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The game is played by a single player.
The game presents a scenario where one goes to order a pizza
The player is comes to order for a pizza and and is then prompted to choose the options for the pizza
The player then choses the size, topping, flavour etc of his preferred pizza,
After choosing, the player is then informed of his bill, if he pays, his order becomes valid
If not, its Game Over!
Fork the repo by clicking the fork logo the on top right
Clone the repo git clone [email protected] :AseanK/beginner-python-games.git
Open the 'pizza_palour' folder
Run the file using python command python
Follow the prompts in the console to play the game.
How to deply using Streamlit or run on localhost
create a python virtual environment: python -m venev <env_name>
install required dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt
run it on local host using following command: streamlit run
Enjoy playing Treasure Island!
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