diff --git a/Plugins/API/Components/Runtime/CSGModel.cs b/Plugins/API/Components/Runtime/CSGModel.cs
index aebc135..db20696 100644
--- a/Plugins/API/Components/Runtime/CSGModel.cs
+++ b/Plugins/API/Components/Runtime/CSGModel.cs
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ public enum ModelSettingsFlags
StitchLightmapSeams = 4096,
IgnoreNormals = 8192,
TwoSidedShadows = 16384,
+ AutoStitchCracks = 32768
@@ -60,7 +61,8 @@ public sealed class CSGModel : CSGNode
public bool SetColliderConvex { get { return (Settings & ModelSettingsFlags.SetColliderConvex) != (ModelSettingsFlags)0; } }
public bool NeedAutoUpdateRigidBody { get { return (Settings & ModelSettingsFlags.AutoUpdateRigidBody) == (ModelSettingsFlags)0; } }
public bool PreserveUVs { get { return (Settings & ModelSettingsFlags.PreserveUVs) != (ModelSettingsFlags)0; } }
- public bool StitchLightmapSeams { get { return (Settings & ModelSettingsFlags.StitchLightmapSeams) != (ModelSettingsFlags)0; } }
+ public bool StitchLightmapSeams { get { return (Settings & ModelSettingsFlags.StitchLightmapSeams) != (ModelSettingsFlags)0; } }
+ public bool AutoStitchCracks { get { return (Settings & ModelSettingsFlags.AutoStitchCracks) != (ModelSettingsFlags)0; } }
public bool AutoRebuildUVs { get { return (Settings & ModelSettingsFlags.AutoRebuildUVs) != (ModelSettingsFlags)0; } }
public bool IgnoreNormals { get { return (Settings & ModelSettingsFlags.IgnoreNormals) != (ModelSettingsFlags)0; } }
diff --git a/Plugins/Editor/Scripts/Control/Helpers/CracksStitching.cs b/Plugins/Editor/Scripts/Control/Helpers/CracksStitching.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa1d62d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Plugins/Editor/Scripts/Control/Helpers/CracksStitching.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,681 @@
+#nullable enable
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Threading;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+using UnityEditor;
+using UnityEditor.SceneManagement;
+using UnityEngine;
+using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
+using Debug = UnityEngine.Debug;
+// ReSharper disable CompareOfFloatsByEqualityOperator - I know what I am doing, all comparisons are on purpose and take into account precision issues.
+namespace RealtimeCSG
+ public static class CracksStitching
+ {
+ public const float DefaultMaxDist = 1e-08f;
+ ///
+ /// Stitch cracks and small holes in meshes, this can take a significant amount of time depending on the meshes
+ ///
+ /// The meshes to process
+ /// The maximum distance to cover when stitching cracks, squared, holes larger than this will be left as is
+ /// Object the process will dump debug information info, can be null
+ /// Token used to cancel this operation if required
+ /// The scenes which will be dertied once the process is completed
+ /// Name used for the asynchronous progress report
+ public static void RunAsync(IEnumerable meshes, float maxDist, Debugger? debugger, CancellationToken cancellationToken, Scene[] scenes, string progressName)
+ {
+ var meshDefs = meshes.Select(x => new CracksStitching.MeshDef(x)).ToArray();
+ Task.Run(() =>
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ CracksStitching.Run(meshDefs, maxDist, debugger, cancellationToken, scenes, progressName);
+ }
+ catch (Exception e) when (e is not OperationCanceledException)
+ {
+ Debug.LogException(e);
+ }
+ }, cancellationToken);
+ }
+ static void Run(MeshDef[] meshes, float maxDist, Debugger? debugger, CancellationToken cancellationToken, Scene[] scenes, string progressName)
+ {
+ using var progress = new DisposableProgress(progressName);
+ // Filter out edges that are part of a surface from those that are on the bounds of the surface or a hole in the surface
+ // We do so by filtering edge whose vertex position are unique as a pair, meaning that their positions are only used by a single triangle
+ var sharedPosPair = new HashSet(new UniquePosPairComparer());
+ var uniquePosPair = new HashSet(new UniquePosPairComparer());
+ (int, int)[] edges = new (int, int)[3];
+ foreach (var mesh in meshes)
+ {
+ for (int ofBuffer = 0; ofBuffer < mesh.IndexBuffers.Length; ofBuffer++)
