Based on AWS Construct NodeJsFunction and adds the following capabilities:
- creates a default security group. See property 'defaultSecurityGroup' of this construct
- creates an alias called "live" pointing to the latest lambda version and replaced versions are deleted automatically. See property 'liveAlias' of this construct
- typed configuration props for common usage scenarios
- autoscaling of provisioned concurrent invocations (so you lower cold starts). You can also use automatic scheduling to tweak min/max depending on a cron expression. See props.provisionedConcurrentExecutions
- explicit private VPC configuration (see
- source code path standardization to "[basePath]/[lambdaEventType]/[lambdaName]/index.ts" (can be overwritten by explicit props.entry)
- custom CA support for HTTP calls (NodeJS NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS). See props.extraCaPubCert
- option to subscribe an Lambda Arn to the log group related to the Lambda function. See props.
- Be aware that you need to handle the permissions by yourself - we don't add the lambda permission to invoke the lambda in this construct (#40)
- adds environment STAGE to Lambda. See props.stage
// instantiate Lambda construct
// this will bundle your ts code using esbuild
const func = new BaseNodeJsFunction(stack, 'test-lambda', {
stage: 'dev',
eventType: EventType.Http
// this can be reused in various lambda definitions
const globalLambdaConfig = {
eventType: EventType.Http,
runtime: Runtime.NODEJS_20_X,
extraCaPubCert: 'ABCXxxxyz123123123' // add private CA pub certificate to NodeJS
const lambdaConfig: BaseNodeJsProps = {
// merge config with global defaults
sourceMap: true, // add code source map to esbuild and configure Node. This might impose severe performance penauties
provisionedConcurrentExecutions: {
minCapacity: 1, // min instances in auto-scaling of provisioned lambdas
maxCapacity: 5, // max instances in auto-scaling. if empty, the number of provisioned instances will be fixed to "minCapacity"
schedules: [ // for automatically changing min/max on certain hours
minCapacity: 0,
maxCapacity: 2,
schedule: Schedule.cron({ hour: '22' }),
name: 'Lower provisioned instances during the night'
minCapacity: 1,
maxCapacity: 5,
schedule: Schedule.cron({ hour: '7' }),
name: 'Keep at minimum one provisioned instance during the day'
// register an external Lambda to receive all Cloudwatch log events
// created by this Lambda (used to forward logs to Datadog, Splunk etc)
lambdaConfig.logGroupSubscriberLambdaArn = {
type: LogGroupSubscriberLambdaArnType.Arn,
value: 'arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:012345678:function:datadogForwarder',
// You can also provide an AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store name that points
// to the Arn of the Lambda function that will subscribe to the log group
lambdaConfig.logGroupSubscriberLambdaArn = {
type: LogGroupSubscriberLambdaArnType.Ssm,
value: 'datadog-forwarder-lambda-arn',
// instantiate Lambda construct
const func = new BaseNodeJsFunction(stack, 'test-lambda', lambdaConfig);
// add custom network access rules to default security group created for this lambda
'Allow lambda to access api X',