If you find that you’re spending almost all your time on theory, start turning some attention to practical things; it will improve your theories. If you find that you’re spending almost all your time on practice, start turning some attention to theoretical things; it will improve your practice.
——Donald Knuth
We already have ourselves a complete implementation of Lox with jlox, so why isn’t the book over yet? Part of this is because jlox relies on the JVM to do lots of things for us. If we want to understand how an interpreter works all the way down to the metal, we need to build those bits and pieces ourselves.
我们已经有了一个Lox 的完整实现jlox,那么为什么这本书还没有结束呢?部分原因是jlox依赖JVM为我们做很多事情1。如果我们想要了解一个解释器是如何工作的,我们就需要自己构建这些零碎的东西。
An even more fundamental reason that jlox isn’t sufficient is that it’s too damn slow. A tree-walk interpreter is fine for some kinds of high-level, declarative languages. But for a general-purpose, imperative language—even a “scripting” language like Lox—it won’t fly. Take this little script:
fun fib(n) {
if (n < 2) return n;
return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2);
var before = clock();
print fib(40);
var after = clock();
print after - before;
On my laptop, that takes jlox about 72 seconds to execute. An equivalent C program finishes in half a second. Our dynamically typed scripting language is never going to be as fast as a statically typed language with manual memory management, but we don’t need to settle for more than two orders of magnitude slower.
We could take jlox and run it in a profiler and start tuning and tweaking hotspots, but that will only get us so far. The execution model—walking the AST—is fundamentally the wrong design. We can’t micro-optimize that to the performance we want any more than you can polish an AMC Gremlin into an SR-71 Blackbird.
我们可以把jlox放在性能分析器中运行,并进行调优和调整热点,但这也只能到此为止了。它的执行模型(遍历AST)从根本上说就是一个错误的设计。我们无法将其微优化到我们想要的性能,就像你无法将AMC Gremlin打磨成SR-71 Blackbird一样。
We need to rethink the core model. This chapter introduces that model, bytecode, and begins our new interpreter, clox.
In engineering, few choices are without trade-offs. To best understand why we’re going with bytecode, let’s stack it up against a couple of alternatives.
Our existing interpreter has a couple of things going for it:
Well, first, we already wrote it. It’s done. And the main reason it’s done is because this style of interpreter is really simple to implement. The runtime representation of the code directly maps to the syntax. It’s virtually effortless to get from the parser to the data structures we need at runtime.
It’s portable. Our current interpreter is written in Java and runs on any platform Java supports. We could write a new implementation in C using the same approach and compile and run our language on basically every platform under the sun.
Those are real advantages. But, on the other hand, it’s not memory-efficient. Each piece of syntax becomes an AST node. A tiny Lox expression like
1 + 2
turns into a slew of objects with lots of pointers between them, something like:
Each of those pointers adds an extra 32 or 64 bits of overhead to the object. Worse, sprinkling our data across the heap in a loosely connected web of objects does bad things for spatial locality.
Modern CPUs process data way faster than they can pull it from RAM. To compensate for that, chips have multiple layers of caching. If a piece of memory it needs is already in the cache, it can be loaded more quickly. We’re talking upwards of 100 times faster.
How does data get into that cache? The machine speculatively stuffs things in there for you. Its heuristic is pretty simple. Whenever the CPU reads a bit of data from RAM, it pulls in a whole little bundle of adjacent bytes and stuffs them in the cache.
If our program next requests some data close enough to be inside that cache line, our CPU runs like a well-oiled conveyor belt in a factory. We really want to take advantage of this. To use the cache effectively, the way we represent code in memory should be dense and ordered like it’s read.
Now look up at that tree. Those sub-objects could be anywhere. Every step the tree-walker takes where it follows a reference to a child node may step outside the bounds of the cache and force the CPU to stall until a new lump of data can be slurped in from RAM. Just the overhead of those tree nodes with all of their pointer fields and object headers tends to push objects away from each other and out of the cache.
Our AST walker has other overhead too around interface dispatch and the Visitor pattern, but the locality issues alone are enough to justify a better code representation.
If you want to go real fast, you want to get all of those layers of indirection out of the way. Right down to the metal. Machine code. It even sounds fast. Machine code.
Compiling directly to the native instruction set the chip supports is what the fastest languages do. Targeting native code has been the most efficient option since way back in the early days when engineers actually handwrote programs in machine code.
If you’ve never written any machine code, or its slightly more human-palatable cousin assembly code before, I’ll give you the gentlest of introductions. Native code is a dense series of operations, encoded directly in binary. Each instruction is between one and a few bytes long, and is almost mind-numbingly low level. “Move a value from this address to this register.” “Add the integers in these two registers.” Stuff like that.
The CPU cranks through the instructions, decoding and executing each one in order. There is no tree structure like our AST, and control flow is handled by jumping from one point in the code directly to another. No indirection, no overhead, no unnecessary skipping around or chasing pointers.
Lightning fast, but that performance comes at a cost. First of all, compiling to native code ain’t easy. Most chips in wide use today have sprawling Byzantine architectures with heaps of instructions that accreted over decades. They require sophisticated register allocation, pipelining, and instruction scheduling.
And, of course, you’ve thrown portability out. Spend a few years mastering some architecture and that still only gets you onto one of the several popular instruction sets out there. To get your language on all of them, you need to learn all of their instruction sets and write a separate back end for each one.
Fix those two points in your mind. On one end, a tree-walk interpreter is simple, portable, and slow. On the other, native code is complex and platform-specific but fast. Bytecode sits in the middle. It retains the portability of a tree-walker—we won’t be getting our hands dirty with assembly code in this book. It sacrifices some simplicity to get a performance boost in return, though not as fast as going fully native.
Structurally, bytecode resembles machine code. It’s a dense, linear sequence of binary instructions. That keeps overhead low and plays nice with the cache. However, it’s a much simpler, higher-level instruction set than any real chip out there. (In many bytecode formats, each instruction is only a single byte long, hence “bytecode”.)
