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Consider switch to Chairmarks.jl #35

MilesCranmer opened this issue Mar 13, 2024 · 14 comments

Consider switch to Chairmarks.jl #35

MilesCranmer opened this issue Mar 13, 2024 · 14 comments


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MilesCranmer commented Mar 13, 2024

Chairmarks.jl (discourse thread here) from @LilithHafner is much faster than BenchmarkTools.jl. With BenchmarkTools.jl, it can definitely take a while to run an entire benchmark suite, especially if you need to use benchmark tuning, so I am very curious about whether we could try to switch AirspeedVelocity.jl to use this!

It would be really nice to get ultra-fast benchmarks for an entire package's suite.

cc @Zentrik @Krastanov in case of interest.

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Zentrik commented Mar 13, 2024

I haven't played around with ChairMarks too much but setting gctrial to false should reduce start up time for BenchmarkTools ~300ms.

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Cross-posting thread on Chairmarks.jl for translating benchmarks: LilithHafner/Chairmarks.jl#70

I haven't played around with ChairMarks too much but setting gctrial to false should reduce start up time for BenchmarkTools ~300ms.

Interesting. Would this hurt accuracy at all though?

Some benchmarks can take ~20 minutes to run with BenchmarkTools though so 300ms might not save much.

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Zentrik commented Mar 13, 2024

Would this hurt accuracy at all though?

I suspect it might, but if the benchmark is 20 minutes long that seems unlikely to matter. Chairmarks essentially run with gctrial=false anyways.

Some benchmarks can take ~20 minutes to run with BenchmarkTools though so 300ms might not save much.

I don't know how well BenchmarkTools and Chairmarks perform on 20 minute workloads but at that point aren't you only running your benchmark function once, I wouldn't think either would have much overhead and you could use @time at that point.

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Some benchmarks can take ~20 minutes to run with BenchmarkTools though so 300ms might not save much.

Just a guess here: a perhaps that 20 minute run includes multiple benchmarks, each of which has its own overhead. If on the other hand, it is actually a single 20 minute workload...

I don't know how well BenchmarkTools and Chairmarks perform on 20 minute workloads but at that point aren't you only running the your benchmark function once, I wouldn't think either would have much overhead and you could use @time at that point.

Chairmarks and @time are pretty much equivalent at those timescales, though BenchmarkTools will run thrice (or twice if evals is specified).

julia> @time @time sleep(10)
 10.011087 seconds (4 allocations: 112 bytes)
 10.019674 seconds (444 allocations: 19.547 KiB, 0.08% compilation time)

julia> @time @b sleep(10)
[ Info: Loading Chairmarks ...
 10.037857 seconds (114.04 k allocations: 5.883 MiB, 0.23% compilation time)
10.011 s (4 allocs: 112 bytes, without a warmup)

julia> @time @btime sleep(10)
[ Info: Loading BenchmarkTools ...
  10.011 s (4 allocations: 112 bytes)
 30.654176 seconds (1.90 M allocations: 96.328 MiB, 1.14% gc time, 0.92% compilation time)

julia> @time @btime sleep(10) evals=1
  10.011 s (4 allocations: 112 bytes)
 20.205827 seconds (32.59 k allocations: 1.615 MiB, 0.82% gc time, 0.07% compilation time)

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In theory all this would take is a package extension on Chairmarks, which removes run! from whichever code extracts SUITE, and extracts statistics slightly differently...

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IMO switching to Chairmarks (and dropping support for BenchmarkTools) would be bad. Supporting Chairmarks would be lovely, though.

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@MilesCranmer, what properties does AirspeedVelocity currently require SUITE to have?

e.g. perhaps something around BenchmarkTools.tune!(SUITE) and JSON3.json(

I'm asking because I'd like to figure out how to create a fully functional, compatible object using Chairmarks

