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"Wireless Made Easy!" - Full workshop experience to learn and touch PIC32MZ W1 family

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  1. Collection of code examples
  2. Evaluation flow
  3. Prerequisites
  4. TCP Client Application example
  5. Lab 0 - Wi-Fi feature evaluation with CLI
  6. Lab 1 - Use MPLAB X IDE to compile and flash the project
  7. Lab 2 - Configure the Wi-Fi network using MCC
  8. Lab 3 - Enable Wi-Fi Provisioning with HTML webpage
  9. Lab 4 - Enable Wi-Fi Provisioning with Mobile Application
  10. Lab 5 - Merging TCP Client example application and Paho MQTT Client example application
  11. Lab 6 - Enable WLAN MAC Debug Log

Collection of code examples

PIC32MZ W1 device is supported with many Application code examples within MPLAB® Harmony 3 freamwork.

  • Open MPLAB® X IDE
  • Goto 03_Setup chapter software requirements for downloading required packages.
  • Application repos include the following applications are provided to demonstrate the PIC32MZ W1 peripherals like CAN, ADC, SPI, I2C, UART, WDT, etc.
    And wireless sample applications cover Wi-Fi, TCP, UDP, MQTT, etc.

Notice that all those code examples are also part of your <HarmonyFramework> folder.
For e.g. Sample codes related to Wireless are located in <HarmonyFramework folder>/wireless_wifi/apps.

So you have the choice either to use code example copied from the Application Browser or directly from your <HarmonyFramework folder>.

The common way is to pick code example from Application Browser to not modifiy the original project.

Check out the Software User Guide to get more details on the code examples.

Evaluation flow

From the TCP Client example, you will evaluate the PIC32MZ W1 solution along several labs.

From beginner to intermediate level:

Lab Device configuration Harmony code base Compiler / Linker Comments
Lab 0 - Wi-Fi feature evaluation with CLI CLI No No Fastest path for evaluation (especially for non Harmony users)
Lab 1 - Use MPLAB X IDE to compile and flash the project CLI Yes Yes
Lab 2 - Configure the Wi-Fi network using MCC MCC Yes Yes Easy way of evaluation, as a graphical front-end via MCC is available for configuration
Lab 3 - Enable Wi-Fi Provisioning with HTML webpage Soft AP Yes Yes SoftAP is recommended for Mass production
Lab 4 - Enable Wi-Fi Provisioning with Mobile Application Soft AP Yes Yes SoftAP is recommended for Mass production

CLI is not recommended for Mass production. As a best practice, it is recommended to disable CLI thru MCC for production firmware image.

Advanced labs:

  • Lab 5 - Merging TCP Client example application and Paho MQTT Client example application
  • Lab 6 - Enable WLAN MAC Debug Log


  • MPLAB X IDE is installed

  • TeraTerm Serial Terminal installed, setup 115200 8N1, disable local echo

  • Download and install Packet Sender

  • Use an external debugger such as MPLAB ICD 4, MPLAB PICkit 4 or MPLAB Snap for the best programming and debugging experience. Refer to Setup the Tools section

  • Plug USB cable to USB DEBUG J204 connector on PIC32WFI32E Curiosity board to connect computer and the board

  • USB-UART cable is required

  • To capture console log, connect a USB-to-UART converter to J207 (GPIO Header) of the curiosity board. Refer to Setup the Tools section.

  • CLI documentation

  • TCP/IP basic knowledge, refer to the video Microchip Masters Introduction to TCP/IP communication

TCP Client Application example

This application demonstrates how a user can use a TLS TCP client to connect to a TCP server. The default application will try to establish a TLS connection with and post a HTTP GET command to get the Html page.

Currently Net Service is configured to run a TCP Client in Secured mode to connect to on the https port (443).