Imagine you’re writing a native compiler from some source language and you’re given carte blanche to define the easiest possible architecture to target. Bytecode is kind of like that. It’s an idealized fantasy instruction set that makes your life as the compiler writer easier.
The problem with a fantasy architecture, of course, is that it doesn’t exist. We solve that by writing an emulator—a simulated chip written in software that interprets the bytecode one instruction at a time. A virtual machine (VM), if you will.
That emulation layer adds overhead, which is a key reason bytecode is slower than native code. But in return, it gives us portability. Write our VM in a language like C that is already supported on all the machines we care about, and we can run our emulator on top of any hardware we like.
This is the path we’ll take with our new interpreter, clox. We’ll follow in the footsteps of the main implementations of Python, Ruby, Lua, OCaml, Erlang, and others. In many ways, our VM’s design will parallel the structure of our previous interpreter:
Of course, we won’t implement the phases strictly in order. Like our previous interpreter, we’ll bounce around, building up the implementation one language feature at a time. In this chapter, we’ll get the skeleton of the application in place and create the data structures needed to store and represent a chunk of bytecode.
Where else to begin, but at
? Fire up your trusty text editor and start typing.
#include "common.h"
int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) {
return 0;
From this tiny seed, we will grow our entire VM. Since C provides us with so little, we first need to spend some time amending the soil. Some of that goes into this header:
#ifndef clox_common_h
#define clox_common_h
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
There are a handful of types and constants we’ll use throughout the interpreter, and this is a convenient place to put them. For now, it’s the venerable
, the nice C99 Booleanbool
, and explicit-sized integer types—uint8_t
and friends.
Next, we need a module to define our code representation. I’ve been using “chunk” to refer to sequences of bytecode, so let’s make that the official name for that module.
#ifndef clox_chunk_h
#define clox_chunk_h
#include "common.h"
In our bytecode format, each instruction has a one-byte operation code (universally shortened to opcode). That number controls what kind of instruction we’re dealing with—add, subtract, look up variable, etc. We define those here:
#include "common.h"
// 新增部分开始
typedef enum {
} OpCode;
// 新增部分结束
For now, we start with a single instruction,
. When we have a full-featured VM, this instruction will mean “return from the current function”. I admit this isn’t exactly useful yet, but we have to start somewhere, and this is a particularly simple instruction, for reasons we’ll get to later.
Bytecode is a series of instructions. Eventually, we’ll store some other data along with the instructions, so let’s go ahead and create a struct to hold it all.
chunk.h,在枚举 OpCode后添加:
} OpCode;
// 新增部分开始
typedef struct {
uint8_t* code;
} Chunk;
// 新增部分结束
At the moment, this is simply a wrapper around an array of bytes. Since we don’t know how big the array needs to be before we start compiling a chunk, it must be dynamic. Dynamic arrays are one of my favorite data structures. That sounds like claiming vanilla is my favorite ice cream flavor, but hear me out. Dynamic arrays provide:
Cache-friendly, dense storage
Constant-time indexed element lookup
Constant-time appending to the end of the array
Those features are exactly why we used dynamic arrays all the time in jlox under the guise of Java’s ArrayList class. Now that we’re in C, we get to roll our own. If you’re rusty on dynamic arrays, the idea is pretty simple. In addition to the array itself, we keep two numbers: the number of elements in the array we have allocated (“capacity”) and how many of those allocated entries are actually in use (“count”).
chunk.h,在结构体 Chunk中添加代码:
typedef struct {
// 新增部分开始
int count;
int capacity;
// 新增部分结束
uint8_t* code;
} Chunk;
When we add an element, if the count is less than the capacity, then there is already available space in the array. We store the new element right in there and bump the count.
If we have no spare capacity, then the process is a little more involved.
Allocate a new array with more capacity.
Copy the existing elements from the old array to the new one.
Store the new
。 -
Delete the old array.
to point to the new array.更新
指向新的数组。 -
Store the element in the new array now that there is room.
Update the
We have our struct ready, so let’s implement the functions to work with it. C doesn’t have constructors, so we declare a function to initialize a new chunk.
chunk.h,在结构体 Chunk后添加:
} Chunk;
// 新增部分开始
void initChunk(Chunk* chunk);
// 新增部分结束
And implement it thusly:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "chunk.h"
void initChunk(Chunk* chunk) {
chunk->count = 0;
chunk->capacity = 0;
chunk->code = NULL;
The dynamic array starts off completely empty. We don’t even allocate a raw array yet. To append a byte to the end of the chunk, we use a new function.
chunk.h,在 initChunk()方法后添加:
void initChunk(Chunk* chunk);
// 新增部分开始
void writeChunk(Chunk* chunk, uint8_t byte);
// 新增部分结束
This is where the interesting work happens.
chunk.c,在 initChunk()方法后添加:
void writeChunk(Chunk* chunk, uint8_t byte) {
if (chunk->capacity < chunk->count + 1) {
int oldCapacity = chunk->capacity;
chunk->capacity = GROW_CAPACITY(oldCapacity);
chunk->code = GROW_ARRAY(uint8_t, chunk->code,
oldCapacity, chunk->capacity);
chunk->code[chunk->count] = byte;
The first thing we need to do is see if the current array already has capacity for the new byte. If it doesn’t, then we first need to grow the array to make room. (We also hit this case on the very first write when the array is
is 0.)
To grow the array, first we figure out the new capacity and grow the array to that size. Both of those lower-level memory operations are defined in a new module.
#include "chunk.h"
// 新增部分开始
#include "memory.h"
// 新增部分结束
void initChunk(Chunk* chunk) {
This is enough to get us started.
