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569 lines (520 loc) · 47.5 KB

Patch notes


  • The se's where the assymptoticl sd of the parameter multiplied by sqrt(2), this doest seem to make sense removed sqrt(2).
  • Fixed the data simualtion fuction to be in line with the way we fit the actual model.
  • Minor bug fix on innitial model specification (failed when N latent more than N obs +1)


  • Added function MCMparseK() which will return the full product of the K matrix given the model (equivalent to equation 8 in the original publication), visualizing where s parameters will end up in the K matrix
  • Added new local functions file local_string_matmul containing local functions for matrix-multiplication operations with string parameter matrices
  • This has been made a separate function for the following reasons:
    • Including it in the base print(model, matrix="K") may give the illusion that parameters in the K matrix can be specified like MCMedit(model, "K", c(2, 15), "s1"), which will definitely make things worse, let alone something like MCMedit(model, "K", c(2, 15), "s1*s2") which will simply go wrong somewhere (for good reason)
    • Including it in the base print(model, matrix="K") would either lead to extremely poor performance of this print in larger models (2 minutes for 8variables + 1latent, 4 minutes for 9variables + 1latent, 8 minutes for 10variables + 1latent) or inconsistent output between different sized models
    • If any off-diagonal elements are added to S (i.e. covariances), the resulting parsed K matrix will no longer be human-readable (in my opinion at least)
    • Alternatively, it could be included as an argument in print, i.e.: print(model, matrix="K", parsed=TRUE) or something... But that effectively does the same thing as the default would become FALSE anyways (due to it only doing something for K)... So given that I think a separate function makes more sense
    • Including it in model$named_matrices$K somehow would require a custom class just for this single purpose just for the K matrix, and a considerable rewrite of the rest of the code. As an example, loops over all the matrices are common in many functions and are no longer possible should K become a custom class... Plus print(model, matrix="K") is the recommended way for users to see the matrix contents regardless.
  • Updated wiki 2.2 Editing an MCM model with a note on K and what print(model, matrix="K") actually means
  • Added readme page for MCMparseK()
  • Added M3.MM and M4.MM backups should these functions in PerformanceAnalytics ever change


  • Fixed an issue causing MCMfit() to stop when no device argument is provided
  • Fixed an issue causing causing invalid assignment for reference class field ‘last_iter’ when MCMfit() is called with a single parameter in any matrix
  • Fixed confusing default note in the MCMfit manual page: from defaults to CPU to defaults to torch_device('cpu')


  • Fixed a bug causing outofbounds_penalty to only apply to estimates outside of the upper bound, not the lower bound.
  • Updated MCMcompareloss() to comply with new MCMfit() standards
  • Changed MCMcompareloss() so that it works with any N different optimizers
    • Due to this change the optimizers, iterations, and learning rates will now only be displayed with extensive_model_info=TRUE, even if they differ
  • Moved all patchnotes to in preparation of commit to master branch
  • Temporarily removed test observations and TO-DO items in preparation of commit to master branch
    • Will be placed back into after merge
  • Removed Development branch notice from in preparation of commit to master branch
  • Added MCMSEM v0.25.0 header with some brief explanation of the new version in preparation of commit to master branch
  • Updated wiki pages:
    • 0.1 Rationale: fixed some typos, and changed RAW layout to improve readability when editing
    • 1 Installing: updated to fit current version
    • 1.1 Cloud: fixed some typos, and changed RAW layout to improve readability when editing
    • 2.0 Data prep: Renamed to Data preparation, as it now also includes information on MCMdatasummary and its exportability
    • 2.1 Creating a model: updated to fit current version
    • 2.2 Editing a model: updated to fit current version
    • 3. Fitting: updated to fit current version
    • 4. Results: updated to fit current version
    • 5. Post hoc: Added to include plotting loss history, plotting gradients, and comparing models


  • Fixed an issue causing the number of columns to be stored in results, instead of the number of samples (resulting in incorrect BIC)
  • Removed argument silent from MCMfit(), as its use was highly comparable to that of debug, loss printing during optimization is now included in debug and silent is removed
    • Additionally, enabled live loss-printing with CUDA devices (with the warning that it may significantly impact performance)
    • Updated MCMfit() manual page accordingly
  • Added wiki page 0.1
  • Updated wiki pages Generating test data, Creating an MCM model, Editing an MCM model and MCMSEM results, note these are currently still unfinished.
    • The main thing to do still is update the generated data and update the figures.
  • Added debug argument to MCMsavesummary()
    • Added debug entry to MCMsavesummary() manual page
  • Added wiki page 5 Post hoc with headers (unfinished), which will include:
    • MCM result plots
    • Loss history plots
    • Gradients/gradient plots
    • MCMcompareloss()
  • Moved patch-notes of version 0.21.1 and earlier to to clear readme file.
    • Note when this version is pushed to master all patch-notes will migrate there.


  • ⚠️ WARNING: The default behavior of simulate_data() changed such that it now automatically returns an mcmdatasummaryclass object. To keep the raw simulated data in line with previous versions please use simulate_data(asdtaframe=TRUE).

