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Dynamic Analysis |
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Dynamic analysis is a deeper analysis of the program to understand hidden functionality not understood statically. The static analysis will serve as a guide for stepping through the program in a debugger.
Open the unpacked malware into the x32dbg.exe (referred as x64dbg) debugger and IDAfree.
Typically programs start at 004010000 but your debugger might start the program at a different address. You will need to rebase the program's address in the disassembler. In x64dbg, after you hit run or F9, it will stop you at the EntryPoint. Scroll up to find the very first address, this is the address that you will need to rebase.
Edit->Segements->Rebase Program.
You will need to sync the debugger and disassembler addresses so you can follow along in both. Let's start with the function offset xxxx1530.
- In IDA, open the functions tab and look for function xxxx1530. Where xxxx should match your rebase address ( If rebase is 01901000, then 01901530 ).
- In x64dbg, CTRL+G to jump to a specific address xxxx1530.
Remember use the F2(breakpoint), F7(Step Into), F8(Step Over), F9(Run) keys to navigate through the debugger. If you accidentally run past the end the of the program you can always restart by clicking .
In IDA, get the offset of the XorDecode function you saved prior.
In x64bdg find that same offset and add a comment that it is the Xor Decode function. Set a breakpoint using F2 on that function. Then run the program until the breakpoint using F9. Step into that function using F7.
Navigate down to the loop that does the Xor Encoding. Place a breakpoint on the same instructions shown below. Right click on the EBX register and select Follow in Dump. This location is where the decoded string will be stored. After you set your break points, press F9 to get to the start of the loop, then step through the loops until you see the decoded string in the dump.
We want to manipulate the control flow instructions so that we can get to the network connection API call. We know that the program will first copy and then delete itself after it checks if the file doesn't exists using GetFileAttributes API. Continue to step to the jne (jump if not equal) instruction. By double clicking the ZF flag we can manipulate the result 1 to 0. This means it will make the jump past the Copfile API.
Once you get past the delete API, there is that weird string you saw during static analysis. Step over (F8) the XorDecode function and notice the EAX register. It is the URL that was in the internet traffic from the triage analysis.
The VM was not connected to the internet but instead InetSim. What will happen when you manipulate the control flow to get past the internet connection failure? Go ahead and step past the internet connection and manipulate the control flow flag ZF to do so.
It must have been a very funny joke. l m a o
It seems that the malware was waiting for the word lmao to display a message. Navigate to the Messagebox api. Set a breakpoint on and after the function call, this will ensure that it will prevent you from skipping any hidden functionality. Go ahead and press F9 to run the MessageBox function.
The CFF explorer from the triage analysis revealed that there was a resource called BIN. Step through the program to get the location of the loaded resource after LockResource. Remember function return the output in register EAX. Notice mov edi,eax
is where the output is stored in EDI.
We can assume that the malware is going to decrypt this string based on the function arguments for CryptStringToBinary.
BOOL WINAPI CryptStringToBinary(
_In_ LPCTSTR pszString, //Arg 1
_In_ DWORD cchString,
_In_ DWORD dwFlags, // Arg 3 Format of the string converted
_In_ BYTE *pbBinary,
_Inout_ DWORD *pcbBinary,
_Out_ DWORD *pdwSkip,
_Out_ DWORD *pdwFlags
We know that Arg 1 is register EDI which is the resource we just loaded into memory and Arg 3 is 1. The CryptStringToBinary dwflag 0x00000001
. Dump the address of EDI into one of the dump windows. This data definitely looks like base64 encoded strings. Step over these functions until past the second CryptStringToBinary call. The result will be placed in register ESI. Dump the address in the ESI register. Notice anything weird about the first 3 characters?
Step over the create and write file functions to save the decrypted resource to the file system. Note that this file is saved as icon.gif. Next step until the start of the arguments for the ShellExecute call. It looks as if it's using the environment to open the newly created file. The program will finally be done. Open the image and record what you see.
Go to the URL in the icon.gif.