#ifndef clox_memory_h
#define clox_memory_h
#include "common.h"
#define GROW_CAPACITY(capacity) \
((capacity) < 8 ? 8 : (capacity) * 2)
This macro calculates a new capacity based on a given current capacity. In order to get the performance we want, the important part is that it scales based on the old size. We grow by a factor of two, which is pretty typical. 1.5× is another common choice.
We also handle when the current capacity is zero. In that case, we jump straight to eight elements instead of starting at one. That avoids a little extra memory churn when the array is very small, at the expense of wasting a few bytes on very small chunks.
Once we know the desired capacity, we create or grow the array to that size using
#define GROW_CAPACITY(capacity) ((capacity) < 8 ? 8 : (capacity) * 2)
// 新增部分开始
#define GROW_ARRAY(type, pointer, oldCount, newCount) \
(type*)reallocate(pointer, sizeof(type) * (oldCount), \
sizeof(type) * (newCount))
void* reallocate(void* pointer, size_t oldSize, size_t newSize);
// 新增部分结束
This macro pretties up a function call to
where the real work happens. The macro itself takes care of getting the size of the array’s element type and casting the resultingvoid*
back to a pointer of the right type.
function is the single function we’ll use for all dynamic memory management in clox—allocating memory, freeing it, and changing the size of an existing allocation. Routing all of those operations through a single function will be important later when we add a garbage collector that needs to keep track of how much memory is in use.
The two size arguments passed to
control which operation to perform:
oldSize | newSize | Operation |
0 | Non‑zero | Allocate new block. 分配新块 |
Non‑zero | 0 | Free allocation. 释放已分配内存 |
Non‑zero | Smaller than oldSize |
Shrink existing allocation. 收缩已分配内存 |
Non‑zero | Larger than oldSize |
Grow existing allocation. 增加已分配内存 |
That sounds like a lot of cases to handle, but here’s the implementation:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "memory.h"
void* reallocate(void* pointer, size_t oldSize, size_t newSize) {
if (newSize == 0) {
return NULL;
void* result = realloc(pointer, newSize);
return result;
is zero, we handle the deallocation case ourselves by callingfree()
. Otherwise, we rely on the C standard library’srealloc()
function. That function conveniently supports the other three aspects of our policy. WhenoldSize
is zero,realloc()
is equivalent to callingmalloc()
The interesting cases are when both
are not zero. Those tellrealloc()
to resize the previously allocated block. If the new size is smaller than the existing block of memory, it simply updates the size of the block and returns the same pointer you gave it. If the new size is larger, it attempts to grow the existing block of memory.
It can do that only if the memory after that block isn’t already in use. If there isn’t room to grow the block,
instead allocates a new block of memory of the desired size, copies over the old bytes, frees the old block, and then returns a pointer to the new block. Remember, that’s exactly the behavior we want for our dynamic array.
Because computers are finite lumps of matter and not the perfect mathematical abstractions computer science theory would have us believe, allocation can fail if there isn’t enough memory and
will returnNULL
. We should handle that.
memory.c,在 reallocate()方法中添加:
void* result = realloc(pointer, newSize);
// 新增部分开始
if (result == NULL) exit(1);
// 新增部分结束
return result;
There’s not really anything useful that our VM can do if it can’t get the memory it needs, but we at least detect that and abort the process immediately instead of returning a
pointer and letting it go off the rails later.
OK, we can create new chunks and write instructions to them. Are we done? Nope! We’re in C now, remember, we have to manage memory ourselves, like in Ye Olden Times, and that means freeing it too.
好了,我们可以创建新的块并向其中写入指令。我们完成了吗?不!要记住,我们现在是在C语言中,我们必须自己管理内存,就像在《Ye Olden Times》中那样,这意味着我们也要释放内存。
chunk.h,在 initChunk()方法后添加:
void initChunk(Chunk* chunk);
// 新增部分开始
void freeChunk(Chunk* chunk);
// 新增部分结束
void writeChunk(Chunk* chunk, uint8_t byte);
chunk.c,在 initChunk()方法后添加:
void freeChunk(Chunk* chunk) {
FREE_ARRAY(uint8_t, chunk->code, chunk->capacity);
We deallocate all of the memory and then call
to zero out the fields leaving the chunk in a well-defined empty state. To free the memory, we add one more macro.
#define GROW_ARRAY(type, pointer, oldCount, newCount) \
(type*)reallocate(pointer, sizeof(type) * (oldCount), \
sizeof(type) * (newCount))
// 新增部分开始
#define FREE_ARRAY(type, pointer, oldCount) \
reallocate(pointer, sizeof(type) * (oldCount), 0)
// 新增部分结束
void* reallocate(void* pointer, size_t oldSize, size_t newSize);
, this is a wrapper around a call toreallocate()
. This one frees the memory by passing in zero for the new size. I know, this is a lot of boring low-level stuff. Don’t worry, we’ll get a lot of use out of these in later chapters and will get to program at a higher level. Before we can do that, though, we gotta lay our own foundation.
Now we have a little module for creating chunks of bytecode. Let’s try it out by hand-building a sample chunk.
main.c,在 main()方法中添加:
int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) {
// 新增部分开始
Chunk chunk;
writeChunk(&chunk, OP_RETURN);
// 新增部分结束
return 0;
Don’t forget the include.
#include "common.h"
// 新增部分开始
#include "chunk.h"
// 新增部分结束
int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) {
Run that and give it a try. Did it work? Uh . . . who knows? All we’ve done is push some bytes around in memory. We have no human-friendly way to see what’s actually inside that chunk we made.
To fix this, we’re going to create a disassembler. An assembler is an old-school program that takes a file containing human-readable mnemonic names for CPU instructions like “ADD” and “MULT” and translates them to their binary machine code equivalent. A disassembler goes in the other direction—given a blob of machine code, it spits out a textual listing of the instructions.