  • Added argument asdataframe to simulate_data(), and set the default to FALSE. this argument does the following:
    • TRUE: Returns the raw simulated data as data frame
    • FALSE: Returns an mcmdatasummaryclass object of the generated data
  • Added argument ... to simulate_data(), used for passing other arguments to MCMdatasummary() when asdataframe is FALSE
  • Updated manual pages to be fully in line with v0.23.0 conventions for
    • MCMcompareloss()
    • MCMdatasummary()
    • MCMedit()
    • MCMfit()
    • MCMmodel()
    • MCMsavesummary()
    • simulate_data()
    • plot(mcmmodelclass)
    • plot(mcmresultclass)
    • print(mcmmodelclass)
    • summary(mcmresultclass)


  • Significantly changed simulate_data to allow for generation of N variables, in line with what the package is now capable of
    • Input a1 changed to a which should now be an N_variables * N_latents matrix with a parameters
    • Inputs b1 and b2 changed to b which should now be an N_variables * N_variables matrix with b parameters and diagonal of 1
    • Added skew argument, boolean vector describing which variables should contain skewness
    • Added kurt argument, boolean vector describing which variables should contain kurtosis
    • shape and df still function the same, only are now used across all variables with skewness and kurtosis respectively
    • The default behavior of simulate_data() remains functionally the same
  • Added argument parameterlegend to plot(result$gradients) to allow for disabling legend, as this can sometimes obscure important details in the graph.
  • Changes in MCMdatasummary:
    • Changed possible ID column detection error to a warning
    • Changed low_memory=0 behavior to use covchunked with 16 chunks as test results indicate this is faster with higher memory usage compared to base covariance
    • Changed the way data summary objects are saved from gzipped strings to H5 floats significantly speeding up the saving process (1.3s instead of 33s at 18 input variables), as well as saving space


  • Bugfixes in MCMdatasummary when low_memory is enabled


  • ⚠️ WARNING: Due to changes in the layout of MCMdatasummary starting in v0.20.0 data summaries can no longer be stored via Rs built-in save(). You now have to use MCMsavesummary()

  • The argument low_memory in MCMfit() is now passed to MCMdatasummary() if a data.frame or matrix object is passed as data
    • To prevent this, run MCMdatasummary() first. Note that it is recommended to do so before MCMmodel() anyways.
  • Slight changes to backend of SE calculation significantly reducing memory footprint with minimal impact on performance.
    • Specifically, no longer calculates W as an intermediate if use_kurtosis and use_skewness are both TRUE, this prevents creating a second giant (same shape as S.m) matrix.


  • Replaced covlowmem with covchunked internally in MCMdatasummary
  • Number of chunks is automatically determined based on low_memory to keep the use of this argument similar to that in MCMfit:
    • 0 or FALSE: no memory saving options, runs full cov
    • 1 or TRUE: calculates covariance in 16 chunks (10 actually calculated, the other 6 are transpose of earlier chunks)
    • 2: calculates covariance in 64 chunks (36 actually calculated, the other 28 are transpose of earlier chunks)
    • 3: calculates covariance in 256 chunks (136 actually calculated, the other 120 are transpose of earlier chunks)
  • The settings of these chunk numbers aren't really based on much other than "more chunks == less RAM", might be worth testing some day but very low priority


  • ⚠️ WARNING: Due to changes in the layout of MCMdatasummary, data summaries created or stored with previous versions will no longer work with the current version of MCMSEM

  • Bugfixes in MCMfit:
    • Learning rate is no longer hard-coded to lr[2] for LBFGS and lr[1] for any other
    • N_iterations is no longer hard-coded to n_iter[2] for LBFGS and n_iter[1] for any other
  • Added debug and low_memory arguments to MCMdatasummary() which function similar to the ones used for MCMfit()
    • Note: low_memory for MCMdatasummary() can soon be replaced nchunks or something similar once chunked covariance calculation is implemented, but I'm wondering if I should just determine the number of chunks myself to keep the naming for low_memory the same across functions...
  • Expanded debug prints in MCMdatasummary() and MCMfit()
  • Kept S.m matrix in datasummary object as a torch tensor, as conversion to R matrix led to memory issues in larger models
  • Changed save summary to first convert the S.m tensor to lower triangle vector, then convert that lower triangle vector to an R object and save that output
  • Changed load summary to convert the lower triangle R vector back to full symmetrical torch tensor
  • Changed calculation of standard error to now do all but the jacobian() function call itself (see my notes on why) in torch
  • Note that the S.m matrix and everything else in standard error is always a tensor on CPU device, except the function for the jacobian (that depends on device_se), this is because these matrices get huge with larger models (46,345 x 46,345 @ 30 input traits) so would without a doubt lead to CUDA memory errors. Additionally, the computation they are used in is only done once and not very involved.


