diff --git a/bin/ocran b/bin/ocran
index dd2374d..b6f53f1 100644
--- a/bin/ocran
+++ b/bin/ocran
@@ -86,6 +86,18 @@ module Ocran
       src_normalized =~ /^#{Regexp.escape tgt_normalized}#{Pathname::SEPARATOR_PAT}/i
+    # Join two pathnames together. Returns the right-hand side if it
+    # is an absolute path. Otherwise, returns the full path of the
+    # left + right.
+    def /(other)
+      other = Pathname === other ? other : Pathname.new(other)
+      if other.absolute?
+        other
+      else
+        Pathname.new(plus(@path, other.to_s))
+      end
+    end
     # Appends the given suffix to the filename, preserving the file extension.
     # If the filename has an extension, the suffix is inserted before the extension.
     # If the filename does not have an extension, the suffix is appended to the end.