All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
2.0.0 (2023-01-30)
- No more compatibility mode
- fake feature to test GH workflow (20be7e7)
- totally remove compatibility mode and set it as default behavior to make things clearer (a67299d)
- fake fix to test CI (ac00273)
- fake fix to test CI (c726363)
- fake fix to test GH workflow on patch versions (07d0abc)
1.16.3 (2023-01-30)
- fake fix to test CI (ac00273)
1.16.2 (2023-01-30)
- fake fix to test CI (c726363)
1.16.1 (2023-01-30)
- fake fix to test GH workflow on patch versions (07d0abc)
1.16.0 (2023-01-30)
- fake feature to test GH workflow (20be7e7)
1.15.1 (2023-01-29)
- limit the scope of the post processor to prevent broking plugins that use renderMarkdown() (62276dd), closes #1
1.15.0 (2023-01-29)
- fake commit to test release (0042d95)
1.13.0 (2023-01-29)
- also consider a the lines range as active if some changes of the transaction are touching it (8fab0c2)
- remove of live preview mode code file (d31125d)
1.12.0 (2023-01-29)
- allow to add classes to multiline code blocks and tables in Live Prev. with compatibility mode (901cb2e)
1.11.0 (2023-01-29)
- entire rewrite of the Live Preview support (0c5f5c8)
- in Live Preview, ignore custom class block that doesn't target any non-empty element (a39f132)
- empty line / line break detection was also detecting paragraphs (60095b1)
1.10.0 (2023-01-28)
- finish the compatibility mode (25ef2f8)
- live Preview support : Unhide blocks if user has switched from Live Preview to Source mode (9def645)
1.9.0 (2023-01-27)
- finish the compatibility mode (25ef2f8)
1.8.0 (2023-01-26)
1.7.0 (2023-01-26)
- patch Typescript errors (7f1d73c)
1.6.0 (2023-01-26)
- add Live Preview support (beta) (fe22a90)
- expose the plugin globally + replace hardcoded anchor by the one defined in settings (da1041d)
- implement settings + Allow users to customize the anchor / prefix string from settings (a4f24b7)
- improve the Reading mode rendered code (increased performances) (524b98b)
- wrong static anchor key + unuseful code to test code blocks (657d1a8)
1.5.0 (2023-01-24)
- allow editing custom classes without reloading Obsidian by re-rendering every custom class (3768b74)
1.4.1 (2023-01-24)
- empty css file (b796493)
1.4.0 (2023-01-24)
- fake update to test CI/CD (a939e20)
1.3.6 (2023-01-23)
1.3.5 (2023-01-23)
1.3.4 (2023-01-23)
1.3.3 (2023-01-23)
1.3.2 (2023-01-23)
1.3.1 (2023-01-23)
- fix css file wrong name (d6788d0)
1.3.0 (2023-01-23)
- tiny update to test CI/CD (75570a1)
1.2.0 (2023-01-23)
- rename 'classname' anchor by 'class' as seen in the docs (d519058)
- first working version (11332f6)