Steps to be followed:

  • Open the project in the MPLABX IDE
  • Project is avaialble at <HarmonyProjects>\wireless_apps_pic32mzw1_wfi32e01\apps\tcp_client\firmware\pic32mz_w1_curiosity_freertos.X
  • Compile the project using MPLABX IDE. HEX file will get created at <HarmonyProjects>\wireless_apps_pic32mzw1_wfi32e01\apps\tcp_client\firmware\pic32mz_w1_curiosity_freertos.X\dist\pic32mz_w1_curiosity_freertos\production

Lab 0 - Wi-Fi feature evaluation with CLI


Learn to use MPLAB X IPE to flash the image to the Curiosity board and use command line interface (CLI) to evaluate PIC32MZ W1 Wi-Fi features.

User can input command in Curiosity Board console to configure the network, create TCP/UDP connection, send TCP/UDP data etc.

This lab provides the fastest path for evaluation (especially for non Harmony users).


  1. Launch MPLAB X IPE

  1. Ensure select Device as PIC32MZ1025W104132, and select your Hardware programming tool.
    Click Connect

  1. Use the build image pic32mz_w1_curiosity_freertos.X.production.hex available under: <HarmonyProjects>\wireless_apps_pic32mzw1_wfi32e01\apps\tcp_client\firmware\pic32mz_w1_curiosity_freertos.X\dist\pic32mz_w1_curiosity_freertos\production
  2. Click Browse to select the hex image file pic32mz_w1_curiosity_freertos.X.production.hex. This is the image of the TCP client example project

  1. Click Program

  2. MPLAB X IPE log shows Programming/Verify complete

  1. Reboot the Curiosity board

  2. Observe application logs on the console

  1. Use CLI command to connect the device to your target Access Point (AP) using the command wifiprov set 0 1 "GEN" 0 1 3 <SSID> <password>
    E.g. wifiprov set 0 1 "GEN" 0 1 3 "mchp_demo" "mchp5678"
    Once the board connect to AP, the TCP Client application connect to and post a HTTP GET command to get the Html page

  1. User can also use sysnet command to create TCP/UDP connection and send or receive TCP/UDP data. Details are shown in next section (Lab1).

Lab 1 - Use MPLAB X IDE to compile and flash the project


Learn to use MPLAB X IDE to compile and flash the project firmware to the Curiosity board.

User can use CLI to configure the board to connect target AP and create TCP/UDP connection, send or receive TCP/ UDP data.

This lab let the user get familiar with MPLAB X IDE, compiler and CLI commands.


  1. Launch MPLAB X IDE

  2. Open TCP Client project you copied from the Application Browser to your <HarmonyProjects> folder. Refer to the Prerequisites section.

  3. Select Hardware Tool, Device Family Pack (DFP) and compiler from the Project Properties window

  1. Click Run Main Project button , program is start compiled and download to the curiosity board

  1. After program is downloaded to the board, below logs are printed on the console

  1. Use CLI command to connect the device to your target Access Point (AP) using the command wifiprov set 0 1 "GEN" 0 1 3 <SSID> <password>
    E.g. wifiprov set 0 1 "GEN" 0 1 3 "mchp_demo" "mchp5678"
    Once the board connect to AP, the TCP Client application connect to and post a HTTP GET command to get the Html page

  1. To test the TCP connection using CLI, you need to connect your computer to the same network as your board

  2. You need to use Packet Sender to act as a TCP server. Refer to the Prerequisites section to download the software tool.

  3. Launch Packet Sender.
    Select File -> Settings.
    Enable TCP Server by tick the box as below picture. Click OK.

  1. Ensure the GUI show the TCP server with port 6666 enabled and Persistent TCP is checked to maintain the connection open after each packet received

  1. Power on the curiosity board

  2. From the console, type sysnethelp command

  1. Type below command to close the existing instance of Net System Service
    sysnet close 0

  2. Type below command to create a TCP tunnel to the TCP server that running by Packet Sender
    sysnet open 0 1 <SERVER_IP_ADDR> 6666 auto_reconnect 0
    Note: <SERVER_IP_ADDR> is the IP address of you computer
    You can retrieve the IP address of your computer using ipconfig in Windows Command Prompt
    e.g. sysnet open 0 1 6666 auto_reconnect 0
    Console log print "Status UP" if success

  1. Once connect success, the application send HTTP GET message. This is because the implementation of the TCP Client example project. Packet Sender TCP server receives the message.