为了解决这个问题,我们要创建一个反汇编程序。汇编程序是一个老式程序,它接收一个文件,该文件中包含CPU指令(如 "ADD "和 "MULT")的可读助记符名称,并将它们翻译成等价的二进制机器代码。反汇编程序则相反——给定一串机器码,它会返回指令的文本列表。
We’ll implement something similar. Given a chunk, it will print out all of the instructions in it. A Lox user won’t use this, but we Lox maintainers will certainly benefit since it gives us a window into the interpreter’s internal representation of code.
, after we create the chunk, we pass it to the disassembler.
main.c,在 main()方法中添加:
writeChunk(&chunk, OP_RETURN);
// 新增部分开始
disassembleChunk(&chunk, "test chunk");
// 新增部分结束
Again, we whip up yet another module.
#include "chunk.h"
// 新增部分开始
#include "debug.h"
// 新增部分结束
int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) {
Here’s that header:
#ifndef clox_debug_h
#define clox_debug_h
#include "chunk.h"
void disassembleChunk(Chunk* chunk, const char* name);
int disassembleInstruction(Chunk* chunk, int offset);
, we calldisassembleChunk()
to disassemble all of the instructions in the entire chunk. That’s implemented in terms of the other function, which just disassembles a single instruction. It shows up here in the header because we’ll call it from the VM in later chapters.
Here’s a start at the implementation file:
#include <stdio.h>
#include "debug.h"
void disassembleChunk(Chunk* chunk, const char* name) {
printf("== %s ==\n", name);
for (int offset = 0; offset < chunk->count;) {
offset = disassembleInstruction(chunk, offset);
To disassemble a chunk, we print a little header (so we can tell which chunk we’re looking at) and then crank through the bytecode, disassembling each instruction. The way we iterate through the code is a little odd. Instead of incrementing
in the loop, we letdisassembleInstruction()
do it for us. When we call that function, after disassembling the instruction at the given offset, it returns the offset of the next instruction. This is because, as we’ll see later, instructions can have different sizes.
The core of the “debug” module is this function:
int disassembleInstruction(Chunk* chunk, int offset) {
printf("%04d ", offset);
uint8_t instruction = chunk->code[offset];
switch (instruction) {
return simpleInstruction("OP_RETURN", offset);
printf("Unknown opcode %d\n", instruction);
return offset + 1;
First, it prints the byte offset of the given instruction—that tells us where in the chunk this instruction is. This will be a helpful signpost when we start doing control flow and jumping around in the bytecode.
Next, it reads a single byte from the bytecode at the given offset. That’s our opcode. We switch on that. For each kind of instruction, we dispatch to a little utility function for displaying it. On the off chance that the given byte doesn’t look like an instruction at all—a bug in our compiler—we print that too. For the one instruction we do have,
, the display function is:
debug.c,在 disassembleChunk()方法后添加:
static int simpleInstruction(const char* name, int offset) {
printf("%s\n", name);
return offset + 1;
There isn’t much to a return instruction, so all it does is print the name of the opcode, then return the next byte offset past this instruction. Other instructions will have more going on.
If we run our nascent interpreter now, it actually prints something:
== test chunk ==
It worked! This is sort of the “Hello, world!” of our code representation. We can create a chunk, write an instruction to it, and then extract that instruction back out. Our encoding and decoding of the binary bytecode is working.
成功了!这有点像我们代码表示中的“Hello, world!”。我们可以创建一个字节码块,向其中写入一条指令,然后将该指令提取出来。我们对二进制字节码的编码和解码工作正常。
Now that we have a rudimentary chunk structure working, let’s start making it more useful. We can store code in chunks, but what about data? Many values the interpreter works with are created at runtime as the result of operations.
1 + 2;
The value 3 appears nowhere in the code here. However, the literals
do. To compile that statement to bytecode, we need some sort of instruction that means “produce a constant” and those literal values need to get stored in the chunk somewhere. In jlox, the Expr.Literal AST node held the value. We need a different solution now that we don’t have a syntax tree.
出现了。为了将该语句编译成字节码,我们需要某种指令,其含义是“生成一个常量”,而这些字母值需要存储在字节码块中的某个地方。在jlox中,Expr.Literal 这个AST节点中保存了这些值。因为我们没有语法树,现在我们需要一个不同的解决方案。
We won’t be running any code in this chapter, but since constants have a foot in both the static and dynamic worlds of our interpreter, they force us to start thinking at least a little bit about how our VM should represent values.
For now, we’re going to start as simple as possible—we’ll support only double-precision, floating-point numbers. This will obviously expand over time, so we’ll set up a new module to give ourselves room to grow.
#ifndef clox_value_h
#define clox_value_h
#include "common.h"
typedef double Value;
This typedef abstracts how Lox values are concretely represented in C. That way, we can change that representation without needing to go back and fix existing code that passes around values.
Back to the question of where to store constants in a chunk. For small fixed-size values like integers, many instruction sets store the value directly in the code stream right after the opcode. These are called immediate instructions because the bits for the value are immediately after the opcode.
That doesn’t work well for large or variable-sized constants like strings. In a native compiler to machine code, those bigger constants get stored in a separate “constant data” region in the binary executable. Then, the instruction to load a constant has an address or offset pointing to where the value is stored in that section.
Most virtual machines do something similar. For example, the Java Virtual Machine associates a constant pool with each compiled class. That sounds good enough for clox to me. Each chunk will carry with it a list of the values that appear as literals in the program. To keep things simpler, we’ll put all constants in there, even simple integers.