  • ⚠️ WARNING: Due to the addition of cuda_empty_cache(), MCMSEM now requires torch 0.9.0

  • Bugfixes to MCMedit()
  • Added device_se argument to MCMfit to specify the torch device to be used for calculation of asymptotic SE.
    • Note the default is now device (i.e. the same as optimization) which when device=torch_device('cuda') will result in different devices used compared to version 0.18.0
  • Ported more of the asymptotic SE computation to torch, so it now only transforms torch to R objects once per iteration instead of multiple times.
    • This makes the code much simpler, has no noticeable impact on CPU calculation of SE but significantly improves GPU calculation of SE
  • Added additional levels of low_memory in MCMfit(), options for low_memory are now as follows:
    • 0 or FALSE: no memory saving options, purely optimized for performance
    • 1 or TRUE: cuda_empty_cache() at each iteration
    • 2: use of slownecker instead of x %*% (y %x% y %x% y) and cuda_empty_cache() at each iteration
    • 3: use of slowernecker (most iterative version of slownecker) and cuda_empty_cache() at each iteration
  • Note the difference between low_memory=0 and low_memory=1 is minimal, and will likely only allow you to squeeze one (if any) extra variables into your model. The difference between low_memory=1 and low_memory=2, on the other hand, is very large, both in terms of memory saved and compute time.
low_memory runtime
0 10.3 s
1 10.4 s
2 210.4 s
3 214.5 s

Runtime test of 10 variables, 2 latents: MCMfit(model, datasummary, use_bounds=FALSE, optimizers='rprop', learning_rate=0.01, optim_iters=100, low_memory=low_memory, device=torch_device('cuda')), memory usage tests will follow later.


  • ⚠️ WARNING: Due to added gradients in MCM result and summary objects this version is incompatible with older MCM result objects. Additionally columns group and fixed have been removed from MCM result summary objects.

  • Added mcmgradienthistoryclass, which stores gradient history of parameters from a single matrix, with the following attributes and S3 methods
    • .self$df: data.frame: data frame of loss history, with shape (n_iterations, n_parameters)
    • .self$label: character: original matrix label (A, Fm, S, Sk or K)
    • .self$hasgrads: logical: TRUE if the object has a gradient history
    • .self$last_iter: data.frame: gradients at the last iteration (this is always filled regardless of monitor_grads in MCMfit())
    • to extract gradient history as dataframe
    • as.matrix(mcmgradienthistoryclass) to extract gradient history as matrix
    • min(mcmgradienthistoryclass) to extract minimum values per parameter from gradient history class
    • max(mcmgradienthistoryclass) to extract minimum values per parameter from gradient history class
    • summary(mcmgradienthistoryclass) to extract a summary: min, max, min(abs), max(abs), last_gradient per parameter from gradient history class
    • plot(mcmgradienthistoryclass) to plot gradient history as a line plot
    • As well as several scaling/manipulation methods, mainly used to benefit plotting:
      • abs(mcmgradienthistoryclass) to change values in a gradient history object to absolute values (note this returns a new mcmgradientclass object)
      • log(mcmgradienthistoryclass) to change values in a gradient history object to absolute values (note this returns a new mcmgradientclass object)
      • log10(mcmgradienthistoryclass) to change values in a gradient history object to absolute values (note this returns a new mcmgradientclass object)
      • sqrt(mcmgradienthistoryclass) to change values in a gradient history object to absolute values (note this returns a new mcmgradientclass object)
  • Added mcmmultigradienthistoryclass, which stores all gradient histories as a collection of mcmgradienthistoryclass objects (one for each parameter matrix), with the following attributes and S3 methods:
    • .self$A: mcmgradienthistoryclass: MCM gradient history object with loss history of A parameters
    • .self$Fm: mcmgradienthistoryclass: MCM gradient history object with loss history of Fm parameters
    • .self$S: mcmgradienthistoryclass: MCM gradient history object with loss history of S parameters
    • .self$Sk: mcmgradienthistoryclass: MCM gradient history object with loss history of Sk parameters
    • .self$K: mcmgradienthistoryclass: MCM gradient history object with loss history of K parameters
    • .self$hasgrads: logical: TRUE if any of the mcmgradienthistoryclass objects contained in .self has a gradient history
    • to extract full gradient history as dataframe
    • as.matrix(mcmmultigradienthistoryclass) to extract full gradient history as matrix
    • min(mcmmultigradienthistoryclass) to extract minimum values per matrix per parameter from gradient history class
    • max(mcmmultigradienthistoryclass) to extract minimum values per matrix per parameter from gradient history class
    • summary(mcmmultigradienthistoryclass) to extract a summary: min, max, min(abs), max(abs), last_gradient per matrix per parameter from gradient history class
    • plot(mcmmultigradienthistoryclass) to plot gradient histories as a line plot (1 plot window per parameter matrix)
    • As well as several scaling/manipulation methods, mainly used to benefit plotting:
      • abs(mcmmultigradienthistoryclass) to change values in a gradient history object to absolute values (note this returns a new mcmmultigradienthistoryclass object)
      • log(mcmmultigradienthistoryclass) to change values in a gradient history object to absolute values (note this returns a new mcmmultigradienthistoryclass object)
      • log10(mcmmultigradienthistoryclass) to change values in a gradient history object to absolute values (note this returns a new mcmmultigradienthistoryclass object)
      • sqrt(mcmmultigradienthistoryclass) to change values in a gradient history object to absolute values (note this returns a new mcmmultigradienthistoryclass object)
  • Added gradients field to mcmresultclass which stores an mcmmultigradienthistoryclass object
    • So for example plot(result$gradient) will plot all gradient histories
    • plot(result$gradient$A) will plot the gradient history of parameters in the A matrix
  • Changed MCMfit() and .torch_fit() to store gradient history when requested
  • The gradient at the last iteration is stored by default. This can be extracted via result$gradients$A$last_iter, but for end-users most accessible in summary(result)
  • To enable storing gradient history, set the monitor_grads argument to TRUE, this will also cause MCMSEM to monitor for NaN gradients and incur an early stop when NaN gradients are detected (though this currently does not work for LBFGS)
    • These two functions (storing gradient history and monitoring NaN gradients) are included in a single arguments because:
      1. The performance impact of both is very similar, and combining them doesn't add much overhead
      2. This keeps the amount of arguments required as low as possible
      3. It seems likely to me that these would be combined anyway
  • Changed summary(mcmresultclass):
    • Removed columns fixed and group
    • Added column last_gradient containing the last gradient for each parameter
  • Updated TO DO list with regard to torch-based jacobian/hessian as (for now) these are not likely to be implemented any time soon.


