All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.7.9 (2020-04-19)
- deps (9cd8917)
0.7.8 (2020-04-19)
- crop avatar (174e6ac)
- profile upload on login (50b2ced)
0.7.7 (2020-04-19)
- deps: update dependency electron-serve to v1 (e8dd81b)
- deps: update dependency vuex-persistedstate to v3 (1252995)
- user info edit (694efab)
0.7.6 (2020-03-28)
0.7.5 (2020-03-26)
- icon (b0d0f98)
0.7.4 (2020-03-26)
- ui (336dc8f)
0.7.3 (2020-03-25)
- pin group (d6abd8d)
0.7.2 (2020-03-25)
- auth for ios (3cad073)
0.7.1 (2020-03-25)
- add cancel button for trans form (2966423)
- add view for converting to online (4beac91)
- icon for note (1bb36c7)
- update group state icon (ab5d889)
- activities record for transfer (65f00af)
- add next and previous button at expense report (e84f8d8)
- disable submit button on image uploading (d7c2191)
- new icons (bce69b7)
- syncing dialog (ffbcd4d)
- server: archive group operations (49d1736)
- personal expense (550ed90)
- Speed Dial! (1cfd0b4)
- transaction history (f2ced29)
- transaction type select (0c09393)
- transfer form (284fa46)
- date display in trans form (588aac0)
- date formatter (19923ea)
- duplicate id in transactions (9d490cb)
- error throw on dialog close (be64447)
- firebase function (7f9bbf6)
- firebase function (3a2419e)
- generate (9902563)
- history behavior in tab switching (e304762)
- icon missing (011a29c)
- icon set (88f920c)
- including transfer in involved transactions (fa0239f)
- line wrap in trans note (980e62b)
- locale getters (d049598)
- manual date pick align at the end of the day (9925f20)
- minor issues (b7fdd3e)
- notification link (f627542)
- side drawer height (d7b0588)
- solo mode presist (79ab839)
- speed dial in english (0bf987c)
- deps: update dependency firebase to v7 (#173) (a7dabf8)
- numpad order (77edfbd)
- split tab text (56d568c)
- types (6366e28)
- user cache (143ccba)
- viewport height (23e8baa)
- webview blocker redirect (14d57b9)
- year display in date range select (5a7f88a)
0.7.0 (2019-08-25)
- add unfinished note to translations (fa65e15)
- exif orientation in image resizing (c53b14a)
- feedback (8b962a2)
- firebase message sw (188eda2)
- image orientation (0fd2143)
- make muckup t support object args (97b8062)
- minor issues (2a7ffae)
- modules importing (d2db41e)
- notification icon (31b7e21)
- reactive hash (731d58e)
- server side i18n (b7704f6)
- typo (234319d)
- use hash to bind current tab state (7dfba51)
- fix font (8048262)
- improved join page (8062039)
- much darker (91a3f32)
- update balance color pattle (13420a7)
0.6.2 (2019-08-22)
- animated chart (f513ada)
- compress image before upload (f1da1c9)
- expense member filter (37091cb)
- manage cates (77ad3f7)
- manual set exchange rate, close #122 (6cfa3c1)
- no-content placeholder, close #84 (cb21b1b)
- photo uploading (a08faff)
- reload button (2985c57)
- showing debit and credit (139755e)
- use name to generate avatar (cbd36de)
- view mode for trans (80f1283)
- balance bar radius (a4379ce)
- category select in view mode (09ee69b)
- chart animation (bb493e5)
- chart click (afb2291)
- currency select (60ded79)
- currency switcher (3e7bce8)
- date formatter (ab38d6b)
- drawer group icon (111b55d)
- feedback from ines (df232eb)
- firebase deploy (91391d2)
- group mixin (fb20532)
- height in new trans on mobile device (ee16ede)
- involved (7b4feb1)
- involved excluding me (5213523)
- logout (99a311f)
- minor fix (5c9e758)
- navbar (2c1d2a0)
- sharing text (c5c9bd1)
- short date (22de666)
- sw: typo in filename (5eb725a)
- show one avatar for expenses of one himself (3216888)
- speed up with v-scroller (ba92e83)
- splitting (57607fd)
- trans editing (c73684b)
- transaction filter (c04f98e)