  1. Type sysnet get info command to get the net service instance.
    From the output, you can observe that the NET Service Instance that is under testing is 0 and the status is CONNECTED.

Make sure to not close the window opened by Packet Sender otherwise the connection will be lost.

  1. Type sysnet send 0 hello to send “hello” message to TCP server.\

  1. Packet Sender TCP server receives the “hello” message and print out the wording

  1. You can also send message from the Packet Sender to PIC32MZ W1 for test, but the application code did not print out the data when it receive data from Packet Sender Server. You can modify the application code in TcpClientCallback() under the event case SYS_NET_EVNT_RCVD_DATA with the following :
   char networkBuffer[256];
   memset(networkBuffer, 0, sizeof (networkBuffer));
   SYS_NET_RecvMsg(g_tcpSrvcHandle, (uint8_t*) networkBuffer, sizeof (networkBuffer));
   // Google has stopped obeying the 'connection close' command.  So this is a cheap way to see if we got to the 
   // end of the html page.
   if (strstr(networkBuffer, "</html>") != 0) {
      SYS_CONSOLE_PRINT("TcpClientCallback(): End of Html Page\r\n");
   // added to print the 10 first element
   uint8_t i ;
   for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
      SYS_CONSOLE_PRINT("%c", networkBuffer[i]) ;

And enable a simple TCP chat application.

Lab 2 - Configure the Wi-Fi network using MCC


Learn to use MCC to configure Wi-Fi credentials of the Wi-Fi System Service to connect the board to the target AP.


  1. Launch MPLAB X IDE

  2. Open TCP Client project available at <HarmonyProjects>\wireless_apps_pic32mzw1_wfi32e01\apps\tcp_client\firmware\pic32mz_w1_curiosity_freertos.X folder. Refer to the Prerequisites section.

  3. Open the MCC.The project graph looks like below

  1. Select WIFI SERVICE, Change the STA Mode SSID and Password in order to connect to your own AP

  1. Click Generate Code icon

  1. Select Hardware Tool, Device Family Pack (DFP) and compiler from the Project Properties window

  2. Click Run Main Project button , program is start compiled and download to the curiosity board

  1. After program is downloaded to the board and start running, below console log is printed. The log show that the board able to connect to the target AP, get the IP from the DHCP server, send a HTTP Get command to, and receive the html Page content

Lab 3 - Enable Wi-Fi Provisioning with HTML webpage


Learn to use MCC to set the board to AP mode and add HTML webpage Wi-Fi provisioning feature. User can use computer as Wi-Fi station to connect to the board and perform Wi-Fi provisioning through HTML webpage at the end of this Lab.

This is useful for the products which is production ready. End user can provision the network using HTML webpage.


  1. Launch MPLAB X IDE

  2. Open TCP Client project available at <HarmonyProjects>\wireless_apps_pic32mzw1_wfi32e01\apps\tcp_client\firmware\pic32mz_w1_curiosity_freertos.X folder. Refer to the Prerequisites section.

