Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'capistrano3-puma', github: "seuros/capistrano-puma"
gem 'capistrano3-puma' , group: :development
And then execute:
$ bundle
# Capfile
require 'capistrano/puma'
require 'capistrano/puma/workers' # if you want to control the workers (in cluster mode)
require 'capistrano/puma/jungle' # if you need the jungle tasks
require 'capistrano/puma/monit' # if you need the monit tasks
require 'capistrano/puma/nginx' # if you want to upload a nginx site template
then you can use cap -T
to list tasks
cap puma:nginx_config # upload a nginx site config(eg. /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/)
cap puma:config # upload puma config(eg. shared/puma.config)
you may want to customize these two templates locally before uploading
rails g capistrano:nginx_puma:config
if your nginx server configuration is not located in /etc/nginx, you may need to customize nginx_sites_available_path and nginx_sites_enabled_path
set :nginx_sites_available_path, "/etc/nginx/sites-available"
set :nginx_sites_enabled_path, "/etc/nginx/sites-enabled"
By default, nginx_config
will be executed with :web
role. But you can assign it to a different role:
set :puma_nginx, :foo
or define a standalone one:
role :puma_nginx, %w{[email protected]}
Configurable options, shown here with defaults: Please note the configuration options below are not required unless you are trying to override a default setting, for instance if you are deploying on a host on which you do not have sudo or root privileges and you need to restrict the path. These settings go in the deploy.rb file.
set :puma_user, fetch(:user)
set :puma_rackup, -> { File.join(current_path, '') }
set :puma_state, "#{shared_path}/tmp/pids/puma.state"
set :puma_pid, "#{shared_path}/tmp/pids/"
set :puma_bind, "unix://#{shared_path}/tmp/sockets/puma.sock" #accept array for multi-bind
set :puma_default_control_app, "unix://#{shared_path}/tmp/sockets/pumactl.sock"
set :puma_conf, "#{shared_path}/puma.rb"
set :puma_access_log, "#{shared_path}/log/puma_access.log"
set :puma_error_log, "#{shared_path}/log/puma_error.log"
set :puma_role, :app
set :puma_env, fetch(:rack_env, fetch(:rails_env, 'production'))
set :puma_threads, [0, 16]
set :puma_workers, 0
set :puma_worker_timeout, nil
set :puma_init_active_record, false
set :puma_preload_app, false
set :puma_plugins, [] #accept array of plugins
set :nginx_use_ssl, false
For Jungle tasks (beta), these options exist:
set :puma_jungle_conf, '/etc/puma.conf'
set :puma_run_path, '/usr/local/bin/run-puma'
Multi-bind can be set with an array in the puma_bind variable
set :puma_bind, %w(tcp:// unix:///tmp/puma.sock)
* Listening on tcp://
* Listening on unix:///tmp/puma.sock
For ActiveRecord the following line to your deploy.rb
set :puma_init_active_record, true
Ensure that the following directories are shared (via linked_dirs
tmp/pids tmp/sockets log
- Fork it
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create new Pull Request