- transaction involved filter (089d86f)
- virtual scroller for activities (79c3b1e)
- add bottom padding (4934ccf)
- add submit button for trans (78b3221)
- balance chart (cacd94a)
- categories edit (645592f)
- category item (ced9967)
- category select in menu (547705f)
- category sorting (c230b97)
- chart hover animation (3ed1d37)
- color selected state (485a756)
- fix (055a04b)
- fix (9d0ed3d)
- fix (ee277e7)
- fix (c66d3d7)
- fix login (0206317)
- fix tab margin (2b6f2e6)
- group widget style (2c9d348)
- image trans indicator (ea12ed6)
- imporved trans info view (7979651)
- improved category select (f51b24e)
- make scrollbar invisiable (25be36c)
- new mode switcher for splitting (0944ca7)
- redesign detail page in trans form (3c4304e)
- remove unused theme (cb4a467)
- reposition summary chart (3cf6a46)
- revert back the settle up order (808fd45)
- showing different currency in transaction item (2df4777)
- chart: balance chart draft (b45dfe0)
- trans note (8c33bc0)
- tweak balance bar (1bbdb09)
- tweak balance chart (e7d91da)
- tweak date range select (f382d2d)
- tweak date range select (e17bcbb)
- vibrate (8594418)
0.6.0 (2019-07-26)
- add new firebase function (3c4c066)
- api for custom category (cadd2b3)
- category rank (9bce7e1)
- currency history (f264319)
- currency select dialog, and i am coding in the sky ✈ (68bc7ef)
- date range select (2298bad)
- display category name for trans having no desc set (7a92be8)
- display currency switch, close #91 (e87ed15)
- displaying exchange rate (0cca432)
- edit trans (9144349)
- grouped activities, #78 (3f90381)
- icon select (cbdc050)
- involved (b9a13c2)
- keep split mode in transaction (62ea560)
- multiple currencies supported (b6b10a2)
- receipt list (43a060e)
- remove button for new trans (e6871ad)
- save exchange rate (2693911)
- save time zone, close #97 (33f89f3)
- search for currency, close #95 (64ef2a4)
- split by weights, close #34 (b6ab55a)
- sub colors (cdecd4c)
- ui: redesign new trans (197e726)
- summary chart (886b9a7)
- sumup for trans, close #78 (0f0b104)
- trans group by month (e4fc52f)
- use fraction.js, close #121 (78ec618)
- web sync api, close #88 (8f98f6b)
- website refer link (d4de65e)
- deps: update all non-major dependencies (#131) (cbb9501)
- deps: update all non-major dependencies (#144) (b000ef3)
- deps: update dependency @nuxtjs/pwa to v3.0.0-beta.16 (241bb32)
- expansion-panel (fcfa966)
- deps: update dependency electron-serve to ^0.3.0 (#102) (bc21927)
- activities action (4113031)
- add condition to show unread activities (ea5f2ee)
- cache for newly created group (969ce3b)
- categories (429cdd6)
- circle ci (7aea4e7)
- circle ci (c47bd8f)
- clean up locked (f055a4b)
- click group to refresh unread activities (a32aae0)
- dark theme (0eb4894)
- date range select (541f20d)
- date range unit select style (104499c)
- dialog close hook (1a74698)
- do not update counter on current group (5894bc9)
- edit form will now only updates changed fields, #28 (3c55f7d)
- fraction store (f8a57bc)
- gcd (bf161c1)
- group icon/color editing (012fa5a)
- icon select scrolling (2021e89)
- improve unreads counter reactive (78dcb25)
- join limit (4e7daa6)
- joining page (885c617)
- list height (2e652dc)
- max-height problem for newtrans (1808530)
- monorepo (488a17f)
- new trans dialog height on desktop (9049cde)
- scrolling member list in NewGroup, close #120 (6ad7968)
- sharing toggle (e7a27ce)
- split tabs overflow (18e137c)
- text align right (862add4)
- toggle group openness (8f1e72a)
- trans item involved display (5c08ae4)
- trans sorting (c81a56d)
- try to fix 100vh on mobile, #118 (d7784f0)
- type error (d003273)
- unreads counter (314e73e)
- deps: update dependency firebase to v6.1.1 (b8bd939)