  • ⚠️ WARNING: The name of the optimizer argument to MCMfit() changed to optimizers. Additionally, when learning_rate or optim_iters are of length 1 they this value will be used for all optimizers. Previously, if the length was 1 this value would only be used for the first optimizer. Please change your code accordingly.

  • ⚠️ WARNING: Observed and predicted (co-)moment matrices in result objects are moved from result$history$M#obs and result$history$M#pred to result$observed$M# and result$predicted$M# respectively, where # is 2, 3 or 4 depending on moments used

  • Added use_skewness and use_kurtosis arguments to MCMdatasummary(), this allows for skipping preparation of S.m matrix with kurtosis parameters if they won't be used
    • Note older saved mcmdatasummary objects will by default have both kurtosis and skew S.m so should still work fine.
  • Added checks in MCMfit to verify mcmdatasummary object SE parameters were generated with the correct settings
  • Changed optimizer argument to MCMfit() to optimizers and allowed for any number of different optimizers to be run in sequel.
    • For example, if you would like to use RPROP with different learning rates instead of LBFGS: MCMfit(model, data, optimizers=c('rprop', 'rprop', 'rprop'), otpim_iters=c(100, 100, 100), learning_rate=c(0.01, 0.001, 0.0001)
  • Moved moment matrices in MCM result object from res$history to res$observed and res$predicted
  • Changed MCMcompareloss() to use new result object layout
    • Note this means result objects generated in previous MCMSEM versions will not work with the current MCMcompareloss()


  • Ported pre-calculation of S.m matrix in MCMdatasummary() to torch jit_compile, speeding up this part approximately 10x
    • nvars=30, nobs=    100   1000  10000
      S.m R-apply       1.4s  17.7s   155s
      S.m torch-jit     0.1s   1.1s  10.6s
    • Note this was one of the slowest part in MCMdatasummary() with many variables so I expect significant time savings
  • Moved all TorchScript code to list defined in jit_funcs.R
  • Added jacobian_method argument to MCMfit to change jacobian method for calculating standard errors


  • Moved definition of jit slownecker function to .torch_fit and .std.err to ensure compilation when the function is called, instead of when package is installed.


  • Bugfix: Fixed improper calculation of K with diagonal S
  • Bugfix: set hardcoded values in K2 back to 3.0


  • Fixed improper assignment of a parameters, that would result in the left A matrix, instead of the right (see below)
     0  0  0  0  0  0  |  0  0  0  0  0  0
     0  0  0  0  0  0  |  0  0  0  0  0  0
     0  0  0  0  0  0  |  0  0  0  0  0  0
     a1 a2 a3 b...     |  a1 0  0  b...   
     a1 a2 a3 b...     |  a1 a2 0  b...   
     a1 a2 a3 b...     |  a1 a2 a3 b...   


  • Implemented slowneckerproduct when low_memory=TRUE, an iterative approach to x %*% (y %x% y %x% y), which is significantly slower but does not require saving the entire (y %x% y %x% y) product, saving significant memory.
  • Added monitor_grads argument to MCMfit(). Setting monitor_grads to TRUE will make MCMSEM check for NaN gradients between each optimizer iteration, if any NaN gradients are found optimization is stopped early and a warning is printed. Then results are returned before the gradients are applied.
    • Currently monitor_grads does not work in LBFGS
    • Because this check will incur a performance penalty, monitor_grads is set to FALSE by default.
  • Moved cloud notes to wiki/1.1 MCMSEM on the
  • Added wiki folder to .Rbuildignore


  • Implemented more efficient calculation of K from S when S is a diagonal matrix
    • Replaced K %*% (S %x% S %x% S) with K * (diag(S) %x% diag(S) %x% (diag(S))) when applicable


  • Added debug argument to MCMfit, if enables prints detailed progress


  • Changed MCMfit() so it no longer uses start_values but uses param_values, instead. Now start_values are only stored for reference. This causes no change in behavior at initial MCMfit() call as through MCMedit param_values and start_values are always equal when MCMfit() is called for the first time.
  • Changed MCMfit() to also accept an mcmresultclass object to the model argument, so a user can train an already fitted model again (for more iterations, or lower learning_rate, etc.).
    • data <- simulate_data()
      model <- MCMmodel(data)
      res <- MCMfit(model, data)
      res2 <- MCMfit(res, data)


