Collection of useful Kotlin extensions for JDA.
Great in combination with kotlinx-coroutines
For more details, checkout the README.
You can look at my own bot (strumbot) for inspiration, or look at the examples listed here.
The most useful feature of this library is the CoroutineEventManager
which adds the ability to use suspending functions in your event handlers.
// enableCoroutines (default true) changes the event manager to CoroutineEventManager
// this event manager uses a default scope generated by getDefaultScope()
// but can be configured to use a custom scope if you set it manually
val jda = light("token", enableCoroutines=true) {
intents += listOf(GatewayIntent.GUILD_MEMBERS, GatewayIntent.MESSAGE_CONTENT)
// This can only be used with the CoroutineEventManager
jda.listener<MessageReceivedEvent> {
val guild = it.guild
val channel =
val message = it.message
val content = message.contentRaw
if (content.startsWith("!profile")) {
// Send typing indicator and wait for it to arrive
val user = message.mentionedUsers.firstOrNull() ?: run {
// Try loading user through prefix loading
val matches = guild.retrieveMembersByPrefix(content.substringAfter("!profile "), 1).await()
// Take first result, or null
if (user == null) // unknown user for name
channel.send("${}, I cannot find a user for your query!").queue()
else // load profile and send it as embed
channel.send("${}, here is the user profile:", embeds=profile(user).into()).queue()
jda.onCommand("ban", timeout=2.minutes) { event -> // 2 minute timeout listener
val user = event.getOption<User>("user")!!
val confirm = danger("${}:ban", "Confirm")
"Are you sure you want to ban **${user.asTag}**?",
withTimeoutOrNull(1.minutes) { // 1 minute scoped timeout
val pressed = event.user.awaitButton(confirm) // await for user to click button
pressed.deferEdit().queue() // Acknowledge the button press
event.guild.ban(user, 0).queue() // the button is pressed -> execute action
} ?: event.hook.editMessage(/*id="@original" is default */content="Timed out.", components=emptyList()).queue()
jda.onButton("hello") { // Button that says hello
it.reply_("Hello :)").queue()
repositories {
dependencies {
Implements extension functions to easily integrate RestAction, Task, and CompletableFuture into coroutine scopes by adding await()
for each.
This also adds any other useful extensions like Flow
Adds the CoroutineEventManager
and coroutine-based event listeners which can be used via the listener
extension function on any JDA instance.
val jda = light(token, enableCoroutines=true)
jda.listener<MessageReceivedEvent> { event ->
if (event.message.contentRaw.startsWith("!hello")) { // <- suspending function"Hello!").queue()
Adds inline functions to support rectified generics.
Extensions specifically designed to make use of Interactions easier with idiomatic builders.
Builders and utilities for application commands.
Builders and utilities for message and modal components.
Adds JDABuilder
and DefaultShardManagerBuilder
extensions to quickly get going with coroutines and jda-ktx.
Add logging capabilities using webhooks.
This requires discord-webhooks and logback.
<appender name="WEBHOOK" class="dev.minn.jda.ktx.logback.WebhookAppender" >
<!-- (OPTIONAL) Minimum logging level for webhook messages. Prevents spam of debug messages -->
<!-- (OPTIONAL) Timeout for messages in milliseconds. Prevents spam in case of disconnects -->
<!-- (REQUIRED) Webhook URL -->
<!-- (REQUIRED) Logging pattern encoder -->
<pattern>%boldWhite(%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS}) %boldCyan(%thread) %boldGreen(%logger{0}) %highlight(%level)\n%msg%n</pattern>
Some extensions to handle message sending and editing with named parameters and custom defaults.
Miscellaneous utility extensions.