diff --git a/Documentation/source/advanced_config.rst b/Documentation/source/advanced_config.rst
index faaf0b25..d2b54ebf 100644
--- a/Documentation/source/advanced_config.rst
+++ b/Documentation/source/advanced_config.rst
@@ -193,6 +193,14 @@ to specify 3rd party libraries at the link stage.
     link_exe(state, flags=['-lm', '-lnetcdf'])
+Linkers will be pre-configured with flags for common libraries. Where possible,
+a library name should be used to include the required flags for linking.
+.. code-block::
+    :linenos:
+    link_exe(state, libs=['netcdf'])
 Path-specific flags
diff --git a/source/fab/steps/link.py b/source/fab/steps/link.py
index 6a14cf64..e67a8cce 100644
--- a/source/fab/steps/link.py
+++ b/source/fab/steps/link.py
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 import logging
 from string import Template
-from typing import Optional
+from typing import List, Optional, Union
 from fab.artefacts import ArtefactSet
 from fab.steps import step
@@ -33,7 +33,10 @@ def __call__(self, artefact_store):
-def link_exe(config, flags=None, source: Optional[ArtefactsGetter] = None):
+def link_exe(config,
+             libs: Union[List[str], None] = None,
+             flags: Union[List[str], None] = None,
+             source: Optional[ArtefactsGetter] = None):
     Link object files into an executable for every build target.
@@ -49,8 +52,10 @@ def link_exe(config, flags=None, source: Optional[ArtefactsGetter] = None):
         The :class:`fab.build_config.BuildConfig` object where we can read
         settings such as the project workspace folder or the multiprocessing
+    :param libs:
+        A list of required library names to pass to the linker.
     :param flags:
-        A list of flags to pass to the linker.
+        A list of additional flags to pass to the linker.
     :param source:
         An optional :class:`~fab.artefacts.ArtefactsGetter`. It defaults to the
         output from compiler steps, which typically is the expected behaviour.
@@ -60,13 +65,15 @@ def link_exe(config, flags=None, source: Optional[ArtefactsGetter] = None):
     logger.info(f'Linker is {linker.name}')
-    flags = flags or []
+    libs = libs or []
+    if flags:
+        linker.add_post_lib_flags(flags)
     source_getter = source or DefaultLinkerSource()
     target_objects = source_getter(config.artefact_store)
     for root, objects in target_objects.items():
         exe_path = config.project_workspace / f'{root}'
-        linker.link(objects, exe_path, openmp=config.openmp, add_libs=flags)
+        linker.link(objects, exe_path, openmp=config.openmp, libs=libs)
         config.artefact_store.add(ArtefactSet.EXECUTABLES, exe_path)
@@ -116,4 +123,5 @@ def link_shared_object(config, output_fpath: str, flags=None,
     objects = target_objects[None]
     out_name = Template(output_fpath).substitute(output=config.build_output)
-    linker.link(objects, out_name, openmp=config.openmp, add_libs=flags)
+    linker.add_post_lib_flags(flags)
+    linker.link(objects, out_name, openmp=config.openmp)
diff --git a/source/fab/tools/linker.py b/source/fab/tools/linker.py
index 69cfcec2..8959b3de 100644
--- a/source/fab/tools/linker.py
+++ b/source/fab/tools/linker.py
@@ -9,7 +9,8 @@
 import os
 from pathlib import Path
-from typing import cast, List, Optional
+from typing import cast, Dict, List, Optional
+import warnings
 from fab.tools.category import Category
 from fab.tools.compiler import Compiler
@@ -51,6 +52,12 @@ def __init__(self, name: Optional[str] = None,
         self._compiler = compiler
         self.flags.extend(os.getenv("LDFLAGS", "").split())
+        # Maintain a set of flags for common libraries.
+        self._lib_flags: Dict[str, List[str]] = {}
+        # Allow flags to include before or after any library-specific flags.
+        self._pre_lib_flags: List[str] = []
+        self._post_lib_flags: List[str] = []
     def mpi(self) -> bool:
         ''':returns: whether the linker supports MPI or not.'''