+ {
+ var indexBuffer = mesh.IndexBuffers[ofBuffer];
+ for (int inBuffer = 0; inBuffer < indexBuffer.Count; inBuffer += 3)
+ {
+ edges[0] = (inBuffer, inBuffer+1);
+ edges[1] = (inBuffer+1, inBuffer+2);
+ edges[2] = (inBuffer+2, inBuffer);
+ foreach (var (aInBuffer, bInBuffer) in edges)
+ {
+ EdgeDef edge = new EdgeDef(aInBuffer, bInBuffer, mesh, ofBuffer);
+ if (sharedPosPair.Contains(edge))
+ continue;
+ if (uniquePosPair.Add(edge) == false) // Another edge registered itself before, those position pairs are no longer unique
+ {
+ uniquePosPair.Remove(edge);
+ sharedPosPair.Add(edge);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // Pre-compute best pairs for all edges
+ {
+ var copy = uniquePosPair.ToArray();
+ for (int i = 0; i < copy.Length; i++)
+ {
+ var edgeA = copy[i];
+ for (int j = i+1; j < copy.Length; j++)
+ {
+ var edgeB = copy[j];
+ ComputeScore(edgeA, edgeB, out float score);
+ edgeA.TryUnsafeInsert(edgeB, score);
+ edgeB.TryUnsafeInsert(edgeA, score);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Go through all edges, find the best pair,
+ // create a quad between them, remove those edges from the collection,
+ // append the two new edges made by the bridge to the collection if necessary
+ // repeat
+ int initialUniquePosPair = uniquePosPair.Count;
+ while (uniquePosPair.Count > 0)
+ {
+ EdgeDef? bestEdge = null;
+ float bestEdgeScore = float.NegativeInfinity;
+ foreach (var sourceEdge in uniquePosPair)
+ {
+ if (sourceEdge.BestMatch.Score <= bestEdgeScore)
+ continue;
+ while (uniquePosPair.Contains(sourceEdge.BestMatch.Edge) == false && uniquePosPair.Count > 1)
+ sourceEdge.Evict(sourceEdge.BestMatch.Edge, uniquePosPair);
+ if (sourceEdge.BestMatch.Edge.BestMatch.Edge == sourceEdge)
+ {
+ bestEdge = sourceEdge;
+ bestEdgeScore = sourceEdge.BestMatch.Score;
+ }
+ }
+ if (bestEdge is null)
+ {
+ Debug.LogError("Failed to resolve further");
+ break;
+ }
+ Merge(bestEdge, bestEdge.BestMatch.Edge, uniquePosPair, sharedPosPair, maxDist, debugger);
+ if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
+ return;
+ progress.Report(1f - (uniquePosPair.Count / initialUniquePosPair));
+ }
+ if (debugger is not null)
+ {
+ foreach (var edgeDef in uniquePosPair)
+ {
+ debugger.DrawEdge(edgeDef, Color.red, 0f);
+ }
+ }
+ foreach (var meshDef in meshes)
+ {
+ foreach (IGrouping grouping in meshDef.ToDiscard.GroupBy(x => x.IndexBuffer))
+ {
+ var indexBuffer = meshDef.IndexBuffers[grouping.Key];
+ foreach ((_, int Start) in grouping.OrderByDescending(x => x.Start))
+ {
+ indexBuffer.RemoveRange(Start, 6);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ EditorApplication.CallbackFunction a = null!;
+ a = () =>
+ {
+ EditorApplication.update -= a;
+ ApplyMeshChanges(cancellationToken, meshes, scenes);
+ };
+ EditorApplication.update += a;
+ }
+ static void ApplyMeshChanges(CancellationToken cancellationToken, MeshDef[] meshes, Scene[] scenes)
+ {
+ if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
+ return;
+ foreach (var meshDef in meshes)
+ {
+ meshDef.Representation.SetVertices(meshDef.Pos);
+ meshDef.Representation.SetNormals(meshDef.Normals);
+ meshDef.Representation.SetTangents(meshDef.Tangents);
+ meshDef.Representation.SetUVs(0, meshDef.UV1);
+ meshDef.Representation.SetUVs(1, meshDef.UV2);
+ for (int i = 0; i < meshDef.IndexBuffers.Length; i++)
+ meshDef.Representation.SetTriangles(meshDef.IndexBuffers[i], i);
+ }
+ foreach (var scene in scenes)
+ EditorSceneManager.MarkSceneDirty(scene);
+ }
+ static void Merge(EdgeDef sourceEdge, EdgeDef targetEdge, HashSet uniquePosPair, HashSet sharedPosPair, float maxDist, Debugger? debugger)
+ {
+ uniquePosPair.Remove(sourceEdge);
+ uniquePosPair.Remove(targetEdge);
+ sharedPosPair.Add(sourceEdge);
+ sharedPosPair.Add(targetEdge);
+ // Let's draw a quad to join those two edges
+ int indexOppositeA;
+ int indexOppositeB;
+ var dist1 = Vector3.SqrMagnitude(targetEdge.A - sourceEdge.A) + Vector3.SqrMagnitude(targetEdge.B - sourceEdge.B);
+ var dist2 = Vector3.SqrMagnitude(targetEdge.B - sourceEdge.A) + Vector3.SqrMagnitude(targetEdge.A - sourceEdge.B);
