554 components: - pos: 31.5,-54.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 13555 components: - pos: 31.5,-54.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 13556 components: - pos: 31.5,-55.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 13557 components: - pos: 31.5,-56.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 13558 components: - pos: 31.5,-57.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 13559 components: - pos: 31.5,-58.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 13560 components: - pos: 31.5,-51.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 13695 components: - pos: -7.5,-18.5 @@ -26544,8 +25474,6 @@ entities: - pos: -5.5,-16.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 13778 components: - pos: -6.5,-16.5 @@ -26586,8 +25514,6 @@ entities: - pos: -13.5,14.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14346 components: - pos: -14.5,14.5 @@ -26808,15 +25734,11 @@ entities: - pos: -13.5,24.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14390 components: - pos: -12.5,24.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14391 components: - pos: -11.5,24.5 @@ -27032,8 +25954,6 @@ entities: - pos: -23.5,22.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14564 components: - pos: -23.5,21.5 @@ -27309,29 +26229,21 @@ entities: - pos: -19.5,46.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14906 components: - pos: -18.5,46.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14907 components: - pos: -24.5,46.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14908 components: - pos: -23.5,46.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14999 components: - pos: -17.5,46.5 @@ -27342,8 +26254,6 @@ entities: - pos: -25.5,46.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15101 components: - pos: -22.5,48.5 @@ -27419,8 +26329,6 @@ entities: - pos: -13.5,44.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15280 components: - pos: -10.5,42.5 @@ -27431,29 +26339,21 @@ entities: - pos: -13.5,40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15286 components: - pos: -13.5,41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15289 components: - pos: -13.5,46.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15290 components: - pos: -14.5,46.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15291 components: - pos: -10.5,44.5 @@ -27549,29 +26449,21 @@ entities: - pos: -12.5,46.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15364 components: - pos: -11.5,46.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15367 components: - pos: -13.5,42.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15377 components: - pos: -13.5,38.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15378 components: - pos: -18.5,37.5 @@ -27582,29 +26474,21 @@ entities: - pos: -13.5,39.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15380 components: - pos: -13.5,43.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15381 components: - pos: -13.5,45.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15420 components: - pos: -25.5,48.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15536 components: - pos: -10.5,46.5 @@ -27760,8 +26644,6 @@ entities: - pos: -3.5,35.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16407 components: - pos: -2.5,35.5 @@ -27772,8 +26654,6 @@ entities: - pos: 5.5,37.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16507 components: - pos: 5.5,36.5 @@ -27879,43 +26759,31 @@ entities: - pos: -5.5,35.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16532 components: - pos: -5.5,36.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16533 components: - pos: -5.5,38.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16534 components: - pos: -5.5,39.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16535 components: - pos: -5.5,37.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16721 components: - pos: 2.5,22.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16722 components: - pos: 2.5,23.5 @@ -27976,57 +26844,41 @@ entities: - pos: 6.5,24.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16734 components: - pos: 6.5,25.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16735 components: - pos: 6.5,26.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16736 components: - pos: 6.5,27.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16737 components: - pos: 6.5,28.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16738 components: - pos: 6.5,29.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16739 components: - pos: 6.5,30.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16740 components: - pos: 6.5,31.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16741 components: - pos: -3.5,25.5 @@ -28237,8 +27089,6 @@ entities: - pos: 0.5,16.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16783 components: - pos: 0.5,17.5 @@ -28379,8 +27229,6 @@ entities: - pos: -18.5,31.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16811 components: - pos: -18.5,30.5 @@ -28516,540 +27364,386 @@ entities: - pos: -40.5,29.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16838 components: - pos: -38.5,47.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16839 components: - pos: -36.5,47.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16840 components: - pos: -37.5,47.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16841 components: - pos: -35.5,47.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16842 components: - pos: -35.5,46.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16843 components: - pos: -35.5,45.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16844 components: - pos: -40.5,30.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16845 components: - pos: -39.5,47.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16846 components: - pos: -41.5,31.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16847 components: - pos: -42.5,31.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16848 components: - pos: -43.5,31.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16849 components: - pos: -44.5,31.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16850 components: - pos: -45.5,31.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16851 components: - pos: -46.5,31.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16852 components: - pos: -46.5,32.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16853 components: - pos: -46.5,33.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16854 components: - pos: -46.5,34.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16855 components: - pos: -46.5,35.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16856 components: - pos: -46.5,36.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16857 components: - pos: -46.5,37.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16858 components: - pos: -46.5,38.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16859 components: - pos: -46.5,39.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16860 components: - pos: -46.5,40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16861 components: - pos: -46.5,41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16862 components: - pos: -46.5,42.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16863 components: - pos: -46.5,43.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16864 components: - pos: -46.5,44.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16865 components: - pos: -46.5,45.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16866 components: - pos: -45.5,45.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16867 components: - pos: -44.5,45.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16868 components: - pos: -43.5,45.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16869 components: - pos: -42.5,45.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16870 components: - pos: -41.5,45.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16871 components: - pos: -40.5,47.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16872 components: - pos: -40.5,46.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16873 components: - pos: -40.5,45.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16874 components: - pos: -40.5,44.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16875 components: - pos: -40.5,43.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16876 components: - pos: -40.5,42.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16877 components: - pos: -40.5,41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16878 components: - pos: -40.5,40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16879 components: - pos: -40.5,39.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16880 components: - pos: -40.5,38.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16881 components: - pos: -40.5,37.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16882 components: - pos: -40.5,36.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16883 components: - pos: -40.5,35.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16884 components: - pos: -40.5,34.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16885 components: - pos: -40.5,33.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16886 components: - pos: -40.5,32.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16887 components: - pos: -40.5,31.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16888 components: - pos: -39.5,29.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16889 components: - pos: -38.5,29.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16890 components: - pos: -37.5,29.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16891 components: - pos: -36.5,29.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16892 components: - pos: -35.5,29.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16893 components: - pos: -34.5,29.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16894 components: - pos: -33.5,29.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16895 components: - pos: -32.5,29.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16896 components: - pos: -35.5,44.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16897 components: - pos: -35.5,43.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16898 components: - pos: -35.5,42.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16899 components: - pos: -34.5,42.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16900 components: - pos: -33.5,42.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16901 components: - pos: -32.5,42.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16902 components: - pos: -31.5,42.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16903 components: - pos: -30.5,42.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16904 components: - pos: -29.5,42.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16905 components: - pos: -28.5,42.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16906 components: - pos: -27.5,42.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16907 components: - pos: -27.5,43.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16908 components: - pos: -27.5,44.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16909 components: - pos: -27.5,45.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16910 components: - pos: -27.5,46.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16911 components: - pos: -27.5,47.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16912 components: - pos: -26.5,47.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16913 components: - pos: -25.5,47.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16915 components: - pos: -32.5,32.5 @@ -29060,78 +27754,56 @@ entities: - pos: -33.5,32.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16917 components: - pos: -34.5,32.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16918 components: - pos: -34.5,33.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16919 components: - pos: -34.5,34.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16920 components: - pos: -34.5,35.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16921 components: - pos: -34.5,36.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16922 components: - pos: -34.5,37.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16923 components: - pos: -34.5,38.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16924 components: - pos: -34.5,39.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16925 components: - pos: -34.5,40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16926 components: - pos: -34.5,41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16928 components: - pos: -21.5,34.5 @@ -29227,64 +27899,46 @@ entities: - pos: -21.5,38.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16947 components: - pos: -21.5,39.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16948 components: - pos: -21.5,40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16949 components: - pos: -21.5,41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16950 components: - pos: -21.5,42.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16951 components: - pos: -21.5,43.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16952 components: - pos: -21.5,44.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16953 components: - pos: -21.5,45.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16954 components: - pos: -21.5,46.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16959 components: - pos: -11.5,36.5 @@ -29310,134 +27964,96 @@ entities: - pos: -22.5,42.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17007 components: - pos: -23.5,42.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17008 components: - pos: -25.5,42.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17009 components: - pos: -26.5,42.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17010 components: - pos: -24.5,42.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17011 components: - pos: -25.5,41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17012 components: - pos: -25.5,40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17013 components: - pos: -25.5,39.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17014 components: - pos: -25.5,38.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17015 components: - pos: -25.5,43.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17016 components: - pos: -25.5,44.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17017 components: - pos: -25.5,45.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17224 components: - pos: -34.5,47.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17225 components: - pos: -33.5,47.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17226 components: - pos: -32.5,47.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17227 components: - pos: -31.5,47.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17228 components: - pos: -30.5,47.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17229 components: - pos: -29.5,47.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17258 components: - pos: -4.5,35.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17394 components: - pos: -63.5,23.5 @@ -29468,8 +28084,6 @@ entities: - pos: -59.5,21.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17400 components: - pos: -59.5,22.5 @@ -29480,8 +28094,6 @@ entities: - pos: -59.5,20.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17402 components: - pos: -58.5,20.5 @@ -29492,22 +28104,16 @@ entities: - pos: -58.5,19.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17404 components: - pos: -58.5,14.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17405 components: - pos: -58.5,15.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17406 components: - pos: -57.5,20.5 @@ -29538,8 +28144,6 @@ entities: - pos: -57.5,24.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17412 components: - pos: -56.5,24.5 @@ -29735,15 +28339,11 @@ entities: - pos: -58.5,27.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17485 components: - pos: -58.5,28.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17486 components: - pos: -42.5,18.5 @@ -29754,15 +28354,11 @@ entities: - pos: -42.5,17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17488 components: - pos: -43.5,17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17489 components: - pos: -44.5,17.5 @@ -29773,43 +28369,31 @@ entities: - pos: -41.5,17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17496 components: - pos: -40.5,17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17497 components: - pos: -39.5,17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17498 components: - pos: -38.5,17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17499 components: - pos: -37.5,17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17500 components: - pos: -36.5,17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17501 components: - pos: -28.5,17.5 @@ -29835,8 +28419,6 @@ entities: - pos: -25.5,49.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17973 components: - pos: -9.5,2.5 @@ -29862,22 +28444,16 @@ entities: - pos: -9.5,6.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17990 components: - pos: -7.5,6.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18015 components: - pos: -44.5,15.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18213 components: - pos: -2.5,-10.5 @@ -29888,8 +28464,6 @@ entities: - pos: -2.5,-1.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18295 components: - pos: -2.5,-2.5 @@ -29950,8 +28524,6 @@ entities: - pos: -5.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18307 components: - pos: -6.5,-3.5 @@ -30207,29 +28779,21 @@ entities: - pos: 6.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18359 components: - pos: 7.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18360 components: - pos: 8.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18361 components: - pos: 9.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18362 components: - pos: 3.5,2.5 @@ -30265,15 +28829,11 @@ entities: - pos: 3.5,-11.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18482 components: - pos: 3.5,-10.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18631 components: - pos: -22.5,35.5 @@ -30319,22 +28879,16 @@ entities: - pos: 48.5,-38.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18795 components: - pos: 48.5,-39.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18796 components: - pos: 48.5,-40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18876 components: - pos: 22.5,4.5 @@ -30420,8 +28974,6 @@ entities: - pos: 27.5,22.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19283 components: - pos: 17.5,18.5 @@ -30522,57 +29074,41 @@ entities: - pos: 27.5,21.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19303 components: - pos: 26.5,21.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19304 components: - pos: 26.5,20.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19305 components: - pos: 26.5,19.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19306 components: - pos: 26.5,18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19307 components: - pos: 26.5,17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19308 components: - pos: 26.5,16.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19309 components: - pos: 26.5,15.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19315 components: - pos: 16.5,25.5 @@ -30598,15 +29134,11 @@ entities: - pos: 16.5,29.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19320 components: - pos: 16.5,30.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19321 components: - pos: 28.5,24.5 @@ -30667,8 +29199,6 @@ entities: - pos: 37.5,12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19362 components: - pos: 37.5,11.5 @@ -30909,8 +29439,6 @@ entities: - pos: 42.5,26.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19573 components: - pos: 42.5,25.5 @@ -31011,22 +29539,16 @@ entities: - pos: 54.5,27.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19593 components: - pos: 54.5,28.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19594 components: - pos: 54.5,29.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19595 components: - pos: 52.5,25.5 @@ -31042,22 +29564,16 @@ entities: - pos: 52.5,27.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19598 components: - pos: 52.5,28.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19599 components: - pos: 52.5,29.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19600 components: - pos: 46.5,25.5 @@ -31073,22 +29589,16 @@ entities: - pos: 46.5,27.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19603 components: - pos: 46.5,28.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19604 components: - pos: 46.5,29.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19605 components: - pos: 44.5,25.5 @@ -31104,22 +29614,16 @@ entities: - pos: 44.5,27.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19608 components: - pos: 44.5,28.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19609 components: - pos: 44.5,29.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19610 components: - pos: 44.5,23.5 @@ -31200,64 +29704,46 @@ entities: - pos: 46.5,30.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19626 components: - pos: 44.5,30.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19627 components: - pos: 52.5,30.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19628 components: - pos: 54.5,30.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19629 components: - pos: 51.5,30.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19630 components: - pos: 47.5,30.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19631 components: - pos: 48.5,30.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19632 components: - pos: 49.5,30.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19633 components: - pos: 50.5,30.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19645 components: - pos: 35.5,16.5 @@ -31273,78 +29759,56 @@ entities: - pos: 27.5,18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19648 components: - pos: 28.5,18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19649 components: - pos: 29.5,18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19650 components: - pos: 29.5,17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19651 components: - pos: 29.5,16.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19652 components: - pos: 29.5,15.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19653 components: - pos: 29.5,14.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19654 components: - pos: 29.5,13.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19655 components: - pos: 29.5,12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19656 components: - pos: 28.5,12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19657 components: - pos: 28.5,11.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19658 components: - pos: 39.5,21.5 @@ -31360,50 +29824,36 @@ entities: - pos: 37.5,21.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19661 components: - pos: 36.5,21.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19662 components: - pos: 35.5,21.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19663 components: - pos: 35.5,20.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19664 components: - pos: 34.5,20.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19665 components: - pos: 33.5,20.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19680 components: - pos: 21.5,5.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19683 components: - pos: 36.5,17.5 @@ -31429,8 +29879,6 @@ entities: - pos: -24.5,-34.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19801 components: - pos: 22.5,-46.5 @@ -31441,15 +29889,11 @@ entities: - pos: 23.5,-46.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19814 components: - pos: 39.5,-46.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19821 components: - pos: 20.5,25.5 @@ -31465,15 +29909,11 @@ entities: - pos: 20.5,27.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19827 components: - pos: 20.5,28.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19844 components: - pos: 20.5,6.5 @@ -31489,8 +29929,6 @@ entities: - pos: 27.5,5.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19848 components: - pos: 27.5,6.5 @@ -31586,15 +30024,11 @@ entities: - pos: 26.5,-5.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19933 components: - pos: 27.5,-5.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19934 components: - pos: 28.5,-5.5 @@ -31605,8 +30039,6 @@ entities: - pos: 29.5,-5.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19936 components: - pos: 17.5,-9.5 @@ -31622,169 +30054,121 @@ entities: - pos: 19.5,-9.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19939 components: - pos: 20.5,-9.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19940 components: - pos: 21.5,-9.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19941 components: - pos: 22.5,-9.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19942 components: - pos: 23.5,-9.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19943 components: - pos: 24.5,-9.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19944 components: - pos: 25.5,-9.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19945 components: - pos: 26.5,-9.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19946 components: - pos: 27.5,-9.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19947 components: - pos: 28.5,-9.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19948 components: - pos: 29.5,-9.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19949 components: - pos: 30.5,-9.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19950 components: - pos: 30.5,-8.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19951 components: - pos: 30.5,-7.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19952 components: - pos: 30.5,-6.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19953 components: - pos: 30.5,-5.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20045 components: - pos: 43.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20046 components: - pos: 42.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20047 components: - pos: 41.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20048 components: - pos: 40.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20049 components: - pos: 39.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20050 components: - pos: 38.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20051 components: - pos: 37.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20052 components: - pos: 36.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20053 components: - pos: 36.5,5.5 @@ -31800,141 +30184,101 @@ entities: - pos: 34.5,5.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20056 components: - pos: 34.5,4.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20057 components: - pos: 34.5,3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20058 components: - pos: 34.5,2.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20059 components: - pos: 34.5,1.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20060 components: - pos: 34.5,0.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20061 components: - pos: 34.5,-0.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20091 components: - pos: 62.5,-36.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20092 components: - pos: 62.5,-37.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20093 components: - pos: 62.5,-38.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20094 components: - pos: 61.5,-38.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20095 components: - pos: 63.5,-38.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20096 components: - pos: 64.5,-38.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20097 components: - pos: 65.5,-38.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20098 components: - pos: 66.5,-38.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20561 components: - pos: -24.5,62.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20562 components: - pos: -24.5,61.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20563 components: - pos: -24.5,60.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20564 components: - pos: -24.5,59.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20565 components: - pos: -25.5,60.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20980 components: - pos: 16.5,-10.5 @@ -31980,15 +30324,11 @@ entities: - pos: 47.5,-47.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 21113 components: - pos: 48.5,-47.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 21114 components: - pos: 49.5,-47.5 @@ -32019,8 +30359,6 @@ entities: - pos: 54.5,-47.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 21120 components: - pos: 55.5,-47.5 @@ -32031,8 +30369,6 @@ entities: - pos: 56.5,-47.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 21122 components: - pos: 57.5,-47.5 @@ -32043,8 +30379,6 @@ entities: - pos: 58.5,-47.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 21124 components: - pos: 58.5,-46.5 @@ -32070,15 +30404,11 @@ entities: - pos: 50.5,-46.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 21129 components: - pos: 50.5,-45.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 21158 components: - pos: -33.5,-20.5 @@ -32094,8 +30424,6 @@ entities: - pos: 44.5,-46.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 21199 components: - pos: 9.5,-23.5 @@ -32106,15 +30434,11 @@ entities: - pos: -58.5,16.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 21249 components: - pos: -58.5,17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 21250 components: - pos: -59.5,17.5 @@ -32205,8 +30529,6 @@ entities: - pos: -73.5,20.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 21269 components: - pos: 10.5,-23.5 @@ -32217,36 +30539,26 @@ entities: - pos: -13.5,-32.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 21467 components: - pos: -13.5,-31.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 21468 components: - pos: -13.5,-33.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 21469 components: - pos: -12.5,-33.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 21470 components: - pos: -11.5,-33.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 21472 components: - pos: -58.5,23.5 @@ -32257,8 +30569,6 @@ entities: - pos: 8.5,2.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 21517 components: - pos: 9.5,2.5 @@ -32269,8 +30579,6 @@ entities: - pos: 9.5,1.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 21519 components: - pos: 10.5,1.5 @@ -32291,8 +30599,6 @@ entities: - pos: 13.5,1.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 21523 components: - pos: 13.5,2.5 @@ -32303,8 +30609,6 @@ entities: - pos: -94.5,15.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 22549 components: - pos: -94.5,16.5 @@ -32345,8 +30649,6 @@ entities: - pos: -104.5,14.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 22557 components: - pos: -104.5,15.5 @@ -32382,8 +30684,6 @@ entities: - pos: -110.5,20.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 22564 components: - pos: -110.5,19.5 @@ -32469,8 +30769,6 @@ entities: - pos: -110.5,24.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 22581 components: - pos: -110.5,22.5 @@ -32661,8 +30959,6 @@ entities: - pos: -113.5,7.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 22619 components: - pos: -113.5,8.5 @@ -32738,15 +31034,11 @@ entities: - pos: -120.5,14.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 22634 components: - pos: -120.5,15.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 22635 components: - pos: -120.5,16.5 @@ -32782,36 +31074,26 @@ entities: - pos: -120.5,18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 22642 components: - pos: -119.5,18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 22643 components: - pos: -118.5,18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 22644 components: - pos: -117.5,18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 22645 components: - pos: -116.5,18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 22675 components: - pos: -99.5,18.5 @@ -32842,22 +31124,16 @@ entities: - pos: -98.5,21.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 22681 components: - pos: -97.5,21.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 22682 components: - pos: -96.5,21.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 22683 components: - pos: -99.5,16.5 @@ -33398,211 +31674,151 @@ entities: - pos: -58.5,37.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23428 components: - pos: -58.5,36.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23571 components: - pos: -58.5,38.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23572 components: - pos: -58.5,39.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23574 components: - pos: -58.5,41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23575 components: - pos: -58.5,42.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23576 components: - pos: -58.5,43.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23577 components: - pos: -57.5,41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23578 components: - pos: -62.5,48.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23579 components: - pos: -62.5,47.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23580 components: - pos: -62.5,46.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23581 components: - pos: -62.5,45.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23582 components: - pos: -62.5,44.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23583 components: - pos: -61.5,44.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23584 components: - pos: -60.5,44.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23585 components: - pos: -64.5,44.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23586 components: - pos: -64.5,45.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23587 components: - pos: -64.5,46.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23588 components: - pos: -64.5,47.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23589 components: - pos: -63.5,47.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23590 components: - pos: -61.5,48.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23591 components: - pos: -56.5,52.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23592 components: - pos: -57.5,52.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23593 components: - pos: -58.5,52.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23594 components: - pos: -59.5,52.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23595 components: - pos: -59.5,51.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23596 components: - pos: -59.5,50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23597 components: - pos: -60.5,50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23598 components: - pos: -61.5,50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23606 components: - pos: -64.5,40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23607 components: - pos: -63.5,40.5 @@ -33633,15 +31849,11 @@ entities: - pos: 50.5,-19.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23771 components: - pos: -1.5,-11.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23772 components: - pos: -0.5,-11.5 @@ -33667,8 +31879,6 @@ entities: - pos: 27.5,-34.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23798 components: - pos: 26.5,-32.5 @@ -33694,15 +31904,11 @@ entities: - pos: 18.5,20.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23927 components: - pos: 11.5,-69.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23928 components: - pos: 11.5,-70.5 @@ -33869,15 +32075,11 @@ entities: - pos: -69.5,-18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 35 components: - pos: -65.5,-17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 277 components: - pos: 4.5,-34.5 @@ -33888,36 +32090,26 @@ entities: - pos: 28.5,-76.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 321 components: - pos: 49.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 344 components: - pos: 30.5,-76.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 354 components: - pos: 51.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 368 components: - pos: 54.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 441 components: - pos: 1.5,-37.5 @@ -33928,8 +32120,6 @@ entities: - pos: 31.5,-60.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 807 components: - pos: -10.5,27.5 @@ -33940,50 +32130,36 @@ entities: - pos: 43.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 1203 components: - pos: -78.5,-21.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 1204 components: - pos: -76.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 1258 components: - pos: 30.5,-55.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 1371 components: - pos: -72.5,-24.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 1381 components: - pos: -88.5,-18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 1383 components: - pos: -86.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 1411 components: - pos: 1.5,-38.5 @@ -33994,29 +32170,21 @@ entities: - pos: 31.5,-55.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 1508 components: - pos: 31.5,-56.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 1509 components: - pos: 31.5,-58.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 1626 components: - pos: 31.5,-57.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 1792 components: - pos: 4.5,-36.5 @@ -34047,113 +32215,81 @@ entities: - pos: -80.5,-17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 2600 components: - pos: -80.5,-15.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 2688 components: - pos: 30.5,-53.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 2689 components: - pos: 30.5,-54.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 2765 components: - pos: 33.5,-70.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 2822 components: - pos: 30.5,-52.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 2823 components: - pos: 32.5,-76.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 2824 components: - pos: 30.5,-70.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 2825 components: - pos: 31.5,-77.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 2829 components: - pos: 26.5,-76.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 2830 components: - pos: 33.5,-76.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 2831 components: - pos: 35.5,-76.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 2927 components: - pos: 34.5,-76.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 2928 components: - pos: 26.5,-70.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 2935 components: - pos: 28.5,-70.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 2939 components: - pos: 29.5,-70.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 3160 components: - pos: 6.5,-37.5 @@ -34164,85 +32300,61 @@ entities: - pos: -65.5,-18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 3383 components: - pos: -63.5,-17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 3395 components: - pos: -52.5,-18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 3396 components: - pos: -62.5,-18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 3469 components: - pos: 31.5,-7.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 3471 components: - pos: 62.5,-37.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 3474 components: - pos: 64.5,-38.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 3498 components: - pos: 46.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 3499 components: - pos: 52.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 3544 components: - pos: 52.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 3556 components: - pos: -84.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 3584 components: - pos: 63.5,-37.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 3685 components: - pos: 0.5,-36.5 @@ -34253,29 +32365,21 @@ entities: - pos: 63.5,-38.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 3730 components: - pos: 46.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 3731 components: - pos: 64.5,-38.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 3776 components: - pos: 2.5,-36.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 3777 components: - pos: -0.5,-40.5 @@ -34306,288 +32410,206 @@ entities: - pos: -89.5,-18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 4180 components: - pos: -86.5,-16.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 4240 components: - pos: -54.5,-18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 4306 components: - pos: -61.5,-18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 4309 components: - pos: -59.5,-18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 4319 components: - pos: -87.5,-18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 4380 components: - pos: -84.5,-24.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 4408 components: - pos: -70.5,-18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 4409 components: - pos: -72.5,-20.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 4410 components: - pos: -72.5,-22.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 4411 components: - pos: -74.5,-19.