diff --git a/website/docs/style_guide.md b/website/docs/style_guide.md
index 1e55a699..d753583a 100644
--- a/website/docs/style_guide.md
+++ b/website/docs/style_guide.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ sidebar_position: 5
# Style Guide
-Version 0.9b
+Version 0.10b
## Introduction
@@ -1808,3 +1808,381 @@ Attribute Variables
Set Suite Variable ${SUITE VARIABLE.name} this is a suite variable
${SUITE VARIABLE.bar} Set Variable this is a suite attribute
+## Test Templates
+User Guide Reference:
+[Test Templates](https://robotframework.org/robotframework/latest/RobotFrameworkUserGuide.html#test-templates)
+General rules
+- There should be no empty lines between test iterations (however, a single empty line can be
+used to separate the iterations in logical groups).
+- Data columns and their titles should be aligned vertically with respect to each other.
+- Each column should be left-aligned.
+- Any two column should be separated by 4 spaces from each other.
+- Data column names should be capitalised.
+The Template Keyword follows the same common rules as any other Keyword.
+### Untitled Data Columns
+- The first row of the test data should be placed on a new line immediately after
+the test case name (this reserves the whole line for the test case name).
+- The first column should be indented by 4 spaces.
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation Templated test case.
+Test Template Template Keyword
+*** Test Cases ***
+Test Case
+ 00000 aaaaa AAAAAAAAAA
+ 1111111111 bbb BBBBBBBBBBBBBB
+ ${EMPTY} bbbbbbb BBB
+*** Keywords ***
+Template Keyword
+ [Arguments] ${arg1} ${arg2} ${arg3}
+ Log Many ${arg1} ${arg2} ${arg3}
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation Two templated test cases.
+Test Template Template Keyword
+*** Test Cases ***
+Test Case
+ 00000 aaaaa AAAAAAAAAA
+ 1111111111 bbb BBBBBBBBBBBBBB
+ ${EMPTY} bbbbbbb BBB
+Another Test Case With Long Name
+ 0000000000 aa AAAAAA
+ 1111 bbbbbbbbbbb BB
+ ${NONE} bbbbbb B
+*** Keywords ***
+Template Keyword
+ [Arguments] ${arg1} ${arg2} ${arg3}
+ Log Many ${arg1} ${arg2} ${arg3}
+In **Example 1**, the longest item in the first column is `1111111111`, therefore, corresponding item in the next
+column, `bbb` is separated by 4 spaces from it, and the rest of the data in the second column is vertically aligned
+with `bbb`. The same logic applies to the third column. For easier navigation, all data rows with constant values are
+listed first, next with `${EMPTY}` and `${NONE}`. In **Example 2**, there are multiple test cases in one file, and the
+data in all test cases are aligned with respect to each other.
+### Titled Data Columns
+If it is decided to name the data columns, then the similar alignment rules apply as in the case of unnamed columns.
+The only exception is that it is more reasonable to place the first data row next to the test case name. The idea is to
+maintain compact layout and the continuity of the test data columns under the column titles.
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation Templated test case with the column titles.
+Test Template Template Keyword
+*** Test Cases *** COLUMN1 COLUMN2 COLUMN3
+Test Case 00000 aaaaa AAAAAAAAAA
+ 1111111111 bbb BBBBBBBBBBBBBB
+ ${EMPTY} bbbbbbb BBB
+*** Keywords ***
+Template Keyword
+ [Arguments] ${arg1} ${arg2} ${arg3}
+ Log Many ${arg1} ${arg2} ${arg3}
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation Two templated test cases with the column titles.
+Test Template Template Keyword
+*** Test Cases *** COLUMN1 COLUMN2 COLUMN3
+Test Case 00000 aaaaa AAAAAAAAAA
+ 1111111111 bbb BBBBBBBBBBBBBB
+ ${EMPTY} bbbbbbb BBB
+Another Test Case With Long Name 00000 a AAAAAAAAAA
+ 1111111111 bbbbbbbbbbb BBBBBBBBBBBBBB
+ ${EMPTY} bbbb BBB
+ ${NONE} aaaaaaaaaa AAAAAAAAAA
+*** Keywords ***
+Template Keyword
+ [Arguments] ${arg1} ${arg2} ${arg3}
+ Log Many ${arg1} ${arg2} ${arg3}
+### Individually Named Tests
+- Each test case and its test data should be placed on the same line.
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation Template example. Here, we have three separate test cases.
+Test Template Template Keyword
+Test Tags example
+*** Test Cases ***
+Test abc123 aaaa AAAAAAAAAA
+Another Test 1111111111 bbb BBBBBBBBBBBBBB
+One More Test With Long Name 222 cc CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
+*** Keywords ***
+Template Keyword
+ [Arguments] ${arg1} ${arg2} ${arg3}
+ Log Many ${arg1} ${arg2} ${arg3}
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation Here, we have many test cases. They are grouped according to
+... the ARG values. Columns are titled.
