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Luis Mendez edited this page Jul 14, 2021 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the Symprowire wiki!

This is the main Documentation for the Symprowire Framework. To get started with Symprowire just follow the Step by Step Documentation.

Symprowire is targeted at Developers with a deep understanding of ProcessWire 3.x and some knowledge of the MVC Pattern in Web-Software.

Even Symprowire is based on Symfony you do not need to have a deep understanding of it yet, as Symprowire tries to abstract most of configuration and glue away. To make usage and the combination of both worlds a breeze.

To install Symprowire you will need a freshly installed ProcessWire with a version of atleast 3.0.181 and the blank-profile.

Symprowire ships with the Symprowire.module to integrate easy and nicely in ProcessWire. The Module acts as a glue or bridge component and will take over the whole rendering Process from ProcessWire.

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