  • Created mcmstartvaluesclass and changed all code for MCMedit(), MCMmodel() and MCMfit() accordingly
    • This is done so that model$start_values["start", "a1_1"] <- 0 no longer works, as a measure to force users to change start values via MCMedit("start", ...)
  • Added option to edit all start values simultaneously to MCMedit():
    • newmodel <- MCMedit(model, "start", "all", new_values)
    • Also added a brief description of this to wiki for Editing an MCM model
  • Added outofbounds_penalty argument to MCMfit() to increase penalty scaling when parameters are out bounds:
    • loss * 2 ^ (distance_from_bounds * outofbounds_penalty)
    • MCMfit() will produce an error if the value of outofbounds_penalty is set to a value < 0
    • If outofbounds_penalty is set to 0 MCMfit() will set use_bounds to FALSE instead, as that has the same effect but is more efficient
  • Added outofbounds_penalty to manual page for MCMfit()
  • Solved unresolved reference n_obs issue in `MCMcompareloss()


  • Fixed summary for models with 1 latent factor
  • Fixed summary for models without factor loadings and/or without causal paths


  • Added train_loss, train_chisq and train_bic to MCMcompareloss() output, and renamed the newly calculated columns to test_loss, test_chisq, test_bic.
  • Added train_n to MCMcompareloss(extensive_model_info=TRUE)
    • Note that train_n can be different for result objects from prior versions. This is because previously the N was stored at MCMmodel not MCMfit. Now the N is stored at actual model fit MCMfit().
  • Renamed get_comoments() to .get_comoments() to ensure it is a private function
  • Moved selection of loss function and optimizer function from the supported ones to their own functions in local.R named .get_lossfunc(loss_type) and .get_optimizerfunc(optimizer) respectively.
    • This is mainly done to allow for easier modification of the globally supported loss/optimizer lists
  • Completed transition from for (i in 1:x) to for (i in seq_len(x))
  • Allowed use_kurtosis=FALSE and use_skewness=FALSE


  • Renamed data argument to test_data in MCMcompareloss() to communicate the function is intended to be used with a separate holdout/test sample
  • Changed wording in manual page of MCMcompareloss() similarly
  • Changed example of MCMcompareloss() in the manual to reflect the intended use with test sample:
    • mydata <- simulate_data()
      # Split data in train and test sample
      split <- sample(c(1,2), nrow(data), prob=c(0.8, 0.2), replace=TRUE)
      mydata_train <- mydata[split == 1, ]
      mydata_test <- mydata[split == 2, ]
      # Generate and fit models on trainsample
      mymodel <- MCMmodel(mydata_train)
      mymodel2 <- MCMmodel(mydata_train)
      my_result1 <- MCMfit(mymodel, mydata_train)
      my_result2 <- MCMfit(mymodel2, mydata_train)
      # compare loss in test sample
      MCMcompareloss(list(my_result1, my_result2), mydata_test)
  • Added .self$SE to mcmdatasummaryclass$copy()


  • Moved calculation of loss from .torch_objective() to separate .calc_loss() function as it is used in three different places
  • Added weighted, loss_type, and optimizer to mcmresultclass$info
  • Added MCMcompareloss(), a function to compare the loss (and other statistics) of different models, given a specific (holdout/test) dataset
    • ⚠️ WARNING: Because of the addition of weighted, loss_type, and optimizer to mcmresultclass$info result objects created in earlier versions of MCMSEM (i.e. 0.9.1 or earlier) will not work in MCMcompareloss()

  • Added default starting values (a=0.2, b=0, s=1, sk=0.8, k=4) for new parameters created through MCMedit(), note it is still advised to set these yourself after creation of new paramters, but this way they are at least not all 0
  • Added manual pages for:
    • MCMdatasumamry()
    • MCMsavesummary()
    • MCMcompareloss()
    • plot(mcmmodelclass)
    • plot(mcmresultclass)
    • print(mcmmodelclass)
    • summary(mcmresultclass)
  • Updated manual pages for:
    • MCMmodel()
    • MCMfit()
  • Removed Torch-specific from versions in patch notes as the non-torch dev branch is deprecated and the torch-version is to be considered the only in-development branch
  • Merged code updates into patch notes for clarity


  • Fixed issue object 'n' not found in MCMmodel()
  • Fixed issue object 'model' not found in MCMfit()


