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firstlove edited this page Oct 31, 2018 · 33 revisions

Some C/C++ headers are not recognized

Make sure company-lsp is used

M-x company-diag, make sureUsed backend: includes company-lsp.

There are at least three sets of implicit include paths. They take effect without your -I option in .ccls or compile_commands.json

// system C header, usually in /usr/include
#include <stdio.h>
// system C++ header. The location varies among distributions, e.g. /usr/include/c++/{6,7.2.1}
#include <new>
// In Clang resource directory lib/clang/7.0.0, lib/clang/7.0.0/include/stddef.h
#include <stddef.h>

Put in some directory with echo clang++ > .ccls. Open the file, you should be able to jump to stdio.h new stddef.h when you trigger textDocument/definition on the include lines.

Note that this might not work on Windows. To solve this, add the system include directories to compile_commands.json via your build system of choice using the INCLUDE environment variable (available after executing VsDevCmd.bat).

For CMake this can be achieved in a single line: target_include_directories(<target> SYSTEM PRIVATE $ENV{INCLUDE})

Check if -resource-dir is correct

Check Clang_EXECUTABLE in your CMakeCache.txt. The output of command $Clang_EXECUTABLE -print-resource-dir will be passed to -DDEFAULT_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY. Make sure you can locate include/stddef.h in the resource directory.

Read Initialization options how to set "cacheFormat": "json". If "cacheDirectory": "/tmp/ccls", and the source file is /tmp/c/, run jq . < /tmp/ccls/@tmp@c/ to see if -resource-dir is correct, e.g. "-resource-dir=/home/ray/ccls/Debug/lib/clang+llvm-6.0.0-x86_64-linux-gnu-ubuntu-16.04/lib/clang/6.0.0"


ccls infers system search paths (e.g. /usr/include). The underneath mechanism is similar to that of clang -v -E -x c++ /dev/null.

-isystem system include paths is usually unnecessary. But for cross compiling or on some bizarre system you may have to specify them. A simple approach other than trial and error (changing .ccls and restarting your editor) is to use c-index-test.

Debug/clang+llvm-6.0.0-x86_64-linux-gnu-ubuntu-16.04/bin/c-index-test -index-file local /tmp/c/ -isystem/usr/include/c++/7.3.0 -isystemyour_include_path2

Play with your -isystem options until you get a group of options that you can add to .ccls

If you want the ccls binary at a specific location use a symlink - do not move the binary itself.

If you want to specify additional search paths:

  • print '%clang\n%cpp -std=gnu++17\n-isystem/tmp/include' > .ccls
  • emacs-ccls: (setq ccls-extra-init-params '(:clang (:extraArgs ["-isystem", "/tmp/include"])))

-std=c++1z -std=c++17 bits/unordered_map.h

In C++17 mode, it is possible to cause clang to crash when bits/unordered_map.h is indexed. See for details. The workaround is to add -D__cpp_deduction_guides=0 -Wno-macro-redefined to the initialization option clang.extraArgs

In Emacs, it is:

(setq ccls-extra-init-params
  '(:clang (:extraArgs ("-D__cpp_deduction_guides=0" "-Wno-macro-redefined"))))

Project root detection

emacs-ccls locates the project root with ccls-project-root-matchers:

  • .ccls-root. If this file exists in any parent directory, that directory is treated as the project root.
  • (projectile-project-root). Then this function is called. You likely don't want /usr/include/c++/8/algorithm to be treated as in the project /usr/include/c++/8/, (setq projectile-require-project-root t) inhibits the behavior.

The root directory is sent to ccls (the language server) through the rootUri field in the initialize request. ccls finds .ccls or compile_commands.json in the directory.

  .ccls-root  # Use this file if you want subproject files to be associated with the root project
  subproj0  # without .ccls-root, files will be associated with this root directory

Maximum number of file descriptors

When indexing ccls itself, some files require more than 1000 file descriptors. Remember to increase RLIMIT_NOFILE.

ulimit -n 32768


* hard  nofile    32768
* soft  nofile    32768


Here is an example.


int bad;

int main(){return bad;}


%cpp -std=gnu++14

ccls will save a file in cacheDirectory: jq . < /tmp/ccls/@tmp@c/

  "last_modification_time": 1520737513,
  "language": 1,
  "import_file": "/tmp/c/",
  "args": [
  "includes": [
      "line": 0,
      "resolved_path": "/tmp/c/include/a.h"
  "dependencies": [


textDocument/definition can be used in many places. Some are current implementation details and may subject to change.

  • void foo(); A declaration jumps to the definition
  • void foo() {} The definition lists all declarations
  • A a; For variables of custom types, besides declarations of the variable, both the type and the variable jump to the declaration/definition of its type A
  • class C { jumps to declarations (and constructors/destructors)
  • a.field jumps to the member in the struct declaration
  • #include <map> jumps to the header
  • std::string a = "a"; takes you to the constructor. Many implicit constructors can also be jumped in this way.
  • a == b operator== for user defined operators
  • namespace ns { find original or extension namespaces
  • // ns::foo in comments, it recognizes the identifier around the cursor, approximately finds the best matching symbol and jumps to it; on ns, it jumps to the namespace


  • #include <iostream> lists all #include lines in the project pointing to the included file
  • [](){} lists all(?) lambda expressions thanks to implicit std::function move constructor
  • extern int a; If ReferenceContext.includeDeclaration is true, the definition and declarations are also listed.
  • If no references is found but the point is on the first line, list #include lines referencing current file.


  • struct B{virtual void f();}; derived classes or virtual function overrides


  • A a; lists all instances of user-defined A.
  • int i; lists all instances of int.

Find callers. If parameter callee:true is specified, find callees instead.

Specify hierarchy:true to enable hierarchical view.

Find base classes/overriden functions. If parameter derived:true is specified, find derived classes/functions instead. It also works fine for jumping between primary template and partial specialization.

Specify hierarchy:true to enable hierarchical view.

Recursively list member variables of a record type. 😂 nobody has implemented vscode-ccls UI for the feature. Help wanted!

  • struct A:B{void f()override;}; lists B or B::f()

If parameter kind:3 is specified, list member functions/functions in a namespace

  • struct A{void f();}; lists A::f()
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