  3. Open the MCC

  4. From the project graph, select WIFI SERVICE component, set Device Mode to AP

  1. From the project graph, select WIFI PROVISIONING SERVICE and enable HTTP as below

  1. FILE SYSTEM (sys_fs), MEMORY (drv_memory) are auto activated. Click Yes for all auto-activation and auto-connection

  1. Click Generate Code icon

  1. Select Hardware Tool, Device Family Pack (DFP) and compiler from the Project Properties window

  2. Click Run Main Project button , program is start compiled and download to the curiosity board

  1. After program is downloaded to the board and start run, below APP console log is printed. The Log show the PIC32MZ W1 is set as AP mode with IP address

  1. Use computer to connect to PIC32MZW1 AP.
    The AP pass is password

  2. On the computer, use a browser to open, below webpage is shown.

  1. Select Network Configuration on the webpage.
    Change the Device mode to STA.
    Input your AP credentials.
    Click Apply Wi-Fi Configuration

  1. When PIC32MZ W1 receives the information. It reboots and the device change from AP mode to STA mode and connect to the target AP. Below console log is printed.

Lab 4 - Enable Wi-Fi Provisioning with Mobile Application


Learn to use MCC to set the board to AP mode and add HTML webpage Wi-Fi provisioning feature. User can use computer as Wi-Fi station to connect to the board and perform Wi-Fi provisioning through HTML webpage at the end of this Lab.

This is useful for the products which is production ready. End user can provision the network using HTML webpage.


Follow below steps to provisioning the device using mobile application:

Download and install the mobile application “Wi-Fi Provisioning” from Android play store. Start PIC32MZW1 device in AP mode (Configure Wi-Fi Service “Device Mode” as “AP”). Using mobile Wi-Fi setting, make a Wi-Fi connection to PIC32MZW1 AP Mode.

  1. Download install the Android mobile application Wi-Fi Provisioning from Android play store

  2. Start PIC32MZ W1 device in AP mode (Configure Wi-Fi Service Device Mode as AP)

  3. Using mobile Wi-Fi setting, make a Wi-Fi connector to PIC32MZ W1 AP mode (Default SSID: DEMO_AP_SOFTAP)

  1. On the mobile device, open the Wi-Fi Provisioning application

  2. Enter PIC32MZ W1 IP address as Server IP in the mobile application

  3. Enter the Wi-Fi provisioning System Service configured port number (6666 by default) then press CONNECT

  1. SCAN near by HOMEAP and select the desired HOMEAP
  2. Enter the password of the HOMEAP and press SEND
    OR select Add New Network to manually add provisioning information

  1. After provisioning, the device reboot and connect to HOMEAP

Checkout the Wi-Fi provisioning System Service Usage documentation for more details.

Lab 5 - Merging TCP Client example application and Paho MQTT Client example application


Learn to merge TCP Client example application and Paho MQTT Client example application. In real-life scenario, an application has very often several complex tasks to execute. Here, you will start from Paho MQTT application and merge the functionalities of the TCP Client application to result into a single application.


  1. Open Paho MQTT example project available at <HarmonyProjects>\wireless_apps_pic32mzw1_wfi32e01\apps\paho_mqtt_client\firmware\pic32mz_w1_curiosity.X folder. Refer to the Prerequisites section.

  2. Run MCC by selecting Tools -> Embedded -> MPLAB Harmony 3 Configurator

  3. Select Net Service component from Root view in Project graph

  4. Configure below settings, these are the settings of the TCP Client example project

  1. After enabling TLS, below messages are prompt and require to activate wolfSSL library, SNTP component and connect wolfSSL with wolfcyptLib.
    Reply Yes for all these settings.

  1. Select WIFI Service component and configure the STA SSID and password to connect the device to the target Home Router

  1. Select wolfCrypt Library component from System Component view in Project graph. Select Single Thread as Threading Support option

  1. Click Generate Code icon

  1. Now, it is time to merge the TCP Client example application code to the Paho MQTT Client application.
    You will copy the TCP Client example application code from <HarmonyProjects>/wireless_apps_pic32mzw1_wfi32e01/apps/tcp_client/firmware/src/app_pic32mzw1.c to Paho MQTT Client application code in <HarmonyProjects>/wireless_apps_pic32mzw1_wfi32e01/apps/paho_mqtt_client/firmware/src/app.c

    The details steps are given in the next steps.