The constant pool is an array of values. The instruction to load a constant looks up the value by index in that array. As with our bytecode array, the compiler doesn’t know how big the array needs to be ahead of time. So, again, we need a dynamic one. Since C doesn’t have generic data structures, we’ll write another dynamic array data structure, this time for Value.
typedef double Value;
// 新增部分开始
typedef struct {
int capacity;
int count;
Value* values;
} ValueArray;
// 新增部分结束
As with the bytecode array in Chunk, this struct wraps a pointer to an array along with its allocated capacity and the number of elements in use. We also need the same three functions to work with value arrays.
value.h,在结构体 ValueArray后添加:
} ValueArray;
// 新增部分开始
void initValueArray(ValueArray* array);
void writeValueArray(ValueArray* array, Value value);
void freeValueArray(ValueArray* array);
// 新增部分结束
The implementations will probably give you déjà vu. First, to create a new one:
#include <stdio.h>
#include "memory.h"
#include "value.h"
void initValueArray(ValueArray* array) {
array->values = NULL;
array->capacity = 0;
array->count = 0;
Once we have an initialized array, we can start adding values to it.
value.c,在 initValueArray()方法后添加:
void writeValueArray(ValueArray* array, Value value) {
if (array->capacity < array->count + 1) {
int oldCapacity = array->capacity;
array->capacity = GROW_CAPACITY(oldCapacity);
array->values = GROW_ARRAY(Value, array->values,
oldCapacity, array->capacity);
array->values[array->count] = value;
The memory-management macros we wrote earlier do let us reuse some of the logic from the code array, so this isn’t too bad. Finally, to release all memory used by the array:
value.c,在 writeValueArray()方法后添加:
void freeValueArray(ValueArray* array) {
FREE_ARRAY(Value, array->values, array->capacity);
Now that we have growable arrays of values, we can add one to Chunk to store the chunk’s constants.
chunk.h,在结构体 Chunk中添加:
uint8_t* code;
// 新增部分开始
ValueArray constants;
// 新增部分结束
} Chunk;
Don’t forget the include.
#include "common.h"
// 新增部分开始
#include "value.h"
// 新增部分结束
typedef enum {
Ah, C, and its Stone Age modularity story. Where were we? Right. When we initialize a new chunk, we initialize its constant list too.
chunk.c,在 initChunk()方法中添加:
chunk->code = NULL;
// 新增部分开始
// 新增部分结束
Likewise, we free the constants when we free the chunk.
chunk.c,在 freeChunk()方法中添加:
FREE_ARRAY(uint8_t, chunk->code, chunk->capacity);
// 新增部分开始
// 新增部分结束
Next, we define a convenience method to add a new constant to the chunk. Our yet-to-be-written compiler could write to the constant array inside Chunk directly—it’s not like C has private fields or anything—but it’s a little nicer to add an explicit function.
chunk.h,在 writeChunk()方法后添加:
void writeChunk(Chunk* chunk, uint8_t byte);
// 新增部分开始
int addConstant(Chunk* chunk, Value value);
// 新增部分结束
Then we implement it.
chunk.c,在 writeChunk()方法后添加:
int addConstant(Chunk* chunk, Value value) {
writeValueArray(&chunk->constants, value);
return chunk->constants.count - 1;
After we add the constant, we return the index where the constant was appended so that we can locate that same constant later.
We can store constants in chunks, but we also need to execute them. In a piece of code like:
print 1;
print 2;
The compiled chunk needs to not only contain the values 1 and 2, but know when to produce them so that they are printed in the right order. Thus, we need an instruction that produces a particular constant.
chunk.h,在枚举 OpCode中添加:
typedef enum {
// 新增部分开始
// 新增部分结束
When the VM executes a constant instruction, it “loads” the constant for use. This new instruction is a little more complex than
. In the above example, we load two different constants. A single bare opcode isn’t enough to know which constant to load.
To handle cases like this, our bytecode—like most others—allows instructions to have operands. These are stored as binary data immediately after the opcode in the instruction stream and let us parameterize what the instruction does.
Each opcode determines how many operand bytes it has and what they mean. For example, a simple operation like “return” may have no operands, where an instruction for “load local variable” needs an operand to identify which variable to load. Each time we add a new opcode to clox, we specify what its operands look like—its instruction format.
In this case,
takes a single byte operand that specifies which constant to load from the chunk’s constant array. Since we don’t have a compiler yet, we “hand-compile” an instruction in our test chunk.
main.c,在 main()方法中添加:
// 新增部分开始
int constant = addConstant(&chunk, 1.2);
writeChunk(&chunk, OP_CONSTANT);
writeChunk(&chunk, constant);
// 新增部分结束
writeChunk(&chunk, OP_RETURN);
We add the constant value itself to the chunk’s constant pool. That returns the index of the constant in the array. Then we write the constant instruction, starting with its opcode. After that, we write the one-byte constant index operand. Note that
can write opcodes or operands. It’s all raw bytes as far as that function is concerned.
我们将常量值添加到字节码块的常量池中。这会返回常量在数组中的索引。然后我们写常量操作指令,从操作码开始。之后,我们写入一字节的常量索引操作数。注意, writeChunk()
If we try to run this now, the disassembler is going to yell at us because it doesn’t know how to decode the new instruction. Let’s fix that.
debug.c,在 disassembleInstruction()方法中添加:
switch (instruction) {
// 新增部分开始
return constantInstruction("OP_CONSTANT", chunk, offset);
// 新增部分结束
This instruction has a different instruction format, so we write a new helper function to disassemble it.
debug.c,在 disassembleChunk()方法后添加:
static int constantInstruction(const char* name, Chunk* chunk,
int offset) {
uint8_t constant = chunk->code[offset + 1];
printf("%-16s %4d '", name, constant);
There’s more going on here. As with
, we print out the name of the opcode. Then we pull out the constant index from the subsequent byte in the chunk. We print that index, but that isn’t super useful to us human readers. So we also look up the actual constant value—since constants are known at compile time after all—and display the value itself too.
This requires some way to print a clox Value. That function will live in the “value” module, so we include that.