@@ -66,16 +73,71 @@ def check_available(self) -> bool:
         return super().check_available()
+    def get_lib_flags(self, lib: str) -> List[str]:
+        '''Gets the standard flags for a standard library
+        :param lib: the library name
+        :returns: a list of flags
+        :raises RuntimeError: if lib is not recognised
+        '''
+        try:
+            return self._lib_flags[lib]
+        except KeyError:
+            raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown library name: '{lib}'")
+    def add_lib_flags(self, lib: str, flags: List[str],
+                      silent_replace: bool = False):
+        '''Add a set of flags for a standard library
+        :param lib: the library name
+        :param flags: the flags to use with the library
+        :param silent_replace: if set, no warning will be printed when an
+            existing lib is overwritten.
+        '''
+        if lib in self._lib_flags and not silent_replace:
+            warnings.warn(f"Replacing existing flags for library {lib}: "
+                          f"'{self._lib_flags[lib]}' with "
+                          f"'{flags}'.")
+        # Make a copy to avoid modifying the caller's list
+        self._lib_flags[lib] = flags[:]
+    def remove_lib_flags(self, lib: str):
+        '''Remove any flags configured for a standard library
+        :param lib: the library name
+        '''
+        try:
+            del self._lib_flags[lib]
+        except KeyError:
+            pass
+    def add_pre_lib_flags(self, flags: List[str]):
+        '''Add a set of flags to use before any library-specific flags
+        :param flags: the flags to include
+        '''
+        self._pre_lib_flags.extend(flags)
+    def add_post_lib_flags(self, flags: List[str]):
+        '''Add a set of flags to use after any library-specific flags
+        :param flags: the flags to include
+        '''
+        self._post_lib_flags.extend(flags)
     def link(self, input_files: List[Path], output_file: Path,
              openmp: bool,
-             add_libs: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> str:
+             libs: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> str:
         '''Executes the linker with the specified input files,
         creating `output_file`.
         :param input_files: list of input files to link.
         :param output_file: output file.
         :param openm: whether OpenMP is requested or not.
-        :param add_libs: additional linker flags.
+        :param libs: additional libraries to link with.
         :returns: the stdout of the link command
@@ -88,7 +150,12 @@ def link(self, input_files: List[Path], output_file: Path,
             params = []
         # TODO: why are the .o files sorted? That shouldn't matter
         params.extend(sorted(map(str, input_files)))
-        if add_libs:
-            params += add_libs
+        if self._pre_lib_flags:
+            params.extend(self._pre_lib_flags)
+        for lib in (libs or []):
+            params.extend(self.get_lib_flags(lib))
+        if self._post_lib_flags:
+            params.extend(self._post_lib_flags)
         params.extend([self._output_flag, str(output_file)])
         return self.run(params)
diff --git a/tests/conftest.py b/tests/conftest.py
index 835cd294..559d4f3b 100644
--- a/tests/conftest.py
+++ b/tests/conftest.py
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ def fixture_mock_linker():
     mock_linker.run = mock.Mock()
     mock_linker._version = (1, 2, 3)
+    mock_linker.add_lib_flags("netcdf", ["-lnetcdff", "-lnetcdf"])
     return mock_linker
diff --git a/tests/unit_tests/steps/test_archive_objects.py b/tests/unit_tests/steps/test_archive_objects.py
index f5b2683e..097200ea 100644
--- a/tests/unit_tests/steps/test_archive_objects.py
+++ b/tests/unit_tests/steps/test_archive_objects.py
@@ -81,20 +81,20 @@ def test_for_library(self):
         assert config.artefact_store[ArtefactSet.OBJECT_ARCHIVES] == {
             None: set([str(config.build_output / 'mylib.a')])}
-    def test_incorrect_tool(self):
+    def test_incorrect_tool(self, tool_box):
         '''Test that an incorrect archive tool is detected
-        config = BuildConfig('proj', ToolBox())
-        tool_box = config.tool_box
+        config = BuildConfig('proj', tool_box)
         cc = tool_box.get_tool(Category.C_COMPILER, config.mpi, config.openmp)
-        # And set its category to C_COMPILER
+        # And set its category to be AR
         cc._category = Category.AR
-        # So overwrite the C compiler with the re-categories Fortran compiler
+        # Now add this 'ar' tool to the tool box
         with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as err:
                             output_fpath=config.build_output / 'mylib.a')
-        assert ("Unexpected tool 'gcc' of type '<class "
-                "'fab.tools.compiler.Gcc'>' instead of Ar" in str(err.value))
+        assert ("Unexpected tool 'mock_c_compiler' of type '<class "
+                "'fab.tools.compiler.CCompiler'>' instead of Ar"
+                in str(err.value))
diff --git a/tests/unit_tests/steps/test_link.py b/tests/unit_tests/steps/test_link.py
index a675f54c..a20c4ff4 100644
--- a/tests/unit_tests/steps/test_link.py
+++ b/tests/unit_tests/steps/test_link.py
@@ -34,6 +34,9 @@ def test_run(self, tool_box):
             linker = Linker("mock_link", "mock_link.exe", "mock-vendor")
             # Mark the linker as available to it can be added to the tool box
             linker._is_available = True
+            # Add a custom library to the linker
+            linker.add_lib_flags('mylib', ['-L/my/lib', '-mylib'])
             tool_box.add_tool(linker, silent_replace=True)
             mock_result = mock.Mock(returncode=0, stdout="abc\ndef".encode())
             with mock.patch('fab.tools.tool.subprocess.run',
@@ -41,9 +44,10 @@ def test_run(self, tool_box):
                                  match="_metric_send_conn not "
                                        "set, cannot send metrics"):
-                link_exe(config, flags=['-fooflag', '-barflag'])
+                link_exe(config, libs=['mylib'], flags=['-fooflag', '-barflag'])
             ['mock_link.exe', '-L/foo1/lib', '-L/foo2/lib', 'bar.o', 'foo.o',
-             '-fooflag', '-barflag', '-o', 'workspace/foo'],
+             '-L/my/lib', '-mylib', '-fooflag', '-barflag',
+             '-o', 'workspace/foo'],
             capture_output=True, env=None, cwd=None, check=False)
diff --git a/tests/unit_tests/tools/test_linker.py b/tests/unit_tests/tools/test_linker.py
index 772cd7ec..6984c790 100644
--- a/tests/unit_tests/tools/test_linker.py
+++ b/tests/unit_tests/tools/test_linker.py
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 from pathlib import Path
 from unittest import mock
+import warnings
 import pytest
@@ -18,8 +19,7 @@
 def test_linker(mock_c_compiler, mock_fortran_compiler):
     '''Test the linker constructor.'''
-    linker = Linker(name="my_linker", exec_name="my_linker.exe",
-                    suite="suite")
+    linker = Linker(name="my_linker", exec_name="my_linker.exe", suite="suite")
     assert linker.category == Category.LINKER
     assert linker.name == "my_linker"
     assert linker.exec_name == "my_linker.exe"
@@ -52,6 +52,13 @@ def test_linker(mock_c_compiler, mock_fortran_compiler):
             "creating Linker." in str(err.value))
+def test_linker_gets_ldflags(mock_c_compiler):
+    """Tests that the linker retrieves env.LDFLAGS"""
+    with mock.patch.dict("os.environ", {"LDFLAGS": "-lm"}):
+        linker = Linker(compiler=mock_c_compiler)
+    assert "-lm" in linker.flags
 def test_linker_check_available(mock_c_compiler):
     '''Tests the is_available functionality.'''
@@ -83,34 +90,168 @@ def test_linker_check_available(mock_c_compiler):
         assert linker.check_available() is False
+# ====================
+# Managing lib flags:
+# ====================
+def test_linker_get_lib_flags(mock_linker):
+    """Linker should provide a map of library names, each leading to a list of
+    linker flags
+    """
+    # netcdf flags are built in to the mock linker
+    result = mock_linker.get_lib_flags("netcdf")
+    assert result == ["-lnetcdff", "-lnetcdf"]
+def test_linker_get_lib_flags_unknown(mock_c_compiler):
+    """Linker should raise an error if flags are requested for a library that is
+    unknown
+    """
+    linker = Linker(compiler=mock_c_compiler)
+    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as err:
+        linker.get_lib_flags("unknown")
+    assert "Unknown library name: 'unknown'" in str(err.value)
+def test_linker_add_lib_flags(mock_c_compiler):
+    """Linker should provide a way to add a new set of flags for a library"""
+    linker = Linker(compiler=mock_c_compiler)
+    linker.add_lib_flags("xios", ["-L", "xios/lib", "-lxios"])
+    # Make sure we can get it back. The order should be maintained.
+    result = linker.get_lib_flags("xios")
+    assert result == ["-L", "xios/lib", "-lxios"]
+def test_linker_add_lib_flags_overwrite_defaults(mock_linker):
+    """Linker should provide a way to replace the default flags for a library"""
+    # Initially we have the default netcdf flags
+    result = mock_linker.get_lib_flags("netcdf")
+    assert result == ["-lnetcdff", "-lnetcdf"]
+    # Replace them with another set of flags.
+    warn_message = 'Replacing existing flags for library netcdf'
+    with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match=warn_message):
+        mock_linker.add_lib_flags(
+            "netcdf", ["-L", "netcdf/lib", "-lnetcdf"])
+    # Test that we can see our custom flags
+    result = mock_linker.get_lib_flags("netcdf")
+    assert result == ["-L", "netcdf/lib", "-lnetcdf"]
+def test_linker_add_lib_flags_overwrite_silent(mock_linker):
+    """Linker should provide the option to replace flags for a library without
+    generating a warning
+    """
+    # Initially we have the default netcdf flags
+    mock_linker.add_lib_flags("customlib", ["-lcustom", "-jcustom"])
+    assert mock_linker.get_lib_flags("customlib") == ["-lcustom", "-jcustom"]
+    # Replace them with another set of flags.
+    with warnings.catch_warnings():
+        warnings.simplefilter("error")
+        mock_linker.add_lib_flags("customlib", ["-t", "-b"],
+                                  silent_replace=True)
+    # Test that we can see our custom flags
+    result = mock_linker.get_lib_flags("customlib")
+    assert result == ["-t", "-b"]
+def test_linker_remove_lib_flags(mock_linker):
+    """Linker should provide a way to remove the flags for a library"""
+    mock_linker.remove_lib_flags("netcdf")
+    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as err:
+        mock_linker.get_lib_flags("netcdf")
+    assert "Unknown library name: 'netcdf'" in str(err.value)
+def test_linker_remove_lib_flags_unknown(mock_linker):
+    """Linker should silently allow removing flags for unknown library"""
+    mock_linker.remove_lib_flags("unknown")
+# ====================
+# Linking:
+# ====================
 def test_linker_c(mock_c_compiler):
-    '''Test the link command line when no additional libraries are
-    specified.'''
+    '''Test the link command line when no additional libraries are specified.'''
     linker = Linker(compiler=mock_c_compiler)
+    # Add a library to the linker, but don't use it in the link step
+    linker.add_lib_flags("customlib", ["-lcustom", "-jcustom"])
     mock_result = mock.Mock(returncode=0)
     with mock.patch('fab.tools.tool.subprocess.run',
                     return_value=mock_result) as tool_run:
         linker.link([Path("a.o")], Path("a.out"), openmp=False)
-        ["mock_c_compiler.exe", 'a.o', '-o', 'a.out'], capture_output=True,
-        env=None, cwd=None, check=False)
+        ["mock_c_compiler.exe", "a.o", "-o", "a.out"],
+        capture_output=True, env=None, cwd=None, check=False)
 def test_linker_c_with_libraries(mock_c_compiler):
-    '''Test the link command line when additional libraries are specified.'''
+    """Test the link command line when additional libraries are specified."""
+    linker = Linker(compiler=mock_c_compiler)
+    linker.add_lib_flags("customlib", ["-lcustom", "-jcustom"])
+    with mock.patch.object(linker, "run") as link_run:
+        linker.link(
+            [Path("a.o")], Path("a.out"), libs=["customlib"], openmp=True)
+    # The order of the 'libs' list should be maintained
+    link_run.assert_called_with(
+        ["-fopenmp", "a.o", "-lcustom", "-jcustom", "-o", "a.out"])
+def test_linker_c_with_libraries_and_post_flags(mock_c_compiler):
+    """Test the link command line when a library and additional flags are
+    specified."""
     linker = Linker(compiler=mock_c_compiler)
+    linker.add_lib_flags("customlib", ["-lcustom", "-jcustom"])
+    linker.add_post_lib_flags(["-extra-flag"])
+    with mock.patch.object(linker, "run") as link_run:
+        linker.link(
+            [Path("a.o")], Path("a.out"), libs=["customlib"], openmp=False)
+    link_run.assert_called_with(
+        ["a.o", "-lcustom", "-jcustom", "-extra-flag", "-o", "a.out"])
+def test_linker_c_with_libraries_and_pre_flags(mock_c_compiler):
+    """Test the link command line when a library and additional flags are
+    specified."""
+    linker = Linker(compiler=mock_c_compiler)
+    linker.add_lib_flags("customlib", ["-lcustom", "-jcustom"])
+    linker.add_pre_lib_flags(["-L", "/common/path/"])
     with mock.patch.object(linker, "run") as link_run:
-        linker.link([Path("a.o")], Path("a.out"), add_libs=["-L", "/tmp"],
-                    openmp=True)
-    link_run.assert_called_with(['-fopenmp', 'a.o', '-L', '/tmp',
-                                 '-o', 'a.out'])
+        linker.link(
+            [Path("a.o")], Path("a.out"), libs=["customlib"], openmp=False)
+    link_run.assert_called_with(
+        ["a.o", "-L", "/common/path/", "-lcustom", "-jcustom", "-o", "a.out"])
+def test_linker_c_with_unknown_library(mock_c_compiler):
+    """Test the link command raises an error when unknow libraries are
+    specified.
+    """
+    linker = Linker(compiler=mock_c_compiler)\
+    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as err:
+        # Try to use "customlib" when we haven't added it to the linker
+        linker.link(
+            [Path("a.o")], Path("a.out"), libs=["customlib"], openmp=True)
+    assert "Unknown library name: 'customlib'" in str(err.value)
 def test_compiler_linker_add_compiler_flag(mock_c_compiler):
     '''Test that a flag added to the compiler will be automatically
-    added to the link line (even if the flags are modified after
-    creating the linker ... in case that the user specifies additional
-    flags after creating the linker).'''
+    added to the link line (even if the flags are modified after creating the
+    linker ... in case that the user specifies additional flags after creating
+    the linker).'''
     linker = Linker(compiler=mock_c_compiler)
@@ -124,8 +265,8 @@ def test_compiler_linker_add_compiler_flag(mock_c_compiler):
 def test_linker_add_compiler_flag():
-    '''Make sure linker flags work if a linker is created without
-    a compiler:
+    '''Make sure ad-hoc linker flags work if a linker is created without a
+    compiler:
     linker = Linker("no-compiler", "no-compiler.exe", "suite")
@@ -136,3 +277,40 @@ def test_linker_add_compiler_flag():
         ['no-compiler.exe', '-some-other-flag', 'a.o', '-o', 'a.out'],
         capture_output=True, env=None, cwd=None, check=False)
+def test_linker_all_flag_types(mock_c_compiler):
+    """Make sure all possible sources of linker flags are used in the right
+    order"""
+    with mock.patch.dict("os.environ", {"LDFLAGS": "-ldflag"}):
+        linker = Linker(compiler=mock_c_compiler)
+    mock_c_compiler.flags.extend(["-compiler-flag1", "-compiler-flag2"])
+    linker.flags.extend(["-linker-flag1", "-linker-flag2"])
+    linker.add_pre_lib_flags(["-prelibflag1", "-prelibflag2"])
+    linker.add_lib_flags("customlib1", ["-lib1flag1", "lib1flag2"])
+    linker.add_lib_flags("customlib2", ["-lib2flag1", "lib2flag2"])
+    linker.add_post_lib_flags(["-postlibflag1", "-postlibflag2"])
+    mock_result = mock.Mock(returncode=0)
+    with mock.patch("fab.tools.tool.subprocess.run",
+                    return_value=mock_result) as tool_run:
+        linker.link([
+            Path("a.o")], Path("a.out"),
+            libs=["customlib2", "customlib1"],
+            openmp=True)
+    tool_run.assert_called_with([
+        "mock_c_compiler.exe",
+        # Note: compiler flags and linker flags will be switched when the Linker
+        # becomes a CompilerWrapper in a following PR
+        "-ldflag", "-linker-flag1", "-linker-flag2",
+        "-compiler-flag1", "-compiler-flag2",
+        "-fopenmp",
+        "a.o",
+        "-prelibflag1", "-prelibflag2",
+        "-lib2flag1", "lib2flag2",
+        "-lib1flag1", "lib1flag2",
+        "-postlibflag1", "-postlibflag2",
+        "-o", "a.out"],
+        capture_output=True, env=None, cwd=None, check=False)