diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 80c3c53..337c6fa 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -37,6 +37,16 @@ This project is completely community driven. Therefore, everyone can contribute
If you want to give some monetary compensation for the work we are doing, feel free to do so. There is currently no option to do that.
Maybe also check [CONTRIBUTING.md](CONTRIBUTING.md)
+## Development status
+This project is now in its final phase, with all required features fully implemented. At this point, there is no concrete roadmap for further development, and the active development process for this application has been concluded.
+We will continue to address feature requests and bug reports on a case-by-case basis, implementing new features or fixes only if they align with our vision and appear valid. However, we will not introduce additional features independently.
+Our primary goal is to maintain the application’s simplicity and ease of use. Adding too many features could compromise this simplicity.
+We encourage you to share any feature requests or bug reports, but please understand that new features will only be added if driven by clear external needs.
## NOTICE: Data fetching performance
Please note that the application has evolved over time, and no database schema was initially planned. Additionally, at the time of development, I was relatively new to using Diesel.rs as the library for database interactions. This has resulted in suboptimal data fetching. While some issues in the schema have already been addressed and improved, the current data fetching process remains inefficient.
diff --git a/web/app/dashboard/page.tsx b/web/app/dashboard/page.tsx
index d59970a..f571b3e 100644
--- a/web/app/dashboard/page.tsx
+++ b/web/app/dashboard/page.tsx
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"use client";
import useCurrentUser from "@/hooks/useCurrentUser";
-import {Container, Title, Text, Card, Grid, Group, Flex, Box} from "@mantine/core";
-import { IconTrophyFilled } from "@tabler/icons-react";
+import {Container, Title, Text, Card, Grid, Group, Flex, Box, Blockquote} from "@mantine/core";
+import {IconInfoCircle, IconTrophyFilled} from "@tabler/icons-react";
import { useTranslation } from "react-i18next";
import useApiServiceClient from "@/hooks/useApiServiceClient";
import useClientQuery from "@/hooks/useClientQuery";
@@ -33,11 +33,9 @@ const DashboardPage = () => {
- {t("us-again-text")}
} mt="xl" cite="~ Development team">
+ {t('development-status')}
@@ -52,16 +50,14 @@ const DashboardPage = () => {
- Release v0.2.2
+ Release v0.2.2-stable
We had some groundbreaking changes within our app for the current
- - Verified groups
- - Group leaving and deletion
- - Group join policy feature update
- - Notification system
- - Convert to tutor account
+ - Improved scalability
+ - Group and system wide notifications
+ - Limited runner options for unverified groups
diff --git a/web/public/locales/de/dashboard.json b/web/public/locales/de/dashboard.json
index 32c75c8..05cc250 100644
--- a/web/public/locales/de/dashboard.json
+++ b/web/public/locales/de/dashboard.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"welcome-back": "Willkommen zurück,",
- "us-again-text": "Hey, wir sind es wieder. Bitte beachten Sie, dass diese Software völlig kostenlos für Sie ist. Wir speichern keine persönlichen Daten außer Ihrem Benutzernamen und Passwort. Trotzdem müssen wir unsere Gebühren für Domains und Server-Hosting bezahlen. Wenn Sie möchten, können Sie uns gerne unterstützen, denn die Entwicklung dieser Anwendung nimmt viel Zeit in Anspruch.",
"ole-title": "Oleggtro: Beiträger des Jahres!",
+ "development-status": "Das Projekt hat einen stabilen Zustand erreicht. Es werden in Zukunft keine neuen Funktionen hinzugefügt, es sei denn, sie werden ausdrücklich von Nutzern angefragt. Wir ermutigen Sie jedoch, Funktionswünsche einzureichen oder auf Fehler hinzuweisen. Bitte beachten Sie, dass unser Ziel darin besteht, die Anwendung so schlank wie möglich zu halten, um eine einfache, aber hervorragende Nutzererfahrung zu gewährleisten.",
"ole-text": "Im Laufe des Jahres hat Oleggtro immer wieder sein Bestes gegeben und kontinuierlich Einblicke, Wissen und Unterstützung mit unserer Community geteilt. Sein Engagement und seine Beiträge hatten einen bedeutenden Einfluss, bereicherten unsere Plattform und setzten einen hohen Standard für die Zusammenarbeit. Vielen Dank, Oleggtro, für deine harte Arbeit, Leidenschaft und unerschütterliche Hingabe. Wir sind unglaublich dankbar, dich als Teil unseres Teams zu haben! Auf viele weitere Erfolge gemeinsam."
diff --git a/web/public/locales/en/dashboard.json b/web/public/locales/en/dashboard.json
index 571600b..2566251 100644
--- a/web/public/locales/en/dashboard.json
+++ b/web/public/locales/en/dashboard.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"welcome-back": "Welcome back,",
- "us-again-text": "Hey, its us again. Please be aware of that this software is totally free to use for you. We do not store any personal data except from your username and password. Nevertheless, we have to pay our fees, for domains and server hosting. So if you want, feel free to support us, because developing this application takes a lot of time.",
"ole-title": "Oleggtro: contributor of year!",
+ "development-status": "The project has reached an state where it is stable. There will be no new features in future other than requested features. But we will not add new ones without them being requested by users. So feel free to request some features or report bugs. Please keep in mind that we want to keep the application as thin as possible to provide an simple but good user experience.",
"ole-text": "Throughout the year, Oleggtro has gone above and beyond, consistently sharing insights, knowledge, and support with our community. His dedication and contributions have made a significant impact, enriching our platform and setting a high standard for collaboration. Thank you, Oleggtro, for your hard work, passion, and unwavering commitment. We are incredibly grateful to have you as part of our team! Here’s to many more achievements together."