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It just expects that SUITE is a BenchmarkGroup that it can call tune, run, etc., on. The relevant code is here:

using BenchmarkTools: @benchmarkable, run, tune!, BenchmarkGroup
using JSON3: JSON3
using Pkg: Pkg
# Include benchmark, defining SUITE:
@info " [runner] Loading benchmark script: " * $script * "."
cur_project = Pkg.project().path
#! format: off
const _airspeed_velocity_extra_suite = BenchmarkGroup()
if isempty($filter_benchmarks) || any(x -> contains(x, "time_to_load"), $filter_benchmarks)
_airspeed_velocity_extra_suite["time_to_load"] = @benchmarkable(
@eval(using $(Symbol( $(Symbol( as _AirspeedVelocityTestImport),
const _airspeed_velocity_extra_results = run(_airspeed_velocity_extra_suite)
#! format: on
# Safely include, via module:
module AirspeedVelocityRunner
import $(Symbol( $(Symbol( as _AirspeedVelocityTestImport2
import TOML: parsefile as toml_parsefile
project = toml_parsefile(
joinpath(pkgdir(_AirspeedVelocityTestImport2), "Project.toml"),
@warn "Failed to create `PACKAGE_VERSION`"
# Included benchmark script:
using .AirspeedVelocityRunner: AirspeedVelocityRunner
# Assert that SUITE is defined:
if !isdefined(AirspeedVelocityRunner, :SUITE)
@error " [runner] Benchmark script " * $script * " did not define SUITE."
const filtered_suite = AirspeedVelocityRunner.SUITE
if !(typeof(filtered_suite) <: BenchmarkGroup)
@error " [runner] Benchmark script " *
$script *
" did not define SUITE as a BenchmarkGroup."
# Assert that `include` did not change environments:
if Pkg.project().path != cur_project
@error " [runner] Benchmark script " *
$script *
" changed the active environment. " *
"This is not allowed, as it will " *
"cause the benchmark to produce incorrect results."
# Recursively filter the suite to `filter_benchmarks`:
function filter_suite!(f, suite, prefix="")
filter!( do (k, v)
name = prefix * "/" * string(k)
if v isa BenchmarkGroup
filter_suite!(f, v, name)
return !isempty(
if !isempty($filter_benchmarks)
name -> any(x -> contains(name, x), $filter_benchmarks), filtered_suite
if $tune
@info " [runner] Tuning benchmarks."
@info " [runner] Running benchmarks for " * $spec_str * "."
@info "-"^80
results = run(filtered_suite; verbose=true)
@info "-"^80
@info " [runner] Finished benchmarks for " * $spec_str * "."
# Combine extra results:
for (k, v) in[k] = v
open($results_filename * ".tmp", "w") do io
JSON3.write(io, results)
@info " [runner] Benchmark results saved at " * $results_filename

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Would this be compatible?

julia> struct Runnable{F}

julia>; kwargs...) = r.f()

julia> BenchmarkTools.tune!(::Runnable; kwargs...) = nothing

julia> macro chairmarks_benchmarkable(args...)
           :(Runnable(() -> @be $(args...)))
@chairmarks_benchmarkable (macro with 1 method)

julia> SUITE = BenchmarkGroup()
0-element BenchmarkTools.BenchmarkGroup:
  tags: []

julia> SUITE["rand"] = @chairmarks_benchmarkable rand()

julia> SUITE["sleep"] = @chairmarks_benchmarkable sleep(.01)

julia> SUITE["rand BenchmarkTools"] = @benchmarkable rand()
Benchmark(evals=1, seconds=5.0, samples=10000)

julia> tune!(SUITE)
3-element BenchmarkTools.BenchmarkGroup:
  tags: []
  "sleep" => Runnable{var"#33#35"}(var"#33#35"())
  "rand BenchmarkTools" => Benchmark(evals=1000, seconds=5.0, samples=10000)
  "rand" => Runnable{var"#29#31"}(var"#29#31"())

julia> run(SUITE);

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No, it hits

[ Info:     Finished.
[ Info: Loading results from ./[email protected]
[ Info: Flattening results.
ERROR: LoadError: MethodError: no method matching _flatten_results!(::OrderedCollections.OrderedDict{String, Any}, ::Vector{Any}, ::String)
The function `_flatten_results!` exists, but no method is defined for this combination of argument types.

