Here is the steps about how to install kubernetes-dashboard using kube-oidc-proxy and oidc-gatekeeper to integrate with OIDC server for SSO.
- Prerequisite Install u4a-component and it'll provide the account, authentication, authorization and audit funcationality built on Kubernetes.
- Edit values.yaml to replace the images and the value that has prefix
class: portal-ingress
host: kubedashboard.<replaced-ingress-nginx-ip>
# You must check and update the value of each variable below
issuerUrl: <replaced-issuer-url> #
clientId: <replaced-client-id>
clientSecret: <replaced-client-secret>
usernameClaim: preferred_username
groupClaim: groups
enabled: true
- hostnames:
# MUST update this value
- portal.<replaced-ingress-nginx-ip>
ip: <replaced-ingress-nginx-ip>
- Run helm to install
# here we use namespace addon-system
helm install kube-dashboard -n addon-system .
- The pod will failed to start due to the missing of dashboard-kubeconfig configmap, and we'll create it at the next step.
- Create the kubeconfig file for kube-dashboard to use, so it can point to the kube-oidc-proxy address, and use the correct certificate and token.
# copy the kubeconfig template
$ cp sample-kubeconfig kubeconfig
# edit kubeconfig file to use the correct cluster.certificate-authority-data, cluster.server, user.token
# Step 1
$ export CLUSTER_CA=$(kubectl get secret -n u4a-system oidc-proxy-cert-tls -o jsonpath='{\.crt}')
$ use the value from $CLUSTER_CA to replace cluster.certificate-authority-data(<certificate-authority-data>) in kubeconfig file
# Step 2
$ export USER_TOKEN_NAME=$(kubectl -n addon-system get serviceaccount kubernetes-dashboard -o=jsonpath='{.secrets[0].name}')
$ export USER_TOKEN_VALUE=$(kubectl -n addon-system get secret/${USER_TOKEN_NAME} -o=go-template='{{.data.token}}' | base64 --decode)
# use the value from $USER_TOKEN_VALUE to replace user.token(<user-token>) in kubeconfig file
# Step 3 replace cluster.server(<cluster-server>) with the address of kube-oidc-proxy
# Step 4 create the configmap
$ kubectl create cm dashboard-kubeconfig --from-file=kubeconfig -n addon-system
- Restart kube-dashboard
$ kubectl delete pod -n addon-system $(kubectl get pod -n addon-system | grep kubernetes-dashboard | awk '{print $1}')
- Access kube-dashboard using
using browser. It should be redirected to your oidc server for login and then redirect to kube-dashboard after successful login.
Uninstall using helm command below.
helm uninstall kube-dashboard -n addon-system