#include "debug.h"
// 新增部分开始
#include "value.h"
// 新增部分结束
void disassembleChunk(Chunk* chunk, const char* name) {
Over in that header, we declare:
value.h,在 freeValueArray()方法后添加:
void freeValueArray(ValueArray* array);
// 新增部分开始
void printValue(Value value);
// 新增部分结束
And here’s an implementation:
value.c,在 freeValueArray()方法后添加:
void printValue(Value value) {
printf("%g", value);
Magnificent, right? As you can imagine, this is going to get more complex once we add dynamic typing to Lox and have values of different types.
Back in
, the only remaining piece is the return value.
debug.c,在 constantInstruction()方法中添加:
// 新增部分开始
return offset + 2;
// 新增部分结束
Remember that
also returns a number to tell the caller the offset of the beginning of the next instruction. WhereOP_RETURN
was only a single byte,OP_CONSTANT
is two—one for the opcode and one for the operand.
Chunks contain almost all of the information that the runtime needs from the user’s source code. It’s kind of crazy to think that we can reduce all of the different AST classes that we created in jlox down to an array of bytes and an array of constants. There’s only one piece of data we’re missing. We need it, even though the user hopes to never see it.
When a runtime error occurs, we show the user the line number of the offending source code. In jlox, those numbers live in tokens, which we in turn store in the AST nodes. We need a different solution for clox now that we’ve ditched syntax trees in favor of bytecode. Given any bytecode instruction, we need to be able to determine the line of the user’s source program that it was compiled from.
There are a lot of clever ways we could encode this. I took the absolute simplest approach I could come up with, even though it’s embarrassingly inefficient with memory. In the chunk, we store a separate array of integers that parallels the bytecode. Each number in the array is the line number for the corresponding byte in the bytecode. When a runtime error occurs, we look up the line number at the same index as the current instruction’s offset in the code array.
To implement this, we add another array to Chunk.
chunk.h, 在结构体 Chunk中添加:
uint8_t* code;
// 新增部分开始
int* lines;
// 新增部分结束
ValueArray constants;
Since it exactly parallels the bytecode array, we don’t need a separate count or capacity. Every time we touch the code array, we make a corresponding change to the line number array, starting with initialization.
chunk.c,在 initChunk()方法中添加:
chunk->code = NULL;
// 新增部分开始
chunk->lines = NULL;
// 新增部分结束
And likewise deallocation:
chunk.c,在 freeChunk()中添加:
FREE_ARRAY(uint8_t, chunk->code, chunk->capacity);
// 新增部分开始
FREE_ARRAY(int, chunk->lines, chunk->capacity);
// 新增部分结束
When we write a byte of code to the chunk, we need to know what source line it came from, so we add an extra parameter in the declaration of
chunk.h,在 writeChunk()函数中替换一行:
void freeChunk(Chunk* chunk);
// 替换部分开始
void writeChunk(Chunk* chunk, uint8_t byte, int line);
// 替换部分结束
int addConstant(Chunk* chunk, Value value);
And in the implementation:
chunk.c,在 writeChunk()函数中替换一行:
// 替换部分开始
void writeChunk(Chunk* chunk, uint8_t byte, int line) {
// 替换部分结束
if (chunk->capacity < chunk->count + 1) {
When we allocate or grow the code array, we do the same for the line info too.
chunk.c,在 writeChunk()方法中添加:
chunk->code = GROW_ARRAY(uint8_t, chunk->code,
oldCapacity, chunk->capacity);
// 新增部分开始
chunk->lines = GROW_ARRAY(int, chunk->lines,
oldCapacity, chunk->capacity);
// 新增部分结束
Finally, we store the line number in the array.
chunk.c,在 writeChunk()方法中添加:
chunk->code[chunk->count] = byte;
// 新增部分开始
chunk->lines[chunk->count] = line;
// 新增部分结束
Alright, let’s try this out with our little, uh, artisanal chunk. First, since we added a new parameter to
, we need to fix those calls to pass in some—arbitrary at this point—line number.
main.c,在 main()方法中替换四行:
int constant = addConstant(&chunk, 1.2);
// 替换部分开始
writeChunk(&chunk, OP_CONSTANT, 123);
writeChunk(&chunk, constant, 123);
writeChunk(&chunk, OP_RETURN, 123);
// 替换部分结束
disassembleChunk(&chunk, "test chunk");
Once we have a real front end, of course, the compiler will track the current line as it parses and pass that in.
Now that we have line information for every instruction, let’s put it to good use. In our disassembler, it’s helpful to show which source line each instruction was compiled from. That gives us a way to map back to the original code when we’re trying to figure out what some blob of bytecode is supposed to do. After printing the offset of the instruction—the number of bytes from the beginning of the chunk—we show its source line.
debug.c,在 disassembleInstruction()方法中添加:
int disassembleInstruction(Chunk* chunk, int offset) {
printf("%04d ", offset);
if (offset > 0 &&
chunk->lines[offset] == chunk->lines[offset - 1]) {
printf(" | ");
} else {
printf("%4d ", chunk->lines[offset]);
uint8_t instruction = chunk->code[offset];
Bytecode instructions tend to be pretty fine-grained. A single line of source code often compiles to a whole sequence of instructions. To make that more visually clear, we show a
for any instruction that comes from the same source line as the preceding one. The resulting output for our handwritten chunk looks like:
== test chunk ==
0000 123 OP_CONSTANT 0 '1.2'
0002 | OP_RETURN
We have a three-byte chunk. The first two bytes are a constant instruction that loads 1.2 from the chunk’s constant pool. The first byte is the
opcode and the second is the index in the constant pool. The third byte (at offset 2) is a single-byte return instruction.
In the remaining chapters, we will flesh this out with lots more kinds of instructions. But the basic structure is here, and we have everything we need now to completely represent an executable piece of code at runtime in our virtual machine. Remember that whole family of AST classes we defined in jlox? In clox, we’ve reduced that down to three arrays: bytes of code, constant values, and line information for debugging.