- deps: update dependency lodash to v4.17.13 [security] (#138) (7d493c9)
- deps: update dependency nuxt-property-decorator to v2.3.0 (34c6fee)
- workaround for chart update (3a04b5f)
- firebase: functions build (56c70ee)
- ui: date range select (637e20d)
- ui: details page (5e4e4c5)
- ui: drawer list (34c2762)
- ui: new group (25cd15a)
- stepper (58e60cc)
- fix: new trans now navigate to current step (3b1e83e)
- add promise dialog (db1ccc5)
- better category select (38df7c5)
- bread steppers (3451c61)
- category filter (b00d08b)
- category filter chips (b8bf2da)
- chart animation (16e0d8d)
- clickable chart (5c3bc7f)
- date range select (0013f12)
- date range sub (6123347)
- details tweaks (35b6cc6)
- entry for categories edit (87ee7a9)
- expnese total sum up (70a1002)
- fix (481b2ff)
- fix (12e6544)
- fix icon color select fab (5e175e5)
- flat cats select (257ea83)
- improve ux (b892464)
- improved (f002173)
- member toggles (6ddff1a)
- members section for new group (2accf23)
- members size (c15fbfa)
- name label for member toggles (ff7de50)
- new activities list (70466ba)
- optimize cats select (9ad9c5d)
- optimize new trans (7eaa61e)
- percent splitting (4f937c4)
- progress bar for expense category (1304dd1)
- receipt list (8b35a15)
- redesign settle up, close #119 (28ecd06)
- sharing section (b9fed73)
- split by percent (d9e2689)
- tweak (a7e6e18)
- ui improve (34fbed0)
- update new group (c1ed03d)
- able join a group (35afa06)
- about page and brand button (8a584dc)
- activities (a481665)
- activities ui (0ec77f8)
- activity for adding member (2070295)
- add avatar component (3394c77)
- add icon (bdc138f)
- add offline indicator (7456a37)
- add snackbar component (31ad1c7)
- add test playground (157f73c)
- add text (84f76dd)
- add website bone (476c514)
- already joined the group (dc8d380)
- assets builder and dev logo (0de6e10)
- async login (efaae77)
- auto fill currency, close #21 (97e3fc6)
- auto reset form in dialog (dfb73b4)
- auto subscribe on login (1ae98b6)
- avatar fallback (de3b360)
- avatars horizontal group (d7925e8)
- base layout (df5cdbd)
- better currency display (9d78e93)
- better dialog bar (79fcd99)
- build time from now (704d474)
- change group data structure (4912542)
- close numpad (bb4151b)
- common currencies (110d829)
- create group activity, closes #86 (1c1babb)
- creditors and debtors display in transactions (e811fde)
- current user profile sync (9aeede3)
- d3 resize (840f7f4)
- d3 with avatar (c50422e)
- dark theme (9653cfc)
- dayjs with locale (6367b4f)
- detect inapp webview (83da4cc)
- enable cache ttl on firebase functions (b7e6568)
- exchange client api (386566f)
- exchange rate api, cc #11 (019801a)
- exchange rate fallback, close #11 (c2dcf72)
- faq dialog, closes #93 (968a030)
- fetch all groups on login and detele them on logout (2300925)
- firebase auto auth (344ea7c)
- firebase connected! (8732d42)
- firebase nuxt plugin (5068646)
- firebase sw module (fd45169)
- firestore data model (9e1b897)
- group balances (9f3cc92)
- group delete (230d1b9)
- group meta modify (d25ec7c)
- group rename activities display, cc #74 (6568c96)
- group sorted by recent (d0dd9e5)
- group switch to online (01210ab)
- group syncing state (6fb35db)
- group two way sync (3f01f4c)
- history based routing (28513b8)
- i18n in server (de9de65)
- icon and color select (closes #16) (543d0bf)
- IconSelect selected style (a734724)
- id "me" (f09b9c5)
- improve MoneyLabel.vue (fb84646)
- improved app-dialog (0d58abe)
- improved new trans dialog (656aff9)
- improved overall splitting ux (24c6400)
- integrated Sentry as Error capturing services (b280b01)
- invite link (1240af6)
- join group meta (60c0c3a)
- joined group activity (e36038c)
