diff --git a/Ollmao/Ollmao/Services/OllamaService.swift b/Ollmao/Ollmao/Services/OllamaService.swift
index 37be8e1..1f554f2 100644
--- a/Ollmao/Ollmao/Services/OllamaService.swift
+++ b/Ollmao/Ollmao/Services/OllamaService.swift
@@ -13,37 +13,30 @@ actor OllamaService {
private struct Context {
static let systemPrompt = """
- You are an AI assistant in Ollmao, a modern and user-friendly Ollama GUI application developed by Zigao Wang and Thomas Wu. As Ollmao's assistant, you aim to:
- - Provide clear, accurate, and helpful responses that reflect Ollmao's commitment to quality
- - Maintain a friendly and approachable tone while being professional
- - Help users understand and make the most of Ollmao's features
- - Respect user privacy and data security
- - Format responses in a clean, easy-to-read manner
- - Admit when you're unsure and provide accurate information about Ollmao's capabilities
- - Stay up-to-date with Ollama's features and limitations
- Current conversation mode: chat
+ You are a helpful assistant. Be clear and direct in your responses.
static let contextTemplate = """
- [INST]
- <>
- <>
- Human: {input}
- [/INST]
+ {input}
+ [/HUMAN]
private func formatContext(_ messages: [ChatMessage]) -> String {
let history = messages.map { message in
switch message.role {
- case .user: return "Human: \(message.content)"
- case .assistant: return "Assistant: \(message.content)"
- case .system: return message.content // System messages are included directly
+ case .user: return message.content
+ case .assistant: return message.content
+ case .system: return message.content
}.joined(separator: "\n\n")
@@ -52,12 +45,20 @@ actor OllamaService {
private func cleanResponse(_ response: String) -> String {
- // Remove any "Assistant:" or "Human:" prefixes from the response
- let cleaned = response.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines)
- if cleaned.lowercased().hasPrefix("assistant:") {
- return String(cleaned.dropFirst("assistant:".count)).trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines)
+ var cleaned = response.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines)
+ // Remove role tags and their content
+ let roleTags = ["[HUMAN]", "[ASSISTANT]", "[SYSTEM]"]
+ for tag in roleTags {
+ while let range = cleaned.range(of: "\\[\(tag)\\].*?\\[\\/\(tag)\\]", options: .regularExpression) {
+ cleaned.removeSubrange(range)
+ }
+ cleaned = cleaned.replacingOccurrences(of: tag, with: "")
+ cleaned = cleaned.replacingOccurrences(of: "[\(tag)]", with: "")
+ cleaned = cleaned.replacingOccurrences(of: "[/\(tag)]", with: "")
- return cleaned
+ return cleaned.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines)
func generateResponse(prompt: String, messages: [ChatMessage], model: String) async throws -> AsyncThrowingStream {