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d37b2ab · Mar 20, 2017


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File metadata and controls

119 lines (75 loc) · 3.57 KB


This repository presents our english project as well the way to work on it!

The English Quizz

The web app is a realtime two-multiplayer quizz game about english and american culture.


Rules are simple: prove that you're more intelligent that your challenger by answering a set of X questions. The winner will be the player the best score. Your score is represented by points. There are several ways to win and loose points:

  • Correct answers will give you 1 point.
  • A supplementary point will be given if you answer before your opponent !
  • But be careful, you can loose 1 point if your answer is wrong. In this case, if the second player give a bad answer, He will not loose a point.

Prepare your strategy to be the winner !


This part describes interactions and different actions of user in order to use the web application.

1. Creating a game session

  • The user connects on the web app and selects create a game
  • The web app will give a unique URL to this user. This URL is useful for the second player who wants to challenge the first one.

2. Joining the game session

  • When the second player gets the URL, he can join the first player.
  • Each player has to validate that they are ready to start the game.

3. During the game

Each player must answer correctly a set of X questions.

4. End of the game

  • Results are displayed and the winner is revealed !
  • Players have to possibility to play again !

Getting started

In order to develop quickly the app, we've decided to code in node.JS for the backend. The frontend is created with VueJS. The project is composed of two parts: the backend part and the frontend.

# If you work on the frontend -> webpack server
npm run dev

# If you work on the backend
npm run build
npm run server

If you work on the backend !

The server/ folder contains all files you need!

  - db/        # all files for managing connections with postgreSQL
  - models/    # Models of app
  - views/     # Views of the app, only one file: index.html
  - public/    # CSS and JS
  - config.js  # config for the server
  - server.js  # Init the server
  - routes.js  # all routes of the app
  - sockets.js # Sockets if we use this...

If you work on the frontend !

We use Vue-CLI to create the boilerplate.

  - build/      # all scripts to build the frontend app
  - config/     # config
  - src/        # core the the frontend app
  - index.html  # Entry point of the app


For the database, we use postgreSQL, simple and cool ! To simplify things, use root as the username !

# Creation of a user
sudo -i -u postgres

## postgreSQL CLI after this command
createuser -P --interactive root
Enter password for new role: root
Enter it again: root
Shall the new role be a superuser? (y/n) y
Shall the new role be allowed to create databases? (y/n) y
Shall the new role be allowed to create more new roles? (y/n) y
createdb -O root -E UTF8 english
# Database ok configured !

# Connects to the database
psql -U root english

# Insert data
# Connects to the 'english' database
psql english
DELETE FROM questions;
COPY questions(question, answer_1, answer_2, answer_3, answer_4, correct, visual) FROM '/path/to/file/english-project/server/questions.csv' DELIMITER '|' CSV;

Sequelize handles communication with the database !


Yann Prono, @mcdostone

Yannick Philippe, @yannickPhilippe