+ bool swapIndex = dist1 > dist2; // Figure out which vertices of the edges should get connected when bridging them, a with other a or a with other b
+ if (targetEdge.Mesh != sourceEdge.Mesh) // When the mesh don't match, we'll pick the opposite meshes' vertices and append them to the source's mesh
+ {
+ sourceEdge.Mesh.Pos.Add(targetEdge.Mesh.Pos[targetEdge.IndexA]);
+ sourceEdge.Mesh.Pos.Add(targetEdge.Mesh.Pos[targetEdge.IndexB]);
+ sourceEdge.Mesh.Normals.Add(targetEdge.Mesh.Normals[targetEdge.IndexA]);
+ sourceEdge.Mesh.Normals.Add(targetEdge.Mesh.Normals[targetEdge.IndexB]);
+ sourceEdge.Mesh.Tangents.Add(targetEdge.Mesh.Tangents[targetEdge.IndexA]);
+ sourceEdge.Mesh.Tangents.Add(targetEdge.Mesh.Tangents[targetEdge.IndexB]);
+ // Use stuff from source instead, the uvs of target may map to something widely different,
+ // better to stretch the source uvs instead of setting wrong ones
+ var sourceA = swapIndex ? sourceEdge.IndexB : sourceEdge.IndexA;
+ var sourceB = swapIndex ? sourceEdge.IndexA : sourceEdge.IndexB;
+ sourceEdge.Mesh.UV1.Add(sourceEdge.Mesh.UV1[sourceA]);
+ sourceEdge.Mesh.UV1.Add(sourceEdge.Mesh.UV1[sourceB]);
+ if (sourceEdge.Mesh.UV2.Count > 0)
+ {
+ sourceEdge.Mesh.UV2.Add(sourceEdge.Mesh.UV2[sourceA]);
+ sourceEdge.Mesh.UV2.Add(sourceEdge.Mesh.UV2[sourceB]);
+ }
+ indexOppositeA = sourceEdge.Mesh.Pos.Count - 2;
+ indexOppositeB = sourceEdge.Mesh.Pos.Count - 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ indexOppositeA = targetEdge.IndexA;
+ indexOppositeB = targetEdge.IndexB;
+ }
+ if (swapIndex)
+ {
+ (indexOppositeA, indexOppositeB) = (indexOppositeB, indexOppositeA);
+ }
+ var indexBuffer = sourceEdge.Mesh.IndexBuffers[sourceEdge.IndexBuffer];
+ int baseIndex = indexBuffer.Count;
+ indexBuffer.Add(0);
+ indexBuffer.Add(0);
+ indexBuffer.Add(0);
+ indexBuffer.Add(0);
+ indexBuffer.Add(0);
+ indexBuffer.Add(0);
+ ComputeScore(sourceEdge, targetEdge, out _, out float distanceA, out float distanceB);
+ bool discard = distanceB > maxDist && distanceA > maxDist;
+ if (discard)
+ sourceEdge.Mesh.ToDiscard.Add((sourceEdge.IndexBuffer, baseIndex));
+ // This nonsense is to ensure that winding is correct,
+ // When two triangles share the same edge, their winding passes through the two vertices they share in opposite direction,
+ // e.g.: for vertices {a,b,c,d} one triangle goes {a,b,c} the other goes {b,a,d}:
+ // A
+ // ↙╮┆╭←
+ // ↙ ↑┆↓ ↖
+ // ↙ ↑┆↓ ↖
+ // B ╰┈→┈→┈╯┴╰→┈┈→┈╯ C
+ // D
+ // Knowing that, we can figure out the winding for those two new triangles by copying the winding of the triangle the source edge is on
+ int aOrder = sourceEdge.IndexAInBuffer % 3; // is 'a' the first, second or third element in the source triangle
+ int bOrder = sourceEdge.IndexBInBuffer % 3; // is 'b' the first, second or third element in the source triangle
+ int cOrder = 3 - (aOrder + bOrder); // Which spot has not been taken by the two others
+ // Add the triangle that lays right against sourceEdge in opposite winding order ('2 - x' reverses winding) see comment above why
+ indexBuffer[baseIndex + (2 - aOrder)] = sourceEdge.IndexA;
+ indexBuffer[baseIndex + (2 - bOrder)] = sourceEdge.IndexB;
+ indexBuffer[baseIndex + (2 - cOrder)] = indexOppositeB;
+ // Add the other triangle in normal winding order
+ indexBuffer[baseIndex + 3 + aOrder] = indexOppositeA;
+ indexBuffer[baseIndex + 3 + bOrder] = indexOppositeB;
+ indexBuffer[baseIndex + 3 + cOrder] = sourceEdge.IndexA;
+ // Now that we created a bridge between the two edges, we need to add the two new edges we just created
+ var aToOppositeA = new EdgeDef(baseIndex + 3 + aOrder, baseIndex + 3 + cOrder, sourceEdge.Mesh, sourceEdge.IndexBuffer);
+ var bToOppositeB = new EdgeDef(baseIndex + (2 - bOrder), baseIndex + (2 - cOrder), sourceEdge.Mesh, sourceEdge.IndexBuffer);
+ // aToOppositeA
+ // ↓
+ // A ┬───────┬ oppositeA
+ // │ ╲ │
+ // sourceEdge → │ ╲ │ ← targetEdge
+ // │ ╲ │
+ // B ┴───────┴ oppositeB
+ // ↑
+ // bToOppositeB
+ if (debugger is not null)
+ {
+ if (discard)
+ {
+ debugger.DrawEdge(sourceEdge, Color.red);
+ debugger.DrawEdge(targetEdge, Color.red);
+ debugger.DrawEdge(aToOppositeA, Color.red);
