All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
- add api docs route (9970087)
- add clsxm (fc7c49a)
- add comment section (977e5e7)
- add comment section on ingfo page (cf9f4e2)
- add copy query string button (fa91811)
- add data matkul and customize metadata (2d34d2c)
- add easter egg komi-san (effad83)
- add example (cfcaa46)
- add hotjar (bfc102c)
- add matkul pengantar robotika (d5a8394)
- add MBKM class (cb9da41)
- add nprogress (4e9a4f7)
- add query string for mkSem and mkThn (7031837)
- add query string to set matkul, kelas, and semester (d5ba3a6)
- add repo link in the navbar (118a0f9)
- add sharp package (e9935f3)
- add ssan integra, fix duplicate data (eef0f04)
- add tooltip to copy button (d2365aa)
- add umami analytics (f76a78f)
- api search query (a8f1498)
- better seo thingy (a56f0b3)
- better ux, mayhaps (2af1e96)
- change contact link to branded link (7a632bd)
- change copyright (267f208)
- changed custom link to left arrowlink (6759f3e)
- contact (709fe5a)
- copy to clipboard button (16ceef4)
- ingfo page (af90c6a)
- matkul api (89854bc)
- more subtle info i guess (1f1e989)
- now site is functional (9ad043b)
- search matkul (05001c0)
- troubleshoot section (a9547d7)
- update data matkul (c58efbe)
- update data matkul (78a7adc)
- update data matkul (7c39fea)
- update ingfo (67fc36c)
- update kelas trnyata bisa angka (0caf86b)
- update mksem (7d132ee)
- using react select for better select input (b5353c5)
- accessibility color issue (fdf3e1d)
- accessibility issue (9efa9aa)
- accessibility only li are allowed inside ul (cd8f72e)
- check github workflow env (7434334)
- ci env not loading umami (6aab87a)
- cypress timeout attempt 1 (781a6e1)
- increase cypress pageloadtimeout (4df6dc0)
- matkul GET request error (a83cbed)
- matkul not selected after changing semester, now using state for filteredData (f8813a4)
- missing favicon (9406f29)
- mksem & mkjur tpb (e04f248)
- not initializing hotjar if not on main domain (8326b8f)