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 4412 components: - pos: -74.5,-20.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 4413 components: - pos: -74.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 4414 components: - pos: -76.5,-19.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 4415 components: - pos: -76.5,-21.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 4416 components: - pos: -76.5,-24.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 4417 components: - pos: -78.5,-19.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 4418 components: - pos: -78.5,-22.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 4425 components: - pos: -72.5,-12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 4426 components: - pos: -72.5,-14.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 4427 components: - pos: -72.5,-16.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 4428 components: - pos: -74.5,-12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 4429 components: - pos: -74.5,-14.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 4430 components: - pos: -84.5,-14.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 4431 components: - pos: -84.5,-16.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 4432 components: - pos: -84.5,-19.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 4433 components: - pos: -84.5,-21.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 4434 components: - pos: -86.5,-19.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 4435 components: - pos: -82.5,-12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 4436 components: - pos: -82.5,-14.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 4437 components: - pos: -82.5,-16.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 4438 components: - pos: -82.5,-17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 4439 components: - pos: -80.5,-16.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 4440 components: - pos: -80.5,-20.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 4441 components: - pos: -80.5,-22.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 4442 components: - pos: -80.5,-24.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 4443 components: - pos: -82.5,-20.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 4444 components: - pos: -82.5,-22.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 4450 components: - pos: -84.5,-12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 4451 components: - pos: -82.5,-15.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 4458 components: - pos: 24.5,-70.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 4631 components: - pos: 4.5,-37.5 @@ -34638,8 +32660,6 @@ entities: - pos: 2.5,-35.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 5022 components: - pos: 0.5,-38.5 @@ -34675,120 +32695,86 @@ entities: - pos: 34.5,-2.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 5491 components: - pos: 38.5,-70.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 5494 components: - pos: 24.5,-68.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 5496 components: - pos: -67.5,-18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 5510 components: - pos: 44.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 5514 components: - pos: -82.5,-13.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 5526 components: - pos: 30.5,-64.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 5533 components: - pos: -86.5,-17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 5683 components: - pos: 53.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 5768 components: - pos: 32.5,-70.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 5776 components: - pos: 27.5,-70.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 5781 components: - pos: 27.5,-76.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 5784 components: - pos: 31.5,-78.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 5801 components: - pos: 34.5,-66.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 5839 components: - pos: 32.5,-66.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 5885 components: - pos: -80.5,-13.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 5908 components: - pos: 26.5,-66.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6014 components: - pos: 16.5,15.5 @@ -34799,281 +32785,201 @@ entities: - pos: 37.5,-68.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6051 components: - pos: 25.5,-76.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6052 components: - pos: 37.5,-66.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6053 components: - pos: -84.5,-22.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6054 components: - pos: -84.5,-20.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6068 components: - pos: -84.5,-15.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6069 components: - pos: -76.5,-20.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6070 components: - pos: -76.5,-22.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6071 components: - pos: -86.5,-20.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6088 components: - pos: -82.5,-19.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6089 components: - pos: -78.5,-24.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6092 components: - pos: -80.5,-21.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6119 components: - pos: -80.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6131 components: - pos: -74.5,-24.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6132 components: - pos: -84.5,-17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6195 components: - pos: -82.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6204 components: - pos: -72.5,-13.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6205 components: - pos: -72.5,-15.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6243 components: - pos: -72.5,-17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6265 components: - pos: -74.5,-13.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6273 components: - pos: -74.5,-15.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6274 components: - pos: -74.5,-16.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6276 components: - pos: -82.5,-21.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6334 components: - pos: -78.5,-20.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6337 components: - pos: -50.5,-12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6356 components: - pos: -55.5,-18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6359 components: - pos: -57.5,-18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6670 components: - pos: 30.5,-62.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6671 components: - pos: 29.5,-68.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6672 components: - pos: 30.5,-68.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6676 components: - pos: 25.5,-64.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6679 components: - pos: 26.5,-62.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6685 components: - pos: 26.5,-64.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6687 components: - pos: 28.5,-62.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6689 components: - pos: 28.5,-64.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6690 components: - pos: 25.5,-62.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6691 components: - pos: 29.5,-64.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6692 components: - pos: 29.5,-62.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6724 components: - pos: 31.5,-61.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6725 components: - pos: 27.5,-62.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6779 components: - pos: -33.5,4.5 @@ -35084,120 +32990,86 @@ entities: - pos: 36.5,-62.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6925 components: - pos: 27.5,-64.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6928 components: - pos: 60.5,-38.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6929 components: - pos: 61.5,-38.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6930 components: - pos: -60.5,-18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6945 components: - pos: 41.5,-48.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6980 components: - pos: 35.5,-72.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 7011 components: - pos: 36.5,-72.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 7155 components: - pos: -80.5,-19.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 7163 components: - pos: -80.5,-14.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 7275 components: - pos: -74.5,-17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 7277 components: - pos: -86.5,-21.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 7659 components: - pos: -68.5,-18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 7814 components: - pos: 58.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 7815 components: - pos: 57.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 7818 components: - pos: 56.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 7845 components: - pos: 55.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 7909 components: - pos: -35.5,4.5 @@ -35208,295 +33080,211 @@ entities: - pos: 54.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 7911 components: - pos: 53.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 7912 components: - pos: 51.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 7913 components: - pos: 50.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 7914 components: - pos: 49.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 7915 components: - pos: 48.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 7982 components: - pos: -14.5,-9.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 7983 components: - pos: -14.5,-8.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 7984 components: - pos: -14.5,-7.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 7985 components: - pos: -14.5,-6.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 7986 components: - pos: -14.5,-5.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 7987 components: - pos: -14.5,4.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 7988 components: - pos: -14.5,3.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 7994 components: - pos: -14.5,2.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 7995 components: - pos: -14.5,1.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 7996 components: - pos: -14.5,0.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 7998 components: - pos: -56.5,-18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 7999 components: - pos: -53.5,-18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8000 components: - pos: -58.5,-18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8003 components: - pos: 36.5,-66.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8004 components: - pos: 34.5,-72.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8005 components: - pos: 33.5,-72.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8006 components: - pos: -13.5,0.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8007 components: - pos: -12.5,0.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8008 components: - pos: -11.5,0.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8009 components: - pos: -11.5,-0.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8010 components: - pos: -11.5,-1.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8011 components: - pos: -11.5,-2.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8012 components: - pos: 32.5,-72.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8013 components: - pos: 32.5,-68.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8014 components: - pos: 33.5,-68.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8018 components: - pos: 35.5,-66.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8023 components: - pos: 47.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8024 components: - pos: 33.5,-66.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8032 components: - pos: -11.5,-3.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8035 components: - pos: -11.5,-4.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8036 components: - pos: -11.5,-5.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8051 components: - pos: -12.5,-5.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8052 components: - pos: -13.5,-5.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8053 components: - pos: -10.5,-2.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8054 components: - pos: -12.5,-2.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8055 components: - pos: -5.5,-1.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8056 components: - pos: -5.5,-2.5 @@ -35517,15 +33305,11 @@ entities: - pos: -8.5,-2.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8060 components: - pos: -9.5,-2.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8221 components: - pos: -36.5,4.5 @@ -35541,540 +33325,386 @@ entities: - pos: -72.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8308 components: - pos: -74.5,-21.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8312 components: - pos: 39.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8313 components: - pos: -72.5,-19.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8314 components: - pos: -72.5,-21.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8628 components: - pos: -76.5,-12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8629 components: - pos: -76.5,-13.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8630 components: - pos: -76.5,-14.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8631 components: - pos: -76.5,-15.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8632 components: - pos: -76.5,-16.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8633 components: - pos: -76.5,-17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8634 components: - pos: -78.5,-13.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8635 components: - pos: -78.5,-14.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8636 components: - pos: -78.5,-15.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8637 components: - pos: -78.5,-16.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8638 components: - pos: -78.5,-17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8639 components: - pos: -80.5,-12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8727 components: - pos: -74.5,-22.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8728 components: - pos: -78.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8729 components: - pos: -82.5,-24.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8730 components: - pos: -78.5,-12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8731 components: - pos: -84.5,-13.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8732 components: - pos: -86.5,-22.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8733 components: - pos: -86.5,-24.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8767 components: - pos: 41.5,-45.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8768 components: - pos: 41.5,-49.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8769 components: - pos: 41.5,-44.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8772 components: - pos: 31.5,-59.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8914 components: - pos: 45.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8976 components: - pos: 37.5,-70.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8991 components: - pos: 25.5,-70.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8992 components: - pos: 25.5,-72.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8993 components: - pos: 26.5,-72.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8994 components: - pos: 27.5,-72.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8995 components: - pos: 28.5,-72.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8996 components: - pos: 37.5,-72.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9025 components: - pos: 29.5,-74.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9026 components: - pos: 32.5,-74.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9027 components: - pos: 35.5,-74.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9028 components: - pos: 36.5,-74.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9029 components: - pos: 34.5,-70.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9055 components: - pos: 44.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9056 components: - pos: 43.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9060 components: - pos: 34.5,-5.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9169 components: - pos: 48.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9174 components: - pos: 43.5,-4.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9179 components: - pos: 30.5,-74.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9180 components: - pos: 34.5,-74.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9181 components: - pos: 37.5,-76.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9182 components: - pos: 35.5,-70.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9185 components: - pos: 28.5,-74.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9186 components: - pos: 29.5,-72.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9187 components: - pos: 26.5,-74.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9188 components: - pos: 25.5,-74.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9189 components: - pos: 27.5,-74.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9190 components: - pos: 36.5,-76.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9191 components: - pos: 45.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9192 components: - pos: 32.5,-7.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9193 components: - pos: 34.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9194 components: - pos: 34.5,-6.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9195 components: - pos: 30.5,-8.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9200 components: - pos: 43.5,-5.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9205 components: - pos: 40.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9206 components: - pos: 37.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9215 components: - pos: 41.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9221 components: - pos: 42.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9224 components: - pos: 50.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9225 components: - pos: 30.5,-7.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9226 components: - pos: 33.5,-7.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9227 components: - pos: 34.5,-7.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9228 components: - pos: 36.5,-70.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9229 components: - pos: 37.5,-74.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9230 components: - pos: 33.5,-74.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9236 components: - pos: 34.5,-4.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9262 components: - pos: 24.5,-76.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9296 components: - pos: 34.5,-62.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9308 components: - pos: 33.5,-62.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9439 components: - pos: -45.5,15.5 @@ -36095,64 +33725,46 @@ entities: - pos: -52.5,-17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9729 components: - pos: -52.5,-20.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9749 components: - pos: -52.5,-19.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9751 components: - pos: -52.5,-21.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9754 components: - pos: -52.5,-16.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9773 components: - pos: -52.5,-14.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9776 components: - pos: -52.5,-15.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9777 components: - pos: -47.5,-29.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9778 components: - pos: -47.5,-30.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9779 components: - pos: -47.5,-31.5 @@ -36163,8 +33775,6 @@ entities: - pos: -46.5,-31.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9781 components: - pos: -45.5,-31.5 @@ -36180,939 +33790,671 @@ entities: - pos: -43.5,-31.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9784 components: - pos: -42.5,-31.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9785 components: - pos: -41.5,-31.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9786 components: - pos: -41.5,-30.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9787 components: - pos: -41.5,-29.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9788 components: - pos: -41.5,-28.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9789 components: - pos: -41.5,-27.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9790 components: - pos: -41.5,-26.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9791 components: - pos: -41.5,-25.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9792 components: - pos: -41.5,-24.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9793 components: - pos: -41.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9794 components: - pos: -42.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9795 components: - pos: -43.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9796 components: - pos: -44.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9797 components: - pos: -45.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9798 components: - pos: -46.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9799 components: - pos: -47.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9800 components: - pos: -48.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9801 components: - pos: -49.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9802 components: - pos: -50.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9803 components: - pos: -51.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9804 components: - pos: -52.5,-13.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9811 components: - pos: -52.5,-22.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9815 components: - pos: -51.5,-13.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9816 components: - pos: -51.5,-12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9817 components: - pos: -51.5,-11.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9818 components: - pos: -51.5,-10.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9819 components: - pos: -52.5,-10.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9820 components: - pos: -53.5,-10.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9821 components: - pos: -54.5,-10.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9822 components: - pos: -55.5,-10.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9823 components: - pos: -56.5,-10.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9824 components: - pos: -56.5,-9.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9825 components: - pos: -56.5,-8.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9826 components: - pos: -56.5,-7.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9827 components: - pos: -56.5,-6.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9828 components: - pos: -56.5,-5.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9829 components: - pos: -57.5,-5.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9830 components: - pos: -58.5,-5.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9831 components: - pos: -59.5,-5.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9832 components: - pos: -60.5,-5.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9833 components: - pos: -61.5,4.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9834 components: - pos: -61.5,3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9835 components: - pos: -61.5,2.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9836 components: - pos: -61.5,1.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9837 components: - pos: -61.5,0.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9838 components: - pos: -61.5,-0.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9839 components: - pos: -61.5,-1.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9840 components: - pos: -61.5,-2.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9841 components: - pos: -61.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9842 components: - pos: -61.5,-4.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9843 components: - pos: -61.5,-5.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9844 components: - pos: -61.5,5.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9845 components: - pos: -61.5,6.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9846 components: - pos: -61.5,7.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9847 components: - pos: -61.5,8.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9848 components: - pos: -61.5,9.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9849 components: - pos: -61.5,10.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9850 components: - pos: -61.5,11.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9851 components: - pos: -60.5,11.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9852 components: - pos: -59.5,11.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9853 components: - pos: -59.5,10.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9854 components: - pos: -59.5,9.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9855 components: - pos: -59.5,8.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9856 components: - pos: -59.5,7.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9857 components: - pos: -58.5,7.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9858 components: - pos: -41.5,-32.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9859 components: - pos: -40.5,-32.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9860 components: - pos: -39.5,-32.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9861 components: - pos: -38.5,-32.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9862 components: - pos: -37.5,-32.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9863 components: - pos: -36.5,-32.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9868 components: - pos: -33.5,-32.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9882 components: - pos: -19.5,-30.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9883 components: - pos: -19.5,-29.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9884 components: - pos: -19.5,-28.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9885 components: - pos: -19.5,-27.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9886 components: - pos: -19.5,-26.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9887 components: - pos: -18.5,-26.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9888 components: - pos: -17.5,-26.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9889 components: - pos: -16.5,-26.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9890 components: - pos: -15.5,-26.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9891 components: - pos: -14.5,-26.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9892 components: - pos: -13.5,-26.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9893 components: - pos: -13.5,-27.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9894 components: - pos: -13.5,-28.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9895 components: - pos: -13.5,-29.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9896 components: - pos: -13.5,-30.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9897 components: - pos: -13.5,-31.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9898 components: - pos: -13.5,-32.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9899 components: - pos: -7.5,-38.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9900 components: - pos: -7.5,-39.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9901 components: - pos: -7.5,-40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9902 components: - pos: -7.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9903 components: - pos: -8.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9904 components: - pos: -9.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9905 components: - pos: -10.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9906 components: - pos: -11.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9907 components: - pos: -12.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9908 components: - pos: -13.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9909 components: - pos: -14.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9910 components: - pos: -14.5,-40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9911 components: - pos: -14.5,-39.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9912 components: - pos: -14.5,-38.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9913 components: - pos: -14.5,-37.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9914 components: - pos: -15.5,-37.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9915 components: - pos: -15.5,-36.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9916 components: - pos: -15.5,-35.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9917 components: - pos: -15.5,-34.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9918 components: - pos: -15.5,-33.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9919 components: - pos: -16.5,-33.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9920 components: - pos: -17.5,-33.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9921 components: - pos: -18.5,-33.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9922 components: - pos: -19.5,-33.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9923 components: - pos: -20.5,-33.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9924 components: - pos: -21.5,-33.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9925 components: - pos: -22.5,-33.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9926 components: - pos: -23.5,-33.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9927 components: - pos: -24.5,-33.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9928 components: - pos: -25.5,-33.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9929 components: - pos: -26.5,-33.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9930 components: - pos: -26.5,-32.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9931 components: - pos: -27.5,-32.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9932 components: - pos: -28.5,-32.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9933 components: - pos: -29.5,-32.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9934 components: - pos: -30.5,-32.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9935 components: - pos: -31.5,-32.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9936 components: - pos: -32.5,-32.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9937 components: - pos: -19.5,-32.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9938 components: - pos: -19.5,-31.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9939 components: - pos: -47.5,-28.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10061 components: - pos: -35.5,-32.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10062 components: - pos: -34.5,-32.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10134 components: - pos: -52.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10313 components: - pos: -57.5,13.5 @@ -37123,36 +34465,26 @@ entities: - pos: -6.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10706 components: - pos: -5.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10707 components: - pos: -4.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10708 components: - pos: -3.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10709 components: - pos: -2.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10710 components: - pos: -1.5,-41.5 @@ -37178,309 +34510,221 @@ entities: - pos: 3.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10716 components: - pos: 4.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10717 components: - pos: 5.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10718 components: - pos: 6.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10719 components: - pos: 7.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10720 components: - pos: 8.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10721 components: - pos: 9.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10722 components: - pos: 10.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10723 components: - pos: 11.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10724 components: - pos: 12.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10725 components: - pos: 13.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10726 components: - pos: 14.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10727 components: - pos: 15.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10728 components: - pos: 16.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10729 components: - pos: 17.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10730 components: - pos: 18.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10731 components: - pos: 19.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10732 components: - pos: 20.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10733 components: - pos: 21.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10734 components: - pos: 22.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10735 components: - pos: 23.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10736 components: - pos: 24.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10737 components: - pos: 25.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10738 components: - pos: 26.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10739 components: - pos: 27.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10740 components: - pos: 28.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10741 components: - pos: 28.5,-40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10742 components: - pos: 29.5,-40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10743 components: - pos: 30.5,-40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10744 components: - pos: 31.5,-40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10745 components: - pos: 32.5,-40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10746 components: - pos: 33.5,-40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10747 components: - pos: 34.5,-40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10748 components: - pos: 34.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10749 components: - pos: 35.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10750 components: - pos: 36.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10751 components: - pos: 37.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10752 components: - pos: 38.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10753 components: - pos: 39.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10754 components: - pos: 39.5,-40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10755 components: - pos: 39.5,-39.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10756 components: - pos: 39.5,-38.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10757 components: - pos: 39.5,-37.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10758 components: - pos: 39.5,-36.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10759 components: - pos: 38.5,-36.5 @@ -37491,15 +34735,11 @@ entities: - pos: 37.5,-36.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10761 components: - pos: 37.5,-35.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10762 components: - pos: 37.5,-34.5 @@ -37510,253 +34750,181 @@ entities: - pos: 30.5,-50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10764 components: - pos: 31.5,-50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10765 components: - pos: 32.5,-50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10766 components: - pos: 33.5,-50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10767 components: - pos: 34.5,-50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10768 components: - pos: 35.5,-50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10769 components: - pos: 36.5,-50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10770 components: - pos: 31.5,-52.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10771 components: - pos: 31.5,-51.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10772 components: - pos: 37.5,-50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10773 components: - pos: 38.5,-50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10774 components: - pos: 39.5,-50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10775 components: - pos: 40.5,-50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10776 components: - pos: 41.5,-50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10784 components: - pos: 41.5,-47.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10785 components: - pos: 41.5,-46.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10786 components: - pos: 42.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10787 components: - pos: 41.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10788 components: - pos: 40.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10789 components: - pos: 29.5,-50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10790 components: - pos: 28.5,-50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10791 components: - pos: 27.5,-50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10792 components: - pos: 26.5,-50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10793 components: - pos: 25.5,-50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10794 components: - pos: 24.5,-50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10795 components: - pos: 23.5,-50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10796 components: - pos: 22.5,-50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10797 components: - pos: 21.5,-50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10798 components: - pos: 21.5,-49.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10799 components: - pos: 21.5,-48.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10800 components: - pos: 21.5,-47.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10801 components: - pos: 21.5,-46.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10802 components: - pos: 21.5,-45.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10803 components: - pos: 21.5,-44.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10804 components: - pos: 21.5,-43.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10805 components: - pos: 21.5,-42.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10841 components: - pos: 23.5,7.5 @@ -37777,260 +34945,186 @@ entities: - pos: 41.5,-42.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10906 components: - pos: 41.5,-43.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11019 components: - pos: 58.5,-40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11061 components: - pos: 14.5,-49.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11062 components: - pos: 13.5,-49.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11063 components: - pos: 12.5,-49.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11064 components: - pos: 11.5,-49.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11065 components: - pos: 10.5,-49.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11066 components: - pos: 9.5,-49.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11067 components: - pos: 9.5,-48.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11068 components: - pos: 9.5,-47.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11069 components: - pos: 9.5,-46.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11070 components: - pos: 9.5,-45.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11071 components: - pos: 9.5,-44.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11072 components: - pos: 9.5,-43.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11073 components: - pos: 9.5,-42.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11074 components: - pos: -11.5,-42.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11075 components: - pos: -11.5,-43.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11076 components: - pos: -11.5,-44.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11077 components: - pos: -11.5,-45.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11078 components: - pos: -11.5,-46.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11079 components: - pos: -12.5,-46.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11080 components: - pos: -13.5,-46.