+ debugger.DrawEdge(bToOppositeB, Color.red);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ debugger.DrawEdge(sourceEdge, Color.blue);
+ debugger.DrawEdge(targetEdge, Color.green);
+ debugger.DrawEdge(aToOppositeA, Color.cyan);
+ debugger.DrawEdge(bToOppositeB, Color.cyan);
+ }
+ }
+ if (aToOppositeA.A.Equals(aToOppositeA.B) == false && sharedPosPair.Contains(aToOppositeA) == false)
+ {
+ if (uniquePosPair.Add(aToOppositeA))
+ {
+ foreach (var otherOtherCache in uniquePosPair)
+ {
+ if (ReferenceEquals(aToOppositeA, otherOtherCache))
+ continue;
+ ComputeScore(aToOppositeA, otherOtherCache, out var score);
+ aToOppositeA.TryUnsafeInsert(otherOtherCache, score);
+ otherOtherCache.TryGuardedInsert(aToOppositeA, score);
+ }
+ }
+ else // It already exists, meaning that we just solved another edge at the same time as this one
+ {
+ uniquePosPair.TryGetValue(aToOppositeA, out aToOppositeA); // may not map exactly and we need the exact ref for eviction
+ uniquePosPair.Remove(aToOppositeA);
+ sharedPosPair.Add(aToOppositeA);
+ }
+ }
+ if (bToOppositeB.A.Equals(bToOppositeB.B) == false && sharedPosPair.Contains(bToOppositeB) == false)
+ {
+ if (uniquePosPair.Add(bToOppositeB))
+ {
+ foreach (var otherOtherCache in uniquePosPair)
+ {
+ if (ReferenceEquals(bToOppositeB, otherOtherCache))
+ continue;
+ ComputeScore(bToOppositeB, otherOtherCache, out var score);
+ bToOppositeB.TryUnsafeInsert(otherOtherCache, score);
+ otherOtherCache.TryGuardedInsert(bToOppositeB, score);
+ }
+ }
+ else // It already exists, meaning that we just solved another edge at the same time as this one
+ {
+ uniquePosPair.TryGetValue(bToOppositeB, out bToOppositeB); // may not map exactly and we need the exact ref for eviction
+ uniquePosPair.Remove(bToOppositeB);
+ sharedPosPair.Add(bToOppositeB);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ static void ComputeScore(EdgeDef edge1, EdgeDef edge2, out float score)
+ {
+ ComputeScore(edge1, edge2, out float matchLength, out float distanceA, out float distanceB);
+ // This is the most important line in the whole file
+ // Measure the length of the match, the 1/x here to ensure the longer the match is the closer the difference is to zero
+ score = matchLength;
+ score /= 1f + (distanceA + distanceB); // Divide by projection distance, we don't want to prioritize edges that are similar but far away
+ }
+ static void ComputeScore(EdgeDef edge1, EdgeDef edge2, out float matchLength, out float distanceA, out float distanceB)
+ {
+ EdgeDef smallest;
+ EdgeDef largest;
+ if (edge1.AToB.sqrMagnitude > edge2.AToB.sqrMagnitude)
+ {
+ smallest = edge2;
+ largest = edge1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ smallest = edge1;
+ largest = edge2;
+ }
+ // This is the heart of the algorithm
+ // Here we're computing how close the two edges match by removing the parts of the two segments that don't touch and measuring it
+ // ────── x
+ // ──── y
+ // ─ subSegment
+ var subSegment = (a:largest.A, b:largest.B);
+ ClipBetweenSegment(ref subSegment.a, smallest.A, smallest.AToB);
+ ClipBetweenSegment(ref subSegment.b, smallest.A, smallest.AToB);
+ var alongLargest = (a:smallest.A, b:smallest.B);
+ ClipBetweenSegment(ref alongLargest.a, largest.A, largest.AToB);
+ ClipBetweenSegment(ref alongLargest.b, largest.A, largest.AToB);
+ matchLength = (subSegment.a - subSegment.b).sqrMagnitude;
+ distanceA = (alongLargest.a - smallest.A).sqrMagnitude;
+ distanceB = (alongLargest.b - smallest.B).sqrMagnitude;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Take a point and move it to the closest point on segment
+ ///
+ static void ClipBetweenSegment(ref Vector3 point, Vector3 segmentPos, Vector3 segmentDelta)
+ {
+ var delta = point - segmentPos;
+ float dot = Vector3.Dot(delta, segmentDelta);
+ if (dot < 0)
+ {
+ point = segmentPos;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ float segDot = Vector3.Dot(segmentDelta, segmentDelta);
+ Vector3 projection;
+ if (segDot == 0f)
+ projection = Vector3.zero;
+ else
+ projection = segmentDelta * (dot / segDot);
+ if (projection.sqrMagnitude > segmentDelta.sqrMagnitude)
+ point = segmentPos + segmentDelta;
+ else
+ point = segmentPos + projection;
+ }