+Test Template Template Keyword
+Test Tags example
+Test abc123 aaaa AAAAAAAAAA
+Another Test 1111111111 bbb BBBBBBBBBBBBBB
+One More Test With Long Name 222 cc CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
+Test With Empty ${EMPTY} aaaa AAAAAAAAAA
+Another Test With Empty ${EMPTY} bbb BBBBBBBBBBBBBB
+One More Test With Empty ${EMPTY} cc CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
+Test With None ${NONE} aaaa AAAAAAAAAA
+Another Test With None ${NONE} bbb BBBBBBBBBBBBBB
+One More Test With None ${NONE} cc CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
+*** Keywords ***
+Template Keyword
+ [Arguments] ${arg1} ${arg2} ${arg3}
+ Log Many ${arg1} ${arg2} ${arg3}
+It is a good idea to sort rows in some logical order if applicable, especially if the number of test cases is big.
+This will ease finding the relevant raws when adding/removing data. Empty lines can be used as an exception to separate
+tests into logical groups as in **Example 2**.
+### Documentation And Tags
+In special cases, there might be a need to specify Documentation and Tags for each test case.
+To achieve consistent formatting, they can be represented in columns just like test data,
+by passing them as arguments to the Template Keyword:
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation Different Tags and Documentation for each test case.
+Test Template Template Keyword
+*** Test Cases *** ARG1 ARG2 [Documentation] [Tags]
+TestA aaa AAA Prints some message tagA
+TestB bbb BBB Prints another message tagB
+*** Keywords ***
+Template Keyword
+ [Arguments] ${arg1} ${arg2} ${documentation} ${tag}
+ [Setup] Set Tags And Documentation ${documentation} ${tag}
+ Log Many ${arg1} ${arg2}
+Set Tags And Documentation
+ [Arguments] ${documentation} ${tag}
+ Set Test Documentation ${documentation}
+ Set Tags ${tag}
+Square brackets around the column titles, `[Documentation]` and `[Tags]`, are merely to resemble the Settings
+syntax. This is to distinguish them from the test data.
+### Per-Test Case Templates
+When there are different templates set for different test cases, the data is aligned within *each* test case.
+This is because they are using different templates and therefore, are independent.
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation Here, each test case is using its own template.
+Test Tags example
+*** Test Cases ***
+Test Case With TemplateA
+ [Template] TemplateA
+ aa 123
+ a Hello Word!
+ aaaaaaaaa @{TEST TAGS}
+ aaaa ${NONE}
+Test Case With TemplateB
+ [Template] TemplateB
+ bbbbbbbbbbb 456 ${1.5}
+ bbbbbb ${EMPTY} anything
+ bbb something 7899999999999
+ bbbbbbbb ${2} ${EMPTY}
+*** Keywords ***
+ [Documentation] aaa
+ [Tags] A
+ [Arguments] ${arg1} ${arg2}
+ Log Many ${arg1} ${arg2}
+ [Documentation] bbb
+ [Tags] B
+ [Arguments] ${arg_one} ${arg_two} ${arg_three}
+ Log Many ${arg_one} ${arg_two} ${arg_three}
+### Template with embedded arguments
+In case of the templates with embedded arguments, the same rules are valid as in the case of other
+template Keywords.
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation Template Keyword with embedded arguments.
+Test Template Joining "${start}" And "${end}" Should Give Us "${word}"
+Test Tags embedded
+*** Test Cases ***
+Templated Test Case With Embedded Args
+ Gn omes Gnomes
+ L ove Love
+ Rob ot Robot
+ Fram ework! Framework!
+*** Keywords ***
+Joining "${start}" And "${end}" Should Give Us "${word}"
+ ${result} Catenate SEPARATOR= ${start} ${end}
+ Should Be Equal ${result} ${word}
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation Template Keyword with embedded arguments.
+... Data columns are titled.
+Test Template Joining "${start}" And "${end}" Should Give Us "${word}"
+Test Tags embedded
+*** Test Cases *** START END WORD
+Templated Test Case With Embedded Args Gn omes Gnomes
+ L ove Love
+ Rob ot Robot
+ Fram ework! Framework!
+*** Keywords ***
+Joining "${start}" And "${end}" Should Give Us "${word}"
+ ${result} Catenate SEPARATOR= ${start} ${end}
+ Should Be Equal ${result} ${word}
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation Template Keyword with embedded arguments per test case.
+Test Tags embedded
+*** Test Cases ***
+Templated Test Case With Embedded Args
+ [Template] Joining "${start}" And "${end}" Should Give Us "${word}"
+ Gn omes Gnomes
+ L ove Love
+ Rob ot Robot
+ Fram ework! Framework!
+*** Keywords ***
+Joining "${start}" And "${end}" Should Give Us "${word}"
+ ${result} Catenate SEPARATOR= ${start} ${end}
+ Should Be Equal ${result} ${word}
+### Task Templates
+Task Templates follow the same rules as Test Templates.