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Advance Data Mining and Machine Learning

  • Accademic year: 2019/20
  • CdS: Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining Engineering
  • Students: Matilde Mazzini and Marsha Gรณmez Gรณmez
  • Project Name: Games Genre Prediction


Websites like Rawg and Steam offer huges database of video games description to allow the users to browse and read about their favourite games. They offer the possibility to browse these games info pages per genre, to help users selecting the game of interest based on the genre. The genre tagging process is complex and time consuming: games are assigned to one or more genres based on the proposals sent by the users and consumers. If we can automatize this process of game tagging, not only will it be fast, save human effort but it will be more accurate than an untrained human as well.

We collected data using one of many available API on internet. We relied on text analysis of the Description/Summary of the video games data collected and trained our classifiers using text analysis techniques.


GIAR (Games information and Ratings) is an application that collects information and ratings about videogames. An admin can insert a new game in the GIAR database accessig the Insert New Game page. During this process the admin should specify many information about the game like: name, release date, description, genre and many more.

The idea of the project is to add a genre prediction feature to the existing GIAR application to make the process of inserting a new game faster. After the admin loads a description of a game on the insert a new game page, the application offers the possibility to predic the multiple genres to which a game belongs and proposes the result in a list that the admin can modify.

Multi-label or Multi-class?

Because of the fact that a game can be (and often so) associated with more than one genres, this is not a multi-class classification problem, where there’s only one label per observation, but it is a multi-label classification problem, where multiple labels may be assigned to each instance.

Multi-class models

  • Many class values c={c1,c2,}
  • An object may belong to only one class. Oj -> Cj


A standard k-fold cross validation may be used to evaluate this classifier, because one object may belong to only one class and the confusion matrix it is easy to construct.

Multi-label models

  • Many class values c={c1,c2,}
  • An object may belong to multiple class. Oj -> (Cj,Cp,Cq)


Most of the classifiers we studied work like multi-class classifiers: they assign one class to each object. We need to find a classifier that assign multiple class to a single object. This will be implemented like this:

  • Creating a 2-class classifier per each class like binary classifiers do (recognize one class, discard others).
  • Use such models in parallel.



Since an object may belong to multiple classes, to evaluate the correctness of the classification the overall result must be taken into consideration. a normal confusion matrix can't be build for such problem because it map the relation between predicted and real class of an object that belongs to a single class. a special confusion matrix must be constructed.

Data Collection

The Data set was retrieved from Rawg, an online video games database. The documents of almost 80,000 games were scraped with the Rawg API. For this project 65,000 unique titles in which both the description and genre information were available were selected.

There are 19 listed genres in the data set and only the 12 most commong genres were used in this project. The genres names and percentages of games in them are:

Genre Count Percentage
Action 6848 22 %
Adventure 4725 15 %
Puzzle 4412 14 %
RPG 3105 10 %
Simulation 2745 9 %
Strategy 2660 9 %
Shooter 2101 7 %
Sports 1122 4 %
Racing 1000 3 %
Educational 549 2 %
Fighting 593 2 %
BoardGames 640 3 %


Data Preprocessing

The very first data set cleaning step was to retrieve from the overall database only the name, the description and the list of genres for every game.

name description genres
007 legends Gamers and Bond aficionados alike will become James Bond, reliving the world-famous spy’s most iconic and intense undercover missions from throughout the entire Bond film franchise — including this year’s highly anticipated new installment, “SKYFALL” available as a free download on November 9, 2012. ['Action', 'Shooter']

Then the records in which the genres list or the description were empty were removed.

Numbers, commas and links were removed from the text of the description.

Records of games not written in english were removed.

Words made by only two letters where removed from the descriptions.

Games with more than a genre in the genres list were unwinded, obtaining as result that a game description can appear multiple times in the dataset but with a different genre in the genre column.

The final dataset that was imported in Java is balanced: it has been created inserting 400 items for each different genre randomly taken from the previous cleaned dataset paying attention to not insert the same description multiple times.

1: Description, 2: Genre:


Dimension of dataset: 4800 instances. 400 for each genre.

Balanced structure of the dataset:


Building the classifiers

All the following operations were made in Java using the Weka API.

we first build 12 classifier to be trained.

The input balanced dataset is randomized, the items are shuffled.

The overall dataset is divided in 10 fold of equal size to perform the cross validation.