  2. Copy the files <HarmonyProjects>/wireless_apps_pic32mzw1_wfi32e01/apps/tcp_client/firmware/src/app_pic32mzw1.c and app_pic32mzw1.h to Paho MQTT Client project source folder <HarmonyProjects>/wireless_apps_pic32mzw1_wfi32e01/apps/paho_mqtt_client/firmware/src.

  1. Rename both files to app_tcp_client.c and app_tcp_client.h

  1. Add the files to the open project. Right click in Source Files folder in the project panel and select Add Existing Item

  1. Select app_tcp_client.c and add the file in the Source folder of the project

  1. Right click in Header Files folder in the project panel and select Add Existing Item

  1. Select app_tcp_client.h and add the file in the Header folder of the project

  1. Open header file app_tcp_client.h and rename the functions below for easy recognition
Original Function name New Function name
void APP_PIC32MZW1_Initialize ( void ) -> void APP_TCP_Client_Initialize ( void )
void APP_PIC32MZW1_Tasks ( void ) void APP_TCP_Client_Tasks ( void )
  1. Open source file app_tcp_client.c and rename the same two functions as above

  2. Add a call to APP_TCP_Client_Initialize() below APP_Initialize() in function SYS_Initialize() located at <HarmonyProjects>/wireless/apps/paho_mqtt_client/firmware/src/config/pic32mz_w1_curiosity/initialization.c

  1. Add APP_TCP_Client_Tasks() below APP_Tasks() in function SYS_Tasks() located at <HarmonyProjects>/wireless/apps/paho_mqtt_client/firmware/src/config/pic32mz_w1_curiosity/tasks.c

  1. Include header app_tcp_client.h in <HarmonyProjects>/wireless/apps/paho_mqtt_client/firmware/src/config/pic32mz_w1_curiosity/definitions.h

  1. Select Hardware Tool, Device Family Pack (DFP) and compiler from the Project Properties window

  2. Click Run Main Project button , program is start compiled and download to the curiosity board

  1. After program is downloaded to the board and start running, below console log is printed. The log show that the board is able to connect to the target AP, get the IP from the DHCP server, send a HTTP Get command to, and receive the html Page content. Also it connects to MQTT Broker, subscribe to MQTT topic MCHP/Sample/b and publish message periodically to topic MCHP/Sample/a

  1. To test the MQTT application, you can download and install MQTT.fx
    Launch MQTT.fx and apply the following configuration:
  • Host:
  • Port: 1883
  • Subscribe to: MCHP/Sample/a
  • Publish to: MCHP/Sample/b

Lab 6 - Enable WLAN MAC Debug Log


Learn to use MCC to configure the pin and STDIO module to print WLAN MAC debug log at UART2. WLAN MAC debug log is useful when do the WLAN debugging.


  1. To observe the WLAN Debug logs, you can connect a USB-to-UART converter to J207 (GPIO Header) of the Curiosity Board. WLAN debug logs can be captured from UART2.
    The UART2 pins (Tx and Rx) are marked on the GPIO Header silkscreen.
    Serial port settings: 115200 8N1
USB-UART Cable GPIO Header J207 of the Curiosity Board
Tx UART2_RX (Pin 3)
Rx UART1_TX (Pin 5)
Ground GND (Pin 2)
  1. Launch the MCC
  2. Add STDIO Component from the Available Components list.

  1. Right click UART on STDIO component (red diamond), select UART2. Use the default settings of UART2.

  1. Select MCC -> Plugins -> Pin Configuration

  1. In Pin Setting Tab, set A56 pin to U2RX and A57 pin to U2TX

  1. Click Generate Code icon

  1. Select Hardware Tool, Device Family Pack (DFP) and compiler from the Project Properties window

  2. Click Run Main Project button , program is start compiled and download to the curiosity board

  1. After program is downloaded to the board start running, below WLAN console logs are printed from UART2.

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