All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
- add bare captcha (c15607f)
- add favicons (85eb798)
- add http-status and some stupid error handling (87f6b48)
- add landing page and fauna lib (3a4d417)
- add logout functionality (b0af684)
- add nprogress (b0b1008)
- add pov (68ac08a)
- add rate limit to login and submit api route 🚀 (9b89849)
- add shouko (62c72c9)
- add skeleton component and improve fauna typings (9f0acba)
- add some hot toast (fc6ba7c)
- add useRQWithToast hook (845b36e)
- add verify captcha mechanism (02f4c6a)
- bare login route (6b88dad)
- bare message card component (a83f1f1)
- connect to faunadb (fe6b1c2)
- delete button (0c7f804)
- delete message is pretty much done (d78c4b8)
- error handling (103102d)
- fix fauna typing (ba8161c)
- get messages from faunadb (431754b)
- improve message component and trim submitted message (bf9f086)
- login with iron session (b09e3e5)
- opengraph image from generator 🚀 (7b7a514)
- stricter api http method (f136096)
- use bcrypt to encrypt password (ba098f4)
- use toast.promise and better styling (16124cc)
- using react-query instead of serversideprops to get messages (5ec9fb3)
- verify captcha actually works (7e384d5)
- working login (545b31f)