For every fold a new training and test sets were defined:


For each of theese training and test sets combination:


Starting from the current training set, 12 binary balanced datasets, one for each genre, are created like this: we selected the same number of istances of a specific genre and istances of a genre that is different from the actual one.

With theese binary datasets we train the 12 binary classifiers, trained to classify or not an item as of that specifi genre or not.

The classes of the test set were set missing in order to test all the 12 classifiers with the same current test set.

Training: training

Every output of a classifier, after an istance of the unlabeled testset was given as input, is compared to the actual corresponding class of the real test set, and the confusion matrix updated adding +1 in the cell corresponding to the predicted column and the expected row. every time a classifier of a specifi genre is tested the corresponding row of the confusona matrix is updated. there is just one global confusion matrix that is updated for every genre inside every fold.

the classifiers are upgraded and retrained at every fold with different test and train set.

Test: test

Confusion matrix: confusionmatrix

Naive Bayes Multinomial Text

mettere screen di excel


Random Forest

Admin Interface

Inside the Insert New Game page the admin can insert different information regarding the game. After the description loading, he can press the Predict button to see the list of the predicted genres for that game. He can then add or remove genres from the list in case of unprecise predictions.



	static Instances [][] vettTrain = new Instances [10][12];	// vector of binary datasets TRAIN ONE PER EACH FOLD
	static Instances [] vettTest = new Instances [10];	// vector of datasets TEST ONE PER EACH FOLD
	static NaiveBayesMultinomialText [] vettNaive = new NaiveBayesMultinomialText[12];

	static int[][] confusionMatrix = new int[12][12];

		List<String> genres = new ArrayList<>();
		//inizializza array di classificatori
		for(int z = 0; z < genres.size(); z++) {		
			String[] options;
			try {
				options = weka.core.Utils.splitOptions("-W -P 0 -M 2.0 -norm 1.0 -lnorm 2.0 -lowercase -stopwords-handler weka.core.stopwords.Rainbow -tokenizer weka.core.tokenizers.AlphabeticTokenizer -stemmer \"weka.core.stemmers.SnowballStemmer -S porter\"");		
				vettNaive[z]= new NaiveBayesMultinomialText();
			} catch (Exception e) {
				// TODO Auto-generated catch block


	public static void createDatasets( List<String> genres){

			// Reading Entire Dataset
			DataSource source;
			try {
				source = new DataSource("src/main/resources/dataset400.arff");
				Instances data = source.getDataSet();			
				// Randomize and stratify the dataset
				data.randomize(new Random(1)); 	 // randomize instance order before splitting dataset
				//data.stratify(10);	// 10 folds
				for(int i=0; i<10; i++){ // To calculate the results in each fold
					Instances test = data.testCV(10, i);
					Instances train = data.trainCV(10, i);
					// Make the last attribute be the class
					train.setClassIndex(train.numAttributes() - 1);
					test.setClassIndex(test.numAttributes() - 1);
					//TO CHECK
					//System.out.println(i + " train size" + train.size());	
					//System.out.println(i + " test size" + test.size());	
					int numInstancesTrain = train.size();
					System.out.println("fold: "+ i + " " +train.size() + ":train" + "test: " + test.size());
					//CREATION OF 12 BINARY DATATSETS (repeats this for every fold)
					createBinaryDatasets( genres, numInstancesTrain, train, i, test);				
			} catch (Exception e) {
				// TODO Auto-generated catch block

	public static void createBinaryDatasets( List<String> genres,  int numInstances, Instances train, int foldnum, Instances test) {
		try {
			for(int z = 0; z < genres.size(); z++) {	//12 generi			
				ArrayList<Attribute> attributes = new ArrayList<Attribute>();
				ArrayList<String> labels = new ArrayList<String>();

				attributes.add(new Attribute("description", true));
				attributes.add(new Attribute("genre", labels));

				Instances binTrainDataset = new Instances("Try", attributes, 800);
				binTrainDataset.setClassIndex(binTrainDataset.numAttributes() - 1);

				// adding instances		
				int class_count = 0;