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11081 components: - pos: -14.5,-46.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11082 components: - pos: -14.5,-47.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11083 components: - pos: -14.5,-48.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11084 components: - pos: -13.5,-48.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11085 components: - pos: -12.5,-48.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11086 components: - pos: -11.5,-48.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11087 components: - pos: -10.5,-48.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11088 components: - pos: -9.5,-48.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11089 components: - pos: -8.5,-48.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11090 components: - pos: -7.5,-48.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11091 components: - pos: -6.5,-48.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11092 components: - pos: -6.5,-49.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11093 components: - pos: -6.5,-50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11094 components: - pos: -6.5,-51.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11095 components: - pos: -6.5,-52.5 @@ -38076,36 +35170,26 @@ entities: - pos: 4.5,-49.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11114 components: - pos: 5.5,-49.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11115 components: - pos: 6.5,-49.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11116 components: - pos: 7.5,-49.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11117 components: - pos: 8.5,-49.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11306 components: - pos: -56.5,13.5 @@ -38116,71 +35200,51 @@ entities: - pos: -49.5,-12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11349 components: - pos: -48.5,-12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11350 components: - pos: -47.5,-12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11351 components: - pos: -46.5,-12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11352 components: - pos: -45.5,-12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11353 components: - pos: -44.5,-12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11354 components: - pos: -43.5,-12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11355 components: - pos: -42.5,-12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11356 components: - pos: -41.5,-12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11357 components: - pos: -40.5,-12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11358 components: - pos: -39.5,-12.5 @@ -38306,8 +35370,6 @@ entities: - pos: -30.5,4.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11451 components: - pos: -55.5,13.5 @@ -38373,99 +35435,71 @@ entities: - pos: -3.5,-50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11497 components: - pos: -4.5,-50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11498 components: - pos: -4.5,-49.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11499 components: - pos: -5.5,-49.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11515 components: - pos: -58.5,18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11517 components: - pos: -58.5,14.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11518 components: - pos: -58.5,17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11519 components: - pos: -58.5,16.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11523 components: - pos: 7.5,36.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11525 components: - pos: 8.5,36.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11528 components: - pos: 10.5,36.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11529 components: - pos: 9.5,36.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11533 components: - pos: -58.5,15.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11584 components: - pos: -58.5,19.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11585 components: - pos: -58.5,20.5 @@ -38506,113 +35540,81 @@ entities: - pos: -58.5,27.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11593 components: - pos: -57.5,27.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11594 components: - pos: -56.5,27.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11595 components: - pos: -55.5,27.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11596 components: - pos: -54.5,27.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11597 components: - pos: -53.5,27.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11598 components: - pos: -52.5,27.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11599 components: - pos: -51.5,27.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11600 components: - pos: -50.5,27.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11601 components: - pos: -49.5,27.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11602 components: - pos: -48.5,27.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11603 components: - pos: -47.5,27.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11604 components: - pos: -46.5,27.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11605 components: - pos: -45.5,27.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11606 components: - pos: -44.5,27.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11607 components: - pos: -43.5,27.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11608 components: - pos: -43.5,26.5 @@ -38718,435 +35720,311 @@ entities: - pos: 38.5,-76.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11786 components: - pos: 24.5,-64.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11787 components: - pos: 24.5,-62.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11788 components: - pos: 38.5,-62.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11805 components: - pos: 34.5,2.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11860 components: - pos: 24.5,-72.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11866 components: - pos: 47.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11875 components: - pos: 28.5,-9.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11876 components: - pos: 29.5,-9.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11877 components: - pos: 30.5,-9.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11893 components: - pos: 43.5,-6.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11894 components: - pos: 44.5,-6.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11895 components: - pos: 45.5,-6.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11896 components: - pos: 46.5,-6.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11897 components: - pos: 47.5,-6.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11898 components: - pos: 48.5,-6.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11899 components: - pos: 49.5,-6.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11900 components: - pos: 50.5,-6.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11901 components: - pos: 51.5,-6.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11902 components: - pos: 52.5,-6.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11903 components: - pos: 53.5,-6.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11904 components: - pos: 53.5,-7.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11905 components: - pos: 53.5,-8.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11906 components: - pos: 53.5,-9.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11907 components: - pos: 53.5,-10.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11908 components: - pos: 54.5,-10.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11909 components: - pos: 54.5,-11.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11910 components: - pos: 54.5,-12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11911 components: - pos: 54.5,-13.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11912 components: - pos: 54.5,-14.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11913 components: - pos: 54.5,-15.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11914 components: - pos: 54.5,-16.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11915 components: - pos: 54.5,-17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11916 components: - pos: 54.5,-18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11917 components: - pos: 54.5,-19.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11918 components: - pos: 54.5,-20.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11919 components: - pos: 54.5,-21.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11920 components: - pos: 54.5,-22.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11921 components: - pos: 54.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11922 components: - pos: 55.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11923 components: - pos: 56.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11924 components: - pos: 57.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11925 components: - pos: 58.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11926 components: - pos: 58.5,-24.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11927 components: - pos: 58.5,-25.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11928 components: - pos: 58.5,-26.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11929 components: - pos: 58.5,-27.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11930 components: - pos: 58.5,-28.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11931 components: - pos: 58.5,-29.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11932 components: - pos: 58.5,-30.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11933 components: - pos: 58.5,-31.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11934 components: - pos: 58.5,-32.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11935 components: - pos: 58.5,-33.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11936 components: - pos: 58.5,-34.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11937 components: - pos: 58.5,-35.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11938 components: - pos: 58.5,-36.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11939 components: - pos: 58.5,-37.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11940 components: - pos: 58.5,-38.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11941 components: - pos: 58.5,-39.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11960 components: - pos: 29.5,-76.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11965 components: - pos: 35.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11983 components: - pos: 36.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11986 components: - pos: 16.5,23.5 @@ -39187,71 +36065,51 @@ entities: - pos: 34.5,-1.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12153 components: - pos: 27.5,-9.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12154 components: - pos: 26.5,-9.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12155 components: - pos: 25.5,-9.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12156 components: - pos: 24.5,-9.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12157 components: - pos: 23.5,-9.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12158 components: - pos: 22.5,-9.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12159 components: - pos: 21.5,-9.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12160 components: - pos: 20.5,-9.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12161 components: - pos: 19.5,-9.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12162 components: - pos: 18.5,-9.5 @@ -39362,22 +36220,16 @@ entities: - pos: 8.5,-40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12184 components: - pos: 8.5,-39.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12185 components: - pos: 7.5,-39.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12186 components: - pos: 7.5,-38.5 @@ -39538,99 +36390,71 @@ entities: - pos: 5.5,-26.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12232 components: - pos: 4.5,-26.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12233 components: - pos: 6.5,-26.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12234 components: - pos: -12.5,-30.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12235 components: - pos: -11.5,-30.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12236 components: - pos: -10.5,-30.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12237 components: - pos: -9.5,-30.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12238 components: - pos: -8.5,-30.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12239 components: - pos: -7.5,-30.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12240 components: - pos: -6.5,-30.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12241 components: - pos: -5.5,-30.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12242 components: - pos: -4.5,-30.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12243 components: - pos: -3.5,-30.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12244 components: - pos: -2.5,-30.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12245 components: - pos: -1.5,-30.5 @@ -39646,22 +36470,16 @@ entities: - pos: 24.5,-74.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12293 components: - pos: 32.5,-62.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12649 components: - pos: 38.5,-64.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12673 components: - pos: 16.5,16.5 @@ -39672,29 +36490,21 @@ entities: - pos: 38.5,-74.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12677 components: - pos: 38.5,-72.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12678 components: - pos: 38.5,-68.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12679 components: - pos: 38.5,-66.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12696 components: - pos: 16.5,14.5 @@ -39705,197 +36515,141 @@ entities: - pos: 34.5,0.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12738 components: - pos: 34.5,-0.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12741 components: - pos: 34.5,1.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12745 components: - pos: 27.5,-66.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12759 components: - pos: 36.5,-68.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12760 components: - pos: 34.5,-68.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12761 components: - pos: 35.5,-68.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12772 components: - pos: 37.5,-62.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12773 components: - pos: 33.5,-64.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12774 components: - pos: 35.5,-64.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12782 components: - pos: 59.5,-38.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12784 components: - pos: 32.5,-64.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12785 components: - pos: 37.5,-64.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12786 components: - pos: 36.5,-64.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12788 components: - pos: 34.5,-64.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12791 components: - pos: 35.5,-62.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12797 components: - pos: 27.5,-68.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12798 components: - pos: 26.5,-68.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12799 components: - pos: 25.5,-68.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12800 components: - pos: 25.5,-66.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12801 components: - pos: 28.5,-68.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12867 components: - pos: 38.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12871 components: - pos: 30.5,-66.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12872 components: - pos: 28.5,-66.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12873 components: - pos: 29.5,-66.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12876 components: - pos: -63.5,-18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12884 components: - pos: 24.5,-66.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12885 components: - pos: 30.5,-72.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12898 components: - pos: 21.5,24.5 @@ -39906,43 +36660,31 @@ entities: - pos: -64.5,-17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12925 components: - pos: -66.5,-18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12932 components: - pos: -86.5,-12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12933 components: - pos: -86.5,-13.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12934 components: - pos: -86.5,-14.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12935 components: - pos: -86.5,-15.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 13044 components: - pos: 15.5,-9.5 @@ -40058,15 +36800,11 @@ entities: - pos: -58.5,9.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15124 components: - pos: -16.5,38.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15140 components: - pos: -16.5,37.5 @@ -40077,22 +36815,16 @@ entities: - pos: -16.5,39.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15149 components: - pos: -16.5,40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15151 components: - pos: -16.5,41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15154 components: - pos: -16.5,36.5 @@ -40103,36 +36835,26 @@ entities: - pos: -22.5,42.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15455 components: - pos: -22.5,41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15456 components: - pos: -22.5,40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15457 components: - pos: -22.5,39.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15458 components: - pos: -22.5,38.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15459 components: - pos: -22.5,37.5 @@ -40213,15 +36935,11 @@ entities: - pos: -10.5,25.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15707 components: - pos: -10.5,26.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15726 components: - pos: -0.5,24.5 @@ -40242,22 +36960,16 @@ entities: - pos: 1.5,26.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15736 components: - pos: 0.5,26.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15737 components: - pos: -0.5,26.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15738 components: - pos: -0.5,27.5 @@ -40268,22 +36980,16 @@ entities: - pos: -0.5,25.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15740 components: - pos: 0.5,25.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15741 components: - pos: 1.5,25.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15747 components: - pos: -1.5,27.5 @@ -40364,8 +37070,6 @@ entities: - pos: -10.5,33.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15763 components: - pos: -10.5,34.5 @@ -40451,8 +37155,6 @@ entities: - pos: -13.5,27.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15780 components: - pos: -14.5,27.5 @@ -40558,120 +37260,86 @@ entities: - pos: -13.5,24.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15817 components: - pos: -12.5,24.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15819 components: - pos: -12.5,25.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15820 components: - pos: -30.5,17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15821 components: - pos: -31.5,17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15822 components: - pos: -32.5,17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15823 components: - pos: -33.5,17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15824 components: - pos: -34.5,17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15825 components: - pos: -35.5,17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15826 components: - pos: -36.5,17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15827 components: - pos: -37.5,17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15828 components: - pos: -38.5,17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15829 components: - pos: -39.5,17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15830 components: - pos: -40.5,17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15831 components: - pos: -41.5,17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15832 components: - pos: -42.5,17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15833 components: - pos: -43.5,17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15834 components: - pos: -44.5,17.5 @@ -40692,29 +37360,21 @@ entities: - pos: -58.5,14.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15852 components: - pos: -58.5,13.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15853 components: - pos: -58.5,12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15854 components: - pos: -58.5,11.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15855 components: - pos: -29.5,17.5 @@ -40935,22 +37595,16 @@ entities: - pos: -26.5,5.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15899 components: - pos: -27.5,5.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15900 components: - pos: -28.5,5.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15901 components: - pos: -29.5,5.5 @@ -41406,8 +38060,6 @@ entities: - pos: 0.5,16.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15992 components: - pos: 0.5,15.5 @@ -41433,8 +38085,6 @@ entities: - pos: 3.5,27.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16033 components: - pos: 4.5,27.5 @@ -41450,64 +38100,46 @@ entities: - pos: 6.5,27.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16036 components: - pos: 6.5,24.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16037 components: - pos: 6.5,25.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16038 components: - pos: 6.5,26.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16039 components: - pos: 6.5,27.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16040 components: - pos: 6.5,28.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16041 components: - pos: 6.5,29.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16042 components: - pos: 6.5,30.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16043 components: - pos: 6.5,31.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16051 components: - pos: 7.5,28.5 @@ -41523,442 +38155,316 @@ entities: - pos: 9.5,28.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16054 components: - pos: 9.5,27.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16055 components: - pos: 9.5,29.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16056 components: - pos: 3.5,28.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16057 components: - pos: 3.5,29.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16231 components: - pos: -6.5,40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16232 components: - pos: -6.5,41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16233 components: - pos: -6.5,42.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16234 components: - pos: -6.5,43.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16235 components: - pos: -6.5,44.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16236 components: - pos: -6.5,45.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16237 components: - pos: -6.5,46.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16238 components: - pos: -6.5,47.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16239 components: - pos: -6.5,48.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16240 components: - pos: -6.5,49.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16241 components: - pos: -6.5,50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16242 components: - pos: -6.5,51.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16243 components: - pos: -6.5,52.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16244 components: - pos: -6.5,53.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16245 components: - pos: -6.5,54.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16246 components: - pos: -5.5,54.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16247 components: - pos: -4.5,54.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16248 components: - pos: -3.5,54.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16249 components: - pos: -2.5,54.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16250 components: - pos: -1.5,54.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16251 components: - pos: -0.5,54.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16252 components: - pos: 0.5,54.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16253 components: - pos: 1.5,54.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16254 components: - pos: 2.5,54.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16255 components: - pos: 3.5,54.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16256 components: - pos: 4.5,54.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16257 components: - pos: 5.5,54.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16258 components: - pos: 6.5,54.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16259 components: - pos: 7.5,54.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16260 components: - pos: 7.5,53.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16261 components: - pos: 7.5,52.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16262 components: - pos: 7.5,51.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16263 components: - pos: 7.5,50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16264 components: - pos: 7.5,49.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16265 components: - pos: 7.5,48.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16266 components: - pos: 7.5,47.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16267 components: - pos: 7.5,46.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16268 components: - pos: 7.5,45.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16269 components: - pos: 7.5,44.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16270 components: - pos: 7.5,43.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16271 components: - pos: 7.5,42.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16272 components: - pos: 7.5,41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16273 components: - pos: 7.5,40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16274 components: - pos: 6.5,40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16275 components: - pos: 5.5,40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16276 components: - pos: 4.5,40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16277 components: - pos: 3.5,40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16278 components: - pos: 2.5,40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16279 components: - pos: 1.5,40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16280 components: - pos: 0.5,40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16281 components: - pos: -0.5,40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16282 components: - pos: -1.5,40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16283 components: - pos: -2.5,40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16284 components: - pos: -3.5,40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16285 components: - pos: -4.5,40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16286 components: - pos: -5.5,40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16343 components: - pos: 4.5,34.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16344 components: - pos: 4.5,35.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16346 components: - pos: 3.5,34.5 @@ -41979,8 +38485,6 @@ entities: - pos: 0.5,33.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16351 components: - pos: 0.5,32.5 @@ -42026,50 +38530,36 @@ entities: - pos: -3.5,35.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16363 components: - pos: -5.5,39.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16364 components: - pos: -5.5,37.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16365 components: - pos: -5.5,35.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16394 components: - pos: -4.5,35.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16397 components: - pos: -5.5,38.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16398 components: - pos: -5.5,36.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16528 components: - pos: -2.5,35.5 @@ -42080,400 +38570,286 @@ entities: - pos: 0.5,55.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17086 components: - pos: 0.5,56.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17087 components: - pos: -9.5,57.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17088 components: - pos: -8.5,57.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17089 components: - pos: -7.5,57.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17090 components: - pos: -6.5,57.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17091 components: - pos: -5.5,57.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17092 components: - pos: -4.5,57.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17093 components: - pos: -3.5,57.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17094 components: - pos: -2.5,57.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17095 components: - pos: -1.5,57.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17096 components: - pos: -0.5,57.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17097 components: - pos: 0.5,57.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17098 components: - pos: 1.5,57.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17099 components: - pos: 2.5,57.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17100 components: - pos: 3.5,57.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17101 components: - pos: 4.5,57.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17102 components: - pos: 5.5,57.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17103 components: - pos: 6.5,57.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17104 components: - pos: 7.5,57.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17105 components: - pos: 8.5,57.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17106 components: - pos: 9.5,57.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17107 components: - pos: 10.5,57.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17108 components: - pos: 8.5,47.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17109 components: - pos: 9.5,47.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17110 components: - pos: 10.5,47.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17111 components: - pos: 11.5,56.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17112 components: - pos: 11.5,55.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17113 components: - pos: 11.5,54.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17114 components: - pos: 11.5,53.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17115 components: - pos: 11.5,52.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17116 components: - pos: 11.5,51.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17117 components: - pos: 11.5,50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17118 components: - pos: 11.5,49.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17119 components: - pos: 11.5,48.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17120 components: - pos: 11.5,47.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17121 components: - pos: 11.5,46.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17122 components: - pos: 11.5,45.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17123 components: - pos: 11.5,44.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17124 components: - pos: 11.5,43.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17125 components: - pos: 11.5,42.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17126 components: - pos: 11.5,41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17127 components: - pos: 11.5,40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17128 components: - pos: 11.5,39.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17129 components: - pos: 11.5,38.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17130 components: - pos: 11.5,37.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17131 components: - pos: -10.5,53.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17132 components: - pos: -10.5,54.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17133 components: - pos: -10.5,55.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17134 components: - pos: -10.5,56.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17135 components: - pos: -9.5,56.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17153 components: - pos: 10.5,37.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17928 components: - pos: 6.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17931 components: - pos: 13.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17932 components: - pos: 8.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17933 components: - pos: 12.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17934 components: - pos: 14.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17944 components: - pos: 4.5,-3.5 @@ -42529,64 +38905,46 @@ entities: - pos: -18.5,4.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17956 components: - pos: -19.5,4.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17957 components: - pos: -20.5,4.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17958 components: - pos: -21.5,4.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17959 components: - pos: -22.5,4.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17960 components: - pos: -22.5,5.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17961 components: - pos: -23.5,5.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17962 components: - pos: -24.5,5.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17963 components: - pos: -25.5,5.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17964 components: - pos: -14.5,4.5 @@ -42632,15 +38990,11 @@ entities: - pos: 9.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17986 components: - pos: 11.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18001 components: - pos: 5.5,-3.5 @@ -42651,36 +39005,26 @@ entities: - pos: 10.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18108 components: - pos: 7.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18148 components: - pos: 3.5,-2.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18149 components: - pos: 14.5,-4.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18150 components: - pos: 14.5,-2.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18151 components: - pos: 4.5,-2.5 @@ -42746,15 +39090,11 @@ entities: - pos: -4.5,1.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18164 components: - pos: -4.5,0.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18165 components: - pos: 1.5,0.5 @@ -42770,8 +39110,6 @@ entities: - pos: 1.5,-1.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18168 components: - pos: 1.5,-2.5 @@ -42807,8 +39145,6 @@ entities: - pos: 1.5,-8.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18175 components: - pos: 1.5,-9.5 @@ -42889,22 +39225,16 @@ entities: - pos: -4.5,0.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18191 components: - pos: 5.5,1.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18192 components: - pos: 5.5,0.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18193 components: - pos: 0.5,2.5 @@ -42920,78 +39250,56 @@ entities: - pos: 0.5,4.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18196 components: - pos: -0.5,4.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18197 components: - pos: -1.5,4.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18198 components: - pos: -2.5,4.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18199 components: - pos: -3.5,4.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18200 components: - pos: -3.5,3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18201 components: - pos: 1.5,4.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18202 components: - pos: 2.5,4.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18203 components: - pos: 3.5,4.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18204 components: - pos: 4.5,4.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18205 components: - pos: 4.5,3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18405 components: - pos: 0.5,-1.5 @@ -43002,8 +39310,6 @@ entities: - pos: -0.5,-1.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18407 components: - pos: 0.5,-8.5 @@ -43014,8 +39320,6 @@ entities: - pos: -0.5,-8.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18613 components: - pos: -3.5,0.5 @@ -43076,22 +39380,16 @@ entities: - pos: -9.5,-4.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18625 components: - pos: -9.5,-5.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18626 components: - pos: -9.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18775 components: - pos: 3.5,2.5 @@ -43107,8 +39405,6 @@ entities: - pos: 61.5,-37.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18855 components: - pos: 24.5,5.5 @@ -43124,8 +39420,6 @@ entities: - pos: 25.5,4.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19205 components: - pos: 22.5,24.5 @@ -43166,57 +39460,41 @@ entities: - pos: 26.5,21.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19213 components: - pos: 26.5,20.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19214 components: - pos: 26.5,19.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19215 components: - pos: 26.5,18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19216 components: - pos: 26.5,17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19217 components: - pos: 26.5,16.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19218 components: - pos: 26.5,15.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19219 components: - pos: 26.5,14.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19220 components: - pos: 17.5,8.5 @@ -43292,15 +39570,11 @@ entities: - pos: 28.5,11.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19235 components: - pos: 28.5,12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19311 components: - pos: 27.5,14.5 @@ -43311,85 +39585,61 @@ entities: - pos: 29.5,12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19536 components: - pos: 29.5,13.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19537 components: - pos: 29.5,14.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19538 components: - pos: 29.5,15.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19539 components: - pos: 29.5,16.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19540 components: - pos: 29.5,17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19542 components: - pos: 28.5,18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19543 components: - pos: 27.5,18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19638 components: - pos: 29.5,18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19748 components: - pos: 34.5,3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19749 components: - pos: 34.5,4.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19750 components: - pos: 34.5,5.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19751 components: - pos: 35.5,5.5 @@ -43455,8 +39705,6 @@ entities: - pos: 31.5,5.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20037 components: - pos: 30.5,5.5 @@ -43477,1828 +39725,1306 @@ entities: - pos: 30.5,2.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20041 components: - pos: 30.5,1.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20042 components: - pos: 30.5,0.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20043 components: - pos: 32.5,5.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20044 components: - pos: 32.5,4.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20083 components: - pos: 66.5,-38.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20084 components: - pos: 65.5,-38.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20227 components: - pos: 75.5,-46.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20228 components: - pos: 76.5,-46.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20229 components: - pos: 77.5,-46.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20230 components: - pos: 78.5,-46.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20231 components: - pos: 80.5,-46.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20232 components: - pos: 81.5,-46.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20233 components: - pos: 82.5,-46.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20234 components: - pos: 83.5,-46.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20235 components: - pos: 83.5,-44.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20236 components: - pos: 82.5,-44.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20237 components: - pos: 81.5,-44.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20238 components: - pos: 80.5,-44.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20239 components: - pos: 78.5,-44.