Closest candidates are:
  _flatten_results!(::OrderedCollections.OrderedDict, ::Dict{String, Any}, ::Any)
   @ AirspeedVelocity ~/.julia/packages/AirspeedVelocity/8uSQr/src/Utils.jl:486

  [1] _flatten_results!(d::OrderedCollections.OrderedDict{String, Any}, results::Dict{String, Any}, prefix::String)
    @ AirspeedVelocity.Utils ~/.julia/packages/AirspeedVelocity/8uSQr/src/Utils.jl:496
  [2] flatten_results
    @ ~/.julia/packages/AirspeedVelocity/8uSQr/src/Utils.jl:505 [inlined]
  [3] load_results(specs::Vector{Pkg.Types.PackageSpec}; input_dir::String)
    @ AirspeedVelocity.Utils ~/.julia/packages/AirspeedVelocity/8uSQr/src/Utils.jl:537
  [4] load_results
    @ ~/.julia/packages/AirspeedVelocity/8uSQr/src/Utils.jl:527 [inlined]
  [5] #load_results#28
    @ ~/.julia/packages/AirspeedVelocity/8uSQr/src/Utils.jl:557 [inlined]
  [6] load_results
    @ ~/.julia/packages/AirspeedVelocity/8uSQr/src/Utils.jl:555 [inlined]
  [7] benchpkg(package_name::String; rev::String, output_dir::String, script::String, exeflags::String, add::String, tune::Bool, url::String, path::String, bench_on::String, filter::String, nsamples_load_time::Int64, dont_print::Bool)
    @ AirspeedVelocity.BenchPkg ~/.julia/packages/AirspeedVelocity/8uSQr/src/BenchPkg.jl:110
  [8] benchpkg
    @ ~/.julia/packages/AirspeedVelocity/8uSQr/src/BenchPkg.jl:53 [inlined]
  [9] command_main(ARGS::Vector{String})
    @ AirspeedVelocity.BenchPkg ~/.julia/packages/Comonicon/F3QqZ/src/codegen/julia.jl:343
 [10] command_main()
    @ AirspeedVelocity.BenchPkg ~/.julia/packages/Comonicon/F3QqZ/src/codegen/julia.jl:90
 [11] top-level scope
    @ ~/.julia/bin/benchpkg:14
in expression starting at /home/x/.julia/bin/benchpkg:14

I suspect that the leafs of the run(SUITE) must, when written and then read back by JSON3, be a dict with the key "times" which is a vector of numbers. LilithHafner/Chairmarks.jl#160 could provide this.

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Huzzah! I got this working. With this benchmark.jl

using BenchmarkTools, Chairmarks

struct Runnable{F}
end; kwargs...) = r.f()
BenchmarkTools.tune!(::Runnable; kwargs...) = nothing
macro chairmarks_benchmarkable(args...)
    :(Runnable(()->@be $(args...)))

SUITE = BenchmarkGroup()

SUITE["BenchmarkTools"] = @benchmarkable rand(1:100, 100000)
SUITE["Chairmarks"] = @chairmarks_benchmarkable rand(1:100, 100000)

and this diff to AirspeedVelocity.jl

diff --git a/src/Utils.jl b/src/Utils.jl
index 8a812d1..70a2e3f 100644
--- a/src/Utils.jl
+++ b/src/Utils.jl
@@ -486,6 +486,14 @@ end
 function _flatten_results!(d::OrderedDict, results::Dict{String,Any}, prefix)
     if "times" in keys(results)
         d[prefix] = compute_summary_statistics(results)
+    elseif "samples" in keys(results) # This branch allows for Chairmarks.jl compatibility
+        samples = results["samples"]
+        results′ = Dict(
+            "times" => 1e9getindex.(samples, "time"),
+            "memory" => mean(getindex.(samples, "bytes")),
+            "allocs" => mean(getindex.(samples, "allocs"))
+        )
+        d[prefix] = compute_summary_statistics(results′)
     elseif "data" in keys(results)
         for (key, value) in results["data"]
             next_prefix = if length(prefix) == 0