This reduction is a key reason why our new interpreter will be faster than jlox. You can think of bytecode as a sort of compact serialization of the AST, highly optimized for how the interpreter will deserialize it in the order it needs as it executes. In the next chapter, we will see how the virtual machine does exactly that.
Our encoding of line information is hilariously wasteful of memory. Given that a series of instructions often correspond to the same source line, a natural solution is something akin to run-length encoding of the line numbers.
Devise an encoding that compresses the line information for a series of instructions on the same line. Change
to write this compressed form, and implement agetLine()
function that, given the index of an instruction, determines the line where the instruction occurs.设计一个编码方式,压缩同一行上一系列指令的行信息。修改
函数,给定一条指令的索引,确定该指令所在的行。Hint: It’s not necessary for
to be particularly efficient. Since it is called only when a runtime error occurs, it is well off the critical path where performance matters.提示:
不一定要特别高效。因为它只在出现运行时错误时才被调用,所以在它并不是影响性能的关键因素。 -
uses only a single byte for its operand, a chunk may only contain up to 256 different constants. That’s small enough that people writing real-world code will hit that limit. We could use two or more bytes to store the operand, but that makes every constant instruction take up more space. Most chunks won’t need that many unique constants, so that wastes space and sacrifices some locality in the common case to support the rare case.因为
只使用一个字节作为操作数,所以一个块最多只能包含256个不同的常数。这已经够小了,用户在编写真正的代码时很容易会遇到这个限制。我们可以使用两个或更多字节来存储操作数,但这会使每个常量指令占用更多的空间。大多数字节码块都不需要那么多独特的常量,所以这就浪费了空间,并牺牲了一些常规情况下的局部性来支持罕见场景。To balance those two competing aims, many instruction sets feature multiple instructions that perform the same operation but with operands of different sizes. Leave our existing one-byte
instruction alone, and define a secondOP_CONSTANT_LONG
instruction. It stores the operand as a 24-bit number, which should be plenty.为了平衡这两个相互冲突的目标,许多指令集具有多个执行相同操作但操作数大小不同的指令。保留现有的使用一个字节的
指令。它将操作数存储为24位的数字,这应该就足够了。Implement this function:
void writeConstant(Chunk* chunk, Value value, int line) { // Implement me... }
It adds
’s constant array and then writes an appropriate instruction to load the constant. Also add support to the disassembler forOP_CONSTANT_LONG
指令的支持。Defining two instructions seems to be the best of both worlds. What sacrifices, if any, does it force on us?
function relies on the C standard library for dynamic memory allocation and freeing.malloc()
aren’t magic. Find a couple of open source implementations of them and explain how they work. How do they keep track of which bytes are allocated and which are free? What is required to allocate a block of memory? Free it? How do they make that efficient? What do they do about fragmentation?我们的
并不神奇。找几个它们的开源实现,并解释它们是如何工作的。它们如何跟踪哪些字节被分配,哪些被释放?分配一个内存块需要什么?释放的时候呢?它们如何实现高效?它们如何处理碎片化内存?Hardcore mode: Implement
without callingrealloc()
, orfree()
. You are allowed to callmalloc()
once, at the beginning of the interpreter’s execution, to allocate a single big block of memory, which yourreallocate()
function has access to. It parcels out blobs of memory from that single region, your own personal heap. It’s your job to define how it does that.硬核模式:在不调用的
, 和free()
We’re almost halfway through the book and one thing we haven’t talked about is testing your language implementation. That’s not because testing isn’t important. I can’t possibly stress enough how vital it is to have a good, comprehensive test suite for your language.
I wrote a test suite for Lox (which you are welcome to use on your own Lox implementation) before I wrote a single word of this book. Those tests found countless bugs in my implementations.
Tests are important in all software, but they’re even more important for a programming language for at least a couple of reasons:
- Users expect their programming languages to be rock solid. We are so used to mature, stable compilers and interpreters that “It’s your code, not the compiler” is an ingrained part of software culture. If there are bugs in your language implementation, users will go through the full five stages of grief before they can figure out what’s going on, and you don’t want to put them through all that.
- A language implementation is a deeply interconnected piece of software. Some codebases are broad and shallow. If the file loading code is broken in your text editor, it—hopefully!—won’t cause failures in the text rendering on screen. Language implementations are narrower and deeper, especially the core of the interpreter that handles the language’s actual semantics. That makes it easy for subtle bugs to creep in caused by weird interactions between various parts of the system. It takes good tests to flush those out.
- The input to a language implementation is, by design, combinatorial. There are an infinite number of possible programs a user could write, and your implementation needs to run them all correctly. You obviously can’t test that exhaustively, but you need to work hard to cover as much of the input space as you can.
- Language implementations are often complex, constantly changing, and full of optimizations. That leads to gnarly code with lots of dark corners where bugs can hide.
All of that means you’re gonna want a lot of tests. But what tests? Projects I’ve seen focus mostly on end-to-end “language tests”. Each test is a program written in the language along with the output or errors it is expected to produce. Then you have a test runner that pushes the test program through your language implementation and validates that it does what it’s supposed to. Writing your tests in the language itself has a few nice advantages:
- The tests aren’t coupled to any particular API or internal architecture decisions of the implementation. This frees you to reorganize or rewrite parts of your interpreter or compiler without needing to update a slew of tests.
- You can use the same tests for multiple implementations of the language.
- Tests can often be terse and easy to read and maintain since they are simply scripts in your language.
It’s not all rosy, though:
- End-to-end tests help you determine if there is a bug, but not where the bug is. It can be harder to figure out where the erroneous code in the implementation is because all the test tells you is that the right output didn’t appear.
- It can be a chore to craft a valid program that tickles some obscure corner of the implementation. This is particularly true for highly optimized compilers where you may need to write convoluted code to ensure that you end up on just the right optimization path where a bug may be hiding.
