Releases: MetalHexx/TeensyROM-UI
Releases · MetalHexx/TeensyROM-UI
Full p00 and Image File Support
- Images now have their own filter like games and music for random / search functions
- Image types include some descriptive metadata about the file format
- Added support for the following file types
- .p00 - A variant of prg
- .kla => Koala Painter Image
- .koa => Koala Painter Image
- .art => Art Studio Image
- .aas => Advanced Art Studio Image
- .hpi => Hi-Pic Creator Image
Firmware Support Updates -- Easy SID List (Metadata) Updates
- Added first class Hex Firmware file support with launch capability and custom styling
- Automatically launch firmware update on C64 when drag/drop or copy to the watch directory
Additional Notes:
- Additional small changes to the wizard.
- Updated to Sid List 80 (for HVSC 80 metadata)
- Removed the hardcoded SidList csv file so that users can easily upgrade it alongside of HVSC
Enhanced USB and SD Storage Support
- You can now switch between SD and USB storage in Discover view seamlessly without reindexing.
- Your last selected storage will be remembered.
- Default Storage was removed from Settings View
- Wizard updated with steps to support automatic USB/SD indexing.
Additional Notes:
- Fixed an issue where the progress indicator was getting stuck after short file transfers.
- Additional small changes to the wizard.
Large File Transfer and Logging Improvements
- Auto-watch and Drag and Drop file operations now handle much larger volume
- Improved "Connection View" Logging UI Performance on Large File Transfers / Indexing
Additional Notes:
- General file copy stability improvements
Multi-file Watch Directory / Launch
- Auto-watch now handles copying multiple files
- Drag/Drop File Copy operations now automatically launch a file from the copied set
- Auto-launch is configurable
Additional Notes:
- HSVC typo fixed on Help Page
- Dialog boxes will now not get cancelled automatically when clicking outside of them
- All files types are now able to be deleted
Hotfix: Cache Save Issue / Play Game Toggle
- Fixed an issue where cache would fail to write to disk if the destination directory didn't exist yet
- Updated some Startup wizard verbiage.
- Fixed an issue with toggling a game from the play toolbar
Features: Setup Wizard, Various UX Changes, other fixes
The UI has been changed quite a bit to simplify the set up process and simplify / streamline the UI.
- A setup wizard will guide the user through the setup process and basic app functionality
- The tutorial is also available from the help screen
- Libraries have been removed and restructured to be simple filters
- they no longer need to be configured in settings
- Various improvements to search including sourcing results from SID STIL data
- Better HVSC support for SID play length
- Lots of overall improvements to streamline the UX
Additional changes:
- Auto-transfer folder was moved to the root
- Favorite folder was moved to the root
- 4500 additional HVSC SIDs that were previously defaulting to 3 minutes now have accurate length playback
- Added "allow/disallow" file / directory support for problematic files and folders -- user configurable in Settings.json
- this was causing major issues if all the SIDs in a particular folder were not compatible with TR
- OneLoad64 has a lot of "redundant" games that don't fast load. So only the root folder and /extras will be indexed
- Updated "Cache All" button to look like a download button
- Various tooltips and dialogs added / updated to support better in-app help
- Switching between All/Game/Music filters will now actively filter existing search results
- Search relevancy weighting has been adjusted. Weights can be configured to user preference in settings.json
- Added user configurable "stop words" to search to improve quality of search results. (see: settings.json)
- "Dice Roll" button has been moved near the filter buttons to improve the UX
- "Dice Roll" button now spins when you click it :)
- Standardized "round icon buttons" to with a better hover color
- Directory refresh button has been moved near the directory listing to make its usage more clear
- Fixed an issue that gave the "cache all" operation that it completed successfully while a game is running on the TR
- Fixed various directory tree update issues on auto-transfer and favoriting operation
- Fixed an issue where game and composer images were not present on auto-transferred and favorited files
Feature: Enhanced Left Navigation and Help Resources view
- Left Nav enhanced to pull the menu button into the chrome (title bar area).
- Left Nav enhanced with new button open / close animations.
- Left Nav enhanced with better drawer open / close drawer animations.
- Left Nav will now reflect the current view you're on by highlighting the menu item in blue.
- The help view was updated to include all project information, add ons, etc. Buttons will link you to each resource.
Feature: Retired Music / Game / File Transfer Views
After introducing a "Discover" view and battle testing it, the music, game and file transfer views have now been officially retired. Discover view now encapsulates all the functionality of these retired views and ready to be the star of the show.
Additional changes:
- UI code tested against the latest changes with the latest TR FW -- in particular around the recent NFC / fast loading changes.. Works great!
- Update: switching filters in discover view no longer automatically refreshes / scopes the directory tree. This seems to be a little more user friendly.
- Update: When random launch function is called, if the chosen file / directory are selected that have not yet been populated in the directory tree view, the closest parent folder will be selected.
Fixes: Discover View Directory/Filter State
- Fixed an edge case where directory state was getting reset unexpectedly when serial state changed.
- Fixed an issue where the library filter was getting reset when leaving and returning to the view
- Fixed an issue where the library filter was getting reset when saving settings.