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Marcelo Silva Nascimento Mancini edited this page Jun 24, 2022 · 5 revisions

What contribution is expected

Currently, this project is built for my own improvement on game development understanding. So, I'm not accepting Pull Requests which would kill that purpose.

  • Pull Requests for hotfixes
  • Pull Requests for better documentation
  • Issues totally open for everyone
  • Opening an Issue for an enhancement or feature request is also okay.

The way I do expect any kind of contribution is through the improve of two partner projects:

  • Adam D Ruppe's ARSD Webassembly - A project which implements DRuntime for Web Assembly. If it becomes fully functional, I would agree to continue porting this engine to web assembly, doing a renderer and audio abstraction for both WebGL and WebAudio
  • Dylan Graham's LWDR - Lightweight D Runtime - A project which implements DRuntime for baremetal. This project was used for a testing onto homebrew game dev. I was able to almost completely support a homebrew platform, but, the DRuntime is still not ready to use features that are instrinsic to HipremeEngine.
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