				//insert the rows with genre!=other
				for ( int j = 0; j < numInstances; j++ ){	//per ogni riga del db				
					double[] val = new double[2];
					val[0] = binTrainDataset.attribute(0).addStringValue(train.instance(j).stringValue(0));	//val0 prende la descr

					if(train.instance(j).stringValue(train.numAttributes() - 1).equals(genres.get(z))) {
						val[1] = 0; 	//val1 prende 

						binTrainDataset.add(new DenseInstance(1.0, val));
				//insert the rows with genre=other
				for ( int j = 0; j < numInstances; j++ ){	//per ogni riga del db				
					double[] val = new double[2];
					val[0] = binTrainDataset.attribute(0).addStringValue(train.instance(j).stringValue(0));

					if(!train.instance(j).stringValue(train.numAttributes() - 1).equals(genres.get(z))) {
						if(class_count > 0) {
							val[1] = 1;
							binTrainDataset.add(new DenseInstance(1.0, val));
					if(class_count == 0) {
					//save in arff files to check on weka the results
					ArffSaver saver = new ArffSaver();
					try {
						saver.setFile(new File("src/main/resources/folds/fold" +foldnum +"/" + genres.get(z) + "_dataset.arff"));
					} catch (IOException e) {
						// TODO Auto-generated catch block

				vettTrain[foldnum][z] = binTrainDataset;	//save the db in the dbarray at genre z position	

				// retrain the classifier for this binary

				System.out.println("fold: "+ foldnum + " " +binTrainDataset.size() + ":bin" + "gener"+ genres.get(z));
		} catch (Exception e) {
			// TODO Auto-generated catch block



	public static void testNaive(Instances test, int z, List<String> genres ) {
		try {
			Instances unlabeled = new Instances (test);
			for (int i = 0; i < test.numInstances();i++){


			//Classifying unlabeled instances
			System.out.println("\nClassifying instances:\n");

			for (int i = 0; i < unlabeled.numInstances();i++){
				System.out.print("Instance ");

				String predicted;
				String expected;
				if(vettNaive[z].classifyInstance(unlabeled.instance(i)) == 0)
					predicted = genres.get(z);
					predicted = "other";
				expected = genres.get((int)test.instance(i).classValue());

				System.out.print("\nEstimated Class: ");
				System.out.print("Actual Class: ");

				if (predicted.equals(expected)) {
					confusionMatrix[z][z] = confusionMatrix[z][z] +1;
				} else if(!predicted.equals(expected) && !predicted.equals("other")) {
					confusionMatrix[z][(int)test.instance(i).classValue()] = confusionMatrix[z][(int)test.instance(i).classValue()] +1;
		} catch (Exception e) {
			// TODO Auto-generated catch block

exporting the 12 models to be used in the genre prediction

//export models
for(int z = 0; z < genres.size(); z++) {		
        SerializationHelper.write(new FileOutputStream("./src/main/resources/models/"+genres.get(z)+".model"), vettNaive[z]);	

Genre Prediction

In the following code you can see that the description loaded by the admin is collected and used to build a dataset with only one unlabeled instace. The dataset is given as input to the 12 classifiers, and everytime that a classifier of a specific genre gives a positive output, that genre is added to the list of predicted genres.

	public static List<String> predictGenres(String descrizione) {
		List<String> predictedGenres = new ArrayList<String>();
		try {	
			//decription cleaning 	
			descrizione = descrizione.replaceAll("(https?http|ftp|file)://[-a-zA-Z0-9+&@#/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-a-zA-Z0-9+&@#/%=~_|]", " ");
			descrizione = descrizione.replaceAll("\\s+", " ");

			//build dataset with just one istance
			ArrayList<Attribute> attributes = new ArrayList<Attribute>();
			ArrayList<String> labels = new ArrayList<String>();

			attributes.add(new Attribute("description", true));
			attributes.add(new Attribute("genre", labels));

			Instances unlabeled = new Instances("Try", attributes, 1);	//1 num istances
			unlabeled.setClassIndex(unlabeled.numAttributes() - 1);
			// adding instances			
			double[] val = new double[2];
			val[0] = unlabeled.attribute(0).addStringValue(descrizione);
			val[1] = 0;
			unlabeled.add(new DenseInstance(1.0, val));

			//for every model predict
			for(int z = 0; z < genres.size(); z++) {
				NaiveBayesMultinomialText NBMT;

				NBMT = (NaiveBayesMultinomialText)"./src/main/resources/models/"+ genres.get(z) + ".model");
				if(NBMT.classifyInstance(unlabeled.instance(0)) == 0) {
					String predgen = genres.get(z);

		} catch (Exception e) {

		return predictedGenres;