  • Fixed an issue causing summary(mcmresult) to malfunction with causal paths between latents
  • Added hdf5r to NAMESPACE and Imports
  • Added MCMdatasummary to create an object with all required data for MCMSEM without storing full data. This could allow cohorts to more easily share this data without privacy concerns.
    • Note that this does make bootstrapping impossible
    • To ensure individual records cannot be retrieved from the summary the S.m matrix used for asymptotic SE calculation is processed into the required covariance matrix. Storing the S.m matrix at earlier stages would allow for faster data summary file generation, but could potentially allow for retrieval of individual records in some edge cases.
  • Moved calculation of S.m (in calculation of asymptotic SE) to MCMdatasummary() as it requires raw data.
  • Added option prep_asymptotic_se to MCMdatasummary() to allow for disabling pre-calculation of S.m matrix as it may result in unwanted compute time and storage space
  • Added MCMsavesummary() to save MCMdatasummaries to disk. File size estimates detailed below
  • Loading MCMdatasummaries is done as follows with the main summary function: MCMdatasummary(path='mysummary.mcmdata')
  • MCM data summaries stored to disk will have the suffix .mcmdata and are HDF5 files with the following structure:
    • m2 : second order co-moment matrix
    • m3 : third order co-moment matrix
    • m4 : fourth order co-moment matrix
    • meta/... : metadata, for now this contains colnames, data_was_scaled, scale_data, n, ncol and colnames, but this will automatically expand if we decide to add more meta_data to MCM data summary objects.
    • SE/computed : 1 if prep_asymptotic_se was set to true and S.m is pre-computed
    • sm : S.m matrix for asymptotic SE
    • SE/idx : list of different indices to select from the full S.m depending on use_kurtosis and use_skewness
  • Why HDF5 and not RData? Because HDF5...
    • Allows for more flexibility within R (i.e. newobjectname <- MCMdatasummary(path=path) instead of load(path); newobjectname <- oldobjectname where oldobjectname may not be known beforehand, or worse overlap with other objects)
    • Prevents storing class methods, so loading a file saved in an older version will still allow you to work with new methods (assuming that all required data is in the summary object)
    • Allows for easy and direct access from other software (though for now this is just future-proofing)
  • Moved warnings and errors related to the input dataframe from MCMmodel to MCMdatasummary as that is now used internally as well.
  • Changed internal structure of MCMmodel, MCMfit and underlying functions where necessary to also accept an mcmdataclass object as input instead of a dataframe
    • Simply put: if the input is a dataframe or matrix (i.e. raw data) MCMmodel and MCMfit will first generate an MCMdatasummary and continue working with that, to keep the code as simple as possible
  • Added weights argument to MCMmodel, MCMdatasummary, and MCMfit to allow for weighted MCMSEM (through weighted co-moment matrices)
    • Note it is recommended to make an MCMdatasummary first, then pass that object to MCMmodel and MCMfit, this will result in the co-moment-matrices being computed only ones, saving some time especially in larger datasets, and definitely when the data will be used in multiple different models.
  • Enabled setting use_skewness and use_kurtosis both to FALSE (with experimental warning).
  • Removed Usage, and MCMSEM on GPU text from, instead referring to the wiki. -.mcmdata approximate file generation time and file size, with prep_asymptotic_se set to TRUE. Note these estimates are based on a single test run. Actual generation time will depend heavily on your system, and file size may vary depending on how well the summary can be compressed.
    Note that runtime is long, but that this is partly (or mostly, with many variables) due to pre-computation of the S.m matrix, so this upfront calculation will save time later on.
N variables generation time file size
2 7.36 s 48.8 KB
4 8.42 s 51.1 KB
6 10.76 s 70.1 KB
8 16.62 s 169 KB
10 27.10 s 538 KB
12 47.44 s 1.51 MB
14 82.44 s 4.05 MB
16 165.81 s 10.4 MB
18 278.62 s 22.9 MB
20 464.83 s 47.5 MB
22 730.05 s 91.8 MB
24 1222.58 s 170 MB
26 2108.23 s 295 MB
28 4072.52 s 505 MB


  • Fixed an issue that (depending on device) could cause fit to fail
  • Fixed summ not found issue in summary(result)
  • Changed optimizer iteration loops from 1:x to seq_len(x) to allow for disabling one of the optimizers by setting its optim_iters to 0.
  • In MCMfit changed sqrt(S) to sign(S) * sqrt(abs(S)) to prevent NaN in cases of negative values (still in testing phase)


  • loss reported in result and summary objects is now the loss without bound scaling. You can still obtain the final loss with bound scaling via res$history$loss[length(res$history$loss)]
  • Added ... to plot(model, ..) for additional arguments to be passed on to qgraph
  • Fixed a bug with K matrix when n_factors > 1 resulting from changes in v0.7.3
  • Fixed MCM summary so it now holds a deep copy of a result object, instead of a reference
  • Updated wiki/4. MCMSEM
  • Added information on CPU threading to 1. Installing
  • Updated manual pages based on recent changes
  • Added details on the layout of higher co-moment matrices to the Advanced section in 2.1 Creating an MCM


  • Fixed an issue causing all bounds to be 0-100 (kurtosis-bounds) by default
  • Updated wiki/3. Fitting an MCM
  • Values in K matrix for non-free kurtosis is now updated based on values in S
  • Allowed user to specify the first optimizer type through the optimizer argument, the following are included but all but RPROP are untested: 'rprop', 'sgd' ,'rmsprop', 'asgd', 'adam', 'adagrad', 'adadelta'
  • Enabled models with 0 latent factors
  • Moved calculation of predicted M2, M3, M4 matrices to .get_predicted_matrices as the code was copy-pasted 3 times


  • Fixed summary(MCMresult) to also work when use_skewness or use_kurtosis is set to FALSE
  • Added estimates argument to to choose the estimates table to return (parameters, variances, skewness or kurtosis)
  • Added wiki/2.0 Generate test
  • Updated wiki/2.1 Creating an MCM
  • Updated wiki/2.2 Editing an MCM
  • Added S3 method print.mcmmodelclass to allow for printing specific matrices, e.g. print(mcmmodel, matrix="A")


  • Fixed an issue that caused negative parameters to fail due to missing starting values
  • K matrix in model$num_matrices$K and model$named_matrices$K now properly display the value 3 as x,x,x,x-kurtosis for latent factors
  • Value of 3 for x,x,x,x-kurtosis of latent factors is no longer hardcoded in MCMfit but rather obtained from model$num_matrices$K
  • Added check for non-numeric columns and ID-column in MCMmodel
  • Changed stopping errors of multiple latent variables to warnings to allow for testing
  • Added observed and predicted comoment matrices to result$history


⚠️ WARNING: The argument names n_confounding and confounding_names in MCMmodel() have been changed to n_latent and latent_names in this version. Please update your code accordingly.