+ }
+ public class MeshDef
+ {
+ public readonly Mesh Representation;
+ public readonly List Pos;
+ public readonly List Normals;
+ public readonly List Tangents;
+ public readonly List UV1, UV2;
+ public readonly List[] IndexBuffers;
+ public readonly List<(int IndexBuffer, int Start)> ToDiscard = new();
+ public MeshDef(Mesh mesh)
+ {
+ Representation = mesh;
+ var vertCount = mesh.vertexCount;
+ Pos = new(vertCount);
+ Normals = new(vertCount);
+ Tangents = new(vertCount);
+ UV1 = new(vertCount);
+ UV2 = new(vertCount);
+ mesh.GetVertices(Pos);
+ mesh.GetNormals(Normals);
+ mesh.GetTangents(Tangents);
+ mesh.GetUVs(0, UV1);
+ mesh.GetUVs(1, UV2);
+ IndexBuffers = new List[mesh.subMeshCount];
+ for (int i = 0; i < mesh.subMeshCount; i++)
+ {
+ var tris = new List(vertCount);
+ mesh.GetTriangles(tris, i);
+ IndexBuffers[i] = tris;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public class EdgeDef
+ {
+ const int CacheSizeMax = 4;
+ public readonly Vector3 A;
+ public readonly Vector3 B;
+ public readonly Vector3 AToB;
+ public readonly int IndexA;
+ public readonly int IndexB;
+ public readonly int IndexBuffer;
+ public readonly int IndexAInBuffer;
+ public readonly int IndexBInBuffer;
+ public readonly MeshDef Mesh;
+ private readonly (EdgeDef Edge, float Score)[] BestMatches;
+ private int _bestMatchesCount;
+ ///
+ /// May not be entirely valid if the amount of edges in the pool
+ /// is less than two or of nothing was happended to it yet
+ ///
+ public (EdgeDef Edge, float Score) BestMatch => BestMatches[0];
+ public EdgeDef(int indexAInBuffer, int indexBInBuffer, MeshDef mesh, int indexBuffer)
+ {
+ BestMatches = new (EdgeDef Edge, float Score)[CacheSizeMax];
+ var indexA = mesh.IndexBuffers[indexBuffer][indexAInBuffer];
+ var indexB = mesh.IndexBuffers[indexBuffer][indexBInBuffer];
+ Vector3 a = mesh.Pos[indexA];
+ Vector3 b = mesh.Pos[indexB];
+ IndexBuffer = indexBuffer;
+ Mesh = mesh;
+ bool ordered = false;
+ if (a.x < b.x)
+ {
+ ordered = true;
+ }
+ else if (a.x == b.x)
+ {
+ if (a.y < b.y || (a.y == b.y && a.z < b.z))
+ ordered = true;
+ }
+ // Ordering to guarantee deterministic comparison and hashcode given the same pair but in different order
+ // See UniquePosPairComparer for usage
+ A = ordered ? a : b;
+ B = ordered ? b : a;
+ IndexA = ordered ? indexA : indexB;
+ IndexB = ordered ? indexB : indexA;
+ IndexAInBuffer = ordered ? indexAInBuffer : indexBInBuffer;
+ IndexBInBuffer = ordered ? indexBInBuffer : indexAInBuffer;
+ AToB = B - A;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Insert this edge in the cache, should only be used when rebuilding this edge's cache entirely
+ ///
+ public void TryUnsafeInsert(EdgeDef otherEdge, float score)
+ {
+ if (_bestMatchesCount == 0)
+ {
+ BestMatches[_bestMatchesCount++] = (otherEdge, score);
+ return;
+ }
+ else if (score >= BestMatches[0].Score)
+ {
+ for (int i = Math.Min(_bestMatchesCount - 1, CacheSizeMax - 2); i >= 0; i--)
+ BestMatches[i + 1] = BestMatches[i];
+ _bestMatchesCount = Math.Min(_bestMatchesCount + 1, CacheSizeMax);
+ BestMatches[0] = (otherEdge, score);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (int i = _bestMatchesCount - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+ {
+ if (score > BestMatches[i].Score)
+ continue;
+ if (i+1 == CacheSizeMax)
+ return;
+ for (int j = Math.Min(_bestMatchesCount - 1, CacheSizeMax - 2); j >= i + 1; j--)
+ BestMatches[j + 1] = BestMatches[j];
+ _bestMatchesCount = Math.Min(_bestMatchesCount + 1, CacheSizeMax);
+ BestMatches[i+1] = (otherEdge, score);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Try to append a newly introduced edge into the cache
+ ///
+ public void TryGuardedInsert(EdgeDef otherEdge, float score)
+ {
+ // Here we have to be very careful, if the cache is not filled up, any empty slot just means that we have no clue which edge *should* be in that slot
+ // We can't insert this new edges at an empty spot since it may be misleading, they may not actually be the fourth closest edge,
+ // another one in the pool that was the sixth at the time may very well be the fourth now that a couple of the closest one were evicted.
