Gets the InstallRefernence of assemblies in the GAC. InstallRefernence shows if an assembly is referenced by an installer.
Get-GacAssemblyInstallReference [-AssemblyName] <AssemblyName[]> [<CommonParameters>]
-AssemblyName <AssemblyName[]>
Specifies the assembly name. Must be fully qualified. See Test-AssemblyNameFullyQualified.
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug, ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable, OutBuffer and OutVariable.
C:\PS>Get-GacAssembly -Name System | Get-GacAssemblyInstallReference
Type Identifier Description
---- ---------- -----------
Opaque {71F8EFBF-09AF-418D-91F1-52707CDFA274} .NET Framework Redist Setup
Opaque {71F8EFBF-09AF-418D-91F1-52707CDFA274} .NET Framework Redist Setup
This example returns the InstallReferences from the System assemblies in the GAC.