title | keywords | status | created | updated | createdby | updatedby |
Output Commands |
workflow, outputcommand |
inprocess |
20171009 |
20171008 |
Kevin D. Wolf |
Kevin D. Wolf |
...more details coming soon...
Output Commands are used to send a message back to your device. When creating an output command you select a Message Definition that contains the fields that make up your outgoing message. You will then be required to map fields that are either available from the incoming message or the device.
The message is then passed to the Output Translator that will convert it to the native format your device will understand prior to passing it to the Transmitter that will eventually ensure your device receives the message.
To work with output commands you will use simple scripts. To create an output command, you will use the send command in any script. To build the content of the output command you will create a function called onExecute.
None - An Output Command can only have incoming connections.