+ // We just haven't re-filled the cache since then as we didn't need to
+ if (_bestMatchesCount == 0)
+ return;
+ // Note the lack of 'if (BestEdges.Count == 0)', this wouldn't ever be hit given the if above
+ // We can only insert in slots before the last *existing* value, not the one before the maximum amount of slots, see larger comment above
+ if (score < BestMatches[_bestMatchesCount-1].Score)
+ return; // So exit if we're larger than the last value
+ if (score >= BestMatches[0].Score)
+ {
+ for (int i = Math.Min(_bestMatchesCount - 1, CacheSizeMax - 2); i >= 0; i--)
+ BestMatches[i + 1] = BestMatches[i];
+ _bestMatchesCount = Math.Min(_bestMatchesCount + 1, CacheSizeMax);
+ BestMatches[0] = (otherEdge, score);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (int i = _bestMatchesCount - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+ {
+ if (score > BestMatches[i].Score)
+ continue;
+ if (i + 1 == CacheSizeMax)
+ return;
+ for (int j = Math.Min(_bestMatchesCount - 1, CacheSizeMax - 2); j >= i + 1; j--)
+ BestMatches[j + 1] = BestMatches[j];
+ _bestMatchesCount = Math.Min(_bestMatchesCount + 1, CacheSizeMax);
+ BestMatches[i + 1] = (otherEdge, score);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Evict an edge from the cache, potentially triggering the cache to be rebuilt
+ ///
+ public void Evict(EdgeDef edge, HashSet uniquePosPair)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < _bestMatchesCount; i++)
+ {
+ if (ReferenceEquals(BestMatches[i].Edge, edge))
+ {
+ for (int j = i; j < _bestMatchesCount-1; j++)
+ BestMatches[j] = BestMatches[j+1];
+ _bestMatchesCount--;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (_bestMatchesCount == 0)
+ {
+ foreach (var otherEdge in uniquePosPair)
+ {
+ if (ReferenceEquals(otherEdge, this))
+ continue;
+ ComputeScore(this, otherEdge, out var score);
+ TryUnsafeInsert(otherEdge, score);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public class Debugger
+ {
+ public List<(Vector3 a, Vector3 b, Color color)> DebugLines = new();
+ public void DrawEdge(EdgeDef edge, Color color, float offset = 0.01f)
+ {
+ var pos = edge.Mesh.Pos;
+ var norms = edge.Mesh.Normals;
+ var p0 = pos[edge.IndexA] + norms[edge.IndexA] * offset;
+ var p1 = pos[edge.IndexB] + norms[edge.IndexB] * offset;
+ DebugLines.Add((p0, p1, color));
+ }
+ }
+ class UniquePosPairComparer : IEqualityComparer
+ {
+ public bool Equals(EdgeDef x, EdgeDef y)
+ {
+ return x.A.Equals(y.A) && x.B.Equals(y.B); // Using Vector3.Equals instead of '==' as the latter is not an exact equality, which we definitely want since we're resolving precision issues
+ }
+ public int GetHashCode(EdgeDef obj)
+ {
+ return HashCode.Combine(obj.A, obj.B);
+ }
+ }
+ class DisposableProgress : IDisposable
+ {
+ private int progressId;
+ public DisposableProgress(string name)
+ {
+ progressId = Progress.Start(name);
+ }
+ public void Report(float value)
+ {
+ Progress.Report(progressId, value);
+ }
+ public void Dispose()
+ {
+ Progress.Remove(progressId);
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Plugins/Editor/Scripts/Control/Helpers/CracksStitching.cs.meta b/Plugins/Editor/Scripts/Control/Helpers/CracksStitching.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10b06a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Plugins/Editor/Scripts/Control/Helpers/CracksStitching.cs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 07022d34d8be4adfb7b1735fdbf88e2f
+timeCreated: 1721076179
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Plugins/Editor/Scripts/Control/Managers/MeshInstanceManager.cs b/Plugins/Editor/Scripts/Control/Managers/MeshInstanceManager.cs
index b5de7ac..a145b08 100644
--- a/Plugins/Editor/Scripts/Control/Managers/MeshInstanceManager.cs
+++ b/Plugins/Editor/Scripts/Control/Managers/MeshInstanceManager.cs
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Threading;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using UnityEditor;
@@ -926,6 +927,102 @@ private static bool NeedToGenerateLightmapUVsForInstance(GeneratedMeshInstance i
return !instance.HasUV2 && instance.RenderSurfaceType == RenderSurfaceType.Normal;
+ public static bool NeedToStitchCracksForModel(CSGModel model)
+ {
+ if (!ModelTraits.IsModelEditable(model))
+ return false;
+ if (!model.generatedMeshes)
+ return false;
+ var container = model.generatedMeshes;
+ if (!container || container.owner != model)
+ return false;
+ foreach (var instance in container.MeshInstances)
+ {
+ if (!instance)
+ continue;
+ if (NeedToStitchCracksForInstance(instance))
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ public static void StitchCracksForModel(CSGModel model)
+ {
+ if (!ModelTraits.IsModelEditable(model))
+ return;
+ if (!model.generatedMeshes)
