Daily update - fixes bugs in determining if grid is curvilinear
Daily update - fixes bugs in determining if grid is curvilinear
Daily update - Phase1 of VerticalZ interpolation - fixex bugs in getc…
Daily update - Phase1 of VerticalZ interpolation - fixex bugs in getc…
Daily update - phase1 of verticalZ interpolation.... missed a file
Daily update - phase1 of verticalZ interpolation.... missed a file
Daily update - adds 4D support to getFieldNearestIndex
Daily update - adds 4D support to getFieldNearestIndex
Bug fixes in pre and post processor. Compilation in UBUNTU
Bug fixes in pre and post processor. Compilation in UBUNTU
Daily update - MakeResolutionField
Daily update - MakeResolutionField
Finished using openPoints to creake land interaction map
Finished using openPoints to creake land interaction map
Read openpoints from hdf5 and uses them as mask for all other vaariables
Read openpoints from hdf5 and uses them as mask for all other vaariables
daily update - fixes bug in vertical level sign
daily update - fixes bug in vertical level sign
Daily update - fixed bug in bathymetry and array size before reading …
Daily update - fixed bug in bathymetry and array size before reading …
Daily update - vars and dims read from hdf5
Daily update - vars and dims read from hdf5
Daily update readFromHDF5
Daily update readFromHDF5
Fixes bug in distance to bottom
Fixes bug in distance to bottom
Fixes bug in distance to bottom, which was affecting velocity calcula…
Fixes bug in distance to bottom, which was affecting velocity calcula…
Fixed hdf5 open to get dataset and group variables
Fixed hdf5 open to get dataset and group variables
Adds check for hdf5 file inputs in python and begins implementation o…
Adds check for hdf5 file inputs in python and begins implementation o…
Adds wind variable names into necNamesLibrary for PCOMS test
Adds wind variable names into necNamesLibrary for PCOMS test
Added keyword for wind drag coeff as percentage of wind force
Added keyword for wind drag coeff as percentage of wind force
Update information on water quality test case
Update information on water quality test case
Added ption for user to specify period after which biofouling starts
Added ption for user to specify period after which biofouling starts
Added example for constant biofouling rate definition
Added example for constant biofouling rate definition