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20240 components: - pos: 77.5,-44.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20241 components: - pos: 76.5,-44.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20242 components: - pos: 75.5,-44.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20243 components: - pos: 75.5,-42.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20244 components: - pos: 76.5,-42.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20245 components: - pos: 77.5,-42.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20246 components: - pos: 78.5,-42.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20247 components: - pos: 75.5,-40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20248 components: - pos: 76.5,-40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20249 components: - pos: 77.5,-40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20250 components: - pos: 78.5,-40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20251 components: - pos: 80.5,-42.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20252 components: - pos: 81.5,-42.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20253 components: - pos: 82.5,-42.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20254 components: - pos: 83.5,-42.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20255 components: - pos: 83.5,-40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20256 components: - pos: 82.5,-40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20257 components: - pos: 81.5,-40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20258 components: - pos: 80.5,-40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20259 components: - pos: 67.5,-38.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20260 components: - pos: 68.5,-38.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20261 components: - pos: 69.5,-38.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20262 components: - pos: 70.5,-38.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20263 components: - pos: 72.5,-38.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20264 components: - pos: 73.5,-38.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20265 components: - pos: 76.5,-38.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20266 components: - pos: 77.5,-38.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20267 components: - pos: 78.5,-38.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20268 components: - pos: 79.5,-38.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20269 components: - pos: 83.5,-36.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20270 components: - pos: 82.5,-36.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20271 components: - pos: 81.5,-36.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20272 components: - pos: 80.5,-36.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20273 components: - pos: 78.5,-36.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20274 components: - pos: 77.5,-36.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20275 components: - pos: 76.5,-36.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20276 components: - pos: 75.5,-36.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20277 components: - pos: 75.5,-34.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20278 components: - pos: 76.5,-34.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20279 components: - pos: 77.5,-34.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20280 components: - pos: 78.5,-34.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20281 components: - pos: 80.5,-34.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20282 components: - pos: 81.5,-34.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20283 components: - pos: 82.5,-34.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20284 components: - pos: 83.5,-34.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20285 components: - pos: 79.5,-33.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20286 components: - pos: 79.5,-32.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20287 components: - pos: 79.5,-34.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20288 components: - pos: 79.5,-27.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20289 components: - pos: 79.5,-26.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20290 components: - pos: 79.5,-25.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20291 components: - pos: 79.5,-24.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20292 components: - pos: 78.5,-24.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20293 components: - pos: 77.5,-24.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20294 components: - pos: 76.5,-24.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20295 components: - pos: 75.5,-24.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20296 components: - pos: 80.5,-24.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20297 components: - pos: 81.5,-24.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20298 components: - pos: 82.5,-24.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20299 components: - pos: 83.5,-24.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20300 components: - pos: 83.5,-22.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20301 components: - pos: 82.5,-22.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20302 components: - pos: 81.5,-22.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20303 components: - pos: 80.5,-22.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20304 components: - pos: 78.5,-22.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20305 components: - pos: 77.5,-22.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20306 components: - pos: 76.5,-22.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20307 components: - pos: 75.5,-22.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20308 components: - pos: 78.5,-20.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20309 components: - pos: 77.5,-20.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20310 components: - pos: 76.5,-20.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20311 components: - pos: 75.5,-20.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20312 components: - pos: 75.5,-18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20313 components: - pos: 76.5,-18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20314 components: - pos: 77.5,-18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20315 components: - pos: 78.5,-18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20316 components: - pos: 80.5,-18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20317 components: - pos: 81.5,-18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20318 components: - pos: 82.5,-18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20319 components: - pos: 83.5,-18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20320 components: - pos: 83.5,-20.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20321 components: - pos: 82.5,-20.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20322 components: - pos: 81.5,-20.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20323 components: - pos: 80.5,-20.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20324 components: - pos: 80.5,-14.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20325 components: - pos: 81.5,-14.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20326 components: - pos: 82.5,-14.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20327 components: - pos: 83.5,-14.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20328 components: - pos: 83.5,-12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20329 components: - pos: 82.5,-12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20330 components: - pos: 81.5,-12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20331 components: - pos: 80.5,-12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20332 components: - pos: 78.5,-12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20333 components: - pos: 77.5,-12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20334 components: - pos: 76.5,-12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20335 components: - pos: 75.5,-12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20336 components: - pos: 75.5,-14.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20337 components: - pos: 76.5,-14.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20338 components: - pos: 77.5,-14.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20339 components: - pos: 78.5,-14.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20418 components: - pos: 80.5,-38.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20419 components: - pos: 81.5,-38.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20519 components: - pos: -25.5,61.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20520 components: - pos: -25.5,62.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20521 components: - pos: -26.5,61.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20522 components: - pos: -26.5,60.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20523 components: - pos: -26.5,59.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20524 components: - pos: -25.5,59.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20525 components: - pos: -25.5,58.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20526 components: - pos: -25.5,57.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20527 components: - pos: -25.5,56.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20528 components: - pos: -25.5,55.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20529 components: - pos: -25.5,54.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20530 components: - pos: -25.5,53.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20531 components: - pos: -25.5,52.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20532 components: - pos: -25.5,51.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20533 components: - pos: -25.5,50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20534 components: - pos: -25.5,49.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20535 components: - pos: -25.5,48.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20536 components: - pos: -25.5,47.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20537 components: - pos: -25.5,46.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20538 components: - pos: -25.5,45.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20539 components: - pos: -25.5,44.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20540 components: - pos: -25.5,43.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20541 components: - pos: -25.5,42.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20542 components: - pos: -24.5,42.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20543 components: - pos: -23.5,42.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20729 components: - pos: -31.5,79.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20730 components: - pos: -30.5,79.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20731 components: - pos: -29.5,79.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20732 components: - pos: -28.5,79.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20733 components: - pos: -27.5,79.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20734 components: - pos: -26.5,79.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20737 components: - pos: -25.5,81.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20738 components: - pos: -25.5,80.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20739 components: - pos: -24.5,79.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20740 components: - pos: -23.5,79.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20741 components: - pos: -22.5,79.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20742 components: - pos: -21.5,79.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20743 components: - pos: -20.5,79.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20744 components: - pos: -19.5,79.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20745 components: - pos: -19.5,77.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20746 components: - pos: -20.5,77.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20747 components: - pos: -21.5,77.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20748 components: - pos: -22.5,77.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20749 components: - pos: -23.5,77.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20750 components: - pos: -24.5,77.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20751 components: - pos: -26.5,77.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20752 components: - pos: -27.5,77.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20753 components: - pos: -28.5,77.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20754 components: - pos: -29.5,77.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20755 components: - pos: -30.5,77.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20756 components: - pos: -31.5,77.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20757 components: - pos: -31.5,75.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20758 components: - pos: -30.5,75.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20759 components: - pos: -29.5,75.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20760 components: - pos: -28.5,75.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20761 components: - pos: -27.5,75.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20762 components: - pos: -26.5,75.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20763 components: - pos: -24.5,75.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20764 components: - pos: -23.5,75.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20765 components: - pos: -22.5,75.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20766 components: - pos: -21.5,75.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20767 components: - pos: -20.5,75.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20768 components: - pos: -19.5,75.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20769 components: - pos: -19.5,73.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20770 components: - pos: -20.5,73.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20771 components: - pos: -21.5,73.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20772 components: - pos: -22.5,73.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20773 components: - pos: -23.5,73.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20774 components: - pos: -24.5,73.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20775 components: - pos: -26.5,73.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20776 components: - pos: -27.5,73.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20777 components: - pos: -28.5,73.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20778 components: - pos: -29.5,73.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20779 components: - pos: -30.5,73.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20780 components: - pos: -31.5,73.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20781 components: - pos: -26.5,71.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20782 components: - pos: -27.5,71.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20783 components: - pos: -28.5,71.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20784 components: - pos: -29.5,71.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20785 components: - pos: -30.5,71.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20786 components: - pos: -31.5,71.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20787 components: - pos: -31.5,69.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20788 components: - pos: -30.5,69.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20789 components: - pos: -29.5,69.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20790 components: - pos: -28.5,69.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20791 components: - pos: -27.5,69.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20792 components: - pos: -26.5,69.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20793 components: - pos: -24.5,71.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20794 components: - pos: -23.5,71.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20795 components: - pos: -22.5,71.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20796 components: - pos: -21.5,71.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20797 components: - pos: -20.5,71.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20798 components: - pos: -19.5,71.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20799 components: - pos: -19.5,69.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20800 components: - pos: -20.5,69.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20801 components: - pos: -21.5,69.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20802 components: - pos: -22.5,69.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20803 components: - pos: -23.5,69.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20804 components: - pos: -24.5,69.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20805 components: - pos: -24.5,67.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20806 components: - pos: -23.5,67.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20807 components: - pos: -22.5,67.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20808 components: - pos: -21.5,67.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20809 components: - pos: -20.5,67.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20810 components: - pos: -19.5,67.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20811 components: - pos: -19.5,65.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20812 components: - pos: -20.5,65.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20813 components: - pos: -21.5,65.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20814 components: - pos: -22.5,65.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20815 components: - pos: -23.5,65.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20816 components: - pos: -24.5,65.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20817 components: - pos: -26.5,65.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20818 components: - pos: -27.5,65.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20819 components: - pos: -28.5,65.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20820 components: - pos: -29.5,65.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20821 components: - pos: -30.5,65.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20822 components: - pos: -31.5,65.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20823 components: - pos: -31.5,67.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20824 components: - pos: -30.5,67.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20825 components: - pos: -29.5,67.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20826 components: - pos: -28.5,67.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20827 components: - pos: -27.5,67.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20828 components: - pos: -26.5,67.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20829 components: - pos: -25.5,63.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20830 components: - pos: -25.5,64.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20931 components: - pos: -25.5,82.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 21429 components: - pos: -7.5,-37.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 21448 components: - pos: -13.5,-33.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 21449 components: - pos: -12.5,-33.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 21450 components: - pos: -11.5,-33.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 21451 components: - pos: -11.5,-34.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 21741 components: - pos: 0.5,34.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 22475 components: - pos: -120.5,18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 22478 components: - pos: -119.5,18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 22479 components: - pos: -118.5,18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 22480 components: - pos: -117.5,18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 22481 components: - pos: -117.5,19.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 22483 components: - pos: -120.5,19.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 22484 components: - pos: -116.5,19.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23103 components: - pos: -118.5,17.5 @@ -45314,36 +41040,26 @@ entities: - pos: -118.5,15.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23890 components: - pos: 10.5,-60.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23891 components: - pos: 10.5,-61.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23892 components: - pos: 12.5,-60.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23893 components: - pos: 12.5,-61.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23894 components: - pos: 12.5,-62.5 @@ -45439,15 +41155,11 @@ entities: - pos: 9.5,-73.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23913 components: - pos: 9.5,-72.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - proto: CableHVStack entities: - uid: 7192 @@ -45482,8 +41194,6 @@ entities: - pos: 43.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 56 components: - pos: -11.5,4.5 @@ -45504,22 +41214,16 @@ entities: - pos: 43.5,-5.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 350 components: - pos: 45.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 564 components: - pos: -17.5,-13.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 628 components: - pos: -28.5,-16.5 @@ -45530,22 +41234,16 @@ entities: - pos: -35.5,-7.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 635 components: - pos: -29.5,-17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 718 components: - pos: -56.5,-18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 766 components: - pos: -31.5,-5.5 @@ -45581,8 +41279,6 @@ entities: - pos: -35.5,-9.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 783 components: - pos: -34.5,-12.5 @@ -45593,8 +41289,6 @@ entities: - pos: -35.5,-6.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 813 components: - pos: -22.5,-5.5 @@ -45605,8 +41299,6 @@ entities: - pos: -58.5,-18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 818 components: - pos: 43.5,-18.5 @@ -45687,8 +41379,6 @@ entities: - pos: 34.5,-15.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 1557 components: - pos: -21.5,-10.5 @@ -45699,8 +41389,6 @@ entities: - pos: -20.5,-7.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 1561 components: - pos: -22.5,-13.5 @@ -45716,8 +41404,6 @@ entities: - pos: 32.5,-15.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 1567 components: - pos: 35.5,-16.5 @@ -45728,15 +41414,11 @@ entities: - pos: -20.5,-10.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 1569 components: - pos: -23.5,-17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 1570 components: - pos: -31.5,-10.5 @@ -45772,8 +41454,6 @@ entities: - pos: -26.5,-17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 1577 components: - pos: -23.5,-16.5 @@ -45789,15 +41469,11 @@ entities: - pos: -20.5,-13.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 1580 components: - pos: -32.5,-7.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 1581 components: - pos: -21.5,-8.5 @@ -45808,8 +41484,6 @@ entities: - pos: -32.5,-10.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 1583 components: - pos: -23.5,-18.5 @@ -45820,8 +41494,6 @@ entities: - pos: -32.5,-13.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 1585 components: - pos: -28.5,-14.5 @@ -45842,8 +41514,6 @@ entities: - pos: 35.5,-15.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 1591 components: - pos: 4.5,-28.5 @@ -45899,8 +41569,6 @@ entities: - pos: -18.5,0.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 1738 components: - pos: 4.5,-36.5 @@ -45911,22 +41579,16 @@ entities: - pos: 4.5,-26.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 1743 components: - pos: 6.5,-26.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 1746 components: - pos: 5.5,-26.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 1759 components: - pos: 52.5,-25.5 @@ -45937,8 +41599,6 @@ entities: - pos: 52.5,-24.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 1761 components: - pos: 52.5,-28.5 @@ -45949,8 +41609,6 @@ entities: - pos: -18.5,1.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 1971 components: - pos: -21.5,-0.5 @@ -45966,8 +41624,6 @@ entities: - pos: -28.5,-25.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 2070 components: - pos: 4.5,-35.5 @@ -46018,15 +41674,11 @@ entities: - pos: 33.5,-38.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 2302 components: - pos: -54.5,-18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 2306 components: - pos: 33.5,-39.5 @@ -46047,22 +41699,16 @@ entities: - pos: 36.5,-19.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 2598 components: - pos: 49.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 2607 components: - pos: -60.5,-18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 2614 components: - pos: 35.5,-17.5 @@ -46073,29 +41719,21 @@ entities: - pos: -60.5,-16.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 2644 components: - pos: -61.5,-18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 2645 components: - pos: -60.5,-17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 2648 components: - pos: -59.5,-18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 2818 components: - pos: 42.5,-18.5 @@ -46116,36 +41754,26 @@ entities: - pos: -55.5,-18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 3203 components: - pos: -52.5,-18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 3232 components: - pos: 39.5,-44.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 3382 components: - pos: -63.5,-17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 3418 components: - pos: -57.5,-18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 4457 components: - pos: -31.5,5.5 @@ -46156,8 +41784,6 @@ entities: - pos: -35.5,-10.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 4505 components: - pos: -32.5,-12.5 @@ -46173,8 +41799,6 @@ entities: - pos: -1.5,-74.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 4561 components: - pos: -24.5,-5.5 @@ -46230,8 +41854,6 @@ entities: - pos: 4.5,-33.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 4737 components: - pos: 6.5,-52.5 @@ -46262,15 +41884,11 @@ entities: - pos: -2.5,-52.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 4762 components: - pos: 6.5,-50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 4763 components: - pos: 6.5,-51.5 @@ -46311,8 +41929,6 @@ entities: - pos: -1.5,-59.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 4926 components: - pos: -1.5,-64.5 @@ -46413,22 +42029,16 @@ entities: - pos: -20.5,-17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 5430 components: - pos: -18.5,-17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 5431 components: - pos: -21.5,-16.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 5436 components: - pos: -20.5,-6.5 @@ -46479,15 +42089,11 @@ entities: - pos: -4.5,-18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6196 components: - pos: 10.5,-52.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6215 components: - pos: 9.5,-53.5 @@ -46508,8 +42114,6 @@ entities: - pos: -29.5,-31.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6471 components: - pos: 10.5,-53.5 @@ -46550,29 +42154,21 @@ entities: - pos: -35.5,-13.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6703 components: - pos: -35.5,-12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6704 components: - pos: -17.5,-6.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6705 components: - pos: -17.5,-7.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6706 components: - pos: -20.5,-12.5 @@ -46598,8 +42194,6 @@ entities: - pos: -17.5,-12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6713 components: - pos: -12.5,-54.5 @@ -46630,8 +42224,6 @@ entities: - pos: -21.5,-19.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6885 components: - pos: -22.5,-16.5 @@ -46667,8 +42259,6 @@ entities: - pos: -17.5,-9.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 7031 components: - pos: -18.5,-12.5 @@ -46689,8 +42279,6 @@ entities: - pos: -15.5,-52.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 7510 components: - pos: 0.5,-53.5 @@ -46701,8 +42289,6 @@ entities: - pos: 41.5,-42.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 7612 components: - pos: -19.5,-12.5 @@ -46713,8 +42299,6 @@ entities: - pos: -62.5,-18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 7701 components: - pos: 46.5,3.5 @@ -46730,15 +42314,11 @@ entities: - pos: -17.5,-10.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8114 components: - pos: -5.5,-1.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8115 components: - pos: -5.5,-2.5 @@ -46754,8 +42334,6 @@ entities: - pos: -4.5,-1.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8118 components: - pos: -4.5,-3.5 @@ -46791,22 +42369,16 @@ entities: - pos: -0.5,-1.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8126 components: - pos: 0.5,-1.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8143 components: - pos: 1.5,-1.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8173 components: - pos: 2.5,-1.5 @@ -46832,8 +42404,6 @@ entities: - pos: 5.5,-0.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8182 components: - pos: 5.5,-2.5 @@ -46864,22 +42434,16 @@ entities: - pos: 9.5,-1.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8199 components: - pos: 41.5,-45.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8202 components: - pos: 41.5,-48.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8231 components: - pos: -31.5,-9.5 @@ -46900,15 +42464,11 @@ entities: - pos: -31.5,-15.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8402 components: - pos: -25.5,52.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8581 components: - pos: -28.5,-15.5 @@ -46919,15 +42479,11 @@ entities: - pos: -24.5,-17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8668 components: - pos: -30.5,4.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8670 components: - pos: -32.5,4.5 @@ -47058,64 +42614,46 @@ entities: - pos: -58.5,7.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9696 components: - pos: -59.5,7.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9697 components: - pos: -59.5,8.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9698 components: - pos: -59.5,9.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9699 components: - pos: -59.5,10.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9700 components: - pos: -59.5,11.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9701 components: - pos: -59.5,12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9702 components: - pos: -59.5,13.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9703 components: - pos: -58.5,13.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9704 components: - pos: -57.5,13.5 @@ -47241,8 +42779,6 @@ entities: - pos: -31.5,16.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9736 components: - pos: -54.5,12.5 @@ -47293,246 +42829,176 @@ entities: - pos: -52.5,5.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9755 components: - pos: -51.5,-13.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9756 components: - pos: -51.5,-12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9757 components: - pos: -50.5,-12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9758 components: - pos: -49.5,-12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9759 components: - pos: -48.5,-12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9760 components: - pos: -47.5,-12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9761 components: - pos: -46.5,-12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9762 components: - pos: -45.5,-12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9763 components: - pos: -44.5,-12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9764 components: - pos: -43.5,-12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9765 components: - pos: -42.5,-12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9766 components: - pos: -42.5,-11.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9767 components: - pos: -47.5,-22.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9768 components: - pos: -47.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9769 components: - pos: -48.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9770 components: - pos: -49.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9771 components: - pos: -50.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9772 components: - pos: -51.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9774 components: - pos: -52.5,-17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9805 components: - pos: -52.5,-16.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9806 components: - pos: -52.5,-15.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9807 components: - pos: -52.5,-14.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9808 components: - pos: -52.5,-13.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9813 components: - pos: -52.5,-22.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9814 components: - pos: -52.5,-21.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9869 components: - pos: -26.5,-32.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9870 components: - pos: -27.5,-32.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9871 components: - pos: -28.5,-32.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9872 components: - pos: -29.5,-32.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9878 components: - pos: -25.5,-33.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9879 components: - pos: -20.5,-33.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9880 components: - pos: -19.5,-33.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9940 components: - pos: -47.5,-28.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9941 components: - pos: -47.5,-29.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9942 components: - pos: -46.5,-29.5 @@ -47553,337 +43019,241 @@ entities: - pos: -43.5,-29.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9946 components: - pos: -42.5,-29.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9947 components: - pos: -41.5,-29.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9948 components: - pos: -41.5,-28.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9949 components: - pos: -41.5,-27.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9950 components: - pos: -41.5,-26.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9951 components: - pos: -41.5,-25.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9952 components: - pos: -41.5,-24.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9953 components: - pos: -41.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9954 components: - pos: -42.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9955 components: - pos: -43.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9956 components: - pos: -44.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9957 components: - pos: -45.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9958 components: - pos: -46.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9959 components: - pos: -13.5,-32.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9960 components: - pos: -13.5,-31.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9961 components: - pos: -13.5,-30.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9962 components: - pos: -12.5,-30.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9963 components: - pos: -11.5,-30.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9964 components: - pos: -10.5,-30.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9965 components: - pos: -9.5,-30.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9966 components: - pos: -8.5,-30.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9967 components: - pos: -7.5,-30.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9968 components: - pos: -6.5,-30.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9969 components: - pos: -6.5,-29.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9970 components: - pos: -13.5,-29.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9971 components: - pos: -13.5,-28.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9972 components: - pos: -13.5,-27.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9973 components: - pos: -13.5,-26.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9974 components: - pos: -14.5,-26.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9975 components: - pos: -15.5,-26.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9976 components: - pos: -16.5,-26.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9977 components: - pos: -17.5,-26.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9978 components: - pos: -18.5,-26.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9979 components: - pos: -19.5,-26.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9980 components: - pos: -19.5,-27.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9981 components: - pos: -19.5,-28.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9982 components: - pos: -19.5,-29.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9983 components: - pos: -19.5,-30.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9985 components: - pos: -19.5,-31.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9986 components: - pos: -23.5,-33.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9987 components: - pos: -24.5,-33.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9988 components: - pos: -26.5,-33.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9993 components: - pos: -29.5,-30.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9994 components: - pos: -29.5,-29.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9995 components: - pos: -29.5,-28.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9996 components: - pos: -29.5,-27.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9997 components: - pos: -29.5,-26.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9998 components: - pos: -28.5,-26.5 @@ -47894,64 +43264,46 @@ entities: - pos: -27.5,-25.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10054 components: - pos: -21.5,-33.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10055 components: - pos: -22.5,-33.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10056 components: - pos: -19.5,-32.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10129 components: - pos: -52.5,-20.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10130 components: - pos: -52.5,-19.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10133 components: - pos: -52.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10141 components: - pos: -46.5,-14.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10142 components: - pos: -46.5,-13.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10261 components: - pos: -52.5,4.5 @@ -48027,8 +43379,6 @@ entities: - pos: -41.5,6.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10276 components: - pos: -41.5,4.5 @@ -48039,8 +43389,6 @@ entities: - pos: 18.5,20.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10367 components: - pos: -35.5,13.5 @@ -48051,8 +43399,6 @@ entities: - pos: -1.5,-42.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10551 components: - pos: -2.5,-42.5 @@ -48088,29 +43434,21 @@ entities: - pos: -7.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10558 components: - pos: -7.5,-40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10559 components: - pos: -7.5,-39.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10560 components: - pos: -7.5,-38.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10561 components: - pos: -0.5,-42.5 @@ -48141,36 +43479,26 @@ entities: - pos: 3.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10567 components: - pos: 4.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10568 components: - pos: 5.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10569 components: - pos: 6.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10570 components: - pos: 7.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10571 components: - pos: 45.5,0.5 @@ -48186,8 +43514,6 @@ entities: - pos: 7.5,-39.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10575 components: - pos: 7.5,-38.5 @@ -48218,36 +43544,26 @@ entities: - pos: 41.5,-49.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10778 components: - pos: 41.5,-46.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10779 components: - pos: 41.5,-43.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10885 components: - pos: 30.5,-52.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10886 components: - pos: 30.5,-51.