- The overhead can be high to fire up the interpreter, parse, compile, and run each test script. With a big suite of tests—which you do want, remember—that can mean a lot of time spent waiting for the tests to finish running.
I could go on, but I don’t want this to turn into a sermon. Also, I don’t pretend to be an expert on how to test languages. I just want you to internalize how important it is that you test yours. Seriously. Test your language. You’ll thank me for it.
- 用户希望他们的编程语言能够坚如磐石。我们已经习惯了成熟的编译器、解释器,以至于“是你的代码(出错了),而不是编译器”成为软件文化中根深蒂固的一部分。如果你的语言实现中有错误,用户需要经历全部五个痛苦的阶段才能弄清楚发生了什么,而你并不想让他们经历这一切。
- 语言的实现是一个紧密相连的软件。有些代码库既广泛又浮浅。如果你的文本编辑器中的文件加载代码被破坏了,它不会导致屏幕上的文本渲染失败(希望如此)。语言的实现则更狭窄和深入的,特别是处理语言实际语义的解释器核心部分。这使得系统的各个部分之间奇怪的交互会造成微妙的错误。这就需要好的测试来清除这些问题。
- 从设计上来说,语言实现的输入是组合性的。用户可以写出无限多的程序,而你的实现需要能够正确地运行这些程序。您显然不能进行详尽地测试,但需要努力覆盖尽可能多的输入空间。
- 语言的实现通常是复杂的、不断变化的,而且充满了优化。这就导致了粗糙代码中有很多隐藏错误的黑暗角落。
- 测试不与任何特定的API或语言实现的内部结构相耦合。这样你可以重新组织或重写解释器或编译器的一部分,而不需要更新大量的测试。
- 你可以对该语言的多种实现使用相同的测试。
- 测试通常是简洁的,易于阅读和维护,因为它们只是语言写就的简单脚本。
- 端到端测试可以帮助你确定是否存在错误,但不能确认错误在哪里。在语言实现中找出错误代码的位置可能更加困难,因为测试只能告诉你没有出现正确的输出。
- 要编写一个有效的程序来测试实现中一些不太明显的角落,可能是一件比较麻烦的事。对于高度优化的编译器来说尤其如此,你可能需要编写复杂的代码,以确保最终能够到达正确的优化路径,以测试其中可能隐藏的错误。
- 启动解释器、解析、编译和运行每个测试脚本的开销可能很高。对于一个大的测试套件来说,(如果你确实需要的话,请记住)这可能意味着需要花费很多时间来等待测试的完成。
当然,我们的第二个解释器会依赖C标准库来实现内存分配等基本功能,而C编译器将我们从运行它的底层机器码的细节中解放出来。糟糕的是,该机器码可能是通过芯片上的微码来实现的。而C语言的运行时依赖于操作系统来分配内存页。但是,如果要想在你的书架放得下这本书,我们必须在某个地方停下来。 ↩
这种计算斐波那契数列的方式效率低得可笑。我们的目的是查看解释器的运行速度,而不是看我们编写的程序有多快。一个做了大量工作的程序,无论是否有意义,都是一个很好的测试用例。 ↩
“(header)”部分是Java虚拟机用来支持内存管理和存储对象类型的记录信息,这些也会占用空间。 ↩
情况也没有那么可怕。一个架构良好的编译器,可以让你跨不同的架构共享前端和大部分中间层的优化通道。每次都需要重新编写的主要是代码生成和指令选择的一些细节。LLVM项目提供了一些开箱即用的功能。如果你的编译器输出LLVM自己特定的中间语言,LLVM可以反过来将其编译为各种架构的本地代码。 ↩
最早的字节码格式之一是p-code,是为Niklaus Wirth的Pascal语言开发的。你可能会认为一个运行在15MHz的PDP-11无法承担模拟虚拟机的开销。但在当时,计算机正处于寒武纪大爆发时期,每天都有新的架构出现。跟上最新的芯片要比从某个芯片中压榨出最大性能更有价值。这就是为什么p-code中的“p”指的不是“Pascal”而是“可移植性Portable”。 ↩
增长数组时会复制现有元素,使得追加元素的复杂度看起来像是O(n),而不是O(1)。但是,你只需要在某些追加操作中执行这个操作步骤。大多数时候,已有多余的容量,所以不需要复制。要理解这一点,我们需要进行摊销分析。这表明,只要我们把数组大小增加到当前大小的倍数,当我们把一系列追加操作的成本平均化时,每次追加都是O(1)。 ↩
我在这本书中选择了数字8,有些随意。大多数动态数组实现都有一个这样的最小阈值。挑选这个值的正确方法是根据实际使用情况进行分析,看看那个常数能在额外增长和浪费的空间之间做出最佳的性能权衡。 ↩
的实现将分配的大小存储在返回地址之前的内存中。 ↩ -
除了需要两种常量指令(一种用于即时值,一种用于常量表中的常量)之外,即时指令还要求我们考虑对齐、填充和字节顺序的问题。如果你尝试在一个奇数地址填充一个4字节的整数,有些架构中会出错。 ↩
我这里对于“加载”或“产生”一个常量的含义含糊其辞,因为我们还没有学到虚拟机在运行时是如何执行的代码的。关于这一点,你必须等到(或者直接跳到)下一章。 ↩
字节码指令的操作数与传递给算术操作符的操作数不同。当我们讲到表达式时,你会看到算术操作数的值是被单独跟踪的。指令操作数是一个较低层次的概念,它可以修改字节码指令本身的行为方式。 ↩
这种脑残的编码至少做对了一件事:它将行信息保存一个单独的数组中,而不是将其编入字节码本身中。由于行信息只在运行时出现错误时才使用,我们不希望它在指令之间占用CPU缓存中的宝贵空间,而且解释器在跳过行数获取它所关心的操作码和操作数时,会造成更多的缓存丢失。 ↩