by Michael E. Tryby
Created on: March 13, 2018
Building OWA's fork of EPANET from source is a basic skill that all developers interested in contributing to the project should know how to perform. This document describes the build process step-by-step. You will learn 1) how to configure your machine to build the project locally; 2) how to obtain the project files using git; 3) how to use cmake to generate build files and build the project; and 4) how to use ctest and nrtest to perform unit and regression testing on the build artifacts produced. Be advised, you will need local admin privileges on your machine to follow this tutorial. Let’s begin!
Before the project can be built the required tools must be installed. The OWA EPANET project adheres to a platform compiler policy - for each platform there is a designated compiler. The platform compiler for Windows is Visual Studio cl, for Linux gcc, and for Mac OS clang. These instructions describe how to build EPANET on Windows. CMake is a cross platform build, testing, and packaging tool that is used to automate the EPANET build workflow. Boost is a free portable peer-reviewed C++ library. Unit tests are linked with Boost unit test libraries. Lastly, git is a free and open source distributed version control system. Git must be installed to obtain the project source code from the OWA EPANET repository found on GitHub.
- Platform Compiler
- Windows: Visual Studio 10.0 32-bit cl (version 16.00.40219.01 for 80x86)
- CMake (version 3.0.0 or greater)
- Boost Libraries (version 1.58 or greater)
- git (version 2.6.0 or greater)
- Install Dependencies
A. Install Visual Studio 2010 Express and SP1 Our current benchmark platform and compiler is Windows 32-bit Visual Studio 10 2010. Older versions of Visual Studio are available for download here:
A service pack for Visual Studio 10 2010 is available here:
B. Install Boost Boost binaries for Windows offer a convenient installation solution. Be sure to select for download the boost installer exe that corresponds to the version of Visual Studio you have installed.
Although newer version of Boost are available, a link to Boost 1.58 is provided. This is the library version that the unit tests have been written against. Older versions of Boost may not work. The default install location for the Boost Libraries is C:\local\boost_1_58_0
C. Install Chocolatey, CMake, and git Chocolatey is a Windows package manager that makes installing some of these dependencies a little easier. When working with Chocolatey it is useful to have local admin privileges. Chocolatey is available here:
Once Chocolately is installed, from a command prompt running with admin privileges issue the following commands
\>choco install -y cmake --installargs 'ADD_CMAKE_TO_PATH=User' \>choco install -y git --installargs /GitOnlyOnPath \>refreshenv
D. Common Problems Using chocolatey requires a command prompt with admin privileges. Check to make sure installed applications are on the command path. Make note of the Boost Library install location.
- Build The Project As administrator open a Visual Studio 2010 Command Prompt. Change directories to the location where you wish to build the EPANET project. Now we will issue a series of commands to create a parent directory for the project root and clone the project from OWA's GitHub repository.
- A. Clone the EPANET Repository
\>mkdir OWA \>cd OWA \>git clone --branch=dev \>cd EPANET
The present working directory is now the project root EPANET. The directory contains the same files that are visibly present in the GitHub Repo by browsing to the URL
Now we will create a build products directory and generate the platform build file using cmake.
- B. Generate the build files
\>mkdir buildprod \>cd buildprod \>set BOOST_ROOT=C:\local\boost_1_58_0 \>cmake -G "Visual Studio 10 2010" -DBOOST_ROOT="%BOOST_ROOT%" -DBoost_USE_STATIC_LIBS="ON" ..
Now that the dependencies have been installed and the build system has been generated, building EPANET is a simple CMake command.
C. Build EPANET >cmake --build . --config Debug
D. Common Problems CMake may not be able to find the project CMakeLists.txt file or the Boost library install location.
- Testing Unit Testing uses Boost Unit Test library and CMake ctest as the test runner. Cmake has been configured to register tests with ctest as part of the build process.
- A. Unit Testing
\>cd tests \>ctest -C Debug
The unit tests run quietly. Ctest redirects stdout to a log file which can be found in the "tests\Testing\Temporary" folder. This is useful when a test fails.
Regression testing is somewhat more complicated because it relies on Python to execute EPANET for each test and compare the binary files and report files. To run regression tests first python and any required packages must be installed. If Python is already installed on your local machine the installation of miniconda can be skipped.
- B. Installing Regression Testing Dependencies
cd ..\.. \>choco install -y miniconda --installargs '/AddToPath=1' \>choco install -y curl \>choco install -y 7zip \>refreshenv \>pip install -r tools/requirements-appveyor.txt
With Python and the necessary dependencies installed, regression testing can be run using the before-test and run-nrtest helper scripts found in the tools folder. The script before-test stages the test and benchmark files for nrtest. The script run-nrtest calls nrtest execute and nrtest compare to perform the regression test.
To run the executable under test, nrtest needs the absolute path to it and a unique identifier for it such as the version number. The project cmake build places build artifacts in the buildprod\bin\ folder. On Windows the build configuration "Debug" or "Release" must also be indicated. On Windows it is also necessary to specify the path to the Python Scripts folder so the nrtest execute and compare commands can be found. You need to substitute bracketed fields below like "" with the values for your setup.
C. Regression Testing
\>tools\before-test.cmd <relative path to regression test location> <absolute path to exe under test> <build identifier> \>tools\run-nrtest.cmd <absolute path to python scripts> <relative path to regression test location> <build identifier>
D. Common Problems The batch file before-test.cmd needs to run with admin privileges. The nrtest script complains when it can't find manifest files.
That concludes this tutorial on building OWA EPANET from source on Windows. You have learned how to configure your machine satisfying project dependencies and how to acquire, build, and test EPANET on your local machine. To be sure, there is a lot more to learn, but this is a good start! Learn more about project build and testing dependencies by following the links provided below.
- Visual Studio -
- CMake -
- Boost -
- git -
- Miniconda -
- curl -
- 7zip -
- nrtest -