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10887 components: - pos: 37.5,-34.5 @@ -48258,15 +43574,11 @@ entities: - pos: 37.5,-35.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10889 components: - pos: 37.5,-36.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10890 components: - pos: 38.5,-36.5 @@ -48277,169 +43589,121 @@ entities: - pos: 39.5,-36.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10892 components: - pos: 39.5,-37.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10893 components: - pos: 39.5,-38.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10894 components: - pos: 39.5,-39.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10895 components: - pos: 39.5,-40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10896 components: - pos: 39.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10897 components: - pos: 40.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10898 components: - pos: 41.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10903 components: - pos: 41.5,-44.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10904 components: - pos: 41.5,-47.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10909 components: - pos: 41.5,-50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10910 components: - pos: 40.5,-50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10911 components: - pos: 39.5,-50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10912 components: - pos: 38.5,-50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10913 components: - pos: 37.5,-50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10914 components: - pos: 36.5,-50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10915 components: - pos: 35.5,-50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10916 components: - pos: 34.5,-50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10917 components: - pos: 33.5,-50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10918 components: - pos: 32.5,-50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10919 components: - pos: 31.5,-50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10920 components: - pos: 30.5,-50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10921 components: - pos: 31.5,-51.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10922 components: - pos: 31.5,-52.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10936 components: - pos: 40.5,-44.5 @@ -48450,50 +43714,36 @@ entities: - pos: 41.5,-44.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11118 components: - pos: 14.5,-49.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11119 components: - pos: 13.5,-49.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11120 components: - pos: 12.5,-49.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11121 components: - pos: 11.5,-49.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11122 components: - pos: 10.5,-49.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11123 components: - pos: 9.5,-49.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11136 components: - pos: 0.5,-52.5 @@ -48534,43 +43784,31 @@ entities: - pos: 4.5,-49.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11144 components: - pos: 5.5,-49.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11145 components: - pos: 6.5,-49.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11146 components: - pos: 7.5,-49.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11147 components: - pos: 8.5,-49.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11152 components: - pos: 46.5,4.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11153 components: - pos: 45.5,3.5 @@ -48656,8 +43894,6 @@ entities: - pos: 11.5,-29.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11178 components: - pos: 12.5,-20.5 @@ -48693,78 +43929,56 @@ entities: - pos: 29.5,-40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11244 components: - pos: 30.5,-40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11245 components: - pos: 31.5,-40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11246 components: - pos: 32.5,-40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11247 components: - pos: 33.5,-40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11248 components: - pos: 34.5,-40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11249 components: - pos: 35.5,-40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11250 components: - pos: 36.5,-40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11251 components: - pos: 37.5,-40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11252 components: - pos: 38.5,-40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11283 components: - pos: 28.5,-40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11284 components: - pos: 27.5,-40.5 @@ -48795,50 +44009,36 @@ entities: - pos: -3.5,-50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11652 components: - pos: -4.5,-50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11653 components: - pos: -4.5,-49.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11654 components: - pos: -5.5,-49.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11655 components: - pos: -6.5,-49.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11656 components: - pos: -6.5,-50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11657 components: - pos: -6.5,-51.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11658 components: - pos: -6.5,-52.5 @@ -48849,64 +44049,46 @@ entities: - pos: 29.5,18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11890 components: - pos: 52.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11963 components: - pos: 53.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11964 components: - pos: 54.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11987 components: - pos: 23.5,-9.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11988 components: - pos: 22.5,-9.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11989 components: - pos: 21.5,-9.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11990 components: - pos: 20.5,-9.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11991 components: - pos: 19.5,-9.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11992 components: - pos: 18.5,-9.5 @@ -48927,29 +44109,21 @@ entities: - pos: -6.5,3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12047 components: - pos: -6.5,4.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12050 components: - pos: -13.5,-4.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12071 components: - pos: 23.5,-14.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12072 components: - pos: 23.5,-13.5 @@ -49050,36 +44224,26 @@ entities: - pos: 51.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12276 components: - pos: -13.5,-5.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12280 components: - pos: 50.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12297 components: - pos: 43.5,-6.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12298 components: - pos: 43.5,-7.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12306 components: - pos: 43.5,-15.5 @@ -49135,36 +44299,26 @@ entities: - pos: 44.5,-6.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12411 components: - pos: 48.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12414 components: - pos: 47.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12415 components: - pos: 46.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12444 components: - pos: 39.5,-35.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12445 components: - pos: 39.5,-34.5 @@ -49175,71 +44329,51 @@ entities: - pos: 39.5,-33.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12558 components: - pos: -13.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12559 components: - pos: -13.5,-12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12560 components: - pos: -13.5,-13.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12561 components: - pos: -13.5,-14.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12641 components: - pos: 44.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12720 components: - pos: 43.5,-4.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12880 components: - pos: -63.5,-18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12903 components: - pos: -53.5,-18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 13216 components: - pos: 51.5,15.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 13217 components: - pos: 51.5,14.5 @@ -49275,8 +44409,6 @@ entities: - pos: 47.5,9.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 13280 components: - pos: 48.5,9.5 @@ -49392,22 +44524,16 @@ entities: - pos: 13.5,16.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 13533 components: - pos: -58.5,9.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 13620 components: - pos: -4.5,-17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 13621 components: - pos: -5.5,-17.5 @@ -49418,36 +44544,26 @@ entities: - pos: -7.5,-20.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 13658 components: - pos: -5.5,-19.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 13671 components: - pos: -4.5,-17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 13677 components: - pos: -7.5,-16.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 13678 components: - pos: -7.5,-10.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 13679 components: - pos: -10.5,-18.5 @@ -49468,15 +44584,11 @@ entities: - pos: -11.5,-18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 13684 components: - pos: -8.5,-16.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 13686 components: - pos: -10.5,-17.5 @@ -49582,8 +44694,6 @@ entities: - pos: -9.5,-20.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 13746 components: - pos: -8.5,-18.5 @@ -49614,22 +44724,16 @@ entities: - pos: -9.5,-10.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 13758 components: - pos: -10.5,-10.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 13759 components: - pos: -8.5,-10.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 13760 components: - pos: -8.5,-13.5 @@ -49645,29 +44749,21 @@ entities: - pos: -11.5,-13.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 13766 components: - pos: -11.5,-14.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 13767 components: - pos: -11.5,-12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14329 components: - pos: -13.5,14.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14330 components: - pos: -14.5,14.5 @@ -49728,22 +44824,16 @@ entities: - pos: -13.5,24.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14342 components: - pos: -12.5,24.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14344 components: - pos: -12.5,25.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14553 components: - pos: -15.5,24.5 @@ -49794,106 +44884,76 @@ entities: - pos: -23.5,22.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14705 components: - pos: -24.5,46.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14809 components: - pos: -25.5,48.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14824 components: - pos: -23.5,46.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14826 components: - pos: -25.5,49.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14829 components: - pos: -25.5,55.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14832 components: - pos: -25.5,56.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14834 components: - pos: -25.5,54.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14889 components: - pos: -25.5,50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14891 components: - pos: -25.5,46.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14892 components: - pos: -25.5,51.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14893 components: - pos: -25.5,53.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14903 components: - pos: -25.5,58.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14939 components: - pos: -25.5,57.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15398 components: - pos: -23.5,47.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15808 components: - pos: -23.5,24.5 @@ -49904,421 +44964,301 @@ entities: - pos: -44.5,15.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16175 components: - pos: -6.5,40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16176 components: - pos: -5.5,40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16177 components: - pos: -4.5,40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16178 components: - pos: -3.5,40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16179 components: - pos: -2.5,40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16180 components: - pos: -1.5,40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16181 components: - pos: -0.5,40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16182 components: - pos: 0.5,40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16183 components: - pos: 1.5,40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16184 components: - pos: 2.5,40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16185 components: - pos: 3.5,40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16186 components: - pos: 4.5,40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16187 components: - pos: 5.5,40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16188 components: - pos: 6.5,40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16189 components: - pos: 7.5,40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16190 components: - pos: 7.5,41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16191 components: - pos: 7.5,42.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16192 components: - pos: 7.5,43.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16193 components: - pos: 7.5,44.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16194 components: - pos: 7.5,45.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16195 components: - pos: 7.5,46.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16196 components: - pos: 7.5,47.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16197 components: - pos: 7.5,48.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16198 components: - pos: 7.5,49.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16199 components: - pos: 7.5,50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16200 components: - pos: 7.5,51.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16201 components: - pos: 7.5,52.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16202 components: - pos: 7.5,53.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16203 components: - pos: 7.5,54.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16204 components: - pos: 6.5,54.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16205 components: - pos: 5.5,54.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16206 components: - pos: 4.5,54.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16207 components: - pos: 3.5,54.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16208 components: - pos: 2.5,54.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16209 components: - pos: 1.5,54.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16210 components: - pos: 0.5,54.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16211 components: - pos: -0.5,54.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16212 components: - pos: -1.5,54.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16213 components: - pos: -2.5,54.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16214 components: - pos: -3.5,54.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16215 components: - pos: -4.5,54.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16216 components: - pos: -5.5,54.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16217 components: - pos: -6.5,54.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16218 components: - pos: -6.5,53.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16219 components: - pos: -6.5,52.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16220 components: - pos: -6.5,51.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16221 components: - pos: -6.5,50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16222 components: - pos: -6.5,49.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16223 components: - pos: -6.5,48.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16224 components: - pos: -6.5,47.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16225 components: - pos: -6.5,46.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16226 components: - pos: -6.5,45.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16227 components: - pos: -6.5,44.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16228 components: - pos: -6.5,43.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16229 components: - pos: -6.5,42.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16230 components: - pos: -6.5,41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16362 components: - pos: -3.5,35.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16366 components: - pos: -5.5,38.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16367 components: - pos: -5.5,36.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16368 components: - pos: 4.5,36.5 @@ -50329,29 +45269,21 @@ entities: - pos: 4.5,37.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16370 components: - pos: 4.5,38.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16371 components: - pos: 4.5,39.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16372 components: - pos: 4.5,35.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16385 components: - pos: 3.5,35.5 @@ -50377,8 +45309,6 @@ entities: - pos: 0.5,34.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16390 components: - pos: -0.5,34.5 @@ -50394,29 +45324,21 @@ entities: - pos: -4.5,35.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16399 components: - pos: -5.5,39.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16400 components: - pos: -5.5,37.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16401 components: - pos: -5.5,35.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16449 components: - pos: -2.5,35.5 @@ -50432,8 +45354,6 @@ entities: - pos: 5.5,37.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16529 components: - pos: -1.5,35.5 @@ -50444,15 +45364,11 @@ entities: - pos: -10.5,25.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16687 components: - pos: -10.5,26.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16688 components: - pos: -10.5,27.5 @@ -50518,8 +45434,6 @@ entities: - pos: -18.5,31.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16702 components: - pos: -9.5,28.5 @@ -50615,15 +45529,11 @@ entities: - pos: 2.5,22.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16985 components: - pos: -25.5,47.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17494 components: - pos: -44.5,14.5 @@ -50649,15 +45559,11 @@ entities: - pos: -32.5,-14.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18282 components: - pos: 3.5,-2.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18283 components: - pos: 4.5,-2.5 @@ -50713,8 +45619,6 @@ entities: - pos: -2.5,-1.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18521 components: - pos: -32.5,-15.5 @@ -50780,50 +45684,36 @@ entities: - pos: -9.5,-4.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18762 components: - pos: -9.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18763 components: - pos: -10.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18764 components: - pos: -11.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18765 components: - pos: -12.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18766 components: - pos: -12.5,-12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18768 components: - pos: -5.5,-14.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18769 components: - pos: -5.5,-15.5 @@ -50834,22 +45724,16 @@ entities: - pos: -5.5,-16.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18773 components: - pos: -12.5,-5.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18774 components: - pos: -12.5,-4.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18790 components: - pos: -21.5,1.5 @@ -50870,15 +45754,11 @@ entities: - pos: -39.5,3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18844 components: - pos: -39.5,4.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18861 components: - pos: 24.5,4.5 @@ -50894,8 +45774,6 @@ entities: - pos: 25.5,4.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18868 components: - pos: 23.5,4.5 @@ -50916,64 +45794,46 @@ entities: - pos: 21.5,5.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19236 components: - pos: 26.5,14.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19237 components: - pos: 26.5,15.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19238 components: - pos: 26.5,16.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19239 components: - pos: 26.5,17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19240 components: - pos: 26.5,18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19241 components: - pos: 26.5,19.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19242 components: - pos: 26.5,20.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19243 components: - pos: 26.5,21.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19244 components: - pos: 26.5,22.5 @@ -50994,8 +45854,6 @@ entities: - pos: 27.5,22.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19248 components: - pos: 25.5,24.5 @@ -51216,8 +46074,6 @@ entities: - pos: 37.5,12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19357 components: - pos: 28.5,9.5 @@ -51233,71 +46089,51 @@ entities: - pos: 28.5,11.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19360 components: - pos: 28.5,12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19544 components: - pos: 29.5,12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19545 components: - pos: 29.5,13.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19546 components: - pos: 29.5,14.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19547 components: - pos: 29.5,15.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19548 components: - pos: 29.5,16.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19549 components: - pos: 29.5,17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19551 components: - pos: 28.5,18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19552 components: - pos: 27.5,18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19554 components: - pos: 27.5,24.5 @@ -51388,8 +46224,6 @@ entities: - pos: 42.5,26.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19745 components: - pos: 48.5,-32.5 @@ -51410,64 +46244,46 @@ entities: - pos: 61.5,-37.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20089 components: - pos: 62.5,-37.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20090 components: - pos: 62.5,-36.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20555 components: - pos: -26.5,59.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20556 components: - pos: -25.5,59.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20557 components: - pos: -24.5,59.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20558 components: - pos: -24.5,60.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20559 components: - pos: -24.5,61.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 20560 components: - pos: -24.5,62.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 21014 components: - pos: 47.5,-32.5 @@ -51493,43 +46309,31 @@ entities: - pos: -9.5,1.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 21430 components: - pos: -7.5,-37.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 21452 components: - pos: -13.5,-33.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 21453 components: - pos: -12.5,-33.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 21454 components: - pos: -11.5,-33.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 21455 components: - pos: -11.5,-34.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 21510 components: - pos: 46.5,-32.5 @@ -51540,15 +46344,11 @@ entities: - pos: -116.5,19.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 22493 components: - pos: -116.5,18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 22494 components: - pos: -116.5,17.5 @@ -51584,15 +46384,11 @@ entities: - pos: -120.5,15.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 22501 components: - pos: -120.5,14.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 22502 components: - pos: -115.5,17.5 @@ -51638,8 +46434,6 @@ entities: - pos: -110.5,20.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 22511 components: - pos: -110.5,21.5 @@ -51660,8 +46454,6 @@ entities: - pos: -110.5,24.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 22515 components: - pos: -109.5,17.5 @@ -51707,8 +46499,6 @@ entities: - pos: -104.5,14.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 22524 components: - pos: -111.5,16.5 @@ -51769,8 +46559,6 @@ entities: - pos: -113.5,7.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 22536 components: - pos: -103.5,17.5 @@ -51831,8 +46619,6 @@ entities: - pos: -94.5,15.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23169 components: - pos: -113.5,10.5 @@ -51848,22 +46634,16 @@ entities: - pos: -115.5,10.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23172 components: - pos: -115.5,9.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23173 components: - pos: -115.5,11.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23174 components: - pos: -110.5,10.5 @@ -51884,29 +46664,21 @@ entities: - pos: -107.5,10.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23178 components: - pos: -107.5,9.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23179 components: - pos: -107.5,11.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23600 components: - pos: -64.5,40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23601 components: - pos: -63.5,40.5 @@ -51932,8 +46704,6 @@ entities: - pos: -59.5,40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23698 components: - pos: 45.5,-32.5 @@ -51949,8 +46719,6 @@ entities: - pos: -7.5,6.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23724 components: - pos: -7.5,5.5 @@ -52091,15 +46859,11 @@ entities: - pos: 50.5,-19.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23774 components: - pos: -1.5,-11.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23775 components: - pos: -0.5,-11.5 @@ -52190,15 +46954,11 @@ entities: - pos: 27.5,-34.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23921 components: - pos: 9.5,-72.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23922 components: - pos: 9.5,-71.5 @@ -52224,8 +46984,6 @@ entities: - pos: 11.5,-69.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 24125 components: - pos: 45.5,1.5 @@ -71992,8 +66750,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - enabled: True type: PointLight - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - type: ActiveEmergencyLight - uid: 4957 components: @@ -72003,8 +66759,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - enabled: True type: PointLight - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - type: ActiveEmergencyLight - uid: 5029 components: @@ -72014,8 +66768,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - enabled: True type: PointLight - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - type: ActiveEmergencyLight - uid: 5059 components: @@ -72025,8 +66777,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - enabled: True type: PointLight - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - type: ActiveEmergencyLight - uid: 5063 components: @@ -72036,8 +66786,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - enabled: True type: PointLight - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - type: ActiveEmergencyLight - uid: 5139 components: @@ -72046,8 +66794,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - enabled: True type: PointLight - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - type: ActiveEmergencyLight - uid: 5234 components: @@ -72057,8 +66803,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - enabled: True type: PointLight - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - type: ActiveEmergencyLight - uid: 5235 components: @@ -72068,8 +66812,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - enabled: True type: PointLight - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - type: ActiveEmergencyLight - uid: 6186 components: @@ -72078,8 +66820,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - enabled: True type: PointLight - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - type: ActiveEmergencyLight - uid: 7706 components: @@ -72089,8 +66829,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - enabled: True type: PointLight - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - type: ActiveEmergencyLight - uid: 7707 components: @@ -72100,8 +66838,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - enabled: True type: PointLight - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - type: ActiveEmergencyLight - uid: 7710 components: @@ -72110,8 +66846,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - enabled: True type: PointLight - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - type: ActiveEmergencyLight - uid: 9535 components: @@ -72120,8 +66854,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - enabled: True type: PointLight - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - type: ActiveEmergencyLight - uid: 21368 components: @@ -72130,8 +66862,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - enabled: True type: PointLight - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - type: ActiveEmergencyLight - uid: 21370 components: @@ -72141,8 +66871,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - enabled: True type: PointLight - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - type: ActiveEmergencyLight - uid: 21371 components: @@ -72151,8 +66879,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - enabled: True type: PointLight - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - type: ActiveEmergencyLight - uid: 21372 components: @@ -72161,8 +66887,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - enabled: True type: PointLight - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - type: ActiveEmergencyLight - uid: 21373 components: @@ -72172,8 +66896,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - enabled: True type: PointLight - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - type: ActiveEmergencyLight - uid: 21374 components: @@ -72183,8 +66905,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - enabled: True type: PointLight - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - type: ActiveEmergencyLight - uid: 21376 components: @@ -72194,8 +66914,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - enabled: True type: PointLight - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - type: ActiveEmergencyLight - uid: 21377 components: @@ -72205,8 +66923,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - enabled: True type: PointLight - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - type: ActiveEmergencyLight - uid: 21378 components: @@ -72216,8 +66932,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - enabled: True type: PointLight - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - type: ActiveEmergencyLight - uid: 21379 components: @@ -72227,8 +66941,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - enabled: True type: PointLight - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - type: ActiveEmergencyLight - uid: 21380 components: @@ -72237,8 +66949,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - enabled: True type: PointLight - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - type: ActiveEmergencyLight - uid: 21381 components: @@ -72248,8 +66958,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - enabled: True type: PointLight - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - type: ActiveEmergencyLight - uid: 21382 components: @@ -72259,8 +66967,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - enabled: True type: PointLight - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - type: ActiveEmergencyLight - uid: 21384 components: @@ -72270,8 +66976,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - enabled: True type: PointLight - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - type: ActiveEmergencyLight - uid: 21385 components: @@ -72281,8 +66985,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - enabled: True type: PointLight - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - type: ActiveEmergencyLight - uid: 21386 components: @@ -72291,8 +66993,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - enabled: True type: PointLight - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - type: ActiveEmergencyLight - uid: 21387 components: @@ -72302,8 +67002,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - enabled: True type: PointLight - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - type: ActiveEmergencyLight - uid: 21388 components: @@ -72312,8 +67010,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - enabled: True type: PointLight - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - type: ActiveEmergencyLight - uid: 21389 components: @@ -72323,8 +67019,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - enabled: True type: PointLight - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - type: ActiveEmergencyLight - uid: 21390 components: @@ -72334,8 +67028,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - enabled: True type: PointLight - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - type: ActiveEmergencyLight - uid: 21391 components: @@ -72344,8 +67036,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - enabled: True type: PointLight - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - type: ActiveEmergencyLight - uid: 21392 components: @@ -72355,8 +67045,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - enabled: True type: PointLight - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - type: ActiveEmergencyLight - proto: EmergencyOxygenTankFilled entities: @@ -77584,8 +72272,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 3961 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -77594,8 +72280,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 4519 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -77706,8 +72390,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#34EBE5FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 5551 components: - pos: -47.5,9.5 @@ -77715,8 +72397,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#34EBE5FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 5693 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -77931,16 +72611,12 @@ entities: pos: -51.5,48.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 7511 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -51.5,50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 7564 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -77992,8 +72668,6 @@ entities: pos: 48.5,-15.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9032 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -78017,8 +72691,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9638 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -78048,8 +72720,6 @@ entities: pos: 49.5,-15.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 11154 components: - pos: -6.5,-15.5 @@ -78111,8 +72781,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12835 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -78121,8 +72789,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 13230 components: - pos: -13.5,51.5 @@ -78232,8 +72898,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#03FCD3FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14702 components: - pos: -17.5,44.5 @@ -78241,8 +72905,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14729 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -78265,8 +72927,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#03FCD3FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14862 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -78275,8 +72935,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14865 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -78291,56 +72949,42 @@ entities: pos: -45.5,37.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14992 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -45.5,33.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14997 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -45.5,39.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14998 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -45.5,43.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15001 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -45.5,31.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15007 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -45.5,41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15009 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -45.5,35.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15027 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -78349,8 +72993,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15028 components: - pos: -21.5,46.5 @@ -78358,8 +73000,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15030 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -78368,8 +73008,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#947507FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15054 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -78378,8 +73016,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15110 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -78388,8 +73024,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15181 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -78398,8 +73032,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#03FCD3FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15184 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -78446,8 +73078,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#03FCD3FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15406 components: - pos: -10.5,51.5 @@ -78462,8 +73092,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#03FCD3FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15464 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -78472,8 +73100,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15502 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -78482,8 +73108,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#03FCD3FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15503 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -78492,8 +73116,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#03FCD3FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15591 components: - pos: 48.5,22.5 @@ -78562,8 +73184,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17148 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -78732,8 +73352,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 21326 components: - pos: -58.5,17.5 @@ -78741,8 +73359,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 21393 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -78758,8 +73374,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 21441 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -79062,8 +73676,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23491 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -79072,8 +73684,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#35DEEBFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23494 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -79082,16 +73692,12 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#35DEEBFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23499 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -61.5,47.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23503 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -79100,23 +73706,17 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23511 components: - pos: -56.5,52.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23544 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -58.5,38.