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This branch is 4 commits ahead of, 718 commits behind carla-simulator/ros-bridge:master.


Point Cloud Map Creation

Create pointcloud maps for Carla Levels.

The point clouds are created by driving around with an ego vehicle, using the autopilot functionality within the Carla PythonAPI.


See setup of carla-ros-bridge.


Execute the Carla Simulator and the Pcl-Recorder.

#Terminal 1

#execute Carla
SDL_VIDEODRIVER=offscreen <path-to-carla>/ /Game/Carla/Maps/Town01 -benchmark -fps=20

#Terminal 2

#Execute the PCL Capturing
#The captured point clouds are saved to /tmp/pcl_capture directory.
export PYTHONPATH=<path-to-carla>/PythonAPI/carla/dist/carla-<version_and_arch>.egg:<path-to-carla>/PythonAPI/carla/
source <path-to-catkin-workspace>/devel/setup.bash
roslaunch pcl_recorder pcl_recorder.launch

When the capture drive is done, you can reduce the overall size of the point cloud.

#create one point cloud file
pcl_concatenate_points_pcd /tmp/pcl_capture/*.pcd

#filter duplicates
pcl_voxel_grid -leaf 0.1,0.1,0.1 output.pcd map.pcd

#verify the result
pcl_viewer map.pcd