- Useful commands:
pwd: This command is showing your current location e.g. C:\Users\Pablo\Desktop
ls: show current folder content
ls ~: show the content of user's home folder
ls path: show the content of a folder specified with path
ls -la: list all files (including hidden as a table)
cd folder_name: go to choosen folder
cd..: go to the folder level up
cd../../: go two folders up
cd ~/folder_name: finds your folder without writing whole path
mkdir dir_1: create new folder named dir_1
mkdir -p dir_1/dir_2: create folder dir_1 and dir_2 inside dir_1
touch file_name: create new file
touch path/file_name: create file 'file_name' inside an existent folder specified by path
rm file_1: delete file_1
rm -r path: delete whole path with all its content
rm -r path/*: delete everything inside path folder but not the folder itself
mv file_1 mods: rename file_1 file to mods
mv resource path/: move resource file or folder into choosen path
cat file_name: show file content
nano file_name: for editing file content
echo 'Some text': print 'Some text'
env: show global variables
- Command history
history: show used commands
!10: show command number 10 from history
!pattern: show the last command starting with pattern
Arrow UP: show previous command
Arrow down: show next command
! !: show the last command from the history
CTRL + R: search in commands history