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23951 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -79245,8 +73845,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 4116 components: - pos: 33.5,-16.5 @@ -79338,8 +73936,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15531 components: - pos: -20.5,45.5 @@ -79347,8 +73943,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17545 components: - pos: 41.5,7.5 @@ -79419,8 +74013,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - proto: GasPipeStraight entities: - uid: 47 @@ -79446,8 +74038,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 98 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -80017,8 +74607,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 874 components: - pos: -3.5,-23.5 @@ -80081,8 +74669,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 885 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -80253,8 +74839,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 951 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -81469,8 +76053,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 1391 components: - pos: 3.5,-25.5 @@ -81520,8 +76102,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 1403 components: - pos: 7.5,-27.5 @@ -81713,8 +76293,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 1601 components: - pos: -25.5,-17.5 @@ -81794,8 +76372,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 1620 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -82206,8 +76782,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 1874 components: - pos: -38.5,-18.5 @@ -82743,8 +77317,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 2023 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -82895,8 +77467,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 2159 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -82934,8 +77504,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 2197 components: - pos: 15.5,-26.5 @@ -83034,8 +77602,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 2365 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -83044,8 +77610,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 2367 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -83262,8 +77826,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 2489 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -83352,8 +77914,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 2503 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -83450,8 +78010,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 2613 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -83513,8 +78071,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 2697 components: - pos: 40.5,-26.5 @@ -83660,8 +78216,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 2803 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -83693,8 +78247,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 2807 components: - pos: -27.5,-1.5 @@ -83702,8 +78254,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 2808 components: - pos: -27.5,-0.5 @@ -83813,8 +78363,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 2863 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -83839,8 +78387,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 2868 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -83927,8 +78473,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#D3FC03FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 2982 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -83992,8 +78536,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 2994 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -84042,8 +78584,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 3021 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -84169,8 +78709,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 3224 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -84200,8 +78738,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 3564 components: - pos: 45.5,-37.5 @@ -84223,8 +78759,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 3568 components: - pos: 44.5,-25.5 @@ -84302,8 +78836,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 3580 components: - pos: 44.5,-37.5 @@ -84311,8 +78843,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 3581 components: - pos: 44.5,-38.5 @@ -84320,8 +78850,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 3618 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -84476,8 +79004,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 3937 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -84518,8 +79044,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 3942 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -84552,8 +79076,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 3946 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -84570,8 +79092,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 3948 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -84588,8 +79108,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 3952 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -84606,8 +79124,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 3954 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -84616,8 +79132,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 3955 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -84626,8 +79140,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 3956 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -84636,8 +79148,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 3957 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -84646,8 +79156,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 3958 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -84656,8 +79164,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 3959 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -84666,8 +79172,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 3983 components: - pos: -0.5,-46.5 @@ -84809,8 +79313,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 4132 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -84835,8 +79337,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 4147 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -84845,8 +79345,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 4148 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -84926,8 +79424,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 4333 components: - pos: -31.5,-8.5 @@ -84990,8 +79486,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 4489 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -85008,8 +79502,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 4497 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -85026,8 +79518,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 4516 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -85589,8 +80079,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 5441 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -85607,8 +80095,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 5444 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -85625,8 +80111,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 5448 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -85643,8 +80127,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 5450 components: - pos: 44.5,-17.5 @@ -85754,8 +80236,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 5511 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -85780,8 +80260,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#34EBE5FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 5557 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -85822,8 +80300,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 5572 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -85832,8 +80308,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 5573 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -85872,8 +80346,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#34EBE5FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 5579 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -85882,8 +80354,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#34EBE5FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 5595 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -85916,8 +80386,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 5685 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -86133,8 +80601,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 5735 components: - pos: 1.5,10.5 @@ -86149,8 +80615,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 5762 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -86226,8 +80690,6 @@ entities: pos: -54.5,49.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 5893 components: - pos: -28.5,-26.5 @@ -86242,8 +80704,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 5895 components: - pos: -29.5,-25.5 @@ -86303,8 +80763,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 5941 components: - pos: -52.5,2.5 @@ -86355,8 +80813,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 5958 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -86389,8 +80845,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 5969 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -86462,8 +80916,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 5982 components: - pos: -42.5,3.5 @@ -86588,8 +81040,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6004 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -86732,8 +81182,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6035 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -86781,8 +81229,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6060 components: - pos: -47.5,-2.5 @@ -86814,8 +81260,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6096 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -86910,8 +81354,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6134 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -87060,8 +81502,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6292 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -87102,8 +81542,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6297 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -87135,8 +81573,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6371 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -87193,8 +81629,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6620 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -87234,8 +81668,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#03FCD3FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6790 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -87359,16 +81791,12 @@ entities: pos: -53.5,49.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 7123 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -53.5,48.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 7166 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -87413,40 +81841,30 @@ entities: pos: -54.5,48.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 7342 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -53.5,51.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 7351 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -54.5,50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 7355 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -52.5,50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 7356 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -53.5,50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 7367 components: - pos: 1.5,-75.5 @@ -87508,8 +81926,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 7601 components: - pos: -22.5,-7.5 @@ -87540,8 +81956,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 7676 components: - pos: -49.5,-2.5 @@ -87616,64 +82030,48 @@ entities: pos: -41.5,39.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 7981 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -41.5,41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8073 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -15.5,-2.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8075 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -13.5,-2.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8076 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -12.5,-2.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8077 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -11.5,-2.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8078 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -10.5,-2.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8080 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -8.5,-2.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8081 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -87704,8 +82102,6 @@ entities: pos: -2.5,-2.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8091 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -87724,32 +82120,24 @@ entities: pos: 1.5,-2.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8095 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 2.5,-2.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8096 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 3.5,-2.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8097 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 4.5,-2.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8098 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -87854,8 +82242,6 @@ entities: pos: -52.5,48.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8204 components: - pos: -38.5,-3.5 @@ -87901,8 +82287,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8229 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -87926,8 +82310,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8259 components: - pos: -32.5,-2.5 @@ -88076,8 +82458,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8792 components: - pos: -16.5,6.5 @@ -88093,8 +82473,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8918 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -88154,8 +82532,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9020 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -88243,8 +82619,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9350 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -88258,15 +82632,11 @@ entities: - pos: -49.5,15.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9364 components: - pos: -51.5,15.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9609 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -88440,8 +82810,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9681 components: - pos: -32.5,0.5 @@ -88470,8 +82838,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 10828 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -88520,8 +82886,6 @@ entities: pos: -11.5,-13.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12824 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -88538,8 +82902,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12827 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -88548,8 +82910,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12828 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -88558,8 +82918,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12830 components: - pos: -43.5,-24.5 @@ -88567,8 +82925,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12831 components: - pos: -43.5,-25.5 @@ -88583,8 +82939,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12833 components: - pos: -43.5,-27.5 @@ -88592,8 +82946,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12834 components: - pos: -43.5,-30.5 @@ -88640,8 +82992,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12848 components: - pos: -43.5,-29.5 @@ -88649,8 +82999,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12849 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -88659,8 +83007,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12850 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -88724,8 +83070,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 13244 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -89147,8 +83491,6 @@ entities: pos: -41.5,33.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 13905 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -89179,16 +83521,12 @@ entities: pos: -42.5,43.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 13937 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -42.5,37.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 13954 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -89824,8 +84162,6 @@ entities: pos: -41.5,43.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14291 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -89834,8 +84170,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14292 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -89924,8 +84258,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14309 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -89974,8 +84306,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14319 components: - pos: -9.5,14.5 @@ -90207,8 +84537,6 @@ entities: pos: -40.5,35.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14669 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -90239,45 +84567,33 @@ entities: pos: -41.5,38.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14689 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -40.5,39.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14690 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -40.5,31.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14709 components: - pos: -31.5,42.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14710 components: - pos: -31.5,44.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14711 components: - pos: -31.5,43.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14723 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -90358,8 +84674,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14755 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -90400,8 +84714,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14761 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -90495,8 +84807,6 @@ entities: pos: -43.5,43.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14782 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -90527,32 +84837,24 @@ entities: pos: -35.5,45.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14845 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -44.5,43.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14846 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -44.5,41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14853 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -43.5,41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14858 components: - pos: -18.5,43.5 @@ -90560,8 +84862,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14870 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -90599,32 +84899,24 @@ entities: pos: -41.5,35.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14885 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -41.5,32.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14886 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -41.5,42.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14888 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -44.5,33.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14890 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -90633,32 +84925,24 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14897 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -43.5,37.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14898 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -44.5,35.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14899 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -43.5,39.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14902 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -90667,8 +84951,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF0D00FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14905 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -90677,8 +84959,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#03FCD3FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14933 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -90733,24 +85013,18 @@ entities: pos: -40.5,44.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14941 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -42.5,31.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14942 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -42.5,34.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14944 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -90766,72 +85040,54 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14991 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -42.5,41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14995 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -42.5,38.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 14996 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -43.5,31.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15000 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -40.5,41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15002 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -42.5,40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15003 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -42.5,44.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15012 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -42.5,39.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15013 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -44.5,31.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15019 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -90840,8 +85096,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF0D00FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15026 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -90850,8 +85104,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF0D00FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15048 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -90860,8 +85112,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15050 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -90870,16 +85120,12 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15055 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -43.5,35.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15056 components: - pos: -14.5,42.5 @@ -90887,16 +85133,12 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#03FCD3FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15070 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -33.5,45.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15072 components: - pos: -14.5,41.5 @@ -90904,8 +85146,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#03FCD3FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15073 components: - pos: -17.5,42.5 @@ -90913,8 +85153,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF0D00FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15074 components: - pos: -14.5,43.5 @@ -90922,16 +85160,12 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#03FCD3FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15075 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -43.5,33.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15076 components: - pos: -18.5,41.5 @@ -90939,8 +85173,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15084 components: - pos: -15.5,42.5 @@ -90948,16 +85180,12 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#00F2FFFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15090 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -34.5,45.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15091 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -90966,8 +85194,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15092 components: - pos: -18.5,42.5 @@ -90975,64 +85201,48 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15099 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -44.5,39.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15104 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -40.5,43.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15105 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -42.5,33.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15106 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -42.5,35.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15108 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -40.5,38.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15114 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -42.5,36.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15115 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -41.5,37.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15117 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -91047,104 +85257,78 @@ entities: pos: -40.5,40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15123 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -40.5,32.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15125 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -44.5,37.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15126 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -42.5,42.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15127 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -41.5,44.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15128 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -41.5,40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15129 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -42.5,32.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15130 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -41.5,34.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15132 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -40.5,37.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15133 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -41.5,36.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15134 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -41.5,31.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15135 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -40.5,33.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15136 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -40.5,42.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15144 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -91153,24 +85337,18 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15146 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -40.5,36.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15147 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -40.5,34.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15172 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -91179,8 +85357,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15174 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -91189,8 +85365,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15182 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -91207,8 +85381,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15273 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -91225,8 +85397,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15288 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -91235,8 +85405,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15298 components: - pos: -20.5,47.5 @@ -91244,8 +85412,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15301 components: - pos: -20.5,48.5 @@ -91259,8 +85425,6 @@ entities: pos: -14.5,47.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15340 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -91277,8 +85441,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#03FCD3FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15371 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -91287,8 +85449,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#03FCD3FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15384 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -91297,8 +85457,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15385 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -91307,8 +85465,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15388 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -91317,15 +85473,11 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#03FCD3FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15407 components: - pos: -18.5,47.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15408 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -91334,8 +85486,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#03FCD3FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15419 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -91344,8 +85494,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF0D00FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15422 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -91354,8 +85502,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#03FCD3FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15432 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -91364,8 +85510,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#03FCD3FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15433 components: - pos: -12.5,48.5 @@ -91381,8 +85525,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15439 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -91391,8 +85533,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15440 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -91401,8 +85541,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15462 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -91411,8 +85549,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#03FCD3FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15463 components: - pos: -18.5,39.5 @@ -91420,8 +85556,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15465 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -91430,8 +85564,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15466 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -91440,8 +85572,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15467 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -91450,8 +85580,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#03FCD3FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15480 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -91460,8 +85588,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#03FCD3FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15500 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -91470,8 +85596,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#03FCD3FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15501 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -91480,8 +85604,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#03FCD3FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15504 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -91490,8 +85612,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#03FCD3FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15505 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -91500,8 +85620,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#03FCD3FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15507 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -91510,8 +85628,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#03FCD3FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15508 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -91520,8 +85636,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#03FCD3FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15509 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -91530,8 +85644,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#03FCD3FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15513 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -91540,8 +85652,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#947507FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15514 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -91550,8 +85660,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#947507FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15515 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -91560,8 +85668,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#947507FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15516 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -91570,8 +85676,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#947507FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15532 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -91580,8 +85684,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15533 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -91590,8 +85692,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15537 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -91600,8 +85700,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15544 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -91610,8 +85708,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15554 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -91620,8 +85716,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#03FCD3FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15564 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -91630,8 +85724,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15565 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -91640,8 +85732,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15566 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -91650,8 +85740,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15588 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -91676,8 +85764,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15592 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -91774,8 +85860,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15609 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -91816,8 +85900,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15616 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -91865,8 +85947,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15624 components: - pos: -12.5,32.5 @@ -91968,8 +86048,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15641 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -91994,8 +86072,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15644 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -92040,8 +86116,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15658 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -92065,8 +86139,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15663 components: - pos: 1.5,17.5 @@ -92388,8 +86460,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16617 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -92406,8 +86476,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16622 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -92480,8 +86548,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16631 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -92558,8 +86624,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16652 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -92584,8 +86648,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16657 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -92601,8 +86663,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16660 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -92619,8 +86679,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16662 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -92645,8 +86703,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16671 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -92687,8 +86743,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#03FCD3FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17146 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -92729,8 +86783,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17504 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -93187,8 +87239,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17594 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -93211,8 +87261,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17597 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -93229,8 +87277,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17599 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -93288,8 +87334,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17612 components: - pos: -36.5,21.5 @@ -93304,8 +87348,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17614 components: - pos: -34.5,21.5 @@ -93320,8 +87362,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17616 components: - pos: -30.5,21.5 @@ -93350,8 +87390,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17620 components: - pos: -32.5,21.5 @@ -93460,8 +87498,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17866 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -93486,8 +87522,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17869 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -93512,8 +87546,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17873 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -93530,8 +87562,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17880 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -93588,8 +87618,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17890 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -93622,8 +87650,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18216 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -93661,8 +87687,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18222 components: - pos: 1.5,-7.5 @@ -93705,8 +87729,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18229 components: - pos: 1.5,-0.5 @@ -93743,8 +87765,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18235 components: - pos: -0.5,-7.5 @@ -93788,8 +87808,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18244 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -93837,8 +87855,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18252 components: - pos: -2.5,-2.5 @@ -93890,8 +87906,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18269 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -93980,8 +87994,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18422 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -94014,8 +88026,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18502 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -94128,8 +88138,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18654 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -94154,8 +88162,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18660 components: - pos: 52.5,10.5 @@ -94409,8 +88415,6 @@ entities: pos: 24.5,-1.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18896 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -94435,8 +88439,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18899 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -94445,8 +88447,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18900 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -94471,8 +88471,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18903 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -94481,8 +88479,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18908 components: - pos: 49.5,1.5 @@ -94656,8 +88652,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 19174 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -94722,8 +88716,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 21304 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -94732,8 +88724,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 21305 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -94854,8 +88844,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 21321 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -94894,8 +88882,6 @@ entities: pos: -74.5,18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 21365 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -94904,8 +88890,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 21375 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -94922,8 +88906,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 21414 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -94939,8 +88921,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 21659 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -96162,8 +90142,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23003 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -96204,8 +90182,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23009 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -96221,8 +90197,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23018 components: - pos: -110.5,13.5 @@ -96269,8 +90243,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23025 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -96358,8 +90330,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23486 components: - pos: -57.5,48.5 @@ -96367,8 +90337,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#35DEEBFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23487 components: - pos: -57.5,49.5 @@ -96376,8 +90344,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#35DEEBFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23488 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -96386,8 +90352,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#35DEEBFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23489 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -96396,8 +90360,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#35DEEBFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23492 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -96406,8 +90368,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#35DEEBFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23493 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -96416,8 +90376,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#35DEEBFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23495 components: - pos: -60.5,49.5 @@ -96425,51 +90383,37 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#35DEEBFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23497 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -60.5,47.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23506 components: - pos: -56.5,42.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23507 components: - pos: -56.5,44.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23508 components: - pos: -56.5,46.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23509 components: - pos: -56.5,48.