- loading dialog, closes #47 (4b7ecb8)
- localize currency (80db9ae)
- login providers (8cd2b91)
- login with Github (26b940f)
- make add expense fab on bottom nav (cb3a11b)
- modify group (3ff5ec9)
- move about entry to setting page (7e754ba)
- multiple payer ui section (d5fe4dd)
- network graph! (7a4cd2c)
- new avatar placeholder (193e49e)
- new toolbar style (b1040dd)
- notification client sw (05f74c8)
- numberinput auto reset (3abb8d6)
- online group indicator (4a19feb)
- online user info (8e69007)
- operations notifications (9e342af)
- page title with app name (02bc1aa)
- query based dialog routing with huge performance improves (dedba80)
- remove online group (c93f275)
- remove transaction (223a669)
- round avatar (586bb59)
- select firebase server from env (6139561)
- settle up chart (539ffd7)
- settle up, closes #60 (345e5c2)
- skip webview blocker (33f1314)
- social urls (c98b425)
- splitting equally (1e34b05)
- splitting equally (25f7a88)
- syncing indicator animation (8dac05b)
- this is me (a24a894)
- trans and changes calculation (ac90233)
- firebase: feedback api (324ff09)
- firebase: push notification demo (b41679f)
- firebase: server publishGroup funtion (874c498)
- unreads (9a30362)
- firebase: upload messaging token (9954eb0)
- trans detail (cebce0a)
- transaction view (3d11537)
- two way operation sync (7a43c1e)
- ua (bdd3d08)
- ui for balances and transactions (360ab6b)
- use normal fab instead of speed dial (23d929d)
- user nickname, cc #58 (b35bf0d)
- users profile updating (b8e2cce)
- welcome dialog (b09f853)
- ts for cypress (c740fdf)
- firebase: add demo test for firebase functions (f736eee)
- add e2e test framework (3a1fa3a)
- move test config to root (e77fb3d)
- update tests (b242aff)
- firebase: connect to test envrioment (4e80d05)
- firebase: data reset after tests (3d88bb1)
- add 3 langs (76b771d)
- add de (d97dc30)
- add some text (b55da11)
- change 小組 to 群組 (ba5b4a5)
- convert i18n indent from 4 to 2 (59ef265)
- de (d18af59)
- extra some text form code (2d34051)
- extra text for setting page (91bbc1d)
- for Feedback.vue (2b5b75c)
- modify some text (4f899a4)
- new trans (f05714a)
- reconstruct locales files (e04b9f1)
- remove Ko for now and some refactor (c5c5486)
- update translators field (f80367d)
- use 4 indent in locale json file to match (46067b6)
- use yaml for locales (1475f94)
- zh-cn (4a1cfd6)
- add build channel tag (670370b)
- add Login page (628e9e4)
- add paypal button (02afd73)
- add prompt component (27ea67d)
- add wip (8ce9043)
- avatar in toolbar (926268d)
- beautify ui (fec1f7d)
- better number input (eac086e)
- categories select (2c6543e)
- change icon and color (5081e0d)
- container max width (f2d1e88)
- css improves (3408761)
- currency selector (78d070d)
- details (5d23445)
- dialog bar (768241a)
- edit group dialog (5fa9ccb)
- help dialog (9404b58)
- help link (c9ab5e3)
- improve brandbutton (51dc244)
- improve numpad (185e1f6)
- improved (e62048b)
- improved details (9c74529)
- improved webview detected page (67626da)
- login dialog (731bc60)
- logo name component (c2638f3)
- Lorem ipsum (01592c2)
- make numpad works, closes #54 (c85f58d)
- manifest color (d67abb8)
- members (ad64cf1)
- moneylabel (688eeb9)
- nav drawer (c3570fd)
- new new trans form (ca2565d)
- new transaction guide (52cbeca)
- newTrans and datepicker (cd77c57)
- number input (bff42b8)
- numberInput (806acc0)
- optimize payer list (70a3985)
- optimize payer list (1e6160e)
- scrollbar style (9bf8459)
- set icon size on mobile (4bb7f12)
- soft numpad (wip) (112c01b)
- splitting form (3480c43)
- tweaks (9d40e92)
- two steps on create group (86264b3)
- use dialog bar (bf332d1)
- use i18n component (bb294bc)