+ return;
+ var container = model.generatedMeshes;
+ if (!container || !container.owner)
+ return;
+ if (!container.HasMeshInstances)
+ return;
+ foreach (var instance in container.MeshInstances)
+ {
+ if (!instance)
+ continue;
+ if (!instance.SharedMesh)
+ instance.FindMissingSharedMesh();
+ }
+ foreach (var grouping in from x in container.MeshInstances
+ where x.SharedMesh != null && x.SharedMesh.vertexCount > 0
+ group x by x.RenderSurfaceType == RenderSurfaceType.Collider)
+ {
+ var meshes = new List();
+ foreach (var instance in grouping)
+ {
+ instance.SharedMesh = instance.SharedMesh.Clone();
+ meshes.Add(instance.SharedMesh);
+ instance.CracksSolverCancellation?.Invoke();
+ }
+ if (meshes.Count == 0)
+ continue;
+ var tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
+ foreach (var instance in grouping)
+ {
+ instance.CracksSolverCancellation += () =>
+ {
+ tokenSource.Cancel();
+ instance.CracksSolverCancellation = null!;
+ };
+ }
+ string progressName = $"Stitching {container.name}'s {(grouping.Key ? "Colliders" : "Meshes")}";
+ var scenes = grouping.Select(x => x.gameObject.scene).ToArray();
+ CracksStitching.RunAsync(meshes, CracksStitching.DefaultMaxDist, null, tokenSource.Token, scenes, progressName);
+ foreach (var instance in grouping)
+ {
+ instance.CracksHashValue = instance.MeshDescription.geometryHashValue;
+ instance.HasNoCracks = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private static bool NeedToStitchCracksForInstance(GeneratedMeshInstance instance)
+ {
+ return !instance.HasNoCracks;
+ }
+ public static void ClearCrackStitching(GeneratedMeshInstance instance)
+ {
+ instance.CracksHashValue = 0;
+ instance.HasNoCracks = false;
+ instance.CracksSolverCancellation?.Invoke();
+ }
private static bool AreBoundsEmpty(GeneratedMeshInstance instance)
@@ -1204,6 +1301,22 @@ public static void Refresh(GeneratedMeshInstance instance, CSGModel owner, bool
+ if (instance.HasNoCracks && instance.CracksHashValue != instance.MeshDescription.geometryHashValue && meshRendererComponent)
+ {
+ instance.ResetStitchCracksTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
+ if(instance.HasNoCracks)
+ ClearCrackStitching(instance);
+ }
+ if (owner.AutoStitchCracks || postProcessScene)
+ {
+ if ((float.IsPositiveInfinity(instance.ResetStitchCracksTime) || Time.realtimeSinceStartup - instance.ResetStitchCracksTime > 2.0f) &&
+ NeedToStitchCracksForModel(owner))
+ {
+ StitchCracksForModel(owner);
+ }
+ }
if (!postProcessScene &&
meshFilterComponent.sharedMesh != instance.SharedMesh)
@@ -1345,6 +1458,7 @@ public static void Refresh(GeneratedMeshInstance instance, CSGModel owner, bool
meshRendererComponent.hideFlags = HideFlags.None; UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(meshRendererComponent); instance.Dirty = true;
instance.LightingHashValue = instance.MeshDescription.geometryHashValue;
+ instance.CracksHashValue = instance.MeshDescription.geometryHashValue;
meshFilterComponent = null;
meshRendererComponent = null;
instance.CachedMeshRendererSO = null;
diff --git a/Plugins/Editor/Scripts/View/GUI/ComponentEditorWindows/CSGModelComponent.Inspector.GUI.cs b/Plugins/Editor/Scripts/View/GUI/ComponentEditorWindows/CSGModelComponent.Inspector.GUI.cs
index b346168..4432d53 100644
--- a/Plugins/Editor/Scripts/View/GUI/ComponentEditorWindows/CSGModelComponent.Inspector.GUI.cs
+++ b/Plugins/Editor/Scripts/View/GUI/ComponentEditorWindows/CSGModelComponent.Inspector.GUI.cs
@@ -212,6 +212,7 @@ public static void OnInspectorGUI(UnityEngine.Object[] targets)
bool? DoNotRender = (Settings & ModelSettingsFlags.DoNotRender) == ModelSettingsFlags.DoNotRender;
bool? TwoSidedShadows = (Settings & ModelSettingsFlags.TwoSidedShadows) == ModelSettingsFlags.TwoSidedShadows;
// bool? ReceiveShadows = !((settings & ModelSettingsFlags.DoNotReceiveShadows) == ModelSettingsFlags.DoNotReceiveShadows);
+ bool? AutoStitchCracks = (Settings & ModelSettingsFlags.AutoStitchCracks) == ModelSettingsFlags.AutoStitchCracks;
bool? AutoRebuildUVs = (Settings & ModelSettingsFlags.AutoRebuildUVs) == ModelSettingsFlags.AutoRebuildUVs;
bool? PreserveUVs = (Settings & ModelSettingsFlags.PreserveUVs) == ModelSettingsFlags.PreserveUVs;
bool? StitchLightmapSeams = (Settings & ModelSettingsFlags.StitchLightmapSeams) == ModelSettingsFlags.StitchLightmapSeams;
@@ -266,6 +267,7 @@ public static void OnInspectorGUI(UnityEngine.Object[] targets)
bool currDoNotRender = (Settings & ModelSettingsFlags.DoNotRender) == ModelSettingsFlags.DoNotRender;
bool currTwoSidedShadows = (Settings & ModelSettingsFlags.TwoSidedShadows) == ModelSettingsFlags.TwoSidedShadows;
// bool currReceiveShadows = !((settings & ModelSettingsFlags.DoNotReceiveShadows) == ModelSettingsFlags.DoNotReceiveShadows);