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23510 components: - pos: -56.5,50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23513 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -96478,8 +90422,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23519 components: - pos: -59.5,50.5 @@ -96487,8 +90429,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23520 components: - pos: -59.5,49.5 @@ -96496,8 +90436,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23521 components: - pos: -59.5,48.5 @@ -96505,8 +90443,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23522 components: - pos: -59.5,47.5 @@ -96514,8 +90450,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23523 components: - pos: -59.5,46.5 @@ -96523,8 +90457,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23524 components: - pos: -59.5,45.5 @@ -96532,8 +90464,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23525 components: - pos: -59.5,44.5 @@ -96541,8 +90471,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23526 components: - pos: -59.5,43.5 @@ -96550,8 +90478,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23527 components: - pos: -59.5,42.5 @@ -96559,8 +90485,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23528 components: - pos: -59.5,41.5 @@ -96568,8 +90492,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23529 components: - pos: -59.5,40.5 @@ -96577,8 +90499,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23530 components: - pos: -59.5,39.5 @@ -96586,8 +90506,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23531 components: - pos: -59.5,38.5 @@ -96595,36 +90513,26 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23532 components: - pos: -57.5,39.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23533 components: - pos: -57.5,41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23534 components: - pos: -57.5,43.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23535 components: - pos: -57.5,45.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23536 components: - pos: -60.5,44.5 @@ -96632,160 +90540,120 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23537 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -56.5,40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23538 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -55.5,39.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23539 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -54.5,39.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23552 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -55.5,47.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23553 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -55.5,45.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23554 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -55.5,49.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23555 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -55.5,51.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23556 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -55.5,43.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23557 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -55.5,44.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23558 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -55.5,46.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23559 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -55.5,48.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23560 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -55.5,50.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23561 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -55.5,40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23562 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -55.5,41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23563 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -55.5,42.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23611 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -54.5,45.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23612 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -54.5,46.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23613 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -54.5,43.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23614 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -54.5,51.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23953 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -98297,8 +92165,6 @@ entities: - pos: -9.5,-2.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8086 components: - pos: -4.5,-2.5 @@ -98448,8 +92314,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12625 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -98844,8 +92708,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#03FCD3FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15014 components: - pos: -23.5,46.5 @@ -98853,8 +92715,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF0D00FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15094 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -98863,8 +92723,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15138 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -98889,8 +92747,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#03FCD3FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15173 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -98899,8 +92755,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#03FCD3FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15262 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -98933,8 +92787,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15339 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -98943,8 +92795,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15343 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -98953,8 +92803,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#03FCD3FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15344 components: - pos: -24.5,39.5 @@ -98962,8 +92810,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#947507FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15347 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -98988,8 +92834,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#03FCD3FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15386 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -98998,8 +92842,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#03FCD3FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15387 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -99008,8 +92850,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15389 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -99018,8 +92858,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#03FCD3FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15573 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -99028,8 +92866,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15595 components: - pos: -11.5,36.5 @@ -99281,8 +93117,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17145 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -99679,8 +93513,6 @@ entities: pos: -56.5,39.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23485 components: - pos: -57.5,50.5 @@ -99688,8 +93520,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#35DEEBFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23490 components: - pos: -58.5,48.5 @@ -99697,8 +93527,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#35DEEBFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23502 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -99707,8 +93535,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23504 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -99717,8 +93543,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23515 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -99727,24 +93551,18 @@ entities: type: Transform - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23546 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -57.5,38.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23547 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -58.5,39.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: True - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23950 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -100260,8 +94078,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - open: False type: GasValve - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 8921 @@ -100271,8 +94087,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - open: False type: GasValve - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 14703 @@ -100282,8 +94096,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - open: False type: GasValve - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#947507FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 14730 @@ -100296,8 +94108,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - open: False type: GasValve - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 14837 @@ -100308,8 +94118,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - open: False type: GasValve - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#947507FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 15029 @@ -100320,8 +94128,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - open: False type: GasValve - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 15093 @@ -100345,8 +94151,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - open: False type: GasValve - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 15345 @@ -100357,8 +94161,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - open: False type: GasValve - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#947507FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 15496 @@ -100369,8 +94171,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - open: False type: GasValve - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 15498 @@ -100381,8 +94181,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - open: False type: GasValve - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15499 components: - pos: -23.5,45.5 @@ -100390,8 +94188,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - open: False type: GasValve - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15530 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -100400,8 +94196,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - open: False type: GasValve - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23540 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -100410,8 +94204,6 @@ entities: type: Transform - open: False type: GasValve - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - proto: GasVentPump entities: - uid: 7 @@ -100420,8 +94212,6 @@ entities: pos: -9.5,-27.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 114 @@ -100429,8 +94219,6 @@ entities: - pos: 49.5,-9.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 127 @@ -100438,8 +94226,6 @@ entities: - pos: 20.5,-12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 179 @@ -100448,8 +94234,6 @@ entities: pos: 20.5,-17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 275 @@ -100458,8 +94242,6 @@ entities: pos: 21.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 426 @@ -100468,8 +94250,6 @@ entities: pos: 0.5,-18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 482 @@ -100478,8 +94258,6 @@ entities: pos: 0.5,-25.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 792 @@ -100488,8 +94266,6 @@ entities: pos: -15.5,-5.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 856 @@ -100498,8 +94274,6 @@ entities: pos: -33.5,-16.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 910 @@ -100508,8 +94282,6 @@ entities: pos: -3.5,-27.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 928 @@ -100518,8 +94290,6 @@ entities: pos: -8.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 946 @@ -100531,8 +94301,6 @@ entities: - ShutdownSubscribers: - 21616 type: DeviceNetwork - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 1133 @@ -100541,8 +94309,6 @@ entities: pos: -15.5,-13.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 1385 @@ -100551,8 +94317,6 @@ entities: pos: 7.5,-31.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 1394 @@ -100561,8 +94325,6 @@ entities: pos: 5.5,-30.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 1429 @@ -100571,8 +94333,6 @@ entities: pos: 0.5,-31.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 1455 @@ -100581,8 +94341,6 @@ entities: pos: 11.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 1511 @@ -100591,8 +94349,6 @@ entities: pos: -20.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 1651 @@ -100601,8 +94357,6 @@ entities: pos: -33.5,-7.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 1652 @@ -100611,8 +94365,6 @@ entities: pos: -19.5,-10.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 1665 @@ -100621,8 +94373,6 @@ entities: pos: -33.5,-13.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 1669 @@ -100631,8 +94381,6 @@ entities: pos: -19.5,-7.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 1682 @@ -100641,8 +94389,6 @@ entities: pos: -33.5,-10.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 1780 @@ -100650,8 +94396,6 @@ entities: - pos: -20.5,8.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 1787 @@ -100660,8 +94404,6 @@ entities: pos: -37.5,-13.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 1838 @@ -100670,8 +94412,6 @@ entities: pos: -19.5,-13.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 1996 @@ -100679,8 +94419,6 @@ entities: - pos: -33.5,8.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 2027 @@ -100689,8 +94427,6 @@ entities: pos: -22.5,-27.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 2208 @@ -100699,8 +94435,6 @@ entities: pos: 34.5,-36.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 2215 @@ -100709,8 +94443,6 @@ entities: pos: 34.5,-28.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 2370 @@ -100723,8 +94455,6 @@ entities: - 21566 - 21567 type: DeviceNetwork - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 2371 @@ -100733,8 +94463,6 @@ entities: pos: 25.5,-26.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 2560 @@ -100743,8 +94471,6 @@ entities: pos: 31.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 2706 @@ -100753,8 +94479,6 @@ entities: pos: 18.5,-29.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 2791 @@ -100763,8 +94487,6 @@ entities: pos: -32.5,-2.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 2793 @@ -100776,8 +94498,6 @@ entities: - ShutdownSubscribers: - 8669 type: DeviceNetwork - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 2826 @@ -100786,8 +94506,6 @@ entities: pos: 44.5,-29.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 2984 @@ -100796,8 +94514,6 @@ entities: pos: 47.5,-32.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 3002 @@ -100805,8 +94521,6 @@ entities: - pos: 51.5,-29.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#D3FC03FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 3027 @@ -100815,8 +94529,6 @@ entities: pos: 48.5,-29.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#D3FC03FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 3123 @@ -100825,8 +94537,6 @@ entities: pos: 48.5,-22.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 3197 @@ -100834,8 +94544,6 @@ entities: - pos: -27.5,0.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 3567 @@ -100844,8 +94552,6 @@ entities: pos: 45.5,-39.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 3692 @@ -100854,8 +94560,6 @@ entities: pos: 16.5,-19.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 3964 @@ -100863,8 +94567,6 @@ entities: - pos: -13.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 3965 @@ -100872,8 +94574,6 @@ entities: - pos: -8.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 3986 @@ -100882,8 +94582,6 @@ entities: pos: 0.5,-40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 4537 @@ -100895,16 +94593,12 @@ entities: - ShutdownSubscribers: - 21489 type: DeviceNetwork - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - uid: 4953 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 0.5,-48.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 5412 @@ -100912,8 +94606,6 @@ entities: - pos: 12.5,8.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 5439 @@ -100925,8 +94617,6 @@ entities: - ShutdownSubscribers: - 12512 type: DeviceNetwork - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 5445 @@ -100935,8 +94625,6 @@ entities: pos: 29.5,-16.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 5446 @@ -100944,8 +94632,6 @@ entities: - pos: 33.5,-14.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 5472 @@ -100954,8 +94640,6 @@ entities: pos: -16.5,8.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 5518 @@ -100967,8 +94651,6 @@ entities: - ShutdownSubscribers: - 4046 type: DeviceNetwork - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 5585 @@ -100976,8 +94658,6 @@ entities: - pos: -44.5,9.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 5739 @@ -100986,8 +94666,6 @@ entities: pos: 2.5,11.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 5822 @@ -100996,8 +94674,6 @@ entities: pos: 17.5,-34.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 5824 @@ -101006,8 +94682,6 @@ entities: pos: 34.5,-32.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 5843 @@ -101016,8 +94690,6 @@ entities: pos: 0.5,14.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 5929 @@ -101026,8 +94698,6 @@ entities: pos: -28.5,-27.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 5938 @@ -101036,8 +94706,6 @@ entities: pos: -52.5,-0.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 5951 @@ -101046,8 +94714,6 @@ entities: pos: -41.5,-12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 5952 @@ -101056,8 +94722,6 @@ entities: pos: -37.5,-6.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 5954 @@ -101066,8 +94730,6 @@ entities: pos: 10.5,-16.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 5955 @@ -101076,8 +94738,6 @@ entities: pos: 12.5,-17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 5956 @@ -101086,8 +94746,6 @@ entities: pos: 11.5,-20.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 5980 @@ -101096,8 +94754,6 @@ entities: pos: -43.5,3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 5987 @@ -101105,8 +94761,6 @@ entities: - pos: -43.5,-8.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 5990 @@ -101115,8 +94769,6 @@ entities: pos: -34.5,13.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 6002 @@ -101125,8 +94777,6 @@ entities: pos: -29.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 6032 @@ -101134,8 +94784,6 @@ entities: - pos: -52.5,4.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 6034 @@ -101147,8 +94795,6 @@ entities: - ShutdownSubscribers: - 8669 type: DeviceNetwork - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 6087 @@ -101156,8 +94802,6 @@ entities: - pos: -19.5,-19.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 6093 @@ -101166,8 +94810,6 @@ entities: pos: -37.5,-21.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 6300 @@ -101176,8 +94818,6 @@ entities: pos: 11.5,12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 6307 @@ -101186,8 +94826,6 @@ entities: pos: -27.5,-9.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 6417 @@ -101196,8 +94834,6 @@ entities: pos: 2.5,-61.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 6418 @@ -101206,8 +94842,6 @@ entities: pos: 2.5,-72.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 6648 @@ -101216,8 +94850,6 @@ entities: pos: -28.5,-19.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 6759 @@ -101226,8 +94858,6 @@ entities: pos: -26.5,-16.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 6770 @@ -101236,8 +94866,6 @@ entities: pos: 9.5,5.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 6789 @@ -101246,8 +94874,6 @@ entities: pos: -42.5,24.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 6835 @@ -101256,8 +94882,6 @@ entities: pos: 40.5,-13.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 7387 @@ -101266,8 +94890,6 @@ entities: pos: 1.5,-76.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 7476 @@ -101276,8 +94898,6 @@ entities: pos: 7.5,-55.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 7484 @@ -101286,8 +94906,6 @@ entities: pos: 0.5,-56.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 7485 @@ -101296,8 +94914,6 @@ entities: pos: -9.5,-55.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 8087 @@ -101306,40 +94922,30 @@ entities: pos: -9.5,-3.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8088 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -4.5,-3.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8105 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 12.5,-2.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8106 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -0.5,-3.5 parent: 7536 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8136 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -3.5,-46.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 8388 @@ -101348,8 +94954,6 @@ entities: pos: -37.5,8.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 8413 @@ -101358,8 +94962,6 @@ entities: pos: -26.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 8619 @@ -101368,8 +94970,6 @@ entities: pos: 16.5,24.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 8962 @@ -101378,8 +94978,6 @@ entities: pos: 32.5,-18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 9046 @@ -101388,8 +94986,6 @@ entities: pos: 40.5,-28.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 9063 @@ -101398,8 +94994,6 @@ entities: pos: 29.5,-20.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 9607 @@ -101408,8 +95002,6 @@ entities: pos: -42.5,-0.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 9651 @@ -101418,8 +95010,6 @@ entities: pos: -46.5,13.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 9673 @@ -101428,8 +95018,6 @@ entities: pos: -54.5,11.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 9678 @@ -101438,8 +95026,6 @@ entities: pos: -37.5,12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 11759 @@ -101448,8 +95034,6 @@ entities: pos: -19.5,0.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 11978 @@ -101458,8 +95042,6 @@ entities: pos: -18.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 12589 @@ -101468,8 +95050,6 @@ entities: pos: 16.5,-0.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 12592 @@ -101478,8 +95058,6 @@ entities: pos: 16.5,-9.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 12623 @@ -101488,8 +95066,6 @@ entities: pos: 43.5,-11.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 12624 @@ -101501,8 +95077,6 @@ entities: - ShutdownSubscribers: - 21587 type: DeviceNetwork - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 12839 @@ -101511,8 +95085,6 @@ entities: pos: -48.5,-31.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 12868 @@ -101520,8 +95092,6 @@ entities: - pos: 40.5,-9.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 13074 @@ -101529,8 +95099,6 @@ entities: - pos: 38.5,10.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 13241 @@ -101539,8 +95107,6 @@ entities: pos: 19.5,13.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 13242 @@ -101549,8 +95115,6 @@ entities: pos: 16.5,11.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 13536 @@ -101558,8 +95122,6 @@ entities: - pos: 16.5,9.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 13548 @@ -101568,8 +95130,6 @@ entities: pos: 21.5,8.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 13589 @@ -101578,8 +95138,6 @@ entities: pos: 4.5,-37.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 14302 @@ -101587,8 +95145,6 @@ entities: - pos: -7.5,22.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 14303 @@ -101596,8 +95152,6 @@ entities: - pos: -11.5,18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 14325 @@ -101606,8 +95160,6 @@ entities: pos: -8.5,8.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 14501 @@ -101616,8 +95168,6 @@ entities: pos: -23.5,14.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 14502 @@ -101625,8 +95175,6 @@ entities: - pos: -23.5,18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 14642 @@ -101635,8 +95183,6 @@ entities: pos: -19.5,17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 14752 @@ -101645,8 +95191,6 @@ entities: pos: -21.5,28.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 15651 @@ -101654,8 +95198,6 @@ entities: - pos: -18.5,35.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 15652 @@ -101663,8 +95205,6 @@ entities: - pos: -14.5,35.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 16559 @@ -101673,8 +95213,6 @@ entities: pos: -29.5,30.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 16604 @@ -101683,8 +95221,6 @@ entities: pos: -11.5,30.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 16619 @@ -101692,8 +95228,6 @@ entities: - pos: -0.5,31.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 16620 @@ -101702,8 +95236,6 @@ entities: pos: 0.5,28.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 16635 @@ -101712,8 +95244,6 @@ entities: pos: 5.5,24.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 16636 @@ -101722,8 +95252,6 @@ entities: pos: 0.5,23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 16643 @@ -101732,8 +95260,6 @@ entities: pos: -2.5,14.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 16666 @@ -101742,8 +95268,6 @@ entities: pos: 12.5,18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 16669 @@ -101751,8 +95275,6 @@ entities: - pos: 10.5,19.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 16670 @@ -101761,8 +95283,6 @@ entities: pos: -2.5,19.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 16682 @@ -101771,8 +95291,6 @@ entities: pos: 5.5,14.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 16683 @@ -101781,8 +95299,6 @@ entities: pos: 2.5,17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 16684 @@ -101790,8 +95306,6 @@ entities: - pos: -32.5,32.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 17601 @@ -101800,8 +95314,6 @@ entities: pos: -46.5,25.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 17602 @@ -101810,8 +95322,6 @@ entities: pos: -46.5,21.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 17623 @@ -101820,8 +95330,6 @@ entities: pos: -32.5,20.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 17624 @@ -101830,8 +95338,6 @@ entities: pos: -36.5,20.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 17625 @@ -101840,8 +95346,6 @@ entities: pos: -38.5,20.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 17627 @@ -101850,8 +95354,6 @@ entities: pos: -15.5,17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 17628 @@ -101860,8 +95362,6 @@ entities: pos: -30.5,24.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 17872 @@ -101869,8 +95369,6 @@ entities: - pos: 52.5,28.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 17875 @@ -101878,8 +95376,6 @@ entities: - pos: 44.5,28.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 17878 @@ -101887,8 +95383,6 @@ entities: - pos: 54.5,28.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 17879 @@ -101896,8 +95390,6 @@ entities: - pos: 46.5,28.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 18139 @@ -101906,8 +95398,6 @@ entities: pos: -2.5,-10.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 18270 @@ -101916,8 +95406,6 @@ entities: pos: -7.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 18426 @@ -101926,8 +95414,6 @@ entities: pos: 0.5,-6.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 18427 @@ -101936,8 +95422,6 @@ entities: pos: 5.5,-6.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 18429 @@ -101946,8 +95430,6 @@ entities: pos: 0.5,-11.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 18539 @@ -101956,8 +95438,6 @@ entities: pos: 0.5,1.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 18540 @@ -101966,8 +95446,6 @@ entities: pos: 4.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 18560 @@ -101976,15 +95454,11 @@ entities: pos: 22.5,-0.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - uid: 18652 components: - pos: 45.5,12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 18653 @@ -101993,8 +95467,6 @@ entities: pos: 45.5,8.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 18663 @@ -102003,8 +95475,6 @@ entities: pos: 53.5,12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 18664 @@ -102013,8 +95483,6 @@ entities: pos: 53.5,9.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 18668 @@ -102023,8 +95491,6 @@ entities: pos: 48.5,12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 18904 @@ -102033,8 +95499,6 @@ entities: pos: 54.5,0.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 18905 @@ -102043,8 +95507,6 @@ entities: pos: 54.5,2.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 18906 @@ -102053,8 +95515,6 @@ entities: pos: 48.5,0.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 18937 @@ -102063,8 +95523,6 @@ entities: pos: 48.5,17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 18939 @@ -102073,8 +95531,6 @@ entities: pos: 36.5,2.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 19054 @@ -102083,8 +95539,6 @@ entities: pos: 32.5,8.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 19056 @@ -102093,8 +95547,6 @@ entities: pos: 22.5,24.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 19057 @@ -102103,8 +95555,6 @@ entities: pos: 36.5,24.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 19179 @@ -102113,8 +95563,6 @@ entities: pos: 21.5,19.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 19403 @@ -102123,8 +95571,6 @@ entities: pos: 40.5,17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 19437 @@ -102133,8 +95579,6 @@ entities: pos: 44.5,24.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 19438 @@ -102143,8 +95587,6 @@ entities: pos: 54.5,24.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 19441 @@ -102152,8 +95594,6 @@ entities: - pos: 49.5,26.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 21327 @@ -102161,8 +95601,6 @@ entities: - pos: -72.5,18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 22876 @@ -102170,8 +95608,6 @@ entities: - pos: -110.5,36.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 22878 @@ -102180,8 +95616,6 @@ entities: pos: -110.5,3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 22879 @@ -102190,8 +95624,6 @@ entities: pos: -103.5,16.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 22881 @@ -102200,8 +95632,6 @@ entities: pos: -98.5,17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 22882 @@ -102210,8 +95640,6 @@ entities: pos: -112.5,16.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 22886 @@ -102220,8 +95648,6 @@ entities: pos: -117.5,16.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 22891 @@ -102230,8 +95656,6 @@ entities: pos: -112.5,11.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 22893 @@ -102240,8 +95664,6 @@ entities: pos: -112.5,22.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 22894 @@ -102250,8 +95672,6 @@ entities: pos: -110.5,29.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 23505 @@ -102260,8 +95680,6 @@ entities: pos: -61.5,43.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 23965 @@ -102269,24 +95687,18 @@ entities: - pos: 11.5,-70.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23966 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 11.5,-63.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - uid: 24129 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -5.5,-18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 24136 @@ -102295,8 +95707,6 @@ entities: pos: -9.5,-15.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#0335FCFF' type: AtmosPipeColor - proto: GasVentScrubber @@ -102307,8 +95717,6 @@ entities: pos: 35.5,-18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 223 @@ -102317,8 +95725,6 @@ entities: pos: 26.5,-12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 263 @@ -102327,8 +95733,6 @@ entities: pos: 22.5,-17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 337 @@ -102337,8 +95741,6 @@ entities: pos: 47.5,-9.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 428 @@ -102347,8 +95749,6 @@ entities: pos: 0.5,-19.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 473 @@ -102357,8 +95757,6 @@ entities: pos: 0.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 516 @@ -102366,8 +95764,6 @@ entities: - pos: -19.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 629 @@ -102376,8 +95772,6 @@ entities: pos: 19.5,-35.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 719 @@ -102386,8 +95780,6 @@ entities: pos: -22.5,8.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 788 @@ -102396,8 +95788,6 @@ entities: pos: -15.5,-6.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 871 @@ -102406,8 +95796,6 @@ entities: pos: 41.5,-14.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 904 @@ -102415,8 +95803,6 @@ entities: - pos: -10.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 912 @@ -102425,8 +95811,6 @@ entities: pos: -8.5,-27.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 913 @@ -102435,8 +95819,6 @@ entities: pos: -4.5,-27.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 1136 @@ -102445,8 +95827,6 @@ entities: pos: -15.5,-14.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 1246 @@ -102455,8 +95835,6 @@ entities: pos: 37.5,-9.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 1397 @@ -102465,8 +95843,6 @@ entities: pos: 4.5,-31.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 1398 @@ -102475,8 +95851,6 @@ entities: pos: 3.5,-29.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 1430 @@ -102485,8 +95859,6 @@ entities: pos: 0.5,-30.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 1456 @@ -102494,8 +95866,6 @@ entities: - pos: 12.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 1564 @@ -102504,8 +95874,6 @@ entities: pos: -19.5,-12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 1771 @@ -102514,8 +95882,6 @@ entities: pos: -37.5,-14.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 1846 @@ -102524,8 +95890,6 @@ entities: pos: -19.5,-9.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 1850 @@ -102534,8 +95898,6 @@ entities: pos: -19.5,-6.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 1893 @@ -102544,8 +95906,6 @@ entities: pos: -33.5,-9.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 1902 @@ -102554,8 +95914,6 @@ entities: pos: -33.5,-6.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 2026 @@ -102564,8 +95922,6 @@ entities: pos: -22.5,-29.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 2205 @@ -102574,8 +95930,6 @@ entities: pos: 29.5,-28.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 2360 @@ -102588,8 +95942,6 @@ entities: - 21566 - 21567 type: DeviceNetwork - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 2374 @@ -102597,8 +95949,6 @@ entities: - pos: 23.5,-28.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 2563 @@ -102606,8 +95956,6 @@ entities: - pos: 29.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 2704 @@ -102618,8 +95966,6 @@ entities: - ShutdownSubscribers: - 21587 type: DeviceNetwork - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 2772 @@ -102628,8 +95974,6 @@ entities: pos: -37.5,-4.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 2821 @@ -102638,8 +95982,6 @@ entities: pos: 44.5,-31.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 2878 @@ -102648,8 +95990,6 @@ entities: pos: 50.5,-22.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 2983 @@ -102658,8 +95998,6 @@ entities: pos: 50.5,-28.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#D3FC03FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 2996 @@ -102668,8 +96006,6 @@ entities: pos: 48.5,-32.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#D3FC03FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 3019 @@ -102678,8 +96014,6 @@ entities: pos: 48.5,-28.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#D3FC03FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 3582 @@ -102688,8 +96022,6 @@ entities: pos: 44.5,-39.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 3693 @@ -102698,8 +96030,6 @@ entities: pos: 16.5,-18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 3962 @@ -102708,8 +96038,6 @@ entities: pos: -7.5,-41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 3963 @@ -102717,8 +96045,6 @@ entities: - pos: -13.5,-39.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 3985 @@ -102727,8 +96053,6 @@ entities: pos: 0.5,-39.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 4502 @@ -102739,8 +96063,6 @@ entities: - ShutdownSubscribers: - 4046 type: DeviceNetwork - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 4944 @@ -102749,8 +96071,6 @@ entities: pos: 0.5,-47.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 4971 @@ -102759,8 +96079,6 @@ entities: pos: 0.5,-54.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 5404 @@ -102769,8 +96087,6 @@ entities: pos: 43.5,-8.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 5411 @@ -102779,8 +96095,6 @@ entities: pos: 10.5,8.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 5440 @@ -102788,8 +96102,6 @@ entities: - pos: 34.5,-14.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 5454 @@ -102798,8 +96110,6 @@ entities: pos: -33.5,-12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 5581 @@ -102807,8 +96117,6 @@ entities: - pos: -42.5,8.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 5738 @@ -102817,8 +96125,6 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,11.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 5745 @@ -102827,8 +96133,6 @@ entities: pos: -10.5,8.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 5766 @@ -102837,8 +96141,6 @@ entities: pos: 16.5,7.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 5820 @@ -102847,8 +96149,6 @@ entities: pos: 18.5,-28.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 5823 @@ -102857,8 +96157,6 @@ entities: pos: 29.5,-32.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 5831 @@ -102870,8 +96168,6 @@ entities: - ShutdownSubscribers: - 12512 type: DeviceNetwork - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 5930 @@ -102880,8 +96176,6 @@ entities: pos: -29.5,-27.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 5961 @@ -102890,8 +96184,6 @@ entities: pos: -37.5,-20.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 5962 @@ -102899,8 +96191,6 @@ entities: - pos: -30.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 6015 @@ -102909,8 +96199,6 @@ entities: pos: -34.5,12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 6018 @@ -102919,8 +96207,6 @@ entities: pos: -37.5,6.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 6028 @@ -102929,8 +96215,6 @@ entities: pos: -41.5,2.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 6058 @@ -102939,8 +96223,6 @@ entities: pos: -43.5,-5.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 6065 @@ -102949,8 +96231,6 @@ entities: pos: -18.5,-20.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 6290 @@ -102959,8 +96239,6 @@ entities: pos: 16.5,12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 6299 @@ -102969,8 +96247,6 @@ entities: pos: 11.5,14.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 6308 @@ -102979,8 +96255,6 @@ entities: pos: -25.5,-9.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 6474 @@ -102989,8 +96263,6 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,-72.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 6475 @@ -102999,8 +96271,6 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,-61.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 7343 @@ -103009,8 +96279,6 @@ entities: pos: -42.5,22.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 7368 @@ -103019,8 +96287,6 @@ entities: pos: -0.5,-76.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 7463 @@ -103029,8 +96295,6 @@ entities: pos: -10.5,-53.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 7488 @@ -103039,8 +96303,6 @@ entities: pos: 8.5,-53.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 7686 @@ -103049,8 +96311,6 @@ entities: pos: -31.5,8.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 7790 @@ -103059,8 +96319,6 @@ entities: pos: -26.5,-15.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 8137 @@ -103069,8 +96327,6 @@ entities: pos: -3.5,-45.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 8230 @@ -103079,8 +96335,6 @@ entities: pos: -24.5,-19.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 8265 @@ -103092,8 +96346,6 @@ entities: - ShutdownSubscribers: - 8669 type: DeviceNetwork - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 8267 @@ -103102,8 +96354,6 @@ entities: pos: -32.5,-4.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 8578 @@ -103112,8 +96362,6 @@ entities: pos: -33.5,-19.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 8620 @@ -103122,8 +96370,6 @@ entities: pos: 16.5,23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 8898 @@ -103131,8 +96377,6 @@ entities: - pos: -25.5,0.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 8960 @@ -103144,8 +96388,6 @@ entities: - ShutdownSubscribers: - 21616 type: DeviceNetwork - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 9017 @@ -103156,8 +96398,6 @@ entities: - ShutdownSubscribers: - 21622 type: DeviceNetwork - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 9061 @@ -103166,8 +96406,6 @@ entities: pos: 29.5,-17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 9062 @@ -103176,8 +96414,6 @@ entities: pos: 29.5,-19.