  • Changed references to latent factors from confounding to latent script-wide, for consistent labelling.
  • Added 8 new arguments to MCMmodel() to change broad model specifications directly. Note for now these do not alter the initial model generation, but use MCMedit() after the default model is generated, slightly slowing down MCMmodel, so if we get to the point where giant models (i.e. >50 variables) are possible, this should be changed.
    • causal_observed: adds free parameters for causal paths between observed variables (default TRUE)
    • var_observed: adds free parameters for variance of observed variables (default TRUE)
    • skew_observed: adds free parameters for skewness of observed variables (default TRUE)
    • kurt_observed: adds free parameters for kurtosis of observed variables (default TRUE)
    • causal_latent: adds free parameters for causal paths between latent factors (default FALSE)
    • var_latent: adds free parameters for variance of latent factors (default FALSE)
    • skew_latent: adds free parameters for skewness of latent factors (default FALSE)
    • kurt_latent: adds free parameters for kurtosis of latent factors (default FALSE)
  • Changed MCMedit() to accept multiple parameter names, e.g.: MCMedit(model, "A", c("b1_2", "b2_1"), 0). Note that all these parameters should still originate from the same matrix


  • Added wiki folder with markdown documents to be used for the Wiki upon release.
  • Added argument loss_type to MCMfit() which allows users to change loss from MSE to smooth_L1. (regular L1 is also implemented but unlisted as it is untested)
  • Created MCMSEMversion variable in local.R, for easy access within the package (e.g. to store in result objects), and for easy access for users: MCMSEM::MCMSEMversion
  • Changed License field in DESCRIPTION to match CRAN standards
  • Replaced for (i in 1:length(x)) with the safer for (i in seq_along(x)) throughout
  • Replaced for (i in 1:nrow(x)) with the safer for (i in seq_len(nrow(x))) throughout
  • Some basic cleanup without functional difference


  • Changed cat calls in non-silent operation of MCMfit to use CR (\r) instead of newline (\n) to prevent flooding the console
  • Split local.R into local_gen_matrices.R, local_stderr.R, and local_torch_matrices.R, also moved fit and objective functions from MCMfit.R to local_fit.R. Each script now contains local functions that are (mainly) used for their respective function names
  • Removed knot column from summary(mcmresult) as it is currently unused
  • Removed par column from summary(mcmresult) as it did not provide additional information
  • Changed edge column for skewness and kurtosis parameters to ~~~ and ~~~~ respectively
  • Renamed MCMresultclass.R to MCMresultclasses.R as it now also holds mcmresultsummaryclass (putting it in a separate script didn't work)
  • Added mcmresultsummaryclass, a custom class now returned from summary(mcmresult) in order to store additional information. The mcmresultsummaryclass contains the following:
    • df: dataframe with parameter table (this used to be the only thing returned from summary(mcmresult))
    • result: A reference to the result object that the summary is generated from
  • simply extracts the parameter table
  • plot(summary(mcmresult)) is the same as plot(mcmresult), but it is implemented as I suspect people will expect it to work
  • Added n_obs to mcmmodel$meta_data
  • Added several parameters to MCM result summary, most notably chisq, aic and bic
  • Changed n_par calculation in summary(result) to subtract parameters in skewness/kurtosis matrix if either of those was disabled during MCMfit
  • switched to Huber loss for stability (nn_smooth_l1_loss()), TODO: Make an optional switch between MSE and Huber loss


  • Added confounding_names argument to MCMmodel to allow users to name latent factors
  • Original column names and latent factor names (user-provided or f1, f2, ..., fn) are now stored in mcmmodel$meta_data
  • Added summary(mcmresult) which returns a lavaan-partable-like dataframe using original column names and stored latent names
  • Added plot(mcmresult)which plots a qgraph visualization of the model using original column names and stored latent names
  • Added plot(mcmmodel) which allows visualizing the model before running MCMfit(), output is identical to plot(mcmresult) only with graph weights fixed to approximately 1.0
  • Changed check for pre-scaled data from checking data == data_scaled to checking if all columns mean and sd match expected values, significantly speeding up model generation with larger pre-scaled datasets


  • Changed call to R cov() in asymptotic SE calculation to custom torch solution (to be replaced with torch_cov once this is implemented), significantly improving performance.
  • Added low_memory option to MCMfit, which when enabled forces aggressive garbage collection during optimization. This can help run larger models on GPUs. Enabling low_memory does significantly impact performance, especially when using a CPU device, therefore it is off by default.
  • Added info field to MCMresult object which stores MCMSEM version, as well as arguments used to obtain the result.


