In order to complete this you are going to need the GitHub handle for all team members and their TL's. If you don't already have them, ask for them in your Slack channel.
📌 At the top right of GitHub choose New Organization
📌 Name your organization and choose personal account
📌 Choose the free open source subscription and enter a billing email. You will not be billed for a free account.
📌 Skip inviting members, we'll do that later.
📌 Scroll to the bottom and skip this step
📌 Create a repository for all areas that apply to your project. Name them with the titles in the bullet points.
- Marketing page
- Front end
- Backend
- Data science
📌 Make it public, initialize with a README, and add an MIT license for each repository.
📌 Go to settings -> branches -> add rule.
📌 Set the branch name pattern to master
and check the box to require pull request reviews before merging.
📌 Go to people -> invite member. Invite a team member with their GitHub handle.
📌 Switch the role from member to owner
📌 Repeat this step for all team members and their Team Leads.