+ bool currAutoStitchCracks = (Settings & ModelSettingsFlags.AutoStitchCracks) == ModelSettingsFlags.AutoStitchCracks;
bool currAutoRebuildUVs = (Settings & ModelSettingsFlags.AutoRebuildUVs) == ModelSettingsFlags.AutoRebuildUVs;
bool currPreserveUVs = (Settings & ModelSettingsFlags.PreserveUVs) == ModelSettingsFlags.PreserveUVs;
bool currStitchLightmapSeams = (Settings & ModelSettingsFlags.StitchLightmapSeams) == ModelSettingsFlags.StitchLightmapSeams;
@@ -303,6 +305,7 @@ public static void OnInspectorGUI(UnityEngine.Object[] targets)
if (TwoSidedShadows .HasValue && TwoSidedShadows .Value != currTwoSidedShadows ) TwoSidedShadows = null;
// if (ReceiveShadows .HasValue && ReceiveShadows .Value != currReceiveShadows ) ReceiveShadows = null;
// if (ShadowCastingMode .HasValue && ShadowCastingMode .Value != currShadowCastingMode ) ShadowCastingMode = null;
+ if (AutoStitchCracks .HasValue && AutoStitchCracks .Value != currAutoStitchCracks ) AutoStitchCracks = null;
if (AutoRebuildUVs .HasValue && AutoRebuildUVs .Value != currAutoRebuildUVs ) AutoRebuildUVs = null;
if (PreserveUVs .HasValue && PreserveUVs .Value != currPreserveUVs ) PreserveUVs = null;
if (StitchLightmapSeams .HasValue && StitchLightmapSeams .Value != currStitchLightmapSeams ) StitchLightmapSeams = null;
@@ -1130,6 +1133,27 @@ public static void OnInspectorGUI(UnityEngine.Object[] targets)
+ {
+ var autoStitchCracks = AutoStitchCracks ?? false;
+ EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck();
+ {
+ EditorGUI.showMixedValue = !AutoStitchCracks.HasValue;
+ autoStitchCracks = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(StitchCracksContent, autoStitchCracks);
+ }
+ if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < models.Length; i++)
+ {
+ if (autoStitchCracks)
+ models[i].Settings |= ModelSettingsFlags.AutoStitchCracks;
+ else
+ models[i].Settings &= ~ModelSettingsFlags.AutoStitchCracks;
+ MeshInstanceManager.Refresh(models[i], onlyFastRefreshes: false);
+ }
+ GUI.changed = true;
+ AutoStitchCracks = autoStitchCracks;
+ }
+ }
#if UNITY_2017_3_OR_NEWER
diff --git a/Plugins/Editor/Scripts/View/GUI/ComponentEditorWindows/CSGModelComponent.Inspector.GUIContents.cs b/Plugins/Editor/Scripts/View/GUI/ComponentEditorWindows/CSGModelComponent.Inspector.GUIContents.cs
index f3af4c2..df40b01 100644
--- a/Plugins/Editor/Scripts/View/GUI/ComponentEditorWindows/CSGModelComponent.Inspector.GUIContents.cs
+++ b/Plugins/Editor/Scripts/View/GUI/ComponentEditorWindows/CSGModelComponent.Inspector.GUIContents.cs
@@ -67,6 +67,8 @@ internal sealed partial class CSGModelComponentInspectorGUI
private static readonly GUIContent MinimumChartSizeContent = new GUIContent("Min Chart Size", "Specifies the minimum texel size used for a UV chart. If stitching is required, a value of 4 will create a chart of 4x4 texels to store lighting and directionality. If stitching is not required, a value of 2 will reduce the texel density and provide better lighting build times and run time performance.");
+ private static readonly GUIContent StitchCracksContent = new GUIContent("Stitch Cracks", "Some imprecise CSG operations may leave thin gaps and holes, this feature fills in those holes. Increases the amount of triangles.");
public static int[] MinimumChartSizeValues = { 2, 4 };
public static GUIContent[] MinimumChartSizeStrings =
diff --git a/Plugins/Runtime/Scripts/Components/GeneratedMeshInstance.cs b/Plugins/Runtime/Scripts/Components/GeneratedMeshInstance.cs
index 6dcf068..49506d5 100644
--- a/Plugins/Runtime/Scripts/Components/GeneratedMeshInstance.cs
+++ b/Plugins/Runtime/Scripts/Components/GeneratedMeshInstance.cs
@@ -130,10 +130,15 @@ public sealed class GeneratedMeshInstance : MonoBehaviour
[HideInInspector] public bool HasGeneratedNormals = false;
[HideInInspector] public bool HasUV2 = false;
+ [HideInInspector] public bool HasNoCracks = false;
[HideInInspector] public float ResetUVTime = float.PositiveInfinity;
+ [NonSerialized]
+ [HideInInspector] public float ResetStitchCracksTime = float.PositiveInfinity;
[HideInInspector] public Int64 LightingHashValue;
+ [HideInInspector] public Int64 CracksHashValue;
+ [NonSerialized] [HideInInspector] public Action CracksSolverCancellation;
[NonSerialized] [HideInInspector] public bool Dirty = true;
[NonSerialized] [HideInInspector] public MeshCollider CachedMeshCollider;
[NonSerialized] [HideInInspector] public MeshFilter CachedMeshFilter;
@@ -148,8 +153,11 @@ public void Reset()
HasGeneratedNormals = false;
HasUV2 = false;
- ResetUVTime = float.PositiveInfinity;
+ ResetUVTime = float.PositiveInfinity;
+ ResetStitchCracksTime = float.PositiveInfinity;
LightingHashValue = 0;
+ CracksHashValue = 0;
+ CracksSolverCancellation?.Invoke();
Dirty = true;