I got these results

click to expand
shell> ../../bin/benchpkg --rev dirty,main
[ Info: Downloading package's latest benchmark script, assuming it is in benchmark/benchmarks.jl
Precompiling DeleteMe...
  1 dependency successfully precompiled in 1 seconds. 60 already precompiled.
[ Info: Found benchmark script at /home/x/.julia/packages/DeleteMe/J9aeM/benchmark/benchmarks.jl.
[ Info: Running benchmarks for DeleteMe@dirty:
[ Info:     Creating temporary environment at /tmp/jl_ycutvq.
[ Info:     Adding packages.
Precompiling project...
  1 dependency successfully precompiled in 1 seconds. 61 already precompiled.
[ Info:     Launching benchmark runner.
[ Info:     [runner] Loading benchmark script: /home/x/.julia/packages/DeleteMe/J9aeM/benchmark/benchmarks.jl.
[ Info:     [runner] Running benchmarks for DeleteMe@dirty.
[ Info: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(1/2) benchmarking "BenchmarkTools"...
done (took 3.387454053 seconds)
(2/2) benchmarking "Chairmarks"...
done (took 0.142918835 seconds)
[ Info: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ Info:     [runner] Finished benchmarks for DeleteMe@dirty.
[ Info:     [runner] Benchmark results saved at /home/x/.julia/dev/DeleteMe/[email protected]
[ Info:     Benchmark runner exited.
[ Info:     Reading results.
[ Info:     Running additional time-to-load tests.
[ Info:     Running time-to-load test 2/nsamples_load_time.
[ Info:     Running time-to-load test 3/nsamples_load_time.
[ Info:     Running time-to-load test 4/nsamples_load_time.
[ Info:     Running time-to-load test 5/nsamples_load_time.
[ Info:     Done time-to-load tests.
[ Info:     Finished.
[ Info: Running benchmarks for DeleteMe@main:
[ Info:     Creating temporary environment at /tmp/jl_c2gp66.
[ Info:     Adding packages.
[ Info:     Launching benchmark runner.
[ Info:     [runner] Loading benchmark script: /home/x/.julia/packages/DeleteMe/J9aeM/benchmark/benchmarks.jl.
[ Info:     [runner] Running benchmarks for DeleteMe@main.
[ Info: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(1/2) benchmarking "BenchmarkTools"...
done (took 3.395862998 seconds)
(2/2) benchmarking "Chairmarks"...
done (took 0.143114087 seconds)
[ Info: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ Info:     [runner] Finished benchmarks for DeleteMe@main.
[ Info:     [runner] Benchmark results saved at /home/x/.julia/dev/DeleteMe/[email protected]
[ Info:     Benchmark runner exited.
[ Info:     Reading results.
[ Info:     Running additional time-to-load tests.
[ Info:     Running time-to-load test 2/nsamples_load_time.
[ Info:     Running time-to-load test 3/nsamples_load_time.
[ Info:     Running time-to-load test 4/nsamples_load_time.
[ Info:     Running time-to-load test 5/nsamples_load_time.
[ Info:     Done time-to-load tests.
[ Info:     Finished.
[ Info: Loading results from ./[email protected]
[ Info: Flattening results.
[ Info: Loading results from ./[email protected]
[ Info: Flattening results.
|                | dirty              | main             | dirty/main |
| BenchmarkTools | 0.311 ± 0.004 ms   | 0.311 ± 0.004 ms | 1          |
| Chairmarks     | 0.311 ± 0.0097 ms  | 0.31 ± 0.0066 ms | 1          |
| time_to_load   | 0.0353 ± 0.00039 s | 0.035 ± 0.001 s  | 1.01       |

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How achievable do you think it would be to have a --backend=Chairmarks flag that simply switches from one to the other?

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Very achievable. This is already possible with the flag --add and using ChairmarksForAirspeedVelocity instead of using BenchmarkTools or using Chairmarks in benchmark/benchmarks.jl. See for an example of this in action.

However, I don't think we need to do that. In an ideal world, it would be possible to use whatever backend you want without even needing a command line flag.

When we talk about backend there are two parts I think of

  1. The thing actually running benchmarks (e.g. run(BenchmarkTools.@benchmarkable ...) or Chairmarks.@be ...)
  2. The aggregator datastructure that benchmarks and results are stored in (e.g. BenchmarkTools.BenchmarkGroup)

BenchmarkTools provides 1 & 2.

Chairmarks provides an alternative for 1, ChairmarksForAirspeedVelocity provides 1 from Chairmarks and re-exports BenchmarkGroup to provide 2.

Implementing #73 well should enable support for any backend in the first category.

BenchmarkTools.BenchmarkGroup is a reasonable aggregator and right now there are no alternatives that come to mind, so supporting alternative backends for aggregators doesn't seem pressing for now.

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