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Media Importers

Montellese edited this page Apr 4, 2020 · 7 revisions

This page describes existing and potential media importers capable of importing media items from a specific provider.

Kodi core importers

The following importers are part of Kodi core:

UPnP media importer

The UPnP media importer is written in C++ and is part of Kodi core. It uses Kodi's UPnP integration based on Platinum SDK. Kodi automatically detects other UPnP servers as potential media providers. Furthermore each Kodi installation with UPnP sharing enabled is a potential media provider for other Kodi installations.


  • Can automatically detect potential providers
  • Can import full lists of media items
  • Can update playback related metadata (watched, playcount, resume point) on the provider

Missing features

  • Cannot automatically detect changes on the provider
  • Cannot provide changesets of imported media items
  • Cannot update metadata on the provider

Add-on media importer

The add-on media importer is written in C++ and is part of Kodi core. It provides a new extension point kodi.mediaimporter for add-ons and therefore allows developers to write completely new media importers as add-ons. The add-on media importer supports several features while most of them are optional.


  • Can automatically detect potential providers using the discovery script
  • Can manually add providers using the protocol attribute, the <canlookupprovider> tag and the library script
  • Can import full or partial list of media items using the library script
  • Can observe providers for changes and pass them to Kodi immediately as a changeset using the observer script
  • Can define provider specific settings
  • Can provide import specific settings

kodi.mediaimporter extension point

See kodi.mediaimporter for a detailed documentation of the new extension point for add-ons.

Available media importer add-ons

The following media importer add-ons are available: