Vue.js is a popular web frontend for building user interfacs in Javascript, which is considered to be easier to learn compared to React and Angular.
Open a shell (or run cmd.exe in Windows)
Check that you successfully installed node.js and npm e.g. by checking their versions:
$ node -v v10.21.0 (or higher) $ npm -v 6.14.4 (or higher)
Install the command line interface (CLI) for Vue:
sudo npm install --global vue-cli
Navigate to your local Git repository of the Event Registration System
$ cd ~/git/eventregistration
Generate initial content as follows
Hit Enter after each line if not indicated otherwise
Detailed instructions at and
$ vue init bootstrap-vue/webpack eventregistration-frontend ? Project name (EventRegistration-Frontend) eventregistration-frontend ? Project description (A Vue.js project) A Vue.js frontend for Event Registration App ? Author (Your Name <[email protected]>) ? Vue build (Use arrow keys): > Runtime + Compiler Runtime-only ? Install vue-router (Y/n): Y ? Use ESLint to lint your code (Y/n): n ? Setup unit tests with Karma + Mocha (Y/n) Y ? Setup e2e tests with Nightwatch (Y/n) Y vue-cli · Generated "eventregistration-frontend".
Rename the generated directory to match the naming convention applied for the backend project
mv eventregistration-frontend/ EventRegistration-Frontend
Now execute the following commands (one after the other)
$ cd EventRegistration-Frontend $ npm install $ npm run dev
As a result A sample web page should appear at http://localhost:8080/
You can stop this development server by pressing Ctrl+C in the shell
Install JQuery and Axios (we will use these dependencies for issuing REST API calls):
npm install --save jquery
npm install --save axios
We change the default port to 8087 (instead of the default 8080) and the default IP address by using a configuration file. The rationale behind this step is that other Tomcat servers may already listen at the default localhost:8080 port which may clash with our development server.
Open ./config/index.js and add
port: 8087
The development server is set up at localhost, i.e.
The production server is set up in accordance with the virtual machines
We also store the host IP address and port of the backend server in similar environment variables (
).module.exports = { build: { env: require('./prod.env'), host: '', port: 443, backendHost: '', backendPort: 443, //... }, dev: { env: require('./dev.env'), host: '', port: 8087, backendHost: '', backendPort: 8080, //... } }
Open ./build/dev-server.js, and change the
assignment as follows:-
The original line of code can be commented or deleted.
//var uri = 'http://localhost:' + port var host = var uri = 'http://' + host + ':' + port
Start again your development server by
npm run dev
. The same web application should now appear at -
Stop the development server by pressing Ctrl+C.