  • Fixed Error: invalid assignment for reference class field ‘param_values’.
  • Added int/CITATION to allow users to run citation("MCMSEM").
  • Renamed MCMSEMmodelclass.R to MCMmodelclass in line with other filenames.
  • Removed .m2m2v, .m3m2v, .m4m2v, .torch_m2m2v, .torch_m3m2v and .torch_m4m2v from local.R as they are no longer used (superseded by mask functions like .torch_m2m2v_mask)
  • Small memory tweaks in MCMfit
  • Moved to torch nn_mse_loss function significantly improving performance and reducing memory usage further
  • Added MCMedit option to change multiple parameters simultaneously using coordinates:
    • mcmmodel <- MCMedit(mcmmodel, "A", list(6:10, 1), c("a11", "a12", "a13", "a14", "a15"))
  • Added MCMedit option to remove all parameters of given type simultaneously:
    • mcmmodel <- MCMedit(mcmmodel, "A", 'b', 0)


  • Backend changes to standard error computation significantly improving performance.
  • Moved model object in mcmresultclass one level up so it can be accessed via result$model
  • Updated model object in result such that results are also stored in the matrices at appropriate locations
  • Changed .jac.fn to use torch tensors within the function significantly improving performance.
  • Changed mcmresultclass definition so model is now at top level of the object
  • Changed mcmmodelclass definition so an empty instance can be generated (for parsing/loading purposes)
  • The local model$copy() in MCMfit is now updated with resulting parameter values at the end of the function, so the returned model contains all parameters in the correct matrix.
  • Added MCMSEM on GPU to README


  • Minor tweaks to MCMfit to slightly reduce (V)RAM usage


  • Added device argument to MCMfit, and reformated MCMfit to be device-agnostic. This enables using cuda (GPU)
  • Overhauled backend of MCMfit and .objective for improved performance:
    • Optimizer-only runtime down from 30 minutes to 30 seconds (30 variables, 5 confounders, c(100, 25) iters, no SE, no kurtosis, no bounds)
  • Significant backend changes to MCMfit to significantly improve performance
    • (Nearly) everything ported to pure torch, no more indexing in .objective, no more .m3m2v loops etc.
    • Note this requires significantly more upfront work (creating base matrices, masks, etc), but results in ~60x performance boost in optimization
  • Enabled using with CUDA device
  • Fixed torch-implementation of quadratic scaling when parameters are out of bounds
  • Enabled using use_bounds with a CUDA device
  • Changed bootstrap code to be in line with current versions

Code update 20-06-2021

  • Added runtimes element to MCMresult that gives some insight intor runtimes of several steps (mostly for development purpposes).
  • Added device argument to MCMfit in preparation of CUDA-enabled version


  • Moved to torch backend
  • Optimization is now performed using a combination of RPROP and LBFGS optimizers, instead of nlminb
  • Added MCMresultclass to hold MCMfit results
  • Can be converted to a dataframe using, then it is in line again with that of the non-torch version
  • Note the torch implementation is slightly slower in the simplest use-case (2 variables + 1 confounder), but scales significantly better to more variables and confounders.
  • It is now possible to disable using skewness or kurtosis in larger models to improve performance by reducing reliance on all co-moments. Set either use_skewness and use_kurtosis arguments to MCMfit() to FALSE to ignore specific co-moments.
  • Removed several fixed TODO notes
  • Also removed notes about not being able to run MCMSEM for both positive and negative confounding, as this is not feasible in the current code format. It is easy enough now for users do this themselves through MCMedit.
  • Changed MCMedit argument names to more sensible ones
  • Moved simulate_data to MCMsimulate_data.R for more consistency in filenames.
  • Changed manual pages to new coding format
  • Changed test to new coding format
  • Added use_skewness and use_kurtosis arguments to MCMfit() to disable using one of them to estimate parameters in larger models.
  • Added use_bounds in MCMfit, if enabled, loss will be dramatically increased as parameter estimates get further away from bounds.
  • Added USAGE to readme

v0.3.0, Initial dev-torch

  • Fixed MCMfit so it now actually works
  • Merged changes to std.err from dev
  • For now, SE calculation is still done with R-matrices (similar to dev) as opposed to torch tensors, as I haven't found a way to make it work without significantly impacting performance.
  • Removed updates and todo that belong to dev
  • Added silent argument to MCMfit() to prevent printing loss at every step
  • Added MCMresult object to hold result as dataframe, loss, and history (all loss values, and model used)
  • Added optim_iters argument to MCMfit() to enable changing number of iterations of each optimizer


  • Added mcmmodelclass, this class describes the layout of the MCMSEM model complete with parameter matrices, parameter/starting values, and bounds.
  • Addded MCMmodel wrapper function to enable easy creation of mcmmodelclass instances for users
  • Added MCMedit to make editing a model easier (e.g. adding or constraining parameters, changing bounds, etc.)
  • Added MCMfit
  • Setting the confounder to be negative is slightly harder than in the previous version, as it (for now) requires manual edits to the model:
    model <- MCMedit(model, "A", c(2,1), "-a1"), note c(2, 1) are parameter coordinates in the A matrix and may depend on the number of confounders added to the model.
  • Output column names have changed to be identical to parameter names
  • Added asymptotic calculation of standard errors for much faster runtimes


  • Added some TODO labels, added 'both' option to confounding argument which will run MCMSEM twice, once with negative, once with positive confounding and return both results.
  • Added bootstrap_chunk argument.
  • Added automatic standardization in MCMSEM
  • Added backups for internal .m3m2v and .m4m2v functions (should they ever be necessary).

v0.1.0 - Initial commit