- Delint your code with hlint before submitting a pull request
- Be courteous of folks' dietary decisions
- Be loving for someone today and have fun!
We use stack around here to develop. Uhh, refer to stack documentation.
Install stack. In the herms
stack setup
stack build
stack exec herms
If you're using Emacs with Dante and Nix, you'll probably want to put the
following in your .dir-locals.el
; Help Dante find the dependencies
(dante-repl-command-line . ("nix-shell" "nix/shell.nix" "--pure" "--run" "cabal repl exe:herms --builddir=dist/dante"))))
A lot of these are quite independent from each other. If one looks pretty fun to you, you could probably jump right in! Also take a look at the Github issues.
- Optional caloric / nutritional information
- Translation into languages other than English
- Add the following to the configuration file:
- Language
- Default listing options
- Default recipe viewing options (Add some variety to how recipes can be displayed!)
- Allow herms to create a recipe file specified if it doesn't already exist
- Search for recipes using keywords
- Search just in titles, directions, ingredients, or any combination of the three
- Tab-complete when typing a recipe name
- Parse and store a recipe given a URL to allrecipes.com, food.com, etc.
- A pretty (but optional) GUI!
- Add an option to give up and just order pizza (without leaving the command line. Take a look at this )
- Keep track of the costs of recipes using real-time price data (is this even practical?)
If you have another feature idea, please feel free to let us know either by submitting a GitHub issue or shooting an email!
None at the moment!