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 9154 @@ -103185,8 +96421,6 @@ entities: - pos: -26.5,-4.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 9155 @@ -103195,8 +96429,6 @@ entities: pos: -19.5,-0.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 9156 @@ -103205,8 +96437,6 @@ entities: pos: -19.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 9160 @@ -103215,8 +96445,6 @@ entities: pos: 22.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 9608 @@ -103224,8 +96452,6 @@ entities: - pos: -41.5,-0.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 9631 @@ -103234,8 +96460,6 @@ entities: pos: -51.5,12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 9641 @@ -103244,8 +96468,6 @@ entities: pos: -41.5,12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 9674 @@ -103254,8 +96476,6 @@ entities: pos: -55.5,9.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 9677 @@ -103263,8 +96483,6 @@ entities: - pos: -38.5,13.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 9679 @@ -103275,8 +96493,6 @@ entities: - ShutdownSubscribers: - 8669 type: DeviceNetwork - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 10578 @@ -103285,16 +96501,12 @@ entities: pos: -9.5,-13.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12001 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 16.5,-1.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 12591 @@ -103303,8 +96515,6 @@ entities: pos: 16.5,-10.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 12594 @@ -103312,8 +96522,6 @@ entities: - pos: -55.5,-0.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 12631 @@ -103322,8 +96530,6 @@ entities: pos: 38.5,-31.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 12632 @@ -103332,8 +96538,6 @@ entities: pos: 41.5,-30.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 12633 @@ -103341,8 +96545,6 @@ entities: - pos: 38.5,-27.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 12897 @@ -103351,8 +96553,6 @@ entities: pos: 13.5,5.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 13073 @@ -103361,8 +96561,6 @@ entities: pos: 40.5,14.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 13075 @@ -103371,8 +96569,6 @@ entities: pos: 38.5,6.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 13238 @@ -103381,8 +96577,6 @@ entities: pos: 19.5,12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 13444 @@ -103390,16 +96584,12 @@ entities: - pos: -31.5,45.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - uid: 13503 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 36.5,-1.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 13563 @@ -103407,8 +96597,6 @@ entities: - pos: 22.5,8.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 13971 @@ -103417,8 +96605,6 @@ entities: pos: -14.5,8.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 14312 @@ -103426,8 +96612,6 @@ entities: - pos: -11.5,16.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 14318 @@ -103436,8 +96620,6 @@ entities: pos: -9.5,14.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 14503 @@ -103445,8 +96627,6 @@ entities: - pos: -27.5,18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 14504 @@ -103455,8 +96635,6 @@ entities: pos: -27.5,14.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 15648 @@ -103465,8 +96643,6 @@ entities: pos: -21.5,35.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 15649 @@ -103475,8 +96651,6 @@ entities: pos: -16.5,35.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 15650 @@ -103485,8 +96659,6 @@ entities: pos: -11.5,35.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 16560 @@ -103494,8 +96666,6 @@ entities: - pos: -25.5,31.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 16605 @@ -103504,8 +96674,6 @@ entities: pos: -11.5,29.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 16615 @@ -103513,8 +96681,6 @@ entities: - pos: 1.5,31.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 16621 @@ -103522,8 +96688,6 @@ entities: - pos: -1.5,28.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 16633 @@ -103532,8 +96696,6 @@ entities: pos: -3.5,25.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 16634 @@ -103542,8 +96704,6 @@ entities: pos: 5.5,28.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 16642 @@ -103552,8 +96712,6 @@ entities: pos: -2.5,15.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 16667 @@ -103562,8 +96720,6 @@ entities: pos: 12.5,17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 16668 @@ -103571,8 +96727,6 @@ entities: - pos: 10.5,18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 16672 @@ -103580,8 +96734,6 @@ entities: - pos: 3.5,18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 16673 @@ -103590,8 +96742,6 @@ entities: pos: -3.5,20.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 16675 @@ -103600,8 +96750,6 @@ entities: pos: 0.5,13.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 16681 @@ -103610,8 +96758,6 @@ entities: pos: 4.5,14.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 17603 @@ -103620,8 +96766,6 @@ entities: pos: -46.5,23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 17604 @@ -103630,8 +96774,6 @@ entities: pos: -46.5,19.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 17621 @@ -103640,8 +96782,6 @@ entities: pos: -34.5,20.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 17622 @@ -103650,8 +96790,6 @@ entities: pos: -30.5,20.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 17626 @@ -103659,15 +96797,11 @@ entities: - pos: 24.5,-0.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17631 components: - pos: -31.5,24.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 17632 @@ -103676,8 +96810,6 @@ entities: pos: -15.5,19.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 18257 @@ -103689,8 +96821,6 @@ entities: - ShutdownSubscribers: - 21489 type: DeviceNetwork - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 18258 @@ -103699,8 +96829,6 @@ entities: pos: -7.5,-4.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 18260 @@ -103709,8 +96837,6 @@ entities: pos: 0.5,-0.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 18425 @@ -103719,8 +96845,6 @@ entities: pos: 0.5,-3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 18428 @@ -103729,8 +96853,6 @@ entities: pos: 4.5,-6.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 18430 @@ -103739,8 +96861,6 @@ entities: pos: 0.5,-10.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 18434 @@ -103749,8 +96869,6 @@ entities: pos: -2.5,-9.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 18657 @@ -103758,8 +96876,6 @@ entities: - pos: 43.5,12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 18658 @@ -103767,8 +96883,6 @@ entities: - pos: 44.5,8.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 18685 @@ -103777,8 +96891,6 @@ entities: pos: 48.5,13.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 18686 @@ -103787,8 +96899,6 @@ entities: pos: 53.5,13.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 18687 @@ -103797,8 +96907,6 @@ entities: pos: 53.5,7.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 18910 @@ -103807,8 +96915,6 @@ entities: pos: 48.5,2.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 18915 @@ -103817,8 +96923,6 @@ entities: pos: 48.5,-1.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 18938 @@ -103827,8 +96931,6 @@ entities: pos: 50.5,17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 19055 @@ -103836,8 +96938,6 @@ entities: - pos: 31.5,8.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 19058 @@ -103845,8 +96945,6 @@ entities: - pos: 37.5,24.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 19059 @@ -103854,8 +96952,6 @@ entities: - pos: 21.5,24.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 19180 @@ -103864,8 +96960,6 @@ entities: pos: 21.5,18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 19439 @@ -103873,8 +96967,6 @@ entities: - pos: 45.5,24.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 19440 @@ -103882,8 +96974,6 @@ entities: - pos: 53.5,24.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 21328 @@ -103892,16 +96982,12 @@ entities: pos: -73.5,18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - uid: 21524 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 49.5,20.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 22906 @@ -103910,8 +96996,6 @@ entities: pos: -112.5,3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 22907 @@ -103920,8 +97004,6 @@ entities: pos: -119.5,16.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 22908 @@ -103929,8 +97011,6 @@ entities: - pos: -112.5,36.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 23000 @@ -103938,8 +97018,6 @@ entities: - pos: -96.5,17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 23013 @@ -103947,8 +97025,6 @@ entities: - pos: -105.5,16.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 23014 @@ -103957,8 +97033,6 @@ entities: pos: -110.5,16.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 23020 @@ -103967,8 +97041,6 @@ entities: pos: -110.5,11.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 23038 @@ -103977,8 +97049,6 @@ entities: pos: -112.5,29.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 23039 @@ -103987,8 +97057,6 @@ entities: pos: -110.5,22.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - uid: 23516 @@ -103997,8 +97065,6 @@ entities: pos: -60.5,51.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - color: '#FF1212FF' type: AtmosPipeColor - proto: GasVolumePump @@ -104049,21 +97115,11 @@ entities: - pos: -17.928715,32.485287 parent: 60 type: Transform - - uid: 18024 - components: - - pos: 5.384184,34.55869 - parent: 60 - type: Transform - uid: 18068 components: - pos: -11.479647,4.4528995 parent: 60 type: Transform - - uid: 24097 - components: - - pos: 5.634184,34.46494 - parent: 60 - type: Transform - proto: GeneratorBasic entities: - uid: 3402 @@ -114422,29 +107478,6 @@ entities: - pos: -64.5,-19.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - uid: 7796 - components: - - pos: 11.5,15.5 - parent: 60 - type: Transform - - air: - volume: 200 - immutable: False - temperature: 293.1496 - moles: - - 1.6495836 - - 6.2055764 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - type: EntityStorage - uid: 16095 components: - pos: -4.5,20.5 @@ -114521,8 +107554,6 @@ entities: - pos: -58.5,3.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - proto: MachineAnomalyVessel entities: - uid: 17156 @@ -118452,8 +111483,6 @@ entities: pos: -34.5,0.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - uid: 1881 components: - pos: -19.5,-15.5 @@ -118467,39 +111496,29 @@ entities: pos: -28.5,-20.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - uid: 2017 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -24.5,-20.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - uid: 2090 components: - pos: -33.5,5.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - uid: 2103 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -30.5,0.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - uid: 2106 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -6.5,15.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - uid: 2115 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -118554,8 +111573,6 @@ entities: pos: -12.5,19.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - uid: 2277 components: - pos: 14.5,-26.5 @@ -118591,8 +111608,6 @@ entities: - pos: -8.5,22.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - uid: 2388 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -118623,16 +111638,12 @@ entities: pos: 26.5,-34.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - uid: 2647 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 29.5,-35.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - uid: 2650 components: - pos: 37.5,-26.5 @@ -118661,8 +111672,6 @@ entities: - pos: -10.5,-20.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - uid: 3057 components: - pos: 50.5,-25.5 @@ -118707,8 +111716,6 @@ entities: pos: 49.5,-23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - uid: 3121 components: - pos: 51.5,-20.5 @@ -118722,16 +111729,12 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,23.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - uid: 3158 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -2.5,-4.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - uid: 3225 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -118852,8 +111855,6 @@ entities: - pos: -6.5,-20.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - uid: 5748 components: - pos: 11.5,9.5 @@ -118979,15 +111980,11 @@ entities: pos: 37.5,-17.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6104 components: - pos: 48.5,-12.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6146 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -119070,8 +112067,6 @@ entities: - pos: 9.5,-19.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - uid: 6714 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -119122,8 +112117,6 @@ entities: pos: 35.5,-31.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8169 components: - pos: -4.5,-44.5 @@ -119151,16 +112144,12 @@ entities: - pos: -40.5,-15.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8400 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -28.5,14.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8401 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -119175,32 +112164,24 @@ entities: pos: -28.5,19.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - uid: 8412 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -22.5,19.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9163 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -22.5,14.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9165 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 23.5,-38.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - uid: 9223 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -119552,8 +112533,6 @@ entities: pos: 6.5,-37.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12257 components: - pos: 25.5,-22.5 @@ -119574,8 +112553,6 @@ entities: pos: 41.5,-19.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - uid: 12668 components: - pos: 0.5,15.5 @@ -119789,47 +112766,35 @@ entities: pos: -22.5,37.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15370 components: - pos: -17.5,46.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15425 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -10.5,44.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15436 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -26.5,41.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15443 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -7.5,-11.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15574 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -10.5,40.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - uid: 15576 components: - pos: -14.5,30.5 @@ -119928,24 +112893,18 @@ entities: pos: -5.5,-15.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16994 components: - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -10.5,-18.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - uid: 16995 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -10.5,-11.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - uid: 17018 components: - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -120335,8 +113294,6 @@ entities: - pos: -46.5,-15.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - enabled: False - type: AmbientSound - uid: 23116 components: - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -137526,11 +130483,6 @@ entities: - pos: 54.5,-44.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - uid: 7864 - components: - - pos: 24.5,-36.5 - parent: 60 - type: Transform - uid: 8198 components: - pos: 35.5,-26.5 @@ -137652,11 +130604,6 @@ entities: - pos: -51.5,-5.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - uid: 10585 - components: - - pos: 25.5,-36.5 - parent: 60 - type: Transform - uid: 11103 components: - pos: -51.5,-6.5 @@ -138153,11 +131100,6 @@ entities: - pos: -28.5,-20.5 parent: 60 type: Transform - - uid: 24103 - components: - - pos: 5.5,34.5 - parent: 60 - type: Transform - uid: 24166 components: - pos: -36.5,11.5 @@ -141086,6 +134028,13 @@ entities: - pos: -40.5,16.5 parent: 60 type: Transform +- proto: VendingMachineTankDispenserEngineering + entities: + - uid: 7864 + components: + - pos: 5.5,34.5 + parent: 60 + type: Transform - proto: VendingMachineTankDispenserEVA entities: - uid: 1327 @@ -141121,6 +134070,16 @@ entities: type: Transform - proto: VendingMachineVendomat entities: + - uid: 7796 + components: + - pos: 11.5,15.5 + parent: 60 + type: Transform + - uid: 10585 + components: + - pos: -39.5,-7.5 + parent: 60 + type: Transform - uid: 19123 components: - flags: SessionSpecific From e603be2422679015b2979449d2dda6d491fca158 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Doru991 <> Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2023 21:35:25 +0300 Subject: [PATCH 12/59] Shuttle movement fix (#20498) --- Content.Server/Physics/Controllers/MoverController.cs | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/Content.Server/Physics/Controllers/MoverController.cs b/Content.Server/Physics/Controllers/MoverController.cs index 5c8968dd984..f69b7144775 100644 --- a/Content.Server/Physics/Controllers/MoverController.cs +++ b/Content.Server/Physics/Controllers/MoverController.cs @@ -249,8 +249,8 @@ private Vector2 ObtainMaxVel(Vector2 vel, ShuttleComponent shuttle) var horizIndex = vel.X > 0 ? 1 : 3; // east else west var vertIndex = vel.Y > 0 ? 2 : 0; // north else south - var horizComp = MathF.Pow(Vector2.Dot(vel, new (shuttle.BaseLinearThrust[horizIndex] / shuttle.LinearThrust[horizIndex], 0f)), 2); - var vertComp = MathF.Pow(Vector2.Dot(vel, new (0f, shuttle.BaseLinearThrust[vertIndex] / shuttle.LinearThrust[vertIndex])), 2); + var horizComp = vel.X != 0 ? MathF.Pow(Vector2.Dot(vel, new (shuttle.BaseLinearThrust[horizIndex] / shuttle.LinearThrust[horizIndex], 0f)), 2) : 0; + var vertComp = vel.Y != 0 ? MathF.Pow(Vector2.Dot(vel, new (0f, shuttle.BaseLinearThrust[vertIndex] / shuttle.LinearThrust[vertIndex])), 2) : 0; return shuttle.BaseMaxLinearVelocity * vel * MathF.ReciprocalSqrtEstimate(horizComp + vertComp); } From c317d56ba66f4fea8246a6702da12f66f7aaff8e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Nim <> Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2023 03:04:03 +0300 Subject: [PATCH 13/59] [Resprite] Syndicate Implanter (#20376) * Syndicate Implanter * cop * size * fix --- .../Entities/Objects/Misc/implanters.yml | 47 ++++++++++++++---- .../Specific/Medical/implanter.rsi/broken.png | Bin 0 -> 257 bytes .../Medical/implanter.rsi/implanter0.png | Bin 0 -> 229 bytes .../Medical/implanter.rsi/implanter1.png | Bin 0 -> 124 bytes .../Specific/Medical/implanter.rsi/meta.json | 20 ++++++++ 5 files changed, 57 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-) create mode 100644 Resources/Textures/Objects/Specific/Medical/implanter.rsi/broken.png create mode 100644 Resources/Textures/Objects/Specific/Medical/implanter.rsi/implanter0.png create mode 100644 Resources/Textures/Objects/Specific/Medical/implanter.rsi/implanter1.png create mode 100644 Resources/Textures/Objects/Specific/Medical/implanter.rsi/meta.json diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/implanters.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/implanters.yml index 0410bf6f541..a3d5fbef397 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/implanters.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/implanters.yml @@ -74,6 +74,35 @@ currentMode: Inject implantOnly: true +- type: entity + id: BaseImplantOnlyImplanterSyndi + parent: BaseImplantOnlyImplanter + description: A compact disposable syringe exclusively designed for the injection of subdermal implants. + abstract: true + components: + - type: Item + sprite: Objects/Specific/Medical/implanter.rsi + size: 3 + - type: Sprite + sprite: Objects/Specific/Medical/implanter.rsi + state: implanter1 + layers: + - state: implanter0 + map: [ "implantFull" ] + visible: true + - state: implanter1 + map: [ "implantOnly" ] + - type: GenericVisualizer + visuals: + enum.ImplanterVisuals.Full: + implantFull: + True: {visible: true} + False: {visible: false} + enum.ImplanterImplantOnlyVisuals.ImplantOnly: + implantOnly: + True: {state: broken} + False: {state: implanter1} + #Fun implanters - type: entity @@ -115,7 +144,7 @@ - type: entity id: StorageImplanter name: storage implanter - parent: BaseImplantOnlyImplanter + parent: BaseImplantOnlyImplanterSyndi components: - type: Implanter implant: StorageImplant @@ -123,7 +152,7 @@ - type: entity id: FreedomImplanter name: freedom implanter - parent: BaseImplantOnlyImplanter + parent: BaseImplantOnlyImplanterSyndi components: - type: Implanter implant: FreedomImplant @@ -131,7 +160,7 @@ - type: entity id: UplinkImplanter name: uplink implanter - parent: BaseImplantOnlyImplanter + parent: BaseImplantOnlyImplanterSyndi components: - type: Implanter implant: UplinkImplant @@ -139,7 +168,7 @@ - type: entity id: EmpImplanter name: EMP implanter - parent: BaseImplantOnlyImplanter + parent: BaseImplantOnlyImplanterSyndi components: - type: Implanter implant: EmpImplant @@ -147,19 +176,17 @@ - type: entity id: DnaScramblerImplanter name: DNA scrambler implanter - parent: BaseImplantOnlyImplanter + parent: BaseImplantOnlyImplanterSyndi components: - type: Implanter implant: DnaScramblerImplant - currentMode: Inject - implantOnly: false #Nuclear Operative/Special implanters - type: entity id: MicroBombImplanter name: micro-bomb implanter - parent: BaseImplantOnlyImplanter + parent: BaseImplantOnlyImplanterSyndi components: - type: Implanter implant: MicroBombImplant @@ -167,7 +194,7 @@ - type: entity id: MacroBombImplanter name: macro-bomb implanter - parent: BaseImplantOnlyImplanter + parent: BaseImplantOnlyImplanterSyndi components: - type: Implanter implant: MacroBombImplant @@ -175,7 +202,7 @@ - type: entity id: DeathRattleImplanter name: death rattle implanter - parent: BaseImplantOnlyImplanter + parent: BaseImplantOnlyImplanterSyndi components: - type: Implanter implant: DeathRattleImplant diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Objects/Specific/Medical/implanter.rsi/broken.png b/Resources/Textures/Objects/Specific/Medical/implanter.rsi/broken.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..027ecee0f7dd50e3a991da3cace39bca29e5c4dc GIT binary patch literal 257 zcmeAS@N?(olHy`uVBq!ia0vp^3LwnE1|*BCs=fdz&H|6fVg?4jBOuH;Rhv&5D7e|v z#WAE}&f80dT!#!q*dB-%aLY!C2OC7*nX^l5`6FH%7rh6Dd%Dag_+2vXzRT6*t#)#X z<*g>k)+W~}|Kpk7^ZvZ|`0R_*j6kCxK!R1HOGzU6M%8wH?|R8B&gUE7&siKCyZI!; zXA@OLmlI)=CcU$|a?V%y_v}qeazk5P=S`k6X-d$Nt##Z|tUK)0w_Mw_W;g4*+CN{W uo;1I(et-S#$BkRR%=~jrkO^eLAJqqp>LI$Bn%}1ggZQ4VelF{r5}E)&!C;pF literal 0 HcmV?d00001 diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Objects/Specific/Medical/implanter.rsi/implanter0.png b/Resources/Textures/Objects/Specific/Medical/implanter.rsi/implanter0.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..57956f4c907f44dedc29aa8ae67fc841985d94cf GIT binary patch literal 229 zcmeAS@N?(olHy`uVBq!ia0vp^3LwnE1|*BCs=fdz#^NA%Cx&(BWL^R}^F3W0Ln2z= zUNGchG8ACFpns!Pw=6g1;F67-XKCx)Q>bW*IS_sFp2Ih;+Yx#kVVToHRwi$C)aAKx z-XH3`o8*k^} c;_`*X>7LG_s>-9jK&LWzy85}Sb4q9e0Q=cl7ytkO literal 0 HcmV?d00001 diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Objects/Specific/Medical/implanter.rsi/implanter1.png b/Resources/Textures/Objects/Specific/Medical/implanter.rsi/implanter1.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1dd9ee53bd1de40a364ff2a21d5a4bb385aba1ae GIT binary patch literal 124 zcmeAS@N?(olHy`uVBq!ia0vp^3LwnE1|*BCs=fdz#^NA%Cx&(BWL^R}W}YsNArY-_ z&jboG2naYFT;3v=MXJtr->KQ-sVb&HS$=Pfh;sd!esWBUD< Vl}YsXHx8f)44$rjF6*2UngBi!DDwaS literal 0 HcmV?d00001 diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Objects/Specific/Medical/implanter.rsi/meta.json b/Resources/Textures/Objects/Specific/Medical/implanter.rsi/meta.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..38050ea3101 --- /dev/null +++ b/Resources/Textures/Objects/Specific/Medical/implanter.rsi/meta.json @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +{ + "version": 1, + "license": "CC-BY-SA-3.0", + "copyright": "Taken from tgstation at commit", + "size": { + "x": 32, + "y": 32 + }, + "states": [ + { + "name": "broken" + }, + { + "name": "implanter0" + }, + { + "name": "implanter1" + } + ] +} From f8e26ed2c3e85196e59d335d68fa9b8a202850dc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: PJBot Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2023 20:05:08 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 14/59] Automatic changelog update --- Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml | 12 +++++------- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml b/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml index 7c602b42f6e..6791d443fc1 100644 --- a/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml +++ b/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml @@ -1,11 +1,4 @@ Entries: -- author: EmoGarbage404 - changes: - - {message: The chemistry guidebook now specifies specific types for damage and - only uses groups when damage is evenly distributed across each type of a group., - type: Fix} - id: 4397 - time: '2023-08-01T06:10:05.0000000+00:00' - author: VasilisThePikachu changes: - {message: HoP no longer receives QM access., type: Remove} @@ -2981,3 +2974,8 @@ Entries: or kidneys. You probably didn''t need the extra pair anyways.', type: Fix} id: 4896 time: '2023-09-25T06:53:04.0000000+00:00' +- author: Nimfar11 + changes: + - {message: Adds a new sprite for Syndicate implanters., type: Add} + id: 4897 + time: '2023-09-26T00:04:03.0000000+00:00' From e4de2fdd6c241238feba47d7c5cdd54fc9c022c6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Kevin Zheng Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2023 18:21:31 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 15/59] Prevent pull-moving (#20502) --- Content.Server/Physics/Controllers/PullController.cs | 7 +++++-- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/Content.Server/Physics/Controllers/PullController.cs b/Content.Server/Physics/Controllers/PullController.cs index abe4d42bf67..8f58f807aae 100644 --- a/Content.Server/Physics/Controllers/PullController.cs +++ b/Content.Server/Physics/Controllers/PullController.cs @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ using System.Numerics; +using Content.Shared.ActionBlocker; using Content.Shared.Gravity; using Content.Shared.Pulling; using Content.Shared.Pulling.Components; @@ -37,6 +38,7 @@ public sealed class PullController : VirtualController // How much you must move for the puller movement check to actually hit. private const float MinimumMovementDistance = 0.005f; + [Dependency] private readonly ActionBlockerSystem _actionBlockerSystem = default!; [Dependency] private readonly SharedPullingSystem _pullableSystem = default!; [Dependency] private readonly SharedGravitySystem _gravity = default!; [Dependency] private readonly SharedTransformSystem _transform = default!; @@ -191,9 +193,10 @@ public override void UpdateBeforeSolve(bool prediction, float frameTime) var impulse = accel * physics.Mass * frameTime; PhysicsSystem.ApplyLinearImpulse(pullableEnt, impulse, body: physics); - // if the puller is weightless, then we apply the inverse impulse. + // if the puller is weightless or can't move, then we apply the inverse impulse (Newton's third law). // doing it under gravity produces an unsatisfying wiggling when pulling. - if (_gravity.IsWeightless(puller) && pullerXform.GridUid == null) + // If player can't move, assume they are on a chair and we need to prevent pull-moving. + if ((_gravity.IsWeightless(puller) && pullerXform.GridUid == null) || !_actionBlockerSystem.CanMove(puller)) { PhysicsSystem.WakeBody(puller); PhysicsSystem.ApplyLinearImpulse(puller, -impulse); From 527485f00daca7c5381c0210b984f543d498ddd6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ubaser <> Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2023 12:24:09 +1000 Subject: [PATCH 16/59] 4 new Lizard Horn markings (#20496) * add images to .rsi * Revert "add images to .rsi" This reverts commit afa891ee9456c35dd88d5baa4269568286282955. * add images to .rsi (for real now) * other misc files --- Resources/Locale/en-US/markings/reptilian.ftl | 12 ++++++ .../Mobs/Customization/Markings/reptilian.yml | 36 ++++++++++++++++++ .../reptilian_parts.rsi/horns_argali.png | Bin 0 -> 1360 bytes .../reptilian_parts.rsi/horns_ayrshire.png | Bin 0 -> 1273 bytes .../reptilian_parts.rsi/horns_bighorn.png | Bin 0 -> 1430 bytes .../reptilian_parts.rsi/horns_myrsore.png | Bin 0 -> 1294 bytes .../reptilian_parts.rsi/meta.json | 18 ++++++++- 7 files changed, 65 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) create mode 100644 Resources/Textures/Mobs/Customization/reptilian_parts.rsi/horns_argali.png create mode 100644 Resources/Textures/Mobs/Customization/reptilian_parts.rsi/horns_ayrshire.png create mode 100644 Resources/Textures/Mobs/Customization/reptilian_parts.rsi/horns_bighorn.png create mode 100644 Resources/Textures/Mobs/Customization/reptilian_parts.rsi/horns_myrsore.png diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/markings/reptilian.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/markings/reptilian.ftl index a1dedc02a9e..bd2725c3507 100644 --- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/markings/reptilian.ftl +++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/markings/reptilian.ftl @@ -72,3 +72,15 @@ marking-LizardFrillsAxolotl = Lizard Frills (Axolotl) marking-LizardFrillsHood-frills_hood = Lizard Frills (Hood) marking-LizardFrillsHood = Lizard Frills (Hood) + +marking-LizardHornsArgali-horns_argali = Lizard Horns (Argali) +marking-LizardHornsArgali = Lizard Horns (Argali) + +marking-LizardHornsAyrshire-horns_ayrshire = Lizard Horns (Ayrshire) +marking-LizardHornsAyrshire = Lizard Horns (Ayrshire) + +marking-LizardHornsMyrsore-horns_myrsore = Lizard Horns (Myrsore) +marking-LizardHornsMyrsore = Lizard Horns (Myrsore) + +marking-LizardHornsBighorn-horns_bighorn = Lizard Horns (Bighorn) +marking-LizardHornsBighorn = Lizard Horns (Bighorn) diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Markings/reptilian.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Markings/reptilian.yml index 9ba620b36b4..60e7f346493 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Markings/reptilian.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Markings/reptilian.yml @@ -226,3 +226,39 @@ sprites: - sprite: Mobs/Customization/reptilian_parts.rsi state: r_leg_tiger + +- type: marking + id: LizardHornsArgali + bodyPart: HeadTop + markingCategory: HeadTop + speciesRestriction: [Reptilian] + sprites: + - sprite: Mobs/Customization/reptilian_parts.rsi + state: horns_argali + +- type: marking + id: LizardHornsAyrshire + bodyPart: HeadTop + markingCategory: HeadTop + speciesRestriction: [Reptilian] + sprites: + - sprite: Mobs/Customization/reptilian_parts.rsi + state: horns_ayrshire + +- type: marking + id: LizardHornsMyrsore + bodyPart: HeadTop + markingCategory: HeadTop + speciesRestriction: [Reptilian] + sprites: + - sprite: Mobs/Customization/reptilian_parts.rsi + state: horns_myrsore + +- type: marking + id: LizardBighorn + bodyPart: HeadTop + markingCategory: HeadTop + speciesRestriction: [Reptilian] + sprites: + - sprite: Mobs/Customization/reptilian_parts.rsi + state: horns_bighorn diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Mobs/Customization/reptilian_parts.rsi/horns_argali.png b/Resources/Textures/Mobs/Customization/reptilian_parts.rsi/horns_argali.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f66087be661555867c760f00b77d941070e4a061 GIT binary patch literal 1360 zcmeAS@N?(olHy`uVBq!ia0vp^4j|0I1|(Ny7TyC=jKx9jP7LeL$-D$|_);T0(|mmy zw18|5AO?X;!IOa`XMsm#F$06fED&ZCw^H21z`&f584^(v;p=0SoS&h?X&sHg;q@=(~U%$M(T(8_%FTW^V-_X+1Qs2Nx-^fT8s6w~6 zGOr}DLN~8i8Da>`9GBGM~RsBTId_|A5Z7NlCUU$t=l91qU45Kj08_%qc+?1*r!G zK~5$pWUX=%^U`gVDs)p)(-KQ_N|fx1;&W2dZS)~ZP_;rtQBAbb$6~n+$jerdL8-<0 zIi;XLw=*&`u>l7JiYOxZAvz+k>OdAn*AbABUy=_@PDPo?o_QsyMFmB`qy@1NY9DSD z=w=}-56#Ogu`_}ifF_Kj3n^->9E(cI^NX@Wz|jB=L!9zZGa%uKlr|v=9~}0;lyApn zqYuwTc3jVbpE?7xYr3b4V@L(#+gY)EO$Guj7b^to&K>wW-;za!VV#4Cv&?0au*|^t zKOR1}@18sNZSwY@P#Xacp%t%xt%@%?+ z&8n6?Hh_%pc-RyUIU5 zU3_j$<&J-%?Ki?-uY0{IfAM)$-rreK%RbwLpWbAXSLFTbY1SL<{Ig5L{a^2THf_}= zMw{K`^2a}lm`%Rx+IFD*dpYy8S7&>Y&+V1EU#Bop=yZVP?0d)Ggd2p~i;BOvaXBDp z*7_r?2jl~4jwYlBetl@4yu2kBhl>zSuJ?SvraODN1>fE2hd`y7r>mdKI;Vst034jc AP5=M^ literal 0 HcmV?d00001 diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Mobs/Customization/reptilian_parts.rsi/horns_ayrshire.png b/Resources/Textures/Mobs/Customization/reptilian_parts.rsi/horns_ayrshire.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0390a1fc690ff5a1d952878dbd7bfa51b9b8c4ed GIT binary patch literal 1273 zcmeAS@N?(olHy`uVBq!ia0vp^4j|0I1|(Ny7TyC=jKx9jP7LeL$-D$|_);T0(|mmy zw18|5AO?X;!IOa`XMsm#F$06fED&ZCw^H21z`&f584^(v;p=0SoS&h?X&sHg;q@=(~U%$M(T(8_%FTW^V-_X+1Qs2Nx-^fT8s6w~6 zGOr}DLN~8i8Da>`9GBGM~RsBTId_|A5Z7NlCUU$t=l91qU45Kj08_%qc+?1*r!G zK~5$pWUX=%^U`gVDs)p)(-KQ_N|fx1;&W2dZS)~ZP_;rtQBAbb$6~n+$jerdL8-<0 zIi;XLw=*&`u>l7JiYOxZAvz+k>OdAn*AbABUy=_@PDPo?o_QsyMFmB`qy@1NY9DSD z=w=}-56#Ogu`_}ifF_Kj3n^->9E(cI^NX@Wz|jB=L!9zZGa%uKlr|v=9~}0;lyApn zqYuwTc3jVbpE?7xtAMAAV@L(#+gsjz%?bhyiJ4Ubdsx2j=Um5|zTvD&D&y4S5+w>sifVd!p_L z_Pjp-dCr_87WcNTO`dAv%Brxm=**g}@zN72lYMsm;#7Y5c(1?I$sZ>^+HcvrVy^h~ zXP<43aVRt}FySWd#3=07xA|PS?#_wNDs`L4S>`dX^{{Cbiz!xN9bI%8E0 z$7ykk|FNA9Qa<}h?X&sHg;q@=(~U%$M(T(8_%FTW^V-_X+1Qs2Nx-^fT8s6w~6 zGOr}DLN~8i8Da>`9GBGM~RsBTId_|A5Z7NlCUU$t=l91qU45Kj08_%qc+?1*r!G zK~5$pWUX=%^U`gVDs)p)(-KQ_N|fx1;&W2dZS)~ZP_;rtQBAbb$6~n+$jerdL8-<0 zIi;XLw=*&`u>l7JiYOxZAvz+k>OdAn*AbABUy=_@PDPo?o_QsyMFmB`qy@1NY9DSD z=w=}-56#Ogu`_}ifF_Kj3n^->9E(cI^NX@Wz|jB=L!9zZGa%uKlr|v=9~}0;lyApn zqYuwTc3jVbpE?7x>sn72$B+ufx3j$Snhiu;GpCvwq>0}AKO@v2P1q#-mFu*pN6zzY z@v!vyQ~AHymreihfzLNt_9;E}zr3aQ@s8E&UR&v$-gNuglii8Wmpt3ARxkSPo0rDS zxvMkmn?5o;c)FleubyMO$fb36EOy?1KienhzpD63oAc|J$lnWQYD#D>d1u@Ea^EvQ zo2xHpo(_Mv`-%E>&+DpxKg6wH9JkwMW88$m-S2G@_FXH?(slc_$@ zJ#L@h?X&sHg;q@=(~U%$M(T(8_%FTW^V-_X+1Qs2Nx-^fT8s6w~6 zGOr}DLN~8i8Da>`9GBGM~RsBTId_|A5Z7NlCUU$t=l91qU45Kj08_%qc+?1*r!G zK~5$pWUX=%^U`gVDs)p)(-KQ_N|fx1;&W2dZS)~ZP_;rtQBAbb$6~n+$jerdL8-<0 zIi;XLw=*&`u>l7JiYOxZAvz+k>OdAn*AbABUy=_@PDPo?o_QsyMFmB`qy@1NY9DSD z=w=}-56#Ogu`_}ifF_Kj3n^->9E(cI^NX@Wz|jB=L!9zZGa%uKlr|v=9~}0;lyApn zqYuwTc3jVbpE?7xtE#7qV@L(#+gpZw%?3QJ54W@@uobeuvoGdKd%%|~`_gk^6W1Ju zRbMvmaFChZU&5tWAS3=_*So1{wey#MKlf|xtgd@j{`rsYR$ewaDkie`?+(USyZTl; zT)f?&e*WIC=N&7>io*^jGH9Ef|GX%_n%mM>N9}f@QD3q|+rva>-CI9X-7lMT|KHDb zf1^;y><$Jd4uu9h#C5KijgC>fjy=5lQ1{ZM-rTDjU#n(|G6p#Bl-K@Km2vlS*p94M zyUdT-mgR3UUD%ex_x5J>^V_qh=N%0X75%mEd{y7x((vO;&#vLK_?UEi+v@vTb0Q|K k6m(! Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2023 22:25:14 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 17/59] Automatic changelog update --- Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml | 10 +++++----- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml b/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml index 6791d443fc1..e5c3f87ee4c 100644 --- a/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml +++ b/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml @@ -1,9 +1,4 @@ Entries: -- author: VasilisThePikachu - changes: - - {message: HoP no longer receives QM access., type: Remove} - id: 4398 - time: '2023-08-01T14:02:02.0000000+00:00' - author: Errant changes: - {message: 'Indistinct whispers heard through walls or from behind other objects/people @@ -2979,3 +2974,8 @@ Entries: - {message: Adds a new sprite for Syndicate implanters., type: Add} id: 4897 time: '2023-09-26T00:04:03.0000000+00:00' +- author: Ubaser + changes: + - {message: Added four new lizard horn markings!, type: Add} + id: 4898 + time: '2023-09-26T02:24:09.0000000+00:00' From 8fb9d6e9b364a0da8c1b4cd73f0a6450e0e1d558 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Whisper <> Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2023 00:37:22 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 18/59] Remove empty damage values from health analyzer UI (#20366) --- .../UI/HealthAnalyzerWindow.xaml.cs | 15 ++++++++++----- 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) diff --git a/Content.Client/HealthAnalyzer/UI/HealthAnalyzerWindow.xaml.cs b/Content.Client/HealthAnalyzer/UI/HealthAnalyzerWindow.xaml.cs index a2f1a4dc5ac..1c5a3373e15 100644 --- a/Content.Client/HealthAnalyzer/UI/HealthAnalyzerWindow.xaml.cs +++ b/Content.Client/HealthAnalyzer/UI/HealthAnalyzerWindow.xaml.cs @@ -38,17 +38,17 @@ public void Populate(HealthAnalyzerScannedUserMessage msg) IReadOnlyDictionary damagePerGroup = damageable.DamagePerGroup; IReadOnlyDictionary damagePerType = damageable.Damage.DamageDict; - text.Append($"{Loc.GetString("health-analyzer-window-entity-health-text", ("entityName", entityName))}\n"); + text.Append($"{Loc.GetString("health-analyzer-window-entity-health-text", ("entityName", entityName))}\n\n"); text.Append($"{Loc.GetString("health-analyzer-window-entity-temperature-text", ("temperature", float.IsNaN(msg.Temperature) ? "N/A" : $"{msg.Temperature - 273f:F1} °C"))}\n"); - text.Append($"{Loc.GetString("health-analyzer-window-entity-blood-level-text", ("bloodLevel", float.IsNaN(msg.BloodLevel) ? "N/A" : $"{msg.BloodLevel * 100:F1} %"))}\n"); + text.Append($"{Loc.GetString("health-analyzer-window-entity-blood-level-text", ("bloodLevel", float.IsNaN(msg.BloodLevel) ? "N/A" : $"{msg.BloodLevel * 100:F1} %"))}\n\n"); // Damage - text.Append($"\n{Loc.GetString("health-analyzer-window-entity-damage-total-text", ("amount", damageable.TotalDamage))}\n"); + text.Append($"{Loc.GetString("health-analyzer-window-entity-damage-total-text", ("amount", damageable.TotalDamage))}\n"); HashSet shownTypes = new(); @@ -57,15 +57,20 @@ public void Populate(HealthAnalyzerScannedUserMessage msg) // Show the total damage and type breakdown for each damage group. foreach (var (damageGroupId, damageAmount) in damagePerGroup) { + if (damageAmount == 0) + { + continue; + } text.Append($"\n{Loc.GetString("health-analyzer-window-damage-group-text", ("damageGroup", Loc.GetString("health-analyzer-window-damage-group-" + damageGroupId)), ("amount", damageAmount))}"); + // Show the damage for each type in that group. var group = protos.Index(damageGroupId); foreach (var type in group.DamageTypes) { - if (damagePerType.TryGetValue(type, out var typeAmount)) + if (damagePerType.TryGetValue(type, out var typeAmount) ) { // If damage types are allowed to belong to more than one damage group, they may appear twice here. Mark them as duplicate. - if (!shownTypes.Contains(type)) + if (!shownTypes.Contains(type) && typeAmount > 0) { shownTypes.Add(type); text.Append($"\n- {Loc.GetString("health-analyzer-window-damage-type-text", ("damageType", Loc.GetString("health-analyzer-window-damage-type-" + type)), ("amount", typeAmount))}"); From 188eff3ebc3c25c1963e8ab91aa5118b79715b56 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: PJBot Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2023 00:38:26 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 19/59] Automatic changelog update --- Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml | 16 +++++----------- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml b/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml index e5c3f87ee4c..d40cb57c856 100644 --- a/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml +++ b/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml @@ -1,15 +1,4 @@ Entries: -- author: Errant - changes: - - {message: 'Indistinct whispers heard through walls or from behind other objects/people - no longer reveal the whisperer''s identity, you need to be able to clearly see - them.', type: Tweak} - - {message: 'If you can see the distant whisperer clearly, their identity is determined - by appearance/ID-card rather than their voice.', type: Tweak} - - {message: The range at which indistinct whispers can still be heard has been reduced., - type: Tweak} - id: 4399 - time: '2023-08-01T14:43:03.0000000+00:00' - author: hord-brayden changes: - {message: 'CE and HoS jumpskirts no longer provide rad protection or brute protection, @@ -2979,3 +2968,8 @@ Entries: - {message: Added four new lizard horn markings!, type: Add} id: 4898 time: '2023-09-26T02:24:09.0000000+00:00' +- author: Whisper + changes: + - {message: The health analyzer no longer shows zero-damage groups., type: Fix} + id: 4899 + time: '2023-09-26T04:37:23.0000000+00:00' From 66307df9702543987fc09d7f23091ff3350557f3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Kara Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2023 07:49:27 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 20/59] Revert "Guidebook can POP OUT YAYYYY" (#20520) --- .../Guidebook/Controls/GuidebookControl.xaml | 36 ---- .../Controls/GuidebookControl.xaml.cs | 187 ------------------ .../Guidebook/Controls/GuidebookWindow.xaml | 30 ++- .../Controls/GuidebookWindow.xaml.cs | 172 +++++++++++++++- .../Guidebook/GuidebookUIController.cs | 58 +----- Resources/manifest.yml | 1 - 6 files changed, 202 insertions(+), 282 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 Content.Client/Guidebook/Controls/GuidebookControl.xaml delete mode 100644 Content.Client/Guidebook/Controls/GuidebookControl.xaml.cs diff --git a/Content.Client/Guidebook/Controls/GuidebookControl.xaml b/Content.Client/Guidebook/Controls/GuidebookControl.xaml deleted file mode 100644 index 110cf4ea85c..00000000000 --- a/Content.Client/Guidebook/Controls/GuidebookControl.xaml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - -