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Lua Script API: HScript Functions

Meme1079 edited this page Dec 3, 2023 · 8 revisions

Haxe Functions

addHaxeLibrary(libName:String, ?libPackage:String = '')

Imports haxe libraries into the interpreter. Basically an import statement in Haxe which imports specific packages into Haxe like sprites, text, tweens, etc.

  • libName - The library name to be referenced.
  • libPackage - An optional parameter, The library package to use.


  • Imports the sound library: addHaxeLibrary('FlxSound', 'flixel.system')
  • Imports shader filters: addHaxeLibrary('ShaderFilter', 'openfl.filters')
  • Imports CoolUtil: addHaxeLibrary('CoolUtil')
Import Haxe (Reference):

package; // they are directories that contain modules, i dunno how it works; but very important to use.

// import library_package.library_name | <-- That's the syntax

import flixel.system.FlxSound; // Imports the sound package
import openfl.filters.ShaderFilter; // Imports the shader filter package
import CoolUtil; // Imports CoolUtil haxe file, i think

// Also the semi colon ';' character is very important when declaring functions, packages, variables, etc.
Pre-imported Libraries:

import flixel.FlxG;
import flixel.FlxSprite;
import flixel.FlxCamera;
import flixel.util.FlxTimer;
import flixel.tweens.FlxTween;
import flixel.tweens.FlxEase;
import flixel.util.FlxColor;
import states.PlayState;
import backend.Paths;
import backend.Conductor;
import backend.ClientPrefs;
import objects.Character;
import objects.Alphabet;
import objects.Note;
import psychlua.CustomSubstate;
import backend.BaseStage.Countdown;
import flixel.addons.display.FlxRuntimeShader;
import openfl.filters.ShaderFilter;
import StringTools;

runHaxeCode(codeToRun:String, ?varsToBring:Any = null, ?funcToRun:String = null, ?funcArgs:Array<Dynamic> = null)

Runs your haxe code for your Hscripts and stuff.

  • codeToRun - The haxe code to be run, use double brackets [[]] for multiline strings.
  • varsToBring - An optional parameter, The Haxe variable(s) to import for string interpolation; Must be a table dictionary.
  • funcToRun - An optional parameter, The Haxe function name to be referenced.
  • funcArgs - An optional parameter, The argument(s) to be passed to the Haxe function.


function onCreate()
          debugPrint(text, color); // will print > 'hi'
     ]], {text = 'hi', color = 0xFF0000})

runHaxeFunction(funcToRun:String, ?funcArgs:Array<Dynamic> = null)

Executes the Haxe function from the runHaxeCode() function.

  • funcToRun - The Haxe function name to be referenced.
  • funcArgs - An optional parameter, The argument(s) to be passed to the Haxe function.


function onCreate()
          function isBool(bool:String) { return bool == 'true' ? true : false; }
     local proof = runHaxeFunction('isBool', {'true'})
     debugPrint(type(proof)) -- will print > 'boolean'

Haxe Global Variable Functions

setVar(varName:String, value:Dynamic)

Works exactly the same as setVar() function in Lua.

  • varName - The variable to be referenced.
  • value - The specified type of value for the variable to use or to over-write.


function onCreate()
          setVar('globalVar', 'Hello Haxe!');
          setVar('globalYes', [34, 123, 4.20]);
          debugPrint(getVar('globalVar'), 0xf88700);    // will print > 'Hello Haxe!'
          debugPrint(getVar('globalYes')[2], 0xf88700); // will print > 4.20

     -- Calling a Global Haxe Variable into Lua
     debugPrint(getProperty('globalYes')[1]) -- will print > 34
     debugPrint(getProperty('globalYes')[2]) -- will print > 123


Works exactly the same as getVar() function in Lua.

  • varName - The variable to be referenced.


Removes the global variable permanently, if not used anymore.

  • varName - The variable to be referenced.

Haxe In-Script Functions

debugPrint(text:String, ?color:FlxColor = null)

Works exactly the same as the debugPrint() function.

  • text - The text to be outputed to the top-left of the screen.
  • color - An optional parameter, The color for the text to be displayed.


Gets the specified tag object outside the runHaxeCode() function.

  • tag - The object tag name to be referenced.


function onCreate()
     makeLuaSprite('graphicThingy', nil, 0, 0)
     makeGraphic('graphicThingy', 1000, 1000, 'ff00ff')
     addLuaSprite('graphicThingy', true)

          var theLuaTag = game.getLuaObject('graphicThingy'); // gets the lua tag
          theLuaTag.cameras = [game.camHUD]; // Sets it into 'camHUD'
          theLuaTag.alpha   = 0.5;           // Sets the opacity to '0.5'
          theLuaTag.angle   = 180;           // Sets the angle to '180'

createCallback(name:String, func:Dynamic, ?funk:FunkinLua = null)

Note from LarryFrosty: The only way I could get this function working was if I used it in a lua script along with runHaxeCode. Third argument returns null every single time. If there's any info about this function, I'd love to hear it.

Creates a local function inside the script.

  • name - The given name of the callback function.
  • func - The function code to use.
  • funk - Not known, refer to the note.


function onCreate()
        createCallback('print', function(text:String) {

function onCreatePost()
    print('Hello') -- will print "Hello"

createGlobalCallback(name:String, func:Dynamic)

Creates a global function across all lua scripts.

  • name - The given name of the global callback function.
  • func - The function code to use.


Script 1 (Haxe):

function onCreate() {
    createGlobalCallback('print', function(text:String) {

Script 2 (Lua):

function onCreatePost()
    print('Hello') -- will print "Hello"
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